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synced 2025-03-09 20:11:34 +01:00
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1 | Abbr,Term |
2 | 0D,obvious deed |
3 | 1AM,Air Mechanic 1st Class |
4 | 1D,One-Dimensional |
5 | 2AM,Air Mechanic 2nd Class |
6 | 2D,Two-dimensional |
7 | 2G,Second-generation mobile (cellular,wireless) telephone system |
8 | 2LA,Two Letter Acronym |
9 | 2Lt,2nd Lieutenant |
10 | 3AM,Air Mechanic 3rd Class |
11 | 3D,Three-Dimensional |
12 | 3G,Third-generation mobile telephone system |
13 | 3i,Investors In Industry (venture capitalists) |
14 | 3M,Minnesota Mining and Manufacturing Company |
15 | 4D,Four-Dimensional (usually three spatial plus one temporal dimension,sometimes four spatial ones) |
16 | 4G,Fourth-generation mobile telephone system |
17 | 4WD,Four-wheel drive |
18 | 5D,Five-Dimensional |
19 | 6D,Six-Dimensional |
20 | 7D,Seven-Dimensional |
21 | 8D,Eight-Dimensional |
22 | 9D,Nine-Dimensional |
23 | A,Ampere |
24 | A10,Atlantic 10 Conference |
25 | A1C,Airman First Class |
26 | A4,European standard office paper size |
27 | AA,achieved availability,Alcoholics Anonymous,Armed Forces Americas (postal symbol),Aruba (FIPS 10-4 territory code),assembly area,Automobile Association,avenue of approach |
28 | aa,Afar language (ISO 639-1 code) |
29 | aA,Attoampere |
30 | AAAI,Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence,formerly American Association for Artificial Intelligence |
31 | AAAS,American Association for the Advancement of Science |
32 | AAAV,Advanced Amphibious Assault Vehicle |
33 | AAC,American Athletic Conference,Army Air Corps (British Army) |
34 | AAD,analogue-analogue-digital (CD quality),Australian Antarctic Division |
35 | AADAC,Alberta Alcohol and Drug Abuse Commission |
36 | AADC,area air defense commander,amino acid decarboxylase,aromatic L-amino acid decarboxylase,Australian Antarctic Data Centre |
37 | AADD,Adult attention deficit disorder |
38 | AADT,annual average daily traffic |
39 | AAFC,U.S. Army Air Corps Ferrying Command (1941-1942),All-America Football Conference (1946-1949) |
40 | AAFES,Army and Air Force Exchange Service |
41 | AAIS,advanced airborne interceptor simulator |
42 | AAM,air-to-air missile |
43 | AAMOF,as a matter of fact |
44 | AAN,American Academy of Nursing |
45 | AANEAS,Anglo-Australian Near-Earth Asteroid Survey |
46 | AAODL,Atmospheric Aerosols and Optics Data Library |
47 | AAP,advanced acquisition plan,Allied administrative publication,American Academy of Pediatrics |
48 | AAPC,Accounting and Auditing Policy Committee |
49 | aar,Afar language (ISO 639-2 code) |
50 | AAR,after-action review,Association of American Railroads |
51 | AARP,(i/s) American Association of Retired Persons (now officially known only by the initials) |
52 | AASPEM,advanced air-to-air system performance evaluation model |
53 | AAT,Australian Antarctic Territory |
54 | AAV,Amphibious Assault Vehicle |
55 | AAWC,anti-air warfare commander |
56 | ab,Abkhaz language (ISO 639-1 code) |
57 | ABA,Adriatic Basketball Association,American Bar Association,American Basketball Association,American Beverage Association,American Bicycle Association,American Birding Association,Australian Broadcasting Authority |
58 | ABB,ASEA Brown Boveri (Swiss-Swedish multinational company) |
59 | ABC,the first three letters of the Latin script known as the alphabet |
60 | ABC,Active Body Control |
61 | ABC,alien big cat |
62 | ABC,always be careful |
63 | ABC,American-born Chinese |
64 | ABC,anti-lock brake controller |
65 | ABCA,American,British and Canadian Armies (originally),Army Bureau of Current Affairs |
66 | ABCS,(U.S.) Army Battle Command System |
67 | ABET,Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology |
68 | ABFIST,Advanced Bradley Full Crew Interactive Skills Trainer |
69 | ABGI,Addington-Barker Group International |
70 | ABIN,Agência Brasileira de Inteligência (Brazilian Intelligence Agency) |
71 | abk,Abkhaz language (ISO 639-2 code) |
72 | ABL,American Basketball League |
73 | ABLE,AirBorne Law Enforcement (police air support unit) |
74 | ABM,anti-ballistic missile,Asynchronous Balanced Mode,automated banking machine |
75 | ABMC,American Battle Monuments Commission |
76 | ABN,Australian Business Number (a number issued by the Australian government as registration of a business and used for taxation purposes) |
77 | ABPI,Association of the British Pharmaceutical Industry |
78 | ABRSM,Associated Board of the Royal Schools of Music |
79 | ABSTRIPS,abstraction-based STRIPS |
80 | ABV,Alcohol by volume |
81 | ABW,Aruba (ISO 3166 trigram) |
82 | Ac,Actinium |
83 | aC,Attocoulomb |
84 | AC1,Aircraftman 1st Class |
85 | AC2,Aircraftman 2nd Class |
86 | ACARS,Aircraft Communications Addressing and Reporting System |
87 | ACAS,Aboriginal Children's Advancement Society,Advisory,Conciliation and Arbitration Service |
88 | ACCA,The Association of Chartered Certified Accountants,Automatic Cloud Cover Assessment |
89 | ACCD,American Coalition of Citizens with Disabilities |
90 | ACCS,Air Communications and Control Squadron |
91 | ACDA,Arms Control & Disarmament Agency |
92 | ACHT,Average Call Hold Time |
93 | ACINT,Acoustic Intelligence |
94 | ACK,Acknowledge (telecommunications; cf. NAK) |
95 | ACLJ,American Center for Law and Justice |
96 | ACLOS,Automatic CLOS (missile control system) |
97 | ACLS,American Council of Learned Societies |
98 | ACMC,(U.S.) Assistant Commandant of the Marine Corps |
99 | ACNA,Anglican Church in North America |
100 | ACO,Airspace Control Order |
101 | ACOBA,Advisory Committee on Business Appointments |
102 | ACOG,American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists |
103 | ACOM,(U.S.) Atlantic Command |
104 | ACORN,Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now |
105 | ACR,Advanced Concepts and Requirements |
106 | ACRI,African Crisis Initiative |
107 | ACRT,Advanced Concepts Research Tool simulator |
108 | ACSC,Army Command and Staff College (various nations) |
109 | ACST,American Cooperative School of Tunis |
110 | ACST,Australian Central Standard Time |
111 | ACTD,Advanced Concept Technology Demonstration |
112 | ACTU,Australian Council of Trade Unions |
113 | ACU,American Conservative Union |
114 | ADAGE,Air Defense Air to Ground Engagement (simulation) |
115 | ADAP,AIDS Drug Assistance Program |
116 | ADAS,Asiago-DLR Asteroid Survey |
117 | ADAT,Alesis Digital Audio Tape (recording format) |
118 | ADB,Asian Development Bank |
119 | ADDIE,Analyze Design Develop Implement and Evaluate |
120 | ADDNS,Advanced Deployable Day/Night Simulation |
121 | ADF,Australian Defence Force,African Development Foundation |
122 | ADGB,Air Defence of Great Britain |
123 | ADHD,Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder |
124 | ADHS,Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Syndrome |
125 | ADI,Acceptable/Allowable Daily Intake |
126 | ADIZ,Air Defence Identification Zone |
127 | ADL,Anti-Defamation League |
128 | ADOA,Air Defence Operations Area |
129 | ADRG,Arc-second Raster Chart (ARC) Digitized Raster Graphics |
130 | ADT,Atlantic Daylight Time (UTC−3 hours) |
131 | ADTB,Army Doctrine and Training Bulletin |
132 | ADW,Air Defence Warning |
133 | ae,Avestan language (ISO 639-1 code) |
134 | AED,United Arab Emirates dirham (ISO 4217 currency code) |
135 | AEDT,Australian Eastern Daylight Time |
136 | AEF,American Expeditionary Force |
137 | AEGIS,Airborne Early warning Ground environment Interface Segment (fake etymology) |
138 | AESR,Aeronautical Equipment Service Record |
139 | AEST,Australian Eastern Standard Time |
140 | aet,After extra time (Football) |
141 | af,Afrikaans language (ISO 639-1 code) |
142 | aF,Attofarad |
143 | AFAIC,As Far As I'm Concerned |
144 | AFAICT,As Far As I Can Tell |
145 | AFAIK,As Far As I Know |
146 | AFAIR,As Far As I Remember/Recall |
147 | AFATDS,Advanced Field Artillery Tactical Data System |
148 | AFC,American Football Conference,Asian Football Confederation |
149 | AFCEA,Armed Forces Communications and Electronics Association |
150 | AFDB,African Development Bank |
151 | AFES,Automatic Fire Extinguishing System |
152 | AFG,Afghanistan (ISO 3166 trigram) |
153 | AFIS,Automated Fingerprint Identification System,American Forces Information Service |
154 | AFIST,Abrams Full Crew Interactive Skills Trainer |
155 | AFJ,April Fool's Joke |
156 | AFK,Away From Keyboard (Internet chat abbreviation) |
157 | AFL,American Federation of Labor,American Football League — either the 1960s league that merged into the National Football League,or one of several other leagues of American football,Arena Football League,Australian Football League,AFL-CIO,American Federation of Labor,Congress of Industrial Organizations |
158 | AFLAC,American Family Life Assurance Company of Columbus |
159 | AFM,Army Field Manual (UK; the U.S. more frequently uses just FM),Atomic Force Microscope,Aviation Fleet Maintenance |
160 | AFN,Afghani (ISO 4217 currency code) |
161 | AFO,Association of Field Ornithologists |
162 | AFOSR,U.S. Air Force Office of Scientific Research |
163 | AFQT,Armed Forces Qualification Test |
164 | afr,Afrikaans language (ISO 639-2 code) |
165 | AFRC,Air Force Reserve Command |
166 | AFRL,Air Force Research Laboratory |
167 | AFROTC,Air Force Reserve Officer Training Corps |
168 | AFRRI,(i,U.S.) Armed Forces Radiobiology Research Institute |
169 | AFRTS,Armed Forces Radio and Television Service |
170 | AFS,Active Front Steering,Air Facility Sub-System,Amniotic Fluid-derived Stem cell,AFS&A or AFSA,U.S. Air Force Studies and Analysis |
171 | AFSC,U.S. Air Force Staff College (obsolete; replaced with JFSC),U.S. Air Force Systems Command |
172 | AFSCN,U.S. Air Force Satellite Control Network |
173 | AFSPC,Air Force Space Command |
174 | AFT,American Farmland Trust |
175 | AFV,armoured fighting vehicle |
176 | AFWA,Air Force Weather Agency,Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies,AG[edit] |
177 | ag,Attogram |
178 | Ag,Silver (Latin argentum) |
179 | AGARD,Advisory Group for Aerospace Research and Development |
180 | AGARDograph,Advanced Guidance for Alliance Research and Development publication |
181 | AGASA,Akeno Giant Air Shower Array (cosmic ray detector) |
182 | AGB,Internal Nintendo initialism (Advanced Game Boy) for Game Boy Advance |
183 | AGC,Adjutant General's Corps (British Army) |
184 | AGC,Apollo Guidance Computer,Automatic Gain Control |
185 | AGDC,Australian Game Developers' Conference |
186 | AGI,Auxiliary Group Intelligence |
187 | AGL,Above Ground Level |
188 | AGM,Annual General Meeting |
189 | AGN,Active Galactic Nucleus |
190 | AGO,Angola (ISO 3166 trigram) |
191 | AGP,Accelerated Graphics Port |
192 | AGRICOLA,Agriculture Online Access |
193 | AGS,Alaska Ground Station (LandSat) |
194 | AGTS,Advanced Gunnery Training System |
195 | AGU,American Geophysical Union |
196 | AGW,Autonomous Guided Weapon |
197 | Ah,Ampere-hour |
198 | AH,Attack Helicopter |
199 | aH,Attohenry |
200 | AHA,American Heart Association |
201 | AHCPR,Agency for Health Care Policy and Research (obsolete; replaced with AHRQ) |
202 | AHEC,Australian Health Ethics Committee |
203 | AHPCRC,Army High Performance Computing Research Center |
204 | AHQ,Air Headquarters |
205 | AHRQ,Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality |
206 | AHS,American Housing Survey |
207 | AI,Air Interdiction,Amnesty International,Artificial Insemination,Artificial Intelligence,Anguilla (ISO 3166 digram) |
208 | AIA,Aerospace Industries Association,American Institute of Architects,Anguilla (ISO 3166 trigram) |
209 | AIAA,American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics |
210 | AIC,African Independent Church,Animal Identification Coordinator |
211 | AICD,Australian Institute of Company Directors |
212 | AICMFP,And I Claim My Five Pounds |
213 | AID,U.S. Agency for International Development |
214 | AIDS,Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome |
215 | AIM,Australian Institute of Management |
216 | AIMP,Aurora Incremental Modernization Project |
217 | AIPAC,American Israel Public Affairs Committee |
218 | AIR,Aircraft Inventory Record |
219 | AIRFA,American Indian Religious Freedom Act |
220 | AIRS,(a/i) Aerometric Information Retrieval System (obsolete; replaced with AFS) |
221 | AIS,Australian Institute of Sport,Automatic Identification System |
222 | AISB,(British Society for the Study of) Artificial Intelligence and the Simulation of Behaviour |
223 | aJ,Attojoule |
224 | AJ,Azerbaijan (FIPS 10-4 country code) |
225 | Ajax,Asynchronous JavaScript And XML |
226 | AJD,Astronomical Julian day |
227 | AJP,Allied Joint Publication |
228 | AJPW,All Japan Pro Wrestling |
229 | ak,Akan languages (ISO 639-1 code) |
230 | AK,Alaska (postal symbol) |
231 | aK,Attokelvin |
232 | AKA,Above knee amputation (orthopaedic usage) |
233 | aka,Akan languages (ISO 639-2 code) |
234 | AKDT,Alaska Standard Daylight Saving Time (UTC−8 hours) |
235 | AKST,Alaska Standard Time (UTC−9 hours) |
236 | Al,Aluminium |
237 | aL,Attolitre |
238 | ALA,Åland Islands (ISO 3166 trigram) |
239 | ALAP,As Long/Late As Possible |
240 | ALARM,Air-Launched Anti-Radar Missile |
241 | ALB,Albania (ISO 3166 trigram) |
242 | ALD,Accounting Line Designator (nuclear weapon targeting) |
243 | ALERT,Advanced Linked Extended Reconnaissance and Targeting,Attack and Launch Early Reporting to Theatre |
244 | ALF,Africa Leadership Forum,Alien Life Form (cf. ALF (TV series)),Animal Liberation Front |
245 | ALG,Algeria (IOC and FIFA trigram,but not ISO 3166) |
246 | ALGOL,ALGOrithmic Language |
247 | ALL,Albanian lek (ISO 4217 currency code) |
248 | ALOA,Associated Locksmiths of America,Inc. |
249 | ALOC,Air Lines Of Communication,Average Length of Calls |
250 | ALPA,Air Line Pilots Association |
251 | ALS,Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis,Automatic Landing System |
252 | ALSHS,Abraham Low Self-Help Systems |
253 | ALSP,Aggregate Level Simulation Protocol |
254 | ALTE,Association of Language Testers in Europe |
255 | Am,Americium |
256 | am,Amharic language (ISO 639-1 code),Attometre |
257 | AM-many,including Amplitude Modulation and Ante Meridiem; see entry,Armenia (FIPS 10-4 country code; ISO 3166 digram) |
258 | AM1,Airman 1st class |
259 | AMA,American Medical Association,Australian Medical Association |
260 | AMAPS,Aircraft,Missile,Avionics Performance Simulation |
261 | AMC,Adaptive modulation and coding (digital communications),U.S. Air Mobility Command,American Motors Corporation,American Movie Classics (TV network; now known simply by the initials),U.S. Army Materiel Command |
262 | AMCB,U.S. Army/Marine Corps Board |
263 | AMFR,Age-specific Marital Fertility Rate,Amplitude Modulation Following Response |
264 | AMFRS,Advanced Multi-Function Radio Frequency System,Automatic Multisensor Feature-based Recognition System |
265 | amh,Amharic language (ISO 639-2 code) |
266 | AML,Acute Myeloid Leukaemia |
267 | AMLCD,Active Matrix Liquid Crystal Display |
268 | AMLO,Andrés Manuel López Obrador (Mexican politician),Anti-Money Laundering Office (Thailand government agency) |
269 | AMO,Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation |
270 | AMOLED,Active-matrix organic light-emitting diode |
271 | AMOS,Advanced MOrtar System,Air Force Maui Optical and Supercomputing observatory |
272 | AMP,Adenosine MonoPhosphate,Automated Mission Planner |
273 | AMRAAM,Advanced Medium-Range Air-to-Air Missile |
274 | AMRDEC,U.S. Aviation & Missile Research,Development,& Engineering Center |
275 | AMS,Agriculture Marketing Service,American Mathematical Society |
276 | AMSAA,U.S. Army Materiel Systems Analysis Activity |
277 | AMSO,U.S. Army Model and Simulation Office |
278 | AMSU,Advanced Microwave Sounding Unit |
279 | AMTE,UK Admiralty Marine Technology Establishment (1977-1984) |
280 | AN,Andorra (FIPS 10-4 country code),Netherlands Antilles (ISO 3166 digram) |
281 | an,Aragonese language (ISO 639-1 code) |
282 | aN,Attonewton |
283 | ANA,Administration for Native Americans,Afghan National Army,All Nippon Airways,Anti-Nuclear Anti-body,Australian National Airways,Australian Natives' Association |
284 | ANC,African National Congress |
285 | AND,Andorra (ISO 3166 trigram) |
286 | ANFO,Ammonium nitrate/fuel oil (explosive) |
287 | ANG,Air National Guard,Angola (IOC and FIFA trigram,but not ISO 3166),Netherlands Antillian guilder (ISO 4217 currency code) |
288 | ANGLiCo,Air/Naval Gunfire Liaison Company |
289 | ANL,Argonne National Laboratory |
290 | ANM,Acoustic Noise Monitor |
291 | ANOVA,ANalysis Of VAriance |
292 | ANS,Applied and Natural Sciences |
293 | ANSI,American National Standards Institute |
294 | ANT,Netherlands Antilles (ISO 3166 trigram),Antigua and Barbuda (IOC trigram,but not ISO 3166 or FIFA) |
295 | ANTM,America's Next Top Model |
296 | ANTY,Acronyms,No Thank You |
297 | ANWR,Arctic National Wildlife Refuge /ˈænwɑr/ |
298 | ANZ,Australia and New Zealand Banking Group |
299 | ANZAC,Australian and New Zealand Army Corps |
300 | AO,Angola (FIPS 10-4 country code; ISO 3166 digram),Approach Officer (submarine),Area of Operations |
301 | AOA,Air Officer in charge of Administration,Argonne National Laboratory,Angolan kwanza (ISO 4217 currency code),Award Of Arms (heraldry) |
302 | AOC,Air Operations Centre,Air Officer Commanding |
303 | AOD,Adrenalin O.D. (punk rock band) |
304 | AOI,Angle Of Incidence Arab Organization for Industrialization |
305 | AOL,America OnLine |
306 | AOR,Area of Responsibility |
307 | AOSTH,Adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog |
308 | AOTS,Attack of the Show! |
309 | AOU,American Ornithologists' Union |
310 | APB,All Points Bulletin (police jargon) |
311 | APC,Armoured Personnel Carrier,Armour Piercing Capped (ammunition) |
312 | APCNR,Armour-Piercing,Composite Non-Rigid (ammunition) |
313 | APCR,Armour-Piercing,Composite Rigid (ammunition) |
314 | APDS,Armour-Piercing,Discarding-Sabot (ammunition) |
315 | APEC,Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation |
316 | APEDS,AMSAA Performance Estimates Data System |
317 | APEX,Applied Physics Express |
318 | APFSDS,Armour-Piercing,Fin-Stabilised,Discarding Sabot (ammunition) |
319 | APHA,American Public Health Association |
320 | APHE,Armour-Piercing,High Explosive (ammunition) |
321 | APHIS,Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service |
322 | APOD,Aerial Port (Airport) Of Debarkation |
323 | APOE,Aerial Port (Airport) Of Embarkation |
324 | APOLLO,Apache Point Observatory Lunar Laser-ranging Operation |
325 | APP,Allied Procedural Publication |
326 | APR,Annual Percentage Rate |
327 | APS,Advanced Photo System (cf. APS-C,an image sensor format based on the size of the original APS film frame),American Physical Society,Antiphospholipid Antibody Syndrome,AQ[edit] |
328 | AQ,AdventureQuest,American Samoa (FIPS 10-4 territory code),Antarctica (ISO 3166 digram),Automatic qualifier,a term used by U.S. sports media from 1998 to 2013 to refer to the six conferences whose champions automatically entered the now-defunct Bowl Championship Series of college football |
329 | AQIM,Al-Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb |
330 | ar,Arabic language (ISO 639-1 code) |
331 | AR,Argentina (FIPS 10-4 country code; ISO 3166 digram),Arkansas (postal symbol),Armour,Arunachal Pradesh (Indian state code) |
332 | Ar,Argon |
333 | ara,Arabic language (ISO 639-2 code) |
334 | ARAG,Advanced Research and Assessment Group |
335 | ARB,Administrative Review Board |
336 | ARBA,(a/i) Army Review Boards Agency |
337 | ARC,Arc-second Raster Chart,Appalachian Regional Commission |
338 | ARCA,Automobile Racing Club of America |
339 | ARCENT,United States Army Central Command |
340 | ARDA,Advanced Research and Development Activity (became DTO 2006) |
341 | ARE,UK Admiralty Research Establishment (-1991),United Arab Emirates (ISO 3166 trigram) |
342 | ARF,ASEAN Regional Forum |
343 | arg,Aragonese language (ISO 639-2 code) |
344 | ARG,Argentina (ISO 3166 trigram) |
345 | ARH,Armed Reconnaissance Helicopter |
346 | ARI,Acute Respiratory Infection,U.S. Army Research Institute for the Behavioral and Social Sciences |
347 | ARL,UK Admiralty Research Laboratory (1921-1977),U.S. Army Research Laboratory,UIUC Aviation Research Laboratory |
348 | ARM,Anti-Radiation Missile,Adjustable-rate mortgage,Armenia (ISO 3166 trigram) |
349 | ARNet,Acquisition Reform Network |
350 | ARP,Applied Research Programme |
351 | ARPA,Advanced Research Projects Agency |
352 | ARRC,ACE Rapid Reaction Corps |
353 | ARRF,Allied Rapid Reaction Force |
354 | ARRL,American Radio Relay League |
355 | ARS,Agricultural Research Service,Argentine peso (ISO 4217 currency code) |
356 | ARSC,Arctic Region Supercomputing Center |
357 | ARSPACE,U.S. Army Space Command |
358 | ART,Adaptive Resonance Theory,Anti-Retroviral Therapy |
359 | ARTCC,Air Route Traffic Control Center |
360 | AS,ActionScript |
361 | as,Adult swim,Assamese language (ISO 639-1 code),Attosecond |
362 | AS,American Samoa (postal symbol; ISO 3166 digram),Australia (FIPS 10-4 country code),Assam / Asom (Indian state code) |
363 | As,Arsenic |
364 | aS,Attosiemens |
365 | ASA,AcetylSalicylic Acid,American Standards Association,Army Security Agency,Atlantic Southeast Airlines |
366 | ASAP,As Soon As Possible |
367 | ASARS,Advanced Synthetic Aperture Radar System,Airborne Search and Rescue System |
368 | ASB,Associated Student Body,Alternative Service Book (Church of England) |
369 | ASBO,Anti-Social Behaviour Order |
370 | ASCAP,American Society of Composers,Authors,and Publishers |
371 | ASCC,Army Service Component Commander,Automatic Sequence Controlled Calculator,Air Standardization Coordinating Committee |
372 | ASCII,American Standard Code for Information Interchange |
373 | ASD,(U.S.) Assistant Secretary of Defense,autism spectrum disorder |
374 | ASDIC,Allied Submarine Detection Investigation Committee (Sonar) |
375 | ASEAN,Association of Southeast Asian Nations |
376 | ASFAR,Americans for a Society Free of Age Restrictions |
377 | ASG,Area Support Group |
378 | ASIC,Australian Securities and Investments Commission,Aviation Security Identification Card |
379 | ASIO,Australian Security Intelligence Organisation,Audio stream input output |
380 | ASIP,Advanced System Improvement Program,Army Stationing and Installation Plan,Application-specific instruction-set processor |
381 | ASM,Air-to-Surface Missile,American Samoa (ISO 3166 trigram),American Society for Metals,American Society for Microbiology |
382 | asm,Assamese language (ISO 639-2 code) |
383 | ASMB,American Society for Matrix Biology,Adult Swim Message Board |
384 | ASME,American Society of Mechanical Engineers,American Society of Magazine ors |
385 | ASN,Associate of Science in Nursing |
386 | ASOC,(a/i) Air Sovereignty Operations Centre,Air Support Operations Centre,Airport Security and Operations Centre,Antarctic and Southern Ocean Coalition,Atlanta Symphony Orchestra Chorus,Australian Standard Offence Classification |
387 | ASP,Active Server Pages,American Society of Primatologists,Ammunition Supply Point,Application Service Provider (cf internet service provider),Astronomical Society of the Pacific,Association of Surfing Professionals |
388 | ASPI,Australian Strategic Policy Institute |
389 | ASR,Alkali-silica reaction,Anti Slip Regulation |
390 | ASRAAM,Advanced Short-Range Air-to-Air Missile |
391 | ASSC,Association for the Scientific Study of Consciousness |
392 | AST,Atlantic Standard Time (UTC−4 hours) |
393 | ASTIA,Armed Services Technical Information Agency |
394 | ASTM,American Society for Testing and Materials |
395 | ASTREA,Aerial Support To Regional Enforcement Agencies (sheriff's air support unit) |
396 | ASUW,AntiSUrface Warfare |
397 | ASVAB,Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery(taken by juniors in high school in the USA) |
398 | ASW,AntiSubmarine Warfare |
399 | ASWORG,(U.S.) AntiSubmarine Warfare Operations Research Group |
400 | At,Astatine |
401 | aT,Attotesla |
402 | ATAC,Air Transportable Acoustic Communications |
403 | ATACMS,Army TACtical Missile System |
404 | ATAPI,Advanced Technology Attachment Packet Interface |
405 | ATAS,Air-To-Air Stinger (missile) |
406 | ATAT,Aiken Tactical Airsoft Team / Star Wars vehicle |
407 | ATCCIS,Army Tactical Command and Control Information System |
408 | ATESS,Aerospace and Telecommunications Engineering Support Squadron |
409 | ATG,Antigua and Barbuda (ISO 3166 and FIFA trigram) |
410 | ATGM,Anti-Tank Guided Missile |
411 | ATGW,Anti-Tank Guided Weapon |
412 | ATI,Allied Telesyn International,Inc.,Array Technologies Incorporated. (ATI Technologies) |
413 | Atisbo,a Local Government Area in Nigeria named for constituent communities (Ago-Are,Tede,Irawo,Sabe,Baasi,Ofiki and Owo) |
414 | ATK,Attack |
415 | ATSD,(U.S.) Assistant Secretary of Defense |
416 | ATSDR,Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry |
417 | ATV,All-Terrain Vehicle |
418 | Au,Gold (Latin Aurum) |
419 | AUD,Australian dollar (ISO 4217 currency code) |
420 | AUS,Australia (ISO 3166 trigram) |
421 | Auslan,Australian Sign Language |
422 | AUT,Austria (ISO 3166 trigram) |
423 | AUTL,Army Universal Task List |
424 | Av,Aperture value (photographic mode) |
425 | aV,Attovolt |
426 | av,Avar language (ISO 639-1 code) |
427 | AVA,American Viticultural Area |
428 | ava,Avar language (ISO 639-2 code) |
429 | AVB,Audio Video Bridging |
430 | AVDLR,Aviation Depot Level Repair |
431 | ave,Avestan language (ISO 639-2 code) |
432 | AVIM,Aviation Intermediate Maintenance |
433 | AVLB,Armoured Vehicle Launched Body |
434 | AVO,Apprehended Violence Order |
435 | AVP,Arubaanse Volkspartij |
436 | AVP,Association of Volleyball Professionals |
437 | AVRE,Armoured Vehicle Royal Engineers |
438 | AVUM,Aviation Unit Maintenance |
439 | AVVO,Acute Vaginal Venereal Outbreak |
440 | AW,Aruba (ISO 3166 digram) |
441 | aW,Attowatt |
442 | AWA,American Wrestling Association |
443 | AWC,Air Warfare Centre |
444 | AWD,All Wheel Drive |
445 | AWE,Advanced Warfighting Experiment |
446 | AWG,Aruban guilder (ISO 4217 currency code) |
447 | AWP,Awaiting Parts (SM&R code) |
448 | AWSIM,Air Warfare SIMulation |
449 | AWST,Australian Western Standard Time |
450 | AWW,Above Water Warfare |
451 | AX,Åland Islands (ISO 3166 digram) |
452 | AXP,Ambulance eXchange Point |
453 | AY,Antarctica (FIPS 10-4 territory code) |
454 | ay,Aymara language (ISO 639-1 code) |
455 | AYBABTU,All Your Base Are Belong To Us |
456 | aym,Aymara language (ISO 639-2 code) |
457 | AYU,As Yet Unknown |
458 | az,Azerbaijani language (ISO 639-1 code) |
459 | AZE,Azerbaijan (ISO 3166 trigram) |
460 | aze,Azerbaijani language (ISO 639-2 code) |
461 | AZN,Azerbaijani manat (ISO 4217 currency code) |
462 | BBQ,Barbecue |
463 | BCC,Blind Carbon Copy |
464 | BEL,Belgium (ISO 3166 trigram) |
465 | BEN,Benin (ISO 3166 trigram) |
466 | BEO,Banquet Event Order |
467 | BERC,Business Environmental Resource Center |
468 | BER,Bit Error Rate |
469 | BHD,Bahraini dinar (ISO 4217 currency code) |
470 | BHR,Bahrain (ISO 3166 trigram) |
471 | BNS,Bank of Nova Scotia |
472 | BNSF,Burlington Northern Santa Fe (also AAR reporting mark) |
473 | BOAC,British Overseas Airways Corporation (predecessor of British Airways) |
474 | BoAML,Bank of America Merrill Lynch |
475 | BÖC,Blue Öyster Cult |
476 | BOFH,Bastard Operator From Hell |
477 | BOGA,Bend Over and Grab Ankles |
478 | BOGs,Bunch of Guys |
479 | BOL,Bolivia (ISO 3166 trigram) |
480 | BOP,Balance of Payments, |
481 | BOPB,Biarritz Olympique Pays Basque (the complete name of the rugby club), |
482 | BOPD,Barrel of Oil Per Day |
483 | BOS,Battlefield Operating System |
484 | BRA,Brazil (ISO 3166 trigram) |
485 | BRAG,Bicycle Ride Across Georgia |
486 | BRN,Bahrain (IOC trigram,but not FIFA or ISO 3166),Brunei (ISO 3166 trigram),BRSB , Battlefield Reasoning System Brianna,BRU , Brunei (IOC and FIFA trigram,but not ISO 3166),BS[edit],bs , Bosnian language (ISO 639-1 code) |
487 | BS,The Bahamas (ISO 3166 digram),Bassas da India (FIPS 10-4 territory code),Bachelor of Science degree,British subject |
488 | BSatCoP,Benjamin Sniddlegrass and the Cauldron of Penguins |
489 | BSNL,Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited,Bachelor of Science in Nursing |
490 | BSoD,Blue Screen of Death (distinct from BSD) |
491 | BSW,British Standard Whitworth (screw thread) |
492 | BSX,Bendigo Stock Exchange |
493 | Bt,Baronet,Bacillus thuringiensis |
494 | BTN,Bhutan (ISO 3166 trigram),Bhutanese ngultrum (ISO 4217 currency code) |
495 | BTO,Built To Order |
496 | BTP,British Transport Police |
497 | BTU,British Thermal Unit |
498 | BTW,By The Way |
499 | BU,Bulgaria (FIPS 10-4 country code) -,Burma (ISO 3166 digram; obsolete since 1989) |
500 | BUAV, British Union for the Abolition of Vivisection |
501 | BUL,Bulgarian language (ISO 639-2 code),Bulgaria (IOC and FIFA trigram,but not ISO 3166) |
502 | BUNO,Bureau Number (aircraft serial number) |
503 | BUR,Burma (ISO 3166 trigram; obsolete since 1989) |
504 | BVR,Beyond Visual Range, |
505 | BVT,Bouvet Island (ISO 3166 trigram), |
506 | BW,Bring Wedges (ISO digram) |
507 | BW,Botswana (ISO 3166 digram) |
508 | BWA,Botswana (ISO 3166 trigram) |
509 | BWC,Biological and Toxin Weapons Convention |
510 | BWP,Botswanian pula (ISO 4217 currency code) |
511 | BWR,Boiling-Water Reactor |
512 | BX,Base eXchange |
