Update write-animated.ps1

This commit is contained in:
Markus Fleschutz 2024-05-15 15:25:28 +02:00
parent deca430aae
commit bc9a0ab7c0

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@ -2,51 +2,37 @@
Writes animated text
This PowerShell script writes animated text to the console.
This PowerShell script writes text centered and animated to the console.
Specifies the text line to write ("Welcome to PowerShell" by default)
Specifies the animation speed per character (10ms by default)
PS> ./write-animated "Hello World"
PS> ./write-animated.ps1
(watch and enjoy)
Author: Markus Fleschutz | License: CC0
param($Line1 = "", $Line2 = "", $Line3 = "", $Line4 = "", $Line5 = "", $Line6 = "", $Line7 = "", $Line8 = "", $Line9 = "", [int]$Speed = 30) # 30 ms pause
param([string]$text = "Welcome to PowerShell", [int]$speed = 10) # 10ms
$TerminalWidth = 120 # characters
function WriteLine { param([string]$Line)
if ($Line -eq "") { return }
[int]$End = $Line.Length
$StartPosition = $HOST.UI.RawUI.CursorPosition
$Spaces = " "
foreach($Pos in 1 .. $End) {
$TextToDisplay = $Spaces.Substring(0, $TerminalWidth / 2 - $pos / 2) + $Line.Substring(0, $Pos)
Write-Host $TextToDisplay -noNewline
Start-Sleep -milliseconds $Speed
$HOST.UI.RawUI.CursorPosition = $StartPosition
function WriteLine([string]$line) {
[int]$end = $line.Length
$startPos = $HOST.UI.RawUI.CursorPosition
$spaces = " "
[int]$termHalfWidth = 120 / 2
foreach($pos in 1 .. $end) {
$HOST.UI.RawUI.CursorPosition = $startPos
Write-Host "$($spaces.Substring(0, $termHalfWidth - $pos / 2) + $line.Substring(0, $pos))" -noNewline
Start-Sleep -milliseconds $speed
Write-Host ""
try {
if ($Line1 -eq "") {
$Line1 = "Welcome to PowerShell Scripts"
$Line2 = " "
$Line3 = "This repository contains useful and cross-platform PowerShell scripts."
$Line4 = " "
$Line5 = "Best regards,"
$Line6 = "Markus"
WriteLine $Line1
WriteLine $Line2
WriteLine $Line3
WriteLine $Line4
WriteLine $Line5
WriteLine $Line6
WriteLine $Line7
WriteLine $Line8
WriteLine $Line9
WriteLine $text
exit 0 # success
} catch {
"⚠️ Error in line $($_.InvocationInfo.ScriptLineNumber): $($Error[0])"