Tom Eastep 1bc90beb01
Update copyrights
Signed-off-by: Tom Eastep <>
2018-01-07 15:01:46 -08:00

2483 lines
76 KiB

# Shorewall 5.1 -- /usr/share/shorewall/Shorewall/
# This program is under GPL []
# (c) 2007-2017 - Tom Eastep (
# Traffic Control is from tc4shorewall Version 0.5
# (c) 2005 Arne Bernin <>
# Modified by Tom Eastep for integration into the Shorewall distribution
# published under GPL Version 2#
# Complete documentation is available at
# This program is part of Shorewall.
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
# Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the license or, at your
# option, any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, see <>.
# This module deals with Traffic Shaping and the mangle file.
package Shorewall::Tc;
require Exporter;
use Shorewall::Config qw(:DEFAULT :internal);
use Shorewall::IPAddrs;
use Shorewall::Zones;
use Shorewall::Chains qw(:DEFAULT :internal);
use Shorewall::Providers;
use Shorewall::Rules qw(:Traffic);
use strict;
our @ISA = qw(Exporter);
our @EXPORT = qw( process_tc setup_tc );
our @EXPORT_OK = qw( initialize );
our %flow_keys = ( 'src' => 1,
'dst' => 1,
'proto' => 1,
'proto-src' => 1,
'proto-dst' => 1,
'iif' => 1,
'priority' => 1,
'mark' => 1,
'nfct' => 1,
'nfct-src' => 1,
'nfct-dst' => 1,
'nfct-proto-src' => 1,
'nfct-proto-dst' => 1,
'rt-classid' => 1,
'sk-uid' => 1,
'sk-gid' => 1,
'vlan-tag' => 1 );
# Perl version of Arn Bernin's 'tc4shorewall'.
# TCDevices Table
# %tcdevices { <interface> => {in_bandwidth => <value> ,
# out_bandwidth => <value> ,
# number => <number>,
# classify => 0|1
# tablenumber => <next u32 table to be allocated for this device>
# default => <default class mark value>
# redirected => [ <dev1>, <dev2>, ... ]
# nextclass => <number>
# occurs => Has one or more occurring classes
# qdisc => htb|hfsc
# guarantee => <total RATE of classes seen so far>
# name => <interface>
# }
our @tcdevices;
our @devnums;
# %tcdevices moved to the Rules module in 5.0.7
our $devnum;
our $ipp2p;
# TCClasses Table
# %tcclasses { device => <device> { number => { mark => <mark> ,
# rate => <rate> ,
# umax => <umax> ,
# dmax => <dmax> ,
# ceiling => <ceiling> ,
# priority => <priority> ,
# occurs => <number> # 0 means that this is a class generated by another class with occurs > 1
# parent => <class number>
# leaf => 0|1
# guarantee => <sum of rates of sub-classes>
# options => { tos => [ <value1> , <value2> , ... ];
# tcp_ack => 1 ,
# filters => [ filter list ]
# }
# }
# }
our @tcclasses;
# %tcclasses and %classids moved to the Rules module in 5.0.7
our $family;
our $convert;
# Rather than initializing globals in an INIT block or during declaration,
# we initialize them in a function. This is done for two reasons:
# 1. Proper initialization depends on the address family which isn't
# known until the compiler has started.
# 2. The compiler can run multiple times in the same process so it has to be
# able to re-initialize its dependent modules' state.
sub initialize( $ ) {
$family = shift;
@tcdevices = ();
@tcclasses = ();
@devnums = ();
$devnum = 0;
$ipp2p = 0;
sub rate_to_kbit( $ ) {
my $rate = $_[0];
return 0 if $rate eq '-';
return $1 if $rate =~ /^((\d+)(\.\d+)?)kbit$/i;
return $1 * 1000 if $rate =~ /^((\d+)(\.\d+)?)mbit$/i;
return $1 * 8000 if $rate =~ /^((\d+)(\.\d+)?)mbps$/i;
return $1 * 8 if $rate =~ /^((\d+)(\.\d+)?)kbps$/i;
return ($1/125) if $rate =~ /^((\d+)(\.\d+)?)(bps)?$/;
fatal_error "Invalid Rate ($rate)";
sub calculate_r2q( $ ) {
my $rate = rate_to_kbit $_[0];
my $r2q= $rate / 200 ;
$r2q <= 5 ? 5 : $r2q;
sub calculate_quantum( $$ ) {
my ( $rate, $r2q ) = @_;
$rate = rate_to_kbit $rate;
int( ( $rate * 125 ) / $r2q );
# The next two function implement handling of the IN-BANDWIDTH column in both tcdevices and tcinterfaces
sub process_in_bandwidth( $ ) {
my $in_rate = shift;
return 0 if $in_rate eq '-' or $in_rate eq '0';
my $in_burst = '10kb';
my $in_avrate = 0;
my $in_band = $in_rate;
my $burst;
my $in_interval = '250ms';
my $in_decay = '4sec';
if ( $in_rate =~ s/^~// ) {
require_capability 'BASIC_FILTER', 'An estimated policing filter', 's';
if ( $in_rate =~ /:/ ) {
( $in_rate, $in_interval, $in_decay ) = split /:/, $in_rate, 3;
fatal_error "Invalid IN-BANDWIDTH ($in_band)" unless supplied( $in_interval ) && supplied( $in_decay );
fatal_error "Invalid Interval ($in_interval)" unless $in_interval =~ /^(?:(?:250|500)ms|(?:1|2|4|8)sec)$/;
fatal_error "Invalid Decay ($in_decay)" unless $in_decay =~ /^(?:500ms|(?:1|2|4|8|16|32|64)sec)$/;
if ( $in_decay =~ /ms/ ) {
fatal_error "Decay must be at least twice the interval" unless $in_interval eq '250ms';
} else {
unless ( $in_interval =~ /ms/ ) {
my ( $interval, $decay ) = ( $in_interval, $in_decay );
$interval =~ s/sec//;
$decay =~ s/sec//;
fatal_error "Decay must be at least twice the interval" unless $decay > $interval;
$in_avrate = rate_to_kbit( $in_rate );
$in_rate = 0;
} else {
if ( $in_band =~ /:/ ) {
( $in_band, $burst ) = split /:/, $in_rate, 2;
fatal_error "Invalid burst ($burst)" unless $burst =~ /^\d+(k|kb|m|mb|mbit|kbit|b)?$/;
$in_burst = $burst;
$in_rate = rate_to_kbit( $in_band );
[ $in_rate, $in_burst, $in_avrate, $in_interval, $in_decay ];
sub handle_in_bandwidth( $$$ ) {
my ($physical, $stab, $arrayref ) = @_;
return 1 unless $arrayref;
my ($in_rate, $in_burst, $in_avrate, $in_interval, $in_decay ) = @$arrayref;
emit ( "run_tc qdisc add dev $physical handle ffff: ${stab}ingress" );
if ( have_capability 'BASIC_FILTER' ) {
if ( $in_rate ) {
emit( "run_tc filter add dev $physical parent ffff: protocol all prio 10 basic \\",
" police mpu 64 rate ${in_rate}kbit burst $in_burst drop\n" );
} else {
emit( "run_tc filter add dev $physical parent ffff: protocol all prio 10 \\",
" estimator $in_interval $in_decay basic \\",
" police avrate ${in_avrate}kbit drop\n" );
} else {
emit( "run_tc filter add dev $physical parent ffff: protocol all prio 10 \\" ,
" u32 match ip src " . ALLIPv4 . ' \\' ,
" police rate ${in_rate}kbit burst $in_burst drop flowid :1",
"run_tc filter add dev $physical parent ffff: protocol all prio 10 \\" ,
" u32 match ip6 src " . ALLIPv6 . ' \\' ,
" police rate ${in_rate}kbit burst $in_burst drop flowid :1\n" );
sub process_flow($) {
my $flow = shift;
my @flow = split /,/, $flow;
for ( @flow ) {
fatal_error "Invalid flow key ($_)" unless $flow_keys{$_};
sub process_simple_device() {
my ( $device , $type , $in_rate , $out_part ) =
split_line( 'tcinterfaces',
{ interface => 0, type => 1, in_bandwidth => 2, out_bandwidth => 3 } );
fatal_error 'INTERFACE must be specified' if $device eq '-';
fatal_error "Duplicate INTERFACE ($device)" if $tcdevices{$device};
fatal_error "Invalid INTERFACE name ($device)" if $device =~ /[:+]/;
my $number = in_hexp( $tcdevices{$device} = ++$devnum );
fatal_error "Unknown interface( $device )" unless known_interface $device;
my $physical = physical_name $device;
my $dev = var_base( $physical );
push @tcdevices, $device;
if ( $type ne '-' ) {
if ( lc $type eq 'external' ) {
$type = 'nfct-src';
} elsif ( lc $type eq 'internal' ) {
$type = 'dst';
} else {
fatal_error "Invalid TYPE ($type)";
$in_rate = process_in_bandwidth( $in_rate );
emit( '',
"# Setup Simple Traffic Shaping for $physical",
"setup_${dev}_tc() {"
emit "if interface_is_up $physical; then";
emit ( "qt \$TC qdisc del dev $physical root",
"qt \$TC qdisc del dev $physical ingress\n"
handle_in_bandwidth( $physical, '', $in_rate );
if ( $out_part ne '-' ) {
my ( $out_bandwidth, $burst, $latency, $peak, $minburst ) = split ':', $out_part;
fatal_error "Invalid Out-BANDWIDTH ($out_part)" if ( defined $minburst && $minburst =~ /:/ ) || $out_bandwidth eq '';
$out_bandwidth = rate_to_kbit( $out_bandwidth );
my $command = "run_tc qdisc add dev $physical root handle $number: tbf rate ${out_bandwidth}kbit";
if ( supplied $burst ) {
fatal_error "Invalid burst ($burst)" unless $burst =~ /^\d+(?:\.\d+)?(k|kb|m|mb|mbit|kbit|b)?$/;
$command .= " burst $burst";
} else {
$command .= ' burst 10kb';
if ( supplied $latency ) {
fatal_error "Invalid latency ($latency)" unless $latency =~ /^\d+(?:\.\d+)?(s|sec|secs|ms|msec|msecs|us|usec|usecs)?$/;
$command .= " latency $latency";
} else {
$command .= ' latency 200ms';
$command .= ' mpu 64'; #Assume Ethernet
if ( supplied $peak ) {
fatal_error "Invalid peak ($peak)" unless $peak =~ /^\d+(?:\.\d+)?(k|kb|m|mb|mbit|kbit|b)?$/;
$command .= " peakrate $peak";
if ( supplied $minburst ) {
fatal_error "Invalid minburst ($minburst)" unless $minburst =~ /^\d+(?:\.\d+)?(k|kb|m|mb|mbit|kbit|b)?$/;
$command .= " minburst $minburst";
emit $command;
my $id = $number; $number = in_hexp( $devnum | 0x100 );
emit "run_tc qdisc add dev $physical parent $id: handle $number: prio bands 3 priomap $config{TC_PRIOMAP}";
} else {
emit "run_tc qdisc add dev $physical root handle $number: prio bands 3 priomap $config{TC_PRIOMAP}";
for ( my $i = 1; $i <= 3; $i++ ) {
my $prio = 16 | $i;
my $j = $i + 3;
emit "run_tc qdisc add dev $physical parent $number:$i handle ${number}${i}: sfq quantum 1875 limit 127 perturb 10";
emit "run_tc filter add dev $physical protocol all prio $prio parent $number: handle $i fw classid $number:$i";
emit "run_tc filter add dev $physical protocol all prio 1 parent ${number}$i: handle $j flow hash keys $type divisor 1024" if $type ne '-' && have_capability 'FLOW_FILTER';
emit '';
emit( "run_tc filter add dev $physical parent $number:0 protocol all prio 1 u32" .
