Tom Eastep 19ce2093d8
Correct splitting of IP(6)TABLES options
Signed-off-by: Tom Eastep <>
2017-01-07 10:00:37 -08:00

430 lines
12 KiB

# Shorewall 5.0 -- /usr/share/shorewall/Shorewall/
# This program is under GPL []
# (c) 2009-2016 - Tom Eastep (
# Complete documentation is available at
# This program is part of Shorewall.
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
# Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the license or, at your
# option, any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, see <>.
# This module contains the code that handles the /etc/shorewall/conntrack file.
package Shorewall::Raw;
require Exporter;
use Shorewall::Config qw(:DEFAULT :internal);
use Shorewall::IPAddrs;
use Shorewall::Zones;
use Shorewall::Chains qw(:DEFAULT :internal);
use strict;
our @ISA = qw(Exporter);
our @EXPORT = qw( setup_conntrack );
our @EXPORT_OK = qw( handle_helper_rule );
our %valid_ctevent = ( new => 1,
related => 1,
destroy => 1,
reply => 1,
assured => 1,
protoinfo => 1,
helper => 1,
mark => 1,
natseqinfo => 1,
secmark => 1 );
our $family;
sub initialize($) {
$family = shift;
# Notrack
sub process_conntrack_rule( $$$$$$$$$$ ) {
my ($chainref, $zoneref, $action, $source, $dest, $proto, $ports, $sports, $user, $switch ) = @_;
require_capability 'RAW_TABLE', 'conntrack rules', '';
$proto = '' if $proto eq 'any';
$ports = '' if $ports eq 'any' || $ports eq 'all';
$sports = '' if $sports eq 'any' || $sports eq 'all';
my $zone;
my $restriction = PREROUTE_RESTRICT;
if ( $chainref ) {
$restriction = OUTPUT_RESTRICT if $chainref->{name} eq 'OUTPUT';
} else {
# Entry in the conntrack file
if ( $zoneref ) {
$zone = $zoneref->{name};
} else {
($zone, $source) = split /:/, $source, 2;
$zoneref = find_zone ( $zone );
$chainref = ensure_raw_chain( notrack_chain $zone );
$restriction = OUTPUT_RESTRICT if $zoneref->{type} & (FIREWALL | VSERVER );
fatal_error 'USER/GROUP is not allowed unless the SOURCE zone is $FW or a Vserver zone' if $user ne '-' && $restriction != OUTPUT_RESTRICT;
my $disposition = $action;
my $exception_rule = '';
my $rule = do_proto( $proto, $ports, $sports ) . do_user ( $user ) . do_condition( $switch , $chainref->{name} );
my $level = '';
if ( $action =~ /^(?:NFLOG|ULOG)/ ) {
$action = join( ":" , 'LOG', $action );
my $usergenerated;
if ( $action eq 'NOTRACK' ) {
# A patch that deimplements the NOTRACK target has been posted on the
# Netfilter development list
if ( have_capability 'CT_TARGET' ) {
$action = 'CT --notrack';
$disposition = 'notrack';
} elsif ( $action =~ /^(DROP|LOG)(:(.+))?$/ ) {
if ( $2 ) {
validate_level( $level = $3 );
$action = $1;
$disposition = $1;
} elsif ( $action =~ /^IP(6)?TABLES\((.+)\)(:(.*))?$/ ) {
if ( $family == F_IPV4 ) {
fatal_error 'Invalid conntrack ACTION (IP6TABLES)' if $1;
} else {
fatal_error "Invalid conntrack ACTION (IPTABLES)" unless $1;
my ( $tgt, $options ) = split( ' ', $2, 2 );
my $target_type = $builtin_target{$tgt};
fatal_error "Unknown target ($tgt)" unless $target_type;
