<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <!DOCTYPE article PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML V4.4//EN" "http://www.oasis-open.org/docbook/xml/4.4/docbookx.dtd"> <article> <!--$Id$--> <articleinfo> <title>Shorewall Lite and Compiled Firewall Programs</title> <authorgroup> <author> <firstname>Tom</firstname> <surname>Eastep</surname> </author> </authorgroup> <pubdate><?dbtimestamp format="Y/m/d"?></pubdate> <copyright> <year>2006-2010</year> <year>2020</year> <holder>Thomas M. Eastep</holder> </copyright> <legalnotice> <para>Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this document under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License, Version 1.2 or any later version published by the Free Software Foundation; with no Invariant Sections, with no Front-Cover, and with no Back-Cover Texts. A copy of the license is included in the section entitled <quote><ulink url="GnuCopyright.htm">GNU Free Documentation License</ulink></quote>.</para> </legalnotice> </articleinfo> <caution> <para><emphasis role="bold">This article applies to Shorewall 4.3 and later. If you are running a version of Shorewall earlier than Shorewall 4.3.5 then please see the documentation appropriate for your version.</emphasis></para> </caution> <section id="Overview"> <title>Overview</title> <para>Shorewall has the capability to compile a Shorewall configuration and produce a runnable firewall program script. The script is a complete program which can be placed on a system with <emphasis>Shorewall Lite</emphasis> installed and can serve as the firewall creation script for that system.</para> <section id="Lite"> <title>Shorewall Lite</title> <para>Shorewall Lite is a companion product to Shorewall and is designed to allow you to maintain all Shorewall configuration information on a single system within your network.</para> <orderedlist numeration="loweralpha"> <listitem> <para>You install the full Shorewall release on one system within your network. You need not configure Shorewall there and you may totally disable startup of Shorewall in your init scripts. For ease of reference, we call this system the 'administrative system'.</para> <para>The administrative system may be a GNU/Linux system, a Windows system running <ulink url="http://www.cygwin.com/">Cygwin</ulink> or an <ulink url="http://www.apple.com/mac/">Apple MacIntosh</ulink> running OS X. Install from a shell prompt <ulink url="Install.htm">using the install.sh script</ulink>.</para> </listitem> <listitem> <para>On each system where you wish to run a Shorewall-generated firewall, you install Shorewall Lite. For ease of reference, we will call these systems the 'firewall systems'.</para> <note> <para>The firewall systems do <emphasis role="bold">NOT</emphasis> need to have the full Shorewall product installed but rather only the Shorewall Lite product. Shorewall and Shorewall Lite may be installed on the same system but that isn't encouraged.</para> </note> </listitem> <listitem> <para>On the administrative system you create a separate 'export directory' for each firewall system. You copy the contents of <filename class="directory">/usr/share/shorewall/configfiles</filename> into each export directory.</para> <note> <para>Users of Debian and derivatives that install the package from their distribution will be disappointed to find that <filename class="directory">/usr/share/shorewall/configfiles</filename> does not exist on their systems. They will instead need to either:</para> <itemizedlist> <listitem> <para>Copy the files in /usr/share/doc/shorewall/default-config/ into each export directory.</para> </listitem> <listitem> <para>Copy /etc/shorewall/shorewall.conf into each export directory and remove /etc/shorewall from the CONFIG_PATH setting in the copied files.</para> </listitem> </itemizedlist> <para>or</para> <itemizedlist> <listitem> <para>Download the Shorewall tarball corresponding to their package version.</para> </listitem> <listitem> <para>Untar and copy the files from the <filename>configfiles</filename> sub-directory in the untarred <filename>shorewall-...</filename> directory.