Added la fabrique a cookie 01 and renamed folder for clarity

This commit is contained in:
seb776 2023-01-30 12:31:47 +01:00
parent a2c7429362
commit 3b115102ac
22 changed files with 292 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
# Performances
On October 19, 2022 on [La fabrique à cookie 01](
## Shaders
1. Leon Denise
2. Flopine
## Software
- [Bonzomatic](

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@ -0,0 +1,100 @@
#version 410 core
uniform float fGlobalTime; // in seconds
uniform vec2 v2Resolution; // viewport resolution (in pixels)
uniform float fFrameTime; // duration of the last frame, in seconds
uniform sampler1D texFFT; // towards 0.0 is bass / lower freq, towards 1.0 is higher / treble freq
uniform sampler1D texFFTSmoothed; // this one has longer falloff and less harsh transients
uniform sampler1D texFFTIntegrated; // this is continually increasing
uniform sampler2D texPreviousFrame; // screenshot of the previous frame
uniform sampler2D texChecker;
uniform sampler2D texNoise;
uniform sampler2D texTex1;
uniform sampler2D texTex2;
uniform sampler2D texTex3;
uniform sampler2D texTex4;
layout(location = 0) out vec4 out_color; // out_color must be written in order to see anything
vec4 plas( vec2 v, float time )
float c = 0.5 + sin( v.x * 10.0 ) + cos( sin( time + v.y ) * 20.0 );
return vec4( sin(c * 0.2 + cos(time)), c * 0.15, cos( c * 0.1 + time / .4 ) * .25, 1.0 );
#define circle(u,s) (length(u)-s)
#define sm(t,v) smoothstep(t, t*1.05, v)
#define hash21(x) fract(sin(dot(x,vec2(145.2, 210.8)))-164.5)
#define PI acos(-1.)
#define time fGlobalTime
void mo (inout vec2 p, vec2 d)
p = abs(p)-d;
if (p.y>p.x) p=p.yx;
float truchet (vec2 uv)
vec2 id = floor(uv);
if(hash21(id)<.5) uv.x *=-1.;
uv = fract(uv)-.5;
float a = atan(uv.y,uv.x);
a = cos(a*2.+time);
float s = uv.x>-uv.y ? 1.:-1.;
uv -= .5*s;
//return sm(0.1, abs(circle(uv, 0.5)) );
return abs(circle(uv, 0.5)) ;
float extrude (vec3 p, float d, float h)
vec2 q = vec2(d, abs(p.z)-h);
return min(0., max(q.x,q.y))+length(max(q,0.));
float SDF (vec3 p)
p.z += time;
float per = 5.;
p.z = mod(p.z, per)-per*.5;
return extrude(p, truchet(p.xy),0.1)-0.3;
void main(void)
vec2 uv = vec2(2.*gl_FragCoord.xy-v2Resolution.xy)/ v2Resolution.y;
uv *= 5.;
vec3 ro = vec3(0.001,0.001,-2.), rd=normalize(vec3(uv,1.)),p=ro, col=vec3(truchet(uv));
bool hit = false; float shad;
for (float i=0.; i<64.; i++)
float d = SDF(p);
hit=true; shad = i/64.; break;
p += d*rd;
if (hit)
col = vec3(1.-shad*3.);
float t = length(p-ro);
//vec3 col = vec3(t);
col = mix(col, vec3(0.8,0.,0.1), 1.-exp(-0.01*t*t));
float mask = texture(texFFTSmoothed, abs((uv.x-uv.y)*0.5)-0.25).x*1000.;
if (mask>.5) col = vec3(0.8, 0.05, 0.1);
out_color = vec4(sqrt(col), 1.);;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,178 @@
#version 410 core
uniform float fGlobalTime; // in seconds
uniform vec2 v2Resolution; // viewport resolution (in pixels)
uniform float fFrameTime; // duration of the last frame, in seconds
uniform sampler1D texFFT; // towards 0.0 is bass / lower freq, towards 1.0 is higher / treble freq
uniform sampler1D texFFTSmoothed; // this one has longer falloff and less harsh transients
uniform sampler1D texFFTIntegrated; // this is continually increasing
