forked from extern/shorewall_code
git-svn-id: fbd18981-670d-0410-9b5c-8dc0c1a9a2bb
462 lines
13 KiB
462 lines
13 KiB
# Shorewall-perl 3.9 -- /usr/share/shorewall-perl/Shorewall/
# This program is under GPL []
# (c) 2007 - Tom Eastep (
# Complete documentation is available at
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of Version 2 of the GNU General Public License
# as published by the Free Software Foundation.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA
package Shorewall::Providers;
require Exporter;
use Shorewall::Common;
use Shorewall::Config;
use Shorewall::Zones;
use Shorewall::Chains;
use strict;
our @ISA = qw(Exporter);
our @EXPORT = qw( setup_providers @routemarked_interfaces);
our @EXPORT_OK = ( );
our @VERSION = 1.00;
use constant { LOCAL_NUMBER => 255,
our %routemarked_interfaces;
our @routemarked_interfaces;
my $balance = 0;
my $first_default_route = 1;
my %providers = ( 'local' => { number => LOCAL_NUMBER , mark => 0 } ,
main => { number => MAIN_NUMBER , mark => 0 } ,
default => { number => DEFAULT_NUMBER , mark => 0 } ,
unspec => { number => UNSPEC_NUMBER , mark => 0 } );
my @providers;
# Set up marking for 'tracked' interfaces. Unline in Shorewall 3.x, we add these rules unconditionally, even if the associated interface isn't up.
sub setup_route_marking() {
my $mask = $config{HIGH_ROUTE_MARKS} ? '0xFFFF' : '0xFF';
my $mark_op = $config{HIGH_ROUTE_MARKS} ? '--or-mark' : '--set-mark';
require_capability( 'CONNMARK_MATCH' , 'the provider \'track\' option' );
require_capability( 'CONNMARK' , 'the provider \'track\' option' );
add_rule $mangle_table->{PREROUTING} , "-m connmark ! --mark 0/$mask -j CONNMARK --restore-mark --mask $mask";
add_rule $mangle_table->{OUTPUT} , " -m connmark ! --mark 0/$mask -j CONNMARK --restore-mark --mask $mask";
my $chainref = new_chain 'mangle', 'routemark';
while ( my ( $interface, $mark ) = ( each %routemarked_interfaces ) ) {
add_rule $mangle_table->{PREROUTING} , "-i $interface -m mark --mark 0/$mask -j routemark";
add_rule $chainref, " -i $interface -j MARK $mark_op $mark";
add_rule $chainref, "-m mark ! --mark 0/$mask -j CONNMARK --save-mark --mask $mask";
sub setup_providers() {
my $providers = 0;
sub copy_table( $$ ) {
my ( $duplicate, $number ) = @_;
emitj( "ip route show table $duplicate | while read net route; do",
' case $net in',
' default|nexthop)',
' ;;',
' *)',
" run_ip route add table $number \$net \$route",
' ;;',
' esac',
sub copy_and_edit_table( $$$ ) {
my ( $duplicate, $number, $copy ) = @_;
my $match = $copy;
$match =~ s/ /\|/g;
emitj ( "ip route show table $duplicate | while read net route; do",
' case $net in',
' default|nexthop)',
' ;;',
' *)',
" run_ip route add table $number \$net \$route",
' case $(find_device $route) in',
" $match)",
" run_ip route add table $number \$net \$route",
' ;;',
' esac',
' ;;',
' esac',
"done\n" );
sub balance_default_route( $$$ ) {
my ( $weight, $gateway, $interface ) = @_;
$balance = 1;
emit '';
if ( $first_default_route ) {
if ( $gateway ) {
emit "DEFAULT_ROUTE=\"nexthop via $gateway dev $interface weight $weight\"";
} else {
emit "DEFAULT_ROUTE=\"nexthop dev $interface weight $weight\"";
$first_default_route = 0;
} else {
if ( $gateway ) {
emit "DEFAULT_ROUTE=\"\$DEFAULT_ROUTE nexthop via $gateway dev $interface weight $weight\"";
} else {
emit "DEFAULT_ROUTE=\"\$DEFAULT_ROUTE nexthop dev $interface weight $weight\"";
sub add_a_provider( $$$$$$$$ ) {
my ($table, $number, $mark, $duplicate, $interface, $gateway, $options, $copy) = @_;
fatal_error "Duplicate provider ( $table )" if $providers{$table};
for my $provider ( keys %providers ) {
fatal_error "Duplicate provider number ( $number )" if $providers{$provider}{number} == $number;