</para> </listitem> </itemizedlist> </note> <para>After copying, you may need to change two setting in the copy of shorewall.conf:</para> <itemizedlist> <listitem> <para>Remove /etc/shorewall (/etc/shorewal6) from the setting of CONFIG_PATH</para> </listitem> <listitem> <para>STARTUP_LOG=/var/log/shorewall-lite-init.log</para> </listitem> </itemizedlist> <para>Older versions of Shorewall included copies of shorewall.conf with these settings already modified. This practice was discontinued in Shorewall</para> </listitem> <listitem> <para>The <filename>/etc/shorewall/shorewall.conf</filename> file is used to determine the VERBOSITY setting which determines how much output the compiler generates. All other settings are taken from the <filename>shorewall.conf </filename>file in the remote systems export directory.</para> <caution> <para>If you want to be able to allow non-root users to manage remote firewall systems, then the files <filename>/etc/shorewall/params</filename> and <filename>/etc/shorewall/shorewall.conf</filename> must be readable by all users on the administrative system. Not all packages secure the files that way and you may have to change the file permissions yourself.</para> </caution> </listitem> <listitem id="Debian"> <para>On each firewall system, If you are running Debian or one of its derivatives like Ubuntu then edit <filename>/etc/default/shorewall-lite</filename> and set startup=1.</para> </listitem> <listitem> <para>On the administrative system, for each firewall system you do the following (this may be done by a non-root user who has root ssh access to the firewall system):</para> <orderedlist> <listitem> <para>modify the files in the corresponding export directory appropriately (i.e., <emphasis>just as you would if you were configuring Shorewall on the firewall system itself</emphasis>). It's a good idea to include the IP address of the administrative system in the <ulink url="manpages/shorewall-stoppedrules.html"><filename>stoppedrules </filename> file</ulink>.</para> <para>It is important to understand that with Shorewall Lite, the firewall's export directory on the administrative system acts as <filename class="directory">/etc/shorewall</filename> for that firewall. So when the Shorewall documentation gives instructions for placing entries in files in the firewall's <filename class="directory">/etc/shorewall</filename>, when using Shorewall Lite you make those changes in the firewall's export directory on the administrative system.</para> <para>The CONFIG_PATH variable is treated as follows:</para> <itemizedlist> <listitem> <para>The value of CONFIG_PATH in <filename>/etc/shorewall/shorewall.conf</filename> is ignored when compiling for export (the -e option in given) and when the <command>load</command> or <command>reload</command> command is being executed (see below).</para> </listitem> <listitem> <para>The value of CONFIG_PATH in the <filename>shorewall.conf</filename> file in the export directory is used to search for configuration files during compilation of that configuration.</para> </listitem> <listitem> <para>The value of CONFIG_PATH used when the script is run on the firewall system is "/etc/shorewall-lite:/usr/share/shorewall-lite".</para> </listitem> </itemizedlist> </listitem> <listitem> <programlisting><command>cd <export directory></command> <command>/sbin/shorewall remote-startfirewall</command></programlisting> <para>The <ulink url="starting_and_stopping_shorewall.htm#Load"><command>remote-start</command></ulink> command compiles a firewall script from the configuration files in the current working directory (using <command>shorewall compile -e</command>), copies that file to the remote system via scp and starts Shorewall Lite on the remote system via ssh.</para> <para>Example (firewall's DNS name is 'gateway'):</para> <para><command>/sbin/shorewall remote-start gateway</command><note> <para>Although scp and ssh are used by default, you can use other utilities by setting RSH_COMMAND and RCP_COMMAND in <filename>/etc/shorewall/shorewall.conf</filename>.</para> </note></para> <para>The first time that you issue a <command>load</command> command, Shorewall will use ssh to run <filename>/usr/share/shorewall-lite/shorecap</filename> on the remote firewall to create a capabilities file in the firewall's administrative direction. See <link linkend="Shorecap">below</link>.