<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <!DOCTYPE refentry PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML V4.4//EN" "http://www.oasis-open.org/docbook/xml/4.4/docbookx.dtd"> <refentry> <refmeta> <refentrytitle>shorewall-nat</refentrytitle> <manvolnum>5</manvolnum> <refmiscinfo>Configuration Files</refmiscinfo> </refmeta> <refnamediv> <refname>nat</refname> <refpurpose>Shorewall one-to-one NAT file</refpurpose> </refnamediv> <refsynopsisdiv> <cmdsynopsis> <command>/etc/shorewall/nat</command> </cmdsynopsis> </refsynopsisdiv> <refsect1> <title>Description</title> <para>This file is used to define one-to-one Network Address Translation (NAT).</para> <warning> <para>If all you want to do is simple port forwarding, do NOT use this file. See <ulink url="/FAQ.htm#faq1">http://www.shorewall.net/FAQ.htm#faq1</ulink>. Also, in many cases, Proxy ARP (<ulink url="/manpages/shorewall-proxyarp.html">shorewall-proxyarp</ulink>(5)) or Proxy-NDP(<ulink url="/manpages6/shorewall6-proxyndp.html">shorewall6-proxyndp</ulink>(5)) is a better solution that one-to-one NAT.</para> </warning> <para>The columns in the file are as follows (where the column name is followed by a different name in parentheses, the different name is used in the alternate specification syntax).</para> <variablelist> <varlistentry> <term><emphasis role="bold">EXTERNAL</emphasis> - {<emphasis>address</emphasis>|?COMMENT}</term> <listitem> <para>External IP Address - this should NOT be the primary IP address of the interface named in the next column and must not be a DNS Name.</para> <para>If you put ?COMMENT in this column, the rest of the line will be attached as a comment to the Netfilter rule(s) generated by the following entries in the file. The comment will appear delimited by "/* ... */" in the output of "shorewall show nat"</para> <para>To stop the comment from being attached to further rules, simply include ?COMMENT on a line by itself.</para> </listitem> </varlistentry> <varlistentry> <term><emphasis role="bold">INTERFACE</emphasis> - <emphasis>interfacelist</emphasis>[<emphasis role="bold">:</emphasis>[<emphasis>digit</emphasis>]]</term> <listitem> <para>Interfaces that have the <emphasis role="bold">EXTERNAL</emphasis> address. If ADD_IP_ALIASES=Yes in <ulink url="/manpages/shorewall.conf.html">shorewall.conf</ulink>(5), Shorewall will automatically add the EXTERNAL address to this interface. Also if ADD_IP_ALIASES=Yes, you may follow the interface name with ":" and a <emphasis>digit</emphasis> to indicate that you want Shorewall to add the alias with this name (e.g., "eth0:0"). That allows you to see the alias with ifconfig. <emphasis role="bold">That is the only thing that this name is good for -- you cannot use it anywhere else in your Shorewall configuration. </emphasis></para> <para>Each interface must match an entry in <ulink url="/manpages/shorewall-interfaces.html">shorewall-interfaces</ulink>(5). Shorewall allows loose matches to wildcard entries in <ulink url="/manpages/shorewall-interfaces.html">shorewall-interfaces</ulink>(5). For example, <filename class="devicefile">ppp0</filename> in this file will match a <ulink url="/manpages/shorewall-interfaces.html">shorewall-interfaces</ulink>(5) entry that defines <filename class="devicefile">ppp+</filename>.</para> <para>If you want to override ADD_IP_ALIASES=Yes for a particular entry, follow the interface name with ":" and no digit (e.g., "eth0:").</para> </listitem> </varlistentry> <varlistentry> <term><emphasis role="bold">INTERNAL</emphasis> - <emphasis>address</emphasis></term> <listitem> <para>Internal Address (must not be a DNS Name).</para> </listitem> </varlistentry> <varlistentry> <term><emphasis role="bold">ALLINTS</emphasis> - [<emphasis role="bold">Yes</emphasis>|<emphasis role="bold">No</emphasis>]</term> <listitem> <para>If Yes or yes, NAT will be effective from all hosts. If No or no (or left empty) then NAT will be effective only through the interface named in the <emphasis role="bold">INTERFACE</emphasis> column.</para> <para>This column was formerly labelled ALL INTERFACES.</para> </listitem> </varlistentry> <varlistentry> <term><emphasis role="bold">LOCAL</emphasis> - [<emphasis role="bold">Yes</emphasis>|<emphasis role="bold">No</emphasis>]</term> <listitem> <para>If <emphasis role="bold">Yes</emphasis> or <emphasis role="bold">yes</emphasis>, NAT will be effective from the firewall system</para> </listitem> </varlistentry> </variablelist> </refsect1> <refsect1> <title>RESTRICTIONS</title> <para>DNAT rules always preempt one-to-one NAT rules. This has subtile consequences when there are sub-zones on an <replaceable>interface</replaceable>. Consider the following:</para> <para><filename>/etc/shorewall/zones</filename>:</para> <programlisting>#ZONE TYPE OPTIONS IN OUT # OPTIONS OPTIONS fw firewall net ipv4 loc ipv4 smc:net ipv4</programlisting> <para><filename>/etc/shorewall/interfaces</filename>:</para> <programlisting>#ZONE INTERFACE OPTIONS net eth0 dhcp,tcpflags,nosmurfs,routefilter,logmartians,sourceroute=0 loc eth1 tcpflags,nosmurfs,routefilter,logmartians</programlisting> <para><filename>/etc/shorewall/hosts</filename>:</para> <programlisting>#ZONE HOST(S) OPTIONS smc eth0:</programlisting> <para><filename>/etc/shorewall/nat</filename>:</para> <programlisting>#EXTERNAL INTERFACE INTERNAL ALLINTS LOCAL eth0 </programlisting> <para>Note that the EXTERNAL address is in the <emphasis role="bold">smc</emphasis> zone.</para> <para><filename>/etc/shorewall/rules</filename>:</para> <programlisting>#ACTION SOURCE DEST PROTO DPORT SPORT ORIGDEST RATE USER MARK CONNLIMIT TIME HEADERS SWITCH HELPER ?SECTION ALL ?SECTION ESTABLISHED ?SECTION RELATED ?SECTION INVALID ?SECTION UNTRACKED ?SECTION NEW ... DNAT net loc: tcp 80</programlisting> <para>For the one-to-one NAT to work correctly in this configuration, one of two approaches can be taken:</para> <orderedlist> <listitem> <para>Define a CONTINUE policy with <emphasis role="bold">smc</emphasis> as the SOURCE zone (preferred):</para> <programlisting>#SOURCE DEST POLICY LOG LEVEL LIMIT:BURST <emphasis role="bold">smc $FW CONTINUE</emphasis> loc net ACCEPT net all DROP info # THE FOLLOWING POLICY MUST BE LAST all all REJECT info </programlisting> </listitem> <listitem> <para>Set IMPLICIT_CONTINUE=Yes in <ulink url="/manpages/shorewall.conf.html">shorewall.conf(5)</ulink>.</para> </listitem> </orderedlist> </refsect1> <refsect1> <title>FILES</title> <para>/etc/shorewall/nat</para> <para>/etc/shorewall6/nat</para> </refsect1> <refsect1> <title>See ALSO</title> <para><ulink url="/NAT.htm">http://www.shorewall.net/NAT.htm</ulink></para> <para><ulink url="/configuration_file_basics.htm#Pairs">http://www.shorewall.net/configuration_file_basics.htm#Pairs</ulink></para> <para>shorewall(8)</para> </refsect1> </refentry>