Add start-calibre-server.ps1

This commit is contained in:
Markus Fleschutz 2021-07-16 16:49:42 +02:00
parent 47f084b2d4
commit 476108bcbc
4 changed files with 30 additions and 12 deletions

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@ -184,6 +184,7 @@ speak-joke.ps1, speaks the next joke by text-to-speech (TTS)
speak-test.ps1, performs a speak test by text-to-speech (TTS)
speak-text.ps1, speaks the given text by text-to-speech (TTS)
speak-time.ps1, speaks the current time by text-to-speech (TTS)
start-calibre-server.ps1, starts a local Calibre server
start-ipfs-server.ps1, starts a local IPFS server
switch-branch.ps1, switches the branch in the current/given Git repository (including submodules)
switch-shelly1.ps1, switches a Shelly1 device in the local network

1 Script Description
184 speak-test.ps1 performs a speak test by text-to-speech (TTS)
185 speak-text.ps1 speaks the given text by text-to-speech (TTS)
186 speak-time.ps1 speaks the current time by text-to-speech (TTS)
187 start-calibre-server.ps1 starts a local Calibre server
188 start-ipfs-server.ps1 starts a local IPFS server
189 switch-branch.ps1 switches the branch in the current/given Git repository (including submodules)
190 switch-shelly1.ps1 switches a Shelly1 device in the local network

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@ -221,6 +221,7 @@ Mega Collection of PowerShell Scripts
* [set-timer.ps1](Scripts/set-timer.ps1) - sets a timer for a countdown
* [simulate-matrix.ps1](Scripts/simulate-matrix.ps1) - simulates the Matrix (fun)
* [simulate-presence.ps1](Scripts/simulate-presence.ps1) - simulates the human presence against burglars
* [start-calibre-server.ps1](Scripts/start-calibre-server.ps1) - starts a local Calibre server
* [start-ipfs-server.ps1](Scripts/start-ipfs-server.ps1) - starts a local IPFS server
* [switch-shelly1.ps1](Scripts/switch-shelly1.ps1) - switches a Shelly1 device in the local network
* [translate-file.ps1](Scripts/translate-file.ps1) - translates the given text file into other languages

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@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
# Syntax: ./calibre-server
# Description: starts a Calibre server
# Author: Markus Fleschutz
# Source:
# License: CC0
echo "Starting Calibre Server ..."
calibre-server --port 8099 --num-per-page 100 --userdb $HOME/CalibreUsers.sqlite --log $HOME/CalibreServer.log --daemonize $HOME/'Calibre Library'
echo "OK - Calibre Server started."
exit 0

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@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
Starts a local Calibre server as a daemon process
PS> .\start-calibre-server.ps1
Author: Markus Fleschutz / License: CC0
try {
$StopWatch = [system.diagnostics.stopwatch]::startNew()
$Result = (calibre-server --version)
if ($lastExitCode -ne "0") { throw "Can't execute 'calibre-server' - make sure Calibre is installed and available" }
& calibre-server --port 8099 --num-per-page 100 --userdb $HOME/CalibreUsers.sqlite --log $HOME/CalibreServer.log --daemonize $HOME/'Calibre Library'
[int]$Elapsed = $StopWatch.Elapsed.TotalSeconds
"✔️ started Calibre Server in $Elapsed sec"
exit 0
} catch {
write-error "⚠️ Error in line $($_.InvocationInfo.ScriptLineNumber): $($Error[0])"
exit 1