"\\\n match ip protocol 6 0xff" .
"\\\n match u8 0x05 0x0f at 0" .
"\\\n match u16 0x0000 0xffc0 at 2" .
"\\\n match u8 0x10 0xff at 33 flowid $number:1\n" );
emit( "run_tc filter add dev $physical parent $number:0 protocol all prio 1 u32" .
"\\\n match ip6 protocol 6 0xff" .
"\\\n match u8 0x05 0x0f at 0" .
"\\\n match u16 0x0000 0xffc0 at 2" .
"\\\n match u8 0x10 0xff at 33 flowid $number:1\n" );
save_progress_message_short qq(" TC Device $physical defined.");
emit 'else';
emit qq(error_message "WARNING: Device $physical is not in the UP state -- traffic-shaping configuration skipped");
emit 'fi';
emit "}\n";
progress_message " Simple tcdevice \"$currentline\" $done.";
my %validlinklayer = ( ethernet => 1, atm => 1, adsl => 1 );
sub validate_tc_device( ) {
my ( $device, $inband, $outband , $options , $redirected ) =
split_line( 'tcdevices',
{ interface => 0, in_bandwidth => 1, out_bandwidth => 2, options => 3, redirect => 4 } );
fatal_error 'INTERFACE must be specified' if $device eq '-';
fatal_error "Invalid tcdevices entry" if $outband eq '-';
my $devnumber;
if ( $device =~ /:/ ) {
( my $number, $device, my $rest ) = split /:/, $device, 3;
fatal_error "Invalid NUMBER:INTERFACE ($device:$number:$rest)" if defined $rest;
if ( defined $number ) {
$number = normalize_hex( $number );
$devnumber = hex_value( $number );
fatal_error "Invalid device NUMBER ($number)" unless defined $devnumber && $devnumber && $devnumber < 256;
fatal_error "Duplicate interface number ($number)" if defined $devnums[ $devnumber ];
} else {
fatal_error "Missing interface NUMBER";
} else {
1 while $devnums[++$devnum];
if ( ( $devnumber = $devnum ) > 255 ) {
fatal_error "Attempting to assign a device number > 255";
$devnums[ $devnumber ] = $device;
fatal_error "Duplicate INTERFACE ($device)" if $tcdevices{$device};
fatal_error "Invalid INTERFACE name ($device)" if $device =~ /[:+]/;
my ( $classify, $pfifo, $flow, $qdisc, $linklayer, $overhead, $mtu, $mpu, $tsize ) =
(0, 0, '', 'htb', '', 0, 0, 0, 0);
if ( $options ne '-' ) {
for my $option ( split_list1 $options, 'option' ) {
if ( $option eq 'classify' ) {
$classify = 1;
} elsif ( $option =~ /^flow=(.*)$/ ) {
fatal_error "The 'flow' option is not allowed with 'pfifo'" if $pfifo;
$flow = process_flow $1;
} elsif ( $option eq 'pfifo' ) {
fatal_error "The 'pfifo'' option is not allowed with 'flow='" if $flow;
$pfifo = 1;
} elsif ( $option eq 'hfsc' ) {
$qdisc = 'hfsc';
} elsif ( $option eq 'htb' ) {
$qdisc = 'htb';
} elsif ( $option =~ /^linklayer=([a-z]+)$/ ) {
$linklayer = $1;
fatal_error "Invalid linklayer ($linklayer)" unless $validlinklayer{ $linklayer };
} elsif ( $option =~ /^overhead=(.+)$/ ) {
$overhead = numeric_value( $1 );
fatal_error "Invalid overhead ($1)" unless defined $overhead;
fatal_error q('overhead' requires 'linklayer') unless $linklayer;
} elsif ( $option =~ /^mtu=(.+)$/ ) {
$mtu = numeric_value( $1 );
fatal_error "Invalid mtu ($1)" unless defined $mtu;
fatal_error q('mtu' requires 'linklayer') unless $linklayer;
} elsif ( $option =~ /^mpu=(.+)$/ ) {
$mpu = numeric_value( $1 );
fatal_error "Invalid mpu ($1)" unless defined $mpu;
fatal_error q('mpu' requires 'linklayer') unless $linklayer;
} elsif ( $option =~ /^tsize=(.+)$/ ) {
$tsize = numeric_value( $1 );
fatal_error "Invalid tsize ($1)" unless defined $tsize;
fatal_error q('tsize' requires 'linklayer') unless $linklayer;
} else {
fatal_error "Unknown device option ($option)";
my @redirected = ();
@redirected = split_list( $redirected , 'device' ) if defined $redirected && $redirected ne '-';
if ( @redirected ) {
fatal_error "IFB devices may not have IN-BANDWIDTH" if $inband ne '-' && $inband;
$classify = 1;
for my $rdevice ( @redirected ) {
fatal_error "Invalid device name ($rdevice)" if $rdevice =~ /[:+]/;
my $rdevref = $tcdevices{$rdevice};
fatal_error "REDIRECTED device ($rdevice) has not been defined in this file" unless $rdevref;
fatal_error "IN-BANDWIDTH must be zero for REDIRECTED devices" if $rdevref->{in_bandwidth} != 0;
$inband = process_in_bandwidth( $inband );
$tcdevices{$device} = { in_bandwidth => $inband,
out_bandwidth => rate_to_kbit( $outband ) . 'kbit',
number => $devnumber,
classify => $classify,
flow => $flow,
pfifo => $pfifo,
tablenumber => 1 ,
redirected => \@redirected,
default => undef,
nextclass => 2,
qdisc => $qdisc,
guarantee => 0,
name => $device,
physical => physical_name $device,
filters => [],
linklayer => $linklayer,
overhead => $overhead,
mtu => $mtu,
mpu => $mpu,
tsize => $tsize,
filterpri => 0,
} ,
push @tcdevices, $device;
$tcclasses{$device} = {};
progress_message " Tcdevice \"$currentline\" $done.";
sub convert_rate( $$$$ ) {
my ($full, $rate, $column, $max) = @_;
if ( $rate =~ /\bfull\b/ ) {
$rate =~ s/\bfull\b/$full/g;
fatal_error "Invalid $column ($_[1])" if $rate =~ m{[^0-9*/+()-]};
no warnings;
$rate = eval "int( $rate )";
use warnings;
fatal_error "Invalid $column ($_[1])" unless defined $rate;
} else {
$rate = rate_to_kbit $rate
fatal_error "$column may not be zero" unless $rate;
fatal_error "$column ($_[1]) exceeds $max (${full}kbit)" if $rate > $full;
sub convert_delay( $ ) {
my $delay = shift;
return 0 unless $delay;
return $1 if $delay =~ /^(\d+(\.\d+)?)(ms)?$/;
fatal_error "Invalid Delay ($delay)";
sub convert_size( $ ) {
my $size = shift;
return '' unless $size;
return $1 if $size =~ /^(\d+)b?$/;
fatal_error "Invalid Size ($size)";
sub dev_by_number( $ ) {
my $dev = $_[0];
my $devnum = uc $dev;
my $devref;
if ( $devnum =~ /^\d+$/ ) {
$dev = $devnums[ $devnum ];
fatal_error "Undefined INTERFACE number ($_[0])" unless defined $dev;
$devref = $tcdevices{$dev};
assert( $devref );
} else {
$devref = $tcdevices{$dev};
fatal_error "Unknown INTERFACE ($dev)" unless $devref;
( $dev , $devref );
use constant { RED_INTEGER => 1, RED_FLOAT => 2, RED_NONE => 3 };
my %validredoptions = ( min => RED_INTEGER,
limit => RED_INTEGER,
burst => RED_INTEGER,
avpkt => RED_INTEGER,
bandwidth => RED_INTEGER,
probability => RED_FLOAT,
ecn => RED_NONE,
use constant { CODEL_INTEGER => 1, CODEL_INTERVAL => 2, CODEL_NONE => 3 };
my %validcodeloptions = ( flows => CODEL_INTEGER,
interval => CODEL_INTERVAL,
ecn => CODEL_NONE,
noecn => CODEL_NONE,
quantum => CODEL_INTEGER
sub validate_filter_priority( $$ ) {
my ( $priority, $kind ) = @_;
my $pri = numeric_value( $priority );
fatal_error "Invalid $kind priority ($priority)" unless defined $pri && $pri > 0 && $pri <= 65535;
sub validate_tc_class( ) {
my ( $devclass, $mark, $rate, $ceil, $prio, $options ) =
split_line( 'tcclasses file',
{ interface => 0, mark => 1, rate => 2, ceil => 3, prio => 4, options => 5 } );
my $classnumber = 0;
my $devref;
my $device = $devclass;
my $occurs = 1;
my $parentclass = 1;
my $parentref;
my $lsceil = 0;
fatal_error 'INTERFACE must be specified' if $devclass eq '-';
fatal_error 'CEIL must be specified' if $ceil eq '-';
if ( $devclass =~ /:/ ) {
( $device, my ($number, $subnumber, $rest ) ) = split /:/, $device, 4;
fatal_error "Invalid INTERFACE:CLASS ($devclass)" if defined $rest;
if ( $device =~ /^[\da-fA-F]+$/ && ! $tcdevices{$device} ) {
( $number , $classnumber ) = ( hex_value $device, hex_value $number );
( $device , $devref) = dev_by_number( $number );
} else {
$classnumber = hex_value $number;
($device, $devref ) = dev_by_number( $device);
$number = $devref->{number};
if ( defined $number ) {
if ( defined $subnumber ) {
fatal_error "Invalid interface/class number ($devclass)" unless defined $classnumber && $classnumber;
