2023-08-10 11:19:07 +02:00

18 KiB

2add-firewall-rules.ps1Adds firewall rules for executables (needs admin rights)
3add-memo.ps1Adds a memo text
4build-repo.ps1Builds a Git repository
5build-repos.ps1Builds all Git repositories in a folder
6cd-autostart.ps1Set the working directory to the user's autostart folder
7cd-desktop.ps1Set the working directory to the user's desktop folder
8cd-docs.ps1Set the working directory to the user's documents folder
9cd-downloads.ps1Set the working directory to the user's downloads folder
10cd-dropbox.ps1Set the working directory to the user's Dropbox folder
11cd-home.ps1Set the working directory to the user's home folder
12cd-music.ps1Set the working directory to the user's music folder
13cd-onedrive.ps1Set the working directory to the user's OneDrive folder
14cd-pics.ps1Set the working directory to the user's pictures folder
15cd-recycle-bin.ps1Set the working directory to the user's recycle bin folder
16cd-repos.ps1Set the working directory to the user's Git repositories folder
17cd-root.ps1Set the working directory to the root directory (C: on Windows)
18cd-scripts.ps1Set the working directory to the PowerShell Scripts folder
19cd-ssh.ps1Set the working directory to the user's SSH folder
20cd-up.ps1Set the working directory to one directory level up
21cd-up2.ps1Set the working directory to two directory levels up
22cd-up3.ps1Set the working directory to three directory levels up
23cd-up4.ps1Set the working directory to four directory levels up
24cd-videos.ps1Set the working directory to the user's videos folder
25check-cpu-temp.ps1Checks the CPU temperature
26check-dns-resolution.ps1Checks the DNS resolution with frequently used domain names
27check-drive-space.ps1Checks a drive for free space left
28check-file-system.ps1Checks the file system of a drive (needs admin rights)
29check-health.ps1Checks the system health
30check-ipv4-address.ps1Checks the given IPv4 address for validity
31check-ipv6-address.ps1Checks the given IPv6 address for validity
32check-mac-address.ps1Checks the given MAC address for validity
33check-ping.ps1Checks the ping latency to the internet
34check-subnet-mask.ps1Checks the given subnet mask for validity
35check-swap-space.ps1Checks the swap space for free space left
36check-symlinks.ps1Checks every symlink in a directory tree
37check-weather.ps1Checks the current weather for critical values
38check-windows-system-files.ps1Checks the validity of the Windows system files
39check-xml-file.ps1Checks the given XML file for validity
40clean-repo.ps1Cleans the current/given Git repository from untracked files (including submodules)
41clean-repos.ps1Cleans all Git repositories under the current/given directory from untracked files (including submodules)
42clear-recycle-bin.ps1Removes the content of the recycle bin folder (can not be undo!)
43clone-repos.ps1Clones well-known Git repositories
44close-calculator.ps1Closes the calculator program gracefully
45close-cortana.ps1Closes Cortana gracefully
46close-file-explorer.ps1Closes Microsoft File Explorer gracefully
47close-google-chrome.ps1Closes the Google Chrome Web browser
48close-program.ps1Closes the given program gracefully
49close-microsoft-edge.ps1Closes the Microsoft Edge Web browser
50close-microsoft-store.ps1Closes the Microsoft Store app
51close-mozilla-firefox.ps1Closes the Mozilla Firefox Web browser
52close-netflix.ps1Closes the Netflix application gracefully
53close-onedrive.ps1Closes Microsoft OneDrive gracefully
54close-serenade.ps1Closes the Serenade.ai application gracefully
55close-snipping-tool.ps1Closes the Snipping Tool application gracefully
56close-spotify.ps1Closes Spotify
57close-system-settings.ps1Closes the System Settings gracefully
58close-thunderbird.ps1Closes Mozilla Thunderbird gracefully
59close-vlc.ps1Closes the VLC media player application
60close-windows-terminal.ps1Closes the Windows Terminal application
61copy-photos-sorted.ps1Copy image files sorted by year and month
62configure-git.ps1Sets up the Git user configuration
63convert-csv2txt.ps1Converts the given CSV file into a text list
64convert-mysql2csv.ps1Converts the MySQL database table to a CSV file
65convert-ps2bat.ps1Converts PowerShell script(s) to .bat files
66convert-ps2md.ps1Converts the comment-based help of a PowerShell script to Markdown
67convert-sql2csv.ps1Converts the SQL database table to a CSV file
68convert-txt2wav.ps1Converts text into a audio .WAV file
69daily-tasks.shExecute PowerShell scripts automatically as daily tasks (Linux only)
