Tom Eastep 638c7c5bca
Implement NETMAP_TARGET capability
Signed-off-by: Tom Eastep <>
2016-12-27 08:26:51 -08:00

1119 lines
30 KiB

# Shorewall 5.0 -- /usr/share/shorewall/Shorewall/
# This program is under GPL []
# (c) 2007-2016 - Tom Eastep (
# Complete documentation is available at
# This program is part of Shorewall.
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
# Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the license or, at your
# option, any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, see <>.
# This module contains code for dealing with the /etc/shorewall/masq,
# /etc/shorewall/nat and /etc/shorewall/netmap files.
package Shorewall::Nat;
require Exporter;
use Shorewall::Config qw(:DEFAULT :internal);
use Shorewall::IPAddrs;
use Shorewall::Zones;
use Shorewall::Chains qw(:DEFAULT :internal);
use Shorewall::Providers qw( provider_realm );
use strict;
our @ISA = qw(Exporter);
our @EXPORT = qw( setup_nat setup_netmap add_addresses );
our %EXPORT_TAGS = ( rules => [ qw ( handle_nat_rule handle_nonat_rule process_one_masq convert_masq @addresses_to_add %addresses_to_add ) ] );
our @EXPORT_OK = ();
our @addresses_to_add;
our %addresses_to_add;
our $family;
# Called by the compiler
sub initialize($) {
$family = shift;
@addresses_to_add = ();
%addresses_to_add = ();
# Process a single rule from the the masq file
sub process_one_masq1( $$$$$$$$$$$ )
my ( $interfacelist, $networks, $addresses, $proto, $ports, $ipsec, $mark, $user, $condition, $origdest, $probability ) = @_;
my $pre_nat;
my $add_snat_aliases = $family == F_IPV4 && $config{ADD_SNAT_ALIASES};
my $destnets = '';
my $baserule = '';
my $inlinematches = '';
my $prerule = '';
my $savelist;
# Leading '+'
$pre_nat = 1 if $interfacelist =~ s/^\+//;
# Check for INLINE
if ( $interfacelist =~ /^INLINE\((.+)\)$/ ) {
$interfacelist = $1;
$inlinematches = get_inline_matches(0);
} else {
$inlinematches = get_inline_matches(0);
$savelist = $interfacelist;
# Handle early matches
if ( $inlinematches =~ s/s*\+// ) {
$prerule = $inlinematches;
$inlinematches = '';
# Parse the remaining part of the INTERFACE column
if ( $family == F_IPV4 ) {
if ( $interfacelist =~ /^([^:]+)::([^:]*)$/ ) {
$add_snat_aliases = 0;
$destnets = $2;
$interfacelist = $1;
} elsif ( $interfacelist =~ /^([^:]+:[^:]+):([^:]+)$/ ) {
$destnets = $2;
$interfacelist = $1;
} elsif ( $interfacelist =~ /^([^:]+):$/ ) {
$add_snat_aliases = 0;
$interfacelist = $1;
} elsif ( $interfacelist =~ /^([^:]+):([^:]*)$/ ) {
my ( $one, $two ) = ( $1, $2 );
if ( $2 =~ /\./ || $2 =~ /^%/ ) {
$interfacelist = $one;
$destnets = $two;
} elsif ( $interfacelist =~ /^(.+?):(.+)$/ ) {
$interfacelist = $1;
$destnets = $2;
# If there is no source or destination then allow all addresses
$networks = ALLIP if $networks eq '-';
$destnets = ALLIP if $destnets eq '-';
# Handle IPSEC options, if any
if ( $ipsec ne '-' ) {
fatal_error "Non-empty IPSEC column requires policy match support in your kernel and iptables" unless have_capability( 'POLICY_MATCH' );
if ( $ipsec =~ /^yes$/i ) {
$baserule .= do_ipsec_options 'out', 'ipsec', '';
} elsif ( $ipsec =~ /^no$/i ) {
$baserule .= do_ipsec_options 'out', 'none', '';
} else {
$baserule .= do_ipsec_options 'out', 'ipsec', $ipsec;