</para> </listitem> </orderedlist> </listitem> <listitem> <para>If you later need to change the firewall's configuration, change the appropriate files in the firewall's export directory then:</para> <programlisting><command>cd <export directory></command> <command>/sbin/shorewall remote-reload firewall</command></programlisting> <para>The <ulink url="manpages/shorewall.html"><command>remote-reload</command></ulink> command compiles a firewall script from the configuration files in the current working directory (using <command>shorewall compile -e</command>), copies that file to the remote system via scp and restarts Shorewall Lite on the remote system via ssh. The <emphasis role="bold">remote-reload</emphasis> command also supports the '-c' option.</para> </listitem> </orderedlist> <para>There is a <filename>shorewall-lite.conf</filename> file installed as part of Shorewall Lite (<filename>/etc/shorewall-lite/shorewall-lite.conf</filename>). You can use that file on the firewall system to override some of the settings from the shorewall.conf file in the export directory.</para> <para>Settings that you can override are:</para> <blockquote> <simplelist> <member>VERBOSITY</member> <member>LOGFILE</member> <member>LOGFORMAT</member> <member>IPTABLES</member> <member>PATH</member> <member>SHOREWALL_SHELL</member> <member>SUBSYSLOCK</member> <member>RESTOREFILE</member> </simplelist> </blockquote> <para>You will normally never touch <filename>/etc/shorewall-lite/shorewall-lite.conf</filename> unless you run Debian or one of its derivatives (see <link linkend="Debian">above</link>).</para> <para>The <filename>/sbin/shorewall-lite</filename> program (which is a symbolic link pointing to <filename>/sbin/shorewall</filename>) included with Shorewall Lite supports the same set of commands as the <filename>/sbin/shorewall</filename> program in a full Shorewall installation with the following exceptions:</para> <blockquote> <simplelist> <member>action</member> <member>actions</member> <member>check</member> <member>compile</member> <member>export</member> <member>macro</member> <member>macros</member> <member>remote-getrc</member> <member>remote-getcaps</member> <member>remote-reload</member> <member>remote-restart</member> <member>remote-start</member> <member>safe-reload</member> <member>safe-restart</member> <member>safe-start</member> <member>try</member> <member>update</member> </simplelist> </blockquote> <section> <title>Module Loading</title> <para>Normally, the <filename>helpers</filename> file on the firewall system is used. If you want to specify modules at compile time on the Administrative System, then you must place a copy of the <filename>helpers</filename> file in the firewall's configuration directory before compilation.</para> <para>In Shorewall 4.4.17, the EXPORTMODULES option was added to shorewall.conf (and shorewall6.conf). When EXPORTMODULES=Yes, any <filename>helpers</filename> file found on the CONFIG_PATH on the Administrative System during compilation will be used.</para> </section> <section id="Converting"> <title>Converting a system from Shorewall to Shorewall Lite</title> <para>Converting a firewall system that is currently running Shorewall to run Shorewall Lite instead is straight-forward.</para> <orderedlist numeration="loweralpha"> <listitem> <para>On the administrative system, create an export directory for the firewall system.</para> </listitem> <listitem> <para>Copy the contents of <filename class="directory">/etc/shorewall/</filename> from the firewall system to the export directory on the administrative system.</para> </listitem> <listitem> <para>On the firewall system:</para> <para>Be sure that the IP address of the administrative system is included in the firewall's export directory <filename>stoppedrules</filename> file.</para> <programlisting><command>shorewall stop</command></programlisting> <para><emphasis role="bold">We recommend that you uninstall Shorewall at this point.</emphasis></para> </listitem> <listitem> <para>Install Shorewall Lite on the firewall system.</para> </listitem> <listitem> <para>On the administrative system:</para> <para>It's a good idea to include the IP address of the administrative system in the firewall system's <ulink url="manpages/shorewall-stoppedrules.html"><filename>stoppedrules</filename> file</ulink>.