513 | BY,Burundi (FIPS 10-4 country code) -,Belarus (ISO 3166 digram) |
514 | BYOC,Bring Your Own Computer (play on BYOB) |
515 | BYOF,Bring Your Own Flask |
516 | BYR,Belarusian ruble (ISO 4217 currency code) |
517 | BYS,Byelorussian Soviet Socialist Republic (ISO 3166 trigram; obsolete since 1992) |
518 | BYU,Brigham Young University |
519 | BZ,Belize (ISO 3166 digram) |
520 | BZD,Belize dollar (ISO 4217 currency code) |
521 | BZP,Benzylpiperazine |
522 | c,Centi |
523 | c2c,the British rail company formerly known as LTS Rail |
524 | Ca,Calcium |
525 | ca,Catalan language (ISO 639-1 code) |
526 | CACM,Central American Common Market |
527 | CACM,Communications of the ACM |
528 | CADPAT,CAnadian Disruptive PATtern |
529 | CAEn,Close Action Engagement (constructive simulation) |
530 | CAFAD,Combined Arms For Air Defence |
531 | CAFE,Corporate Average Fuel Economy standard |
532 | CAI,Computer Assisted Instruction |
533 | CAIR,Council on American-Islamic Relations |
534 | CALL,Center for Army Lessons Learned |
535 | CalPERS,California Public Employees' Retirement System |
536 | Caltrans,California Department of Transpotation |
537 | CAMRA,CAMpaign for Real Ale |
538 | CAN,Canada (ISO 3166 trigram) |
539 | CANA,Convulsive Antidote,Nerve Agent |
540 | CANDU,CANada Deuterium Uranium (nuclear reactor design) |
541 | CARMONETTE,Computerized Monte Carlo Simulation |
542 | CARP,Computed Air Release Point |
543 | CART,Championship Auto Racing Teams (now defunct) |
544 | CASA,Civil Aviation Safety Authority |
545 | CASS,Command Activated Sonobuoy System |
546 | CASTFOREM,Combined Arms and Support Task FORce Evaluation Model |
547 | CASTOR,Canadian Automatic Small Telescopes for Orbital Research |
548 | cat,Catalan language (ISO 639-2 code) |
549 | CATK,Counterattack |
550 | CATS,Computer Active Technology Suspension |
551 | CATT,Combined Arms Tactical Trainer |
552 | CAV,Cavalry |
553 | CAW,Canadian Auto Workers (trade union) |
554 | CBLA,Comparative bullet lead analysis |
555 | CBM,Canadian Baptist Ministries |
556 | CBM,Commodore Business Machines |
557 | CBML,Coalition Battle Management Language |
558 | CBN,CardsApp Brand Number |
559 | CBOL,Consortium for the Barcode of Life |
560 | CBOT,Chicago Board of Trade |
561 | CBR,Case-Based Reasoning |
562 | CC,carbon copy |
563 | CCA,Counter Command Activity |
564 | CCF,Cartoon Cartoon Fridays |
565 | CCGH,Canadian Coast Guard Hovercraft |
566 | CCH,Computer-Controlled Hostile |
567 | CCOP,Coalition Common Operating/Operational Picture |
568 | CCPA,Consumer Credit Protection Act |
569 | CCR,Creedence Clearwater Revival |
570 | CCRAp,Canadian Conservative Reform Alliance party |
571 | CCRP,Command and Control Research Program |
572 | CCRTS,Command and Control Research and Technology Symposium |
573 | CCSCS,Consultative Committee for Space Data Systems |
574 | CCSCS,Coordinadora de Centrales Sindicales del Cono Sur |
575 | CCSK,Cyclic Code Shift Keying |
576 | CCT,Current Commitments Team |
577 | Cd,Cadmium |
578 | cd,Candela |
579 | CD,Compact Disc |
580 | CD1,Cluster of Differentiation 1 (a small gene family) |
581 | CDA,UK Centre for Defence Analysis |
582 | CDC,Control Data Corporation,Cult of the Dead Cow |
583 | CDD,Capabilities Development Document |
584 | CDE,Chemical Defence Equipment |
585 | CDipAF,Certified Diploma in Accounting and Finance |
586 | CDL,Commercial driver's license |
587 | CDMA,Code Division Multiple Access |
588 | CDMSII,Cryogenic Dark Matter Search II |
589 | Cdr,Commander |
590 | CDS,Chief of the Defence Staff,Credit default swap |
591 | CDT,Central Daylight Time (UTC−5 hours) |
592 | Cdt,Commandant |
593 | Ce,Cerium |
594 | ce,Chechen language (ISO 639-1 code) |
595 | CE,Christian/Common Era |
596 | CEA,Campaign Effectiveness Analysis |
597 | CECOM,U.S. Army Communications and Electronics Command |
598 | CEI,Competitive Enterprise Institute |
599 | CENTCOM,United States Central Command |
600 | CENTO,Central Treaty Organization (Baghdad Pact) |
601 | CEO,Chief Executive Officer |
602 | CEP,Circular Error Probable |
603 | CERT,Computer Emergency Response Team |
604 | ces,Czech language (ISO 639-2 code) |
605 | CESS,Centre for Earth Science Studies (India) |
606 | CEST,Central European Summer Time |
607 | CET,Central European Time |
608 | CEWC,Council for Education in World Citizenship |
609 | Cf,Californium |
610 | CFES,Continuous Flow Electrophoresis System |
611 | CFFZ,Call For Fire Zone |
612 | CFHT,Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope |
613 | CFI,Center for Inquiry (CSICOP) |
614 | CFLCC,Coalition Forces Land Component Command |
615 | CFM,Certified Facilities Manager |
616 | CFO,Chief Financial Officer |
617 | CFRP,Carbon fibre reinforced plastic |
618 | CFS,Chronic Fatigue Syndrome |
619 | CFSP,Common Foreign and Security Policy |
620 | CFU,Colony Forming Unit in Microbiology |
621 | CFV,Cavalry Fighting Vehicle |
622 | CFZ,Critical Friendly Zone |
623 | CGH,Comparative Genomic Hybridisation |
624 | CGIG,Cross-Government Implementation Group |
625 | CGS,Chief of the General Staff |
626 | CGT,Capital Gains Tax |
627 | ch,ch(L) is used to denote the Chern character of a line bundle |
628 | ch,Chamorro language (ISO 639-1 code) |
629 | cha,Chamorro language (ISO 639-2 code) |
630 | CHAMPUS,(U.S.) Civilian Health and Medical Program of the Uniformed Services (now known as TRICARE) |
631 | CHAOS,Cambridge Heart Anti-Oxidant Study |
632 | CHAPS,Clearing House Automated Payment System |
633 | CHDK,Canon Hack Development Kit (Canon camera firmware hack) |
634 | che,Chechen language (ISO 639-2 code) |
635 | CHF,Swiss franc (ISO 4217 currency code) |
636 | CHiP,California Highway Patrol |
637 | CHIPS,Cosmic Hot Interstellar Plasma Spectrometer |
638 | CHL,Chile (ISO 3166 trigram) |
639 | CHLA,Core Historical Literature of Agriculture |
640 | CHN,China (ISO 3166 trigram) |
641 | CHOGM,Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting |
642 | CHP,California Highway Patrol,Combined Heat and Power |
643 | CHPSO,California Hospital Patient Safety Organization |
644 | CHRS,Canadian Heart Rhythm Society |
645 | CHT,Certified Hand Therapist |
646 | chu,Old Church Slavonic language (ISO 639-2 code) |
647 | chv,Chuvash language (ISO 639-2 code) |
648 | Ci,Curie |
649 | CIB,Complete In Box (Internet auction/trading listings) |
650 | CIBC,Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce |
651 | CID,Certified Interior Designer |
652 | CIEF,Comité international d'enregistrement des fréquences (International Frequency Registration Board) |
653 | CIF,Cost,Insurance,and Freight (Paid) (shipping) |
654 | CINC,Commander in Chief |
655 | CINEOS,Campo Imperatore Near-Earth Object Survey |
656 | CIO,Chief information officer,Congress of Industrial Organizations |
657 | CIPE,(European) Centre for International Political Economy |
658 | CIR,(Commander's) Critical Information Requirements |
659 | CIR,Corotating Interaction Region |
660 | CISA,(U.S.) C4I Integration Support Activity |
661 | CISB,Complete In Sealed Box (Internet auction/trading listings) |
662 | CISPR,Comité international spécial des perturbations radioélectriques (Special International Committee on Radio Interference) |
663 | CISSP,Certified Information Systems Security Professional |
664 | CIV,Côte d'Ivoire (ISO 3166 trigram) |
665 | CIVETS,Colombia,Indonesia,Vietnam,Egypt,Turkey,South Africa (economics) |
666 | CIVPOP,Civilian Population |
667 | CIWS,Close-In Weapon System |
668 | CJCS,Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff |
669 | CJO,Chief of Joint Operations |
670 | CJTF,Combined Joint Task Force |
671 | CKND,Codename: Kids Next Door |
672 | Cl,Chlorine |
673 | CLA,Clutterers Anonymous |
674 | CLEC,Competitive Local Exchange Carrier |
675 | CLEMARS,California Law Enforcement Mutual Aid Radio System |
676 | CLIC,Compact LInear Collider |
677 | CLO,Cornell Lab of Ornithology |
678 | CLOS,Command to Line-Of-Sight (missile control system) |
679 | CLP,Chilean peso (ISO 4217 currency code),Common [Operating/Operational] Land Picture |
680 | CLPFC,CentroLateral PreFrontal Cortex |
681 | CLRP,College Loan Repayment Program |
682 | Cm,Curium |
683 | CMHC,Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation |
684 | CMIIAW,Correct me if I am wrong |
685 | CMIS,Common management information service |
686 | CMJ,Christopher Martin-Jenkins (BBC sports commentator) |
687 | CML,Chemical,Chronic Myelogenous Leukemia (formerly Chronic Myeloid Leukemia) |
688 | CMM,Capability Maturity Model |
689 | CMMC,Corps Materiel Management Centre |
690 | CMP,Common [Operating/Operational] Maritime Picture |
691 | CMPD,Charlotte Mecklenburg Police Department |
692 | CMPD,Chronic Myeloproliferative Disease |
693 | CMT,Country Music Television |
694 | CMYK,Cyan Magenta Yellow Key/blacK (colour model) |
695 | CNBC,Consumer News and Business Channel |
696 | CNF,Cost and Freight |
697 | CNI,Clinical Nursing Intern |
698 | CNV,Copy-Number Variable (genetics) |
699 | CNY,Chinese yuan renminbi (ISO 4217 currency code) |
700 | Co,Cobalt |
701 | co,Corsican language (ISO 639-1 code) |
702 | COB,Close Of Business [day] |
703 | COBRA,Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1985 |
704 | CoDA,Co-Dependents Anonymous |
705 | COGENT,Cognitive Objects within a Graphical EnviroNmenT |
706 | COIL,Chemical Oxygen Iodine Laser |
707 | COK,Cook Islands (ISO 3166 trigram) |
708 | COL,Colombia (ISO 3166 trigram) |
709 | COLA,Cost Of Living Adjustment |
710 | COM,Comoros (ISO 3166 trigram),Component Object Model |
711 | COMECON,Council for Mutual Economic Assistance (economic counterpart of the Warsaw Pact,1949-1991) |
712 | CONAD,U.S. Continental Air Defense Command |
713 | CONCACAF,Confederation Of North,Central American and Caribbean Association Football |
714 | CONUS,Continental United States |
715 | COO,Chief Operating Officer |
716 | COPE,U.K. Committee On Publication Ethics |
717 | COPUS,U.K. Committee on the Public Understanding of Science |
718 | cor,Cornish language (ISO 639-2 code) |
719 | CORD,Common Operational Requirements Document |
720 | CORE,Consortium for Oceanographic Research and Education |
721 | COROT,COnvection,ROtation and planetary Transits |
722 | COS,Cooper Ornithological Society |
723 | COSER,COoperative SERvice |
724 | CoT,Car of Tomorrow (former NASCAR race car design) |
725 | COTS,Commercial Off The Shelf |
726 | CPA,Certified Public Accountant |
727 | CPCU,Certified Property Casualty Underwriter |
728 | CPD,Capabilities Production Document |
729 | CPE,Certificate of Proficiency in English |
730 | CPE,Certified Professional Ergonomist |
731 | CPG,Clinical Practice Guideline |
732 | CPI,CERDEC Command,Power and Integration |
733 | CPIM,Certification on Production and Inventory Management |
734 | CPIR,Computationally-Private Information Retrieval |
735 | CPON,Certified Pediatric Oncology Nurse |
736 | CPPCC,Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference |
737 | CPR,Canadian Pacific Railway |
738 | CPR,Cardiopulmonary resuscitation |
739 | CPSM,Continuous Phase Shift Modulation |
740 | CPSU,Communist Party of the Soviet Union |
741 | CPT,Contingency Planning Team |
742 | CPU,Contract Postal Unit |
743 | CPV,Cape Verde (ISO 3166 trigram) |
744 | CPX,Command Post eXercise |
745 | Cr,Chromium |
746 | cr,Cree language (ISO 639-1 code) |
747 | CRAM,Combined Radiometric Correction Model |
748 | CRD,Capstone Requirements Document |
749 | cre,Cree language (ISO 639-2 code) |
750 | CREB,Cyclic AMP-response Element Binding (protein) |
751 | CREN,Christian Real Estate Network Real Estate Association |
752 | CRIPL,Consolidated Remain-In-Place List |
753 | CRTC,Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission |
754 | Cs,Caesium |
755 | cs,Czech language (ISO 639-1 code) |
756 | CSERIAC,(U.S. DoD) Crew Systems Ergonomics Information Analysis Center |
757 | CSG,Corps Support Group |
758 | CSI,see entry |
759 | CSICOP,Committee for the Scientific Investigation of Claims of the Paranormal (became the Committee for Skeptical Inquiry in 2006) |
760 | CSIP,Commercial Stable Image Platform (AMD) |
761 | CSK,Czechoslovakia (ISO 3166 trigram; obsolete since 1993) |
762 | CSL,U.K. Central Science Laboratory |
763 | CSPI,Center for Science in the Public Interest |
764 | CSR,Control Supply Rate |
765 | CSR,Corporate Social Responsibility |
766 | CSRC,Conflict Studies Research Centre |
767 | CSRF,Cross-Site Request Forgery |
768 | CST,Central Standard Time (UTC−6 hours) |
769 | CTBT,Comprehensive [Nuclear] Test Ban Treaty |
770 | CTDB,Compact Terrain Data Base (file format) |
771 | CTE,Canton and Enderbury Islands (ISO 3166 trigram; obsolete 1984),Chronic traumatic encephalopathy |
772 | CTGF,connective tissue growth factor |
773 | CTI,Co-operative Target Identification |
774 | CTIL,Critical Tracked Items List |
775 | CTIS,Central Tire Inflation System |
776 | CTMS,Clinical Trial Management System |
777 | CTO,Chief Technical Officer,Chief Technology Officer |
778 | CTS,Clear-To-Send,Collective Training Standards,Communications Technology Service,Contract Technical Services,Conversation Time Sharing,COSMIC Top Secret |
779 | CTSS,Compatible Time-Sharing System |
780 | CTU,Counter Terrorist Unit (fictional branch of the Central Intelligence Agency in the television action series 24) |
781 | CTVT,Canine Transmissible Venereal Tumour |
782 | CU,Carrie Underwood,Cuba (FIPS 10-4 country code; ISO 3166 digram) |
783 | Cu,Copper (Latin Cuprum) |
784 | cu,Old Church Slavonic language (ISO 639-1 code) |
785 | CUB,Cuba (ISO 3166 trigram) |
786 | CUCV,Commercial Utility Cargo Vehicle |
787 | CUP,Cuban peso (ISO 4217 currency code) |
788 | CUPS,Common Unix Printing System |
789 | CUPW,Canadian Union of Postal Workers |
790 | CUREA,Consortium for Undergraduate Research and Education in Astronomy |
791 | CuW,Copper-tungsten pseudo-alloy (from the chemical symbols of the two component elements) |
792 | CUW,Curaçao (ISO 3166 trigram) |
793 | cv,Chuvash language (ISO 639-1 code) |
794 | CV,curriculum vitae (résumé) |
795 | CVE,Cape Verde escudo (ISO 4217 currency code) |
796 | CVLL,Crypto Variable Logic Label |
797 | CVSD,Continuous Variable Slope Delta (modulation) |
798 | CVT,Continuously Variable Transmission |
799 | CWC,Chemical Weapons Convention |
800 | CWRU,Case Western Reserve University |
801 | CWS,Canadian Wildlife Service |
802 | CXR,Christmas Island (ISO 3166 trigram) |
803 | cy,Welsh language (ISO 639-1 code) |
804 | CYM,Cayman Islands (ISO 3166 trigram) |
805 | cym,Welsh language (ISO 639-2 code) |
806 | CYP,Cyprus (ISO 3166 trigram),Cyprus pound (ISO 4217 currency code) |
807 | CZE,Czech Republic (ISO 3166 trigram) |
808 | CZF,(Christian Zombie Fan) |
809 | CZK,Czech koruna (ISO 4217 currency code) |
810 | CZMA,(US) Coastal Zone Management Act |
811 | d,Deci |
812 | D,Deuterium |
813 | da,Danish language (ISO 639-1 code),deca |
814 | DA,Denmark (FIPS 10-4 country code),Debtors Anonymous,U.S. Department of the Army,District Attorney |
815 | DAES,Defence Acquisition Executive Summary,(UK MoD) Directorate of Analysis,Experimentation and Simulation |
816 | DAF,Dissolved Air Flotation,a technique used in water treatment |
817 | DAFIF,Digital Aeronautical Flight Information File |
818 | DAK,Disney's Animal Kingdom |
819 | dan,Danish language (ISO 639-2 code) |
820 | DAO,Division Ammunition Officer |
821 | DAQ,Data acquisition,Delivered Audio Quality |
822 | DARE,Drug Abuse Resistance Education |
823 | DARO,(U.S.) Defense Airborne Reconnaissance Office |
824 | DARPA,U.S. Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency |
825 | DART,Disaster Assistance Response Team,Dublin Area Rapid Transit |
826 | DAS,Defensive Aids Suite |
827 | DASD,(U.S.) Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense |
828 | DASL,Datapoint's Advanced Systems Language |
829 | DAU,(U.S.) Defense Acquisition University |
830 | DAWN,(U.S.) Drug Abuse Warning Network |
831 | dB,Decibel |
832 | DB,Deutsche Bahn |
833 | Db,Dubnium |
834 | DBA,De Bellis Antiquitatis (miniature wargaming rules) |
835 | DBBL,(U.S. Army Simulation Center) Dismounted Battlespace Battle Laboratory |
836 | DBDO,Desert BDO |
837 | DBE,Dame Commander of the Order of the British Empire |
838 | DBF,Detection By Fire (weapon launch signature) |
839 | DBR,De Bellis Renationis (miniature wargaming rules) |
840 | DBRA,Davis-Bacon Related Acts |
841 | DBS,Direct Broadcast Services (television) |
842 | DC,da capo,Italian Democrazia Cristiana,Digital Compass,Direct Current,District of Columbia (postal symbol),Douglas Aircraft Company,Dublin Core,Duty Cycle |
843 | DCA,Defensive Counter Air,Drum Corps Associates,DiChloroAcetate |
844 | DCAA,(U.S.) Defense Contract Audit Agency |
845 | DCAS,Devon and Cornwall Archery Society |
846 | DCC,Dallas Christian College |
847 | DCD,[Organ] Donation after Cardiac Death |
848 | DCE,Data Communication Equipment |
849 | DCFC,Death Cab for Cutie |
850 | DCI,Detection,Classification and Identification,Drum Corps International,Duellists' Convocation International,now known simply by the initials |
851 | DCL,Disney Cruise Line |
852 | DCN,Deacon |
853 | DCOM,Disney Channel Original Movie |
854 | DCSOPS,Deputy Chief of Staff for Operations and plans |
855 | DCW,Digital Chart of the World |
856 | DCYSC,Discovery Channel Young Scientist Challenge |
857 | DDA,Deputy District Attorney |
858 | DDN,U.S. Defense Data Network |
859 | DDS,Doctor of Dental Surgery |
860 | DDT,Dichloro-Diphenyl-Trichloroethane (insecticide),Dynamic Debugging Tool (computing),DE[edit] |
861 | DE,Delaware (postal symbol),Germany (ISO 3166 digram) |
862 | de,German language (ISO 639-1 code) |
863 | DEA,Drug Enforcement Administration |
864 | DEA,Drug Enforcement Agency |
865 | DEC,(a/i) Department of Environmental Conservation,Digital Equipment Corporation,Disasters Emergency Committee |
866 | DeCA,(U.S.) Defense Commissary Agency |
867 | DEFCON,Defence readiness condition |
868 | DEFRA,(UK) Department for Environment,Food and Rural Affairs |
869 | DELT,Dual Ended Line Test (ing) |
870 | DEM,Data Exchange Mechanism,Digital Elevation Model |
871 | DEN,Denmark (IOC and FIFA trigram,but not ISO 3166) |
872 | DEPSECDEF,(U.S.) Deputy Secretary of Defense |
873 | DERA,British Defence Evaluation and Research Agency (1995-2001) |
874 | DES,Deep Ecliptic Survey |
875 | deu,German language (ISO 639-2 code) |
876 | DEU,Germany (ISO 3166 trigram) |
877 | DFAS,(U.S.) Defense Finance and Accounting Service |
878 | DFCB,Data Format Control Book |
879 | DfID,UK Department for International Development |
880 | DFM,Discrete Field Model see Superluminal motion |
881 | DFM,Dynamic Flowgraph Methodology |
882 | DFSP,Dermatofibrosarcoma protuberans |
883 | DfT,UK Department for Transport |
884 | DFTBA,Don't Forget To Be Awesome,a term commonly used by the Vlogbrothers |
885 | DGPS,Differential GPS |
886 | DGZ,Desired Ground Zero |
887 | DH,dear husband (increasingly prevalent on social mailing lists,blogs,and bulletin boards),Designated hitter |
888 | DHA,DocosaHexaenoic Acid |
889 | DHHS,(U.S.) Department of Health and Human Services |
890 | DHL,Dalsey,Hillblom,and Lynn (courier service) |
891 | DHRA,(U.S.) DoD Human Resources Activity |
892 | DHS,U.S. Department of Homeland Security |
893 | DHSS,UK Department of Health and Social Security |
894 | DHTFYSS,U.S. Don't Have Time For You Silly S**** |
895 | DHY,Dahomey (ISO 3166 trigram; became BEN for Benin in 1977) |
896 | DIA,U.S. Defense Intelligence Agency |
897 | DIAC,Department of Immigration and Citizenship (Australia) [1] |
898 | DiC,Design Island Centre (computing usually used in a teaching situation) |
899 | DICASS,DIrectional Command Activated Sonobuoy System |
900 | DIFAR,DIrectional Frequency Analysis and Recording |
901 | DIME,Dense Inert Metal Explosive |
902 | DINKY,Double Income,No Kids Yet |
903 | DIP,Dual In-line Package (electronics) |
904 | DIPS,Defense independent pitching statistics |
905 | DIR,Defence Industrial Research |
906 | DIS,Defence Intelligence Staff,(U.S.) Defense Investigative Service,Distributed Interactive Simulation,Draft International Standard (ISO) |
907 | DISA,U.S. Defense Information Systems Agency,Distinguished Individual Service Award |
908 | DISCOM,Division Support Command |
909 | DISE,Deployable Intelligence Support Element |
910 | DISSTAF,DIS Search and Target Acquisition Fidelity experiment |
911 | DITY,Do-It-Yourself |
912 | div,Dhivehi language (ISO 639-2 code) |
913 | DIVAD,Division Air Defence |
914 | DIY,Do It Yourself |
915 | DJ,Disc Jockey,Dinner Jacket,Djibouti (ISO 3166 digram; FIPS 10-4 country code) |
916 | DJD,Degenerative Joint Disease,Dublin Julian Day,Discoveries in the Judaean Desert |
917 | DJF,Djibouti franc (ISO 4217 currency code) |
918 | DJI,Djibouti (ISO 3166 trigram) |
919 | DJS,Director,Joint Staff |
920 | DK,Denmark (ISO 3166 digram) |
921 | DKK,Danish krone (ISO 4217 currency code) |
922 | DL,Dexter's Laboratory |
923 | DLA,U.S. Defense Logistics Agency,Dental Laboratories Association |
924 | DLIC,Detachment Left-In-Contact |
925 | DLIR,Depot-Level Inspection and Repair |
926 | DLPMC,DorsoLateral PreMotor Cortex |
927 | DLR,Deutsches Zentrum für Luft,und Raumfahrt (German,German Aerospace Centre),Docklands Light Railway |
928 | DLRP,Data Link Reference Point |
929 | DLS,Deep Lens Survey |
930 | DLSA,(U.S.) Defense Legal Services Agency |
931 | DLSc,Diploma in Library Science |
932 | DLSC,U.S. Defense Logistics Services Center,U.S. Defense Logistics Support Command,Department of Library Special Collections (Western Kentucky University Libraries),Direct Loan Servicing Center,Directorate of Land Strategic Concepts (Canada),Dominican Lay Scholars Community |
933 | DLTBGYD,Don't let the bastards grind you down |
934 | DM,Dominica (ISO 3166 digram),Dungeon Master (role-playing games) |
935 | DMA,Designated market area (primarily a U.S. term),U.S. Defense Mapping Agency (became NIMA,then NGA),Direct Memory Access (computing),Dominica (ISO 3166 trigram) |
936 | DMC,(U.S.) Defense Management Council |
937 | DMCA,Digital Millennium Copyright Act |
938 | DMM,Digital Multimeter |
939 | DMOC,Distributed Mission Operations Centre |
940 | DMPA,(U.S.) Defense Medical Programs Activity |
941 | DMPFC,DorsoMedial PreFrontal Cortex |
942 | DMPK,Drug Metabolism and Pharmacokinetics |
943 | DMRB,Design Manual for Roads and Bridges |
944 | DMS,U.S. Defense Message System |
945 | DMSP,U.S. Defense Meteorological Satellite Program |
946 | DMT,Dimethyltryptamine |
947 | DMU,Diesel Multiple Unit,a method of connecting self-propelled railway vehicles together to form a train under the control of one driver. |
948 | DMV,Department of Motor Vehicles |
949 | DMZ,DeMilitarized Zone |
950 | DN,Deacon |
951 | DNA,U.S. Defense Nuclear Agency,DeoxyriboNucleic Acid,Douglas Noël Adams |
952 | DNAW,Day Night All Weather |
953 | DND,Department of National Defence (Canada),Do Not Disturb |
954 | DNDi,Drugs for Neglected Diseases initiative |
955 | DNDO,U.S. Domestic Nuclear Detection Office |
956 | DNK,Denmark (ISO 3166 trigram) |
957 | DNM,Defence Nuclear Material |
958 | DNR,Do Not Resuscitate |
959 | DNS,Domain Name System |
960 | DO,Dominica (FIPS 10-4 country code),Dominican Republic (ISO 3166 digram),Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine |
961 | DOA,Dead On Arrival,Dead or Alive |
962 | DOB,Date Of Birth |
963 | DOD,U.S. Department of Defense |
964 | DODAF,U.S. Department of Defense Architectural Framework |
965 | DoDD,U.S. Department of Defense Directive |
966 | DoDEA,(U.S.) Department of Defense Education Activity |
967 | DOE,U.S. Department of Energy |
968 | DOHC,Dual-OverHead-Cam engine |
969 | DOI,U.S. Department of the Interior |
970 | DOP,Dominican peso (ISO 4217 currency code) |
971 | DORA,Defence of the Realm Act |
972 | DOS,Density of State |
973 | DOT,Department of Transportation (U.S. federal or state),Damage Over Time (common in World of Warcraft) |
974 | DOTA,short-form for DEFENSE OF THE ANCIENTS a popular online epic game |
975 | DotD,Deal of the Day (marketing gimmick) |
976 | DOTMLPF,Doctrine,Organization,Training,Materiel,Leadership,Personnel,and Facilities (mnemonic) |
977 | DOW,Died of Wounds |
978 | DP,Decision Point,Dynamic Programming |
979 | DP,Division de production (Algerian petroleum company) |
980 | DPA,UK Defence Procurement Agency |
981 | DPCO,Double-Pole Change Over |
982 | DPDT,Double-Pole Double-Throw |
983 | DPI,Dots Per Inch |
984 | DPICM,Dual-Purpose Improved Conventional Munition |
985 | DPKO,UN Department for Peacekeeping Operations |
986 | DPMO,(U.S.) Defense Prisoner of War/Missing Personnel Office |
987 | DPPDB,Digital Point Positioning Database |
988 | DPRE,Displaced Person or Refugee (plural Displaced Persons and Refugees) (originally Displaced Persons,Refugees,Evacuees) |
989 | DPRK,Democratic People's Republic of Korea |
990 | DPST,Double-Pole Single-Throw |
991 | DQ,Dairy Queen,Jarvis Island (FIPS 10-4 country code) |
992 | DR,Dead Reckoning,Dominican Republic (FIPS 10-4 country code),Danmarks Radio (Danish Broadcasting Corporation) |
993 | DRA,Defence Research Agency (UK,1991-1995),Democratic Republic of America |
994 | DRC,Democratic Republic of the Congo |
995 | DRDC,Defence Research & Development Canada |
996 | DREA,Defence Research Establishment Atlantic (obsolete 2002) |
997 | DRES,Defence Research Establishment Suffield (obsolete 2002) |
998 | DRET,Defence Research Establishment Toronto (obsolete 2002) |
999 | DREV,Defence Research Establishment Valcartier (obsolete 2002) |
1000 | DRI,Detection,Recognition,Identification,Dietary Reference Intake |
1001 | DRIC,(U.S.) Defense Research Information Center |
1002 | DRL,Daytime Running Lights,Dorman Roberts Ltd. |
1003 | DRMS,(U.S.) Defense Revitalization and Marketing Service |
1004 | DRPR,Drawing Practices |
1005 | DRT,Document Related Technologies |
1006 | Ds,Darmstadtium |
1007 | DS,Dear son (increasingly prevalent on social mailing lists,blogs,and bulletin boards),Defence Scientist,Direct Support,Dust Storm (METAR Code) |
1008 | DSA,(U.S.) Defense Support Activities,Division Support Area |
1009 | DSAA,(U.S.) Defense Security Assistance Agency,Driving Schools Association of the Americas,DECT Standard Authentication Algorithm |
1010 | DSAS,Disney Sing Along Songs |
1011 | DSB,(U.S.) Defense Science Board |
1012 | DSC,Differential Scanning Calorimeter,Digital Selective Calling,Digital Still Camera,Distinguished Service Cross,Doctor of Surgical Chiropody (obsolete),Document structure convention (PostScript programming),Dynamic Stability Control |
1013 | DSCS,U.S. Defense Satellite Communications System |
1014 | DSCSOC,DSCS Operations Center |
1015 | DSD,Defence Studies Department (King's College,London) |
1016 | DSE,Dry Sheep Equivalent |
1017 | DSG,Direct-Shift Gearbox |
1018 | DSID,Dismounted Soldier Identification System |
1019 | DSL,Digital Subscriber Line |
1020 | DSLR,Digital single-lens reflex (camera) |
1021 | DSM,Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders |
1022 | DSN,Deep Space Network |
1023 | DSP,Defense Standardization Program,Defense Support Program, |
1024 | DSPL,Design Specialists and Plans Language |
1025 | DSR,Deformed Special Relativity |
1026 | DSRV,Deaf Sports Recreation Victoria,Deep Submergence Rescue Vehicle |
1027 | DSS,Digitized Sky Survey,Discarding-Sabot Shell (ammunition) |
1028 | DST,Daylight Saving Time |
1029 | DSTL,British Defence Science and Technology Laboratory |
1030 | DSWA,(U.S.) Defense Special Weapons Agency |
1031 | DTA,Dental Technologists Association |
1032 | DTD,Digital Terrain Data |
1033 | DTE,Data Terminal Equipment,Down To Earth |
1034 | DTG,Date-Time Group |
1035 | DTH,Direct To Home (television) |
1036 | DTI,UK Department of Trade and Industry |
1037 | DTIC,(U.S.) Defense Technical Information Center |
1038 | DTL,Diode-Transistor Logic (electronics) |
1039 | DTLOMS,Doctrine,Training,Leader development,Organization,Materiel,and Soldier (mnemonic) |
1040 | DTMF,Dual-tone multi-frequency signaling |
1041 | DTO,Disruptive Technology Office (was ARDA) |
1042 | DTOMLS,Doctrine,Training,Organization,Materiel,Leader and Soldier development (mnemonic) |
1043 | DTR,Determine The Relationship |
1044 | DTSA,(U.S.) Defense Technology Security Administration |
1045 | DU,Depleted Uranium,Dust (METAR Code) |
1046 | DUI,Data Use Identifier,Data Use Institute,Davis Unified Ignition,Diving Unlimited International,Documento Único de Identidad,Documento Unico de Importación,Driving Under the Influence,Duke University Improv |
1047 | DUMBO,Down Under the Manhattan Bridge Overpass (Brooklyn neighborhood) |
1048 | DUSD,(U.S.) Deputy Under-Secretary of Defense |
1049 | dv,Dhivehi language (ISO 639-1 code) |
1050 | DVLC,UK Driver and Vehicle Licencing Centre |
1051 | DVM,Doctor of Veterinary Medicine |
1052 | DVO,Direct View Optics |
1053 | DVOM,Digital Volt-Ohm Meter |
1054 | DVP,various meanings (disambiguation page) |
1055 | DW,Drum Workshop |
1056 | DWI,Dance With Intensity,Danish West Indies,Diffusion-weighted imaging,Direct water injection,Disaster Welfare Inquiry,Drinking Water Inspectorate,Driving While Intoxicated/Impaired |
1057 | DWIM,Do What I Mean |
1058 | DWM,Doctor Who Magazine |
1059 | DWTS,Dancing with the Stars |
1060 | DWW,Down with Webster |
1061 | DX,Dexterity (role-playing games),DeXtrorphan,Distant (radio),D-Generation X (professional wrestling stable) |
1062 | DXA,Dual-energy X-ray Absorptiometry |
1063 | DXM,DeXtroMethorphan |
