# # Shorewall version 2.6 - Rfc1918 File # # /etc/shorewall/rfc1918 # # Lists the subnetworks that are blocked by the 'norfc1918' interface # option. # # The default list includes those IP addresses listed in RFC 1918. # # DO NOT MODIFY THIS FILE. IF YOU NEED TO MAKE CHANGES, COPY THE FILE # TO /etc/shorewall AND MODIFY THE COPY. # # Columns are: # # SUBNETS A comma-separated list of subnet addresses # (host addresses also allowed as are IP # address ranges provided that your kernel and iptables # have iprange match support). # TARGET Where to send packets to/from this subnet # RETURN - let the packet be processed normally # DROP - silently drop the packet # logdrop - log then drop # # By default, the RETURN target causes 'norfc1918' processing to cease # for a packet if the packet's source IP address matches the rule. Thus, # if you have: # # SUBNETS TARGET # RETURN # # then traffic from to will be accepted even though # you also have: # # SUBNETS TARGET # logdrop # # Setting RFC1918_STRICT=Yes in shorewall.conf will cause such traffic # to be logged and dropped since while the packet's source matches the # RETURN rule, the packet's destination matches the 'logdrop' rule. # ############################################################################### #SUBNETS TARGET logdrop # RFC 1918 logdrop # RFC 1918 logdrop # RFC 1918 #LAST LINE -- ADD YOUR ENTRIES BEFORE THIS ONE -- DO NOT REMOVE