<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN"> <html> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=windows-1252"> <title>Shorewall Fallback and Uninstall</title> <meta name="GENERATOR" content="Microsoft FrontPage 5.0"> <meta name="ProgId" content="FrontPage.Editor.Document"> </head> <body> <div style="text-align: left;"> <h1 style="text-align: center;">Fallback and Uninstall<br> </h1> <h1><strong></strong></h1> <h1><strong></strong></h1> </div> <p><strong>Shorewall includes a </strong><a href="#fallback"><strong>fallback script</strong></a><strong> and an </strong><a href="#uninstall"><strong>uninstall script</strong></a><strong>.</strong></p> <h2><a name="fallback"></a>Falling Back to the Previous Version of Shorewall using the Fallback Script</h2> <p>If you install Shorewall and discover that it doesn't work for you, you can fall back to your previously installed version. To do that:</p> <ul> <li>cd to the distribution directory for the version of Seattle Firewall <u>that you are currently running </u>(NOT the version that you want to fall back to).</li> <li>Type "./fallback.sh"</li> </ul> <h3><strong><u>Warning:</u> The fallback script will replace /etc/shorewall/policy, /etc/shorewall/rules, /etc/shorewall/interfaces, /etc/shorewall/nat, /etc/shorewall/proxyarp and /etc/shorewall/masq with the version of these files from before the current version was installed. Any changes to any of these files will be lost.</strong></h3> <h2><a name="rpm"></a>Falling Back to the Previous Version of Shorewall using rpm</h2> <p>If your previous version of Shorewall was installed using RPM, you may fall back to that version by typing "rpm -Uvh --force <old rpm>" at a root shell prompt (Example: "rpm -Uvh --force /downloads/shorewall-3.1=0noarch.rpm" would fall back to the 3.1-0 version of Shorewall).</p> <h2><a name="uninstall"></a>Uninstalling Shorewall</h2> <p>If you no longer wish to use Shorewall, you may remove it by:</p> <ul> <li>cd to the distribution directory for the version of Shorewall that you have installed.</li> <li>type "./uninstall.sh"</li> </ul> <p>If you installed using an rpm, at a root shell prompt type "rpm -e shorewall".</p> <p><font size="2">Last updated 3/26/2001 - </font><font size="2"> <a href="support.htm">Tom Eastep</a></font> </p> <a href="copyright.htm"><font size="2">Copyright</font> � <font size="2">2001, 2002 Thomas M. Eastep.</font></a><br> </body> </html>