</para> <para>Also, edit the <filename>shorewall.conf</filename> file in the firewall's export directory and change the CONFIG_PATH setting to remove <filename class="directory">/etc/shorewall</filename>. You can replace it with <filename class="directory">/usr/share/shorewall/configfiles</filename> if you like.</para> <para>Example:</para> <blockquote> <para>Before editing:</para> <programlisting>CONFIG_PATH=<emphasis role="bold">/etc/shorewall</emphasis>:/usr/share/shorewall</programlisting> <para>After editing:</para> <programlisting>CONFIG_PATH=<emphasis role="bold">/usr/share/shorewall/configfiles</emphasis>:/usr/share/shorewall</programlisting> </blockquote> <para>Changing CONFIG_PATH will ensure that subsequent compilations using the export directory will not include any files from <filename class="directory">/etc/shorewall</filename> other than <filename>shorewall.conf</filename> and <filename>params</filename>.</para> <para>If you set variables in the params file, there are a couple of issues:</para> <para>The <filename>params</filename> file is not processed at run time if you set EXPORTPARAMS=No in <filename>shorewall.conf</filename>. For run-time setting of shell variables, use the <filename>init</filename> extension script. Beginning with Shorewall 4.4.17, the variables set in the <filename>params</filename> file are available in the firewall script when EXPORTPARAMS=No.</para> <para>If the <filename>params</filename> file needs to set shell variables based on the configuration of the firewall system, you can use this trick:</para> <programlisting>EXT_IP=$(ssh root@firewall "/sbin/shorewall-lite call find_first_interface_address eth0")</programlisting> <para>The <command>shorewall-lite call</command> command allows you to to call interactively any Shorewall function that you can call in an extension script.</para> <para>After having made the above changes to the firewall's export directory, execute the following commands.</para> <blockquote> <programlisting><command>cd <export directory></command> <command>/sbin/shorewall load <firewall system></command> </programlisting> <para>Example (firewall's DNS name is 'gateway'):</para> <para><command>/sbin/shorewall load gateway</command></para> </blockquote> <para>The first time that you issue a <command>load</command> command, Shorewall will use ssh to run <filename>/usr/share/shorewall-lite/shorecap</filename> on the remote firewall to create a capabilities file in the firewall's administrative direction. See <link linkend="Shorecap">below</link>.</para> <para>The <ulink url="starting_and_stopping_shorewall.htm#Load"><command>load</command></ulink> command compiles a firewall script from the configuration files in the current working directory (using <command>shorewall compile -e</command>), copies that file to the remote system via <command>scp</command> and starts Shorewall Lite on the remote system via <command>ssh</command>.</para> </listitem> <listitem> <para>If you later need to change the firewall's configuration, change the appropriate files in the firewall's export directory then:</para> <programlisting><command>cd <export directory></command> <command>/sbin/shorewall reload firewall</command></programlisting> <para>The <ulink url="starting_and_stopping_shorewall.htm#Reload"><command>reload</command></ulink> command compiles a firewall script from the configuration files in the current working directory (using <command>shorewall compile -e</command>), copies that file to the remote system via <command>scp</command> and restarts Shorewall Lite on the remote system via <command>ssh</command>.</para> </listitem> <listitem> <para>If the kernel/iptables configuration on the firewall later changes and you need to create a new <filename>capabilities</filename> file, do the following on the firewall system:</para> <programlisting><command>/usr/share/shorewall-lite/shorecap > capabilities</command> <command>scp capabilities <admin system>:<this system's config dir></command></programlisting> <para>Or simply use the -c option the next time that you use the <command>reload</command> command (e.g., <command>shorewall reload -c gateway</command>).</para> </listitem> </orderedlist> </section> </section> <section id="Restrictions"> <title>Restrictions</title> <para>While compiled Shorewall programs (as are used in Shorewall Lite) are useful in many cases, there are some important restrictions that you should be aware of before attempting to use them.