} elsif ( have_ipsec ) {
$baserule .= '-m policy --pol none --dir out ';
# Handle Protocol, Ports and Condition
$baserule .= do_proto( $proto, $ports, '' );
# Handle Mark
$baserule .= do_test( $mark, $globals{TC_MASK} ) if $mark ne '-';
$baserule .= do_user( $user ) if $user ne '-';
$baserule .= do_probability( $probability ) if $probability ne '-';
my $target;
for my $fullinterface (split_list $interfacelist, 'interface' ) {
my $rule = '';
$target = 'MASQUERADE ';
# Isolate and verify the interface part
( my $interface = $fullinterface ) =~ s/:.*//;
if ( $interface =~ /(.*)[(](\w*)[)]$/ ) {
$interface = $1;
my $provider = $2;
fatal_error "Missing Provider ($fullinterface)" unless supplied $provider;
$fullinterface =~ s/[(]\w*[)]//;
my $realm = provider_realm( $provider );
fatal_error "$provider is not a shared-interface provider" unless $realm;
$rule .= "-m realm --realm $realm ";
fatal_error "Unknown interface ($interface)" unless my $interfaceref = known_interface( $interface );
if ( $interfaceref->{root} ) {
$interface = $interfaceref->{name} if $interface eq $interfaceref->{physical};
} else {
$rule .= match_dest_dev( $interface );
$interface = $interfaceref->{name};
my $chainref = ensure_chain('nat', $pre_nat ? snat_chain $interface : masq_chain $interface);
$baserule .= do_condition( $condition , $chainref->{name} );
my $detectaddress = 0;
my $exceptionrule = '';
my $randomize = '';
my $persistent = '';
my $conditional = 0;
# Parse the ADDRESSES column
if ( $addresses ne '-' ) {
my $saveaddresses = $addresses;
if ( $addresses eq 'random' ) {
require_capability( 'MASQUERADE_TGT', 'Masquerade rules', '') if $family == F_IPV6;
$randomize = '--random ';
} else {
$addresses =~ s/:persistent$// and $persistent = ' --persistent ';
$addresses =~ s/:random$// and $randomize = ' --random ';
require_capability 'PERSISTENT_SNAT', ':persistent', 's' if $persistent;
if ( $addresses =~ /^SAME/ ) {
fatal_error "The SAME target is no longer supported";
} elsif ( $addresses eq 'detect' ) {
my $variable = get_interface_address $interface;
$target = "SNAT --to-source $variable";
if ( interface_is_optional $interface ) {
add_commands( $chainref,
"if [ \"$variable\" != ]; then" );
incr_cmd_level( $chainref );
$detectaddress = 1;
} elsif ( $addresses eq 'NONAT' ) {
fatal_error "'persistent' may not be specified with 'NONAT'" if $persistent;
fatal_error "'random' may not be specified with 'NONAT'" if $randomize;
$target = 'RETURN';
$add_snat_aliases = 0;
} elsif ( $addresses ) {
my $addrlist = '';
my @addrs = split_list $addresses, 'address';
fatal_error "Only one ADDRESS may be specified" if @addrs > 1;
for my $addr ( @addrs ) {
if ( $addr =~ /^([&%])(.+)$/ ) {
my ( $type, $interface ) = ( $1, $2 );
my $ports = '';
if ( $interface =~ s/:(.+)$// ) {
validate_portpair1( $proto, $1 );
$ports = ":$1";
# Address Variable
$target = 'SNAT ';
if ( $interface =~ /^{([a-zA-Z_]\w*)}$/ ) {
# User-defined address variable
$conditional = conditional_rule( $chainref, $addr );
$addrlist .= '--to-source ' . "\$${1}${ports} ";
} else {
if ( $conditional = conditional_rule( $chainref, $addr ) ) {
# Optional Interface -- rule is conditional
$addr = get_interface_address $interface;
} else {
