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synced 2025-03-25 05:26:47 +01:00
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@ -1543,62 +1543,62 @@ FFA,Football Federation Australia,Pacific Islands Forum Fisheries Agency,Free-Fi
FFB,Frum From Birth (referring to an observant Jew born into a religiously observant family)
FFC,Free For Chat
FFE,Fukuoka Futures Exchange
FFF,Fédération française de football (French,"French Football Federation")
FFF,"Fédération française de football (French for: French Football Federation)"
FFG,Guided Missile Frigate (hull classification symbol)
FFOV,Forward Field Of View
FFR,Fédération française de rugby (French,"French Rugby (Union) Federation")
FFR,"Fédération française de rugby (French for: French Rugby (Union) Federation)"
FFS,For Fuck's Sake
FFT,Final Fantasy Tactics,FG[edit]
FFT,Final Fantasy Tactics
FG,Falun Gong
FG,Fog (METAR Code),French Guiana (FIPS 10-4 territory code)
FG,"Fog (METAR Code), French Guiana (FIPS 10-4 territory code)"
FGR,Flickr Group Roulette
FHFIF,Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends
FHI,Family Health International,Fuji Heavy Industries,Ltd.
FI,Finland (ISO 3166 digram; FIPS 10-4 country code)
FIA,Fédération internationale de l'automobile (French "International Automobile Federation")
FIAT,Fabbrica Italiana Automobili Torino (Italian "Italian Car Factory of Turin")
FIB,Fucking Illinois Bastard (Wisconsin slang,variants exist)
FHI,"Family Health International, Fuji Heavy Industries,Ltd."
FI,"Finland (ISO 3166 digram; FIPS 10-4 country code)"
FIA,Fédération internationale de l'automobile (French for: International Automobile Federation)"
FIAT,"Fabbrica Italiana Automobili Torino (Italian for: Italian Car Factory of Turin)"
FIB,"Fucking Illinois Bastard (Wisconsin slang, variants exist)"
FIBA,originally Fédération internationale de basket-ball amateur (French,"International Amateur Basketball Federation"); since 1989, Fédération internationale de basket-ball
FIBUA,Fighting In Built-Up Areas
FIC,Fellowship for Intentional Community
FID,Foreign Internal Defence
FIE,Fly-In Echelon
FIFA,Fédération internationale de football association (French,"International Association Football Federation")
FIFe,Fédération internationale féline (French,"International Feline Federation")
FIFO,First In,First Out
FIFRA,Federal Insecticide,Fungicide,and Rodenticide Act
FIFA,"Fédération internationale de football association (French for: International Association Football Federation)"
FIFe,"Fédération internationale féline (French for: International Feline Federation)"
FIFO,"First In, First Out"
FIFRA,"Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act"
FIG,Fédération internationale des géomètres (French,"International Federation of Surveyors"),Fédération internationale de gymnastique (French,"International Federation of Gymnastics"),Feminist Improvising Group (music ensemble)
FIGJAM,Fuck I'm Good,Just Ask Me
FIGJAM,"Fuck I'm Good, Just Ask Me"
FILA,Fédération internationale des luttes associées (French,"International Federation of Associated Wrestling Styles"),former name of the sport governing body now known as United World Wrestling
FIMPT,Fellow of the Institute of Maxillofacial Prosthetists and Technologists
FIN,Finland (ISO 3166 trigram)
FINA,(p/a) Fédération internationale de natation (French,"International Swimming Federation")
FINA,"Fédération internationale de natation (French for: International Swimming Federation)"
FIR,Final Inspection Report,Federazione Italiana Rugby (Italian,"Italian Rugby (Union) Federation")
FIRES,Fever Induced Refractory Epilepsy Syndrome or Febrile Infection-Related Epilepsy Syndrome
FIRES,"Fever Induced Refractory Epilepsy Syndrome or Febrile Infection-Related Epilepsy Syndrome"
FIS,"Fédération internationale de ski (French for: International Ski Federation)"
FISA,Fédération Internationale des Sociétés d'Aviron (French,"International Federation of Rowing Associations")
FISA,"Fédération Internationale des Sociétés d'Aviron (French for: International Federation of Rowing Associations)"
FISH,Fluorescence In-Situ Hybridisation
FiST,Fire Support Team
FITS,Flexible Image Transport System
FIU,Florida International University
FJ,Fiji (ISO 3166 digram; FIPS 10-4 country code)
FJ,"Fiji (ISO 3166 digram; FIPS 10-4 country code)"
FJI,Fiji (ISO 3166 trigram)
FJN,Financial Job Network
FK,Falkland Islands (ISO 3166 digram; FIPS 10-4 territory code)
FK,"Falkland Islands (ISO 3166 digram; FIPS 10-4 territory code)"
FKSM,Fort Knox Supplemental Manual
FKT,Fastest Known Time
FL,Florida (postal symbol)
fl,floruit (Latin,"living") (genealogy)
FLA,Florida,Front Line Assembly,Future Large Aircraft
fl,"floruit (Latin for: living) (genealogy)"
FLA,"Florida,Front Line Assembly,Future Large Aircraft"
FLAB,Four-letter abbreviation
FLAC,Free Legal Advice Centres
FLAC,Free Lossless Audio Codec
FLAK,FLugAbwehrKanone (German for "Anti-Aircraft Guns")
FLAK,"Flug-Abwehr-Kanone (German for: Anti-Aircraft Guns)"