emit "#\n# Add Provider $table ($number)\n#";
emit "if interface_is_usable $interface; then";
my $iface = chain_base $interface;
emit "${iface}_up=Yes";
emit "qt ip route flush table $number";
emit "echo \"qt ip route flush table $number\" >> \${VARDIR}/undo_routing";
$duplicate = '-' unless $duplicate;
$copy = '-' unless $copy;
if ( $duplicate ne '-' ) {
if ( $copy ne '-' ) {
if ( $copy eq 'none' ) {
$copy = $interface;
} else {
my @c = ( split /,/, $copy );
$copy = "@c";
copy_and_edit_table( $duplicate, $number ,$copy );
} else {
copy_table ( $duplicate, $number );
} else {
fatal_error 'A non-empty COPY column requires that a routing table be specified in the DUPLICATE column' if $copy ne '-';
$gateway = '-' unless $gateway;
if ( $gateway eq 'detect' ) {
emitj ( "gateway=\$(detect_gateway $interface)\n",
'if [ -n "$gateway" ]; then',
" run_ip route replace \$gateway src \$(find_first_interface_address $interface) dev $interface table $number",
" run_ip route add default via \$gateway dev $interface table $number",
" fatal_error \"Unable to detect the gateway through interface $interface\"",
"fi\n" );
} elsif ( $gateway && $gateway ne '-' ) {
emit "run_ip route replace $gateway src \$(find_first_interface_address $interface) dev $interface table $number";
emit "run_ip route add default via $gateway dev $interface table $number";
} else {
$gateway = '';
emit "run_ip route add default dev $interface table $number";
$mark = '-' unless $mark;
my $val = 0;
if ( $mark ne '-' ) {
$val = numeric_value $mark;
verify_mark $mark;
if ( $val < 256) {
fatal_error "Invalid Mark Value ($mark) with HIGH_ROUTE_MARKS=Yes" if $config{HIGH_ROUTE_MARKS};
} else {
fatal_error "Invalid Mark Value ($mark) with HIGH_ROUTE_MARKS=No" if ! $config{HIGH_ROUTE_MARKS};
for my $provider ( keys %providers ) {
my $num = $providers{$provider}{mark};
fatal_error "Duplicate mark value ( $mark )" if $num == $val;
my $pref = 10000 + $val;
emitj( "qt ip rule del fwmark $mark",
"run_ip rule add fwmark $mark pref $pref table $number",
"echo \"qt ip rule del fwmark $mark\" >> \${VARDIR}/undo_routing"
$providers{$table} = {};
$providers{$table}{number} = $number;
$providers{$table}{mark} = $val;
my ( $loose, $optional ) = (0,0);
unless ( $options eq '-' ) {
for my $option ( split /,/, $options ) {
if ( $option eq 'track' ) {
fatal_error "Interface $interface is tracked through an earlier provider" if $routemarked_interfaces{$interface};
fatal_error "The 'track' option requires a numeric value in the MARK column" if $mark eq '-';
$routemarked_interfaces{$interface} = $mark;
push @routemarked_interfaces, $interface;
} elsif ( $option =~ /^balance=(\d+)/ ) {
balance_default_route $1 , $gateway, $interface;
} elsif ( $option eq 'balance' ) {
balance_default_route 1 , $gateway, $interface;
} elsif ( $option eq 'loose' ) {
$loose = 1;
} elsif ( $option eq 'optional' ) {
$optional = 1;
} else {
fatal_error "Invalid option ($option)";
if ( $loose ) {
my $rulebase = 20000 + ( 256 * ( $number - 1 ) );
emit "\nrulenum=0\n";
emitj ( "find_interface_addresses $interface | while read address; do",
' qt ip rule del from $address',
" run_ip rule add from \$address pref \$(( $rulebase + \$rulenum )) table $number",
" echo \"qt ip rule del from \$address\" >> \${VARDIR}/undo_routing",
' rulenum=$(($rulenum + 1))',
} else {
emitj( "\nfind_interface_addresses $interface | while read address; do",
' qt ip rule del from $address',
emit "\nprogress_message \" Provider $table ($number) Added\"\n";
emit 'else';
if ( $optional ) {
emitj( " error_message \"WARNING: Interface $interface is not configured -- Provider $table ($number) not Added\"",
" ${iface}_up="
} else {
