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  <title>Shorewall Mailing Lists</title>
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      <h1 align="center"><a
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      <p align="right"><font color="#ffffff"><b>�     </b></font>     </p>
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      <h1 align="center"><font color="#ffffff">Shorewall Mailing Lists</font></h1>
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    Powered by Postfix � �</font></b><br>
<p align="left">If you experience problems with any of these lists, please
           let <a href="mailto:teastep@shorewall.net">me</a> know</p>
<h2 align="left">Not able to Post Mail to shorewall.net?</h2>
<p align="left">You can report such problems by sending mail to tom dot eastep 
           at hp dot com.</p>
<h2>A Word about SPAM Filters�<a href="http://ordb.org"></a><a
 href="http://osirusoft.com/"> </a></h2>
<p>Before subscribing please read my <a href="spam_filters.htm">policy   
   about list traffic that bounces.</a> Also please note that the mail server 
                 at shorewall.net checks incoming mail:<br>
                   <li>against <a href="http://spamassassin.org">Spamassassin</a> 
    (including <a href="http://razor.sourceforge.net/">Vipul's Razor</a>).<br>
                   <li>to ensure that the sender address is fully qualified.</li>
                   <li>to verify that the sender's domain has an A or MX
record    in  DNS.</li>
                   <li>to ensure that the host name in the HELO/EHLO command
  is  a  valid    fully-qualified  DNS name that resolves.</li>
<h2>Please post in plain text</h2>
           A growing number of MTAs serving list subscribers are rejecting
 all   HTML   traffic. At least one MTA has gone so far as to blacklist shorewall.net
   "for  continuous abuse" because it has been my policy to allow HTML in
list   posts!!<br>
           I think that blocking all HTML is a Draconian way to control spam
   and   that the ultimate losers here are not the spammers but the list
subscribers      whose MTAs are bouncing all shorewall.net mail. As one list
subscriber   wrote  to me privately "These e-mail admin's need to get a <i>(explitive 
 deleted)</i>  life instead of trying to rid the planet of HTML based e-mail". 
 Nevertheless,  to allow subscribers to receive list posts as must as possible, 
 I have now  configured the list server at shorewall.net to strip all HTML 
 from outgoing  posts. This means that HTML-only posts will be bounced by 
the list server.<br>
<p align="left"> <b>Note: </b>The list server limits posts to 120kb.<br>
<h2>Other Mail Delivery Problems</h2>
         If you find that you are missing an occasional list post, your e-mail
   admin  may be blocking mail whose <i>Received:</i> headers contain the
names   of certain ISPs. Again, I believe that such policies hurt more than
they  help but I'm not prepared to go so far as to start stripping <i>Received:</i> 
   headers to circumvent those policies.<br>
<h2 align="left">Mailing Lists Archive Search</h2>
<form method="post" action="http://lists.shorewall.net/cgi-bin/htsearch"> 
  <p> <font size="-1"> Match:                                           
  <select name="method">
  <option value="and">All </option>
  <option value="or">Any </option>
  <option value="boolean">Boolean </option>
  <select name="format">
  <option value="builtin-long">Long </option>
  <option value="builtin-short">Short </option>
                     Sort by:                                           
  <select name="sort">
  <option value="score">Score </option>
  <option value="time">Time </option>
  <option value="title">Title </option>
  <option value="revscore">Reverse Score </option>
  <option value="revtime">Reverse Time </option>
  <option value="revtitle">Reverse Title </option>
                     </font> <input type="hidden" name="config"
 value="htdig">    <input type="hidden" name="restrict"
 value="[http://lists.shorewall.net/pipermail/.*]"> <input type="hidden"
 name="exclude" value=""> <br>
                     Search: <input type="text" size="30" name="words"
 value="">    <input type="submit" value="Search"> </p>
<h2 align="left"><font color="#ff0000">Please do not try to download the
entire Archive -- it is 75MB (and growing daily) and my slow DSL line simply
won't stand the traffic. If I catch you, you will be blacklisted.<br>
<h2 align="left">Shorewall CA Certificate</h2>
                   If you want to trust X.509 certificates issued by Shoreline
   Firewall     (such   as the one used on my web site), you may <a
 href="Shorewall_CA_html.html">download and install my CA certificate</a> 
         in your browser. If you don't wish to trust my certificates then 
you    can    either use unencrypted access when subscribing to Shorewall 
mailing    lists    or you can use secure access (SSL) and accept the server's 
certificate     when   prompted by your browser.<br>
<h2 align="left">Shorewall Users Mailing List</h2>
<p align="left">The Shorewall Users Mailing list provides a way for users 
          to get answers to questions and to report problems. Information 
of   general       interest to the Shorewall user community is also posted 
to  this list.</p>
<p align="left"><b>Before posting a problem report to this list, please see 
          the <a href="http://www.shorewall.net/support.htm">problem reporting 
<p align="left">To subscribe to the mailing list:<br>
       <li><b>Insecure: </b><a
       <li><b>SSL:</b> <a
<p align="left">To post to the list, post to <a
<p align="left">The list archives are at <a
<p align="left">Note that prior to 1/1/2002, the mailing list was hosted at
<a href="http://sourceforge.net">Sourceforge</a>. The archives from that list
may be found at <a
<h2 align="left">Shorewall Announce Mailing List</h2>
<p align="left">This list is for announcements of general interest to the
           Shorewall community. To subscribe:<br>
<p align="left"></p>
       <li><b>Insecure:</b> <a
       <li><b>SSL</b>: <a
<p align="left"><br>
                   The list archives are at <a
<h2 align="left">Shorewall Development Mailing List</h2>
<p align="left">The Shorewall Development Mailing list provides a forum for 
          the exchange of ideas about the future of Shorewall and for coordinating 
         ongoing Shorewall Development.</p>
<p align="left">To subscribe to the mailing list:<br>
       <li><b>Insecure: </b><a
       <li><b>SSL:</b> <a
<p align="left">              To post to the list, post to <a
<p align="left">The list archives are at <a
<h2 align="left"><a name="Unsubscribe"></a>How to Unsubscribe from one of 
          the  Mailing Lists</h2>
<p align="left">There seems to be near-universal confusion about unsubscribing 
           from Mailman-managed lists although Mailman 2.1 has attempted to
  make  this less confusing. To unsubscribe:</p>
    <p align="left">Follow the same link above that you used to subscribe 
          to the  list.</p>
    <p align="left">Down at the bottom of that page is the following text: 
          " 	To <b>unsubscribe</b> from <i>&lt;list name&gt;</i>, get a password 
    reminder,         or change your subscription options enter your subscription
             email address:". Enter your email  address   in the box and
click      on the "<b>Unsubscribe</b> or edit options" button.</p>
    <p align="left">There will now be a box where you can enter your password 
          and  click on "Unsubscribe"; if you have forgotten your password, 
  there      is  another  button that will cause your password to be emailed 
  to you.</p>
<h2 align="left">Frustrated by having to Rebuild Mailman to use it with Postfix?</h2>
<p align="left"><a href="gnu_mailman.htm">Check out these instructions</a></p>
<p align="left"><font size="2">Last updated 2/18/2003 - <a
 href="http://www.shorewall.net/support.htm">Tom Eastep</a></font></p>
<p align="left"><a href="copyright.htm"> <font size="2">Copyright</font>
� <font size="2">2001, 2002, 2003 Thomas M. Eastep.</font></a><br>