Update list-latest-tag.ps1

This commit is contained in:
Markus Fleschutz 2024-01-07 11:04:59 +01:00
parent 9570479c81
commit b4edc48cfb

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@ -1,13 +1,13 @@
Lists the latest tag on the current branch in a Git repository
Lists the repo's latest tag
This PowerShell script lists the latest tag on the current branch in a Git repository.
This PowerShell script lists the latest tag in a local Git repository.
Specifies the path to the repository
Specifies the path to the local repository (current working dir by default)
PS> ./list-latest-tag.ps1 C:\MyRepo
🔖v0.8 at commit 02171a401d83b01a0cda0af426840b605e617f08
Tag 'v1.0' at commit 4833ecbf1457dc86ad7f4d6e3 ('Version 1.0 released')
@ -17,14 +17,16 @@
param([string]$RepoDir = "$PWD")
try {
if (-not(test-path "$RepoDir" -pathType container)) { throw "Can't access directory: $RepoDir" }
if (-not(Test-Path "$RepoDir" -pathType container)) { throw "Can't access directory: $RepoDir" }
$Null = (git --version)
if ($lastExitCode -ne "0") { throw "Can't execute 'git' - make sure Git is installed and available" }
$LatestTagCommitID = (git -C "$RepoDir" rev-list --tags --max-count=1)
$LatestTag = (git -C "$RepoDir" describe --tags $LatestTagCommitID)
"🔖$LatestTag at commit $LatestTagCommitID"
$LatestTagCommit = (git -C "$RepoDir" rev-list --tags --max-count=1)
$LatestTagName = (git -C "$RepoDir" describe --tags $LatestTagCommit)
$LatestTagMessage = (git -C "$RepoDir" log --format=%B -n 1 $LatestTagCommit)
"✅ Tag '$LatestTagName' at commit $LatestTagCommit ('$LatestTagMessage')"
exit 0 # success
} catch {
"⚠️ Error in line $($_.InvocationInfo.ScriptLineNumber): $($Error[0])"