$parentclass = $classnumber;
$classnumber = hex_value $subnumber;
fatal_error "Invalid interface/class number ($devclass)" unless defined $classnumber && $classnumber && $classnumber < 0x8000;
fatal_error "Reserved class number (1)" if $classnumber == 1;
fatal_error "Duplicate interface:class number ($number:$classnumber}" if $tcclasses{$device}{$classnumber};
} else {
fatal_error "Missing interface NUMBER";
} else {
($device, $devref ) = dev_by_number( $device );
fatal_error "Missing class NUMBER" if $devref->{classify};
my $full = rate_to_kbit $devref->{out_bandwidth};
my $ratemax = $full;
my $ceilmax = $full;
my $ratename = 'OUT-BANDWIDTH';
my $ceilname = 'OUT-BANDWIDTH';
my $tcref = $tcclasses{$device};
if ( $devref->{qdisc} eq 'htb' ) {
fatal_error "Invalid PRIO ($prio)" unless defined numeric_value $prio;
my $markval = 0;
my $markprio;
if ( $mark ne '-' ) {
fatal_error "MARK may not be specified when TC_BITS=0" unless $config{TC_BITS};
( $mark, my $priority ) = split/:/, $mark, 2;
if ( supplied $priority ) {
$markprio = validate_filter_priority( $priority, 'mark' );
} else {
fatal_error "Missing mark priority" if $prio eq '-';
$markprio = ( $prio << 8 ) | 20;
progress_message2 " Priority of the $device packet mark $mark filter is $markprio";
$markval = numeric_value( $mark );
fatal_error "Invalid MARK ($markval)" unless defined $markval;
fatal_error "MARK value too large" unless $markval <= $globals{TC_MAX};
fatal_error "MARK value must be non-zero" unless $markval;
if ( $classnumber ) {
fatal_error "Duplicate Class NUMBER ($classnumber)" if $tcref->{$classnumber};
} else {
$classnumber = $config{TC_BITS} >= 14 ? $devref->{nextclass}++ : hex_value( $devnum . $markval );
fatal_error "Duplicate MARK ($mark)" if $tcref->{$classnumber};
} else {
fatal_error "Duplicate Class NUMBER ($classnumber)" if $tcref->{$classnumber};
$markval = '-';
if ( $parentclass != 1 ) {
# Nested Class
$parentref = $tcref->{$parentclass};
my $parentnum = in_hexp $parentclass;
fatal_error "Unknown Parent class ($parentnum)" unless $parentref && $parentref->{occurs} == 1;
fatal_error "The class ($parentnum) specifies UMAX and/or DMAX; it cannot serve as a parent" if $parentref->{dmax};
fatal_error "The class ($parentnum) specifies 'flow'; it cannot serve as a parent" if $parentref->{flow};
fatal_error "The class ($parentnum) specifies 'red'; it cannot serve as a parent " if $parentref->{red};
fatal_error "The class ($parentnum) has an 'ls' curve; it cannot serve as a parent " if $parentref->{lsceil};
fatal_error "The default class ($parentnum) may not have sub-classes" if ( $devref->{default} || 0 ) == $parentclass;
$parentref->{leaf} = 0;
$ratemax = $parentref->{rate};
$ratename = q(the parent class's RATE);
$ceilmax = $parentref->{ceiling};
$ceilname = q(the parent class's CEIL);
my ( $umax, $dmax ) = ( '', '' );
if ( $ceil =~ /^(.+):(.+)/ ) {
fatal_error "An LS rate may only be specified for HFSC classes" unless $devref->{qdisc} eq 'hfsc';
$lsceil = $1;
$ceil = $2;
if ( $devref->{qdisc} eq 'hfsc' ) {
if ( $rate eq '-' ) {
fatal_error 'A RATE must be supplied' unless $lsceil;
$rate = 0;
} else {
( my $trate , $dmax, $umax , my $rest ) = split ':', $rate , 4;
fatal_error "Invalid RATE ($rate)" if defined $rest;
$rate = convert_rate ( $ratemax, $trate, 'RATE', $ratename );
$dmax = convert_delay( $dmax );
$umax = convert_size( $umax );
fatal_error "DMAX must be specified when UMAX is specified" if $umax && ! $dmax;
$parentclass ||= 1;
} else {
$rate = convert_rate ( $ratemax, $rate, 'RATE' , $ratename );
if ( $parentref ) {
warning_message "Total RATE of sub classes ($parentref->{guarantee}kbits) exceeds RATE of parent class ($parentref->{rate}kbits)" if ( $parentref->{guarantee} += $rate ) > $parentref->{rate};
} else {
warning_message "Total RATE of classes ($devref->{guarantee}kbits) exceeds OUT-BANDWIDTH (${full}kbits)" if ( $devref->{guarantee} += $rate ) > $full;
$tcref->{$classnumber} = { tos => [] ,
rate => $rate ,
umax => $umax ,
dmax => $dmax ,
ceiling => $ceil = ( supplied $ceil ? convert_rate( $ceilmax, $ceil, 'CEIL' , $ceilname ) : 0 ),
lsceil => $lsceil = ( $lsceil ? convert_rate( $ceilmax, $lsceil, 'LSCEIL', $ceilname ) : 0 ),
priority => $prio ,
mark => $markval ,
markprio => $markprio ,
flow => '' ,
pfifo => 0,
occurs => 1,
parent => $parentclass,
leaf => 1,
guarantee => 0,
limit => 127,
$tcref = $tcref->{$classnumber};
fatal_error "RATE ($rate) exceeds CEIL ($ceil)" if $rate && $ceil && $rate > $ceil;
my ( $red, %redopts ) = ( 0, ( avpkt => 1000 ) );
my ( $codel, %codelopts ) = ( 0, ( ) );
unless ( $options eq '-' ) {
for my $option ( split_list1 "\L$options", 'option' ) {
my $priority;
my $optval;
( $option, my $pri ) = split /:/, $option, 2;
if ( $option =~ /^tos=(.+)/ || ( $optval = $tosoptions{$option} ) ) {
if ( supplied $pri ) {
$priority = validate_filter_priority( $pri, 'mark' );
} else {
fatal_error "Missing TOS priority" if $prio eq '-';
$priority = ( $prio << 8 ) | 15;
progress_message2 " Priority of the $device $option filter is $priority";
$option = "tos=$optval" if $optval;
} elsif ( supplied $pri ) {
$option = join ':', $option, $pri;
if ( $option eq 'default' ) {
fatal_error "Only one default class may be specified for device $device" if $devref->{default};
fatal_error "The $option option is not valid with 'occurs" if $tcref->{occurs} > 1;
$devref->{default} = $classnumber;
} elsif ( $option =~ /tcp-ack(:(\d+|0x[0-0a-fA-F]))?$/ ) {
fatal_error "The $option option is not valid with 'occurs" if $tcref->{occurs} > 1;
if ( $1 ) {
$tcref->{tcp_ack} = validate_filter_priority( $2, 'tcp-ack' );
} else {
fatal_error "Missing tcp-ack priority" if $prio eq '-';
my $ackpri = $tcref->{tcp_ack} = ( $prio << 8 ) | 10;
progress_message2 " Priority of the $device tcp-ack filter is $ackpri";
} elsif ( $option =~ /^tos=0x[0-9a-f]{2}$/ ) {
fatal_error "The $option option is not valid with 'occurs" if $tcref->{occurs} > 1;
( undef, $option ) = split /=/, $option;
push @{$tcref->{tos}}, "$option/0xff:$priority";
} elsif ( $option =~ /^tos=0x[0-9a-f]{2}\/0x[0-9a-f]{2}$/ ) {
fatal_error "The $option option is not valid with 'occurs" if $tcref->{occurs} > 1;
( undef, $option ) = split /=/, $option;
push @{$tcref->{tos}}, "$option:$priority";
} elsif ( $option =~ /^flow=(.*)$/ ) {
fatal_error "The 'flow' option is not allowed with 'pfifo'" if $tcref->{pfifo};
fatal_error "The 'flow' option is not allowed with 'red'" if $tcref->{red};
$tcref->{flow} = process_flow $1;
} elsif ( $option eq 'pfifo' ) {
fatal_error "The 'pfifo' option is not allowed with 'flow='" if $tcref->{flow};
fatal_error "The 'pfifo' option is not allowed with 'red='" if $tcref->{red};
fatal_error "The 'pfifo' option is not allowed with 'fq_codel='" if $tcref->{fq_codel};
$tcref->{pfifo} = 1;
} elsif ( $option =~ /^occurs=(\d+)$/ ) {
my $val = $1;
$occurs = numeric_value($val);
fatal_error q(The 'occurs' option is only valid for IPv4) if $family == F_IPV6;
fatal_error q(The 'occurs' option may not be used with 'classify') if $devref->{classify};
fatal_error "Invalid 'occurs' ($val)" unless defined $occurs && $occurs > 1 && $occurs <= 256;
fatal_error "Invalid 'occurs' ($val)" if $occurs > $globals{TC_MAX};
fatal_error q(Duplicate 'occurs') if $tcref->{occurs} > 1;
fatal_error q(The 'occurs' option is not valid with 'default') if defined($devref->{default}) && $devref->{default} == $classnumber;
