class WeatherScreen { constructor() { this._weatherScreenVisibility = false; this._tempSymbol = '°C'; this._daysArr = [ 'Sunday', 'Monday', 'Tuesday', 'Wednesday', 'Thursday', 'Friday', 'Saturday' ]; this._weatherScreen = document.querySelector('#weatherScreen'); this._weatherIcon = document.querySelector('#weatherTodayIcon'); this._weatherLocation = document.querySelector('#weatherTodayLocation'); this._weatherDescription = document.querySelector('#weatherTodayDescription'); this._sunriseHour = document.querySelector('#sunriseTodayHour'); this._sunsetHour = document.querySelector('#sunsetTodayHour'); this._updateHour = document.querySelector('#updateTodayHour'); this._weatherDockImageButton = document.querySelector('#buttonImageWeather'); this._forecastContainer = document.querySelector('#forecastContainer'); this._webMenu = document.querySelector('#webMenuScreen'); this._dashboard = document.querySelector('#rightDashboard'); this._searchBoxContainer = document.querySelector('#searchBoxContainer'); } _formatUnixTime = unix => { const date = new Date(unix*1000); const hour = date.getHours(); const minutes = '0' + date.getMinutes(); const formattedTime = hour + ':' + minutes.substr(-2); return formattedTime; } getWeatherScreenVisiblity = () => { return this._weatherScreenVisibility; } _getWeatherIcon = code => { const iconTbl = { '01d': 'sun_icon.svg', '01n': 'moon_icon.svg', '02d': 'dfew_clouds.svg', '02n': 'nfew_clouds.svg', '03d': 'dscattered_clouds.svg', '03n': 'nscattered_clouds.svg', '04d': 'dbroken_clouds.svg', '04n': 'nbroken_clouds.svg', '09d': 'dshower_rain.svg', '09n': 'nshower_rain.svg', '10d': 'd_rain.svg', '10n': 'n_rain.svg', '11d': 'dthunderstorm.svg', '11n': 'nthunderstorm.svg', '13d': 'snow.svg', '13n': 'snow.svg', '50d': 'dmist.svg', '50n': 'nmist.svg' }; return iconTbl[String(code)]; } _updateWeatherDockButton = icon => { = `url('assets/weather-icons/${icon}')`; = 'cover'; } _setWeatherValue = (loc, desc, icon, sunr, suns, updt) => { this._weatherLocation.innerText = loc; this._weatherDescription.innerText = desc + this._tempSymbol; = `url('assets/weather-icons/${icon}')`; = 'cover'; this._sunriseHour.innerText = sunr; this._sunsetHour.innerText = suns; this._updateHour.innerText = updt; // Update weather button on dock this._updateWeatherDockButton(icon); } _createForecastBody = (fIcon, forecastTemp, foreDescription, dayName, fHour) => { // Generate forecast this._forecastContainer.insertAdjacentHTML( 'beforeend', `
` ); } _setErrValue = () => { const wLoc = 'Earth, Milky Way'; const wDesc = 'dust & clouds, -1000'; const wIcon = 'weather-error.svg'; const time = '00:00'; this._setWeatherValue(wLoc, wDesc, wIcon, time, time, time); } _processWeatherData = (data) => { const cityName =; const countryName =; const weatherDescription =[0].description; const weatherIcon =[0].icon; const weatherTemp = Math.floor(data.main.temp); const sunRise = data.sys.sunrise; const sunSet = data.sys.sunset; const update = data.dt; const wLoc = cityName + ', ' + countryName; let wDesc = weatherDescription + ', ' + weatherTemp; wDesc = wDesc && wDesc[0].toUpperCase() + wDesc.slice(1); const wIcon = this._getWeatherIcon(weatherIcon); const rise = this._formatUnixTime(sunRise); const set = this._formatUnixTime(sunSet); const upd = this._formatUnixTime(update); this._setWeatherValue(wLoc, wDesc, wIcon, rise, set, upd); } _fetchOpenWeatherMapData = (requestStr, callback) => { const requestString = requestStr; const request = new