# # Shorewall-pl 3.9 -- /usr/share/shorewall-pl/Shorewall/Common.pm # # This program is under GPL [http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.htm] # # (c) 2007 - Tom Eastep (teastep@shorewall.net) # # Complete documentation is available at http://shorewall.net # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of Version 2 of the GNU General Public License # as published by the Free Software Foundation. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA # # package Shorewall::Common; require Exporter; use File::Basename; use File::Temp qw/ tempfile tempdir /; use Cwd 'abs_path'; use strict; our @ISA = qw(Exporter); our @EXPORT = qw(ALLIPv4 warning_message fatal_error split_line create_temp_object finalize_object emit emit_unindented emit_as_is save_progress_message save_progress_message_short progress_message progress_message2 progress_message3 push_indent pop_indent copy copy1 create_temp_aux_config finalize_aux_config @allipv4 @rfc1918_networks $line $command $doing $done ); our @EXPORT_OK = (); our @VERSION = 1.00; # # Some IPv4 useful stuff # our @allipv4 = ( '' ); use constant { ALLIPv4 => '' }; our @rfc1918_networks = ( "", "", "" ); our $line = ''; # Current config file line our ( $command, $doing, $done ) = qw/ compile Compiling Compiled/; #describe the current command, it's present progressive, and it's completion. my $object = 0; # Object file Handle Reference my $lastlineblank = 0; # Avoid extra blank lines in the output my $indent = ''; my ( $dir, $file ); # Object's Directory and File my $tempfile; # Temporary File Name # # Issue a Warning Message # sub warning_message { print STDERR " WARNING: @_\n"; } # # Fatal Error # sub fatal_error { print STDERR " ERROR: @_\n"; die; } sub split_line( $$ ) { my ( $columns, $description ) = @_; chomp $line; $line =~ s/\s+/ /g; my @line = split /\s+/, $line; return @line if $line[0] eq 'COMMENT'; fatal_error "Invalid $description entry: $line" if @line > $columns; push @line, '-' while @line < $columns; @line; } sub create_temp_object( $ ) { my $objectfile = $_[0]; my $suffix; eval { ( $file, $dir, $suffix ) = fileparse( $objectfile ); $dir = abs_path $dir; fatal_error "Directory $dir does not exist" unless -d $dir; fatal_error "$dir is a Symbolic Link" if -l $dir; fatal_error "$objectfile is a Directory" if -d $objectfile; fatal_error "$dir is a Symbolic Link" if -l $objectfile; fatal_error "$objectfile exists and is not a compiled script" if -e _ && ! -x _; ( $object, $tempfile ) = tempfile ( 'tempfileXXXX' , DIR => $dir ); }; die if $@; $file = "$file.$suffix" if $suffix; $dir .= '/' unless substr( $dir, -1, 1 ) eq '/'; $file = $dir . $file; } sub finalize_object() { close $object; $object = 0; rename $tempfile, $file or fatal_error "Cannot Rename $tempfile to $file: $!"; chmod 0700, $file; } # # Write the argument to the object file (if any) with the current indentation. # # Replaces leading spaces with tabs as appropriate and suppresses consecutive blank lines. # sub emit ( $ ) { if ( $object ) { # # 'compile' as opposed to 'check' # my $line = $_[0]; unless ( $line =~ /^\s*$/ ) { $line =~ s/^\n// if $lastlineblank; $line =~ s/^/$indent/gm if $indent; 1 while $line =~ s/^ /\t/m; print $object "$line\n"; $lastlineblank = ( substr( $line, -1, 1 ) eq "\n" ); } else { print $object "\n" unless $lastlineblank; $lastlineblank = 1; } } } # # Write passed message to the object with no indentation. # sub emit_unindented( $ ) { print $object "$_[0]\n" if $object; } # # Write passed message to the object with no indentation or added newline. # sub emit_as_is( $ ) { print $object "$_[0]" if $object; } # # Write a progress_message2 command to the output file. # sub save_progress_message( $ ) { emit "\nprogress_message2 @_\n" if $object; } sub save_progress_message_short( $ ) { emit "progress_message $_[0]" if $object; } sub progress_message { if ( $ENV{VERBOSE} > 1 ) { my $ts = ''; $ts = ( localtime ) . ' ' if $ENV{TIMESTAMP}; print "${ts}@_\n"; } } sub timestamp() { my ($sec, $min, $hr) = ( localtime ) [0,1,2]; printf '%02d:%02d:%02d ', $hr, $min, $sec; } sub progress_message2 { if ( $ENV{VERBOSE} > 0 ) { timestamp if $ENV{TIMESTAMP}; print "@_\n"; } } sub progress_message3 { if ( $ENV{VERBOSE} >= 0 ) { timestamp if $ENV{TIMESTAMP}; print "@_\n"; } } # # Push/Pop Indent # sub push_indent() { $indent = "$indent "; } sub pop_indent() { $indent = substr( $indent , 0 , ( length $indent ) - 4 ); } # # Functions for copying files into the object # sub copy( $ ) { if ( $object ) { my $file = $_[0]; open IF , $file or fatal_error "Unable to open $file: $!"; while ( my $line = ) { $line =~ s/^/$indent/ if $indent; print $object $line; } close IF; } } sub copy1( $ ) { if ( $object ) { my $file = $_[0]; open IF , $file or fatal_error "Unable to open $file: $!"; my $do_indent = 1; while ( my $line = ) { if ( $line =~ /^\s+$/ ) { print $object "\n"; $do_indent = 1; next; } $line =~ s/^/$indent/ if $indent && $do_indent; print $object $line; $do_indent = ! ( $line =~ /\\$/ ); } close IF; } } sub create_temp_aux_config() { eval { ( $object, $tempfile ) = tempfile ( 'tempfileXXXX' , DIR => $dir ); }; die if $@; } sub finalize_aux_config() { close $object; $object = 0; rename $tempfile, "$file.conf" or fatal_error "Cannot Rename $tempfile to $file.conf: $!"; progress_message3 "Shorewall configuration compiled to $file"; } END { if ( $object ) { close $object; unlink $tempfile; } system "rm -rf $ENV{TMP_DIR}" if $ENV{TMP_DIR}; } 1;