fatal_error q(The 'occurs' option is not valid with 'tos') if @{$tcref->{tos}};
warning_message "MARK ($mark) is ignored on an occurring class" if $mark ne '-';
$tcref->{occurs} = $occurs;
$devref->{occurs} = 1;
} elsif ( $option =~ /^limit=(\d+)$/ ) {
warning_message "limit ignored with pfifo queuing" if $tcref->{pfifo};
fatal_error "Invalid limit ($1)" if $1 < 3 || $1 > 128;
$tcref->{limit} = $1;
} elsif ( $option =~ s/^red=// ) {
fatal_error "The 'red=' option is not allowed with 'flow='" if $tcref->{flow};
fatal_error "The 'red=' option is not allowed with 'pfifo'" if $tcref->{pfifo};
fatal_error "The 'pfifo' option is not allowed with 'fq_codel='" if $tcref->{fq_codel};
$tcref->{red} = 1;
my $opttype;
for my $redopt ( split_list( $option , q('red' option list) ) ) {
# $2 ----------------------
# $1 ------ | $3 ------- |
# | | | | | |
if ( $redopt =~ /^([a-z]+) (?:= ( ([01]?\.)?(\d{1,8})) )?$/x ) {
fatal_error "Invalid RED option ($1)" unless $opttype = $validredoptions{$1};
if ( $2 ) {
# '=<value>' supplied
fatal_error "The $1 option does not take a value" if $opttype == RED_NONE;
if ( $3 ) {
# fractional value
fatal_error "The $1 option requires an integer value" if $opttype == RED_INTEGER;
fatal_error "The value of $1 must be <= 1" if $2 > 1;
} else {
# Integer value
fatal_error "The $1 option requires a value 0 <= value <= 1" if $opttype == RED_FLOAT;
} else {
# No value supplied
fatal_error "The $1 option requires a value" unless $opttype == RED_NONE;
$redopts{$1} = $2;
} else {
fatal_error "Invalid RED option specification ($redopt)";
for ( qw/ limit min max avpkt burst probability / ) {
fatal_error "The $_ 'red' option is required" unless $redopts{$_};
fatal_error "The 'max' red option must be at least 2 * 'min'" unless $redopts{max} >= 2 * $redopts{min};
fatal_error "The 'limit' red option must be at least 2 * 'max'" unless $redopts{limit} >= 2 * $redopts{min};
$redopts{ecn} = 1 if exists $redopts{ecn};
$tcref->{redopts} = \%redopts;
} elsif ( $option =~ /^fq_codel(?:=.+)?$/ ) {
fatal_error "The 'fq_codel' option is not allowed with 'red='" if $tcref->{red};
fatal_error "The 'fq_codel' option is not allowed with 'pfifo'" if $tcref->{pfifo};
$tcref->{fq_codel} = 1;
my $opttype;
$option =~ s/fq_codel=?//;
for my $codelopt ( split_list( $option , q('fq_codel' option list) ) ) {
# $1 ------ $2 --------------
# | | | $3 ---- |
# | | | | | |
if ( $codelopt =~ /^([a-z]+) (?:= ((?:\d+)(ms)?))?$/x )
fatal_error "Invalid CODEL option ($1)" unless $opttype = $validcodeloptions{$1};
if ( $2 ) {
# '=<value>' supplied
fatal_error "The $1 option does not take a value" if $opttype == CODEL_NONE;
if ( $3 ) {
# Rate
fatal_error "The $1 option requires an integer value" if $opttype == CODEL_INTEGER;
} else {
# Interval value
fatal_error "The $1 option requires an interval value" if $opttype == CODEL_INTERVAL;
} else {
# No value supplied
fatal_error "The $1 option requires a value" unless $opttype == CODEL_NONE;
$codelopts{$1} = $2;
} else {
fatal_error "Invalid fq_codel option specification ($codelopt)";
if ( exists $codelopts{ecn} ) {
fatal_error "The 'ecn' and 'noecn' fq_codel options are mutually exclusive" if exists $codelopts{noecn};
$codelopts{ecn} = 1;
} elsif ( exists $codelopts{noecn} ) {
$codelopts{noecn} = 1;
} else {
$codelopts{ecn} = 1;
$tcref->{codelopts} = \%codelopts;
} else {
fatal_error "Unknown option ($option)";
unless ( $devref->{classify} || $occurs > 1 ) {
fatal_error "Missing MARK" if $mark eq '-';
$tcref->{flow} = $devref->{flow} unless $tcref->{flow};
$tcref->{pfifo} = $devref->{pfifo} unless $tcref->{flow} || $tcref->{pfifo};
push @tcclasses, "$device:$classnumber";
while ( --$occurs ) {
fatal_error "Duplicate class number ($classnumber)" if $tcclasses{$device}{++$classnumber};
$tcclasses{$device}{$classnumber} = { tos => [] ,
rate => $tcref->{rate} ,
ceiling => $tcref->{ceiling} ,
priority => $tcref->{priority} ,
mark => 0 ,
markprio => $markprio ,
flow => $tcref->{flow} ,
pfifo => $tcref->{pfifo},
occurs => 0,
parent => $parentclass,
limit => $tcref->{limit},
red => $tcref->{red},
redopts => $tcref->{redopts},
fq_codel => $tcref->{fq_codel},
codelopts => $tcref->{codelopts},
push @tcclasses, "$device:$classnumber";
progress_message " Tcclass \"$currentline\" $done.";
my %validlengths = ( 32 => '0xffe0', 64 => '0xffc0', 128 => '0xff80', 256 => '0xff00', 512 => '0xfe00', 1024 => '0xfc00', 2048 => '0xf800', 4096 => '0xf000', 8192 => '0xe000' );
# Process a record from the tcfilters file
sub process_tc_filter1( $$$$$$$$$ ) {
my ( $devclass, $source, $dest , $proto, $portlist , $sportlist, $tos, $length, $priority ) = @_;
my ($device, $class, $rest ) = split /:/, $devclass, 3;
our $lastdevice;
fatal_error "Invalid INTERFACE:CLASS ($devclass)" if defined $rest || ! ($device && $class );
my ( $ip, $ip32, $lo ) = $family == F_IPV4 ? ('ip', 'ip', 2 ) : ('ipv6', 'ip6', 4 );
my $devref;
if ( $device =~ /^[\da-fA-F]+$/ && ! $tcdevices{$device} ) {
( $device, $devref ) = dev_by_number( hex_value( $device ) );
} else {
( $device , $devref ) = dev_by_number( $device );
my ( $prio, $filterpri ) = ( undef, $devref->{filterpri} );
if ( $priority eq '-' ) {
$prio = ++$filterpri;
fatal_error "Filter priority overflow" if $prio > 65535;
} else {
$prio = validate_filter_priority( $priority, 'filter' );
$filterpri = $prio if $prio > $filterpri;
$devref->{filterpri} = $filterpri;
my $devnum = in_hexp $devref->{number};
my $tcref = $tcclasses{$device};
my $filtersref = $devref->{filters};
fatal_error "No Classes were defined for INTERFACE $device" unless $tcref;
my $classnum = hex_value $class;
fatal_error "Invalid CLASS ($class)" unless defined $classnum;
$tcref = $tcref->{$classnum};
fatal_error "Unknown CLASS ($devclass)" unless $tcref && $tcref->{occurs};
fatal_error "Filters may not specify an occurring CLASS" if $tcref->{occurs} > 1;
unless ( $tcref->{leaf} ) {
warning_message "Filter specifying a non-leaf CLASS ($devnum:$class) ignored";
my $have_rule = 0;
my $rule = "filter add dev $devref->{physical} protocol $ip parent $devnum:0 prio $prio u32";
if ( $source ne '-' ) {
my ( $net , $mask ) = decompose_net( $source );
$rule .= "\\\n match $ip32 src $net/$mask";
$have_rule = 1;
if ( $dest ne '-' ) {
my ( $net , $mask ) = decompose_net( $dest );
$rule .= "\\\n match $ip32 dst $net/$mask";
$have_rule = 1;
if ( $tos ne '-' ) {
my $tosval = $tosoptions{$tos};
my $mask;
$tosval = $tos unless $tosval;
if ( $tosval =~ /^0x[0-9a-f]{2}$/ ) {
$mask = '0xff';
} elsif ( $tosval =~ /^(0x[0-9a-f]{2})\/(0x[0-9a-f]{2})$/ ) {
$tosval = $1;
$mask = $2;
} else {
fatal_error "Invalid TOS ($tos)";
$rule .= "\\\n match $ip32 tos $tosval $mask";
$have_rule = 1;
if ( $length ne '-' ) {
my $len = numeric_value( $length ) || 0;
my $mask = $validlengths{$len};
fatal_error "Invalid LENGTH ($length)" unless $mask;
$rule .="\\\n match u16 0x0000 $mask at $lo";
$have_rule = 1;
my $protonumber = 0;
unless ( $proto eq '-' ) {
$protonumber = resolve_proto $proto;
fatal_error "Unknown PROTO ($proto)" unless defined $protonumber;
if ( $protonumber ) {
$rule .= "\\\n match $ip32 protocol $protonumber 0xff";
$have_rule = 1;
if ( $portlist eq '-' && $sportlist eq '-' ) {
if ( $have_rule ) {
push @$filtersref , ( "\nrun_tc $rule\\" ,
" flowid $devnum:$class" ,
'' );
} else {
warning_message "Degenerate tcfilter ignored";
} else {
fatal_error "Ports may not be specified without a PROTO" unless $protonumber;
our $lastrule;
our $lasttnum;