# Interface is not optional
$addr = record_runtime_address( $type, $interface );
if ( $ports ) {
$addr =~ s/ $//;
$addr = $family == F_IPV4 ? "${addr}${ports} " : "[$addr]$ports ";
$addrlist .= '--to-source ' . $addr;
} elsif ( $family == F_IPV4 ) {
if ( $addr =~ /^.*\..*\..*\./ ) {
$target = 'SNAT ';
my ($ipaddr, $rest) = split ':', $addr, 2;
if ( $ipaddr =~ /^(.+)-(.+)$/ ) {
validate_range( $1, $2 );
} else {
validate_address $ipaddr, 0;
if ( supplied $rest ) {
validate_portpair1( $proto, $rest );
$addrlist .= "--to-source $addr ";
} else {
$addrlist .= "--to-source $ipaddr";
$exceptionrule = do_proto( $proto, '', '' ) if $addr =~ /:/;
} else {
my $ports = $addr;
$ports =~ s/^://;
validate_portpair1( $proto, $ports );
$addrlist .= "--to-ports $ports ";
$exceptionrule = do_proto( $proto, '', '' );
} else {
$target = 'SNAT ';
if ( $addr =~ /^\[/ ) {
# Can have ports specified
my $ports;
if ( $addr =~ s/:([^]:]+)$// ) {
$ports = $1;
fatal_error "Invalid IPv6 Address ($addr)" unless $addr =~ /^\[(.+)\]$/;
$addr = $1;
if ( $addr =~ /^(.+)-(.+)$/ ) {
fatal_error "Correct address range syntax is '[<addr1>-<addr2>]'" if $addr =~ /]-\[/;
validate_range( $1, $2 );
} else {
validate_address $addr, 0;
if ( supplied $ports ) {
validate_portpair1( $proto, $ports );
$exceptionrule = do_proto( $proto, '', '' );
$addr = "[$addr]:$ports";
$addrlist .= "--to-source $addr ";
} else {
if ( $addr =~ /^(.+)-(.+)$/ ) {
validate_range( $1, $2 );
} else {
validate_address $addr, 0;
$addrlist .= "--to-source $addr ";
$target .= $addrlist;
} else {
fatal_error( "':persistent' is not allowed in a MASQUERADE rule" ) if $persistent;
require_capability( 'MASQUERADE_TGT', 'Masquerade rules', '' ) if $family == F_IPV6;
$target .= $randomize;
$target .= $persistent;
$addresses = $saveaddresses;
} else {
require_capability( 'MASQUERADE_TGT', 'Masquerade rules', '' ) if $family == F_IPV6;
$add_snat_aliases = 0;
# And Generate the Rule(s)
expand_rule( $chainref ,
$prerule ,
$baserule . $inlinematches . $rule ,
$networks ,
$destnets ,
$origdest ,
$target ,
'' ,
'' ,
$exceptionrule ,
'' )
unless unreachable_warning( 0, $chainref );
conditional_rule_end( $chainref ) if $detectaddress || $conditional;
if ( $add_snat_aliases ) {
my ( $interface, $alias , $remainder ) = split( /:/, $fullinterface, 3 );
fatal_error "Invalid alias ($alias:$remainder)" if defined $remainder;
for my $address ( split_list $addresses, 'address' ) {
my ( $addrs, $port ) = split /:/, $address;
next unless $addrs;
next if $addrs eq 'detect';
for my $addr ( ip_range_explicit $addrs ) {
unless ( $addresses_to_add{$addr} ) {
$addresses_to_add{$addr} = 1;
if ( defined $alias ) {
push @addresses_to_add, $addr, "$interface:$alias";
} else {
push @addresses_to_add, $addr, $interface;
progress_message " Masq record \"$currentline\" $done";
sub convert_one_masq1( $$$$$$$$$$$$ )
my ( $snat, $interfacelist, $networks, $addresses, $proto, $ports, $ipsec, $mark, $user, $condition, $origdest, $probability ) = @_;
my $pre_nat;
my $destnets = '';
my $savelist;
# Leading '+'
$pre_nat = ( $interfacelist =~ s/^\+// );
# Check for INLINE
if ( $interfacelist =~ /^INLINE\((.+)\)$/ ) {
$interfacelist = $1;
$savelist = $interfacelist;
# Parse the remaining part of the INTERFACE column
if ( $family == F_IPV4 ) {