70decrypt-file.ps1Decrypts the given file
71display-time.ps1Displays the current time for 10 seconds by default
72download-dir.ps1Downloads a directory tree from the given URL
73download-file.ps1Downloads a file from the given URL
74edit.ps1Edits the given file with the built-in text editor
75enable-crash-dumps.ps1Enables the writing of crash dumps
76enable-god-mode.ps1Enables the god mode (adds a new icon to the desktop)
77encrypt-file.ps1Encrypts the given file
78export-to-manuals.ps1Converts all scripts as manuals
79export-to-serenade.ps1Converts all scripts to Serenade for voice control
80fetch-repo.ps1Fetches updates for the current/given Git repository (including submodules)
81fetch-repos.ps1Fetches updates for all Git repositories under the current/given directory (including submodules)
82get-md5.ps1Prints the MD5 checksum of the given file
83get-sha1.ps1Prints the SHA1 checksum of the given file
84get-sha256.ps1Prints the SHA256 checksum of the given file
85hibernate.ps1Enables hibernate mode for the local computer (needs admin rights)
86inspect-exe.ps1Prints basic information of the given executable file
87install-github-cli.ps1Installs GitHub CLI
88install-google-chrome.ps1Installs the Google Chrome browser
89install-knot-resolver.ps1Installs the Knot Resolver (needs admin rights)
90install-signal-cli.ps1Installs signal-cli from github.com/AsamK/signal-cli
91install-ssh-client.ps1Installs the SSH client (needs admin rights)
92install-ssh-server.ps1Installs the SSH server (needs admin rights)
93install-updates.ps1Installs updates (needs admin rights)
94install-vscode.ps1Installs Visual Studio Code
95install-wsl.ps1Installs Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL), needs admin rights
96introduce-powershell.ps1Introduces PowerShell to new users
97list-aliases.ps1Lists all PowerShell aliases
98list-anagrams.ps1Lists all anagrams of the given word
99list-automatic-variables.ps1Lists the automatic variables of PowerShell
100list-branches.ps1Lists all branches in the current/given Git repository
101list-cheat-sheet.ps1Lists the PowerShell cheat sheet
102list-city-weather.ps1Lists the current weather of cities worldwide (east to west)
103list-commits.ps1Lists all commits in the current/given Git repository
104list-console-colors.ps1Lists all console colors
105list-countries.ps1Lists details of all countries
106list-cli-tools.ps1Lists available command-line interface (CLI) tools
107list-clipboard.ps1Lists the contents of the clipboard
108list-credits.ps1Shows the credits
109list-crypto-rates.ps1Lists the current crypto exchange rates
110list-dir-tree.ps1Lists the directory tree content
111list-drives.ps1Lists all drives
112list-environment-variables.ps1Lists all environment variables
113list-emojis.ps1Lists the emojis of Unicode 13.0
114list-empty-dirs.ps1Lists empty subfolders within the given directory tree
115list-empty-files.ps1Lists empty files within the given directory tree
116list-files.ps1Lists all files in the given folder and also in every subfolder
117list-folder.ps1Lists the folder content
118list-fritzbox-calls.ps1Lists the FRITZ!Box calls
119list-fritzbox-devices.ps1Lists FRITZ!Box's known devices
120list-hidden-files.ps1Lists hidden files within the given directory tree
121list-installed-apps.ps1Lists the installed Windows Store apps
122list-installed-software.ps1Lists the installed software (except Windows Store apps)
123list-latest-tag.ps1Lists the latest tag on the current branch in a Git repository
124list-latest-tags.ps1Lists the latests tags in all Git repositories under the current/given directory
125list-memos.ps1Lists the memos at $HOME/Memos.csv
126list-unused-files.ps1Lists unused files in a directory tree
127list-cmdlets.ps1Lists the PowerShell cmdlets
128list-earthquakes.ps1Lists earthquakes with magnitude >= 6.0 for the last 30 days
129list-exchange-rates.ps1Lists the exchange rates for the given currency
130list-modules.ps1Lists the PowerShell modules
131list-mysql-tables.ps1Lists the MySQL server tables
132list-network-shares.ps1Lists the network shares of the local computer
133list-news.ps1Lists the latest news
134list-os-releases.ps1Lists operating system releases and download URL
135list-os-updates.ps1Lists operating system updates
136list-passwords.ps1Prints a list of random passwords
137list-pins.ps1Prints a list of random PIN's
138list-printers.ps1Lists all printer known to the computer
139list-print-jobs.ps1Lists all jobs of all printers
140list-processes.ps1Lists the local computer processes