fatal_error "The $tgt TARGET is not allowed in the raw table" unless $target_type & RAW_TABLE;
$disposition = $tgt;
$action = $2;
validate_level( $level = $4 ) if supplied $4;
} else {
( $disposition, my ( $option, $args ), $level ) = split ':', $action, 4;
fatal_error "Invalid conntrack ACTION ( $action )" if $disposition ne 'CT';
validate_level( $level ) if supplied $level;
require_capability 'CT_TARGET', 'CT entries in the conntrack file', '';
if ( $option eq 'notrack' ) {
fatal_error "Invalid conntrack ACTION ( $action )" if supplied $args;
$action = 'CT --notrack';
$disposition = 'notrack';
} else {
fatal_error "Invalid or missing CT option and arguments" unless supplied $option && supplied $args;
if ( $option eq 'helper' ) {
my $modifiers = '';
$disposition = 'helper';
if ( $args =~ /^([-\w.]+)\((.+)\)$/ ) {
$args = $1;
$modifiers = $2;
fatal_error "Invalid helper' ($args)" if $args =~ /,/;
validate_helper( $args, $proto );
$action = "CT --helper $helpers_aliases{$args}";
$exception_rule = do_proto( $proto, '-', '-' );
for my $mod ( split_list1( $modifiers, 'ctevents' ) ) {
fatal_error "Invalid helper option ($mod)" unless $mod =~ /^(\w+)=(.+)$/;
$mod = $1;
my $val = $2;
if ( $mod eq 'ctevents' ) {
for ( split_list( $val, 'ctevents' ) ) {
fatal_error "Invalid 'ctevents' event ($_)" unless $valid_ctevent{$_};
$action .= " --ctevents $val";
} elsif ( $mod eq 'expevents' ) {
fatal_error "Invalid expevent argument ($val)" unless $val eq 'new';
$action .= ' --expevents new';
} else {
fatal_error "Invalid helper option ($mod)";
} elsif ( $option eq 'ctevents' ) {
$disposition = 'helper';
for ( split_list( $args, 'ctevents' ) ) {
fatal_error "Invalid 'ctevents' event ($_)" unless $valid_ctevent{$_};
$action = "CT --ctevents $args";
} elsif ( $option eq 'expevents' ) {
fatal_error "Invalid expevent argument ($args)" unless $args eq 'new';
$action = 'CT --expevents new';
} else {
fatal_error "Invalid CT option ($option)";
expand_rule( $chainref ,
$restriction ,
$source ,
$dest ,
'' ,
$action ,
$level || '' ,
$disposition ,
$exception_rule ,
$usergenerated && ! $level );
progress_message " Conntrack rule \"$currentline\" $done";
sub handle_helper_rule( $$$$$$$$$$$ ) {
my ( $helper, $source, $dest, $proto, $ports, $sports, $sourceref, $action_target, $actionchain, $user, $rule ) = @_;
if ( $helper ne '-' ) {
fatal_error "A HELPER is not allowed with this ACTION" if $action_target;
# This means that an ACCEPT or NAT rule with a helper is being processed
process_conntrack_rule( $actionchain ? ensure_raw_chain( $actionchain ) : undef ,
$sourceref ,
$source ,
$dest ,
$proto ,
$ports ,
$sports ,
} else {
assert( $action_target );
# The target is an action
if ( $actionchain ) {
# And the source is another action chain
expand_rule( ensure_raw_chain( $actionchain ) ,
$rule ,
$source ,
$dest ,
'' ,
$action_target ,
'CT' ,
'' ,
'' );
} else {
expand_rule( ensure_raw_chain( notrack_chain( $sourceref->{name} ) ) ,
( $sourceref->{type} == FIREWALL || $sourceref->{type} == VSERVER ?