if ( $interfacelist =~ /^([^:]+)::([^:]*)$/ ) {
$destnets = $2;
$interfacelist = $1;
} elsif ( $interfacelist =~ /^([^:]+:[^:]+):([^:]+)$/ ) {
$destnets = $2;
$interfacelist = $1;
} elsif ( $interfacelist =~ /^([^:]+):$/ ) {
$interfacelist = $1;
} elsif ( $interfacelist =~ /^([^:]+):([^:]*)$/ ) {
my ( $one, $two ) = ( $1, $2 );
if ( $2 =~ /\./ || $2 =~ /^%/ ) {
$interfacelist = $one;
$destnets = $two;
} elsif ( $interfacelist =~ /^(.+?):(.+)$/ ) {
$interfacelist = $1;
$destnets = $2;
# If there is no source or destination then allow all addresses
$networks = ALLIP if $networks eq '-';
$destnets = ALLIP if $destnets eq '-';
my $target;
# Parse the ADDRESSES column
if ( $addresses ne '-' ) {
my $saveaddresses = $addresses;
if ( $addresses ne 'random' ) {
$addresses =~ s/:persistent$//;
$addresses =~ s/:random$//;
if ( $addresses eq 'detect' ) {
$target = 'SNAT';
} elsif ( $addresses eq 'NONAT' ) {
$target = 'CONTINUE';
} elsif ( $addresses ) {
if ( $addresses =~ /^:/ ) {
$target = 'MASQUERADE';
} else {
$target = 'SNAT';
$addresses = $saveaddresses;
} else {
$target = 'MASQUERADE';
if ( $snat ) {
$target .= '+' if $pre_nat;
if ( $addresses ne '-' && $addresses ne 'NONAT' ) {
$addresses =~ s/^://;
$target .= '(' . $addresses . ')';
my $line = "$target\t$networks\t$savelist\t$proto\t$ports\t$ipsec\t$mark\t$user\t$condition\t$origdest\t$probability";
# Supress superfluous trailing dashes
$line =~ s/(?:\t-)+$//;
my $raw_matches = fetch_inline_matches;
$line .= join( '', ' ;;', $raw_matches ) if $raw_matches ne ' ';
print $snat "$line\n";
progress_message " Masq record \"$rawcurrentline\" Converted";
sub process_one_masq( $ )
my ( $snat ) = @_;
if ( $snat ) {
unless ( $rawcurrentline =~ /^\s*(?:#.*)?$/ ) {
# Line was not blank or all comment
my ($interfacelist, $networks, $addresses, $protos, $ports, $ipsec, $mark, $user, $condition, $origdest, $probability ) =
split_rawline2( 'masq file',
{ interface => 0, source => 1, address => 2, proto => 3, port => 4, ipsec => 5, mark => 6, user => 7, switch => 8, origdest => 9, probability => 10 },
{}, #Nopad
undef, #Columns
1 ); #Allow inline matches
if ( $interfacelist ne '-' ) {
for my $proto ( split_list $protos, 'Protocol' ) {
convert_one_masq1( $snat, $interfacelist, $networks, $addresses, $proto, $ports, $ipsec, $mark, $user, $condition, $origdest, $probability );
} else {
my ($interfacelist, $networks, $addresses, $protos, $ports, $ipsec, $mark, $user, $condition, $origdest, $probability ) =
split_line2( 'masq file',
{ interface => 0, source => 1, address => 2, proto => 3, port => 4, ipsec => 5, mark => 6, user => 7, switch => 8, origdest => 9, probability => 10 },
{}, #Nopad
undef, #Columns
1 ); #Allow inline matches
fatal_error 'INTERFACE must be specified' if $interfacelist eq '-';
for my $proto ( split_list $protos, 'Protocol' ) {
process_one_masq1( $interfacelist, $networks, $addresses, $proto, $ports, $ipsec, $mark, $user, $condition, $origdest, $probability );
sub open_snat_for_output( $ ) {
my ($fn ) = @_;
my ( $snat, $fn1 );
if ( -f ( $fn1 = find_writable_file( 'snat' ) ) ) {
open( $snat , '>>', $fn1 ) || fatal_error "Unable to open $fn1:$!";
} else {
open( $snat , '>', $fn1 ) || fatal_error "Unable to open $fn1:$!";