141list-profiles.ps1Lists your PowerShell profiles
142list-recycle-bin.ps1Lists the content of the recycle bin folder
143list-scripts.ps1Lists all PowerShell scripts in this repository
144list-services.ps1Lists the services on the local computer
145list-sql-tables.ps1Lists the SQL server tables
146list-submodules.ps1Lists the submodules of the current/given Git repository
147list-system-info.ps1Lists system information on the local computer
148list-tags.ps1Lists all tags in the current/given Git repository
149list-tasks.ps1Lists all Windows scheduler tasks
150list-timezone.ps1Lists the current time zone details
151list-timezones.ps1Lists all time zones available
152list-tiobe-index.ps1Lists the TIOBE index of top programming languages
153list-user-groups.ps1Lists the user groups on the local computer
154list-voices.ps1Lists the installed text-to-speech (TTS) voices
155list-weather.ps1Lists the hourly weather
156list-workdir.ps1Lists the current working directory
157locate-city.ps1Prints the geographic location of the given city
158locate-ipaddress.ps1Prints the geographic location of the given IP address
159locate-zip-code.ps1Prints the geographic location of the given zip-code
160make-install.ps1Installs built executables and libs to the installation directory
161moon.ps1Prints the current moon phase
162mute-audio.ps1Mutes the audio device
163open-amazon.ps1Opens Amazon's website
164open-browser.ps1Starts the default Web browser
165open-calculator.ps1Starts the calculator program
166open-c-drive.ps1Opens the C: drive folder
167open-downloads-folder.ps1Opens the user's downloads folder
168open-dropbox-folder.ps1Opens the user's Dropbox folder
169open-email-client.ps1Starts the default email client
170open-facebook.ps1Opens Facebook's website
171open-file-explorer.ps1Opens the File Explorer
172open-fritz-box.ps1Opens FRITZ!Box's web interface
173open-github.ps1Opens GitHub's website
174open-google-contacts.ps1Opens Google Contacts
175open-google-earth.ps1Opens Google Earth
176open-google-maps.ps1Opens Google Maps
177open-google-mail.ps1Opens Google Mail
178open-google-news.ps1Opens Google News
179open-google-play.ps1Opens Google Play
180open-google-search.ps1Opens Google Search
181open-google-translate.ps1Opens Google Translate
182open-home-folder.ps1Opens the user's home folder
183open-music-folder.ps1Opens the user's music folder
184open-microsoft-edge.ps1Launches the Microsoft Edge Web browser
185open-microsoft-store.ps1Starts the Microsoft Store app
186open-netflix.ps1Starts the Netflix app
187open-notepad.ps1Starts the Notepad app
188open-onedrive-folder.ps1Opens the user's OneDrive folder
189open-recycle-bin.ps1Opens the user's recycle bin folder
190open-repos-folder.ps1Opens the user's Git repositories folder
191open-snipping-tools.ps1Opens the Snipping Tool
192open-speed-test.ps1Opens Cloudflare's speed test
193open-spotify.ps1Opens the Spotify app
194open-system-settings.ps1Launches the Windows system settings
195open-task-manager.ps1Launches the Task Manager
196open-toggl-track.ps1Opens Toggl Track
197open-videos-folder.ps1Opens the user's videos folder
198open-windows-terminal.ps1Launches Windows Terminal
199open-wikipedia.ps1Opens Wikipedia's website
200open-youtube.ps1Opens YouTube.com
201pick-commit.ps1Cherry-picks a Git commit into multiple branches
202play-beep-sound.ps1Plays a short beep sound
203play-files.ps1Plays the given audio files
204play-happy-birthday.ps1Plays the Happy Birthday song
205play-imperial-march.ps1Plays the Imperial March (Star Wars)
206play-jingle-bells.ps1Plays Jingle Bells
207play-mission-impossible.ps1Plays the Mission Impossible theme
208play-m3u.ps1Plays the given playlist (M3U file format)
209play-mp3.ps1Plays the given sound file (MP3 file format)
210play-super-mario.ps1Plays the Super Mario Intro
211play-tetris-melody.ps1Plays the Tetris melody
212poweroff.ps1Halts the local computer (needs admin rights)
213publish-to-ipfs.ps1Publishes the given files or directory to IPFS
214pull-repo.ps1Pulls updates for the current/given Git repository (including submodules)
215pull-repos.ps1Pulls updates for all Git repositories under the current/given directory (including submodules)
216query-smart-data.ps1Queries the S.M.A.R.T. data of your HDD/SSD's and saves it to the current/given directory
217new-branch.ps1Creates a new branch in the current/given Git repository
218new-email.ps1Starts the default email client to write a new email
219new-qrcode.ps1Generates a new QR code