# In order to be able to access the protocol header, we must create another hash table and link to it.
# Create the Table.
my $tnum;
if ( $lastrule eq $rule ) {
# The source, dest and protocol are the same as the last rule that specified a port
# Use the same table
$tnum = $lasttnum
} else {
$tnum = in_hex3 $devref->{tablenumber}++;
$lasttnum = $tnum;
$lastrule = $rule;
push @$filtersref, ( "\nrun_tc filter add dev $devref->{physical} parent $devnum:0 protocol $ip prio $prio handle $tnum: u32 divisor 1" );
# And link to it using the current contents of $rule
if ( $family == F_IPV4 ) {
push @$filtersref, ( "\nrun_tc $rule\\" ,
" link $tnum:0 offset at 0 mask 0x0F00 shift 6 plus 0 eat" );
} else {
push @$filtersref, ( "\nrun_tc $rule\\" ,
" link $tnum:0 offset plus 40 eat" );
# The rule to match the port(s) will be inserted into the new table
$rule = "filter add dev $devref->{physical} protocol $ip parent $devnum:0 prio $prio u32 ht $tnum:0";
if ( $portlist eq '-' ) {
fatal_error "Only TCP, UDP and SCTP may specify SOURCE PORT"
unless $protonumber == TCP || $protonumber == UDP || $protonumber == SCTP;
for my $sportrange ( split_list $sportlist , 'port list' ) {
my @sportlist = expand_port_range $protonumber , $sportrange;
while ( @sportlist ) {
my ( $sport, $smask ) = ( shift @sportlist, shift @sportlist );
my $rule1;
if ( $protonumber == TCP ) {
$rule1 = join( ' ', 'match tcp src', hex_value( $sport ), "0x$smask" );
} elsif ( $protonumber == UDP ) {
$rule1 = join( ' ', 'match udp src', hex_value( $sport ), "0x$smask" );
} else {
$rule1 = "match u32 0x${sport}0000 0x${smask}0000 at nexthdr+0" ,
push @$filtersref, ( "\nrun_tc $rule\\" ,
" $rule1\\" ,
" flowid $devnum:$class" );
} else {
fatal_error "Only TCP, UDP, SCTP and ICMP may specify DEST PORT"
unless $protonumber == TCP || $protonumber == UDP || $protonumber == SCTP || $protonumber == ICMP;
for my $portrange ( split_list $portlist, 'port list' ) {
if ( $protonumber == ICMP ) {
fatal_error "ICMP not allowed with IPv6" unless $family == F_IPV4;
fatal_error "SOURCE PORT(S) are not allowed with ICMP" if $sportlist ne '-';
my ( $icmptype , $icmpcode ) = split '/', validate_icmp( $portrange );
my $rule1 = " match icmp type $icmptype 0xff";
$rule1 .= "\\\n match icmp code $icmpcode 0xff" if defined $icmpcode;
push @$filtersref, ( "\nrun_tc ${rule}\\" ,
"$rule1\\" ,
" flowid $devnum:$class" );
} elsif ( $protonumber == IPv6_ICMP ) {
fatal_error "IPv6 ICMP not allowed with IPv4" unless $family == F_IPV4;
fatal_error "SOURCE PORT(S) are not allowed with IPv6 ICMP" if $sportlist ne '-';
my ( $icmptype , $icmpcode ) = split '/', validate_icmp6( $portrange );
my $rule1 = " match icmp6 type $icmptype 0xff";
$rule1 .= "\\\n match icmp6 code $icmpcode 0xff" if defined $icmpcode;
push @$filtersref, ( "\nrun_tc ${rule}\\" ,
"$rule1\\" ,
" flowid $devnum:$class" );
} else {
my @portlist = expand_port_range $protonumber , $portrange;
while ( @portlist ) {
my ( $port, $mask ) = ( shift @portlist, shift @portlist );
my $rule1;
if ( $protonumber == TCP ) {
$rule1 = join( ' ', 'match tcp dst', hex_value( $port ), "0x$mask" );
} elsif ( $protonumber == UDP ) {
$rule1 = join( ' ', 'match udp dst', hex_value( $port ), "0x$mask" );
} else {
$rule1 = "match u32 0x0000${port} 0x0000${mask} at nexthdr+0";
if ( $sportlist eq '-' ) {
push @$filtersref, ( "\nrun_tc ${rule}\\" ,
" $rule1\\" ,
" flowid $devnum:$class" );
} else {
for my $sportrange ( split_list $sportlist , 'port list' ) {
my @sportlist = expand_port_range $protonumber , $sportrange;
while ( @sportlist ) {
my ( $sport, $smask ) = ( shift @sportlist, shift @sportlist );
my $rule2;
if ( $protonumber == TCP ) {
$rule2 = join( ' ', 'match tcp src', hex_value( $sport ), "0x$smask" );
} elsif ( $protonumber == UDP ) {
$rule2 = join( ' ', 'match udp src', hex_value( $sport ), "0x$smask" );
} else {
$rule2 = "match u32 0x${sport}0000 0x${smask}0000 at nexthdr+0" ,
push @$filtersref, ( "\nrun_tc ${rule}\\",
" $rule1\\" ,
" $rule2\\" ,
" flowid $devnum:$class" );
emit '';
if ( $family == F_IPV4 ) {
progress_message " IPv4 TC Filter \"$currentline\" $done";
$currentline =~ s/\s+/ /g;
} else {
progress_message " IPv6 TC Filter \"$currentline\" $done";
$currentline =~ s/\s+/ /g;
emit '';
# Handle an ipset name in the SOURCE or DEST columns of a filter
sub handle_ematch( $$ );
sub handle_ematch( $$ ) {
my ( $setname, $option ) = @_;
my $options = $option;
if ( $setname =~ /^\+\[(.+)\]$/ ) {
my @sets = split_host_list( $1, 1, 1 );
my $result = '';
my $sets = 0;
for $setname ( @sets ) {
$result .= ' and' if $sets++;
$result .= "\\\n " if @sets > 1;
$result .= handle_ematch( $setname, $option );
return $result;
require_capability 'BASIC_EMATCH', 'IPSets', '';
if ( $setname =~ /^(.*)\[([1-6])\]$/ ) {
$setname = $1;
my $count = $2;
$options .= ",$option" while --$count > 0;
} elsif ( $setname =~ /^(.*)\[((?:src|dst)(?:,(?:src|dst))){0,5}\]$/ ) {
$setname = $1;
$options = $2 if supplied $2;
my @options = split /,/, $options;
if ( $config{IPSET_WARNINGS} ) {
my %typemap = ( src => 'Source', dst => 'Destination' );
warning_message( "The '$options[0]' ipset flag is used in a $typemap{$option} column" ), unless $options[0] eq $option;
$setname =~ s/\+//;
return "ipset\\($setname $options\\)";
# Process a TC filter and generate a 'basic' filter -- allows ipsets.
sub process_tc_filter2( $$$$$$$$$ ) {
my ( $devclass, $source, $dest , $proto, $portlist , $sportlist, $tos, $length, $priority ) = @_;
my ($device, $class, $rest ) = split /:/, $devclass, 3;
our $lastdevice;
fatal_error "Invalid INTERFACE:CLASS ($devclass)" if defined $rest || ! ($device && $class );
my ( $ip, $ip32, $lo ) = $family == F_IPV4 ? ('ip', 'ip', 2 ) : ('ipv6', 'ip6', 4 );
my $devref;
if ( $device =~ /^[\da-fA-F]+$/ && ! $tcdevices{$device} ) {
( $device, $devref ) = dev_by_number( hex_value( $device ) );
} else {
( $device , $devref ) = dev_by_number( $device );
my ( $prio, $filterpri ) = ( undef, $devref->{filterpri} );
if ( $priority eq '-' ) {
$prio = ++$filterpri;
fatal_error "Filter priority overflow" if $prio > 65535;
} else {
$prio = validate_filter_priority( $priority, 'filter' );
$filterpri = $prio if $prio > $filterpri;
$devref->{filterpri} = $filterpri;
my $devnum = in_hexp $devref->{number};
my $tcref = $tcclasses{$device};
my $filtersref = $devref->{filters};
fatal_error "No Classes were defined for INTERFACE $device" unless $tcref;
my $classnum = hex_value $class;
fatal_error "Invalid CLASS ($class)" unless defined $classnum;
$tcref = $tcref->{$classnum};
fatal_error "Unknown CLASS ($devclass)" unless $tcref && $tcref->{occurs};
fatal_error "Filters may not specify an occurring CLASS" if $tcref->{occurs} > 1;
unless ( $tcref->{leaf} ) {
warning_message "Filter specifying a non-leaf CLASS ($devnum:$class) ignored";
my $have_rule = 0;
my $rule = "filter add dev $devref->{physical} protocol $ip parent $devnum:0 prio $prio basic match";
if ( $tos ne '-' ) {
my $tosval = $tosoptions{$tos};
my $mask;
$tosval = $tos unless $tosval;
if ( $tosval =~ /^0x[0-9a-f]{2}$/ ) {
$mask = '0xfc';
} elsif ( $tosval =~ /^(0x[0-9a-f]{2})\/(0x[0-9a-f]{2})$/ ) {
$tosval = $1;
$mask = $2;
} else {
fatal_error "Invalid TOS ($tos)";
$rule .= ' and' if $have_rule;
$rule .= "\\\n cmp\\( u16 at 1 mask $mask eq $tosval \\)";
$have_rule = 1;
if ( $length ne '-' ) {
my $len = numeric_value( $length ) || 0;
my $mask = $validlengths{$len};
fatal_error "Invalid LENGTH ($length)" unless $mask;
$rule .= ' and' if $have_rule;
$rule .="\\\n cmp\\(u16 at $lo mask $mask eq $len\\)";
$have_rule = 1;
my $protonumber = 0;
unless ( $proto eq '-' ) {
$protonumber = resolve_proto $proto;
fatal_error "Unknown PROTO ($proto)" unless defined $protonumber;
if ( $protonumber ) {
$rule .= ' and ' if $have_rule;
$rule .= "\\\n cmp\\( u8 at 6 mask 0xff eq $protonumber \\)";
$have_rule = 1;
if ( $portlist ne '-' || $sportlist ne '-' ) {
fatal_error "Ports may not be specified without a PROTO" unless $protonumber;
$rule .= ' and';
if ( $portlist eq '-' ) {
fatal_error "Only TCP, UDP and SCTP may specify SOURCE PORT"
unless $protonumber == TCP || $protonumber == UDP || $protonumber == SCTP;
my @sportlist;
my $multiple;
push @sportlist, expand_port_range( $protonumber, $_ ) for split_list( $sportlist, 'port list' );
$rule .= "\\\n \\(" if $multiple = ( @sportlist > 2 );
while ( @sportlist ) {
my ( $sport, $smask ) = ( shift @sportlist, shift @sportlist );
$rule .= "\\\n cmp\\( u16 at 0 layer 2 mask 0x$smask eq 0x$sport \\)";
$rule .= ' or' if @sportlist;
$rule .= "\\\n \\)" if $multiple;
} else {
fatal_error "Only TCP, UDP, SCTP and ICMP may specify DEST PORT"
unless $protonumber == TCP || $protonumber == UDP || $protonumber == SCTP || $protonumber == ICMP;
if ( $protonumber == ICMP ) {
fatal_error "ICMP not allowed with IPv6" unless $family == F_IPV4;
fatal_error "SOURCE PORT(S) are not allowed with ICMP" if $sportlist ne '-';
my @typelist = split_list( $portlist, 'icmp type' );
$rule .= "\\\n \\(" if @typelist > 1;
my $types = 0;
for my $type ( @typelist ) {
my ( $icmptype , $icmpcode ) = split '/', validate_icmp( $type );
$rule .= ' or' if $types++;
$rule .= "\\\n cmp\\( u16 at 0 layer 2 mask 0xffff eq " . in_hex4( ( $icmptype << 8 ) | ( $icmpcode || 0 ) ) . ' \\)';
$rule .= "\\\n \\)" if @typelist > 1;
} elsif ( $protonumber == IPv6_ICMP ) {
fatal_error "IPv6 ICMP not allowed with IPv4" unless $family == F_IPV4;
fatal_error "SOURCE PORT(S) are not allowed with IPv6 ICMP" if $sportlist ne '-';
my @typelist = split_list( $portlist, 'icmp type' );
$rule .= "\\\n \\(" if @typelist > 1;
my $types = 0;
for my $type ( @typelist ) {
my ( $icmptype , $icmpcode ) = split '/', validate_icmp6( $type );