FLB,Forward Logistics Base
FLET,Forward Line of Enemy Troops
FLG,Falun Gong
@ -1607,24 +1607,24 @@ FLIR,Forward Looking InfraRed (sensor)
FLK,Falkland Islands (ISO 3166 trigram)
FLOT,Forward Line of Own Troops
FLQ,Free Legal Questions
FLQ,Front de libération du Québec (French for "Québec Liberation Front")
FLQ,"Front de libération du Québec (French for: Québec Liberation Front)"
FLSA,Fair Labor Standards Act
FLTSAT,Fleet Satellite
FLTSATCOM,Fleet Satellite Communication System
FLUBOS,Fat,Lazy,Useless,Bag Of Shit
FM,Factory Mutual http://fmglobal.com
FM,Federal Magistrate (Australian post-nominal),Federated States of Micronesia (postal symbol; ISO 3166 digram; FIPS 10-4 territory code),Field Manual,Flight Manager,Frequency Modulation (electronics)
FLUBOS,"Fat, Lazy, Useless, Bag Of Shit"
FM,Factory Mutual
FM,"Federal Magistrate (Australian post-nominal),Federated States of Micronesia (postal symbol; ISO 3166 digram; FIPS 10-4 territory code),Field Manual,Flight Manager,Frequency Modulation (electronics)"
FMC,Federal Magistrates' Court (an Australian federal court,formerly FMS),Food Machinery Corporation (original name of the company now known as FMC Corporation)
FMCA,Federal Magistrates' Court of Australia (used for citing decisions of the FMC other than family law decisions)
FMCAfam,Federal Magistrates' Court of Australia: family (used for citing family law decisions of the FMC)
FMCG,(Fast Moving Consumer Goods)
FMC,"Federal Magistrates' Court (an Australian federal court,formerly FMS),Food Machinery Corporation (original name of the company now known as FMC Corporation)"
FMCA,"Federal Magistrates' Court of Australia (used for citing decisions of the FMC other than family law decisions)"
FMCAfam,"Federal Magistrates' Court of Australia: family (used for citing family law decisions of the FMC)"
FMCG,Fast Moving Consumer Goods
FME,Formal Methods Europe
FMECA,Failure Modes and Effect Criticality Analysis
FMJD,Fédération Mondiale du Jeu de Dames[2]
FMJD,Fédération Mondiale du Jeu de Dames
FMLA,Family Medical Leave Act
Fmr,Former (As in "Fmr. president")
Fmr,"Former (as in: Fmr. president)
fMRI,Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging
FMSF,False Memory Syndrome Foundation
FMTV,Family of Medium Tactical Vehicles
@ -1634,7 +1634,7 @@ FOAD,Fuck Off And Die
FOAF,Friend Of A friend
FOB,Forward Operating Base
FoB,Free On Board (shipping)
FOC,Full Operational Capability,First of Class
FOC,"Full Operational Capability, First of Class"
FoE,Friends of the Earth
FOGC,Federal Oil and Gas Council
FOH,Front Of House
@ -1653,25 +1653,25 @@ FOTA,Fellow of the Orthodontic Technicians Association
FOTC,Flight of the Conchords
FOUO,For Official Use Only
FP,French Polynesia (FIPS 10-4 territory code)
FPF,Federação Portuguesa de Futebol ("Portuguese Football Federation" in that language),Final Protective Fire
FPF,"Federação Portuguesa de Futebol (Portuguese for: Portuguese Football Federation), Final Protective Fire"
FPS,Fire Prevention System
FQ,Baker Island (FIPS 10-4 territory code),French Southern and Antarctic Territories (ISO 3166 digram; obsolete 1979)
FQ,"Baker Island (FIPS 10-4 territory code),French Southern and Antarctic Territories (ISO 3166 digram; obsolete 1979)"
FR,France (FIPS 10-4 country code; ISO 3166 digram)
FRA,Federal Railroad Administration,France (ISO 3166 trigram)
FRAND,Fair,reasonable,and non-discriminatory (concept in standards-setting and intellectual property law)
FRCP,Federal Rules of Civil Procedure,Fellow of the Royal College of Physicians
FRA,"Federal Railroad Administration, France (ISO 3166 trigram)"
FRAND,"Fair,reasonable,and non-discriminatory (concept in standards-setting and intellectual property law)"
FRCP,"Federal Rules of Civil Procedure,Fellow of the Royal College of Physicians"
FRO,Faroe Islands (ISO 3166 trigram)
FRR,Falls Road Railroad (reporting mark),Federaţia Română de Radioamatorism (Romanian,"Romanian Amateur Radio Federation"),Fix,Rebuild,Replace,Federaţia Română de Rugby (Romanian,"Romanian Rugby (Union) Federation")
FRS,Fellow of the Royal Society,U.S. Federal Reserve System
FRS,"Fellow of the Royal Society, U.S. Federal Reserve System"
FRSA,Fellow of the Royal Society of Art
FRY,Federal Republic of Yugoslavia
FSA,Fire Support Area,UK Food Standards Agency,Functional Solution Analysis
FSA,"Fire Support Area, UK Food Standards Agency, Functional Solution Analysis"
FSB,Federal'naya Sluzhba Bezopasnosti Rossiyskoi Federatsii (Федера́льная слу́жба безопа́сности Росси́йской Федера́ции,Russian "Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation",succeeded the FSK in 1995),Forward Support Battalion
FSC,Federal Supply Classification,Forest Stewardship Council (ecological pressure group
FSC,"Federal Supply Classification, Forest Stewardship Council (ecological pressure group)"
FSCL,Fire Support Co-ordination Line
FSE,Fire Support Element
FSF,Free Software Foundation
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