'' ,
$rule ,
$source ,
$dest ,
'' ,
$action_target ,
'' ,
'CT' ,
'' ,
'' );
sub process_format( $ ) {
my $format = shift;
fatal_error q(FORMAT must be '1', '2' or '3') unless $format =~ /^[123]$/;
$file_format = $format;
sub setup_conntrack($) {
my $convert = shift;
my $fn;
my @files = $convert ? ( qw/notrack conntrack/ ) : ( 'conntrack' );
for my $name ( @files ) {
$fn = open_file( $name, 3 , 1 );
if ( $fn ) {
my $action;
my $empty = 1;
first_entry( "$doing $fn..." );
while ( read_a_line( NORMAL_READ ) ) {
my ( $source, $dest, $protos, $ports, $sports, $user, $switch );
if ( $file_format == 1 ) {
( $source, $dest, $protos, $ports, $sports, $user, $switch ) =
split_line1( 'Conntrack File',
{ source => 0, dest => 1, proto => 2, dport => 3, sport => 4, user => 5, switch => 6 } );
$action = 'NOTRACK';
} else {
( $action, $source, $dest, $protos, $ports, $sports, $user, $switch ) = split_line1 'Conntrack File', { action => 0, source => 1, dest => 2, proto => 3, dport => 4, sport => 5, user => 6, switch => 7 };
$empty = 0;
for my $proto ( split_list $protos, 'Protocol' ) {
if ( $file_format < 3 ) {
if ( $source =~ /^all(-)?(:(.+))?$/ ) {
fatal_error 'USER/GROUP is not allowed unless the SOURCE zone is $FW or a Vserver zone' if $user ne '-';
for my $zone ( $1 ? off_firewall_zones : all_zones ) {
process_conntrack_rule( undef ,
$zone . ( $2 || ''),
$user ,
$switch );
} else {
process_conntrack_rule( undef, undef, $action, $source, $dest, $proto, $ports, $sports, $user, $switch );
} elsif ( $action =~ s/:O$// ) {
process_conntrack_rule( $raw_table->{OUTPUT}, undef, $action, $source, $dest, $proto, $ports, $sports, $user, $switch );
} elsif ( $action =~ s/:OP$// || $action =~ s/:PO// ) {
process_conntrack_rule( $raw_table->{PREROUTING}, undef, $action, $source, $dest, $proto, $ports, $sports, $user, $switch );
process_conntrack_rule( $raw_table->{OUTPUT}, undef, $action, $source, $dest, $proto, $ports, $sports, $user, $switch );
} else {
$action =~ s/:P$//;
process_conntrack_rule( $raw_table->{PREROUTING}, undef, $action, $source, $dest, $proto, $ports, $sports, $user, $switch );
if ( $name eq 'notrack') {
if ( $empty ) {
if ( unlink( $fn ) ) {
warning_message "Empty notrack file ($fn) removed";
} else {
warning_message "Unable to remove empty notrack file ($fn): $!";
$convert = undef;
} elsif ( $name eq 'notrack' ) {
$convert = undef;
if ( -f ( my $fn1 = find_file( $name ) ) ) {
if ( unlink( $fn1 ) ) {
warning_message "Empty notrack file ($fn1) removed";
} else {
warning_message "Unable to remove empty notrack file ($fn1): $!";
if ( $convert ) {
my $conntrack;
my $empty = 1;
my $date = compiletime;
my $fn1 = find_writable_file 'conntrack';
$fn = open_file( 'notrack' , 3, 1 ) || fatal_error "Unable to open the notrack file for conversion: $!";
if ( -f $fn1 ) {
open $conntrack, '>>', $fn1 or fatal_error "Unable to open $fn for notrack conversion: $!";
} else {
open $conntrack, '>' , $fn1 or fatal_error "Unable to open $fn for notrack conversion: $!";
# Transfer permissions from the existing notrack file
transfer_permissions( $fn, $fn1 );
print $conntrack <<'EOF';
# Shorewall version 5 - conntrack File
# For information about entries in this file, type "man shorewall-conntrack"
print $conntrack '?' . "FORMAT 3\n";
print $conntrack <<'EOF';
print( $conntrack
"#\n" ,
"# Rules generated from notrack file $fn by Shorewall $globals{VERSION} - $date\n" ,
"#\n" );
while ( read_a_line( PLAIN_READ ) ) {
# Don't copy the header comments from the old notrack file
next if $empty && ( $currentline =~ /^\s*#/ || $currentline =~ /^\s*$/ );
if ( $empty ) {
# First non-commentary line
$empty = undef;
print $conntrack '?' . "FORMAT 1\n" unless $currentline =~ /^\s*\??FORMAT/i;
print $conntrack "$currentline\n";
rename $fn, "$fn.bak" or fatal_error "Unable to rename $fn to $fn.bak: $!";
progress_message2 "notrack file $fn saved in $fn.bak"