$rule .= ' or' if $types++;
$rule .= "\\\n cmp\\( u16 at 0 layer 2 mask 0xffff eq " . in_hex4( ( $icmptype << 8 ) | ( $icmpcode || 0 ) ) . ' \\)';
$rule .= "\\\n \\)" if @typelist > 1;
} else {
my @portlist;
my $multiple;
push @portlist, expand_port_range( $protonumber, $_ ) for split_list( $portlist, 'port list' );
$rule .= "\\\n \\(" if $multiple = ( @portlist > 2 );
while ( @portlist ) {
my ( $port, $mask ) = ( shift @portlist, shift @portlist );
$rule .= "\\\n cmp\\( u16 at 2 layer 2 mask 0x$mask eq 0x$port \\)";
$rule .= ' or' if @portlist;
$rule .= "\\\n \\)" if $multiple;
if ( $sportlist ne '-' ) {
$rule .= ' and';
push @portlist, expand_port_range( $protonumber, $_ ) for split_list( $sportlist, 'port list' );
$rule .= "\\\n \\(" if $multiple = ( @portlist > 2 );
while ( @portlist ) {
my ( $sport, $smask ) = ( shift @portlist, shift @portlist );
$rule .= "\\\n cmp\\( u16 at 0 layer 2 mask 0x$smask eq 0xsport \\)";
$rule .= ' or' if @portlist;
$rule .= "\\\n \\)" if $multiple;
if ( $source ne '-' ) {
$rule .= ' and' if $have_rule;
if ( $source =~ /^\+/ ) {
$rule .= join( '', "\\\n ", handle_ematch( $source, 'src' ) );
} else {
my @parts = decompose_net_u32( $source );
if ( $family == F_IPV4 ) {
$rule .= join( ' ', "\\\n cmp\\( u32 at 12 mask", $parts[0] , 'eq' , $parts[1], "\\)" );
} else {
my $offset = 8;
while ( @parts ) {
$rule .= join( ' ', "\\\n cmp\\( u32 at $offset mask", shift @parts , 'eq' , shift @parts , "\\)" );
$offset += 4;
$rule .= ' and' if @parts;
$have_rule = 1;
if ( $dest ne '-' ) {
$rule .= ' and' if $have_rule;
if ( $dest =~ /^\+/ ) {
$rule .= join( '', "\\\n ", handle_ematch( $dest, 'dst' ) );
} else {
my @parts = decompose_net_u32( $dest );
if ( $family == F_IPV4 ) {
$rule .= join( ' ', "\\\n cmp\\( u32 at 16 mask", $parts[0] , 'eq' , $parts[1] , "\\)" );
} else {
my $offset = 24;
while ( @parts ) {
$rule .= join( ' ', "\\\n cmp\\( u32 at $offset mask", shift @parts , 'eq' , shift @parts , "\\)" );
$offset += 4;
$rule .= ' and' if @parts;
$have_rule = 1;
if ( $have_rule ) {
push @$filtersref, ( "\nrun_tc $rule\\" ,
" flowid $devnum:$class" );
emit '';
if ( $family == F_IPV4 ) {
progress_message " IPv4 TC Filter \"$currentline\" $done";
} else {
progress_message " IPv6 TC Filter \"$currentline\" $done";
} else {
warning_message "Degenerate filter ignored";
sub process_tc_filter() {
my ( $devclass, $source, $dest , $protos, $portlist , $sportlist, $tos, $length, $priority )
= split_line( 'tcfilters file',
{ class => 0, source => 1, dest => 2, proto => 3, dport => 4, sport => 5, tos => 6, length => 7 , priority => 8 } );
fatal_error 'CLASS must be specified' if $devclass eq '-';
if ( $config{BASIC_FILTERS} ) {
for my $proto ( split_list $protos, 'Protocol' ) {
process_tc_filter2( $devclass, $source, $dest , $proto, $portlist , $sportlist, $tos, $length, $priority );
} else {
for my $proto ( split_list $protos, 'Protocol' ) {
process_tc_filter1( $devclass, $source, $dest , $proto, $portlist , $sportlist, $tos, $length, $priority );
# Process the tcfilter file storing the compiled filters in the %tcdevices table
sub process_tcfilters() {
my $fn = open_file 'tcfilters';
if ( $fn ) {
my @family = ( $family );
first_entry( "$doing $fn..." );
while ( read_a_line( NORMAL_READ ) ) {
if ( $currentline =~ /^\s*IPV4\s*$/ ) {
Shorewall::IPAddrs::initialize( $family = F_IPV4 ) unless $family == F_IPV4;
} elsif ( $currentline =~ /^\s*IPV6\s*$/ ) {
Shorewall::IPAddrs::initialize( $family = F_IPV6 ) unless $family == F_IPV6;
} elsif ( $currentline =~ /^\s*ALL\s*$/ ) {
$family = 0;
} elsif ( $family ) {
} else {
push @family, $family;
for ( F_IPV4, F_IPV6 ) {
Shorewall::IPAddrs::initialize( $family = $_ );
Shorewall::IPAddrs::initialize( $family = pop @family );
Shorewall::IPAddrs::initialize( $family = pop @family );
# Process a tcpri record
sub process_tc_priority1( $$$$$$ ) {
my ( $band, $proto, $ports , $address, $interface, $helper ) = @_;
my $val = numeric_value $band;
fatal_error "Invalid PRIORITY ($band)" unless $val && $val <= 3;
my $rule = do_helper( $helper ) . "-j MARK --set-mark $band";
$rule .= join('', '/', in_hex( $globals{TC_MASK} ) ) if have_capability( 'EXMARK' );
if ( $interface ne '-' ) {
fatal_error "Invalid combination of columns" unless $address eq '-' && $proto eq '-' && $ports eq '-';
my $forwardref = $mangle_table->{tcfor};
add_rule( $forwardref ,
join( '', match_source_dev( $interface) , $rule ) ,
1 );
} else {
my $postref = $mangle_table->{tcpost};
if ( $address ne '-' ) {
fatal_error "Invalid combination of columns" unless $proto eq '-' && $ports eq '-';
add_rule( $postref ,
join( '', match_source_net( $address) , $rule ) ,
1 );
} else {
add_rule( $postref ,
join( '', do_proto( $proto, $ports, '-' , 0 ) , $rule ) ,
1 );
if ( $ports ne '-' ) {
my $protocol = resolve_proto $proto;
if ( $proto =~ /^ipp2p/ ) {
fatal_error "ipp2p may not be used when there are tracked providers and PROVIDER_OFFSET=0" if @routemarked_interfaces && $config{PROVIDER_OFFSET} == 0;
$ipp2p = 1;
add_rule( $postref ,
join( '' , do_proto( $proto, '-', $ports, 0 ) , $rule ) ,
1 )
unless $proto =~ /^ipp2p/ || $protocol == ICMP || $protocol == IPv6_ICMP;
sub process_tc_priority() {
my ( $band, $protos, $ports , $address, $interface, $helper ) =
split_line1( 'tcpri',
{ band => 0, proto => 1, port => 2, address => 3, interface => 4, helper => 5 } );
fatal_error 'BAND must be specified' if $band eq '-';
fatal_error "Invalid tcpri entry" if ( $protos eq '-' &&
$ports eq '-' &&
$address eq '-' &&
$interface eq '-' &&
$helper eq '-' );
my $val = numeric_value $band;
fatal_error "Invalid PRIORITY ($band)" unless $val && $val <= 3;
for my $proto ( split_list $protos, 'Protocol' ) {
process_tc_priority1( $band, $proto, $ports , $address, $interface, $helper );
# Process tcinterfaces
sub process_tcinterfaces() {
my $fn = open_file 'tcinterfaces';
if ( $fn ) {
first_entry "$doing $fn...";
process_simple_device while read_a_line( NORMAL_READ );
# Process tcpri
sub process_tcpri() {
my $fn = find_file 'tcinterfaces';
my $fn1 = open_file 'tcpri', 1,1;
if ( $fn1 ) {
sub {
progress_message2 "$doing $fn1...";
warning_message "There are entries in $fn1 but $fn was empty" unless @tcdevices || $family == F_IPV6;
process_tc_priority while read_a_line( NORMAL_READ );
if ( $ipp2p ) {
insert_irule( $mangle_table->{tcpost} ,
j => 'CONNMARK --restore-mark --ctmask ' . in_hex( $globals{TC_MASK} ) ,
0 ,
mark => '--mark 0/' . in_hex( $globals{TC_MASK} )
insert_irule( $mangle_table->{tcpost} ,
j => 'RETURN',
1 ,
mark => '! --mark 0/' . in_hex( $globals{TC_MASK} ) ,
add_ijump( $mangle_table->{tcpost} ,
j => 'CONNMARK --save-mark --mask ' . in_hex( $globals{TC_MASK} ),
mark => '! --mark 0/' . in_hex( $globals{TC_MASK} )
# Process the compilex traffic shaping files storing the configuration in %tcdevices and %tcclasses
sub process_traffic_shaping() {
our $lastrule = '';
my $fn = open_file 'tcdevices';
if ( $fn ) {
first_entry "$doing $fn...";
validate_tc_device while read_a_line( NORMAL_READ );
$devnum = $devnum > 10 ? 10 : 1;
$fn = open_file 'tcclasses';
if ( $fn ) {
first_entry "$doing $fn...";
validate_tc_class while read_a_line( NORMAL_READ );
my $sfq = 0;
my $sfqinhex;
for my $devname ( @tcdevices ) {
my $devref = $tcdevices{$devname};
my $defmark = in_hexp ( $devref->{default} || 0 );
my $devnum = in_hexp $devref->{number};
my $r2q = int calculate_r2q $devref->{out_bandwidth};
my $qdisc = $devref->{qdisc};
fatal_error "No default class defined for device $devname" unless defined $devref->{default};
my $device = physical_name $devname;
unless ( $config{TC_ENABLED} eq 'Shared' ) {
my $dev = var_base( $device );
emit( '',
"# Configure Traffic Shaping for $device",
"setup_${dev}_tc() {" );
emit "if interface_is_up $device; then";
emit ( "qt \$TC qdisc del dev $device root",
"qt \$TC qdisc del dev $device ingress" );
emit ( "${dev}_mtu=\$(get_device_mtu $device)",
"${dev}_mtu1=\$(get_device_mtu1 $device)"
) if $qdisc eq 'htb';
my $stab;
if ( $devref->{linklayer} ) {
$stab = "stab linklayer $devref->{linklayer} overhead $devref->{overhead} ";
$stab .= "mtu $devref->{mtu} " if $devref->{mtu};
$stab .= "mpu $devref->{mpu} " if $devref->{mpu};
$stab .= "tsize $devref->{tsize} " if $devref->{tsize};
} else {
$stab = '';
if ( $qdisc eq 'htb' ) {
emit ( "run_tc qdisc add dev $device ${stab}root handle $devnum: htb default $defmark r2q $r2q" ,
"run_tc class add dev $device parent $devnum: classid $devnum:1 htb rate $devref->{out_bandwidth} \$${dev}_mtu1" );
} else {
emit ( "run_tc qdisc add dev $device ${stab}root handle $devnum: hfsc default $defmark" ,
"run_tc class add dev $device parent $devnum: classid $devnum:1 hfsc sc rate $devref->{out_bandwidth} ul rate $devref->{out_bandwidth}" );
if ( $devref->{occurs} ) {
# The following command may succeed yet generate an error message and non-zero exit status :-(. We thus run it silently
# and check the result. Note that since this is the first filter added after the root qdisc was added, the 'ls | grep' test
# is fairly robust
my $command = "\$TC filter add dev $device parent $devnum:0 prio 65535 protocol all fw";
emit( qq(if ! qt $command ; then) ,
qq( if ! \$TC filter list dev $device | grep -q 65535; then) ,
qq( error_message "ERROR: Command '$command' failed"),
qq( stop_firewall),
qq( exit 1),
qq( fi),
qq(fi) );
handle_in_bandwidth( $device, $stab, $devref->{in_bandwidth} );
for my $rdev ( @{$devref->{redirected}} ) {
my $phyrdev = physical_name( $rdev );
emit ( "run_tc qdisc add dev $phyrdev handle ffff: ingress" );
emit( "run_tc filter add dev $phyrdev parent ffff: protocol all u32 match u32 0 0 action mirred egress redirect dev $device > /dev/null" );