1064 | DY,Dahomey (ISO 3166 digram; obsolete since 1977) |
1065 | Dy,Dysprosium |
1066 | DZ,Algeria (ISO 3166 digram),Drizzle (METAR Code),Drop Zone |
1067 | dz,Dzongkha language (ISO 639-1 code) |
1068 | DZA,Algeria (ISO 3166 trigram) |
1069 | DZD,Algerian dinar (ISO 4217 currency code) |
1070 | dzo,Dzongkha language (ISO 639-2 code) |
1071 | E,East |
1072 | EA,Electronic Attack,Emotions Anonymous,Engagement Area,Electronic Arts,Enrolled Agent,Environmental Assessment,Enterprise Architect,Exaampere |
1073 | EABU,Explain Acronyms Before Use |
1074 | EAC,Echelons Above Corps |
1075 | EAPC,Euro-Atlantic Partnership Council |
1076 | EAST,Experimental Advanced Superconducting Tokamak |
1077 | EBD,Electronic Brake Distribution |
1078 | EBE,Extraterrestrial Biological Entity |
1079 | EBO,Effects Based Operations,Encyclopædia Britannica Online,European Board of Ophthalmology |
1080 | EBSA,Employee Benefits Security Administration |
1081 | EBW,Electron Beam Welding |
1082 | EBW,Exploding BridgeWire |
1083 | ECASS,European Centre for Analysis in the Social Sciences [1] |
1084 | ECB,England (and Wales) Cricket Board,European Central Bank |
1085 | ECBR,European Coalition for Biomedical Research |
1086 | ECCM,Electronic Counter-Counter-Measures |
1087 | ECFS,Electronic Case Filing System |
1088 | ECG,Electrocardiogram |
1089 | ECHO,Each Community Helps Others (EPA programme),Educational Concerns for Hunger Organization,European Commission Host Organization,European Commission Humanitarian aid Office,Exchange Clearing House,Expanded Characteristic Option,Explanatory Coherence by Harmony Optimization |
1090 | ECHR,European Convention on Human Rights |
1091 | ECJ,European Court of Justice |
1092 | ECL,Emitter Coupled Logic (electronics) |
1093 | ECM,Electronic Counter-Measures,Enterprise Content Management |
1094 | ECommHR,European Commission on Human Rights |
1095 | ECS,Emergency Contact System,Enhanced Chip Set (computing),EOSDIS Core System,Extended Chip Set (computing) |
1096 | ECSC,European Coal and Steel Community (distant ancestor of the EU) |
1097 | ECT,ElectroConvulsive Therapy |
1098 | ECtHR,European Court of Human Rights |
1099 | ECU,Ecuador (ISO 3166 trigram),European Currency Unit (ancestor of the euro) |
1100 | ECW,Eastern Championship Wrestling/Extreme Championship Wrestling,ED[edit] |
1101 | EDA,European Defence Agency |
1102 | EDAC,Error Detection And Correction |
1103 | EDCS,Environmental Data Coding Specification |
1104 | EDD,Earliest due date,Electron-detachment dissociation,Elena Delle Donne (American basketball player),Employment Development Department (California state agency),End-diastolic dimension,Expected Date of Delivery (pregnancy) |
1105 | EDGAR,Electronic Data Gathering,Analysis,and Retrieval (U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission filings database) |
1106 | EDH,Eastman Dental Hospital |
1107 | EDS,Electronic Data Systems,Electronic Differential System |
1108 | EDSA,Epifanio de los Santos Avenue (a major thoroughfare in Manila with great significance to post-1980 Philippines history) |
1109 | EDT,Eastern Daylight Saving Time (UTC−4 hours) |
1110 | EDTA,Electric Drive Transportation Association,EthyleneDiamineTetraAcetic acid,EE[edit] |
1111 | EE,Estonia (ISO 3166 digram; from the country's native name of Eesti),Electrical engineering,Electrical Engineer,E&E,Escape and Evasion (training) |
1112 | ee,Ewe language (ISO 639-1 code) |
1113 | EEC,European Economic Community (predecessor of the EU) |
1114 | EEG,ElectroEncephaloGram |
1115 | EEK,Estonian kroon (ISO 4217 currency code) |
1116 | EENT,End Evening Nautical Twilight |
1117 | EEO,Equal Employment Opportunity |
1118 | EEOC,(U.S.) Equal Employment Opportunity Commission |
1119 | EEZ,Economic Exclusion Zone or Exclusive Economic Zone |
1120 | EF,Electro-focus (Canon lens mount),Entry Foyer,Exafarad |
1121 | EFF,Electronic Frontier Foundation |
1122 | EFL,English as a Foreign Language |
1123 | EFM,Enterprise Feedback Management |
1124 | EFOA,European Fuel Oxygenates Association |
1125 | EFSA,European Food Safety Authority |
1126 | EFT,Electronic Fund Transfer |
1127 | EFTA,European Free Trade Area,European Free Trade Association |
1128 | EFV,Expeditionary Fighting Vehicle |
1129 | EG,Egypt (ISO 3166 digram; FIPS 10-4 country code) |
1130 | EGBUS,External Genitalia,Bartholin's glands,Urethra & Skene's glands |
1131 | EGCG,EpiGalloCatechin-3-Gallate |
1132 | EGIS,Erieye Ground Interface Segment |
1133 | EGP,Egyptian pound (ISO 4217 currency code) |
1134 | EGRET,Energetic Gamma-Ray Experiment Telescope |
1135 | EGY,Egypt (ISO 3166 trigram) |
1136 | EH,Exahenry,Western Sahara (ISO 3166 digram) |
1137 | EHA,Education for All Handicapped Children Act (U.S. federal legislation; since superseded by the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act),Emotional Health Anonymous |
1138 | EHF,Extremely High Frequency |
1139 | EHR,Equipment History Record |
1140 | Ei,Exbi |
1141 | EI,Ireland (FIPS 10-4 country code; from Éire) |
1142 | EIA,Environmental Impact Assessment |
1143 | EIAH,Encyclopedia of Iranian Architectural History |
1144 | EIAH,Environnements Informatiques pour l'Apprentissage Humain |
1145 | EIC,East India Company |
1146 | EICS,East India Company's Service |
1147 | eID,electronic ID |
1148 | EIRP,Effective Isotropic Radiated Power |
1149 | EIS,Environmental Impact Statement |
1150 | EJ,Exajoule |
1151 | EK,Equatorial Guinea (FIPS 10-4 country code),Exakelvin |
1152 | EKG,Electrocardiogram (from German Elektrokardiogramm) |
1153 | EKMS,Electronic Key Management System |
1154 | EL,Exalitre |
1155 | el,Greek language (ISO 639-1 code) |
1156 | ELF-(a/i) Earth Liberation Front,Endangered Language Fund,Eritrean Liberation Front,Executable and Linkable Format,Extremely Low Frequency |
1157 | ELINT,Electronic Intelligence |
1158 | ELL,English Language Learner |
1159 | ell,Greek language (ISO 639-2 code) |
1160 | ELM,Edge-Localised Mode (plasma physics) |
1161 | ELO,Electric Light Orchestra |
1162 | ELP,Emerson,Lake & Palmer,European Left Party |
1163 | ELSS,Emergency Life Support Stores |
1164 | ELT,Emergency Locator Transmitter |
1165 | EM,ElectroMagnetism/ElectroMagnetic |
1166 | Em,Exametre |
1167 | EMA,European Medicines Agency |
1168 | EMC,Electric Membership Corporation,Electromagnetic Compatibility,Electro-Motive Corporation,European Muon Collaboration,Evergreen Marine Corporation |
1169 | EMCON,(Electromagnetic) Emissions Control |
1170 | EMD,General Motors Electro-Motive Division,Engineering and Manufacturing Development,European Missile Defence |
1171 | EMDG,Euro-Missile Dynamics Group |
1172 | EMDR,Eye Movement Desensitisation and Reprocessing |
1173 | EMF,Electromotive force,Epsom Mad Funkers (1990s-2000s indie dance band) |
1174 | EMG,ElectroMyoGraph |
1175 | EMO,Emergency Measures Organisation, Emotional |
1176 | EMP,ElectroMagnetic Pulse |
1177 | EMS,Emergency Medical Services |
1178 | EMT,Emergency Medical Technician |
1179 | EMU,Electric Multiple Unit,a method of connecting self-propelled railway vehicles together to form a train under the control of one driver. |
1180 | EN,Corps of Engineers,Estonia (FIPS 10-4 country code),Exanewton |
1181 | en,English language (ISO 639-1 code) |
1182 | ENCODE,Encyclopedia of DNA Elements (human genome data project) |
1183 | ENE,East North-East |
1184 | ENG,England (FIFA trigram; not eligible for an ISO 3166 or IOC trigram) |
1185 | eng,English language (ISO 639-2 code) |
1186 | ENT,Ear,Nose and Throat |
1187 | ENTEC,Euro NATO Training Engineer Centre |
1188 | ENVL,Envelope |
1189 | ENY,Enemy |
1190 | EO,Electro-Optics,Engagement Operations |
1191 | eo,Esperanto language (ISO 639-1 code) |
1192 | EOD,Explosive Ordnance Disposal |
1193 | EOG,ElectroOculoGraphy |
1194 | EOM,End of Message |
1195 | EOS,Earth Observation Satellite,(a/i) Electro-Optical System,Canon's autofocusing system for film and digital SLR cameras,Electrophoresis Operations in Space,a space manufacturing project of the McDonnell Douglas Astronautics Company |
1196 | EOSAT,Earth Observation Satellite |
1197 | EOSDIS,(a/i) Earth Observation Satellite Data and Information System |
1198 | EOTS,Electro-Optical Tactical Sensor,(a/i) Eye Of The Storm (World of Warcraft) |
1199 | EP,European Parliament |
1200 | EP,Extended play |
1201 | EPA,EicosaPentaenoic Acid,Environmental Protection Agency |
1202 | EPCOT,Experimental Prototype Community Of Tomorrow |
1203 | EPCR,Endothelial protein C receptor,European Professional Club Rugby |
1204 | EPGS,EOS Polar Ground Sites |
1205 | EPIRB,(a/i) Emergency Position Indicating Radio Beacon |
1206 | EPL,English Premier League |
1207 | epo,Esperanto language (ISO 639-2 code) |
1208 | EPOS,Electronic Point Of Sale |
1209 | EPPA,Employee Polygraph Protection Act |
1210 | EPR,European Pressurised [Nuclear] Reactor |
1211 | EPW,Earth Penetrator Weapon/Warhead,Economic and Political Weekly (Indian publication),Enemy Prisoner of War,EQ[edit] |
1212 | EQ,Emotional Quotient |
1213 | EQG,Equatorial Guinea (FIFA trigram,but not IOC or ISO 3166) |
1214 | ER,Emergency Room,Eritrea (ISO 3166 digram; FIPS 10-4 country code) |
1215 | Er,Erbium |
1216 | ERA,Earned run average,Engineering Research Associates,Equal Rights Amendment,English Racing Automobiles,European Railway Agency |
1217 | ERCIM,(a/i) European Research Consortium for Informatics and Mathematics |
1218 | ERI,Eritrea (ISO 3166 trigram) |
1219 | ERLAWS,Eastern Ruapehu Lahar Alarm and Warning System |
1220 | ERN,Eritrean nakfa (ISO 4217 currency code) |
1221 | EROS,Earth Resources Observation System |
1222 | ERP,Engineer Regulating Point |
1223 | ERR,Eesti Rahvusringhääling |
1224 | ERS,Earth Resources Survey |
1225 | ERTS,Earth Resources Technology Satellite (became Landsat) |
1226 | ERV,Endogenous RetroVirus |
1227 | Es,Einsteinium,Exasecond |
1228 | ES,El Salvador (FIPS 10-4 country code),Electronic warfare Support,Exasiemens,Spain (ISO 3166 digram; from the country's native name of España) |
1229 | es,Spanish language (ISO 639-1 code) |
1230 | ESA,Electro-Spark Alloying,Endangered Species Act,European Space Agency |
1231 | ESC,Embryonic Stem Cell,Electronic Stability Control |
1232 | ESD,ElectroStatic Discharge |
1233 | ESDP,European Security and Defence Policy |
1234 | ESE,East South-East |
1235 | ESH,Western Sahara (ISO 3166 trigram) |
1236 | ESL,English as a Second Language |
1237 | ESM,Electronic warfare Support Measures |
1238 | ESO,European Southern Observatory |
1239 | ESOL,English for Speakers of Other Languages |
1240 | ESP,Electronic Stability Program,Extra-sensory perception,Spain (ISO 3166 trigram) |
1241 | ESPGHAN,European Society for Paediatric Gastroenterology,Hepatology and Nutrition |
1242 | ESPN,Entertainment and Sports Programming Network |
1243 | EST,Eastern Standard Time (UTC−5 hours),Estonia (ISO 3166 trigram) |
1244 | est,Estonian language (ISO 639-2 code) |
1245 | ESU,Emergency Services Unit |
1246 | ESV,Engineer Support Vehicle |
1247 | et,Estonian language (ISO 639-1 code) |
1248 | ET,Ethiopia (ISO 3166 digram; FIPS 10-4 country code) |
1249 | ETB,Ethiopian Birr (ISO 4217 currency code) |
1250 | ETF,Emergency Task Force (a special police unit,also jocularly said to stand for Extra-Thick Fuzz) |
1251 | ETH,Ethiopia (ISO 3166 trigram) |
1252 | ETI,Extra-Terrestrial Intelligence |
1253 | ETLA,Extended TLA |
1254 | ETM,Electronic Technical Manual,Enhanced Thematic Mapper |
1255 | ETT,Embedded Training Team |
1256 | eu,Basque language (ISO 639-1 code) |
1257 | EU,Europa Island (FIPS 10-4 country code),European Union |
1258 | Eu,Europium |
1259 | EUCOM,(U.S.) European Command |
1260 | EUR,euro (ISO 4217 currency code) |
1261 | eus,Basque language (ISO 639-2 code) |
1262 | EUUSA,European Union and United States of America |
1263 | EV,Exavolt |
1264 | EVA,Earned Value Analysis,Economic value added,Ethylene-Vinyl Acetate,Extra-Vehicular Activity |
1265 | EVIL,Electronic viewfinder (with) interchangeable lens (a type of digital camera) |
1266 | EW,Electronic Warfare,Exawatt |
1267 | ewe,Ewe language (ISO 639-2 code) |
1268 | EWTN,Eternal Word Television Network |
1269 | Exatesla,Extra Terrestrial |
1270 | EXREP,Expeditious Repair (SM&R code) |
1271 | EZ,Czech Republic (FIPS 10-4 country code),Extraction Zone |
1272 | F,Farad,Fluorine |
1273 | f,Femto |
1274 | fA,Femtoampere |
1275 | FA,Field Artillery,Financial Aid,Football Association (England) |
1276 | FA,Food Addicts in Recovery Anonymous |
1277 | fa,Persian language (ISO 639-1 code) |
1278 | FAAD,Forward Area Air Defence |
1279 | FAADEZ,Forward Area Air Defence Engagement Zone |
1280 | FAAFP,Fellow of the American Academy of Family Physicians |
1281 | FAAN,Fellow of the American Academy of Neurology |
1282 | FAAN,Fellow of the American Academy of Nursing |
1283 | FAAQ,(a/i) Frequently Asked and Anticipated Questions (cf. FAQ) |
1284 | FAASV,Field Artillery Ammunition Supply Vehicle |
1285 | FAB,Feline Advisory Bureau (UK feline charity) |
1286 | FAC,Forward Air Controller,Front of Allies for Change,Frontal Affinity Chromatography,Full Aperture Calibrator |
1287 | FACA,(US) Federal Advisory Committee Act |
1288 | FACH,Fuerza Aérea de Chile |
1289 | FACN,Fellow of the American College of Nutrition |
1290 | FACP,Fellow of the American College of Physicians |
1291 | FACS,Fellow of the American College of Surgeons,Formal Aspects of Computing Science,Fluorescent-activated cell sorting |
1292 | FACTS,Flexible Alternating Current Transmission System |
1293 | FAD,Flavin Adenine Dinucleotide,Fuck A Duck,Funding Authorization Document |
1294 | FAH,Federation of American Hospitals,Fine Arts and Humanities,Foreign Affairs Handbook |
1295 | FAM,Foreign Affairs Manual |
1296 | fao,Faroese language (ISO 639-2 code) |
1297 | FAO,Food and Agriculture Organization |
1298 | FAPA,Fellow of the American Psychological Association |
1299 | FAPHA,Fellow of the American Public Health Association |
1300 | FARP,Forward Arming and Refuelling Point / Forward Area Rearm/refuel Point |
1301 | FAS,Federation of American Scientists,Fetal Alcohol Syndrome |
1302 | fas,Persian language (ISO 639-2 code) |
1303 | FASCAM,Family of Scatterable Mines[1] |
1304 | FASD,Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder |
1305 | FASEB,(a/i) Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology |
1306 | FAT,Field Artillery Tractor |
1307 | FAVS,Future Armoured Vehicle System |
1308 | FAW,Football Association of Wales |
1309 | FB,Facebook,An on-line social network |
1310 | FBCS,Fellow of the British Computer Society |
1311 | FBIDST,Fellow of the British Institute of Dental and Surgical Technologists |
1312 | FBIS,Foreign Broadcast Information Service |
1313 | FBM,Board foot |
1314 | FBR,Fast Breeder Reactor,Foundation for Biomedical Research,Friedman,Billings,Ramsey (now known as Arlington Asset Investment) |
1315 | FBS-Federal Bureau of Statistics (Pakistan),Fetal bovine serum,Football Bowl Subdivision (U.S. college football),Fukuoka Broadcasting Corporation,FC[edit] |
1316 | fC,Femtocoulomb |
1317 | FC,Fire Control,Football Club,Funnel Cloud (METAR Code) |
1318 | FCC,U.S. Federal Communications Commission |
1319 | FCE,First Certificate in English |
1320 | FCF,Financial Free Cash Flow |
1321 | FCLA,Fraud Claims Law Associate |
1322 | FCM,Federation of Canadian Municipalities,Fogarty's Cove Music |
1323 | FCO,UK Foreign and Commonwealth Office |
1324 | FCW,Florida Championship Wrestling |
1325 | FD,Falun Dafa |
1326 | FDA,Food and Drug Administration (U.S.) |
1327 | FDBK,(I) Feedback |
1328 | FDC,Federal Detention Center (U.S.),Fire Direction Centre |
1329 | FDR,Flight Data Recorder,Franklin Delano Roosevelt |
1330 | FE,Fully Exposed (armoured vehicle target,as opposed to Hull-Down) |
1331 | Fe,Iron (Latin Ferrum) |
1332 | FEAR,First Encounter Assault Recon,False Evidence Appears Real |
1333 | FEAST,(a/i) Forum for European-Australian Science and Technology Cooperation |
1334 | FEATS,Festival of European Anglophone Theatrical Societies link title |
1335 | FEBA,Forward Edge of the Battle Area |
1336 | FED,(a/i) Field emission display |
1337 | FEDEP,Federation Development Process (Simulation) |
1338 | FEF,Frontal Eye Field (neurophysiology) |
1339 | FEMA-(a/i) Farm Equipment Manufacturers Association,(a/i) U.S. Federal Emergency Management Agency,Fire Equipment Manufacturers' Association |
1340 | FENS,(a/i) Federation of European Neuroscience Societies |
1341 | FEP,Firepower Enhancement Program,Fleet satellite (FLTSAT) Extremely high frequency (EHF) Package |
1342 | FES,Flywheel Energy Storage |
1343 | FEST,Frankfurt English Speaking Theatre link title |
1344 | FET,Field-effect transistor |
1345 | FEZ,(a/i) Fighter Engagement Zone |
1346 | fF,Femtofarad |
1347 | FF,Final Fantasy |
1348 | ff,Fula language (ISO 639-1 code) |
1349 | FFA,Football Federation Australia,Pacific Islands Forum Fisheries Agency,Free-Fire Area,Fusiform Face Area,Future Farmers of America (today the National FFA Organization) |
1350 | FFB,Frum From Birth (referring to an observant Jew born into a religiously observant family) |
1351 | FFC,Free For Chat |
1352 | FFE,Fukuoka Futures Exchange |
1353 | FFG,Guided Missile Frigate (hull classification symbol) |
1354 | FFOV,Forward Field Of View |
1355 | FFS,For Fuck's Sake |
1356 | FFT,Final Fantasy Tactics,FG[edit] |
1357 | FG,Falun Gong |
1358 | fg,Femtogram |
1359 | FG,Fog (METAR Code),French Guiana (FIPS 10-4 territory code) |
1360 | FGR,Flickr Group Roulette |
1361 | fH,Femtohenry |
1362 | FHFIF,Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends |
1363 | FHI,Family Health International,Fuji Heavy Industries,Ltd. |
1364 | FI,Finland (ISO 3166 digram; FIPS 10-4 country code) |
1365 | fi,Finnish language (ISO 639-1 code) |
1366 | FIB,Fucking Illinois Bastard (Wisconsin slang,variants exist) |
1367 | FIBUA,Fighting In Built-Up Areas |
1368 | FIC,Fellowship for Intentional Community |
1369 | FID,Foreign Internal Defence |
1370 | FIE,Fly-In Echelon |
1371 | FIFO,First In,First Out |
1372 | FIFRA,Federal Insecticide,Fungicide,and Rodenticide Act |
1373 | FIGJAM,Fuck I'm Good,Just Ask Me |
1374 | fij,Fijian language (ISO 639-2 code) |
1375 | FIMPT,Fellow of the Institute of Maxillofacial Prosthetists and Technologists |
1376 | FIN,Finland (ISO 3166 trigram) |
1377 | fin,Finnish language (ISO 639-2 code) |
1378 | FIRES,Fever Induced Refractory Epilepsy Syndrome or Febrile Infection-Related Epilepsy Syndrome |
1379 | FISH,Fluorescence In-Situ Hybridisation |
1380 | FiST,Fire Support Team |
1381 | FITS,Flexible Image Transport System |
1382 | FIU,Florida International University |
1383 | fJ,Femtojoule |
1384 | FJ,Fiji (ISO 3166 digram; FIPS 10-4 country code) |
1385 | fj,Fijian language (ISO 639-1 code) |
1386 | FJD,Fiji dollar (ISO 4217 currency code) |
1387 | FJI,Fiji (ISO 3166 trigram) |
1388 | FJN,Financial Job Network |
1389 | FK,Falkland Islands (ISO 3166 digram; FIPS 10-4 territory code) |
1390 | fK,Femtokelvin |
1391 | FKP,Falkland Islands pound (ISO 4217 currency code) |
1392 | FKSM,Fort Knox Supplemental Manual |
1393 | FKT,Fastest Known Time |
1394 | fL,Femtolitre |
1395 | FL,Florida (postal symbol) |
1396 | FLA,Florida,Front Line Assembly,Future Large Aircraft |
1397 | FLAB,Four-letter abbreviation |
1398 | FLAC,(a/i) Free Legal Advice Centres |
1399 | FLAC,(a/i) Free Lossless Audio Codec |
1400 | FLB,Forward Logistics Base |
1401 | FLET,(a/i) Forward Line of Enemy Troops |
1402 | FLG,Falun Gong |
1403 | FLIP,Flight Information Publication |
1404 | FLIR,Forward Looking InfraRed (sensor) |
1405 | FLK,Falkland Islands (ISO 3166 trigram) |
1406 | FLOT,(a/i) Forward Line of Own Troops |
1407 | FLQ,Free Legal Questions |
1408 | FLSA,Fair Labor Standards Act |
1409 | FLTSAT,Fleet Satellite |
1410 | FLTSATCOM,Fleet Satellite Communication System |
1411 | FLUBOS,Fat,Lazy,Useless,Bag Of Shit |
1412 | FM,Factory Mutual http://fmglobal.com |
1413 | FM,Federal Magistrate (Australian post-nominal),Federated States of Micronesia (postal symbol; ISO 3166 digram; FIPS 10-4 territory code),Field Manual,Flight Manager,Frequency Modulation (electronics) |
1414 | fm,Femtometre |
1415 | Fm,Fermium |
1416 | FMC,Federal Magistrates' Court (an Australian federal court,formerly FMS),Food Machinery Corporation (original name of the company now known as FMC Corporation) |
1417 | FMCA,Federal Magistrates' Court of Australia (used for citing decisions of the FMC other than family law decisions) |
1418 | FMCAfam,Federal Magistrates' Court of Australia: family (used for citing family law decisions of the FMC) |
1419 | FMCG,(Fast Moving Consumer Goods) |
1420 | FME,Formal Methods Europe |
1421 | FMECA,Failure Modes and Effect Criticality Analysis |
1422 | FMJD,Fédération Mondiale du Jeu de Dames[2] |
1423 | FMLA,Family Medical Leave Act |
1424 | fMRI,Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging |
1425 | FMSF,False Memory Syndrome Foundation |
1426 | FMTV,Family of Medium Tactical Vehicles |
1427 | fN,Femtonewton |
1428 | FNA,Functional Needs Analysis |
1429 | fo,Faroese language (ISO 639-1 code) |
1430 | FOAD,Fuck Off And Die |
1431 | FOAF,Friend Of A friend |
1432 | FOB,Forward Operating Base |
1433 | FoB,Free On Board (shipping) |
1434 | FOC,Full Operational Capability,First of Class |
1435 | FoE,Friends of the Earth |
1436 | FOGC,Federal Oil and Gas Council |
1437 | FOH,Front Of House |
1438 | FOIA,Freedom of Information Act |
1439 | FOM,Federation Object Model |
1440 | FONSI,Finding of No Significant Impact |
1441 | FOO,Forward Observation Officer |
1442 | FOOP,Friends Of Organ Pipes (Volunteer group) |
1443 | FOR,Field Of Regard,Frame Of Reference |
1444 | FoS,Family of Systems |
1445 | FOS,Florida Ornithological Society,Full Operational Status |
1446 | FOSE,Fallout 3 Script Extender |
1447 | FOSE,Federal Office Systems Expo |
1448 | FOT,Free on truck |
1449 | FOTA,Fellow of the Orthodontic Technicians Association |
1450 | FOTC,Flight of the Conchords |
1451 | FOUO,For Official Use Only |
1452 | FP,French Polynesia (FIPS 10-4 territory code) |
1453 | FPS,Fire Prevention System |
1454 | FQ,Baker Island (FIPS 10-4 territory code),French Southern and Antarctic Territories (ISO 3166 digram; obsolete 1979) |
1455 | FR,France (FIPS 10-4 country code; ISO 3166 digram) |
1456 | Fr,Francium |
1457 | fr,French language (ISO 639-1 code) |
1458 | FRA,Federal Railroad Administration,France (ISO 3166 trigram) |
1459 | fra,French language (ISO 639-2 code) |
1460 | FRAND,Fair,reasonable,and non-discriminatory (concept in standards-setting and intellectual property law) |
1461 | FRCP,Federal Rules of Civil Procedure,Fellow of the Royal College of Physicians |
1462 | FRICBM,Full Range ICBM |
1463 | FRO,Faroe Islands (ISO 3166 trigram) |
1464 | frr,North Frisian language (ISO 639-2 code) |
1465 | FRS,Fellow of the Royal Society,U.S. Federal Reserve System |
1466 | FRSA,Fellow of the Royal Society of Art |
1467 | FRY,Federal Republic of Yugoslavia |
1468 | fry,West Frisian language (ISO 639-2 code) |
1469 | fs,Femtosecond |
1470 | fS,Femtosiemens |
1471 | FSA,Fire Support Area,UK Food Standards Agency,Functional Solution Analysis |
1472 | FSC,Federal Supply Classification,Forest Stewardship Council (ecological pressure group |
1473 | FSCL,Fire Support Co-ordination Line |
1474 | FSE,Fire Support Element |
1475 | FSF,Free Software Foundation |
1476 | FSH,Follicle Stimulating Hormone |
1477 | FSI,Fuel Stratified Injection |
1478 | FSM,Federated States of Micronesia (ISO 3166 trigram),Flying Spaghetti Monster (satirical religion) |
1479 | FSO,Fire Support Officer,Flotilla Staff Officer,Foreign Service Officer |
1480 | FSS,Fire Support Station |
1481 | FSSP,Families of Structurally Similar Proteins |
1482 | FST,Finance Support Team,Finlands Svenska Television (Finland's Swedish-language television),Future Soviet Tank (Cold War era) |
1483 | FSTC,Foreign Science Technology Center (now NGIC) |
1484 | fT,Femtotesla |
1485 | FTC,Federal Trade Commission |
1486 | FTE,Full Time Equivalent |
1487 | FTL,Faster Than Light |
1488 | FTS,Flight Termination System used during some rocket launches |
1489 | FTS,Fuck That Shit |
1490 | FTW,For The Win (a commonly used phrase used online to indicate success) F@#K The World,Forever Together Where ever (gang slogan) |
1491 | FU,Smoke (METAR Code) |
1492 | FUBAR,Fucked/Fouled Up Beyond All Recognition/Repair |
1493 | FUCK,For,Unlawful,Carnal,Knowledge (Van Halen album title) |
1494 | FUD,Fear,Uncertainty & Doubt (marketing strategy) |
1495 | ful,Fula language (ISO 639-2 code) |
1496 | fV,Femtovolt |
1497 | fW,Femtowatt |
1498 | FW,Forward |
1499 | FWC,Football World Cup |
1500 | FWF,Fixed Word Format |
1501 | FWI,French West Indies |
1502 | FWIW,For What It's Worth |
1503 | FWS,U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service |
1504 | FWT,Fresh Water Tank |
1505 | FX,Firefox,Fox Extended,Metropolitan France (ISO 3166 digram; obsolete 1997),Special effect |
1506 | FXX,Metropolitan France (ISO 3166 trigram; obsolete 1997) |
1507 | FY,Fiscal Year,Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia (NATO country code) |
1508 | fy,West Frisian language (ISO 639-1 code) |
1509 | FYA,For Your Agenda |
1510 | FYDP,Five-Year Defense Plan (U.S.) |
1511 | FYI,For Your Information |
1512 | FYROM,Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia |
1513 | FZDZ,Freezing Drizzle (METAR Code) |
1514 | FZFG,Freezing Fog (METAR Code) |
1515 | FZRA,Freezing Rain (METAR Code) |
1516 | G,Gauss,General Audiences (movie rating) |
1517 | g,Gram |
1518 | G1,Assistant Chief-of-Staff,Personnel |
1519 | G10,Group of 10 (G7 + Belgium,Netherlands,Sweden,Switzerland; numbering 11 in fact) |
1520 | G15,Group of 15 (subset of G77,formed 1989: Algeria,Argentina,Brazil,Chile,Egypt,India,Indonesia,Jamaica,Kenya,Nigeria,Malaysia,Mexico,Peru,Senegal,Sri Lanka,Venezuela and Zimbabwe; currently numbers 17) |
1521 | G2,Assistant Chief-of-Staff,Intelligence |
1522 | G20,Group of 20 (G8 + Argentina,Australia,Brazil,China,India,Indonesia,Mexico,Saudi Arabia,South Africa,South Korea,Turkey + current European Union presiding country) (1999) |
1523 | G24,Group of 24 (subset of G77,formed 1971: Algeria,Argentina,Brazil,Colombia,Côte d'Ivoire,Democratic Republic of the Congo,Egypt,Ethiopia,Gabon,Ghana,Guatemala,India,Iran,Lebanon,Mexico,Nigeria,Pakistan,Peru,Philippines,South Africa,Syria,Sri Lanka,Trinidad and Tobago and Venezuela) |
1524 | G3,Heckler & Koch G3 |
1525 | G4,Generation Four PowerPC microprocessor,Assistant Chief-of-Staff,Logistics |
1526 | G5,Generation Five PowerPC microprocessor,Assistant Chief-of-Staff,Public Affairs |
1527 | G6,Assistant Chief-of-Staff,Information Technology,Group of 6 (France,Germany,United States,Japan,United Kingdom,Italy) (1975) |
1528 | G7,Assistant Chief-of-Staff,Training,Group of 7 (G6 + Canada) (1976) |
1529 | G77,Group of 77 (issued from the United Nations Conference on Commerce and Development,1964; currently numbers 133) |
1530 | G8,Assistant Chief-of-Staff,Finance,Group of 8 (G7 + Russia) (1998) |
1531 | GA,Gabon (ISO 3166 digram),The Gambia (FIPS 10-4 country code),Gamblers Anonymous,Georgia (postal symbol),Gigaampere,Goa (Indian state code) |
1532 | Ga,Gallium,Gigaannum |
1533 | GAAR,General Anti-Avoidance Rule (tax evasion) |
1534 | GAB,Gabon (ISO 3166 trigram) |
1535 | GABA,Gamma-AminoButyric Acid |
1536 | GAD,Generalized Anxiety Disorder |
1537 | GAF,Garfield and Friends |
1538 | GALCIT,Guggenheim Aeronautical Laboratory,California Institute of Technology |
1539 | GAO,U.S. Government Accountability Office |
1540 | GAW,Global Atmospheric Watch |
1541 | GB,Gabon (FIPS 10-4 country code),United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (ISO 3166 digram) [glamour boy 7-9/10] |
1542 | GBBC,Great (Global) Backyard Bird Count |
1543 | GBE,Knight/Dame Grand Cross of the Order of the British Empire |
1544 | GBH,Great Bash Heel (Japanese professional wrestling stable),Gregory Bonner Hale (British design and advertising agency),Grievous bodily harm |
1545 | GBP,United Kingdom pound sterling (ISO 4217 currency code) |
1546 | GBR,United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (ISO 3166 trigram) |
1547 | GBU,Glide-Bomb Unit,Global Business Unit |
1548 | GC,East Germany (NATO country code; obsolete 1990),General classification (cycling),General counsel,George Cross (British civil decoration),Gigacoulomb [Grindr cruise] |
1549 | GCA,Graduate in Claims Administration |
1550 | GCD,see entry |
1551 | GCF,Greatest Common Factor |
1552 | GCI,Ground-controlled interception |
1553 | GCN,Gamma-ray burst Coordination Network |
1554 | GCS,Global Coordinate System |
1555 | GCSE,General Certificate of Secondary Education (UK) |
1556 | Gd,Gadolinium |
1557 | GD,Grenada (ISO 3166 digram) |
1558 | gd,Scottish Gaelic language (ISO 639-1 code) |
1559 | GDC,Game Developers Conference,General Dental Council |
1560 | GDL,Game Definition Language |
1561 | GDP,General Dental Practitioner (UK),Gross Domestic Product |
1562 | GDR,General Distribution Release (Microsoft Term for a software service release; between Hotfix and Service Pack) |
1563 | GDR,German Democratic Republic (cf. DDR) |
1564 | GDW,Game Designers Workshop |
1565 | GE,General Electric,Genetic Engineering (cf. GM),Georgia (ISO 3166 digram) |
1566 | Ge,Germanium |
1567 | GEBCO,General Bathymetric Chart of the Oceans |
1568 | GEC,Great Engineering Challenge |
