class WebMenu { constructor() { this._dashboard = document.querySelector('#rightDashboard'); this._weatherScreen = document.querySelector('#weatherScreen'); this._webSites = config.getWebSites(); this._webMenu = document.querySelector('#webMenu'); this._webMenuList = document.querySelector('#webMenuList'); this._webMenuListContainer = document.querySelector('#webMenuListContainer'); this._webMenuSearchBox = document.querySelector('#webMenuSearchBox'); this._webMenuVisibility = false; this._webItemFocus; this._webListIndex = 0; this._fuzzySearch(); this._init(); } // Return web menu status getwebMenuVisibility = () => { return this._webMenuVisibility; } // Disable textboxes _disableWebMenuInputs = (status) => { const elems = this._webMenu.getElementsByTagName('input'); const len = elems.length; for (let i = 0; i < len; i++) { elems[i].disabled = status; } } // Create callback property, to be used when enter was pressed while item is focused _createWebItemCallback = (li, url) => { // Create a callback property for the passed li li.callback = () => { window.location.href = encodeURI(url); } } // Sort list alphabetically _sortList = () => { Array.from(this._webMenuList.getElementsByTagName('li')) .sort((a, b) => a.textContent.localeCompare(b.textContent)) .forEach(li => this._webMenuList.appendChild(li)); } // Create/generate web items _populateWebMenu = () => { // Generate a list for (let webData of this._webSites) { const site =; const icon = webData.icon; const url = webData.url; const li = document.createElement('li'); // Create callback property this._createWebItemCallback(li, url); // Create a href const aWebLink = document.createElement('a'); aWebLink.className = 'webMenuLink'; aWebLink.href = url; aWebLink.tabIndex = '-1'; // Create an outer div, child of li let webItemDiv = document.createElement('div') webItemDiv.className = 'webItem'; = 'id' + site; // Create a second div, webItemContainer const webItemContainer = document.createElement('div'); webItemContainer.className = 'webItemContainer'; // Create the innermost div, contains icon and label const webItemBody = document.createElement('div'); webItemBody.className = 'webItemBody'; // Create div for webItemIcon const webItemIconContainer = document.createElement('div'); webItemIconContainer.className = 'webItemIconContainer'; const webItemIcon = document.createElement('div'); webItemIcon.className = 'webItemIcon'; = `url('assets/webcons/${icon}.svg')`; = 'cover'; // Create webItemName const webItemName = document.createElement('div'); webItemName.className = 'webItemName'; webItemName.innerHTML = site; // Append divs with heirarchy webItemDiv.appendChild(webItemContainer); webItemContainer.appendChild(webItemBody); webItemIconContainer.appendChild(webItemIcon); webItemBody.appendChild(webItemIconContainer); webItemBody.appendChild(webItemName); aWebLink.appendChild(webItemDiv); li.appendChild(aWebLink); this._webMenuList.appendChild(li); } // Call to sort list this._sortList(); } // Allow fuzzy searching in web menu _fuzzySearch = () => { String.prototype.fuzzy = function(term, ratio) { const string = this.toLowerCase(); const compare = term.toLowerCase(); let matches = 0; // Covers basic partial matches if (string.indexOf(compare) > -1) return true; for (let i = 0; i < compare.length; i++) { string.indexOf(compare[i]) > -1 ? matches += 1 : matches -=1; } return ((matches / this.length) >= ratio || term === ''); }; } // Focus on searched item _filterWebList = () => { let input, filter, ul, li, a, i, txtValue; input = webMenuSearchBox; filter = input.value.toUpperCase(); ul = this._webMenuList; li = ul.getElementsByTagName('li'); // Loop through all list items, and focus if matches the search query for (let i = 0; i < li.length; i++) { a = li[i].getElementsByClassName('webItemName')[0]; txtValue = a.innerHTML || a.textContent || a.innerText; // If an item match, hightlight it and focus // if (txtValue.toUpperCase().indexOf(filter) !== -1) { if (txtValue.toUpperCase().fuzzy(filter, 1) === true) { // Unselect/Unhightlight old active const oldWebItemFocus = this._webItemFocus; const oldWebItemFocusChild = oldWebItemFocus.querySelector('.webItem'); oldWebItemFocusChild.classList.remove('webItemFocus'); // Update webItemFocus this._webItemFocus = li[i]; // Update weblistindex this._webListIndex = i; // Get child const webItemFocusChild = this._webItemFocus.querySelector('.webItem'); // Add webItemFocus class to child webItemFocusChild.classList.add('webItemFocus'); // Scroll focus into active this._webItemFocus.scrollIntoView(); } } } // Reset focus/go back to item #1 _focusReset = () => { const oldWebItemFocus = this._webItemFocus; const oldWebItemFocusChild = oldWebItemFocus.querySelector('.webItem'); oldWebItemFocusChild.classList.remove('webItemFocus'); this._webListIndex = 0; } // Get item #1 _getFirstItem = () => { const ul = this._webMenuList; const li = ul.getElementsByTagName('li'); // Focus on first item this._webItemFocus = li[0]; // Get child const webItemFocusChildren = this._webItemFocus.querySelector('.webItem'); // Add webItemFocus class webItemFocusChildren.classList.add('webItemFocus'); } // Show web menu screen showWebMenu = () => { this._webMenu.classList.add('showWebMenu'); // Enable inputs this._disableWebMenuInputs(false); this._webMenuVisibility = !this._webMenuVisibility; // Focus to input field this._webMenuSearchBox.focus(); } // Hide web menu screen hideWebMenu = () => { // Clear