for my $class ( @tcclasses ) {
# The class number in the tcclasses array is expressed in decimal.
my ( $d, $decimalclassnum ) = split /:/, $class;
next unless $d eq $devname;
# For inclusion in 'tc' commands, we also need the hex representation
my $classnum = in_hexp $decimalclassnum;
# The decimal value of the class number is also used as the key for the hash at $tcclasses{$device}
my $tcref = $tcclasses{$devname}{$decimalclassnum};
my $mark = $tcref->{mark};
my $devicenumber = in_hexp $devref->{number};
my $classid = join( ':', $devicenumber, $classnum);
my $rawrate = $tcref->{rate};
my $rate = "${rawrate}kbit";
my $lsceil = $tcref->{lsceil};
my $quantum;
my $parent = in_hexp $tcref->{parent};
if ( $devref->{qdisc} eq 'htb' ) {
$quantum = calculate_quantum $rate, calculate_r2q( $devref->{out_bandwidth} );
emit ( "[ \$${dev}_mtu -gt $quantum ] && quantum=\$${dev}_mtu || quantum=$quantum" );
emit ( "run_tc class add dev $device parent $devicenumber:$parent classid $classid htb rate $rate ceil $tcref->{ceiling}kbit prio $tcref->{priority} \$${dev}_mtu1 quantum \$quantum" );
} else {
my $dmax = $tcref->{dmax};
my $rule = "run_tc class add dev $device parent $devicenumber:$parent classid $classid hfsc";
if ( $dmax ) {
my $umax = $tcref->{umax} ? "$tcref->{umax}b" : "\$(get_device_mtu $device)b";
$rule .= " sc umax $umax dmax ${dmax}ms";
$rule .= " rate $rate" if $rawrate;
} else {
$rule .= " sc rate $rate" if $rawrate;
$rule .= " ls rate ${lsceil}kbit" if $lsceil;
$rule .= " ul rate $tcref->{ceiling}kbit" if $tcref->{ceiling};
emit $rule;
if ( $tcref->{leaf} ) {
if ( $tcref->{red} ) {
1 while $devnums[++$sfq];
$sfqinhex = in_hexp( $sfq);
my ( $options, $redopts ) = ( '', $tcref->{redopts} );
for my $option ( keys %validredoptions ) {
my $type = $validredoptions{$option};
if ( my $value = $redopts->{$option} ) {
if ( $type == RED_NONE ) {
$options = join( ' ', $options, $option ) if $value;
} else {
$options = join( ' ', $options, $option, $value );
emit( "run_tc qdisc add dev $device parent $classid handle $sfqinhex: red${options}" );
} elsif ( $tcref->{fq_codel} ) {
1 while $devnums[++$sfq];
$sfqinhex = in_hexp( $sfq);
my ( $options, $codelopts ) = ( '', $tcref->{codelopts} );
for my $option ( keys %validcodeloptions ) {
my $type = $validcodeloptions{$option};
if ( my $value = $codelopts->{$option} ) {
if ( $type == CODEL_NONE ) {
$options = join( ' ', $options, $option );
} else {
$options = join( ' ', $options, $option, $value );
emit( "run_tc qdisc add dev $device parent $classid handle $sfqinhex: fq_codel${options}" );
} elsif ( ! $tcref->{pfifo} ) {
1 while $devnums[++$sfq];
$sfqinhex = in_hexp( $sfq);
if ( $qdisc eq 'htb' ) {
emit( "run_tc qdisc add dev $device parent $classid handle $sfqinhex: sfq quantum \$quantum limit $tcref->{limit} perturb 10" );
} else {
emit( "run_tc qdisc add dev $device parent $classid handle $sfqinhex: sfq limit $tcref->{limit} perturb 10" );
# add filters
unless ( $mark eq '-' ) {
emit "run_tc filter add dev $device protocol all parent $devicenumber:0 prio $tcref->{markprio} handle $mark fw classid $classid" if $tcref->{occurs} == 1;
emit "run_tc filter add dev $device protocol all prio 1 parent $sfqinhex: handle $classnum flow hash keys $tcref->{flow} divisor 1024" if $tcref->{flow};
# options
emit( "run_tc filter add dev $device parent $devicenumber:0 protocol ip prio $tcref->{tcp_ack} u32" .
"\\\n match ip protocol 6 0xff" .
"\\\n match u8 0x05 0x0f at 0" .
"\\\n match u16 0x0000 0xffc0 at 2" .
"\\\n match u8 0x10 0xff at 33 flowid $classid" ) if $tcref->{tcp_ack};
for my $tospair ( @{$tcref->{tos}} ) {
( $tospair, my $priority ) = split /:/, $tospair;
my ( $tos, $mask ) = split q(/), $tospair;
emit "run_tc filter add dev $device parent $devicenumber:0 protocol ip prio $priority u32 match ip tos $tos $mask flowid $classid";
save_progress_message_short qq(" TC Class $classid defined.");
emit '';
emit '';
emit "$_" for @{$devref->{filters}};
save_progress_message_short qq(" TC Device $device defined.");
emit 'else';
emit qq(error_message "WARNING: Device $device is not in the UP state -- traffic-shaping configuration skipped");
emit "fi\n";
emit "}\n";
} else {
for my $class ( @tcclasses ) {
# The class number in the tcclasses array is expressed in decimal.
my ( $d, $decimalclassnum ) = split /:/, $class;
next unless $d eq $devname;
# For inclusion in 'tc' commands, we also need the hex representation
my $classnum = in_hexp $decimalclassnum;
# The decimal value of the class number is also used as the key for the hash at $tcclasses{$device}
my $devicenumber = in_hexp $devref->{number};
my $classid = join( ':', $devicenumber, $classnum);
# Validate the TC configuration storing basic information in %tcdevices and %tcclasses (complex TC only)
sub process_tc() {
if ( $config{TC_ENABLED} eq 'Internal' || $config{TC_ENABLED} eq 'Shared' ) {
} elsif ( $config{TC_ENABLED} eq 'Simple' ) {
# The Providers module needs to know which devices are tc-enabled so that
# it can call the appropriate 'setup_x_tc" function when the device is
# enabled.
my %empty;
$config{TC_ENABLED} eq 'Shared' ? \%empty : \%tcdevices;
# Call the setup_${dev}_tc functions
sub setup_traffic_shaping() {
save_progress_message q("Setting up Traffic Control...");
for my $device ( @tcdevices ) {
my $interfaceref = known_interface( $device );
my $dev = var_base( $interfaceref ? $interfaceref->{physical} : $device );
emit "setup_${dev}_tc";
# Process a record in the secmarks file
sub process_secmark_rule1( $$$$$$$$$ ) {
my ( $secmark, $chainin, $source, $dest, $proto, $dport, $sport, $user, $mark ) = @_;
my %chns = ( T => 'tcpost' ,
P => 'tcpre' ,
F => 'tcfor' ,
I => 'tcin' ,
O => 'tcout' , );
my %state = ( N => 'NEW' ,
my ( $chain , $state, $rest) = split ':', $chainin , 3;
fatal_error "Invalid CHAIN:STATE ($chainin)" if $rest || ! $chain;
my $chain1= $chns{$chain};
fatal_error "Invalid or missing CHAIN ( $chain )" unless $chain1;
fatal_error "USER/GROUP may only be used in the OUTPUT chain" if $user ne '-' && $chain1 ne 'tcout';
if ( ( $state ||= '' ) ne '' ) {
my $state1;
fatal_error "Invalid STATE ( $state )" unless $state1 = $state{$state};
$state = state_match( $state1 );
my $target = $secmark eq 'SAVE' ? 'CONNSECMARK --save' :
$secmark eq 'RESTORE' ? 'CONNSECMARK --restore' :
"SECMARK --selctx $secmark";
my $disposition = $target;
$disposition =~ s/ .*//;
expand_rule( ensure_mangle_chain( $chain1 ) ,
$restrictions{$chain1} ,
'' ,
$state .