emit " fatal_error \"ERROR: Interface $interface is not configured -- Provider $table ($number) Cannot be Added\"";
emit "fi\n";
sub add_an_rtrule( $$$$ ) {
my ( $source, $dest, $provider, $priority ) = @_;
unless ( $providers{$provider} ) {
my $found = 0;
if ( "\L$provider" =~ /^(0x[a-f0-9]+|0[0-7]*|[0-9]*)$/ ) {
my $provider_number = numeric_value $provider;
for my $provider ( keys %providers ) {
if ( $providers{$provider}{number} == $provider_number ) {
$found = 1;
fatal_error "Unknown provider ($provider)" unless $found;
$source = '-' unless $source;
$dest = '-' unless $dest;
fatal_error "You must specify either the source or destination in a route_rules entry" if $source eq '-' && $dest eq '-';
$dest = $dest eq '-' ? '' : "to $dest";
if ( $source eq '-' ) {
$source = '';
} elsif ( $source =~ /:/ ) {
( my $interface, $source ) = split /:/, $source;
$source = "iif $interface from $source";
} elsif ( $source =~ /\..*\..*/ ) {
$source = "from $source";
} else {
$source = "iif $source";
fatal_error "Invalid priority ($priority)" unless $priority && $priority =~ /^\d{1,5}$/;
$priority = "priority $priority";
emitj( "qt ip rule del $source $dest $priority",
"run_ip rule add $source $dest $priority table $provider",
"echo \"qt ip rule del $source $dest $priority\" >> \${VARDIR}/undo_routing"
progress_message " Routing rule \"$line\" $done";
# Setup_Providers() Starts Here....
my $fn = open_file 'providers';
while ( read_a_line ) {
unless ( $providers ) {
progress_message2 "$doing $fn ...";
require_capability( 'MANGLE_ENABLED' , 'a non-empty providers file' );
emit "\nif [ -z \"\$NOROUTES\" ]; then";
emitj ( '#',
'# Undo any changes made since the last time that we [re]started -- this will not restore the default route',
'# Save current routing table database so that it can be restored later',
'cp /etc/iproute2/rt_tables ${VARDIR}/',
'# Capture the default route(s) if we don\'t have it (them) already.',
'[ -f ${VARDIR}/default_route ] || ip route ls | grep -E \'^\s*(default |nexthop )\' > ${VARDIR}/default_route',
'# Initialize the file that holds \'undo\' commands',
'> ${VARDIR}/undo_routing' );
save_progress_message 'Adding Providers...';
my ( $table, $number, $mark, $duplicate, $interface, $gateway, $options, $copy ) = split_line 8, 'providers file';
add_a_provider( $table, $number, $mark, $duplicate, $interface, $gateway, $options, $copy );
push @providers, $table;
progress_message " Provider \"$line\" $done";
if ( $providers ) {
if ( $balance ) {
emitj ( 'if [ -n "$DEFAULT_ROUTE" ]; then',
' run_ip route replace default scope global $DEFAULT_ROUTE',
" progress_message \"Default route '\$(echo \$DEFAULT_ROUTE | sed 's/\$\\s*//')' Added\"",
' error_message "WARNING: No Default route added (all \'balance\' providers are down)"',
' restore_default_route',
'' );
} else {
emitj( '#',
'# We don\'t have any \'balance\' providers so we restore any default route that we\'ve saved',
'restore_default_route' );
emit 'cat > /etc/iproute2/rt_tables <<EOF';
emit_unindented join( "\n",
'# reserved values',
'# local',
"EOF\n" );
emit "echocommand=\$(find_echo)\n";
for my $table ( @providers ) {
emit "\$echocommand \"$providers{$table}{number}\\t$table\" >> /etc/iproute2/rt_tables";
my $fn = open_file 'route_rules';
if ( $fn ) {
my $first_entry = 0;
emit '';
while ( read_a_line ) {
if ( $first_entry ) {
progress_message2 "$doing $fn...";
$first_entry = 0;
my ( $source, $dest, $provider, $priority ) = split_line 4, 'route_rules file';
add_an_rtrule( $source, $dest, $provider , $priority );
emit "\nrun_ip route flush cache";
emit "fi\n";
setup_route_marking if @routemarked_interfaces;
} else {
emit "\nundo_routing";
emit 'restore_default_route';