# Transfer permissions from the existing masq file to the new snat file
transfer_permissions( $fn, $fn1 );
if ( $family == F_IPV4 ) {
print $snat <<'EOF';
# Shorewall - SNAT/Masquerade File
# For information about entries in this file, type "man shorewall-snat"
# See for additional information
} else {
print $snat <<'EOF';
# Shorewall6 - SNAT/Masquerade File
# For information about entries in this file, type "man shorewall6-snat"
# See for additional information
print $snat <<'EOF';
return ( $snat, $fn1 );
# Convert a masq file into the equivalent snat file
sub convert_masq() {
if ( my $fn = open_file( 'masq', 1, 1 ) ) {
my ( $snat, $fn1 ) = open_snat_for_output( $fn );
my $have_masq_rules;
sub ()
if ( $_[0] eq 'OMITTED' ) {
# Convert the raw rule
process_one_masq( $snat) if $snat;
} else {
print $snat "$_[1]\n"; 0;
sub {
my $date = compiletime;
progress_message2 "Converting $fn...";
print( $snat
"#\n" ,
"# Rules generated from masq file $fn by Shorewall $globals{VERSION} - $date\n" ,
"#\n" );
while ( read_a_line( NORMAL_READ ) ) {
# Process the file normally
# Now Convert it
if ( $have_masq_rules ) {
progress_message2 "Converted $fn to $fn1";
if ( rename $fn, "$fn.bak" ) {
progress_message2 "$fn renamed $fn.bak";
} else {
fatal_error "Cannot Rename $fn to $fn.bak: $!";
} else {
if ( unlink $fn ) {
warning_message "Empty masq file ($fn) removed";
} else {
warning_message "Unable to remove empty masq file $fn: $!";
close $snat, directive_callback( 0 );
# Validate the ALL INTERFACES or LOCAL column in the NAT file
sub validate_nat_column( $$ ) {
my $ref = $_[1];
my $val = $$ref;
if ( defined $val ) {
unless ( ( $val = "\L$val" ) eq 'yes' ) {
if ( ( $val eq 'no' ) || ( $val eq '-' ) ) {
$$ref = '';
} else {
fatal_error "Invalid value ($val) for $_[0]";
} else {
$$ref = '';
# Process a record from the NAT file
sub do_one_nat( $$$$$ )
my ( $external, $fullinterface, $internal, $allints, $localnat ) = @_;
my ( $interface, $alias, $remainder ) = split( /:/, $fullinterface, 3 );
fatal_error "Invalid alias ($alias:$remainder)" if defined $remainder;
sub add_nat_rule( $$ ) {
add_rule ensure_chain( 'nat', $_[0] ) , $_[1];
my $add_ip_aliases = $config{ADD_IP_ALIASES};
my $policyin = '';
my $policyout = '';
my $rulein = '';
my $ruleout = '';
fatal_error "Unknown interface ($interface)" unless my $interfaceref = known_interface( $interface );
if ( $interfaceref->{root} ) {
$interface = $interfaceref->{name} if $interface eq $interfaceref->{physical};
} else {
$rulein = match_source_dev $interface;
$ruleout = match_dest_dev $interface;
$interface = $interfaceref->{name};
if ( have_ipsec ) {
$policyin = ' -m policy --pol none --dir in';
$policyout = '-m policy --pol none --dir out';
fatal_error "Invalid nat file entry" unless defined $interface && defined $internal;
if ( $add_ip_aliases ) {
$add_ip_aliases = '' if defined( $alias ) && $alias eq '';
validate_nat_column 'ALL INTERFACES', \$allints;
validate_nat_column 'LOCAL' , \$localnat;
if ( $allints ) {
add_nat_rule 'nat_in' , "-d $external $policyin -j DNAT --to-destination $internal";
add_nat_rule 'nat_out' , "-s $internal $policyout -j SNAT --to-source $external";
} else {
add_nat_rule input_chain( $interface ) , $rulein . "-d $external $policyin -j DNAT --to-destination $internal";
