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      <h1 align="center"><font color="#ffffff">Logging</font></h1>
    By default, Shorewall directs NetFilter to log using syslog (8). Syslog
   classifies log messages by a <i>facility</i> and a <i>priority</i> (using
    the notation <i>facility.priority</i>). <br>
        The facilities defined by syslog are <i>auth, authpriv, cron, daemon,
  kern,  lpr, mail, mark, news, syslog, user, uucp</i> and <i>local0</i>
through    <i>local7</i>.<br>
        Throughout the Shorewall documentation, I will use the term <i>level</i>
    rather than <i>priority</i> since <i>level</i> is the term used by NetFilter.
    The syslog documentation uses the term <i>priority</i>.<br>
<h3>Syslog Levels<br>
          Syslog levels are a method of describing to syslog (8) the importance
    of  a message and a number of Shorewall parameters have a syslog level
 as   their  value.<br>
            Valid levels are:<br>
            &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; 7&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
            &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; 6&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
            &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; 5&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
            &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; 4&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
            &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; 3&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
            &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; 2&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
            &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; 1&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
            &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; 0&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
            For most Shorewall logging, a level of 6 (info) is appropriate.
 Shorewall     log messages are generated by NetFilter and are logged using
 the <i>kern</i>    facility  and the level that you specify. If you are
unsure  of the level    to choose,  6 (info) is a safe bet. You may specify
levels  by name or by   number.<br>
          Syslogd writes log messages to files (typically in /var/log/*)
based    on  their facility and level. The mapping of these facility/level
pairs  to  log  files is done in /etc/syslog.conf (5). If you make changes
to this  file,  you must restart syslogd before the changes can take effect.<br>
<h3>Configuring a Separate Log for Shorewall Messages</h3>
          There are a couple of limitations to syslogd-based logging:<br>
      <li>If you give, for example, kern.info it's own log destination then
    that destination will also receive all kernel messages of levels 5 (notice)
     through 0 (emerg).</li>
      <li>All kernel.info messages will go to that destination and not just
   those from NetFilter.<br>
          Beginning with Shorewall version 1.3.12, if your kernel has ULOG
 target    support (and most vendor-supplied kernels do), you may also specify
 a log  level of ULOG (must be all caps). When  ULOG is used, Shorewall will
 direct  netfilter to log the related messages  via the ULOG target which 
will send  them to a process called 'ulogd'. The  ulogd program is available 
from http://www.gnumonks.org/projects/ulogd  and  can be configured to log 
all Shorewall message to their own log file.<br>
   <b>Note: </b>The ULOG logging mechanism is <u>completely separate</u>
from  syslog. Once you switch to ULOG, the settings in /etc/syslog.conf have
absolutely  no effect on your Shorewall logging (except for Shorewall status
messages  which still go to syslog).<br>
  You will need to have the kernel source available to compile ulogd.<br>
  Download the ulod tar file and:<br>
      <li>Be sure that /usr/src/linux is linked to your kernel source tree<br>
    <li>cd /usr/local/src (or wherever you do your builds)</li>
      <li>tar -zxf <i>source-tarball-that-you-downloaded</i></li>
      <li>cd ulogd-<i>version</i><br>
      <li>make install<br>
      If you are like me and don't have a development environment on your 
firewall,   you can do the first six steps on another system then either NFS
mount your  /usr/local/src directory or tar up the /usr/local/src/ulogd-<i>version</i>
   directory and move it to your firewall system.<br>
      Now on the firewall system, edit /usr/local/etc/ulogd.conf and set:<br>
      <li>syslogfile <i>&lt;file that you wish to log to&gt;</i></li>
      <li>syslogsync 1</li>
Also on the firewall system:<br>
<blockquote>touch &lt;<i>file that you wish to log to</i>&gt;<br>
      I also copied the file /usr/local/src/ulogd-<i>version</i>/ulogd.init
 to  /etc/init.d/ulogd. I had to edit the line that read "daemon /usr/local/sbin/ulogd"
   to read daemon /usr/local/sbin/ulogd -d". On a RedHat system, a simple
"chkconfig   --level 3 ulogd on" starts ulogd during boot up. Your init system
may need   something else done to activate the script.<br>
   You will need to change all instances of log levels (usually 'info') in
 your configuration files to 'ULOG' - this includes entries in the policy,
 rules and shorewall.conf files. Here's what I have:<br>
<pre>	[root@gateway shorewall]# grep ULOG *<br>	policy:loc&nbsp; fw&nbsp;&nbsp; REJECT&nbsp; ULOG<br>	policy:net&nbsp; all&nbsp; DROP&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; ULOG&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;10/sec:40<br>	policy:all&nbsp; all&nbsp; REJECT&nbsp; ULOG<br>	rules:REJECT:ULOG loc net tcp 6667<br>	shorewall.conf:TCP_FLAGS_LOG_LEVEL=ULOG<br>	shorewall.conf:RFC1918_LOG_LEVEL=ULOG<br>	[root@gateway shorewall]#<br></pre>
      Finally edit /etc/shorewall/shorewall.conf and set LOGFILE=<i>&lt;file
  that  you wish to log to&gt;</i>. This tells the /sbin/shorewall program
 where to look for the log when processing its "show log", "logwatch" and
"monitor"  commands.<br>
<p><font size="2">   Updated 7/25/2003 - <a href="support.htm">Tom  Eastep</a>
<p><a href="copyright.htm"><font size="2">Copyright</font>           &copy;
 <font size="2">2001, 2002, 2003 Thomas M. Eastep</font></a><br>