1569 | GED,General Educational Development (high school equivalency credential in the U.S. and Canada) |
1570 | GEEP,Geophysical Equipment Exploration Platform |
1571 | GEL,Georgian lari (ISO 4217 currency code),Gilbert and Ellice Islands (ISO 3166 trigram; obsolete 1977) |
1572 | GEMA,Gas and Electricity Markets Authority,Georgia Emergency Management Agency,Gesellschaft für musikalische Aufführungs,und mechanische Vervielfältigungsrechte (German performance rights organisation),Global Engine Manufacturing Alliance |
1573 | GEN,Full General (four stars) in the U.S. Army |
1574 | GEO,Geostationary Earth Orbit,Georgia (ISO 3166 trigram) |
1575 | GEQ,Equatorial Guinea (IOC trigram,but not FIFA or ISO 3166) |
1576 | GER,Germany (IOC and FIFA trigram,but not ISO 3166) |
1577 | GeV,Gigaelectron-volt |
1578 | GEV,Ground Effect Vehicle |
1579 | GF,French Guiana (ISO 3166 digram),Gigafarad |
1580 | GFCF,Gluten-free,casein-free diet,Gross fixed capital formation |
1581 | GFCI,Ground Fault Circuit Interruptor (aka GFI) |
1582 | GFE,Girlfriend experience (used in escort services),Good Faith Estimate,Government Furnished Equipment |
1583 | GFI,Ground Fault Interruptor (aka GFCI) |
1584 | GFL,German Football League (Germany's Bundesliga for American football; the English-language name is used in German without translation) |
1585 | GFN,Global Footprint Network |
1586 | GG,Georgia (FIPS 10-4 country code) |
1587 | GGK,Good God Karma |
1588 | GGP,General Game Playing,General Growth Properties (U.S. shopping center owner),GH[edit] |
1589 | GH,Ghana (ISO 3166 digram; FIPS 10-4 country code),Gigahenry |
1590 | GHA,Ghana (ISO 3166 trigram) |
1591 | GHB,gamma-Hydroxybutyric acid |
1592 | GHC,Ghanan cedi (ISO 4217 currency code) |
1593 | GI,Galvanised Iron,Gastro-Intestinal,General Issue,Gibraltar (ISO 3166 digram; FIPS 10-4 territory code),Government Issue |
1594 | Gi,Gibi |
1595 | GIB,Gibraltar (ISO 3166 trigram) |
1596 | GIG,Global Information Grid |
1597 | GIN,Guinea (ISO 3166 trigram),Guidelines International Network |
1598 | GINK,Going Insane Not Knowing,orig. Colorado 2010 M.Kalfas |
1599 | GINO,Godzilla In Name Only |
1600 | GIP,Gibraltar pound (ISO 4217 currency code) |
1601 | GISS,(a/i) General Impression of Size and Shape,Goddard Institute for Space Studies |
1602 | GJ,Gigajoule,Grenada (FIPS 10-4 country code),Gujarat (Indian state code) |
1603 | GJD,Geocentric Julian Day |
1604 | GK,Gigakelvin,Guernsey (FIPS 10-4 territory code) |
1605 | gl,Galician language (ISO 639-1 code) |
1606 | GL,Gigalitre,Graphics Language,Greenland (ISO 3166 digram; FIPS 10-4 territory code),Grenade Launcher |
1607 | gla,Scottish Gaelic language (ISO 639-2 code) |
1608 | GLAAD,Gay and Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation |
1609 | GLAC,General Ledger Accounting Code |
1610 | GLAST,Gamma-ray Large Area Space Telescope |
1611 | GLBA,Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act |
1612 | GLC,Gas-liquid chromatography |
1613 | gle,Irish language (ISO 639-2 code) |
1614 | glg,Galician language (ISO 639-2 code) |
1615 | GLINT,Gallium-arsenide Laser Illuminator for Night TV,Gated Laser Illuminator for Narrow Television,Gated Laser Intensifier (tape),Gospel Literature International,Graphical Linux Installation Tool |
1616 | GLP,Guadeloupe (ISO 3166 trigram) |
1617 | GLV,Gained Life Value |
1618 | glv,Manx language (ISO 639-2 code) |
1619 | Gm,Gigametre |
1620 | GMC,U.K. General Medical Council,Gospel Music Channel |
1621 | GMD,Gambian dalasi (ISO 4217 currency code) |
1622 | GMFSC,Ground Mobile Forces Satellite Communications |
1623 | GMI,Generic Model Interface,Geometry Model Instance |
1624 | GMO,Genetically Modified Organism |
1625 | GMPCS,Global Mobile Personal Communications by Satellite |
1626 | GMT,Giant Magellan Telescope,Greenwich Mean Time,GN[edit] |
1627 | GN,Giganewton,Guinea (ISO 3166 digram) |
1628 | gn,Guaraní language (ISO 639-1 code) |
1629 | GNAS,Grand National Archery Society |
1630 | GNB,Guinea-Bissau (ISO 3166 trigram) |
1631 | GNF,Guinean franc (ISO 4217 currency code) |
1632 | GNP,Gross National Product |
1633 | GNQ,Equatorial Guinea (ISO 3166 trigram) |
1634 | GnRH,Gonadotropin-Releasing Hormone |
1635 | GO,Glorioso Islands (FIPS 10-4 territory code) |
1636 | GOA,General of the Army (United States only) |
1637 | GOAT,Greatest Of All Time |
1638 | GOC,General Officer Commanding |
1639 | GOES,Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellite |
1640 | GOP,Grand Old Party |
1641 | GOSC,General Officer Steering Committee |
1642 | GOSH,Great Ormond Street Hospital |
1643 | GOSP,Gas/Oil Separation Plant |
1644 | GOTS,Government off-the-shelf |
1645 | GPA,Grade Point Average |
1646 | GPC,Global Path Cache |
1647 | GPIB,General-Purpose Instrumentation/Interface Bus |
1648 | GPO,General Post Office |
1649 | GPPC,Genetics and Public Policy Center |
1650 | GPR,Ground-Penetrating Radar |
1651 | GRAIL,Gravity Recovery and Interior Laboratory |
1652 | GRAS,Generally recognized as safe (FDA list) |
1653 | GRB,Gamma-Ray Burst |
1654 | GRC,Greece (ISO 3166 trigram) |
1655 | GRD,Grenada (ISO 3166 trigram) |
1656 | GRID,Gay-Related Immune Deficiency (original name of AIDS) |
1657 | GriT,Girl raised in Texas (Woman presenting firm southern traits/beliefs) |
1658 | GRL,Greenland (ISO 3166 trigram) |
1659 | grn,Guaraní language (ISO 639-2 code) |
1660 | GRP,Graphite-reinforced plastic,see Carbon-fiber-reinforced polymer |
1661 | GS,General Schedule (US civil service pay scale),General Support,Gigasiemens,South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands (ISO 3166 digram) |
1662 | Gs,Gigasecond |
1663 | GSA,U.S. General Services Administration |
1664 | GSD,Graphical Situation Display |
1665 | GSGB,(God send glamour boy 9-10/10) |
1666 | GSK,GlaxoSmithKline [good sexual karma] |
1667 | GSN,(a/i) Game Show Network |
1668 | GSO,General Services Officer (U.S. Department of State) |
1669 | GSOH,Good Sense Of Humour |
1670 | GSP,Georges St-Pierre (Canadian MMA fighter) |
1671 | GSR,Gun Shot Residue |
1672 | GSS,Generic Security Services |
1673 | GST,Goods and Services Tax (Australia,Canada,and other countries) |
1674 | GSW,Gunshot wound |
1675 | GT,Gigatesla,Gran Turismo,Grand Touring,Guatemala (FIPS 10-4 country code; ISO 3166 digram) |
1676 | GTB,Get to bed,namely to get a new job after a long time of searching,usually following a phone call |
1677 | GTC,Gran Telescopio Canarias (Spanish,Canaries Great Telescope) |
1678 | GTD,Getting Things Done |
1679 | GTG,Got To Go (Internet chat) |
1680 | GTGN,Getty Thesaurus of Geographic Names |
1681 | GTK,Good To Know (Internet chat) |
1682 | GTM,Guatemala (ISO 3166 trigram) |
1683 | GTQ,Guatemalan quetzal (ISO 4217 currency code) |
1684 | GTV,Gross Tumor Volume quetzal (ISO 4217 currency code) |
1685 | GU,Guam (postal symbol; ISO 3166 digram) |
1686 | gu,Gujarati language (ISO 639-1 code) |
1687 | GUA,Guatemala (IOC and FIFA trigram,but not ISO 3166) |
1688 | GUF,French Guiana (ISO 3166 trigram) |
1689 | GUILT,Gangliated Utrophin Immuno Latency Toxin |
1690 | guj,Gujarati language (ISO 639-2 code) |
1691 | GULCR,Grupo de Usuarios de Linux de Costa Rica |
1692 | GUT,Grand Unification Theory |
1693 | GV,Gigavolt,Guinea (FIPS 10-4 country code) |
1694 | gv,Manx language (ISO 639-1 code) |
1695 | GW,Games Workshop,Germ Warfare,Gigawatt,Guided Weapon,Guinea-Bissau (ISO 3166 digram) |
1696 | GWARS,Ground Warfare System (simulation) |
1697 | GWAS,Grand Western Archery Society |
1698 | GWOT,Global War on Terrorism |
1699 | GWS,Gulf War Syndrome,Greater Western Sydney |
1700 | GXE,Gene-enivronment interaction |
1701 | GXM,Matrox Graphics eXpansion Module |
1702 | GxP,Good X Practice (X can mean: clinical,manufacturing,pharmaceutical,etc.) |
1703 | GXP,Grid Exit Point,Global Xchange Programme,Indication of highest performance level on some Pontiac vehicles |
1704 | GY,Guyana (FIPS 10-4 country code; ISO 3166 digram) |
1705 | GYD,Guyana dollar (ISO 4217 currency code) |
1706 | GZ,Gaza Strip (FIPS 10-4 territory code),Ground Zero |
1707 | GZK,Greisen-Zatsepin-Kuzmin cut-off (cosmic ray energies) |
1708 | h,Hecto |
1709 | H,Henry,Hydrogen |
1710 | HA,Haiti (FIPS 10-4 country code),High Availability |
1711 | ha,Hausa language (ISO 639-1 code),Hectare |
1712 | HAARP,High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program |
1713 | HAART,Highly Active Anti-Retroviral Therapy |
1714 | HAI,Human Awareness Institute |
1715 | HAL,Hardware Abstraction Layer |
1716 | HALO,High Altitude Low Opening (parachute jump) |
1717 | HALT,Highly Accelerated Life Test,Hungry Angry Lonely Tired |
1718 | HAM,Amateur radio operator |
1719 | HANS,Head And Neck Support (device used in many race cars) |
1720 | HARM,High-speed Anti-Radiation Missile |
1721 | hat,Haitian Creole language (ISO 639-2 code) |
1722 | HAT,Highest Astronomical Tide (nautical charts),Hungarian Automated Telescope |
1723 | hau,Hausa language (ISO 639-2 code) |
1724 | HAW,Heavy Antitank Weapon |
1725 | HAWK,Homing All the Way Killer (air defence system) |
1726 | HAZ,Heat-Affected Zone |
1727 | HAZMAT,Hazardous Materials |
1728 | HBCD,HexaBromoCycloDodecane |
1729 | HBO,Home Box Office |
1730 | HBR,Harvard Business Review |
1731 | HBT,Heterojunction Bipolar Transistor |
1732 | HBV,Hepatitis B Virus |
1733 | HCCI,Homogeneous Charge Compression Ignition |
1734 | HCF,Highest Common Factor |
1735 | HCSC,Higher Command and Staff Course |
1736 | HCT,Higher Colleges of Technology,tertiary education institution in the United Arab Emirates (UAE) |
1737 | HD,Henry Draper (star catalogue),Hull-Down (armoured vehicle target,as opposed to Fully Exposed),High Definition,Huntington's Disease |
1738 | HDL,High-Density Lipoprotein |
1739 | HDM,Human Decision-Making |
1740 | HDR,Henningson,Durham & Richardson (founders of the engineering and construction firm now known by their initials),High dynamic range,a term used in both digital imaging and 3D rendering,Hot Dry Rock (experimental geothermal technology),Human Development Report (UN publication) |
1741 | HDRA,Henry Doubleday Research Association |
1742 | he,Hebrew language (ISO 639-1 code) |
1743 | He,Helium |
1744 | HE,High Explosive |
1745 | HEAT,High Explosive Anti-Tank (ammunition) |
1746 | heb,Hebrew language (ISO 639-2 code) |
1747 | HEBA,Hellenic Basketball Clubs Association |
1748 | HEER,High-Explosive Extended Range (ammunition) |
1749 | HEIC,Honourable East India Company |
1750 | HEMP,High-Altitude Electromagnetic Pulse |
1751 | HEO,High Earth Orbit,Highly Elliptical Orbit |
1752 | HEOSS,High Earth Orbit Space Surveillance |
1753 | HEP,High-Explosive Plastic (ammunition) |
1754 | HEPA,(a/i) High-Efficiency Particulate Air (filter) |
1755 | her,Herero language (ISO 639-2 code) |
1756 | HESH,High-Explosive,Squash-Head (ammunition) |
1757 | HESV,Heavy Engineering Support Vehicle |
1758 | HETT,Heavy Equipment Transporting Truck / Heavy Equipment Truck Tractor |
1759 | HEU,Highly Enriched Uranium |
1760 | Hewitts,Hills in England,Wales and Ireland over Two Thousand feet (with topographic prominence of at least 30 m) |
1761 | Hf,Hafnium |
1762 | HF,High Frequency |
1763 | HFE,Human Fertilisation and Embryology (UK Act) |
1764 | HFE,The common-emitter current gain in a BJT transistor (also represented by βF). See: BJT |
1765 | HFEA,Human Fertilisation and Embryology Authority (UK) |
1766 | Hg,Mercury (Latin Hydrargyrum) |
1767 | HGC,UK Human Genetics Commission |
1768 | HGF,Human Growth Factor |
1769 | HGTV,Home & Garden Television |
1770 | HHB,Ha Ha Bonk,The noise made when you laugh your head off. Used instead of LOL... |
1771 | HI,Hawaii (postal symbol) |
1772 | hi,Hindi language (ISO 639-1 code) |
1773 | HIH,His (or Her) Imperial Highness |
1774 | HIM,His (or Her) Imperial Majesty |
1775 | HIMAD,High to Medium Altitude Air Defence (see also H/MAD) |
1776 | HIMEZ,High Altitude Missile Engagement Zone |
1777 | HIMYM,How I Met Your Mother |
1778 | hin,Hindi language (ISO 639-2 code) |
1779 | HIPAA,U.S. Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act |
1780 | Hipparcos,HIgh Precision Parallax COllecting Satellite |
1781 | Hird,Hurd of interfaces representing depth (cf. HURD) |
1782 | HiRISE,High Resolution Imaging Science Experiment |
1783 | HIT,Health Information Technology |
1784 | HIV,Human Immunodeficiency Virus |
1785 | HIWT,Hobart Institute of Welding Technology |
1786 | HJD,Heliocentric Julian Day |
1787 | HK,Hong Kong (ISO 3166 digram; FIPS 10-4 territory code) |
1788 | HKD,Hong Kong dollar (ISO 4217 currency code) |
1789 | HKG,Hong Kong (ISO 3166 trigram) |
1790 | HKS,HyperKinetic Syndrome |
1791 | hL,Hectolitre |
1792 | HL,Holding Line |
1793 | HLA,High Level Architecture (simulation),Human Leukocyte Antigen |
1794 | HLL,High-Level Language |
1795 | HLN,Headline News |
1796 | HLOS,High Level Output Specification |
1797 | HLVW,Heavy Logistics Vehicle,Wheeled |
1798 | HM,Heard Island and McDonald Islands (ISO 3166 digram; FIPS 10-4 territory code) |
1799 | HMCE,Her/His Majesty's Customs and Excise (former UK government department; succeeded by HM Revenue and Customs) |
1800 | HMCS,Her/His Majesty's Canadian Ship,Her Majesty's Courts Service (former UK agency; succeeded by Her Majesty's Courts and Tribunals Service) |
1801 | HMD,Heard and McDonald Islands (ISO 3166 trigram) |
1802 | HMF,HydroxyMethyl Furfural |
1803 | HMO,Health maintenance organization |
1804 | hmo,Hiri Motu language (ISO 639-2 code) |
1805 | HMP,Her Majesty's Prison |
1806 | HMRC,Her/His Majesty's Revenue and Customs |
1807 | HMS,Helmet-mounted display,Her/His Majesty's Ship (Royal Navy) |
1808 | HMSO,Her Majesty's Stationery Office |
1809 | HMV,His Master's Voice |
1810 | HN,Honduras (ISO 3166 digram) |
1811 | HND,Honduras (ISO 3166 trigram) |
1812 | HNL,Honduran lempira (ISO 4217 currency code) |
1813 | ho,Hiri Motu language (ISO 639-1 code) |
1814 | Ho,Holmium |
1815 | HO,Honduras (FIPS 10-4 country code) |
1816 | HOLLAND,Hope Our Love Lasts And Never Dies |
1817 | HOMES,the Great Lakes; Huron,Ontario,Michigan,Erie,Superior |
1818 | HONY,Humans of New York,a photoblog. |
1819 | HOPI,Hybrid Optical and Packet Infrastructure (see Internet2,Abilene Network) |
1820 | HoReCa,Hotel,Restaurant and Catering |
1821 | HORIZON,Hélicoptère d'observation radar et d'investigation sur zone (French,Zone Investigation and Radar Observation Helicopter) |
1822 | HOSTAC,Helicopter Operations from Ships Other Than Aircraft Carriers |
1823 | HOT,Highly Optimised Tolerance |
1824 | HOTAS,Hands on throttle-and-stick |
1825 | HOV,High Occupancy Vehicle |
1826 | HP,Hewlett-Packard,Hindustan Petroleum,Himachal Pradesh (Indian state code) |
1827 | hp,horse power |
1828 | HPA,UK Health Protection Agency |
1829 | HPCL,Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Limited |
1830 | HPLC,High Performance Liquid Chromatography |
1831 | HPT,High[er] Payoff Target |
1832 | HPV,Human Papilloma Virus |
1833 | HQ,HeadQuarters,Howland Island (FIPS 10-4 territory code) |
1834 | HQDA,HeadQuarters,Department of the Army |
1835 | HR,Croatia (FIPS 10-4 country code; ISO 3166 digram,from the country's native name of Hrvatska),Haryana (Indian state code),Harvard Revised star catalogue,Human Resources |
1836 | hr,Croatian language (ISO 639-1 code) |
1837 | HRBL,High-level Representation of Behavior Language (original name of the Herbal language) |
1838 | HRD,Human Resource Development |
1839 | HRED,(U.S. Army Research Laboratory's) Human Research and Engineering Directorate (Aberdeen Proving Ground,Maryland) |
1840 | HRF,High iness Forces |
1841 | HRH,His (or Her) Royal Highness |
1842 | HRK,Croatian kuna (ISO 4217 currency code) |
1843 | HRM,His (or Her) Royal Majesty |
1844 | HRM,Human Resource Management |
1845 | HRT,Hormone Replacement Therapy |
1846 | HRV,Croatia (ISO 3166 trigram),High Resolution Visible,HS[edit] |
1847 | hrv,Croatian language (ISO 639-2 code) |
1848 | Hs,Hassium |
1849 | HSBC,The Hong Kong and Shanghai Banking Corporation |
1850 | HSC,Higher School Certificate |
1851 | HSM,High School Musical |
1852 | HSMAD,Human Science/Modeling and Analysis Data |
1853 | HSN,Home Shopping Network |
1854 | HSPH,Harvard School of Public Health |
1855 | HSS,Health Service Support,High-Speed Steel |
1856 | HSSI,High-Speed Serial Interface |
1857 | HST,see entry |
1858 | HSV,Herpes Simplex Virus,Hue Saturation Value (colour model),HT[edit] |
1859 | ht,Haitian Creole language (ISO 639-1 code) |
1860 | HTA,HyperText Application |
1861 | HTC-High Tech Computer Corporation,original name of the company now known simply as HTC,Horry Telephone Cooperative |
1862 | HTFU,Harden The Fuck Up |
1863 | HTG,Haitian gourde (ISO 4217 currency code) |
1864 | HTH,Hope That Helps |
1865 | HTI,Haiti (ISO 3166 trigram) |
1866 | HTML,HyperText Markup Language |
1867 | HTR,Heated Towel Rail |
1868 | HTS,High-Temperature Superconducting wire |
1869 | HTTP,HyperText Transfer Protocol |
1870 | HU,Hungary (ISO 3166 digram; FIPS 10-4 country code) |
1871 | HUD,Head-Up Display,Housing and Urban Development |
1872 | HUF,Hungarian forint (ISO 4217 currency code) |
1873 | HUHA,Head up his/her ass (Marine salute; probably a backcronym) |
1874 | hun,Hungarian language (ISO 639-2 code) |
1875 | HUN,Hungary (ISO 3166 trigram) |
1876 | HURD,Hird of Unix-Replacing Daemons (cf. Hird) |
1877 | HV,Upper Volta (ISO 3166 digram; obsolete 1984) |
1878 | HVAC,Heating,ventilation and air conditioning Used in architecture,business and marketing; refers to a building's entire system of heating,moving,or cooling air. |
1879 | HVAP,High Velocity Armour Piercing (ammunition) |
1880 | HVHF,High velocity human factors |
1881 | HVM,High Velocity Missile |
1882 | HVO,Upper Volta (ISO 3166 trigram; obsolete 1984) |
1883 | HVP,HarborView Properties,High vacuum process,Hydrolyzed vegetable protein,Human Variome Project,High Velocity Protection,H.V.P. (rapper),High Voltage Protection,High Vapor Pressure,Hub Voice Processor,High-Velocity Projectile,High-Video Pass,High-Velocity Particle |
1884 | HW,Hardware,High Water (nautical charts) |
1885 | HWM,Hardware morphing (computer graphics rendering) |
1886 | HX,IATA code of Hong Kong Airlines,Medical history,Hydrogen halide,Concept automobile by HUMMER |
1887 | HXB,The glycoprotein Tenascian C |
1888 | hy,Armenian language (ISO 639-1 code) |
1889 | hye,Armenian language (ISO 639-2 code) |
1890 | HYS,Harvard,Yale,Stanford (perennially named as the top three law schools in the U.S.) |
1891 | HZ,Haze (METAR Code) |
1892 | hz,Herero language (ISO 639-1 code) |
1893 | Hz,Hertz |
1894 | I,Iodine,One (in Roman numerals) |
1895 | ia,Interlingua language (ISO 639-1 code) |
1896 | IA,Iowa (postal symbol) |
1897 | IAAL,I Am A Lawyer |
1898 | IAB,International Association for Biologicals |
1899 | IACREOT,International Association of Clerks,Recorders,Election Officials,and Treasurers |
1900 | IAD,Ion Assisted Deposition |
1901 | IADS,Integrated Air Defence System |
1902 | IAEA,International Atomic Energy Agency |
1903 | IAF,{i} Industrial Areas Foundation |
1904 | IAFG,Information Assurance Focus Group |
1905 | IAI,International African Institute,Israel Aircraft Industries |
1906 | IANA,Internet Assigned Numbers Authority |
1907 | IANAL,I Am Not A Lawyer |
1908 | IAQ,Indoor air quality,Infrequently Asked Questions |
1909 | IAS,Image Assessment System |
1910 | IASIP,It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia |
1911 | IATA,(a/i) International Air Transport Association |
1912 | IATF,International Automotive Task Force |
1913 | IATSE,International Alliance of Theatrical Stage Employees |
1914 | IAU,International Association of Universities,International Astronomical Union |
1915 | IAUC,International Astronomical Union Circular |
1916 | IAW,In Accordance With |
1917 | IB,International Baccalaureate |
1918 | IBA,Important Bird Area |
1919 | IBD,Inflammatory Bowel Disease |
1920 | IBDM,Information Based Decision Making |
1921 | IBDS,Integrated Biological Detection System,International Business Development Specialist |
1922 | IBM,International Business Machines |
1923 | ibo,Igbo language (ISO 639-2 code) |
1924 | IBRD,International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (part of the World Bank) |
1925 | IBS,Irritable Bowel Syndrome |
1926 | IC,Ice Crystals (METAR Code),Iceland (FIPS 10-4 country code),Integrated Circuit,[inner circle] |
1927 | ICANN,Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers |
1928 | ICAO,International Civil Aviation Organization |
1929 | ICBM,Intercontinental Ballistic Missile |
1930 | ICBN,International Code of Botanical Nomenclature |
1931 | ICC,Integrated Command and Control,International Criminal Court,International Cricket Council,Interstate Commerce Commission,International Chamber of Commerce |
1932 | ICD,Implantable Cardioverter-Defibrillator,Initial Capabilities Document,International Classification of Diseases |
1933 | ICE,In case of emergency |
1934 | ICES,(a/i) International Council for the Exploration of the Sea |
1935 | ICF,Intelligent Community Forum |
1936 | ICM,Improved Conventional Munition,Integrated Collection Management,International Congress of Mathematicians,Iraq Campaign Medal |
1937 | ICMP,Internet Control Message Protocol |
1938 | ICNAF,International Commission for the Northwest Atlantic Fisheries (became NAFO in 1978) |
1939 | ICNI,Integrated Communication,Navigation,and Identification |
1940 | ICO,Intermediate Circular Orbit |
1941 | ICP,Inductively coupled plasma,Insane Clown Posse |
1942 | ICPE,(a/i) International Conference on Pharmacoepidemiology,the annual conference of the International Society for Pharmacoepidemiology |
1943 | ICRAF,International Centre for Research in Agroforestry (a.k.a. World Agroforestry Centre since 2002) |
1944 | ICRISAT,International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics |
1945 | ICRL,Individual Component Repair List |
1946 | ICRS,International Celestial Reference System |
1947 | ICS,In-Country Support,Intelligence and Communications Systems,Interim Contractor Support |
1948 | ICSI,Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection |
1949 | ICT,Information and communication technologies |
1950 | ICTH,Island Closest to Heaven/Hell Final Fantasy VIII |
1951 | ICV,Infantry Carrier Vehicle |
1952 | ICW,In Co-ordination With,Indonesia Corruption Watch,Infectious and Chemotherapeutic Waste,Insulating Concrete Wall,Integral Crystalline Waterproofing,Interactive Courseware |
1953 | ICYMI,In Case You Missed It |
1954 | ICZN,International Code of Zoological Nomenclature,International Commission on Zoological Nomenclature |
1955 | ID,Idaho (postal symbol),Identity,Indonesia (FIPS 10-4 country code; ISO 3166 digram),Infantry Division,Intelligent Design,ID10T Error,Idiot User Error (IT help desk inside joke) |
1956 | id,Indonesian language (ISO 639-1 code) |
1957 | IDA,U.S. Institute for Defense Analyses,International Development Association (part of the World Bank |
1958 | IDC,International Data Corporation |
1959 | IDDI,I don't do initialisms (see irony) |
1960 | IDE,Integrated Development Environment,Integrated Drive Electronics |
1961 | IDeA,Improvement and Development Agency,the former name of Local Government Improvement and Development in the United Kingdom |
1962 | IDEA,Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (U.S.),International Data Encryption Algorithm,International Design Excellence Awards |
1963 | IDF,Israel Defense Forces,Intel Development Forum,International Dairy Federation |
1964 | IDGAF,I don't give a fuck |
1965 | IDK,I don't know |
1966 | IDKIBTI,I don't know,I'm black,that's it |
1967 | IDL,Interface Definition Language |
1968 | IDN,Indonesia (ISO 3166 trigram) |
1969 | ido,Ido language (ISO 639-2 code) |
1970 | IDR,Indonesian rupiah (ISO 4217 currency code) |
1971 | IE,Indo-European languages,Internet Explorer,Ireland (ISO 3166 digram),Iced Earth |
1972 | ie,Interlingue language (ISO 639-1 code) |
1973 | IEA,International Energy Agency |
1974 | IEC,International Electrotechnical Commission |
1975 | IED,Improvised Explosive Device |
1976 | IELTS,International English Language Testing System |
1977 | IER,Information Exchange Requirement |
1978 | IET,Initial Entry Training |
1979 | IET,Institution of Engineering and Technology |
1980 | IETF,Internet Engineering Task Force |
1981 | IEW,Intelligence and Electronic Warfare |
1982 | IFAB,International Football Association Board |
1983 | IFAH,International Federation for Animal Health |
1984 | IFAP,International Federation of Agricultural Producers |
1985 | IFC,International Finance Corporation (part of the World Bank),Independent Film Channel |
1986 | IFF,Identification,Friend or Foe,Individually Fresh Frozen,International Flavors and Fragrances |
1987 | IFFN,Identification,Friend,Foe,or Neutral |
1988 | IFO,Identified Flying Object (see also UFO) |
1989 | IFOR,UN Implementation Force,Institute for Operations Research,International Fellowship of Reconciliation |
1990 | IFOV,Instantaneous Field of View |
1991 | IFPI,International Federation of Phonographic Industries |
1992 | IFRB,International Frequency Registration Board |
1993 | IFV,Infantry Fighting Vehicle |
1994 | ig,Igbo language (ISO 639-1 code) |
1995 | IG,Inspector General |
1996 | IGNOU,Indira Gandhi National Open University |
1997 | IGS,International Ground Station |
1998 | IGY,Israeli Gay Youth,International Geophysical Year |
1999 | IHH,Idiopathic Hypogonadotropic Hypogonadism |
2000 | IHO,International Hydrographic Organization |
2001 | IHR,Institute for Historical Review |
2002 | IHSI,Institutum Historicum Societatis Iesu (Jesuit Historical Institute) |
2003 | ii,Sichuan Yi language (ISO 639-1 code) |
2004 | II,Two (in Roman numerals) |
2005 | IICA,Inter-American Institute for Cooperation on Agriculture |
2006 | IIE,Innovative Interstellar Explorer |
2007 | iii,Sichuan Yi language (ISO 639-2 code) |
2008 | III,Three (in Roman numerals) |
2009 | IIRC,If I Recall/Remember Correctly |
2010 | IISS,International Institute for Strategic Studies |
2011 | IIT,Illinois Institute of Technology,Indian Institutes of Technology,Indiana Institute of Technology |
2012 | IJN,Imperial Japanese Navy (World War II) |
2013 | IJWP,Interim Joint Warfare Publication |
2014 | ik,Inupiaq language (ISO 639-1 code) |
2015 | IKEA,Ingvar Kamprad (the company's founder),Elmtaryd (the farm where he was born and raised),Agunnaryd (a village and parish near the farm) |
2016 | iku, Inuktitut language (ISO 639-2 code) |
2017 | IL,Illinois (postal symbol),Israel (ISO 3166 digram) |
2018 | ILC,International Law Commission,International Linear Collider |
2019 | ILDS,Improved Landmine Detection System |
2020 | ile,Interlingue language (ISO 639-2 code) |
2021 | ILO,International Labour Organization |
2022 | ILRI,International Livestock Research Institute |
2023 | ILS,Israeli shekel (ISO 4217 currency code) |
2024 | ILY,I Love You [pronounced ILL-LEE] |
2025 | IM,Isle of Man (FIPS 10-4 territory code),Instant Message (internet speech) |
2026 | IMA,Intermediate Maintenance Activity,Institute of Mathematics and Applications |
2027 | IMBD,International Migratory Bird Day |
2028 | IMDb,Internet Movie Database |
2029 | IME,In My Experience |
2030 | IMF,id music file/id's music format (audio file format),Impossible Missions Force,the protagonist organization in the Mission: Impossible media franchise,International Monetary Fund (the most common use for the initialism) |
2031 | IML,International Mister Leather |
2032 | IMLAST,International Movement for Leisure Activities in Science and Technology,see MILSET |
2033 | IMNM,,Immune-mediated necrotizing myopathy a rare,but serious ADR of statins [1] |
2034 | IMNSHO,In My Not So Humble Opinion |
2035 | IMPAC,International Merchant Purchase Authorization Card |
2036 | IMPACT,International Medical Products Anti-Counterfeiting Taskforce |
2037 | IMPATT,IMPact Avalanche Transit Time diode |
2038 | IMPT,Institute of Maxillofacial Prosthetists and Technologists |
2039 | IMRL,Individual Material iness List |
2040 | IMRO-Internal Macedonian Revolutionary Organization,Irish Music Rights Organisation |
2041 | IMS,Information Management System,International Meat Secretariat,Ion Mobility Spectrometer |
2042 | IMSA,Illinois Mathematics and Science Academy,International Mind Sports Association,International Motor Sports Association |
2043 | IMsL,International Ms. Leather |
2044 | IMT,Integrated Management Tool |
2045 | IMU,International Mathematical Union |
2046 | IN,India (FIPS 10-4 country code; ISO 3166 digram),Indiana (postal symbol),Infantry |
2047 | In,Indium |
2048 | INA,Immigration and Nationality Act |
2049 | ina,Interlingua language (ISO 639-2 code) |
2050 | INAS,International Near-Earth Asteroid Survey |
2051 | INCITS,InterNational Committee for Information Technology Standards |
2052 | IND,India (ISO 3166 trigram) |
2053 | ind,Indonesian language (ISO 639-2 code) |
2054 | INDIGO,(U.S.) INtelligence DIvision Gaming Operation |
2055 | inet,the Internet |
2056 | INFORMS,(U.S.) Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences |
2057 | INFOSEC,Information Security |
2058 | INLA,Irish National Liberation Army |
2059 | INMARSAT,International Maritime Satellite organization |
2060 | INR,Indian rupee (ISO 4217 currency code) |
2061 | INRIA,Institut national de recherche en informatique et en automatique |
2062 | INS,Immigration and Naturalization Service |
2063 | InSAR,Interferometric synthetic aperture radar |
2064 | INST,Information Standards and Technology |