add_nat_rule output_chain( $interface ) , $ruleout . "-s $internal $policyout -j SNAT --to-source $external";
add_nat_rule 'OUTPUT' , "-d $external $policyout -j DNAT --to-destination $internal " if $localnat;
if ( $add_ip_aliases ) {
unless ( $addresses_to_add{$external} ) {
$addresses_to_add{$external} = 1;
push @addresses_to_add, ( $external , $fullinterface );
# Process NAT file
sub setup_nat() {
if ( my $fn = open_file( 'nat', 1, 1 ) ) {
first_entry( sub { progress_message2 "$doing $fn..."; require_capability 'NAT_ENABLED' , 'a non-empty nat file' , 's'; } );
while ( read_a_line( NORMAL_READ ) ) {
my ( $external, $interfacelist, $internal, $allints, $localnat ) =
split_line1( 'nat file',
{ external => 0, interface => 1, internal => 2, allints => 3, local => 4 } );
( $interfacelist, my $digit ) = split /:/, $interfacelist;
$digit = defined $digit ? ":$digit" : '';
fatal_error 'EXTERNAL must be specified' if $external eq '-';
fatal_error 'INTERNAL must be specified' if $interfacelist eq '-';
for my $interface ( split_list $interfacelist , 'interface' ) {
fatal_error "Invalid Interface List ($interfacelist)" unless supplied $interface;
do_one_nat $external, "${interface}${digit}", $internal, $allints, $localnat;
progress_message " NAT entry \"$currentline\" $done";
# Setup Network Mapping
sub setup_netmap() {
if ( my $fn = open_file 'netmap', 1, 1 ) {
first_entry "$doing $fn...";
while ( read_a_line( NORMAL_READ ) ) {
my ( $type, $net1, $interfacelist, $net2, $net3, $proto, $dport, $sport ) =
split_line( 'netmap file',
{ type => 0, net1 => 1, interface => 2, net2 => 3, net3 => 4, proto => 5, dport => 6, sport => 7 } );
$net3 = ALLIP if $net3 eq '-';
for my $interface ( split_list $interfacelist, 'interface' ) {
my $iface = $interface;
fatal_error "Unknown interface ($interface)" unless my $interfaceref = known_interface( $interface );
my @rule = do_iproto( $proto, $dport, $sport );
my @rulein;
my @ruleout;
$net1 = validate_net $net1, 0;
$net2 = validate_net $net2, 0;
if ( $interfaceref->{root} ) {
$interface = $interfaceref->{name} if $interface eq $interfaceref->{physical};
} else {
@rulein = imatch_source_dev( $interface );
@ruleout = imatch_dest_dev( $interface );
$interface = $interfaceref->{name};
require_capability 'NETMAP_TARGET', 'Stateful Netmap Entries', '';
if ( $type eq 'DNAT' ) {
dest_iexclusion( ensure_chain( 'nat' , input_chain $interface ) ,
j => 'NETMAP' ,
"--to $net2",
$net1 ,
@rulein ,
imatch_source_net( $net3 ) );
} elsif ( $type eq 'SNAT' ) {
source_iexclusion( ensure_chain( 'nat' , output_chain $interface ) ,
j => 'NETMAP' ,
"--to $net2" ,
$net1 ,
@ruleout ,
imatch_dest_net( $net3 ) );
} else {
fatal_error 'TYPE must be specified' if $type eq '-';
fatal_error "Invalid type ($type)";
progress_message " Network $net1 on $iface mapped to $net2 ($type)";
# Called from process_rule to add a rule to the NAT table
sub handle_nat_rule( $$$$$$$$$$$$$ ) {
my ( $dest, # <server>[:port]
$proto, # Protocol
$ports, # Destination port list
$origdest, # Original Destination
$action_target, # If the target is an action, the name of the log action chain to jump to
$action, # The Action
$sourceref, # Reference to the Source Zone's table entry in the Zones module