input field this._webMenuSearchBox.value = ''; // Unfocus input field this._webMenuSearchBox.blur(); // Refilter web list this._filterWebList(); // Scroll to top this._webMenuListContainer.scrollTop = 0; // Reset focus item this._focusReset(); // Get first item this._getFirstItem(); this._webMenu.classList.remove('showWebMenu'); // Disable inputs this._disableWebMenuInputs(true); this._webMenuVisibility = !this._webMenuVisibility; } // Toggle web menu screen toggleWebMenu = () => { console.log('toggle web menu'); // If profile anim is still running, // Return to avoid spam if (profileImage.getProfileAnimationStatus()) return; // Rotate profile profileImage.rotateProfile(); if (this._webMenuVisibility) { // Hide web menu this.hideWebMenu(); } else { // Show Web menu this.showWebMenu(); } // Check if any of these are open, if yes, close it if (searchBoxContainer.classList.contains('showSearchBox')) { console.log('searchbox is open, closing...'); searchBoxShow.hideSearchBox(); } else if (this._dashboard.classList.contains('showRightDashboard')) { console.log('dashboard is open, closing...'); dashboard.hideDashboard(); } else if (this._weatherScreen.classList.contains('showWeatherScreen')) { console.log('weather screen is open, closing...'); weatherScreen.hideWeatherScreen(); return; } // Toggle center box centeredBox.toggleCenteredBox(); } // Remove focus class _removeClass = (el, className) => { // Remove webItemFocus class const oldWebItemFocus = el.querySelector('.webItem'); oldWebItemFocus.classList.remove('webItemFocus'); } // Add focus class _addClass = (el, className) => { const webItemFocusChild = el.querySelector('.webItem'); // Add webItemFocus class to child webItemFocusChild.classList.add('webItemFocus'); // Scroll focus into active webItemFocusChild.scrollIntoView(); } // Arrow key navigation _navigateWithArrows = (key, len) => { // assign constiables to key codes const [right, left, down, up] = [39, 37, 40, 38]; const getIndexByWindowWidth = () => { if (window.innerWidth <= 580) { return 1; } // width of elements in pixels const menuItemWidth = 138; const scrollBarWidth = 10; // viewport width const vw = (unit) => window.innerWidth * (unit / 100); // Gets the number of columns by dividing the screen width minus the padding, scroll width and // average of menu item width by the menu item width const containerWindow = ((window.innerWidth - (menuItemWidth / 2) - scrollBarWidth - vw(24)) / menuItemWidth); // Get rounded result return Math.round(containerWindow); } // Determine the index position by key const changeWebListIndex = () => { switch (key) { case right: this._webListIndex++; // Clear web menu searchbox this._webMenuSearchBox.value = ''; break; case left: this._webListIndex--; // Clear web menu searchbox this._webMenuSearchBox.value = ''; break; case up: this._webListIndex = this._webListIndex - getIndexByWindowWidth(); // Clear web menu searchbox this._webMenuSearchBox.value = ''; break; case down: this._webListIndex = this._webListIndex + getIndexByWindowWidth(); // Clear web menu searchbox this._webMenuSearchBox.value = ''; break; } } const changeItemFocus = (condition, overFlowIndex) => { const next = this._webMenuList.getElementsByTagName('li')[this._webListIndex]; if(typeof next !== undefined && condition) { this._webItemFocus = next; } else { this._webListIndex = overFlowIndex; this._webItemFocus = this._webMenuList.getElementsByTagName('li')[overFlowIndex]; } } const changeItemFocusByKey = () => { if (key === right) { return changeItemFocus((this._webListIndex <= len), 0) } if (key === left) { return changeItemFocus((this._webListIndex >= 0), len) } if (key === up) { return changeItemFocus((this._webListIndex >= 0), len) } if (key === down) { return changeItemFocus((this._webListIndex <= len), 0) } } changeWebListIndex(); if (this._webItemFocus) { this._removeClass(this._webItemFocus, 'webItemFocus'); changeItemFocusByKey(); this._addClass(this._webItemFocus, 'webItemFocus'); // console.log(webListIndex); } else { this._webListIndex = 0; this._webItemFocus = this._webMenuList.getElementsByTagName('li')[0]; this._addClass(this._webItemFocus, 'webItemFocus'); } } _webMenuKeyDownEvent = e => { const len = this._webMenuList.getElementsByTagName('li').length - 1; this._navigateWithArrows(e.which, len); } _registerWebMenuKeyDownEvent = () => { this._webMenu.addEventListener('keydown', this._webMenuKeyDownEvent, false); } _webMenuSearchBoxKeyDownEvent = e => { // Don't hijack keyboard navigation buttons (up, down, left, right) if ((e.key === 'ArrowRight') || (e.key === 'ArrowDown') || (e.key === 'ArrowLeft') || (e.key === 'ArrowUp')) return; if (e.key === 'Tab') return; if (e.key === 'Enter' && this._webItemFocus) { // Run the focused li's callback this._webItemFocus.callback(); // Hide web menu this.toggleWebMenu(); } else if (e.key === 'Backspace' && webMenuSearchBox.value.length < 1) { // Hide web menu if backspace is pressed and searchbox value is 0 this.toggleWebMenu(); return; } else if ((e.key === 'Escape') || (e.key === 'Alt')) { // Ignore escape and alt key return; } // Filter this._filterWebList(); } _registerWebMenuSearchBoxKeyDownEvent = () => { this._webMenuSearchBox.onkeydown = this._webMenuSearchBoxKeyDownEvent; } _init = () => { this._populateWebMenu(); this._getFirstItem(); // Disable inputs this._disableWebMenuInputs(true); this._registerWebMenuSearchBoxKeyDownEvent(); this._registerWebMenuKeyDownEvent(); } }