package conf import ( "testing" ) func getExampleConfiguration() *DaemonConfiguration { discovery := PUBLIC_IP_DISCOVERY advertiseRoutes := false advertiseDefaultRoute := false endpoint := "" nodeType := CLIENT_ROLE keepAliveWg := 0 return &DaemonConfiguration{ CertificatePath: "../../../cert/cert.pem", PrivateKeyPath: "../../../cert/priv.pem", CaCertificatePath: "../../../cert/cacert.pem", SkipCertVerification: true, GrpcPort: 25, Timeout: 5, Profile: false, StubWg: false, SyncRate: 2, KeepAliveTime: 2, ClusterSize: 64, InterClusterChance: 0.15, BranchRate: 3, PullTime: 0, InfectionCount: 2, BaseConfiguration: WgConfiguration{ IPDiscovery: &discovery, AdvertiseRoutes: &advertiseRoutes, AdvertiseDefaultRoute: &advertiseDefaultRoute, Endpoint: &endpoint, Role: &nodeType, KeepAliveWg: &keepAliveWg, }, } } func TestConfigurationCertificatePathEmpty(t *testing.T) { conf := getExampleConfiguration() conf.CertificatePath = "" err := ValidateDaemonConfiguration(conf) if err == nil { t.Fatal(`error should be thrown`) } } func TestConfigurationPrivateKeyPathEmpty(t *testing.T) { conf := getExampleConfiguration() conf.PrivateKeyPath = "" err := ValidateDaemonConfiguration(conf) if err == nil { t.Fatal(`error should be thrown`) } } func TestConfigurationCaCertificatePathEmpty(t *testing.T) { conf := getExampleConfiguration() conf.CaCertificatePath = "" err := ValidateDaemonConfiguration(conf) if err == nil { t.Fatal(`error should be thrown`) } } func TestConfigurationGrpcPortEmpty(t *testing.T) { conf := getExampleConfiguration() conf.GrpcPort = 0 err := ValidateDaemonConfiguration(conf) if err == nil { t.Fatal(`error should be thrown`) } } func TestIPDiscoveryNotSet(t *testing.T) { conf := getExampleConfiguration() ipDiscovery := IPDiscovery("djdsjdskd") conf.BaseConfiguration.IPDiscovery = &ipDiscovery err := ValidateDaemonConfiguration(conf) if err == nil { t.Fatal(`error should be thrown`) } } func TestAdvertiseRoutesNotSet(t *testing.T) { conf := getExampleConfiguration() conf.BaseConfiguration.AdvertiseRoutes = nil err := ValidateDaemonConfiguration(conf) if err == nil { t.Fatal(`error should be thrown`) } } func TestAdvertiseDefaultRouteNotSet(t *testing.T) { conf := getExampleConfiguration() conf.BaseConfiguration.AdvertiseDefaultRoute = nil err := ValidateDaemonConfiguration(conf) if err == nil { t.Fatal(`error should be thrown`) } } func TestKeepAliveWgNegative(t *testing.T) { conf := getExampleConfiguration() keepAliveWg := -1 conf.BaseConfiguration.KeepAliveWg = &keepAliveWg err := ValidateDaemonConfiguration(conf) if err == nil { t.Fatal(`error should be thrown`) } } func TestRoleTypeNotValid(t *testing.T) { conf := getExampleConfiguration() role := NodeType("bruhhh") conf.BaseConfiguration.Role = &role err := ValidateDaemonConfiguration(conf) if err == nil { t.Fatal(`error should be thrown`) } } func TestRoleTypeNotSpecified(t *testing.T) { conf := getExampleConfiguration() conf.BaseConfiguration.Role = nil err := ValidateDaemonConfiguration(conf) if err == nil { t.Fatal(`invalid role type`) } } func TestBranchRateZero(t *testing.T) { conf := getExampleConfiguration() conf.BranchRate = 0 err := ValidateDaemonConfiguration(conf) if err == nil { t.Fatal(`error should be thrown`) } } func TestSyncRateZero(t *testing.T) { conf := getExampleConfiguration() conf.SyncRate = 0 err := ValidateDaemonConfiguration(conf) if err == nil { t.Fatal(`error should be thrown`) } } func TestKeepAliveTimeZero(t *testing.T) { conf := getExampleConfiguration() conf.KeepAliveTime = 0 err := ValidateDaemonConfiguration(conf) if err == nil { t.Fatal(`error should be thrown`) } } func TestClusterSizeZero(t *testing.T) { conf := getExampleConfiguration() conf.ClusterSize = 0 err := ValidateDaemonConfiguration(conf) if err == nil { t.Fatal(`error should be thrown`) } } func TestInterClusterChanceZero(t *testing.T) { conf := getExampleConfiguration() conf.InterClusterChance = 0 err := ValidateDaemonConfiguration(conf) if err == nil { t.Fatal(`error should be thrown`) } } func TestInfectionCountOne(t *testing.T) { conf := getExampleConfiguration() conf.InfectionCount = 0 err := ValidateDaemonConfiguration(conf) if err == nil { t.Fatal(`error should be thrown`) } } func TestPullTimeNegative(t *testing.T) { conf := getExampleConfiguration() conf.PullTime = -1 err := ValidateDaemonConfiguration(conf) if err == nil { t.Fatal(`error should be thrown`) } } func TestValidConfiguration(t *testing.T) { conf := getExampleConfiguration() err := ValidateDaemonConfiguration(conf) if err != nil { t.Error(err) } }