$action_chain, # Name of the action chain if the rule is in an action
$rule, # Matches
$source, # Source Address
$loglevel, # [<level>[:<tag>]]
$log_action, # Action name to include in the log message
$wildcard # Part of a wildcard rule
) = @_;
my ( $server, $serverport , $origdstports ) = ( '', '', '' );
my $randomize = $dest =~ s/:random$// ? ' --random' : '';
# Isolate server port
if ( ( $family == F_IPV4 && $dest =~ /^(.*)(?::(.+))$/ ) || ( $family == F_IPV6 && $dest =~ /^\[(.*)]:(.+)$/ ) ) {
# Server IP and Port
$server = $1; # May be empty
$serverport = $2; # Not Empty due to RE
my ( $p ) = split( ':', $proto ); # Might be "tcp:syn"
require_capability( 'UDPLITEREDIRECT', 'UDPLITE Port Redirection', 's' ) if resolve_proto( $p ) == UDPLITE;
$origdstports = validate_port( $proto, $ports ) if $ports && $ports ne '-' && port_count( $ports ) == 1;
if ( $serverport =~ /^(\d+)-(\d+)$/ ) {
# Server Port Range
fatal_error "Invalid port range ($serverport)" unless $1 < $2;
my @ports = ( $1, $2 );
$_ = validate_port( proto_name( $proto ), $_) for ( @ports );
( $ports = $serverport ) =~ tr/-/:/;
} else {
$serverport = $ports = validate_port( proto_name( $proto ), $serverport );
} elsif ( $dest ne ':' ) {
# Simple server IP address (may be empty or "-")
$server = $dest;
# Check for list in $server
fatal_error "An address list ($server) is not allowed in the DEST column of a $action RULE" if $server =~ /,/;
# Generate the target
my $target = '';
if ( $action eq 'REDIRECT' ) {
fatal_error "A server IP address ($server) may not be specified in a REDIRECT rule" if $server;
$target = 'REDIRECT';
$target .= " --to-port $serverport" if $serverport;
if ( $origdest eq '' || $origdest eq '-' ) {
$origdest = ALLIP;
} elsif ( $origdest eq 'detect' ) {
fatal_error 'ORIGINAL DEST "detect" is invalid in an action' if $action_chain;
if ( $config{DETECT_DNAT_IPADDRS} ) {
my $interfacesref = $sourceref->{interfaces};
my @interfaces = keys %$interfacesref;
$origdest = @interfaces ? "detect:@interfaces" : ALLIP;
} else {
$origdest = ALLIP;
} elsif ( $action_target ) {
fatal_error "A server port ($serverport) is not allowed in $action rule" if $serverport;
$target = $action_target;
} else {
if ( $server eq '' ) {
fatal_error "A server and/or port must be specified in the DEST column in $action rules" unless $serverport;
} elsif ( $server =~ /^(.+)-(.+)$/ ) {
if ( $family == F_IPV4 ) {
validate_range( $1, $2 );
} else {
my ( $addr1, $addr2 ) = ( $1, $2 );
if ( $server =~ /^\[(.+)\]$/ ) {
$server = $1;
fatal_error "Correct address range syntax is '[<addr1>-<addr2>]'" if $server =~ /]-\[/;
assert( $server =~ /^(.+)-(.+)$/ );
( $addr1, $addr2 ) = ( $1, $2 );
validate_range( $addr1, $addr2 );
$server = join( '-', $addr1, $addr2 );
} elsif ( $server eq ALLIP || $server eq NILIP ) {
fatal_error "Invalid or missing server IP address";
} else {
$server = $1 if $family == F_IPV6 && $server =~ /^\[(.+)\]$/;
fatal_error "Invalid server IP address ($server)" if $server eq ALLIP || $server eq NILIP;
my @servers = validate_address $server, 1;
$server = join ',', @servers;
if ( $action eq 'DNAT' ) {
$target = $action;
if ( $server ) {
$serverport = ":$serverport" if $serverport;
if ( $family == F_IPV4 ) {
for my $serv ( split /,/, $server ) {