XMLHttpRequest();'GET', requestString, true); request.onload = e => { if (request.readyState === 4 && request.status === 200 && request.status < 400) { callback(JSON.parse(request.response)); } else { this._setErrValue(); } }; request.send(); } getWeatherDataViaCity = (appID, cityID, units) => { const requestString = `${appID}&id=${cityID}&units=${units}`; this._tempSymbol = (units === 'metric') ? '°C' : '°F'; this._fetchOpenWeatherMapData(requestString, this._processWeatherData); }; getForecastDataViaCity = (appID, cityID, units) => { const requestString = `${appID}&id=${cityID}&units=${units}`; this._tempSymbol = (units === 'metric') ? '°C' : '°F'; this._fetchOpenWeatherMapData(requestString, this._processForecastData); } getWeatherDataViaGeo = (appID, units, lon, lat) => { const requestString = `${lat}&lon=${lon}&APPID=${appID}&units=${units}`; this._tempSymbol = (units === 'metric') ? '°C' : '°F'; this._fetchOpenWeatherMapData(requestString, this._processWeatherData); }; getForecastDataViaGeo = (appID, units, lon, lat) => { const requestString = `${lat}&lon=${lon}&APPID=${appID}&units=${units}`; this._tempSymbol = (units === 'metric') ? '°C' : '°F'; this._fetchOpenWeatherMapData(requestString, this._processForecastData); } _processForecastData = data => { // Empty forecast container to avoid duplication this._forecastContainer.innerText = ''; const forecast = data.list; for (let i = 8; i < forecast.length; i+=8) { const foreIcon = forecast[parseInt(i, 10)].weather[0].icon; const minimumTemp = forecast[parseInt(i, 10)].main.temp_min; const maximumTemp = forecast[parseInt(i, 10)].main.temp_max; const foreDescription = forecast[parseInt(i, 10)].weather[0].description; const dateTime = forecast[parseInt(i, 10)].dt_txt; const fIcon = this._getWeatherIcon(foreIcon); const minTemp = Math.floor(minimumTemp); const maxTemp = Math.floor(maximumTemp); const forecastTemp = minTemp + ' ~ ' + maxTemp + this._tempSymbol; const fHour = dateTime.substr(dateTime.indexOf(' ') + 1).slice(0, -3); const fDate = dateTime.substr(0, dateTime.indexOf(' ')); // Get day name fDate string and this._daysArr array const d = new Date(fDate); var dayName = this._daysArr[d.getDay()]; this._createForecastBody(fIcon, forecastTemp, foreDescription, dayName, fHour); } } showWeatherScreen = () => { this._weatherScreen.classList.add('showWeatherScreen'); this._weatherScreenVisibility = !this._weatherScreenVisibility; } hideWeatherScreen = () => { this._weatherScreen.classList.remove('showWeatherScreen'); this._weatherScreenVisibility = !this._weatherScreenVisibility; } toggleWeatherScreen = () => { // console.log('toggle weather screen'); // If profile anim is still running, // Return to avoid spam if (profileImage.getProfileAnimationStatus()) return; // Rotate profile profileImage.rotateProfile(); if (this._weatherScreenVisibility) { // Hide weather screen this.hideWeatherScreen(); } else { // Show weather screen this.showWeatherScreen(); } // Check if any of these are open, if yes, close it if (this._webMenu.classList.contains('showWebMenu')) { // console.log('web menu is open, closing...'); webMenu.hideWebMenu(); return; } else if (this._searchBoxContainer.classList.contains('showSearchBox')) { // console.log('searchbox is open, closing...'); searchBoxShow.hideSearchBox(); } else if (this._dashboard.classList.contains('showRightDashboard')) { // console.log('dashboard is open, closing...'); dashboard.hideDashboard(); } // Toggle center box centeredBox.toggleCenteredBox(); } }