uniform sampler2D texPreviousFrame; // screenshot of the previous frame
uniform sampler2D texChecker;
uniform sampler2D texNoise;
uniform sampler2D texTex1;
uniform sampler2D texTex2;
uniform sampler2D texTex3;
uniform sampler2D texTex4;
float fft;
layout(location = 0) out vec4 out_color; // out_color must be written in order to see anything
vec4 plas( vec2 v, float time )
float c = 0.5 + sin( v.x * 10.0 ) + cos( sin( time + v.y ) * 20.0 );
return vec4( sin(c * 0.2 + cos(time)), c * 0.15, cos( c * 0.1 + time / .4 ) * .25, 1.0 );
#define circle(u,s) (length(u)-s)
#define sm(t,v) smoothstep(t, t*1.05, v)
#define repeat(p,r) (mod(p,r)-r*.5)
#define hash21(x) fract(sin(dot(x,vec2(145.2, 210.8)))-164.5)
#define PI acos(-1.)
float time = mod(fGlobalTime*.3, 300.);
mat2 rot(float a) {
float ca=cos(a);
float sa=sin(a);
return mat2(ca,sa,-sa,ca);
void mo (inout vec2 p, vec2 d)
p = abs(p)-d;
if (p.y>p.x) p=p.yx;
float truchet (vec2 uv)
vec2 id = floor(uv);
if(hash21(id)<.5) uv.x *=-1.;
uv = fract(uv)-.5;
float a = atan(uv.y,uv.x);
a = cos(a*2.+time);
float s = uv.x>-uv.y ? 1.:-1.;
uv -= .5*s;
//return sm(0.1, abs(circle(uv, 0.5)) );
return abs(circle(uv, 0.5)) ;
float extrude (vec3 p, float d, float h)
vec2 q = vec2(d, abs(p.z)-h);
return min(0., max(q.x,q.y))+length(max(q,0.));
float rnd(float t) {
return fract(sin(t*532.524)*714.521);
float curve(float t, float d) {
return mix(rnd(floor(t)),rnd(floor(t+1)), pow(smoothstep(0,1,fract(t)),10.));
float box(vec3 p, vec3 s) {
return max(p.x, max(p.y,p.z));
float SDF (vec3 p)
vec3 p2=p;//+vec3(0,0,0.7);
vec3 p3=p;
p.z += time;
float per = 5.;
p.z = mod(p.z, per)-per*.5;
float d= extrude(p, truchet(p.xy),0.1)-0.3;
p2.z += time;
float pz = p2.z;
p2 = repeat(p2, 2.);
p2.xz *= rot(time);
p2.yz *= rot(0.7*time);
float a = 1.;
float t = time * .1 + pz * 0.5 + fft * 5.;
for(int i=0; i<5;i++) {
p2.xz *= rot(t*.8 + curve(time, 2.7)*4);
p2.yz *= rot(t*.7/a);
//p2.x-=0.6+curve(time, .7)*.01;
d = min(d, length(p2)-.1*a-fft*50.);
a /= 1.8;
//d=min(d, box(p2, vec3(0.3)));
//d=min(d, length(p2.xz)-.1);
//d=max(d, -p3.z-2.5+length(p3)*.3);
d = max(abs(d)-.001, -(length(p.xy)-.5));
return d;
void main(void)
vec2 uv = vec2(2.*gl_FragCoord.xy-v2Resolution.xy)/ v2Resolution.y;
//uv *= 5.;
vec2 uv2=uv;
//uv *= .5+curve(time, .3);
// uv *= rot(time*.3-sin(length(uv)-time*5.)*.1);
for(int i=0;i<3; ++i) {
//uv *= rot(curve(time, .2)+time*.3+i);
fft = texture(texFFTSmoothed, 0.).r;
vec3 ro = vec3(0.001,0.001,-2.), rd=normalize(vec3(uv,1.)),p=ro, col=vec3(0);
rd.xy *= rot(time);
rd.yz *= rot(time);
bool hit = false; float shad;
float d=0;
for (float i=0.; i<64.; i++)
d = SDF(p);
hit=true; shad = i/64.; break;
p += d*rd;
if (hit)
col = vec3(1.-shad*3.);
float t = length(p-ro);
//vec3 col = vec3(t);
//col = mix(col, vec3(0.8,0.,0.1), 1.-exp(-0.01*t*t));
//col.xz *= rot(t*.3);
if(length(uv2)>-5+texture(texFFTSmoothed, 0.01).x*400.) {
float mask = texture(texFFTSmoothed, abs((uv.x-uv.y)*0.5)-0.25).x*1000.;
//if (mask>.5) col = vec3(0.8, 0.05, 0.1);
float t2=time*.2 + uv.x*.05 + length(p)*.1 + rnd(floor(abs(uv2.x)*1.-time));
//col.xz *= rot(t2);
//col.yz *= rot(-t2*.7);
col = .5+.5*cos(vec3(1,2,3)*5.+floor(p.z*4.)*.1+time*10.);
col *= shad;
out_color = vec4(sqrt(col), 1.);;

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