Shorewall 2.1.0 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Problems Corrected since 2.0.3 1) A non-empty DEST entry in /etc/shorewall/tcrules will generate an error and Shorewall fails to start. 2) A potential security vulnerablilty in the way that Shorewall handles temporary files and directories has been corrected. 3) Two problems with logging NAT rules (DNAT and REDIRECT) could cause startup failures. Problems Corrected since 2.1.0 1) The "check" command fails with the following message: iptables: No chain/target/match by that name ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Issues when migrating from Shorewall 2.0 to Shorewall 2.1: None. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- New Features: 1) ICMP packets that are in the INVALID state are now dropped by the Reject and Drop default actions. They do so using the new 'dropInvalid' builtin action.