220new-script.ps1Creates a new PowerShell script
221new-shortcut.ps1Creates a new shortcut file
222new-symlink.ps1Creates a new symbolic link file
223new-tag.ps1Creates a new tag in a Git repository
224new-zipfile.ps1Creates a new .zip file from a directory
225reboot.ps1Reboots the local computer (needs admin rights)
226reboot-fritzbox.ps1Reboots the FRITZ!box device
227remind-me.ps1Creates a scheduled task that will display a popup message
228remove-empty-dirs.ps1Removes empty subfolders within the given directory tree
229remove-print-jobs.ps1Removes all jobs from all printers
230remove-tag.ps1Removes a tag in a Git repository
231replace-in-files.ps1Search and replace a pattern in the given files by the replacement
232restart-network-adapters.ps1Restarts all local network adapters
233save-screenshot.ps1Saves a single screenshot
234say-date.ps1Say the current date by text-to-speech
235say-joke.ps1Say a random Chuck Norris joke by text-to-speech
236say-quote.ps1Say a random quote by text-to-speech
237say-time.ps1Say the current time by text-to-speech
238search-filename.ps1Searches the directory tree for filenames by given pattern
239search-files.ps1Searches the given pattern in the given files
240scan-ports.ps1Scans the network for open/closed ports
241send-email.ps1Sends an email message
242send-tcp.ps1Sends a TCP message to the given IP address and port
243send-udp.ps1Sends a UDP datagram message to the given IP address and port
244set-profile.ps1Updates your PowerShell user profile
245set-timer.ps1Sets a timer for a countdown
246set-wallpaper.ps1Sets the given image as wallpaper
247simulate-matrix.ps1Simulates the Matrix (fun)
248simulate-presence.ps1Simulates the human presence against burglars
249speak-checklist.ps1Speaks the given checklist by text-to-speech
250speak-countdown.ps1Starts a countdown by text-to-speech
251speak-english.ps1Speaks the given text with an English text-to-speech voice
252speak-epub.ps1Speaks the content of the given Epub file by text-to-speech
253speak-file.ps1Speaks the content of the given text file by text-to-speech
254speak-french.ps1Speaks the given text with a French text-to-speech voice
255speak-german.ps1Speaks the given text with a German text-to-speech voice
256speak-italian.ps1Speaks the given text with an Italian text-to-speech voice
257speak-spanish.ps1Speaks the given text with a Spanish text-to-speech voice
258speak-test.ps1Performs a speak test by text-to-speech
259speak-text.ps1Speaks the given text by text-to-speech
260start-calibre-server.ps1Starts a local Calibre server
261start-ipfs-server.ps1Starts a local IPFS server
262switch-branch.ps1Switches the branch in the current/given Git repository (including submodules)
263switch-shelly1.ps1Switches a Shelly1 device in the local network
264sync-repo.ps1Synchronizes a Git repository by push & pull (including submodules)
265translate-file.ps1Translates the given text file into another language
266translate-files.ps1Translates the given text files into any supported language
267translate-text.ps1Translates the given text into other languages
268turn-volume-up.ps1Turns the audio volume up (+10% by default)
269turn-volume-down.ps1Turns the audio volume down (-10% by default)
270unmute-audio.ps1Unmutes audio
271upgrade-ubuntu.ps1Upgrades Ubuntu Linux to the latest (LTS) release
272upload-file.ps1Uploads the local file to the given FTP server
273weather.ps1Prints the current weather forecast
274weather-report.ps1Prints the local weather report
275what-is.ps1Prints a description of the given abbreviation
276write-animated.ps1Writes animated text
277write-big.ps1Writes the given text in big letters
278write-blue.ps1Writes the given text in a blue foreground color
279write-braille.ps1Writes the given text in Braille
280write-calendar.ps1Writes the calendar (month or year)
281write-green.ps1Writes the given text in a green foreground color
282write-joke.ps1]Writes a random Juck Norris joke
283write-lowercase.ps1Writes the given text in lowercase letters
284write-marquee.ps1Writes the given text as marquee
285write-morse-code.ps1Writes the given text in Morse code
286write-motd.ps1Writes the message of the day (MOTD)
287write-quote.ps1Writes a random quote
288write-red.ps1Writes the given text in a red foreground color
289write-rot13.ps1Encodes or decodes the given text with ROT13
290write-typewriter.ps1Writes the given text with the typewriter effect
291write-uppercase.ps1Writes the given text in uppercase letters
292write-vertical.ps1Writes the given text in vertical direction