</para> <orderedlist> <listitem> <para>All extension scripts used are copied into the program (with the exception of <ulink url="shorewall_extension_scripts.htm">those executed at compile-time by the compiler</ulink>). The ramifications of this are:</para> <itemizedlist> <listitem> <para>If you update an extension script, the compiled program will not use the updated script.</para> </listitem> <listitem> <para>The <filename>params</filename> file is only processed at compile time if you set EXPORTPARAMS=No in <filename>shorewall.conf</filename>. For run-time setting of shell variables, use the <filename>init</filename> extension script. Although the default setting is EXPORTPARAMS=Yes for compatibility, the recommended setting is EXPORTPARAMS=No. Beginning with Shorewall 4.4.17, the variables set in the <filename>params</filename> file are available in the firewall script when EXPORTPARAMS=No.</para> <para>If the <filename>params</filename> file needs to set shell variables based on the configuration of the firewall system, you can use this trick:</para> <programlisting>EXT_IP=$(ssh root@firewall "/sbin/shorewall-lite call find_first_interface_address eth0")</programlisting> <para>The <command>shorewall-lite call</command> command allows you to to call interactively any Shorewall function that you can call in an extension script.</para> </listitem> </itemizedlist> </listitem> <listitem> <para>You must install Shorewall Lite on the system where you want to run the script. You then install the compiled program in /usr/share/shorewall-lite/firewall and use the /sbin/shorewall-lite program included with Shorewall Lite to control the firewall just as if the full Shorewall distribution was installed.</para> </listitem> </orderedlist> </section> </section> <section id="Compile"> <title>The "shorewall compile" command</title> <para>A compiled script is produced using the <command>compile</command> command:</para> <blockquote> <para><command>shorewall compile [ -e ] [ <directory name> ] [ <path name> ]</command></para> </blockquote> <para>where</para> <blockquote> <variablelist> <varlistentry> <term>-e</term> <listitem> <para>Indicates that the program is to be "exported" to another system. When this flag is set, neither the "detectnets" interface option nor DYNAMIC_ZONES=Yes in shorewall.conf are allowed. The created program may be run on a system that has only Shorewall Lite installed</para> <para>When this flag is given, Shorewall does not probe the current system to determine the kernel/iptables features that it supports. It rather reads those capabilities from <filename>/etc/shorewall/capabilities</filename>. See below for details.</para> </listitem> </varlistentry> <varlistentry> <term><directory name></term> <listitem> <para>specifies a directory to be searched for configuration files before those directories listed in the CONFIG_PATH variable in <filename>shorewall.conf</filename>.</para> <para>When -e <directory-name> is included, only the SHOREWALL_SHELL and VERBOSITY settings from <filename>/etc/shorewall/shorewall.conf</filename> are used and these apply only to the compiler itself. The settings used by the compiled firewall script are determined by the contents of <filename><directory name>/shorewall.conf</filename>.</para> </listitem> </varlistentry> <varlistentry> <term><path name></term> <listitem> <para>specifies the name of the script to be created. If not given, ${VARDIR}/firewall is assumed (by default, ${VARDIR} is <filename>/var/lib/shorewall/</filename>)</para> </listitem> </varlistentry> </variablelist> </blockquote> </section> <section id="Shorecap"> <title>The /etc/shorewall/capabilities file and the shorecap program</title> <para>As mentioned above, the <filename>/etc/shorewall/capabilities</filename> file specifies that kernel/iptables capabilities of the target system. Here is a sample file:</para> <programlisting> # Shorewall detected the following iptables/netfilter capabilities - Mon 16 Sep 2019 01:32:20 PM PDT # ACCOUNT_TARGET= ADDRTYPE=Yes AMANDA_HELPER= ARPTABLESJF= AUDIT_TARGET=Yes BASIC_EMATCH=Yes BASIC_FILTER=Yes CAPVERSION=50200 CHECKSUM_TARGET=Yes CLASSIFY_TARGET=Yes COMMENTS=Yes CONDITION_MATCH= CONNLIMIT_MATCH=Yes CONNMARK_MATCH=Yes CONNMARK=Yes CONNTRACK_MATCH=Yes CPU_FANOUT=Yes CT_TARGET=Yes DSCP_MATCH=Yes DSCP_TARGET=Yes EMULTIPORT=Yes