2065 | INTERFET,International Force for East Timor |
2066 | INTSUM,Intelligence Summary |
2067 | IO,British Indian Ocean Territory (ISO 3166 digram; FIPS 10-4 territory code) |
2068 | io,Ido language (ISO 639-1 code) |
2069 | IOC,Initial Operational Capability,Intergovernmental Oceanic Commission,International Olympic Committee,International Ornithological Congress |
2070 | IOLTA,Interest on Lawyer Trust Accounts (charitable funding mechanism,especially for legal aid) |
2071 | IOM,Iowa,Ohio,Michigan (soybean origin),Institute of Medicine,International Organisation for Migration,Isle of Man |
2072 | IONA,Islands of the North Atlantic (alternate name for Great Britain,Ireland,the Isle of Man,and related islands) |
2073 | IOT,British Indian Ocean Territory (ISO 3166 trigram) |
2074 | IP,Clipperton Island (FIPS 10-4 territory code),Initial Point,Intellectual Property,Internet Protocol |
2075 | IPA,India Pale Ale,International Phonetic Alphabet,Isopropyl alcohol |
2076 | IPB,Intelligence Preparation of the Battlefield |
2077 | IPCC,Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change,Independent Police Complaints Commission |
2078 | ipk,Inupiaq language (ISO 639-2 code) |
2079 | IPL,Inferior Parietal Lobule |
2080 | IPO,Initial Public Offering |
2081 | IPR,In Progress Review,Intellectual Property Rights,Intelligence Production Requirement |
2082 | IPT,Integrated Product/Project Team |
2083 | IPTS,Institute for Prospective Technological Studies |
2084 | IPTV,Internet Protocol TeleVision |
2085 | IPW,Interrogation of Prisoners of War |
2086 | IQ,Intelligence Quotient,Iraq (ISO 3166 digram) |
2087 | IQD,Iraqi dinar (ISO 4217 currency code) |
2088 | Ir,Iridium |
2089 | IRA,Individual Retirement Account,Irish Republican Army (see also List of organisations known as the Irish Republican Army for groups claiming descent from this organisation) |
2090 | IRAD,Internal Research and Development |
2091 | IRAN,(I) Inspect and Repair As Necessary |
2092 | IRAS,Infrared Astronomical Satellite |
2093 | IRB,International Rugby Board |
2094 | IRBM,Intermediate Range Ballistic Missile |
2095 | IRC,International Red Cross,International Reply Coupon |
2096 | IREA,Intermountain Rural Electric Association |
2097 | IRINN,Islamic Republic of Iran News Network |
2098 | IRN,Iran (ISO 3166 trigram) |
2099 | IRO,International Refugee Organisation |
2100 | IRQ,Iraq (ISO 3166 trigram) |
2101 | IRR,Iranian rial (ISO 4217 currency code) |
2102 | IRS,U.S. Internal Revenue Service |
2103 | IRST,Infra-red Search and Track |
2104 | IS,Iceland (ISO 3166 digram),Israel (FIPS 10-4 country code) |
2105 | is,Icelandic language (ISO 639-1 code) |
2106 | ISA,Individual Savings Account,Industry Standard Architecture,Instruction Set Architecture,International Seabed Authority |
2107 | ISAAA,International Service for the Acquisition of Agri-biotech Applications |
2108 | ISAF,International Sailing Federation,International Security Assistance Force |
2109 | ISAR,Inverse SAR (Synthetic Aperture Radar) |
2110 | ISB,Intermediate Staging Base |
2111 | ISBN,International Standard Book Number (ISO 2108) |
2112 | ISCCP,International Satellite Cloud Climatology Project |
2113 | ISCII,Indian Standard Code for Information Interchange |
2114 | ISDN,Integrated Services Digital Network |
2115 | ISEF,Intel International Science and Engineering Fair |
2116 | ISEN,Internet Search Environment Number |
2117 | ISF,Internal Security Force |
2118 | ISI-Indian Standards Institute,former name of the Bureau of Indian Standards,Inter-Services Intelligence (Pakistan),Islamic State of Iraq,an umbrella organization for several Iraqi insurgent groups |
2119 | ISIL,Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant |
2120 | ISK,Icelandic krona (ISO 4217 currency code) |
2121 | ISL,Iceland (ISO 3166 trigram) |
2122 | isl,Icelandic language (ISO 639-2 code) |
2123 | ISLN,International Standard Lawyer Number (used initially by LexisNexis Martindale-Hubbell) |
2124 | ISM,Industrial,scientific or medical,Interstellar medium |
2125 | ISMB,International Society of Matrix Biologists |
2126 | ISMC,Intelligent Sounding Meaningless Conversation |
2127 | ISOGP,Indian Society of Orthodontics for General Practitioners [2] |
2128 | ISP,International Standardized Profile,Internet Service Provider,Information Systems Professional |
2129 | ISPE,(a/i) International Society for Pharmacoepidemiology |
2130 | ISR,Intelligence,Surveillance and Reconnaissance,Israel (ISO 3166 trigram) |
2131 | ISRO,Indian Space Research Organisation |
2132 | ISS,International Shorebird Survey (North America),International Space Station |
2133 | ISSCR,International Society for Stem Cell Research |
2134 | ISSN,International standard serial number (ISO 3297) |
2135 | IST,Information System Technology,UCF Institute for Simulation and Training |
2136 | ISTAR,Intelligence,Surveillance,Target Acquisition,and Reconnaissance |
2137 | ISTC,Institute of Scientific and Technical Communications (UK) |
2138 | ISTS,Intel Science Talent Search |
2139 | ISU,Integrated Sight Unit,International Skating Union,IT[edit] |
2140 | IT,InferoTemporal (neurophysiology),Information Technology,Italy (FIPS 10-4 country code; ISO 3166 digram) |
2141 | it,Italian language (ISO 639-1 code) |
2142 | ita,Italian language (ISO 639-2 code) |
2143 | ITA,Italy (ISO 3166 trigram) |
2144 | ITAG,Inertial Terrain-Aided Guidance |
2145 | ITALY,I'll Truly Always Love You |
2146 | ITAS,Improved Target Acquisition Sight |
2147 | ITC,InferoTemporal Cortex (neurophysiology) |
2148 | ITCZ,Intertropical Convergence Zone |
2149 | ITEC,Information Technology Exposition & Conference |
2150 | ITEMS,Interactive Tactical Environment Management System |
2151 | ITER,International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor |
2152 | ITF,International Tennis Federation |
2153 | ITK,In The Know |
2154 | ITN,Independent Television News (British) |
2155 | ITS,Incompatible Time-sharing System,Individual Training Standards |
2156 | ITT,International Telephone and Telegraph (U.S.) |
2157 | ITTO,International Tropical Timber Organization |
2158 | ITU,Intent-to-Use,International Telecommunication Union (International Telegraph Union 1865-1932),IU[edit] |
2159 | iu, Inuktitut language (ISO 639-1 code) |
2160 | IUCN,International Union for the Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources (World Conservation Union) |
2161 | IUSS,Integrated Undersea Surveillance System,Integrated Unit Simulation System,International Union of Soil Sciences |
2162 | IV,Côte d'Ivoire (FIPS 10-4 country code; from Ivory Coast),Four (in Roman numerals),IntraVenous (as in intravenous drip or intravenous therapy) |
2163 | IVD,Internet Video Device,intra vas device |
2164 | Iveco,Industrial Vehicles Corporation |
2165 | IVF,In Vitro Fertilisation |
2166 | IVI,Interchangeable Virtual Instrument |
2167 | IVIS,Inter-Vehicle Information System |
2168 | IVL,Inter-Visibility Line |
2169 | IVM,In Vitro [Oocyte] Maturation |
2170 | IVO,In Vicinity Of |
2171 | IW,Information Warfare |
2172 | IWARS,Infantry Warrior Simulation |
2173 | IWC,International Whaling Commission |
2174 | IWW,Industrial Workers of the World |
2175 | IX,Nine (in Roman numerals) |
2176 | IXT,IntraText digital library; IntraText lexical hypertext |
2177 | IY,Saudi-Iraqi neutral zone (FIPS 10-4 territory code; obsolete 1993) |
2178 | IZ,Iraq (FIPS 10-4 country code) |
2179 | J,Joule |
2180 | J1,Joint [Manpower &] Personnel Directorate |
2181 | J2,Joint Intelligence Directorate |
2182 | J2EE,Java 2 Platform,Enterprise ion |
2183 | J2ME,Java 2 Platform,Micro ion |
2184 | J2SE,Java 2 Platform,Standard ion |
2185 | J3,Joint Operations Directorate |
2186 | J4,Joint Logistics Directorate |
2187 | J5,Joint Strategic Plans & Policy Directorate |
2188 | J6,Joint Information Technology Directorate (Command,Control,Communications & Computer Systems) |
2189 | J7,Joint Operational Plans & Interoperability Directorate |
2190 | J8,Joint Force Structure,Resources,& Assessment Directorate |
2191 | JA,Japan (FIPS 10-4 country code) |
2192 | ja,Japanese language (ISO 639-1 code) |
2193 | JAFT,Just A Field Test |
2194 | JAL,Japan Airlines |
2195 | JALLC,Joint Analysis and Lessons Learned Centre (NATO) |
2196 | JAM,Jamaica (ISO 3166 trigram) |
2197 | JAMA,Journal of the American Medical Association |
2198 | JANET,Joint Academic Network |
2199 | JANUS,Joint Academic Network Using Satellites (UK),Joint Army Navy Uniform Simulation,Joint Army-Navy Staff,Just ANother Useless Simulation (Note: The U.S. Army Janus simulation is not an acronym) |
2200 | JATO,Jet-Assisted Take-Off |
2201 | jav,Javanese language (ISO 639-2 code) |
2202 | JB,Jail Bait |
2203 | JB,Junior Branch |
2204 | JBFSA,Joint Blue Force Situational Awareness |
2205 | JCDB,Joint Common Data Base |
2206 | JCDS,Joint Chiefs of the Defence Staff |
2207 | JCIDS,Joint Capabilities Integration and Development System |
2208 | JCL,Job Control Language |
2209 | JCP,Java Community Process |
2210 | JCPM,Java Child Process Manager,Jesus Christ Prison Ministry |
2211 | JCS,Joint Chiefs of Staff |
2212 | JCW,Juggalo Championship Wrestling |
2213 | JDBC,Java Data Base Connectivity |
2214 | JDCC,UK Joint Doctrine and Concepts Centre,now the Development,Concepts,and Doctrine Centre,DCDC |
2215 | JDEM,Joint Dark Energy Mission |
2216 | JDK,Java Development Kit |
2217 | JDL,Jewish Defense League |
2218 | JDM,Japanese domestic market,referring specifically to automobiles and parts,Java Data Mining,Joint design manufacturing,JE[edit] |
2219 | JE,Jersey (FIPS 10-4 territory code) |
2220 | JEB,James Ewell Brown (Stuart),John Ellis Bush |
2221 | JEDP,Jahwist,Elohist,Deuteronomist,Priestly (according to the documentary hypothesis,the sources of the Torah) |
2222 | JEE,Java Platform,Enterprise ion |
2223 | JEFX,Joint Expeditionary Force eXperiment |
2224 | JEPD,Jahwist,Elohist,Priestly,Deuteronomist,Jointly Exhaustive,Pairwise Disjoint |
2225 | JET,Joint European Torus |
2226 | JEZ,Joint Engagement Zone |
2227 | JFACC,Joint Force Air Component Commander |
2228 | JFACTSU,U.S. Joint Forward Air Control Training and Standards Unit |
2229 | JFC,Joint Force Commander |
2230 | JFK,John Fitzgerald Kennedy or the airport named after him. |
2231 | JFLCC,Joint Force Land Component Commander |
2232 | JFMCC,Joint Force Maritime Component Commander |
2233 | JFO,Journal of Field Ornithology |
2234 | JFSOCC,Joint Force Special Operations Component Commander |
2235 | JFTX,Joint Field Training Exercise |
2236 | JH,Japan Highway Public Corporation |
2237 | JH,Jharkhand (Indian state code) |
2238 | JI,Joint Implementation |
2239 | JIB,Joint Information Bureau |
2240 | JIC,Joint Intelligence Centre |
2241 | JINI,Java Intelligent Network Infrastructure |
2242 | JITC,Joint Interoperability Test Command |
2243 | JIVE,Joint Institute for VLBI (Very Long Baseline Interferometry) in Europe |
2244 | JJAP,Japanese Journal of Applied Physics |
2245 | JK,Jedi Knight,Just Kidding,Spanair (IATA airline designator),Jammu & Kashmir (Indian state code) |
2246 | JL,Japan Airlines (IATA airline designator) |
2247 | JLA,Justice League of America |
2248 | JM,Jamaica (FIPS 10-4 country code; ISO 3166 digram) |
2249 | JMD,Jamaican dollar (ISO 4217 currency code) |
2250 | JMS,Java Message Service |
2251 | JN,Jan Mayen Island (FIPS 10-4 territory code) |
2252 | JNI,Java Native Interface |
2253 | JNLP,Java Network Launch Protocol |
2254 | JO,Jordan (FIPS 10-4 country code; ISO 3166 digram) |
2255 | JOA,(a/i) Joint Operations Area |
2256 | JOD,Jordanian dinar (ISO 4217 currency code) |
2257 | JOPES,Joint Operations Planning and Execution System |
2258 | JOR,Jordan (ISO 3166 trigram) |
2259 | JOTS,Joint Operations Tactical System |
2260 | JP,Japan (ISO 3166 digram),Justice of the Peace |
2261 | JPL,Jet Propulsion Laboratory |
2262 | JPN,Japan (ISO 3166 trigram) |
2263 | jpn,Japanese language (ISO 639-2 code) |
2264 | JPOW,Joint Project Optic Windmill |
2265 | JPY,Japanese yen (ISO 4217 currency code) |
2266 | JQ,Jetstar Airways (IATA airline designator),Johnny Quick,Johnston Atoll (FIPS 10-4 territory code),Jonny Quest,Joshua Quagmire |
2267 | JRA,Japanese Red Army,Joint Rear Area |
2268 | JRDF,Joint Rapid Deployment Forces |
2269 | JRE,Java Runtime Environment |
2270 | JREF,James Randi Educational Foundation |
2271 | JROC,Joint Requirements Oversight Council |
2272 | JROCM,JROC Memorandum |
2273 | JRRF,Joint Rapid Reaction Force |
2274 | JRSAI,Journal of the Royal Society of Antiquaries of Ireland |
2275 | JSAP,Japan Society of Applied Physics |
2276 | JSCSC,Joint Services Command and Staff College |
2277 | JSEAD,Joint Suppression of Enemy Air Defence (see SEAD) |
2278 | JSF,Joint Strike Fighter |
2279 | JSIMS,Joint Simulation System |
2280 | JSOA,Joint Special Operations Area |
2281 | JSOTF,Joint Special Operations Task Force |
2282 | JSP,JavaServer Page |
2283 | JSP,Joint Services Publication |
2284 | JSR,Java Specification Request |
2285 | JSS,Joint Support Ship Project |
2286 | JT,Johnston Atoll (ISO 3166 digram; obsolete 1986),Junior Technician (RAF) |
2287 | JTC,Joint Training Confederation |
2288 | JTF,Joint Task Force |
2289 | JTFEX,Joint Task Force Exercise |
2290 | JTLS,Joint Theater Level Simulation |
2291 | JTMD,Joint Theatre Missile Defence |
2292 | JTN,Johnston Atoll (ISO 3166 trigram; obsolete 1986) |
2293 | JU,Juan de Nova Island (FIPS 10-4 territory code) |
2294 | JUGFET,JUnction Gate Field-Effect Transistor |
2295 | JUICE,JUpiter ICy Moon Explorer |
2296 | JUO,Joint Urban Operations |
2297 | jv,Javanese language (ISO 639-1 code) |
2298 | JV,Joint Venture,Junior Varsity |
2299 | JVM,Java Virtual Machine |
2300 | JW,Jehovah's Witnesses |
2301 | JWARS,Joint Warfare System (simulation) |
2302 | JWP,Joint Warfare Publication |
2303 | JWST,James Webb Space Telescope |
2304 | JY,Japanese Yen |
2305 | JZ,Joint Zone |
2306 | K,Kelvin,Potassium (Latin Kalium),Tanker (aircraft designation code) |
2307 | k,Kilo- |
2308 | K,picokelvin |
2309 | K9,Canine Police Unit |
2310 | ka,Georgian language (ISO 639-1 code) |
2311 | Ka,Kamov Design Bureau |
2312 | kA,Kiloampere |
2313 | KA,Knowledge Acquisition,Karnataka (Indian state code) |
2314 | KAF,Kandahar Air Field |
2315 | kal,Kalaallisut language (ISO 639-2 code) |
2316 | kan,Kannada language (ISO 639-2 code) |
2317 | KARNAC,Knowledge Aided Retrieval in Activity Context |
2318 | KARR,Knight Automated Roving Robot (Knight Rider character) |
2319 | kas,Kashmiri language (ISO 639-2 code) |
2320 | kat,Georgian language (ISO 639-2 code) |
2321 | KATUSA,Korean Augmentation To United States Army |
2322 | kau,Kanuri language (ISO 639-2 code) |
2323 | kaz,Kazakh language (ISO 639-2 code) |
2324 | KAZ,Kazakhstan (ISO 3166 trigram) |
2325 | KBE,Knight Commander of the Order of the British Empire |
2326 | KBO,Kuiper Belt Object |
2327 | KBVB,Koninklijke Belgische Voetbalbond (Dutch for Royal Belgian Football Association) |
2328 | kC,Kilocoulomb |
2329 | KCL,King's College London |
2330 | KCS,Kansas City Southern Railway (AAR reporting mark) |
2331 | KD,Kawasaki Disease,Kraft Dinner |
2332 | KE,Kenya (FIPS 10-4 country code; ISO 3166 digram),Kinetic Energy,Knowledge Engineering |
2333 | KEDO,Korean Peninsula Energy Development Organization |
2334 | KEN,Kenya (ISO 3166 trigram) |
2335 | KERA,Kentucky Education Reform Act (of 1990) |
2336 | kerma,Kinetic Energy Released in MAterial / in MAtter / per unit MAss |
2337 | KES,Kenyan shilling (ISO 4217 currency code),Killer Elite Squad (Japanese professional wrestling stable) |
2338 | KESR,Kent and East Sussex Railway. |
2339 | KET,Kentucky Educational Television,Key English Test,KF[edit] |
2340 | kF,Kilofarad |
2341 | KFC,Kentucky Fried Chicken |
2342 | KFOR,UN Kosovo Force |
2343 | KFUPM,King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals |
2344 | kg,Kilogram,Kongo language (ISO 639-1 code) |
2345 | KG,Kyrgyzstan (FIPS 10-4 country code; ISO 3166 digram) |
2346 | KGO,Knight of the Guelphic Order of Hanover |
2347 | KGS,Kyrgyz som (ISO 4217 currency code) |
2348 | KGZ,Kyrgyzstan (ISO 3166 trigram) |
2349 | KH,Cambodia (ISO 3166 digram) |
2350 | kH,Kilohenry |
2351 | KHL,Kontinental Hockey League |
2352 | KHM,Cambodia (ISO 3166 trigram) |
2353 | khm,Khmer language (ISO 639-2 code) |
2354 | KHR,Cambodian riel (ISO 4217 currency code) |
2355 | KHz,Kilohertz |
2356 | ki,Gikuyu language (ISO 639-1 code) |
2357 | Ki,Kibi |
2358 | KI,Kiribati (ISO 3166 digram) |
2359 | KIA,Killed In Action |
2360 | KIDS,Knowledge-based Integrated Design System |
2361 | kik,Gikuyu language (ISO 639-2 code),common typo for LOL |
2362 | kin,Kinyarwanda language (ISO 639-2 code) |
2363 | KIR,Kiribati (ISO 3166 trigram) |
2364 | kir,Kyrgyz language (ISO 639-2 code) |
2365 | KISS,Keep It Simple,Stupid / Keep It Short and Simple,Korean Intelligence Support System |
2366 | KIT,Keep In Touch |
2367 | KITECH,Korean Institute of Industrial Technology |
2368 | KITT,Knight Industries Two Thousand,Knight Industries Three Thousand |
2369 | kJ,Kilojoule |
2370 | kj,Kuanyama language (ISO 639-1 code) |
2371 | kk,Kazakh language (ISO 639-1 code) |
2372 | kK,Kilokelvin |
2373 | KKK,Ku Klux Klan |
2374 | kl,Kalaallisut language (ISO 639-1 code) |
2375 | kL,Kilolitre |
2376 | KL,Kuala Lumpur,Kerala (Indian state code) |
2377 | KLENOT,KLEť Observatory Near Earth and Other unusual objects observations Team and Telescope |
2378 | KLOC,Kilo Lines Of Code |
2379 | KM,Comoros,Knowledge Management |
2380 | km,Khmer language (ISO 639-1 code),Kilometre |
2381 | KMF,Comoro franc (ISO 4217 currency code) |
2382 | KMR,Kwajalein Missile Range |
2383 | KN,Democratic People's Republic of Korea (FIPS 10-4 country code),Saint Kitts and Nevis (ISO 3166 digram) |
2384 | kn,Kannada language (ISO 639-1 code) |
2385 | kN,Kilonewton |
2386 | KNA,Saint Kitts and Nevis (ISO 3166 trigram) |
2387 | KNVB,Koninklijke Nederlandse Voetbal Bond (Dutch for Royal Dutch Football Association) |
2388 | KO,Knocked Out |
2389 | ko,Korean language (ISO 639-1 code) |
2390 | kom,Komi language (ISO 639-2 code) |
2391 | kon,Kongo language (ISO 639-2 code) |
2392 | kor,Korean language (ISO 639-2 code) |
2393 | KOR,Republic of Korea (ISO 3166 trigram) |
2394 | KP,Kim Possible |
2395 | KPMG,Klynveld,Peat,Marwick,Goerdeler |
2396 | KPNO,Kitt Peak National Observatory |
2397 | KPW,North Korean won (ISO 4217 currency code) |
2398 | KQ,Kenya Airways (IATA airline designator),Kingman Reef (FIPS 10-4 territory code) |
2399 | kr,Kanuri language (ISO 639-1 code) |
2400 | KR,Kiribati (FIPS 10-4 country code),Republic of Korea (ISO 3166 digram) |
2401 | Kr,Krypton |
2402 | KRW,South Korean won (ISO 4217 currency code) |
2403 | KS,Kansas (postal symbol),Republic of Korea (FIPS 10-4 country code) |
2404 | ks,Kashmiri language (ISO 639-1 code),Kilosecond |
2405 | kS,Kilosiemens |
2406 | KSC,Kennedy Space Center |
2407 | KSI,Killed or Seriously Injured |
2408 | KSM,Korean Service Medal,Khalid Sheikh Mohammed |
2409 | KSU,Kansas State University |
2410 | KT,Christmas Island (FIPS 10-4 territory code),Knight of the Order of the Thistle,Knights Templar |
2411 | kT,Kilotesla |
2412 | KTS,Knight of the Tower and Sword (of Portugal) |
2413 | ku,Kurdish language (ISO 639-1 code) |
2414 | KU,Kuwait (FIPS 10-4 country code) |
2415 | kua,Kuanyama language (ISO 639-2 code) |
2416 | KUL,Katholieke Universiteit Leuven (Flemish,Catholic University of Leuven) |
2417 | kur,Kurdish language (ISO 639-2 code) |
2418 | KUW,Kuwait (UNDP country code,IOC and FIFA trigram,but not ISO 3166) |
2419 | kV,Kilovolt |
2420 | kv,Komi language (ISO 639-1 code) |
2421 | KV,Kosovo |
2422 | KVM,Keyboard,Video,Mouse switch |
2423 | kw,Cornish language (ISO 639-1 code) |
2424 | kW,Kilowatt |
2425 | KW,Kuwait (ISO 3166 digram) |
2426 | KWB,Kids' WB! |
2427 | KWD,Kuwaiti dinar (ISO 4217 currency code) |
2428 | KWT,Kuwait (ISO 3166 trigram) |
2429 | KX,Cayman Airways (IATA airline designator) |
2430 | KY,Cayman Islands (ISO 3166 digram),Kentucky (postal symbol) |
2431 | ky,Kyrgyz language (ISO 639-1 code) |
2432 | KYD,Cayman Islands dollar (ISO 4217 currency code) |
2433 | KZ,Kazakhstan (FIPS 10-4 country code; ISO 3166 digram) |
2434 | KZN,KwaZulu-Natal |
2435 | KZT,Kazakh tenge (ISO 4217 currency code) |
2436 | La,Lanthanum |
2437 | LA,Laos (FIPS 10-4 country code; ISO 3166 digram),Louisiana (postal symbol),Los Angeles |
2438 | la,Latin language (ISO 639-1 code) |
2439 | LAAS,Local Area Augmentation System,Los Angeles Astronomical Society |
2440 | LAB,Logistics Assault Base |
2441 | LabVIEW,Laboratory Virtual Instrumentation Engineering Workbench |
2442 | LACMA,(a/i) Los Angeles County Museum of Art |
2443 | LAD,Laser Aiming Device |
2444 | LADW,Local Air Defence Warning |
2445 | LAESI,Local Authority & Emergency Service Information |
2446 | LAK,Laotian kip (ISO 4217 currency code) |
2447 | LAMP,(multiple meanings) |
2448 | LAN,Local Area Network |
2449 | LANL,Los Alamos National Laboratory |
2450 | lao,Lao language (ISO 639-2 code) |
2451 | LAO,Laos (ISO 3166 trigram) |
2452 | LAR,Light Armoured Reconnaissance,Logistics Assistance Representative |
2453 | LARC,Livermore Advanced Research Computer (cf. LLNL) |
2454 | LARP,Live-Action Role-Playing |
2455 | LAS,McCarran International Airport (Las Vegas,Nevada) |
2456 | Laser,Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation (cf. Maser) |
2457 | lat,Latin language (ISO 639-2 code) |
2458 | LATA,Local Access Transport Area |
2459 | LATCH,Lower Anchors and Tethers for Children (U.S. standard for attachment points for child safety seats in passenger cars) |
2460 | LAV,Land Assault Vehicle,Light Armoured Vehicle,Lymphadenopathy-Associated Virus |
2461 | lav,Latvian language (ISO 639-2 code) |
2462 | LAW,Light Antitank Weapon |
2463 | LAX,Los Angeles International Airport,The Latin American Xchange (professional wrestling),LB[edit] |
2464 | LB,Lebanon (ISO 3166 digram) |
2465 | lb,pound (Latin librum),Luxembourgish language (ISO 639-1 code) |
2466 | LBH,Light Battlefield Helicopter,Lyman-Birge-Hopfield bands |
2467 | LBJ,Lady Bird Johnson,LeBron James,Light Bulb Joke,Little Beagle Johnson (the dog owned by Lyndon and Lady Bird Johnson),Lyndon Baines Johnson |
2468 | LBN,Lebanon (ISO 3166 trigram) |
2469 | LBNL,Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory |
2470 | LBP,Lebanese pound (ISO 4217 currency code) |
2471 | LBR,Liberia (ISO 3166 trigram) |
2472 | LBS,Location-Based Services |
2473 | lbs,pounds (plural form of lb,see above) |
2474 | LBT,Large Binocular Telescope |
2475 | LBW,Leg Before Wicket |
2476 | LBY,Libya (ISO 3166 trigram) |
2477 | LC,Line of Contact,Saint Lucia (ISO 3166 digram) |
2478 | LCA,Saint Lucia (ISO 3166 trigram) |
2479 | LCC,Land Component Commander |
2480 | LCCP,Light Contingency Communications Package |
2481 | LCD,Liquid Crystal Display |
2482 | LCE,Leaving Certificate Examination,Load Carrying Equipment,London Commodity Exchange |
2483 | LCM,Least/Lowest Common Multiple |
2484 | LCol,Lieutenant-Colonel (Canada,UK) |
2485 | LCS,League of Legends Championship Series |
2486 | LD,Laser Designator,Limited Deployment,Line of Departure |
2487 | LDA,Lateral Drift Apparatus (paratroops) |
2488 | LDC,Lesser Developing/Developed Country |
2489 | LDL,Low-Density Lipoprotein |
2490 | LDV,Local Defence Volunteers (British Home Guard) |
2491 | LDW,Lane Departure Warning (ADAS) |
2492 | LE,Lebanon (FIPS 10-4 country code) |
2493 | LEC,Local Exchange Carrier |
2494 | LED,Light-Emitting Diode |
2495 | LEGAD,Legal Advice |
2496 | Legs,level emotion gad speed |
2497 | LEMOSS,Long-Endurance MObile Submarine Simulator |
2498 | LEN,Large Extension Node |
2499 | LEP,Large Electron-Positron collider |
2500 | LER,Loss-Exchange Ratio |
2501 | LEU,Low-Enriched Uranium |
2502 | LF,Low Frequency |
2503 | LFO,Low Frequency Oscillation / Oscillator |
2504 | LFTR,Liquid fluoride thorium reactor |
2505 | LG,Latvia (FIPS 10-4 country code) |
2506 | lg,Luganda (ISO 639-1 code) |
2507 | LGB,Lesbian,Gay,Bisexual,Laser-guided bomb,self-explanatory |
2508 | LGBT,Lesbian,Gay,Bisexual,Transgender |
2509 | LGLO,Love God,Love Others |
2510 | LGM,Little Green Men |
2511 | LGS,Landsat Ground Station |
2512 | LH,Lithuania (FIPS 10-4 country code),Luteinising Hormone |
2513 | LHC,Large Hadron Collider |
2514 | LHS,Left Hand Side |
2515 | LI,Fifty-one (in Roman numerals),Liberia (FIPS 10-4 country code),Liechtenstein (ISO 3166 digram) |
2516 | li,Limburgish language (ISO 639-1 code) |
2517 | Li,Lithium |
2518 | LIBOR,London Interbank Offered Rate |
2519 | LIBS,Laser Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy |
2520 | LIE,Liechtenstein (ISO 3166 trigram) |
2521 | LIFO,Last In,First Out |
2522 | LIGO,Laser Interferometer Gravitational-Wave Observatory |
2523 | lim,Limburgish language (ISO 639-2 code) |
2524 | lin,Lingala language (ISO 639-2 code) |
2525 | LINEAR,Lincoln Near-Earth Asteroid Research |
2526 | LISA,Laser Interferometer Space Antenna |
2527 | lit,Lithuanian language (ISO 639-2 code) |
2528 | LIVE,Liquid Inertial Vibration Eliminator |
2529 | LJ,La Jolla,Larry Johnson (both the American football and basketball players of that name),LaserJet (HP printer brand),Library Journal,Linux Journal,LiveJournal,Ljubljana,Lord Justice of Appeal,Sierra National Airlines (IATA code) |
2530 | LJJ,Lord Justices of Appeal |
2531 | LK,Sri Lanka (ISO 3166 digram) |
2532 | LKA,Sri Lanka (ISO 3166 trigram) |
2533 | LKR,Sri Lanka rupee (ISO 4217 currency code) |
2534 | LKR4,Linkwitz-Riley 4th order (audio crossover type) |
2535 | LL,Land Line (telephone),Last Log,Late Latin,Left Limit,Lex Luthor (Superman character),Light Line,Limited Liability,Linked List,Little League |
2536 | LLAD,Low Level Air Defence |
2537 | LLB,Legum Baccalaureus (Latin: Bachelor of Laws) |
2538 | LLC,Limited Liability Company |
2539 | LLGC,Llyfrgell Genedlaethol Cymru (National Library of Wales),London Lesbian and Gay Centre |
2540 | LLLTV,Low-Light Level Television |
2541 | LLNL,Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory |
2542 | LLP,Limited Liability Partnership |
2543 | LLTI,Limiting Long-Term Illness,Long Lead Time Item |
2544 | LLTR,Low-Level Transit Route |
2545 | LMAO,Laughing My Ass Off (Internet shorthand) |
2546 | LMB,Lick My Balls |
2547 | LMFAO,Laughing My F**king Ass Off (Internet shorthand,electro-hop duo) |
2548 | LMN,(a/i) Lifetime Movie Network |
2549 | LMS,Like My Status (Internet shorthand) |
2550 | LMS,London Mathematical Society,London,Midland and Scottish (Railway) |
2551 | LMV,() Light Motor Vehicle |
2552 | ln,Lingala language (ISO 639-1 code),Natural logarithm |
2553 | LNER,London and North Eastern Railway |
2554 | LNG,Liquefied Natural Gas |
2555 | LNO,Liaison Officer |
2556 | lo,Lao language (ISO 639-1 code) |
2557 | LO,Slovakia (FIPS 10-4 country code) |
2558 | LOA,Limit Of Advance |
2559 | LOC,(a/i) Level of Operational Capability,Limited Operational Capability,Lines Of Code,Lines Of Communication,see entry |
2560 | LOD,Limit of Detection,see Detection limit |
2561 | LoD,Lines of Development (UK) |
2562 | LOFAR,Low Frequency Analysis and Recording |
2563 | LOGPAC,Logistics Package |
2564 | LOL,Laughing Out Loud (Internet shorthand) |
2565 | LOMEZ,Low Altitude Missile Engagement Zone |
2566 | LONEOS,Lowell Observatory Near-Earth-Object Search |
2567 | LOOGY,(p/a) Lefty One-Out GuY,a sometimes pejorative nickname for the left-handed specialist in baseball |
2568 | LORTID,LOng Range Target IDentification |
2569 | LOS,Line Of Sight |
2570 | LOSAT,Line-Of-Sight Anti-Tank (missile) |
2571 | LOTA,Licentiate of the Orthodontic Technicians Association |
2572 | LOTIS,Livermore Optical Transient Imaging System |
2573 | LOTS,Logistics Over-The-Shore |
2574 | LP,Linkin Park,Linkup Point,Listening Post,Long Playing record,Louisiana Pacific (cf. LP Field) |
2575 | LPC,Linear Predictive Coding |
2576 | LPD,Landing Platform Dock (Navy hull classification),Low Probability of Detection |
2577 | LPG,Liquefied Petroleum Gas (cf. LNG) |
2578 | LPI,Low Probability of Intercept |
2579 | LPS,Landsat Processing System,LipoPolySaccharide |
2580 | LQ,Palmyra Atoll (FIPS 10-4 territory code) |
2581 | Lr,Lawrencium |
2582 | LR,Liberia (ISO 3166 digram) |
2583 | LRC,Logistics iness Center |
2584 | LRD,Liberian dollar (ISO 4217 currency code) |
2585 | LRF,Laser rangefinder,Low iness Forces |
2586 | LRGW,Long-Range Guided Weapon |
2587 | LRICBM,Limited Range ICBM |
2588 | LRIP,Low Rate Initial Production |
2589 | LRP,Logistics Release Point |
2590 | LRPE,Long-Range Planning Element |
2591 | LRS,Long Range Surveillance |
2592 | LRU,Line-Replaceable Unit |
2593 | LSE,Least Squares Estimate/Error,London School of Economics,London Stock Exchange |
2594 | LSI,Large-Scale Integration |
2595 | LSIF,Labour Sponsored Investment Fund |
2596 | LSL,Lesotho loti (ISO 4217 currency code) |
2597 | LSND,Liquid Scintillator Neutrino Detector |
2598 | LSO,Lesotho (ISO 3166 trigram) |
2599 | LSST,Large Synoptic Survey Telescope |
2600 | LSVW,Light Support Vehicle,Wheeled |
2601 | LT,Lesotho (FIPS 10-4 country code),Lithuania (ISO 3166 digram) |
2602 | Lt,Lieutenant |
2603 | lt,Lithuanian language (ISO 639-1 code) |
2604 | LtC,Lieutenant-Colonel (U.S.) |
2605 | LTC,Long-Term Costing |
2606 | Ltd,Limited |
2607 | LTDP,Long-Term Defence Plan |
2608 | LTG,Lieutenant General,Lightning (METAR Code) |
2609 | LTI,Linear Time-Invariant |
2610 | LTL,Lithuanian litas (ISO 4217 currency code) |
2611 | LTM,Acronym for Laughing To Myself |