do_proto( $proto, $dport, $sport ) .
do_user( $user ) .
do_test( $mark, $globals{TC_MASK} ) ,
$source ,
$dest ,
'' ,
$target ,
'' ,
'' ,
'' );
progress_message "Secmarks rule \"$currentline\" $done";
# Process a record in the secmarks file
sub process_secmark_rule() {
my ( $secmark, $chainin, $source, $dest, $protos, $dport, $sport, $user, $mark ) =
split_line1( 'Secmarks file' ,
{ secmark => 0, chain => 1, source => 2, dest => 3, proto => 4, dport => 5, sport => 6, user => 7, mark => 8 } );
fatal_error 'SECMARK must be specified' if $secmark eq '-';
for my $proto ( split_list( $protos, 'Protocol' ) ) {
process_secmark_rule1( $secmark, $chainin, $source, $dest, $proto, $dport, $sport, $user, $mark );
sub convert_one_tos( $ ) {
my ( $mangle ) = @_;
my ($src, $dst, $proto, $ports, $sports , $tos, $mark ) =
split_rawline2( 'tos file entry',
{ source => 0, dest => 1, proto => 2, dport => 3, sport => 4, tos => 5, mark => 6 },
7 );
my $chain_designator = 'P';
decode_tos($tos, 1);
my ( $srczone , $source , $remainder );
if ( $family == F_IPV4 ) {
( $srczone , $source , $remainder ) = split( /:/, $src, 3 );
fatal_error 'Invalid SOURCE' if defined $remainder;
} elsif ( $src =~ /^(.+?):<(.*)>\s*$/ || $src =~ /^(.+?):\[(.*)\]\s*$/ ) {
$srczone = $1;
$source = $2;
} else {
$srczone = $src;
if ( $srczone eq firewall_zone ) {
$chain_designator = 'O';
$src = $source || '-';
} else {
$src =~ s/^all:?//;
$dst =~ s/^all:?//;
$src = '-' unless supplied $src;
$dst = '-' unless supplied $dst;
$proto = '-' unless supplied $proto;
$ports = '-' unless supplied $ports;
$sports = '-' unless supplied $sports;
$mark = '-' unless supplied $mark;
print $mangle "TOS($tos):$chain_designator\t$src\t$dst\t$proto\t$ports\t$sports\t-\t$mark\n"
sub convert_tos($$) {
my ( $mangle, $fn1 ) = @_;
my $have_tos = 0;
sub unlink_tos( $ ) {
my $fn = shift;
if ( unlink $fn ) {
warning_message "Empty tos file ($fn) removed";
} else {
warning_message "Unable to remove empty tos file $fn: $!";
if ( my $fn = open_file 'tos' ) {
sub ()
if ( $_[0] eq 'OMITTED' ) {
# Convert the raw rule
if ( $rawcurrentline =~ /^\s*(?:#.*)?$/ ) {
print $mangle "$_[1]\n";
} else {
convert_one_tos( $mangle );
$have_tos = 1;
} else {
print $mangle "$_[1]\n" unless $_[0] eq 'FORMAT';
sub {
my $date = compiletime;
progress_message2 "Converting $fn...";
print( $mangle
"#\n" ,
"# Rules generated from tos file $fn by Shorewall $globals{VERSION} - $date\n" ,
"#\n" );
while ( read_a_line( NORMAL_READ ) ) {
convert_one_tos( $mangle );
$have_tos = 1;
if ( $have_tos ) {
progress_message2 "Converted $fn to $fn1";
if ( rename $fn, "$fn.bak" ) {
progress_message2 "$fn renamed $fn.bak";
} else {
fatal_error "Cannot Rename $fn to $fn.bak: $!";
} else {
unlink_tos( $fn );
} elsif ( -f ( $fn = find_file( 'tos' ) ) ) {
unlink_tos( $fn );
sub open_mangle_for_output( $ ) {
my ($fn ) = @_;
my ( $mangle, $fn1 );
if ( -f ( $fn1 = find_writable_file( 'mangle' ) ) ) {
open( $mangle , '>>', $fn1 ) || fatal_error "Unable to open $fn1:$!";
} else {
open( $mangle , '>', $fn1 ) || fatal_error "Unable to open $fn1:$!";
# Transfer permissions from the existing tcrules file to the new mangle file
transfer_permissions( $fn, $fn1 );
if ( $family == F_IPV4 ) {
print $mangle <<'EOF';
# Shorewall -- /etc/shorewall/mangle
# For information about entries in this file, type "man shorewall-mangle"
# See for additional information.
# For usage in selecting among multiple ISPs, see
# See for a detailed description of
# the Netfilter/Shorewall packet marking mechanism.
} else {
print $mangle <<'EOF';
# Shorewall6 -- /etc/shorewall6/mangle
# For information about entries in this file, type "man shorewall6-mangle"
# See for additional information.
# For usage in selecting among multiple ISPs, see
# See for a detailed description of
# the Netfilter/Shorewall packet marking mechanism.
return ( $mangle, $fn1 );
# Process the mangle file and setup traffic shaping
sub setup_tc( $ ) {
$convert = $_[0];
if ( $config{MANGLE_ENABLED} ) {
ensure_mangle_chain( 'tcpre', PREROUTING, PREROUTE_RESTRICT );
ensure_mangle_chain( 'tcout', OUTPUT , OUTPUT_RESTRICT );
if ( have_capability( 'MANGLE_FORWARD' ) ) {
ensure_mangle_chain( 'tcfor', FORWARD , NO_RESTRICT );
ensure_mangle_chain( 'tcpost', POSTROUTING, POSTROUTE_RESTRICT );
ensure_mangle_chain( 'tcin', INPUT , INPUT_RESTRICT );
my @mark_part;
if ( @routemarked_interfaces && ! $config{TC_EXPERT} ) {
@mark_part = ( mark => '--mark 0/' . in_hex( $globals{PROVIDER_MASK} ) );
unless ( $config{TRACK_PROVIDERS} ) {
# This is overloading TRACK_PROVIDERS a bit but sending tracked packets through PREROUTING is a PITA for users
for my $interface ( @routemarked_interfaces ) {
add_ijump $mangle_table->{PREROUTING} , j => 'tcpre', imatch_source_dev( $interface );
add_ijump $mangle_table->{PREROUTING} , j => 'tcpre', @mark_part;
add_ijump $mangle_table->{OUTPUT} , j => 'tcout', @mark_part;
if ( have_capability( 'MANGLE_FORWARD' ) ) {
my $mask = have_capability( 'EXMARK' ) ? have_capability( 'FWMARK_RT_MASK' ) ? '/' . in_hex $globals{PROVIDER_MASK} : '' : '';
add_ijump $mangle_table->{FORWARD}, j => "MARK --set-mark 0${mask}" if $config{FORWARD_CLEAR_MARK};
add_ijump $mangle_table->{FORWARD} , j => 'tcfor';
add_ijump $mangle_table->{POSTROUTING} , j => 'tcpost';
add_ijump $mangle_table->{INPUT} , j => 'tcin';
if ( $globals{TC_SCRIPT} ) {
save_progress_message q('Setting up Traffic Control...');
append_file $globals{TC_SCRIPT};
} else {
process_tcpri if $config{TC_ENABLED} eq 'Simple';
setup_traffic_shaping if @tcdevices && $config{TC_ENABLED} ne 'Shared';
if ( $config{MANGLE_ENABLED} ) {
if ( $convert ) {
my $have_tcrules;
my $fn;
if ( $fn = open_file( 'tcrules' , 2, 1 ) ) {
my $fn1;
# We are going to convert this tcrules file to the equivalent mangle file
( $mangle, $fn1 ) = open_mangle_for_output( $fn );
sub ()
if ( $_[0] eq 'OMITTED' ) {
# Convert the raw rule
if ( $rawcurrentline =~ /^\s*(?:#.*)?$/ ) {
print $mangle "$_[1]\n";
} else {
} else {
print $mangle "$_[1]\n" unless $_[0] eq 'FORMAT';
sub {
my $date = compiletime;
progress_message2 "Converting $fn...";
print( $mangle
"#\n" ,
"# Rules generated from tcrules file $fn by Shorewall $globals{VERSION} - $date\n" ,
"#\n" );
process_tc_rule, $have_tcrules++ while read_a_line( NORMAL_READ );
if ( $have_tcrules ) {
progress_message2 "Converted $fn to $fn1";
if ( rename $fn, "$fn.bak" ) {
progress_message2 "$fn renamed $fn.bak";
} else {
fatal_error "Cannot Rename $fn to $fn.bak: $!";
} else {
if ( unlink $fn ) {
warning_message "Empty tcrules file ($fn) removed";
} else {
warning_message "Unable to remove empty tcrules file $fn: $!";
convert_tos( $mangle, $fn1 );
close $mangle, directive_callback( 0 );
} elsif ( $convert ) {
if ( -f ( my $fn = find_file( 'tcrules' ) ) ) {
if ( unlink $fn ) {
warning_message "Empty tcrules file ($fn) removed";
} else {
warning_message "Unable to remove empty tcrules file $fn: $!";
if ( -f ( my $fn = find_file( 'tos' ) ) ) {
my $fn1;
# We are going to convert this tosfile to the equivalent mangle file
( $mangle, $fn1 ) = open_mangle_for_output( $fn );
convert_tos( $mangle, $fn1 );
close $mangle;
} elsif ( -f ( my $fn = find_file( 'tcrules' ) ) ) {
warning_message "The tcrules file is no longer supported -- use '$product update' to convert $fn to an equivalent 'mangle' file";
if ( my $fn = open_file( 'mangle', 1, 1 ) ) {
$file_format = 3;
first_entry "$doing $fn...";
process_mangle_rule(undef) while read_a_line( NORMAL_READ );
if ( my $fn = open_file( 'secmarks', 1, 1 ) ) {
first_entry "$doing $fn...";
process_secmark_rule while read_a_line( NORMAL_READ );
handle_stickiness( $sticky );