ENHANCED_REJECT=Yes EXMARK=Yes FLOW_FILTER=Yes FTP0_HELPER= FTP_HELPER=Yes FWMARK_RT_MASK=Yes GEOIP_MATCH= GOTO_TARGET=Yes H323_HELPER= HASHLIMIT_MATCH=Yes HEADER_MATCH= HELPER_MATCH=Yes IFACE_MATCH= IMQ_TARGET= IPMARK_TARGET= IPP2P_MATCH= IPRANGE_MATCH=Yes IPSET_MATCH_COUNTERS=Yes IPSET_MATCH_NOMATCH=Yes IPSET_MATCH=Yes IPSET_V5=Yes IPTABLES_S=Yes IRC0_HELPER= IRC_HELPER=Yes KERNELVERSION=41900 KLUDGEFREE=Yes LENGTH_MATCH=Yes LOGMARK_TARGET= LOG_TARGET=Yes MANGLE_ENABLED=Yes MANGLE_FORWARD=Yes MARK_ANYWHERE=Yes MARK=Yes MASQUERADE_TGT=Yes MULTIPORT=Yes NAT_ENABLED=Yes NAT_INPUT_CHAIN=Yes NETBIOS_NS_HELPER= NETMAP_TARGET=Yes NEW_CONNTRACK_MATCH=Yes NEW_TOS_MATCH=Yes NFACCT_MATCH=Yes NFLOG_SIZE=Yes NFLOG_TARGET=Yes NFQUEUE_TARGET=Yes OLD_CONNTRACK_MATCH= OLD_HL_MATCH= OLD_IPP2P_MATCH= OLD_IPSET_MATCH= OWNER_MATCH=Yes OWNER_NAME_MATCH=Yes PERSISTENT_SNAT=Yes PHYSDEV_BRIDGE=Yes PHYSDEV_MATCH=Yes POLICY_MATCH=Yes PPTP_HELPER= RAW_TABLE=Yes REALM_MATCH=Yes REAP_OPTION=Yes RECENT_MATCH=Yes RESTORE_WAIT_OPTION=Yes RPFILTER_MATCH=Yes SANE0_HELPER= SANE_HELPER= SIP0_HELPER= SIP_HELPER= SNMP_HELPER= STATISTIC_MATCH=Yes TARPIT_TARGET= TCPMSS_MATCH=Yes TCPMSS_TARGET=Yes TFTP0_HELPER= TFTP_HELPER= TIME_MATCH=Yes TPROXY_TARGET=Yes UDPLITEREDIRECT= ULOG_TARGET= WAIT_OPTION=Yes XCONNMARK_MATCH=Yes XCONNMARK=Yes XMARK=Yes XMULTIPORT=Yes</programlisting> <para>As you can see, the file contains a simple list of shell variable assignments — the variables correspond to the capabilities listed by the <command>shorewall show capabilities</command> command and they appear in the same order as the output of that command.</para> <para>The capabilities file can be generated automatically from the administrative system by using the <command>remote-getcaps</command> command. Should that option fail for any reason, the file can be generated manually on the remote firewall.</para> <para>To aid in creating this file on the remote firewall, Shorewall Lite includes a <command>shorecap</command> program. The program is installed in the <filename class="directory">/usr/share/shorewall-lite/</filename> directory and may be run as follows:</para> <blockquote> <para><command>[ IPTABLES=<iptables binary> ] [ MODULESDIR=<kernel modules directory> ] /usr/share/shorewall-lite/shorecap > capabilities</command></para> </blockquote> <para>The IPTABLES and MODULESDIR options have their <ulink url="manpages/shorewall.conf.html">usual Shorewall default values</ulink>.</para> <para>The <filename>capabilities</filename> file may then be copied to a system with Shorewall installed and used when compiling firewall programs to run on the remote system.</para> <para>The <filename>capabilities</filename> file may also be creating using <filename>/sbin/shorewall-lite</filename>:<blockquote> <para><command>shorewall-lite show -f capabilities > capabilities</command></para> </blockquote></para> <para>Note that unlike the <command>shorecap</command> program, the <command>show capabilities</command> command shows the kernel's current capabilities; it does not attempt to load additional kernel modules.</para> <para>Once generated, the file can be copied manually to the administrative system.</para> </section> <section id="Running"> <title>Running compiled programs directly</title> <para>Compiled firewall programs are complete shell programs that may be run directly. Here is the output from the program's help command (Shorewall version 5.2.4)</para> <programlisting><program> [ options ] <command> <command> is one of: start stop clear disable <interface> down <interface> enable <interface> reset reenable <interface> refresh reload restart run <command> [ <parameter> ... ] status up <interface> savesets <file> call <function> [ <parameter> ... ] help version info Options are: -v and -q Standard Shorewall verbosity controls -n Don't update routing configuration -p Purge Conntrack Table -t Timestamp progress Messages -c Save/restore iptables counters -V <verbosity> Set verbosity explicitly -R <file> Override RESTOREFILE setting -T Trace execution </programlisting> <para>The options have the same meanings as when they are passed to <filename>/sbin/shorewall</filename> itself. The default VERBOSITY level is the level specified in the <filename>shorewall.conf</filename> file used when the program was compiled.</para> </section> </article>