2612 | LTP,Long-Term Potentiation |
2613 | LTU,Lithuania (ISO 3166 trigram) |
2614 | ltz,Luxembourgish language (ISO 639-2 code) |
2615 | LU,Acronym Love You |
2616 | LU,Loonatics Unleashed |
2617 | Lu,Lutetium |
2618 | lu,Tshiluba language (ISO 639-1 code) |
2619 | lub,Tshiluba language (ISO 639-2 code) |
2620 | LUCA,Last Universal Common Ancestor |
2621 | LUG,Linux User Group |
2622 | lug,Luganda (ISO 639-2 code) |
2623 | LULU,Locally Unwanted Land Use (urbanism) |
2624 | LUT,Limited User Test (ing),Local User Terminal |
2625 | LUVW,Light Utility Vehicle,Wheeled |
2626 | LUX,Luxembourg (ISO 3166 trigram) |
2627 | LV,Las Vegas,Latvia (ISO 3166 digram),Launch Vehicle,Leading Vehicle,Leave,Left Ventricle,Level Valve,Linking Verb,Liverpool Victoria |
2628 | lv,Latvian language (ISO 639-1 code) |
2629 | LVA,Latvia (ISO 3166 trigram) |
2630 | LVAD,Left Ventricular Assist Device,Low-Velocity Airdrop |
2631 | LVEF,Left Ventricular Ejection Fraction |
2632 | LVL,Latvian lats (ISO 4217 currency code) |
2633 | LW,Land Warrior,Low Water (nautical charts) |
2634 | Lw,Lawrencium (obsolete 1963) |
2635 | LWR,Laser warning receiver |
2636 | LWRC,Land Warfare Resources Corporation |
2637 | LWS,Land Warrior System |
2638 | LX,Electrics (theatrical term) |
2639 | LX,Luxembourg (amateur radio ITU prefix),Swiss International Air Lines (IATA code) |
2640 | LY,Libya (FIPS 10-4 country code; ISO 3166 digram),Lithuania (amateur radio ITU prefix) |
2641 | LYAO,Laugh Your Ass Off |
2642 | LYD,Libyan dinar (ISO 4217 currency code) |
2643 | LYLAS,Love You Like A Sister |
2644 | LZ,Bulgaria (amateur radio ITU prefix),Landing Zone |
2645 | M,Mega-,One thousand (in Roman numerals) |
2646 | m,Metre,Milli |
2647 | MA,Madagascar (FIPS 10-4 country code),Marijuana Anonymous,Master of Arts,Massachusetts (postal symbol),Megaampere,Morocco (ISO 3166 digram) |
2648 | Ma,Megaannum |
2649 | mA,Milliampere |
2650 | MAA,Mathematical Association of America |
2651 | MAAC,Metro Atlantic Athletic Conference |
2652 | MACE,Multi-Agent Computing Environment |
2653 | MACHO,MAssive Compact Halo Object |
2654 | MAD,Magnetic Anomaly Detector,Moroccan dirham (ISO 4217 currency code),Mutual Assured Destruction |
2655 | MADD,Mothers Against Drunk Driving,MyoAdenylate Deaminase Deficiency,Multiply-Add |
2656 | MAF,Maintenance Action Form |
2657 | MAFF,Ministry of Agriculture,Forestry and Fisheries (various countries) |
2658 | MAGIC,Major Atmospheric Gamma-ray Imaging Cherenkov (telescope) |
2659 | MAGNETAR,Metaprogrammable AGent NETwork ARchitecture |
2660 | MAGTF,Marine Air-Ground Task Force |
2661 | mah,Marshallese language (ISO 639-2 code) |
2662 | mal,Malayalam language (ISO 639-2 code) |
2663 | MALD,Miniature Air-Launched Decoy |
2664 | MANPADS,MAN-Portable Air Defence System |
2665 | MANPRINT,MANpower and PeRsonnel INTegration |
2666 | MAOI,Monoamine oxidase inhibitor |
2667 | MAPS,Monitoring Avian Productivity and Survivorship |
2668 | mar,Marathi language (ISO 639-2 code) |
2669 | MAR,Morocco (ISO 3166 trigram) |
2670 | MarBEF,Marine Biodiversity and Ecosystem Functioning |
2671 | MARC,MAchine able Cataloging (often also defined as MAchine able Code),Mailing list ARChive,Massachusetts Animal Rights Coalition,Mid-America Regional Council |
2672 | MARCENT,United States Marine Forces Central Command |
2673 | MARFORCC,Marine Force Component Commander |
2674 | MARRS,Martyn Young,Alex Ayuli,Rudy Tambala,Russell Smith,and Steve Young (British electronic music act) |
2675 | MASAS,Monte Agliale Supernovae and Asteroid Survey |
2676 | Maser,Microwave Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation |
2677 | MASH,Mobile Army Surgical Hospital |
2678 | MASINT,Measurement And Signature Intelligence |
2679 | MATREX,Modeling Architecture for Technology,Research & EXperimentation |
2680 | MAVS,(a/i) Mobile Artillery Vehicle System |
2681 | MAW,Malawi (IOC trigram,but not FIFA or ISO 3166) |
2682 | MB,Manitoba (postal symbol),Martinique (FIPS 10-4 territory code),Medal of Bravery (Canada) |
2683 | MBA,Main Battle Area,Main Belt Asteroid,Masters of Business Administration |
2684 | MBBL,(U.S. Armor Center) Mounted Battlespace Battle Laboratory |
2685 | MBCC,Migratory Bird Conservation Commission (U.S.) |
2686 | MBCS,Multi-Byte Character Set |
2687 | MBE,Member of the Order of the British Empire,Multistate Bar Examination (U.S.) |
2688 | MBI,Moody Bible Institute |
2689 | MBIDST,Member of the British Institute of Dental and Surgical Technologists |
2690 | MBM,Meat and Bone Meal |
2691 | mbsf,metres below sea floor,[1][2] a depth convention used in paleontology and oceanography |
2692 | MBT,Main Battle Tank |
2693 | MBTA,Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority,Migratory Bird Treaty Act (U.S.) |
2694 | MBTI,Myers-Briggs Type Indicator |
2695 | mC,Millicoulomb |
2696 | MCA,Master of Computer Applications,Micro Channel Architecture,MultiChannel Analyzer,Music Corporation of America,the original name of the now-defunct MCA Inc. |
2697 | MCC,Marylebone Cricket Club,Mission Control Center,Motor Control Center,Movement Control Centre |
2698 | MCD,Minimal Cerebral Dysfunction,Minor civil division (U.S. Census term) |
2699 | MCDL,Model Composition Definition Language |
2700 | MCFT,Modified Compression Field Theory |
2701 | MCG,Melbourne Cricket Ground |
2702 | MCI,Microwave Communications,Inc. |
2703 | MCIS,Mellon Collie and the Infinite Sadness |
2704 | MCM,Mine Counter-Measures |
2705 | MCMV,Mine Counter-Measure Vessel |
2706 | MCNC,Microelectronics Center of North Carolina,Mixing Condensation Nucleus Counter |
2707 | MCP,Maintenance Collection Point,Male Chauvinist Pig |
2708 | MCR,My Chemical Romance |
2709 | MCSF,Marine Corps Security Forces |
2710 | MCT,Movement Control Team |
2711 | MCTIS,Mounted Co-operative Target Identification System |
2712 | MCU,Marine Corps University,Marvel Cinematic Universe,Medium close-up (camera direction in British TV scripts),Microcontroller unit,Milk clotting units,Ming Chuan University,Minimum coded unit (digital imaging),Multipoint control unit,Municipal Credit Union (New York),MD[edit] |
2713 | Md,Mendelevium |
2714 | MDA,Main Defensive Action/Area,Moldova (ISO 3166 trigram),Muscular Dystrophy Association |
2715 | MDF,Main distribution frame,Medium-density fiberboard |
2716 | MDG,Madagascar (ISO 3166 trigram),UN Millennium Development Goal |
2717 | MDL,Moldovan leu (ISO 4217 currency code) |
2718 | MDM,Michigan Dartmouth MIT telescope consortium,Master data management |
2719 | MDNA,Madonna's 12th studio album title (2012) |
2720 | MDO,Membership Driven Organisation |
2721 | MDP,Markov Decision Process |
2722 | MDT,Mountain Daylight Time (UTC-6 hours) |
2723 | MDV,Maldives (ISO 3166 trigram) |
2724 | ME,Maine (postal symbol),Mechanical engineer[ing],Medical examiner,Middle East,Middle East Airlines (IATA code),Memory Effect,Myalgic Encephalomyelitis |
2725 | Me,Messerschmitt |
2726 | MEA,Maine Educational Assessment,Middle East Airlines,Millennium Ecosystem Assessment,Minimum en route altitude,Mono-ethanol Amine,Multilateral Environmental Agreement |
2727 | MEAC,Mid-Eastern Athletic Conference (ME-ac) |
2728 | MEC,Maine Central Railroad,Manta,Ecuador (IATA location identifier),Model European Council,Mountain East Conference,Mountain Equipment Co-op |
2729 | MECC,Minnesota Educational Computing Consortium (later Corporation,dissolved 1999) |
2730 | MECCA,Milwaukee Exposition Convention Center and Arena,a former name for the sports venue now known as UW-Milwaukee Panther Arena |
2731 | MECO,Main engine cutoff (NASA code for point in Space Shuttle assent when three main engines are shut down prior to External Tank (ET) separation) |
2732 | MEDEVAC,Medical evacuation |
2733 | MEDLI,Mars Science Laboratory Entry,Descent,and Landing Instrumentation,Medical & Scientific Libraries of Long Island,Model for Effluent Disposal using Land Irrigation |
2734 | MEDS,Mission Essential Data Set |
2735 | MEF,U.S. Marine Expeditionary Force,Minimum essential facility,Mission essential force |
2736 | MEG,MagnetoEncephaloGraphy |
2737 | MEI,Matsushita Electric Industrial Co.,Ltd. |
2738 | MEK,Magyar Elektronikus Konyvtar,Message encryption key,Methyl ethyl ketone,Mujahideen al-Khalq |
2739 | MEL,Maya Embedded Language,Michigan Electronic Library |
2740 | MELT,Metallic Line/Loop Test (ing) |
2741 | MEM,Message Exchange Mechanism,Microelectromechanical |
2742 | MEMS,Microelectromechanical System |
2743 | MEO,Medium earth orbit,Most efficient organization |
2744 | MER,Mars Exploration Rover |
2745 | MERL,Mitsubishi Electric Research Laboratories |
2746 | MES,Manufacturing Execution Systems |
2747 | MES,Marconi Electronic Systems,Medium Edison screw |
2748 | MESSENGER,MErcury Surface,Space ENvironment,GEochemistry and Ranging |
2749 | MET,Meteorological,Middle European Time |
2750 | METAR,[Meteorological] Aviation Routine weather report |
2751 | METOC,Meteorological and Oceanographic |
2752 | MEU,U.S. Marine Expeditionary Unit,Maximum Expected Utility |
2753 | MEV,Medical Evacuation Vehicle,Musica Elettronica Viva |
2754 | MeV,Megaelectronvolt |
2755 | MEX,Mexico (ISO 3166 trigram) |
2756 | MEZ,Missile Engagement Zone |
2757 | MF,Mayotte (FIPS 10-4 territory code),Megafarad |
2758 | mF,Millifarad |
2759 | MFSB,Mother,Father,Sister,Brother (1970s Philadelphia studio musicians collective) |
2760 | MG,Machine Gun,Madagascar (ISO 3166 digram),Major General,Mongolia (FIPS 10-4 country code),Morris Garage |
2761 | Mg,Magnesium,Megagram |
2762 | mg,Malagasy language (ISO 639-1 code),Milligram |
2763 | MGA,Malagasy ariary (ISO 4217 currency code) |
2764 | MGB,Medium Girder Bridge,Motor Gun Boat |
2765 | MGM,Metro Goldwyn Mayer,Montgomery,Alabama (Airport Code) |
2766 | MGPAM,My Gym Partner's a Monkey |
2767 | MGS,Mobile Gun System |
2768 | MH,Marshall Islands (postal symbol; ISO 3166 digram),Megahenry,Montserrat (FIPS 10-4 territory code) |
2769 | mh,Marshallese language (ISO 639-1 code) |
2770 | mH,Millihenry |
2771 | MHC,Major Histocompatibility Complex |
2772 | MHHW,Mean Higher High Water (nautical charts) |
2773 | MHL,Marshall Islands (ISO 3166 trigram) |
2774 | MHLW,Mean Higher Low Water (nautical charts) |
2775 | MHRA,(UK) Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency |
2776 | MHW,Mean High Water (nautical charts) |
2777 | MHWN,Mean High Water Neaps (nautical charts) |
2778 | MHWS,Mean High Water Springs (nautical charts) |
2779 | MHz,Megahertz |
2780 | Mi,Mebi |
2781 | mi,Māori language (ISO 639-1 code) |
2782 | MIA,Missing In Action |
2783 | MIAA,Maryland Interscholastic Athletic Association,Massachusetts Interscholastic Athletic Association,Michigan Intercollegiate Athletic Association,Mid-America Intercollegiate Athletics Association |
2784 | MIB,Men In Black,Mint In Box (Internet auction/trading listings) |
2785 | MICLIC,Mine Clearing Line Charge |
2786 | MICOM,Missile Command |
2787 | MID,Midway Islands (ISO 3166 trigram; obsolete 1986) |
2788 | MIDAS,Man-machine Integration Design and Analysis System |
2789 | MIDI,Musical Instrument Digital Interface |
2790 | MIDS,Multi-Function Information Distribution System |
2791 | MIFG,Shallow Fog (METAR Code) |
2792 | MIKE,Monitoring of Illegal Killing of Elephants |
2793 | MIL,Man-In-the-Loop |
2794 | MILC,Mirrorless interchangeable-lens camera |
2795 | MILF,Mother I'd Like to Fuck |
2796 | MIMAROPA,Mindoro,Marinduque,Romblon,Palawan (a region in the Philippines) |
2797 | MIMOSA,MIcroMeasurements Of Satellite Acceleration |
2798 | MIMPT,Member of the Institute of Maxillofacial Prosthetists and Technologists |
2799 | MIP,Multilateral Interoperability Programme,Multiple Identity Poster |
2800 | MIRA,MILAN Infra-Red Acquisition (thermal sight) |
2801 | MIRV,Multiple Independent Reentry Vehicle |
2802 | MIS,Management Information Systems,Museum Information System |
2803 | MISREP,Mission Report |
2804 | MISSI,Multilevel Information System Security Initiative |
2805 | MIT,Massachusetts Institute of Technology,methylisothiazoline,Milli Istihbarad Teskilati (Intelligence service of Turkey) |
2806 | MITL,Man-In-The-Loop |
2807 | MITS,see entry |
2808 | MJ,Megajoule,Michael Jordan |
2809 | mJ,Millijoule |
2810 | MJD,Modified Julian Day |
2811 | mk,Macedonian language (ISO 639-1 code) |
2812 | mK,Millikelvin |
2813 | MKD,Macedonian denar (ISO 4217 currency code),Republic of Macedonia (ISO 3166 trigram) |
2814 | mkd,Macedonian language (ISO 639-2 code) |
2815 | MKG,Michael Kidd-Gilchrist (American basketball player) |
2816 | MKS,Metre-Kilogram-Second (system of units),MKS Inc. software company |
2817 | MKSA,Metre-Kilogram-Second-Ampere (system of units) |
2818 | ml,Malayalam language (ISO 639-1 code) |
2819 | ML,Mali (FIPS 10-4 country code; ISO 3166 digram),Maximum Likelihood,Megalitre |
2820 | mL,Millilitre |
2821 | MLA,Martial Law Administration of Bangladesh,Master of Landscape Architecture,Medical Library Association,Member of Legislative Assembly,Modern Language Association,Mutual legal assistance treaty,Myelosis Leucemica Acuta |
2822 | MLB,Major League Baseball |
2823 | MLC,Member of the Legislative Council (in India) |
2824 | MLE,Maximum likelihood estimation |
2825 | mlg,Malagasy language (ISO 639-2 code) |
2826 | MLHW,Mean Lower High Water (nautical charts) |
2827 | MLI,Mali (ISO 3166 trigram) |
2828 | MLK,Martin Luther King,Jr. |
2829 | MLL,Major League Lacrosse |
2830 | MLLW,Mean Lower Low Water (nautical charts) |
2831 | MLP,My Little Pony |
2832 | MLRS,Multiple-Launch Rocket System |
2833 | MLS,Major League Soccer,Multiple Listing Service |
2834 | MLSE,Maple Leaf Sports & Entertainment (owner of several Toronto-based sports teams),Maximum likelihood sequence estimation |
2835 | MLSR,Missing,Lost or Stolen Report |
2836 | MLT,Malta (ISO 3166 trigram) |
2837 | mlt,Maltese language (ISO 639-2 code) |
2838 | MLVW,Medium Logistics Vehicle,Wheeled |
2839 | MLW,Mean Low Water (nautical charts) |
2840 | MLWN,Mean Low Water Neaps (nautical charts) |
2841 | MLWS,Mean Low Water Springs (nautical charts) |
2842 | Mm,Megametre |
2843 | mm,Millimetre |
2844 | MMA,Mixed martial arts,Moving Mechanical Assembly |
2845 | MMC,Machinist's Mate,Chief (USN rating),Materiel Management Centre |
2846 | MMCM,Machinist's Mate,Master Chief (USN rating),Magnetic Mine Counter Measure |
2847 | MMCS,Machinist's Mate,Senior Chief (USN rating) |
2848 | MMEV,Multi-Mission Effects Vehicle |
2849 | MMI,Magical MonkeyZ Inc. |
2850 | MMI,Man-Machine Interface |
2851 | MMI,McLean Meditation Institute |
2852 | MMIC,McLean Meditation Institute Certified |
2853 | MMIC,Mindfulness & Meditation Instructor,Certified |
2854 | MMK,Burmese kyat (ISO 4217 currency code) |
2855 | MMO,Massively Multiplayer Online (computer game) |
2856 | MMOR,Master of Management in Operations Research |
2857 | MMORPG,Massively multiplayer online role-playing game |
2858 | MMPR,Mighty Morphin Power Rangers |
2859 | MMR,Measles,Mumps and Rubella vaccine,Myanmar (ISO 3166 trigram) |
2860 | MMS,Multimission Modular Spacecraft |
2861 | MMU,Manchester Metropolitan University,Manned Manoeuvring Unit |
2862 | Mn,Manganese |
2863 | MN,Meganewton,Minnesota (postal symbol),Monaco (FIPS 10-4 country code),Mongolia (ISO 3166 digram) |
2864 | mN,Millinewton |
2865 | mn,Mongolian language (ISO 639-1 code) |
2866 | MNB,Multinational Brigade |
2867 | MND,Motor Neurone Disease,Multinational Division |
2868 | MNE,Montenegro (ISO 3166 trigram) |
2869 | MNG,Multiple-image Network Graphics,Mongolia (ISO 3166 trigram) |
2870 | MNMF,Multi-National Maritime Force |
2871 | MNP,Northern Mariana Islands (ISO 3166 trigram) |
2872 | MNS,Mission Needs Statement |
2873 | MNT,Molecular nanotechnology,Mongolian tugrik (ISO 4217 currency code) |
2874 | mo,Moldovan language (ISO 639-1 code) |
2875 | Mo,Molybdenum |
2876 | MOA,Museum of Art (Brigham Young University) |
2877 | MOAB,Massive Ordnance Air Blast (official),Mother Of All Bombs (slang) |
2878 | MOB,Man Over Board,Marching Owl Band,Movable Object Block |
2879 | MOC,Macedonian Orthodox Church,Measure Of Capability,Mission Operations Centre,My Own Creation (Lego) |
2880 | MOCAS,Mechanization Of Contract Administration Services |
2881 | MOD,Magneto-optical disc,Masters of Deception,Minimum Object Distance,Multiple Organ Dysfunction |
2882 | MoD,Ministry of Defence (United Kingdom) and various other countries |
2883 | modem,Modulator-Demodulator |
2884 | Moe,Marvel of entertainment |
2885 | MOE,Measure Of Effectiveness |
2886 | MOF,(a/i) Ministry of Finance (Japan) |
2887 | MOFA,(a/i) Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Japan) |
2888 | MOH,(a/i) Medal of Honor,Music On Hold |
2889 | MOID,Minimum Orbital Intersection Distance |
2890 | MOJWA,Movement for Oneness and Jihad in West Africa |
2891 | mol,Moldovan language (ISO 639-2 code),mole (unit) |
2892 | MOLO,Mobile Other Licensed Operator (UK) |
2893 | MOM,Master's Degree in Oriental medicine |
2894 | MOM,Message Oriented Middleware |
2895 | MoM,Multiple of the median |
2896 | MoMA,Museum of Modern Art (NYC) |
2897 | mon,Mongolian language (ISO 639-2 code) |
2898 | MOND,Modified Newtonian Dynamics |
2899 | MOO,Measure Of Outcome |
2900 | MOP,Macau pataca (ISO 4217 currency code),Measure Of Performance |
2901 | MOPE,Ministry of Population and Environment (Nepal),Most Oppressed People Ever (politics) |
2902 | MOPP,Mission-Oriented Protective Posture |
2903 | MORP,Meteorite Observation and Recovery Project |
2904 | MOSFET,Metal-Oxide-Semiconductor Field-Effect Transistor |
2905 | MOSS,MObile Submarine Simulator,Moving Object Support System |
2906 | MOT,Ministry of Transport (UK) |
2907 | MOTA,Member of the Orthodontic Technicians Association |
2908 | MOTESS,Moving Object and Transient Event Search System |
2909 | MOTO,Mail Order / Telephone Order,Master of the obvious |
2910 | MOU,Memorandum Of Understanding |
2911 | MOVES,Modeling,Virtual Environments,and Simulation Institute |
2912 | MOW,Maintenance of way (also MW) |
2913 | MOZ,Mozambique (ISO 3166 trigram) |
2914 | MPA,Maritime Patrol Aircraft,Master of Public Administration |
2915 | MPa,Megapascal |
2916 | mPa,Millipascal |
2917 | MPAA,Motion Picture Association of America |
2918 | MPC,Minor Planet Center,Minor Planet Circular |
2919 | MPEC,Minor Planet Electronic Circular |
2920 | MPEG,Motion Pictures (Coding) Experts Group |
2921 | MPEV,Multi-Purpose Engineering Vehicle |
2922 | MPF,Maritime Prepositioning Force |
2923 | MPFC,Medial PreFrontal Cortex |
2924 | MPG,Miles Per Gallon |
2925 | MPMC,Medial PreMotor Cortex |
2926 | MPSI,Member of the Pharmaceutical Society of Ireland |
2927 | MPSoC,MultiProcessor System-on-Chip |
2928 | MPSRON,Maritime Propositioning Ship Squadron |
2929 | MQ,Martinique (ISO 3166 digram),Midway Islands (FIPS 10-4 territory code) |
2930 | mr,Marathi language (ISO 639-1 code) |
2931 | MR,Mauritania (FIPS 10-4 country code; ISO 3166 digram) |
2932 | MRAV,Multi-Role Armoured Vehicle |
2933 | MRBM,Medium Range Ballistic Missile |
2934 | MRC,Maintenance Requirements Card |
2935 | MRD,Motorized Rifle Division |
2936 | MRGW,Medium-Range Guided Weapon |
2937 | MRI,Magnetic Resonance Imaging |
2938 | mri,Māori language (ISO 639-2 code) |
2939 | MRL,Multiple Rocket Launcher |
2940 | MRO,Maintenance,Repair and Operating,Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter,Mauritanian ouguiya (ISO 4217 currency code) |
2941 | MRPharmS,Member of the Royal Pharmaceutical Society (Great Britain) |
2942 | MRR,Maximum Rock and Roll,Minimum-Risk Route,My Restaurant Rules |
2943 | MRS,Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy |
2944 | MRSA,Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus |
2945 | MRT,Mass Rapid Transit — used as either an official or unofficial name for metro systems in Singapore,Kaoshiung,Bangkok,Taipei,Chennai,and Delhi,Mauritania (ISO 3166 trigram) |
2946 | MRTFB,U.S. Major Range and Test Facility Base |
2947 | ms,Malay language (ISO 639-1 code),Millisecond |
2948 | Ms,Megasecond |
2949 | mS,Millisiemens |
2950 | msa,Malay language (ISO 639-2 code) |
2951 | MSB,Main Support Battalion,Most Significant Bit (or Byte) |
2952 | MSD,Minimum Safe Distance |
2953 | MSDB,Multi Source Data Base |
2954 | MSE,Multiple Subscriber Element |
2955 | MSG,Message |
2956 | MSG,MonoSodium Glutamate,Madison Square Garden (either the 1879,1890,1925,or current versions of the venue) |
2957 | MSH,Medium Support Helicopter,Mount Saint Helens |
2958 | MSI,Micro-Star International,Multispectral imagery |
2959 | MSIE,Microsoft Internet Explorer,Master of Science in Industrial Engineering |
2960 | MSL,Mars Science Laboratory,Mean Sea Level,Missile |
2961 | MSLP,Mean Sea Level Pressure |
2962 | MSM,Mainstream media,Men who have sex with men,Mount St Mary's School |
2963 | MSN,Microsoft Network,Master of Science in Nursing |
2964 | MSNBC,Microsoft National Broadcasting Company Cable news channel (see also msnbc.com) |
2965 | MSO,Multiple System Operator |
2966 | MSPA,Migrant and Seasonal worker Protection Act,MS Paint Adventures |
2967 | MSPB,Merit Systems Protection Board |
2968 | MSR,Main Supply Route,Module Service Record,Montserrat (ISO 3166 trigram),Motor Schlepp Regulung,Mountain Safety Research (outdoor supplies manufacturer) |
2969 | MSSA,Methicillin-susceptible Staphylococcus aureus |
2970 | MST,Madison Symmetric Torus,Mountain Standard Time (UTC-7 hours),MST3K or MST3k,Mystery Science Theater 3000 |
2971 | MSU,Michigan State University,Montana State University,Mountain State University,Lomonosov Moscow State University (Russia,a.k.a. MGU),MT[edit] |
2972 | mt,Maltese language (ISO 639-1 code) |
2973 | Mt,Meitnerium |
2974 | mT,Millitesla |
2975 | MTA,Metropolitan Transportation Authority (Boston) (now Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority),Metropolitan Transportation Authority (New York) |
2976 | MTBF,Mean time between failures |
2977 | MTF,Magnetized target fusion,Medical Treatment Facility,Message Text Format,Modulation transfer function (optics) |
2978 | MtF,Male-to-female transsexual |
2979 | MTG,Magic: The Gathering |
2980 | MTL,Maltese lira (ISO 4217 currency code),Mean Tide Level (nautical charts)* MTM,Methods-Time Measurement |
2981 | MTP,Maritime Tactical Publication,Materiel Transfer Plan,Mission Training Plan |
2982 | MTQ,Martinique (ISO 3166 trigram) |
2983 | MTS,Maintenance Training System,Manitoba Telecom Services,Michigan Terminal/Timesharing System,Movement Tracking System,Multichannel television sound,Multi-Technical Services |
2984 | MTT,Methylthiazol tetrazolium (assay) |
2985 | MTV,MainosTeleVisio (Finnish commercial TV company),Music TeleVision |
2986 | MTVL,Mobile Tracked Vehicle,Light |
2987 | MTWS,MAGTF Tactical Warfare System |
2988 | MU,Mauritius (ISO 3166 digram),Oman (FIPS 10-4 country code; from Muscat) |
2989 | MUR,Mauritius rupee (ISO 4217 currency code) |
2990 | MUS,Mauritius (ISO 3166 trigram) |
2991 | MV,Maldives (FIPS 10-4 country code; ISO 3166 digram),Megavolt,Motor Vehicle,Motor Vessel |
2992 | mV,Millivolt |
2993 | MVC,Missouri Valley Conference |
2994 | MVFC,Missouri Valley Football Conference |
2995 | MVNO,Mobile virtual network operator |
2996 | MVR,Maldivian rufiyaa (ISO 4217 currency code) |
2997 | MW,Maintenance of way (also MOW),Malawi (ISO 3166 digram),Medium Wave (radio),Megawatt,Mountain West (Conference) (formal initialism since July 2011) |
2998 | mW,Milliwatt |
2999 | MWESH,Machismo Wizards Extended SHelter (operating system) |
3000 | MWI,Malawi (ISO 3166 trigram) |
3001 | MWK,Malawian kwacha (ISO 4217 currency code) |
3002 | MWOA,Mount Wilson Observatory Association |
3003 | MWR,Morale,Welfare,and Recreation |
3004 | MWTB,Mounted Warfare Test Bed |
3005 | MX,Mail Exchange,Mexico (FIPS 10-4 country code; ISO 3166 digram),Missile eXperimental |
3006 | MXN,Mexican peso (ISO 4217 currency code) |
3007 | my,Burmese language (ISO 639-1 code) |
3008 | MY,Malaysia (FIPS 10-4 country code; ISO 3166 digram) |
3009 | mya,Burmese language (ISO 639-2 code),million years ago |
3010 | MYOB,Mind Your Own Business |
3011 | MYR,Malaysian ringgit (ISO 4217 currency code) |
3012 | MYS,Malaysia (ISO 3166 trigram) |
3013 | MYT,Mayotte (ISO 3166 trigram) |
3014 | MZ,Mach-Zehnder (interferometer),Magnetic Azimuth,Move,Zig (Zero Wing),Mozambique (FIPS 10-4 country code; ISO 3166 digram) |
3015 | MZN,Mozambique metical (ISO 4217 currency code) |
3016 | n,Nano |
3017 | N,Newton,Nitrogen,North |
3018 | N3F,National Fantasy Fan Federation |
3019 | NA,Namibia (ISO 3166 digram),Narcotics Anonymous,National Archives,Negative Acknowledge |
3020 | nA,Nanoampere |
3021 | na,Nauruan language (ISO 639-1 code) |
3022 | Na,Sodium (Latin Natrium) |
3023 | NAA,N-Acetylaspartate |
3024 | NAAD,North American Air Defense |
3025 | NAAFI,Navy,Army and Air Force Institute (UK),No Ambition And Fuckall Interest (RSA army slang) |
3026 | NAAK,Mark I NAAK,Nerve Agent Antidote Kit |
3027 | NAAQS,National Ambient Air Quality Standards |
3028 | NAAWS,NATO Anti-Air Warfare System |
3029 | NACA,(U.S.) National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics (1915-1958,became NASA) |
3030 | NACC,North Atlantic Cooperation Council |
3031 | NACISA,NATO Communications and Information Systems Agency |
3032 | NACMA,NATO Air Command and Control System Management Agency |
3033 | NACRA,North America Caribbean Rugby Association (more specifically rugby union) |
3034 | NAD,Namibian dollar (ISO 4217 currency code) |
3035 | NAEC,U.S. Naval Air Engineering Center |
3036 | NAF,NATO Architecture Framework,Naval Air Facility |
3037 | NAFERA,Native American Free Exercise of Religion Act |
3038 | NAFLD,NonAlcoholic Fatty Liver Disease |
3039 | NAFO,Northwest Atlantic Fisheries Organization |
3040 | NAFTA,North American Free Trade Agreement |
3041 | NAGPRA,Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act |
3042 | NAI,Named Area of Interest,Network Access Identifier |
3043 | NAICS,North American Industry Classification System |
3044 | NAIL,Neurotics Anonymous |
3045 | NAILS,National Airspace Integrated Logistics System |
3046 | NAIRU,Non Accelerating Inflation Rate of Unemployment |
3047 | NAK,Negative Acknowledge |
3048 | NAM,Namibia (ISO 3166 trigram) |
3049 | NAMBLA,North American Man-Boy Love Association |
3050 | NAMRL,Naval Aerospace Medical Research Laboratory |
3051 | NaN,Not A Number (computing) |
3052 | NAO,UK National Audit Office |
3053 | NAPS,Navy Acquisition Procedures Supplement |
3054 | NARA,(U.S.) National Archives and Records Administration |
3055 | NARAL,National Abortion Rights Action League |
3056 | NARDAC,Naval Regional Data Automation Center |
3057 | NARDIC,U.S. Navy Acquisition Research and Development Information Center |
3058 | NARPV,National Association for Remotely Piloted Vehicles |
3059 | NAS,National Academy of Sciences,National Air Space,National Audubon Society,Naval Air Station,New Attack Submarine |
3060 | NASCAR,National Association for Stock Car Auto Racing |
3061 | NASDAQ,National Association of Securities Dealers Automated Quotations |
3062 | NASED,National Association of State Election Directors [1][2] |
3063 | NASH,Non-Alcoholic Steatohepatitis |
3064 | NASP,National Aerospace Plane |
3065 | NASS,National Association of Secretaries of State [3] |
3066 | NatGeo,National Geographic |
3067 | NATO,National Association of Theatre Owners,North Atlantic Treaty Organisation |
3068 | nau,Nauruan language (ISO 639-2 code) |
3069 | NaUKMA,National University of Kyiv-Mohyla Academy |
3070 | nav,Navajo language (ISO 639-2 code) |
3071 | NAV,Navigation[al] |
3072 | NAVCAMS,Naval Communications Area Master Station |
3073 | NAVCC,National Audio-Visual Conservation Center |
3074 | NAVCENT,Naval Forces U.S. Central Command |
3075 | NAVDAC,Naval Data Automation Command |
3076 | NAVEUR,Naval Forces U.S. European Command |
3077 | NAVFE,U.S. Naval Forces,Far East |
3078 | NAVFOR,Naval Force |
3079 | NAVMACS,Naval Modular Automatic Communication Subsystem |
3080 | NAVNET,Navy Network |
3081 | NAVS,Non-Cooperative Airborne Vector Scoring |
3082 | NAVSAT,Navigation Satellite |
3083 | NAVSPACECOM,U.S. Navy Space Command |
3084 | NAVSPASUR,U.S. Naval Space Surveillance System |
3085 | NAVSTAR,Navigation Satellite Timing And Ranging |
3086 | NAVTACNET,Navy Tactical Network |
3087 | NAWC,U.S. Naval Air Warfare Center |
3088 | Nb,Niobium |
3089 | nb,Norwegian Bokmål language (ISO 639-1 code) |
3090 | NBA,National Basketball Association |
3091 | NBC,National Broadcasting Corporation,Nuclear,Biological,and Chemical |
3092 | NBCRS,NBC (Nuclear,Biological,and Chemical) Reconnaissance System |
3093 | NBIC,Nanotechnology,Biotechnology,Information Technology,Cognitive Science |
3094 | NBL,National Basketball League (Australia) |
3095 | nbl,Southern Ndebele language (ISO 639-2 code) |
3096 | NBT,Nitroblue tetrazolium (assay) |
3097 | nC,Nanocoulomb |
3098 | NC,Network Computer,New Caledonia (ISO 3166 digram),Node Centre,Non-Consensual,Normally Closed,North Carolina (postal symbol) |
3099 | NCA,National Command Authority |
3100 | NCAR,U.S. National Center for Atmospheric Research |
3101 | NCB,National Codification Bureau |
3102 | NCCAM,U.S. National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine |
3103 | NCCUSL,National Conference of Commissioners on Uniform State Laws (U.S.) |
3104 | NCDDR,U.S. National Center for the Dissemination of Disability Research |
3105 | NCES,U.S. National Center for Education Statistics,Net-Centric Enterprise Services |