$target .= " --to-destination ${serv}${serverport}";
} else {
for my $serv ( split /,/, $server ) {
$target .= " --to-destination [${serv}]${serverport}";
} else {
$target .= " --to-destination :$serverport";
unless ( $origdest && $origdest ne '-' && $origdest ne 'detect' ) {
if ( ! $action_chain && $config{DETECT_DNAT_IPADDRS} ) {
my $interfacesref = $sourceref->{interfaces};
my @interfaces = keys %$interfacesref;
$origdest = @interfaces ? "detect:@interfaces" : ALLIP;
} else {
$origdest = ALLIP;
$target .= $randomize;
# And generate the nat table rule(s)
my $firewallsource = $sourceref && ( $sourceref->{type} & ( FIREWALL | VSERVER ) );
my $chainref = ensure_chain ('nat' ,
( $action_chain ? $action_chain :
$firewallsource ? 'OUTPUT' :
dnat_chain $sourceref->{name} ) );
expand_rule ( $chainref,
'' ,
$rule ,
$source ,
$origdest ,
'' ,
$target ,
$loglevel ,
$log_action ,
$serverport ? do_proto( $proto, '', '' ) : '' ,
'' ,
unless unreachable_warning( $wildcard, $chainref );
( $ports, $origdstports, $server );
# Called from process_rule1() to handle the nat table part of the NONAT and ACCEPT+ actions
sub handle_nonat_rule( $$$$$$$$$$$ ) {
my ( $action, $source, $dest, $origdest, $sourceref, $inaction, $chain, $loglevel, $log_action, $rule, $wildcard ) = @_;
my $sourcezone = $sourceref->{name};
# NONAT or ACCEPT+ may not specify a destination interface
fatal_error "Invalid DEST ($dest) in $action rule" if $dest =~ /:/;
$origdest = '' unless $origdest and $origdest ne '-';
if ( $origdest eq 'detect' ) {
my $interfacesref = $sourceref->{interfaces};
my $interfaces = [ ( keys %$interfacesref ) ];
$origdest = $interfaces ? "detect:@$interfaces" : ALLIP;
my $tgt = 'RETURN';
my $nonat_chain;
my $chn;
if ( $inaction ) {
$nonat_chain = ensure_chain( 'nat', $chain );
} elsif ( $sourceref->{type} == FIREWALL ) {
$nonat_chain = $nat_table->{OUTPUT};
} else {
$nonat_chain = ensure_chain( 'nat', dnat_chain( $sourcezone ) );
my @interfaces = keys %{zone_interfaces $sourcezone};
for ( @interfaces ) {
my $ichain = input_chain $_;
if ( $nat_table->{$ichain} ) {
# Static NAT is defined on this interface
$chn = new_chain( 'nat', newnonatchain ) unless $chn;
add_ijump $chn, j => $nat_table->{$ichain}, @interfaces > 1 ? imatch_source_dev( $_ ) : ();
if ( $chn ) {
# Call expand_rule() to correctly handle logging. Because
# the 'logname' argument is passed, expand_rule() will
# not create a separate logging chain but will rather emit
# any logging rule in-line.
expand_rule( $chn,
'', # Prerule
'', # Rule
'', # Source
'', # Dest
'', # Original dest
dnat_chain( $sourcezone ) )
unless unreachable_warning( $wildcard, $chn );
$loglevel = '';
$tgt = $chn->{name};
} else {
$tgt = 'ACCEPT';
expand_rule( $nonat_chain ,
'' ,
$rule ,
$source ,
$dest ,
$origdest ,
$loglevel ,
$log_action ,
unless unreachable_warning( $wildcard, $nonat_chain );
sub add_addresses () {
if ( @addresses_to_add ) {
my @addrs = @addresses_to_add;
my $arg = '';
my $addresses = 0;
while ( @addrs ) {
my $addr = shift @addrs;
my $interface = shift @addrs;
$arg = "$arg $addr $interface";
unless ( $config{RETAIN_ALIASES} ) {
emit '' unless $addresses++;
$interface =~ s/:.*//;
emit "del_ip_addr $addr $interface";
emit "\nadd_ip_aliases $arg";