3106 | NCI,U.S. National Cancer Institute |
3107 | NCIS,National Criminal Intelligence Service (British),Naval Criminal Investigative Service (U.S. Navy; see also NCIS,a U.S. TV series based on this unit) |
3108 | NCL,New Caledonia (ISO 3166 trigram) |
3109 | NCLR,National Council of La Raza |
3110 | NCMO,No Commitment Make Out |
3111 | NCND,Non Circumvention & Non Disclosure,Neither Confirm Nor Deny,New Concept New Design |
3112 | NCO,Non-Commissioned Officer |
3113 | NCP,Net Contracted Purchases |
3114 | NCR,National Cash Register Co. |
3115 | NCTR,Non-Co-operative Target Recognition |
3116 | NCW,Network Centric Warfare |
3117 | Nd,Neodymium |
3118 | ND,Non-Disclosure,North Dakota (postal symbol) |
3119 | nd,Northern Ndebele language (ISO 639-1 code) |
3120 | NDAA,U.S. National Defense Authorization Act |
3121 | NDBP,Non-Departmental Public Body (Scotland) |
3122 | NDCC,New Directions Counseling Center (Concord,California) |
3123 | nde,Northern Ndebele language (ISO 639-2 code) |
3124 | ndo,Ndonga language (ISO 639-2 code) |
3125 | NDP,New Democratic Party (Canada) |
3126 | NDS,Nintendo DS |
3127 | NDU,National Defense University (Washington,DC) |
3128 | NE,Nebraska (postal symbol),Niger (ISO 3166 digram),North-East |
3129 | Ne,Neon |
3130 | ne,Nepali language (ISO 639-1 code) |
3131 | NEA,National Education Association (U.S. labor union),Near-Earth Asteroid,Nuclear Energy Agency (OECD) |
3132 | NEAT-Near-Earth Asteroid Tracking,,National Emergency Access Target (Au Health) |
3133 | NECTEC,National Electronics and Computer Technology Center (Thailand) |
3134 | NED,Netherlands (IOC and FIFA trigram,but not ISO 3166) |
3135 | NEI,National Eye Institute,Not Enough Information,Nuclear Energy Institute |
3136 | NEMS,National Energy Modeling System (USDOE-EIA) |
3137 | nep,Nepali language (ISO 639-2 code) |
3138 | NEPA,National Environmental Policy Act |
3139 | NER,Niger (ISO 3166 trigram) |
3140 | NERICA,New Rice for Africa |
3141 | NESDIS,National Environmental Satellite,Data and Information Service |
3142 | NESP,NSA/CSS Enterprise Standards Program |
3143 | NET,National Educational Television |
3144 | NETCU,(UK) National Extremism Tactical Co-ordination Unit |
3145 | NETL,(US) National Energy Technology Laboratory |
3146 | NETWARS,Network Warfare Simulation |
3147 | NEWS,Navy Electronic Warfare Simulator,North,East,West,South |
3148 | NEX,Navy EXchange |
3149 | nF,Nanofarad |
3150 | NF,Norfolk Island (ISO 3166 digram) |
3151 | NFA,(U.S.) National Firearms Act (often used to refer to the guns and accessories regulated under this law),No-Fire Area |
3152 | NFC,National Football Conference,Near field communication |
3153 | NFER,National Foundation for Educational Research |
3154 | NFG,No Fucking Good |
3155 | NFHS,National Federation of State High School Associations |
3156 | NFI,Not F****** Interested |
3157 | NFK,Norfolk Island (ISO 3166 trigram) |
3158 | Nfld,Newfoundland |
3159 | NFPA,National Fluid Power Association (United States) |
3160 | NFT,No Further Text |
3161 | ng,Nanogram,Ndonga language (ISO 639-1 code) |
3162 | NG,Natural Gas,Next Generation,Niger (FIPS 10-4 country code),Nigeria (ISO 3166 digram) |
3163 | NGA,National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency,Nigeria (ISO 3166 trigram) |
3164 | NGATS,New Generation Army Targetry System |
3165 | NGH,Northern General Hospital |
3166 | NGN,Nigerian naira (ISO 4217 currency code) |
3167 | NGO,non-governmental organization |
3168 | NGR,Nigeria (IOC trigram,but not ISO 3166 or FIFA) |
3169 | NGS,Naval Gunfire Support |
3170 | nH,Nanohenry |
3171 | NH,New Hampshire (postal symbol),New Hebrides (ISO 3166 digram; obsolete 1980),Vanuatu (FIPS 10-4 country code; from New Hebrides) |
3172 | NHANES,National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey |
3173 | NHB,New Hebrides (ISO 3166 trigram; obsolete 1980) |
3174 | NHB,No Holds Barred radio (Link) |
3175 | NHL,National Hockey League |
3176 | NHO,Næringslivets Hovedorganisasjon (Confederation of Norwegian Enterprises,a Norwegian employers' organisation) |
3177 | NHRA,National Hot Rod Association |
3178 | NHS,National Health Service (UK) |
3179 | NI,Nicaragua (ISO 3166 digram),Nigeria (FIPS 10-4 country code) |
3180 | Ni,Nickel |
3181 | NIAAA,U.S. National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism |
3182 | NIAG,NATO Industrial Advisory Group |
3183 | NIAID,National Institute of Allergies and Infectious Disease |
3184 | NIAMD,National Institute of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal Diseases |
3185 | NIB,New In Box (Internet auction/trading listings) |
3186 | NIBP,Non-invasive blood pressure monitor |
3187 | NIC,Network Interface Card,Nicaragua (ISO 3166 trigram) |
3188 | NicA,Nicotine Anonymous |
3189 | NICAP,National Investigations Committee on Aerial Phenomena |
3190 | NICE,UK. National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence |
3191 | NICHD,National Institute of Child Health and Human Development [4] |
3192 | NICP,National Inventory Control Point |
3193 | NIDDK,National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases |
3194 | NIDRR,National Institute on Disability Research and Rehabilitation |
3195 | NIEHS,National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences |
3196 | NIG,Niger (IOC and FIFA trigram,but not ISO 3166) |
3197 | NIH,National Institutes of Health,Not Invented Here |
3198 | NIIN,National Item Identification Number |
3199 | NIMA,National Imagery and Mapping Agency (became NGA) |
3200 | NIMBY,Not In My Back Yard (See NOME) |
3201 | NIMG,Not In My Generation |
3202 | NIMH,National Institute of Medical Herbalists,National Institute of Mental Health |
3203 | NIN,Nine Inch Nails (band) |
3204 | NIO,Nicaraguayan cordoba oro (ISO 4217 currency code) |
3205 | NIPR,National Institute of Polar Research (Japan) |
3206 | NIR,Northern Ireland (FIFA trigram; not eligible for an ISO 3166 or IOC trigram) |
3207 | NISAC,U.S. National Infrastructure Simulation and Analysis Center |
3208 | NISCAP,NSA Information System Certification and Accreditation Program |
3209 | NISER,National Institute of Science Education and Research |
3210 | NIST,(a/i) National Institute of Standards and Technology |
3211 | NIT,National Invitation Tournament (U.S. college basketball),National Institutes of Technology (India) |
3212 | NITFS,National Imagery Transmission Format Standard |
3213 | NIU,Niue (ISO 3166 trigram) |
3214 | nJ,Nanojoule |
3215 | NJ,New Jersey (postal symbol) |
3216 | NJHS,National Junior Honor Society |
3217 | NJPW,New Japan Pro Wrestling |
3218 | nK,Nanokelvin |
3219 | NKA,No Known Allergies |
3220 | nl,Dutch language (ISO 639-1 code) |
3221 | nL,Nanolitre |
3222 | NL,Netherlands (ISO 3166 and FIPS 10-4 country code digram),Newfoundland and Labrador (postal symbol) |
3223 | NLB,Non-Linear Battlefield |
3224 | nld,Dutch language (ISO 639-2 code) |
3225 | NLD,Netherlands (ISO 3166 trigram) |
3226 | NLF,National Liberation Front (disambiguation) |
3227 | NLL,National Lacrosse League |
3228 | NLP,Natural Language Processing,Neuro-Linguistic Programming (pseudoscience) |
3229 | NLW,Non-Lethal Weapon |
3230 | nm,Nanometre |
3231 | NM,New Mexico (postal symbol) |
3232 | NMCI,Navy Marine Corps Intranet |
3233 | NMCS,Not Mission Capable Supply (SM&R code) |
3234 | NMD,U.S. National Missile Defense |
3235 | NMHNFG,Not Made Here,No Fucking Good |
3236 | NMN,No middle name |
3237 | NMR,Nuclear Magnetic Resonance |
3238 | NMSG,NATO Modelling and Simulation Group |
3239 | nN,Nanonewton |
3240 | nn,Norwegian Nynorsk language (ISO 639-1 code) |
3241 | NNE,North North-East |
3242 | nno,Norwegian Nynorsk language (ISO 639-2 code) |
3243 | NNSA,U.S. National Nuclear Security Administration |
3244 | NNW,North North-West |
3245 | NO,Nitric Oxide,Normally Open,Norway (ISO 3166 and FIPS 10-4 country code digram) |
3246 | No,Nobelium |
3247 | no,Norwegian language (ISO 639-1 code) |
3248 | NOAA,U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration |
3249 | NOAF,Norwegian Air Force |
3250 | NOAO,National Optical Astronomy Observatory |
3251 | nob,Norwegian Bokmål language (ISO 639-2 code) |
3252 | NOC,UK. National Oceanography Centre |
3253 | NODEF,NATO Oceanographic Data Exchange Format |
3254 | NOGI,New Orleans Grande Isle (award for diving) |
3255 | NOK,Norwegian krone (ISO 4217 currency code) |
3256 | NOLA,New Orleans,Louisiana (LA is the official postal code for Louisiana) |
3257 | NOLF,Navy OutLying Field |
3258 | NoMBO,Non-mine,Mine-like Bottom Object |
3259 | NOME,Not on Mars Either |
3260 | NOME,Not on Mars Either (see NIMBY) |
3261 | NOPA,National Office Products Alliance,National Office Products Association |
3262 | NOR,Norway (ISO 3166 trigram) |
3263 | nor,Norwegian language (ISO 639-2 code) |
3264 | NORCECA,North,Central America and Caribbean Volleyball Confederation |
3265 | NORELPREF,No religious preference |
3266 | NORTHAG,Northern Army Group |
3267 | NOS,Network Operating System,New Old Stock (Internet auction/trading listings),Nitric Oxide Synthase (enzyme) |
3268 | NOSA,NATO OSI Security Architecture |
3269 | NOTAFLOF,No One Turned Away For Lack Of Funds |
3270 | NOTAM,Notice to Airmen |
3271 | NOW,National Organization for Women |
3272 | NP,National Permit,A permit in India for trucks so they can go anywhere in the nation |
3273 | Np,Neap tide (nautical charts),Neptunium |
3274 | NP,Nepal (ISO 3166 and FIPS 10-4 country code digram) |
3275 | NPB,Nippon Professional Baseball |
3276 | NPC,National Postgraduate Committee,National Provincial Championship (New Zealand rugby competition,now defunct),Navigation Planning Chart,Non-Player Character (role-playing games) |
3277 | NPCS,Non-Passenger Coaching stock (in Railways) |
3278 | NPD,Nationaldemokratische Partei Deutschlands (German) |
3279 | NPDI,New Product Development and Introduction |
3280 | NPG,Needline/Network Participation Group |
3281 | NPH,Normal Pressure Hydrocephalus |
3282 | NPL,National Priorities List,Nepal (ISO 3166 trigram) |
3283 | NPO,nothing by mouth |
3284 | NPOV,Neutral Point Of View |
3285 | NPR,National Public Radio,Nepalese rupee (ISO 4217 currency code) |
3286 | NQ,Dronning Maud Land (ISO 3166 digram; obsolete 1983) |
3287 | NQOCD,Not Quite Our Class,Dear (or Darling). (Upper-class English slang) |
3288 | NR,Nauru (ISO 3166 and FIPS 10-4 country code digram) |
3289 | nr,Southern Ndebele language (ISO 639-1 code) |
3290 | NRA,National Rifle Association |
3291 | NRAO,National Radio Astronomy Observatory |
3292 | NRC,National Research Council (U.S.),Nuclear Regulatory Commission (U.S.) |
3293 | NRDC,(U.S.) Natural Resources Defense Council |
3294 | NREL,U.S. National Renewable Energy Laboratory |
3295 | NRK,Norsk Rikskringkasting (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation) |
3296 | NRMP,National Resident Matching Program (U.S. medicine) |
3297 | NRO,U.S. National Reconnaissance Office |
3298 | NRT,Near Real Time |
3299 | NRTA,National Rat Terrier Association,National Retail Tenants Association,National Retired Teachers Association,Northwest Regional Transmission Association |
3300 | NRU,Nauru (ISO 3166 trigram) |
3301 | ns,Nanosecond |
3302 | nS,Nanosiemens |
3303 | NS,Norfolk Southern Railway (AAR reporting mark),Nova Scotia (postal symbol),Suriname (FIPS 10-4 country code) |
3304 | NSA,U.S. National Security Agency,Naval Support Activity,No Strings Attached |
3305 | NSABB,National Science Advisory Board for Biosecurity |
3306 | NSAID,Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drug |
3307 | NSB,Norges Statsbaner (Norwegian State Railways) |
3308 | NSC,National Security Council |
3309 | NSDL,National Science Digital Library (US) |
3310 | NSG,National System for Geospatial-Intelligence |
3311 | NSN,National Stock Number |
3312 | NSNA,National Student Nurses' Association |
3313 | NSO,National Standardization Office (ABCA) |
3314 | NSS,(U.S.) Naval Simulation System |
3315 | NST,(UK) Nimrod Software Team |
3316 | NSTAC,National Security Telecommunications Advisory Committee |
3317 | NSW,New South Wales (postal symbol) |
3318 | nT,Nanotesla |
3319 | NT,National Trust (UK),Saudi-Iraqi neutral zone (ISO 3166 digram; obsolete 1993),New Technology (Windows NT),Northern Territory (Australia) (postal symbol),Northwest Territories (Canada) (postal symbol) |
3320 | NTC,National Training Center,Negative Temperature Coefficient (thermistor) |
3321 | NTDS,Naval Tactical Data System |
3322 | NTP,Network Time Protocol |
3323 | NTR,Network Time Reference |
3324 | NTRA,National Thoroughbred Racing Association |
3325 | NTSB,National Transportation Safety Board |
3326 | NTSC,National Television Standards Committee (colloquially,Never Twice the Same Color) |
3327 | NTV,Non-Tactical Vehicle |
3328 | NTY,(Internet Abbreviations:) Not Tested Yet; (Alternatively) No Thank You |
3329 | NTZ,Iraq-Saudi Arabia Neutral Zone (ISO 3166 trigram; obsolete 1993) |
3330 | NU,Nicaragua (FIPS 10-4 country code),Niue (ISO 3166 digram),Nunavut (postal symbol) |
3331 | NUL,Null character (ASCII code of control character),National Urban League |
3332 | NUTS,Nuclear Utilization Target Selection |
3333 | NUWC,U.S. Naval Undersea Warfare Center |
3334 | nV,Nanovolt |
3335 | nv,Navajo language (ISO 639-1 code) |
3336 | NVEOL,Night Vision and Electro-Optics Laboratory |
3337 | NVESD,CERDEC Night Vision and Electronic Sensors Directorate,Fort Belvoir,Virginia |
3338 | NVG,Night Vision Goggles |
3339 | NVL,Night Vision Laboratory |
3340 | nW,Nanowatt |
3341 | NW,North-West |
3342 | NW,Nuclear Weapon |
3343 | NWA,National Wrestling Alliance |
3344 | NWF,National Wildlife Federation |
3345 | NWFZ,Nuclear-Weapon-Free Zone |
3346 | NWHN,U.S. National Women's Health Network |
3347 | nWo,New World Order (see article for explanation of idiosyncratic capitalization) |
3348 | NWOAHM,New Wave of American Heavy Metal |
3349 | NWOBHM,New Wave of British Heavy Metal (sometimes pronounced /n.ˈwɒbm/ as if it were an acronym) |
3350 | NWRA,National Wildlife Rehabilitators Association |
3351 | NWSL,National Women's Soccer League (U.S.) |
3352 | NWT,North-West Territories |
3353 | NXA,21st arcade game in the Pump It Up series |
3354 | NXD,Native XML |
3355 | NXE,New Xbox Experience |
3356 | NXG,New Cross Gate station |
3357 | NXL,National XBall League |
3358 | NXN,Nike Cross Nationals |
3359 | ny,Chichewa language (ISO 639-1 code) |
3360 | NY,New York (postal symbol) |
3361 | nya,Chichewa language (ISO 639-2 code) |
3362 | NYC,New York City |
3363 | NYHA,New York Heart Association |
3364 | NYO,National Youth Orchestra of Great Britain |
3365 | NYRA,National Youth Rights Association,New York Racing Association (horse racing) |
3366 | NYSE,New York Stock Exchange |
3367 | NZ,New Zealand (ISO 3166 and FIPS 10-4 country code digram) |
3368 | NZC,New Zealand Cricket |
3369 | NZD,New Zealand dollar (ISO 4217 currency code) |
3370 | NZL,New Zealand (ISO 3166 trigram) |
3371 | NzL,Noze looan (online/event listings) |
3372 | NZOSS,New Zealand Open Source Society |
3373 | NZRU,New Zealand Rugby Union |
3374 | O,Oberst,Observer,Obstacle,Octal,Officer,Official,Oh,Operational,Operator,Oprah (magazine),Outstanding,Oxygen |
3375 | OA,Operational Analysis,Overeaters Anonymous |
3376 | OAC,On Approved Credit |
3377 | OAP,Old Age Pensioner (UK) |
3378 | OARSI,Osteoarthritis Research Society International |
3379 | OAS,Organization of American States |
3380 | OASIS,Objects and Agents for Information Systems and Simulation,Organization for the Advancement of Structured Information Standards |
3381 | OASIS,Ontario Agencies Supporting Individuals with Special Needs |
3382 | OASIS,Ontario Association of Sewage Industry Services |
3383 | OASP,Operational Analysis Support Paper/Plan |
3384 | OAU,Organization for African Unity |
3385 | OB,Obedience,Obligation,Obligatory,Obsolete,Obstetrics,Ocean Beach (California),Off Break (cricket),Old Bryanstonian,Order of Battle,Outlet Box (electrical),Overbought (stock market),Oversight Board |
3386 | OBE,Officer of the Order of the British Empire |
3387 | OBS,Observation/Observer,Obsolete,Obstacle,Off Balance Sheet,Optical Burst Switching (IEEE),Organic Brain Syndrome,Organization(al) Breakdown Structure |
3388 | OBSS,Off Board Sensor Systems,Ordo Byantinus Sancti Sepulchri (Byzantine Order of the Holy Sepulchre),Orbiter Boom Sensor System (space shuttle),Origins Billion Star Survey |
3389 | OBX,Outer Banks (North Carolina) |
3390 | oc,Occitan language (ISO 639-1 code) |
3391 | OC,Officer Commanding |
3392 | OCA,Observatoire de la Côte d'Azur,Offensive Counter-Air |
3393 | OCD,Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder |
3394 | OCFS,Oracle Cluster File System |
3395 | OCFS2,Oracle Cluster File System Release 2 |
3396 | oci,Occitan language (ISO 639-2 code) |
3397 | OCMCC,[2] Orchard County MCC |
3398 | OCN,Oncology Certified Nurse |
3399 | OCO,Oort Cloud Object |
3400 | OCOKA,Observation,Cover and concealment,Obstacles,Key terrain,and Avenues of approach (mnemonic) |
3401 | OCR,Optical Character Recognition |
3402 | OCS,see entry |
3403 | OD,Old Dragon,Ordnance Datum (nautical charts),Overdose |
3404 | ODAS,OCA-DLR Asteroid Survey |
3405 | ODB,Ol' Dirty Bastard (rapper),One Dirty B*tch/Broad/Babe (professional wrestler),Operational Data Base,Original David Baker (professional poker player; used to distinguish from another professional poker player of the same name),Oxford Dictionary of Byzantium |
3406 | ODBC,Open DataBase Connectivity |
3407 | ODI,Office for Disability Issues (UK government agency),One Day International (cricket),Open Data-Link Interface,Oracle Data Integrator,Overseas Development Institute (UK think tank),OE[edit] |
3408 | OEA,(U.S.) Office of Economic Adjustment |
3409 | OECD,Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (international) |
3410 | OED,Oxford English Dictionary |
3411 | OEG,Operation Exposure Guidance |
3412 | OEIS,On-Line Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences |
3413 | OEM,Original Equipment Manufacturer |
3414 | OFA,Occipital Face Area |
3415 | OFDA,U.S Agency for International Development's Office of Foreign Disaster Assistance |
3416 | OGC,Open Geospatial Consortium |
3417 | OGD,Other Government Department |
3418 | OGO,Other Government Organization |
3419 | OGX,OUARGLA,a petroleum state in the south of Algeria |
3420 | OH,Ohio (postal symbol) |
3421 | OHC,OverHead-Cam engine |
3422 | OHHLA,Original Hip-Hop Lyrics Archive |
3423 | OHIP,Ontario Health Insurance Plan |
3424 | OHMS,On Her (or His) Majesty's Service (also written: O.H.M.S.) |
3425 | OHP,Observatoire de Haute-Provence |
3426 | OHSS,Ovarian Hyperstimulation Syndrome |
3427 | OIC,Officer In Charge |
3428 | OIF,Operation Iraqi Freedom |
3429 | OIOC,Oriental & India Office Collections (in the British Library) |
3430 | oj,Anishinaabe language (Ojibwa) (ISO 639-1 code) |
3431 | OJ,Orange Juice,O.J. Simpson |
3432 | oji,Anishinaabe language (Ojibwa) (ISO 639-2 code) |
3433 | OJT,On-the-Job Training |
3434 | OKC,Oklahoma City |
3435 | OLED,Organic Light-Emitting Diode |
3436 | OLS,Operational Linescan System |
3437 | OM,Oman (ISO 3166 digram),Olympique de Marseille (French football club) |
3438 | om,Oromo language (ISO 639-1 code) |
3439 | OMA,Open Mobile Alliance,Operations & Maintenance,Army |
3440 | OMB,U.S. Office of Management and Budget,Ontario Municipal Board,Order of Mapungubwe in Bronze |
3441 | OMD,Orchestral Manoeuvres in the Dark (1980s pop group) |
3442 | OME,Osaka Mercantile Exchange |
3443 | OMFG,Oh My Fucking God |
3444 | OMG,Oh My God or Or My Gosh |
3445 | OMN,Oman (ISO 3166 trigram) |
3446 | OMNCS,U.S. Office of the Manager for the National Communications System |
3447 | OMP,Order of Mapungubwe in Platinum |
3448 | OMR,Omani rial (ISO 4217 currency code) |
3449 | OMS,Order of Mapungubwe in Silver |
3450 | OMT,Object Model Template |
3451 | OMW,On My Way,Oh My Word |
3452 | ON,Ontario (postal symbol) |
3453 | ONC,Orthopaedic Nurse Certified |
3454 | ONG,Orthodontic National Group |
3455 | ONI,(U.S.) Office of Naval Intelligence |
3456 | Onna,Oniong,Nnung Ndem,and Awa,a Local Government Area in Nigeria |
3457 | ONS,Operational Needs Statement |
3458 | OO,Object Oriented,Over & Out |
3459 | OOAD,Object Oriented Analysis and Design |
3460 | OOBE,Out-of-body experience |
3461 | OOCL,Orient Overseas Container Line |
3462 | OODA,Observation,Orientation,Decision,Action loop (a.k.a. Boyd's Loop) |
3463 | OOMF,One Of My Followers |
3464 | OOO,Out Of the Office |
3465 | OOP,Object-Oriented Programming,Out Of Print |
3466 | OOS,Occupational Overuse Syndrome,OneSAF Objective System,Open Operating System,Out Of Service |
3467 | OOTW,Operations Other Than War |
3468 | OP,Observation Point/Post,Ocean Pacific (surfwear and swimwear brand),Original Poster (internet),Order Point,in inventory management; the inventory state at which more items should be ordered. Often expressed as a part of OP/OQ (when quantity OP is reached,order OQ new items),Overpowered,often used to refer to fictional characters (e.g. Superman) or game mechanics (e.g. the Black Lotus in Magic: the Gathering) that are considered disproportionately strong |
3469 | OPA,Other Procurement,Army |
3470 | OPAC,Online Public Access Catalogue |
3471 | OPCON,Operational control |
3472 | OPCW,Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons |
3473 | OPEC,Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries |
3474 | OPFOR,Opposing force |
3475 | OPI,Office of Primary Interest,Open Prepress Interface |
3476 | OPINTEL,Operational Intelligence |
3477 | OPLAN,Operation plan (also OpPlan) |
3478 | OPORD,Operation order |
3479 | OPP,Ontario Provincial Police,Operational Planning Process,Other People's Property/Pussy/Penis (song) |
3480 | OPS,On-base plus slugging (baseball statistics),Operations |
3481 | OPSEC,Operations security,Open Platform for Security |
3482 | OPSI,Overwhelming post splenectomy infection,UK Office of Public Sector Information |
3483 | OPTAR,Operational target |
3484 | OPV,Offshore Patrol Vessel |
3485 | OQ,Order Quantity,in inventory management; the quantity of new items to be ordered. Often expressed as a part of OP/OQ (when quantity OP is reached,order OQ new items) |
3486 | OR,Operating Room (surgery),Operational/Operations Research,Oregon (postal symbol),overreciprocation,when the leader of an inner circle friendship contacts a friend more than is wanted or reasonable |
3487 | or,Oriya language (ISO 639-1 code) |
3488 | ORAU,(a/i) Oak Ridge Associated Universities |
3489 | ORB,(a/i) Object Request Broker |
3490 | ORBAT,Order of Battle |
3491 | ORD,Office of Research and Development,Operational Requirements Document |
3492 | ORF,Operational iness Float |
3493 | ori,Oriya language (ISO 639-2 code) |
3494 | ORISE,Oak Ridge Institute for Science and Education |
3495 | orm,Oromo language (ISO 639-2 code) |
3496 | ORNL,Oak Ridge National Laboratory |
3497 | ORR,Oak Ridge Reservation (U.S. DOE),Office of Rail Regulation (UK government),Office of Refugee Resettlement,(CIA) Office of Research and Reports,Operational iness Rate,Operational iness Review |
3498 | ORSA,Oxacillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus,Operations Research Society of America |
3499 | OS,Operating System |
3500 | Os,Osmium |
3501 | os,Ossetic language (ISO 639-1 code) |
3502 | OSA,Order of St. Augustine |
3503 | OSCE,Organisation for Security and Cooperation in Europe |
3504 | OSD,U.S. Office of the Secretary of Defense,On-screen Display |
3505 | OSDL,Open Source Development Labs |
3506 | OSE,Own Separate Entrance |
3507 | OSERS,U.S. Department of Education Office of Special Education and Rehabilitative Services |
3508 | OSETI,Optical SETI also Optical SETI |
3509 | OSHA,Occupational Safety and Health Administration |
3510 | OSI,Office of Strategic Influence,Ontario Swine Improvement,Open Source Initiative,Open Systems Interconnection |
3511 | OSIA,(U.S.) On-Site Inspection Agency |
3512 | OSIRIS,Optical,Spectroscopic,and Infrared Remote Imaging System (astronomical system on the Rosetta spacecraft),Optical System for Imaging and low Resolution Integrated Spectroscopy (astronomical system on the land-based Gran Telescopio Canarias) |
3513 | OSL,Open Source License,Optically Stimulated Luminescence,Orbiting Solar Laboratory |
3514 | OSM,One Saturday Morning |
3515 | OSOTPBOIAS,One Sec,On The Phone,Be Off In A Sec |
3516 | OSPA,Operations Security Professional's Association site of OSPA |
3517 | OSPA,Oregon School Psychologists Association [3] |
3518 | OSRH,Oružane Snage Republike Hrvatske (en: Armed forces of the Republic of Croatia) |
3519 | OSS,Office of Strategic Services (1942-1945,forerunner of CIA) |
3520 | oss,Ossetic language (ISO 639-2 code) |
3521 | OSU,Ohio State University,Oklahoma State University |
3522 | OTA,Office of Technology Assessment,(a/i) Orthodontic Technicians Association |
3523 | OTAC,Orthodontic Technicians Association Conference,Orthodontic Technicians Association Council |
3524 | OTB,Off The Ball,Offtrack Betting,OneSAF Testbed (a descendant of ModSAF) |
3525 | OTC,Over-The-Counter (drugs) |
3526 | OTD,Off the derech (referring to an Orthodox Jew who has stopped practicing the tenets of his or her faith) |
3527 | OTEA,(U.S. Army) Operational Test Evaluation Agency |
3528 | OTI,Office of Transition Initiatives (United States Agency for International Development) |
3529 | OTOH,On The Other Hand |
3530 | OTS,Off the scale,sexually untouchable except for a lot of money. |
3531 | OTSBH,Over The Shoulder Boulder Holder |
3532 | OTW,On The Way |
3533 | OTYBL,Over To You Blue Leader |
3534 | OTYRL,Over To You Red Leader |
3535 | OU,University of Oklahoma |
3536 | OVC,Overcast (METAR Code),Ohio Valley Conference |
3537 | OVV,Optically Visually Violent,or Optically Violently Variable,a type of quasar |
3538 | OW,Old Wykehamist |
3539 | OWN,Oprah Winfrey Network |
3540 | OX,IATA code for Orient Thai Airlines |
3541 | OXC,Optical cross-connect |
3542 | OXM,Official Xbox Magazine |
3543 | OXT,Oxytocin |
3544 | OZ,(?) Australia |
3545 | P,Peta,Phosphorus |
3546 | p,pico |
3547 | P2P,Peer-to-peer (networking) |
3548 | Pa,pascal,Protactinium |
3549 | pA,picoampere |
3550 | pa,Punjabi language (ISO 639-1 code) |
3551 | PA-(a/i) Pamela Anderson,Panama (ISO 3166 digram),Paraguay (FIPS 10-4 country code),Partial Agonist,Pennsylvania (postal symbol),petampere,PolyAmide (Nylon),Prince Albert piercing,Public Address (vocal amplification system),Public Affairs,PA 6,Nylon 6 (PolyAmide) (similarly for PA 11,12,46,66,610) |
3552 | PAA,Position Area for Artillery |
3553 | PAB,Panamanian balboa (ISO 4217 currency code) |
3554 | PABX,Private Automated Branch eXchange (company phone system) |
3555 | PAC,Pan Africanist Congress,Partial Solar Calibrator,Patriot Advanced Capabilities,Political action committee,(a/i) Primary Auditory Cortex |
3556 | PACOM,(U.S.) Pacific Command |
3557 | PADD,Personal Access Display Device (as seen in the Star Trek franchise),Petroleum Administration for Defense Districts,used for data collection in the U.S. petroleum industry |
3558 | PADI,Professional Association of Diving Instructors |
3559 | PAEK,PolyArylEtherKetone |
3560 | PAFC,Plymouth Argyle Football Club |
3561 | PAH,Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon |
3562 | PAHO,Pan American Health Organization |
3563 | PAI,PolyAmide Imide,Pre-Approval Inspection (pharma) |
3564 | PAK,Pakistan (ISO 3166 trigram) |
3565 | Pakistan,Punjab,Afghan states,Kashmir,sIndh,baluchiSTAN |
3566 | PAL,Phase Alternating Line (TV standard),Philippine Airlines |
3567 | PAM,(a/i) Precision Attack Missile |
3568 | PAMELA,Payload for Antimatter Matter Exploration and Light-nuclei Astrophysics,Pedestrian Accessibility and Movement Environment Laboratory |
3569 | Pamida,Patrick,Michael,and David,sons of the department store chain's co-founder Jim Witherspoon |
3570 | pan,Punjabi language (ISO 639-2 code) |
3571 | PANS,Pretty Advanced/Awesome Network Services (cf. POTS) |
3572 | PAR,Paraguay (IOC and FIFA trigram,but not ISO 3166) |
3573 | PARC,Palo Alto Research Center |
3574 | PAROS,Prevention of an Arms Race in Outer Space (treaty) |
3575 | PARP,(NATO Partnership for Peace) Planning And Review Process |
3576 | PARWIG,Power Augmented Ram Wing In Ground (aeroplane wing shape) |
3577 | PAS,See entry |
3578 | PASA,PolyAmide,Semi-Aromatic (Nylon) |
3579 | PASGT,Personnel Armor System,Ground Troops |
3580 | PASR,Personnel Accounting and Strength Reporting |
3581 | PATH,Port Authority Trans-Hudson |
3582 | PAWS,Phased Array Warning System,Progressive Animal Welfare Society |
3583 | PAYD,Pay As You Drive |
3584 | PAYE,Pay As You Earn |
3585 | Pb,Lead (Latin Plumbum) |
3586 | PB,PolyButylene |
3587 | PBA,Philippine Basketball Association,Professional Bowlers Association |
3588 | PBB,PolyBrominated Biphenyl |
3589 | PBCK,Problem Between Chair and Keyboard (computer help desk in-joke) |
3590 | PBD,PolyButaDiene |
3591 | PBDE,PolyBrominated Diphenyl Ether |
3592 | PBI,PolyBenzImidazole |
3593 | PBN,PolyButylene Naphthalate |
3594 | PBOH,Please Become Old History |
3595 | PBR,Pabst Blue Ribbon (beer brand),Professional Bull Riders |
3596 | PBRT,may stand for: Physically Based Raytracing,an open source software rendering system for physically correct image synthesis. |
3597 | PBS,Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme (Australia),Public Broadcasting Service (U.S.),Public Broadcasting Services (Malta) |
3598 | PBT,PolyButylene Terephthalate |
3599 | PBX,Private Branch eXchange (company phone system) |
3600 | pC,picocoulomb |
3601 | PCAS,Planet-Crossing Asteroid Survey |
3602 | PCB,see entry |
3603 | PCC,NATO Partnership Coordination Cell,Posterior Cingulate Cortex,Pre-Command Course,Presidents Conference Committee |
3604 | PCCB,Porsche Ceramic Composite Brake |
3605 | PCCIP,President's Commission on Critical Infrastructure Protection |
3606 | PCE,PerChlorEthylene |
3607 | PCI,U.S. Pacific Islands Trust Territory (ISO 3166 trigram; obsolete 1986),Peripheral Component Interconnect (computer bus) |
3608 | PCIe,Peripheral Component Interconnect Express (computer bus) |
3609 | PCL,Passive Coherent Location |
3610 | PCMCIA,Personal Computer Memory Card International Association (People Can't Memorise Computer-Industry Acronyms) |
3611 | PCN,Pitcairn Islands (ISO 3166 trigram) |
3612 | PCP,phencyclidine,Pneumocystis jiroveci pneumonia (formerly Pneumocystis carinii),Probabilistically Checkable Proof |
3613 | PCPI,Physician Consortium for Performance Improvement (AMA) |
3614 | PCR,Polymerase chain reaction |
3615 | PCSSD,Pulaski County Special School District |
3616 | PCT,Pacific Crest Trail,Patent Cooperation Treaty |
3617 | PCTE,Portable Common Tool Environment,Punjab College of Technical Education |
3618 | PCZ,Panama Canal Zone (ISO 3166 trigram; obsolete 1980) |
3619 | Pd,Palladium |
3620 | PD,per diem (Latin: (calculated) by the day),Point of Departure,Police Department,Postal District,Potential Difference,Principal Deputy,Public Domain,Privatdozent |
3621 | PD,Product Director—Example: CERDEC Product Director C4ISR and Network Modernization |
3622 | PDA,Personal Digital Assistant,Predicted Drift Angle,Public Display of Affection,Push-Down Automaton |
3623 | PDD,Past Due Date,Presidential Decision Directive |
3624 | PDF,Panama[nian] Defense Forces (abolished 1990),Portable Document Format,Principal Direction of Fire |
3625 | PDG,President Director General,Product Development Group |
3626 | PDL,Pure Dumb Luck (Texan punk band) |
3627 | PDN,Pull-Down Network |
3628 | PDP,Programmable Data Processor,Performance Development Plan |
3629 | PDQ,Pre-Defined Queries (Siebel packages),Pretty Damn Quick |
3630 | PDRY,People's Democratic Republic of Yemen (obsolete since 1990) |
3631 | PDT,Pacific Daylight [Saving] Time (UTC-7 hours) |
3632 | PDU,Police Dog Unit,Power Distribution Unit,Protocol Data Unit |
3633 | PE,Ice Pellets (old style METAR Code),Peru (ISO 3166 and FIPS 10-4 country code digram),Physical Education,Premature Ejaculation,Prince Edward Island (postal code),Price to Earning ratio (used for equity shares),Plant Extract |
3634 | PE,Professional Engineer |
3635 | PEBCAC,Problem Exists Between Chair and Computer (IT help desk in-joke) |
3636 | PEBKAC,Problem Exists Between Keyboard and Chair (ditto) |
3637 | PEEK,PolyEtherEtherKetone |
3638 | PEET,Partnerships for Enhancing Expertise in Taxonomy |
3639 | PEI,Prince Edward Island,PolyEtherImide |
3640 | PEK,PolyEtherKetone |
3641 | PEN,Peruvian sol (ISO 4217 currency code),Poets,Essayists and Novelists,the original meaning of the initialism of the organization now known as PEN International,PolyEthylene Naphthalate |
3642 | PEPFAR,President's Emergency Plan For AIDS Relief |
3643 | PER,Peru (ISO 3166 trigram) |
3644 | perl,usually lower case Practical Extraction and Report Language |
3645 | PES,PolyEtherSulfone |
3646 | PEST,UK Public Engagement with Science and Technology |
3647 | PET,(a/i) Personal Electronic Transactor,Pierre Elliott Trudeau,Positron Emission Tomography (as in PET scan),PolyEthylene Terephthalate (plastic),Preliminary English Test |
3648 | PETA,(a/i) pentaerythritol triacrylate,People Eating Tasty Animals,People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals |
3649 | petawatt- |
3650 | PETE,PolyEthyleneTErephthalate |
3651 | PETP,PolyEthyleneTerePhthalate |
3652 | PF,French Polynesia (ISO 3166 digram),petafarad,Phenol Formaldehyde (resin),Power forward,a player position in Australian rules football,basketball,and ice hockey |
3653 | pF,picofarad |
3654 | PFD,Permanent Fund Dividend = personal flotation device |
3655 | PFE,Permanent Forest Estate |
3656 | PFO,Pissed,Fell Over (medical diagnosis in-joke) |
3657 | PfP,Partnership for Peace |
3658 | PG - |
3659 | Pg,petagram |
3660 | pg,picogram |
3661 | PGCE,Postgraduate Certificate in Education |
3662 | PGD,Pre-implantation Genetic Diagnosis |
3663 | PGENI,Pharmaco-Genetics for Every Nation Initiative |
3664 | PGH,Pre-implantation Genetic Haplotyping |
3665 | PGK,Papua New Guinea kina (ISO 4217 currency code) |
3666 | PGM,Precision-Guided Munition |
3667 | PGP,Pretty Good Privacy |
3668 | pH,parts of hydrogen (acidity/alkalinity index),picohenry |
3669 | PH,Passive Homing (missile guidance system),petahenry,Philippines (ISO 3166 digram),Probability of Hit,Public Health,Purple Heart |
3670 | PHA,PolyHydroxyAlkanoate,Potentially Hazardous Asteroid |
3671 | PHL,Philippines (ISO 3166 trigram) |
3672 | PHP,Philippine peso (ISO 4217 currency code),PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor (originally Personal Home Page (Tools)) |
3673 | PHQ,Patient Health Questionnaire |
3674 | Pi,Pebi |
3675 | PI,PolyImide,PolyIsoprene,Private Investigator |
3676 | pi,Pāli language (ISO 639-1 code) |
3677 | PIB,PolyIsoButylene |
3678 | PIC,Person In Charge |
3679 | PICNIC,Problem In Chair Not In Computer |
3680 | PICS,Private Investment Capital Subscription |
3681 | PID,Pelvic Inflammatory Disease,Plan Identification Number,Positive Identification,Procedural Identification,Procurement Identification Description |
3682 | PIF,(a/i) Partners in Flight |
3683 | PIG,Pipeline Inspection Gauge |
3684 | PIM,(a/i) Parameterized Ionospheric Model,Path of Intended Motion,Pediatric Index of Mortality,Personal Information Manager/Management,Presence and Interworking Mobility,Processor-In-Memory,Program Integration Manager,Protocol Independent Multicast |
3685 | PIN,Personal Identification Number |
3686 | PINF,People In Need Foundation (Czech charitable organisation) |
3687 | PIPA,(a/i) Program on International Policy Attitudes |
3688 | PIR,Priority Intelligence Requirement |
3689 | PIRA,Provisional Irish Republican Army |
3690 | PIREPS,Pilot Reports |
3691 | PITA,Pain In The Ass |
3692 | PJ,petajoule |
3693 | pJ,picojoule |
3694 | PJHQ,Permanent Joint Headquarters |
3695 | PKA,Previously Known As,Professionally Known As |
3696 | PKE,Partnership of Kindermusik Educators [1] &[2] & [2] |
3697 | PKI,Public Key Infrastructure (cryptography) |
3698 | PKR,Pakistani rupee (ISO 4217 currency code) |
3699 | PKU,Phenylketonuria |
3700 | PL,Ice Pellets (new style METAR Code),petalitre,Phase Line (Co-ordination Line),Poland (ISO 3166 and FIPS 10-4 country code digram) |
3701 | pL,picolitre |
3702 | pl,Polish language (ISO 639-1 code) |
3703 | PLAF,(a/i) People's Liberation Armed Forces,Pluggable look and feel,Product Line Architecture Framework |
3704 | PLAID,Precision Location and Identification |
3705 | PLB,Personal Locator Beacon |
3706 | PLC,Public Limited Company (British) |
3707 | PLCC,Plastic Leaded Chip Carrier (electronics) |
3708 | PLD,Probable Line of Deployment |
3709 | PLEBS,People Lacking Everyday Basic Skills |
3710 | PLF,Parachute Landing Fall |
3711 | PLI,Position Location Information,Private Lands Initiative,Professional Liability Insurance |
3712 | pli,Pāli language (ISO 639-2 code) |
3713 | PLIF,Planar Laser-Induced Fluorescence |
3714 | PLL,Phase-Locked Loop (electronics) |
3715 | PLM,Polarized Light Microscope/Microscopy |
3716 | PLMBA,Phospholipid Bilayer Microarray |
3717 | Pln,Platoon |
3718 | PLN,Polish zloty (ISO 4217 currency code) |
3719 | PLO,Palestine Liberation Organization |
3720 | PLOKTA,Press Lots Of Keys To Abort |
3721 | PLP,Platonic Life Partner |
3722 | PLS,Palletized Loading System,Personal Locator System |
3723 | PLUTO,Pipe Line Under The Ocean |
3724 | PLW,Palau (ISO 3166 trigram) |
3725 | Pm,petametre,Promethium |
3726 | pm,picometre |
3727 | PMC,Primary Motor Cortex |
3728 | PMI,Positive Material Identification |
3729 | PMID,PubMed Identifier |
3730 | PMMA,PolyMethylMethAcrylate |
3731 | PMS,Premenstrual Syndrome |
3732 | PMSL,Piss Myself Laughing (Internet shorthand) |
3733 | PMT,Premenstrual Tension (UK) (see Premenstrual Syndrome) |
3734 | PN,petanewton,Pitcairn Islands (ISO 3166 diagram) |
3735 | pN,piconewton |
3736 | PNAC,Project for the New American Century |
3737 | PNC,Palestinian National Council,Palmerston North City (cf. PNC,a New Zealand rapper from this city),Pittsburgh National Corporation,one of the two companies that merged into today's PNC Financial Services,Provident National Corporation,the other company that merged into PNC Financial Services |
3738 | PNG,Papua New Guinea (ISO 3166 trigram),Portable Network Graphics |
3739 | PNP,Partido Nuevo Progresista,Plug 'N' Play/Pray,Positive Negative Positive |
3740 | PNVS,Pilot Night Vision Sensor |
3741 | Po,Polonium |
3742 | PO,Post Office |
3743 | PO,Purchase Order |
3744 | POCD,Post-Operative Cognitive Dysfunction |
3745 | POD,Payable on Death (banking term,and the full name of American metal band P.O.D.),Point of divergence (alternate or counterfactual history),Port of Debarkation |
3746 | pod,Plain Old Documentation |
3747 | POE,Perl Object Environment,(b) Port Of Embarkation (c) Polyol Ester (d) Power Over Ethernet |
3748 | POETS,Portable Occultation,Eclipse,and Transit electronic-camera System |
3749 | POFF,Plain Old Flat File |
3750 | POG,Passionfruit,Orange and Guava |
3751 | POGO,Project On Government Oversight |
3752 | POI,Program Of Instruction |
3753 | POK,(a/i) Plane Of Knowledge |
3754 | POL,Petroleum,Oils and Lubricants,Poland (ISO 3166 trigram) |
3755 | pol,Polish language (ISO 639-2 code) |
3756 | POLAD,Political Advice |
3757 | POM,Program Objective Memorandum,PolyOxyMethylene |
3758 | POMDP,Partially observable Markov decision process |
3759 | PooS,Poo Sniffer (Internet shorthand) |
3760 | POP-(a/i) Point of Presence,Post Office Protocol,Progesterone Only Pill |
3761 | POR,Portugal (FIFA and IOC trigram,but not ISO 3166),Proposed Operational Requirement |
3762 | por,Portuguese language (ISO 639-2 code) |
3763 | POS-(a/i) Point Of Sale terminal (retail industry transaction computers),Piece Of S**t |
3764 | POSH,Port Outbound Starboard Home (alleged) |
3765 | POSSLQ,Person of the Opposite Sex Sharing Living Quarters |
3766 | POT,(a/i) Plane Of Tranquility |
3767 | POTS,Plain Old Telephone Service (cf. PANS),Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome |
3768 | POV,Point of view |
3769 | POW,Prisoner of war |
3770 | PPA,Parahippocampal Place Area,PolyPhthalAmide |
3771 | PPASC,(U.S.) Plans and Program Analysis Support Center |
3772 | PPCLI,Princess Patricia's Canadian Light Infantry (regiment) |
3773 | PPG,Pittsburgh Plate Glass (the original name of the company now known as PPG Industries),The Powerpuff Girls |
3774 | PPLI,Precise Participant Location & Identification |
3775 | ppm,Parts Per Million |
3776 | PPM,Parts Per Million |
3777 | PPM,Project Planning and Management |
3778 | PPO,PolyPhenylene Oxide |
3779 | PPP,Point-to-Point Protocol,Purchasing Power Parity |
3780 | PPQ,Pulses Per Quarter (used in music programming,sequencers) |
3781 | PPQN,Pulses Per Quarter Note (ditto) |
3782 | PPQT,Pre-Production Qualification Test |
3783 | PPS,post postscriptum,Precise/Precision Positioning Service (GPS),PolyPhenylene Sulfide |
3784 | PPV,Pay-per-view |
3785 | PQ,Province of Québec (obsolete postal code,replaced by QC),Parti Québécois,PR[edit] |
3786 | Pr,Pastor or Priest |
3787 | Pr,Praseodymium |
3788 | PR,Public Relations,Puerto Rico (postal symbol; ISO 3166 digram) |
3789 | Prb,Presbyter |
3790 | PRBO,Point Reyes Bird Observatory |
3791 | PRC,People's Republic of China |
3792 | PRD,CERDEC Product Realization Directorate |
3793 | PRFG,Partial Fog (METAR Code) |
3794 | PRI,Puerto Rico (ISO 3166 trigram) |
3795 | PRK,Democratic People's Republic of Korea (ISO 3166 trigram) |
3796 | PRM,Personnel iness Management |
3797 | PRT,Portugal (ISO 3166 trigram),Provincial Reconstruction Team |
3798 | PRY,Paraguay (ISO 3166 trigram) |
3799 | ps,Pashto language (ISO 639-1 code),picosecond |
3800 | Ps,petasecond |
3801 | pS,picosiemens |
3802 | PSA,Paralysis Society of America,Pharmaceutical Society of Australia,Pressure-Sensitive Adhesive,Production Services Association,Prostate Specific Antigen,Public Service Announcement,Public Service Association |
3803 | PSC,Personal service corporation,Primary Somatosensory Cortex |
3804 | PSE,Palestinian Territory,Occupied (ISO 3166 trigram) |
3805 | PSG,Pacific Seabird Group |
3806 | PSI,(a/i) Portable Source Initiative |
3807 | PSI,Pounds per square inch |
3808 | PSO,Peace Support Operations,Primary Standardisation Office (ABCA),Protocol Supporting Organization (of the ICANN) |
3809 | PSS,Personnel System Support |
3810 | PST,Pacific Standard Time (UTC-8 hours) |
3811 | PSU,Pennsylvania State University |
3812 | PsyOp,Psychological Operations |
3813 | PT,petatesla,Physical Training (in the Army),Portugal (ISO 3166 digram) |
3814 | pT,picotesla |
3815 | Pt,Platinum |
3816 | pt,Portuguese language (ISO 639-1 code) |
3817 | PTA,Parent-Teacher Association |
3818 | PTAL,Public Transport Accessibility Level |
3819 | PTAN - |
3820 | PTES,People's Trust for Endangered Species |
3821 | PTFE,PolyTetraFluoroEthylene |
3822 | PTI,Pardon the Interruption |
3823 | PTL,Patrol,Primary Target Line |
3824 | PTO,Patent and Trademark Office,Please Turn Over |
3825 | PTSD,Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder |
3826 | PU,Guinea-Bissau (FIPS 10-4 country code),Polyurethane,United States Miscellaneous Pacific Islands (ISO 3166 digram; obsolete 1986) |
3827 | Pu,Plutonium |
3828 | Pub,Publication |
3829 | PUG,(a/i) PET Users Group |
3830 | PUN,(a/i) Pull-Up Network |
3831 | PUP,(a/i) Pull-Up Point |
3832 | PUR,Puerto Rico (IOC and FIFA trigram,but not ISO 3166) |
3833 | pus,Pashto language (ISO 639-2 code) |
3834 | PUS,United States Miscellaneous Pacific Islands (ISO 3166 trigram; obsolete 1986) |
3835 | PV,petavolt |
3836 | pV,picovolt |
3837 | PVC,Permanent Virtual Circuit,PolyVinyl Chloride,Premature Ventricular Contraction,Primary Visual Cortex |
3838 | PvE,Player versus Environment |
3839 | PvP,Player versus Player |
3840 | PVR,Personal Video Recorder |
3841 | PvZ,Plants vs. Zombies |
3842 | PW,Palau (postal symbol; ISO 3166 digram) |
3843 | pW,picowatt |
3844 | PWA,Pirates With Attitude |
3845 | PWBA,Pension and Welfare Benefits Administration |
3846 | PWC,PieceWise Constant (describing a mathematical function) |
3847 | PwC,PricewaterhouseCoopers (international accounting firm) |
3848 | PWL,PieceWise Linear (describing a mathematical function) |
3849 | PWLC,PieceWise Linear and Concave/Convex (describing a mathematical function) |
3850 | PWR,Pressurized Water Reactor |
3851 | PWV,Pretoria-Witwatersrand-Vereeniging,the original name for the South African province now known as Gauteng,and still used to refer to the metropolitan agglomeration at the core of the province |
3852 | PX,Post eXchange |
3853 | PY,Paraguay (ISO 3166 digram),Person-Year,Portsmouth yardstick |
3854 | PYF,French Polynesia (ISO 3166 trigram) |
3855 | PYG,Paraguayan guaraní (ISO 4217 currency code) |
3856 | PYMWYMI,Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is |
3857 | PZ,Panama Canal Zone (ISO 3166 digram; obsolete 1980),Pickup Zone |
3858 | Q1,First Quarter |
3859 | Q2,Second Quarter |
3860 | Q3,Third Quarter |
3861 | Q4,Fourth Quarter |
3862 | QA,Qatar (FIPS 10-4 country code; ISO 3166 digram) |
3863 | Qantas,Queensland And Northern Territory Aerial Services |
3864 | QAR,Qatari rial (ISO 4217 currency code) |
3865 | QAT,Qatar (ISO 3166 trigram) |
3866 | QB,Quarterback (football) |
3867 | QC,Quality Control,Québec (postal symbol),Queen's Counsel |
3868 | QCA,Qualifications and Curriculum Authority,Quality Council of Alberta |
3869 | QCD,Quantum ChromoDynamics |
3870 | QDR,Quadrennial Defense Review |
3871 | QEH,Queen Elizabeth's Hospital |
3872 | QFE,Quoted For Emphasis,Local ground level atmospheric pressure (aeronautical Q code) |
3873 | QK,Air Canada Jazz (IATA airline designator) |
3874 | QLD,Queensland,(Australia) (postal symbol) |
3875 | QM,Quality Management,Quantum Mechanics,Queen Mother |
3876 | QNH,Regional mean sea level atmospheric pressure (aeronautical Q code) |
3877 | QPR,Queens Park Rangers F.C. (English football team),Quality-Price Ratio (wine evaluation term) |
3878 | QPS,Quark Publishing System |
3879 | QR,Quake Rally,Qualitative Reasoning,Queensland Rail,Queen's Rangers,Quick Release,Quiet Riot,Qatar Airways (IATA airline designator) |
3880 | QSCAT,Quick Scatterometer satellite |
3881 | QSL,Québec Sign Language |
3882 | QSO,Quasi-Stellar Object |
3883 | QT,Quentin Tarantino,QuickTime,QuikTrip,QT (cute) Software |
3884 | qu,Quechua language (ISO 639-1 code) |
3885 | Quango,(British Commonwealth) QUasi Autonomous Non-Governmental Organisation |
3886 | Quasar,Quasi-stellar radio source |
3887 | QUB,Queen's University Belfast |
3888 | que,Quechua language (ISO 639-2 code) |
3889 | QUIET,Q and U Imaging ExperimenT (Q and U are the Stokes parameters of the CMBR polarization) |
3890 | QZ,Awair (IATA airline designator) |
3891 | R,Reinforcing,Right,Röntgen,Restricted (movie rating) |
3892 | R2I,Resistance to Interrogation |
3893 | R3P,Rearm,Refuel,and Resupply Point |
3894 | RA,Radio Australia |
3895 | Ra,Radium |
3896 | RA,Rain (METAR Code),Rear Area,Reinforced Alert,Republican Army,Right Ascension,Royal Artillery (UK),Royal Academy |
3897 | RAA,Royal Automobile Association,South Australia,Rear Assembly Area |
3898 | RAAF,Royal Australian Air Force |
3899 | Rabobank,Raiffeisen-Boerenleenbank (from the two banks that merged to form the modern company) |
3900 | RAC,Royal Automobile Club (in the United Kingdom,renamed RAC plc in 2002) |
3901 | RACK,Risk Aware Consensual Kink (SM phrase) |
3902 | Racon,RAdar beaCON |
3903 | RADA,Royal Academy of Dramatic Art |
3904 | Radar,Radio Detection And Ranging |
3905 | RadB,Rad51/Dmc1 homologous protein |
3906 | RADB,Real America Database,Resource Assessment Database,Reunion Address DataBase,Rice Allelopathy Data Base,Routing Arbiter Database |
3907 | RADb,Routing Assets Data Base |
3908 | RADC,Region Air Defence Commander |
3909 | RAE,UK Royal Aircraft Establishment (-1991) |
3910 | RAF,Red Army Faction,Royal Air Force |
3911 | RAG,Raising and Giving,Rocket Antitank Grenade |
3912 | RAGBRAI,Register's Annual Great Bicycle Ride Across Iowa |
3913 | RAM,Rolling Airframe Missile, |
3914 | RAM,Royal Air Maroc |
3915 | Ramark,RAdar MARKer |
3916 | RAOC,Rear Area Operation Centre |
3917 | RAP,(a/i) Radio Access Point,Radiological Assistance Program (U.S. Department of Energy),Rear Area Protection,Recognised [Operating/Operational] Air Picture,Recurring Advance Payment,Relational Associative Processor,Reliable Acoustic Path,Rocket-Assisted Projectile,Rule Against Perpetuities |
3918 | RARDE,UK Royal Armament Research and Development Establishment (1962-1991) |
3919 | RARE,Rapid Acquisition with Relaxation Enhancement (MRI technique) |
3920 | RASC,Royal Army Service Corp,Former corps of British Army |
3921 | RATELO,Radiotelephone Operator |
3922 | Rb,Rubidium |
3923 | RB,Running Back (football) |
3924 | RBAR,Row By Agonizing Row,a derogatory way of describing a technique of scanning a set of records in a database to update or examine the contents of each one. This is the technique of last resort in most cases,since most database operations are optimized when using set based analysis instead of the RBAR method. |
3925 | RBI,Runs Batted In |
3926 | RC,see entry |
3927 | RCA,Radio Corporation of America,Root Cause Analysis,Royal Canadian Artillery,Royal City Avenue (famous entertainment zone in Thailand) |
3928 | RCAF,Royal Canadian Air Force |
3929 | RCC,Rescue Co-ordination Centre |
3930 | RCCO,Royal Canadian College of Organists |
3931 | RCHA,Royal Canadian Horse Artillery (regiment) |
3932 | RCMP,Royal Canadian Mounted Police |
3933 | RCS,Radar Cross-Section,Reaction Control System,Revision Control System |
3934 | RD,Radio Disney |
3935 | RDA,Research,Development,and Acquisition,Recommended Daily Allowance (Nutrition) |
3936 | RDD,Radiological Dispersion Device |
3937 | RDECOM,(U.S. Army) Research,Development and Engineering Command |
3938 | RDM,Remotely Delivered/Deliverable Mine |
3939 | RDO,Rapid,Decisive Operation,Regular Day Off,Remote Data Objects |
3940 | RDT,Remote Digital Terminal |
3941 | RDV,Remote Detection Vehicle |
3942 | Re,Rhenium |
3943 | RE,Royal Engineers |
3944 | REACH,Registration,Evaluation,Authorisation and Restriction of Chemical Substances |
3945 | REACT,Remote Electronically Activated Control Technology |
3946 | REAM,Retired Educators Association of Minnesota |
3947 | RECCE,Reconnaissance |
3948 | REEF,Reef Environmental Education Foundation |
3949 | REME,Royal Electrical and Mechanical Engineers |
3950 | RERC,Rehabilitation Engineering Research Center |
3951 | RES,Radiation Exposure Status,Reserve |
3952 | RESNA,Rehabilitation Engineering and Assistive Technology Society of North America |
3953 | REU,Réunion (ISO 3166 trigram) |
3954 | RF,Radio Frequency,Receptive Field (neurophysiology) |
3955 | Rf,Rutherfordium |
3956 | RFC,Request for Comments,Royal Flying Corps (WWI precursor to RAF) |
3957 | RFD,Request for Documentation |
3958 | RFE,Request for Evaluation |
3959 | RFEF,Real Federación Española de Fútbol (Spanish for Royal Spanish Football Federation) |
3960 | RFF,Right of First Refusal (legal term) |
3961 | RFI,y For Inspection,y For Issue,Request For Information,Radio Frequency Interference |
3962 | RFID,Radio Frequency IDentification |
3963 | RFL,Rugby Football League |
3964 | RFP,Request for Proposal |
3965 | RFQ,Request for Quotation |
3966 | RFT,Request for Tender |
3967 | RFU,Rugby Football Union |
3968 | RG,Republican Guard |
3969 | Rg,Roentgenium |
3970 | RGB,Red Green Blue (colour model) |
3971 | RGBI,Red Green Blue Intensity (ditto) |
3972 | Rh,Rhodium |
3973 | RH,Southern Rhodesia (ISO 3166 digram; obsolete 1980) |
3974 | RHIC,Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider |
3975 | RHLI,Royal Hamilton Light Infantry (Canadian militia regiment) |
3976 | RHO,Southern Rhodesia (ISO 3166 trigram; obsolete 1980) |
3977 | RHS,Right Hand Side,Redland High School,Royal Horticultural Society,London |
3978 | RHU,Replacement Holding Unit |
3979 | RI,Rex et Imperator,Regina et Imperatrix King-Emperor |
3980 | RI,Rhode Island (postal symbol) |
3981 | RIAA,Recording Industry Association of America |
3982 | RIBA,Royal Institute of British Architects |
3983 | RIF,Reduction In Force (layoffs),Resistance Index for Frostbite,ing Is Fundamental |
3984 | RIFA,Red imported fire ant |
3985 | RILA,Retail Industry Leaders Association |
3986 | RIM,Remote integrated multiplexer,Australian term for a digital loop carrier,Research In Motion,former name of the BlackBerry company,Revolutionary Internationalist Movement (Maoist organization),Royal Indian Marine,former navy of British colonial India |
3987 | RIMVS,Retinal Imaging Machine Vision System |
3988 | RINO,Republican In Name Only[1] |
3989 | RISC,Reduced Instruction Set Computer |
3990 | RISTA,Reconnaissance,Intelligence,Surveillance,and Target Acquisition (see also ISTAR) |
3991 | RJD,Reduced Julian Day |
3992 | RKBA,Right to Keep and Bear Arms (Second Amendment to the United States Constitution) |
3993 | RKI,Robert Koch Institute,German governmental research institute in Berlin |
3994 | RKO,Radio-Keith-Orpheum Pictures |
3995 | RL,Release Line,Real Life |
3996 | RLP,Recognised [Operating/Operational] Land Picture |
3997 | RLS,Restless Leg Syndrome |
3998 | RLY,Rally Point |
3999 | rm,Raeto-Romansh language (ISO 639-1 code) |
4000 | RM,see separate disambiguation page |
4001 | RMC,Robert Menzies College |
4002 | RMDA,Records Management and Declassification Agency |
4003 | RMP,Recognised [Operating/Operational] Maritime Picture |
4004 | RMS,Rate-Monotonic Scheduling,Richard M. Stallman,Root-Mean-Square,Royal Mail Ship (e.g. RMS Titanic) |
4005 | RN,Radio Netherlands |
4006 | Rn,Radon |
4007 | RN,Royal Navy,Registered Nurse (US) |
4008 | rn,Rundi language (Kirundi) (ISO 639-1 code) |
4009 | RNA,RiboNucleic Acid |
4010 | RNAD,Royal Naval Armaments Depot (UK) |
4011 | RNPS,Radio Network Planning System |
4012 | RNZ,Radio New Zealand |
4013 | RNZI,Radio New Zealand International |
4014 | RO,Range Only,Red Orchestra,Romania (ISO 3166 and FIPS 10-4 country code digram) |
4015 | ro,Romanian language (ISO 639-1 code) |
4016 | ROA,(a/i) Rate Of Ascent |
4017 | ROC,Receiver Operating Characteristic (statistics),Regional Operations Centre,Republic Of China,Roc-A-Fella Records,Regional Organisations of Councils |
4018 | ROD,(a/i) Rate Of Descent,Record Of Decisions,Report Of Discrepancy |
4019 | ROE,Rules Of Engagement |
4020 | ROFLOL,Rolling On the Floor Laughing Out Loud |
4021 | roh,Raeto-Romansh language (ISO 639-2 code) |
4022 | ROH,Ring of Honor |
4023 | ROI,Return On Investment,Republic of Ireland. |
4024 | ROK,(a/i) Republic of Korea |
4025 | ROL,Romanian leu (ISO 4217 currency code) |
4026 | ROM,-Only Memory,Refuel On the Move,Royal Ontario Museum |
4027 | ron,Romanian language (ISO 639-2 code) |
4028 | RON,Romanian new leu (ISO 4217 currency code) |
4029 | ROP,Render Output Pipeline |
4030 | ROPE,Research Opportunity and Performance Evidence |
4031 | ROS,Reactive Oxygen Species |
4032 | ROU,Romania (ISO 3166 trigram) |
4033 | ROV,Remotely Operated Vehicle |
4034 | ROW,Right Of Way,Rest Of the World |
4035 | ROZ,(a/i) Restricted Operations Zone |
4036 | RP,Philippines (FIPS 10-4 country code),Release Point,Role-Playing [relationship potential] |
4037 | RPA,Regional Plan Association |
4038 | RPD,Recognition-Primed Decision-making |
4039 | RPF,Rwandan Patriotic Front |
4040 | RPG,(US-CA) Regional Planning Group,Report Program Generator,Rocket Projectile Gun,Rocket-Propelled Grenade,Role-Playing Game |
4041 | RPL,Reverse Polish Lisp |
4042 | RPM,Records,Promotion,Music (expansion of the title of a former Canadian music magazine),Red Hat Package Manager |
4043 | rpm,revolutions per minute |
4044 | RPN,reverse Polish notation |
4045 | rps,revolutions per second |
4046 | RPV,Remotely Piloted Vehicle |
4047 | RQ,Puerto Rico (FIPS 10-4 territory code) |
4048 | RRB,Railroad Retirement Board |
4049 | RRN,Recurrence Rate Number |
4050 | RRP,Recurrent Respiratory Papillomatosis |
4051 | RRS,Racing Rules of Sailing |
4052 | RRSP,Registered Retirement Savings Plan (Canada; roughly equivalent to the IRA in the U.S.) |
4053 | RS,Russia (FIPS 10-4 country code) |
4054 | RSA,Regimental Support Area,Republic of South Africa,Rivest-Shamir-Adleman encryption,South Africa (IOC and FIFA trigram,but not ISO 3166) |
4055 | RSD,Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy,Serbian dinar (ISO 4217 currency code) |
4056 | RSI,Repetitive Strain Injury |
4057 | RSJ,Rolled Steel Joist (construction) |
4058 | RSN,Real Soon Now (coined by author Jerry Pournelle) |
4059 | RSPB,(UK) Royal Society for the Protection of Birds |
4060 | RSPCA,Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals |
4061 | RSR,Required Supply Rate |
4062 | RSRE,UK Royal Signals and Radar Establishment (1976-1991) |
4063 | RSRI,Red Sands Research Institute |
4064 | RSS,Really Simple Syndication |
4065 | RSTA,Reconnaissance,Surveillance,and Target Acquisition |
4066 | RT,Real Time,Radio Telephone,Return to duty |
4067 | RTA,Road traffic accident (British) |
4068 | RTBF,Radio-Télévision belge de la Communauté française |
4069 | RTCA,RTCA,Inc. |
4070 | RTF,Rich Text Format |
4071 | RTFM, the Fucking/Fine Manual |
4072 | RTG,Radio-isotope Thermoelectric Generator also used for Rubber Tyred Gantry crane |
4073 | RTGS,Royal Thai General System of Transcription,Real Time Gross Settlement |
4074 | RTI,Run-Time Infrastructure (Simulation) |
4075 | RTL,see entry |
4076 | RTLS,Return to Launch Site,period in NASA Space Shuttle assent profile where,during assent,shuttle aborts assent and turns and glides back to landing strip at launch site |
4077 | RTP,Real-time Transport Protocol |
4078 | RTS,see entry |
4079 | RTT,Round Trip Timing |
4080 | RTV,Rapid Terrain Visualization ACTD,Retro Television Network |
4081 | RU,Russia (ISO 3166 digram) |
4082 | ru,Russian language (ISO 639-1 code) |
4083 | Ru,Ruthenium |
4084 | RUB,Russian ruble (ISO 4217 currency code) |
4085 | RUC,Royal Ulster Constabulary |
4086 | run,Rundi language (Kirundi) (ISO 639-2 code) |
4087 | RUS,Russia (ISO 3166 trigram) |
4088 | rus,Russian language (ISO 639-2 code) |
4089 | RUSI,Royal United Services Institute for Defence Studies |
4090 | RV,Reconnaissance Vehicle,Recreational Vehicle,Re-entry Vehicle,reciprocation void |
4091 | RW,Rwanda (ISO 3166 and FIPS 10-4 country code digram) |
4092 | rw,Rwanda language (Kinyarwanda) (ISO 639-1 code) |
4093 | RWA,Rwanda (ISO 3166 trigram) |
4094 | RWADA,Resident Weighted Average Daily Attendance (New York State term used in public education to indicate the size of a school district,i.e. its number of students) |
4095 | RWF,Rwandan franc (ISO 4217 currency code) |
4096 | RWH,Rain Water Harvesting |
4097 | RWR,Radar Warning Receiver |
4098 | RWS,Remote Weapon Station |
4099 | RX,Receive |
4100 | SA,Sand (METAR Code),Saudi Arabia (ISO 3166 and FIPS 10-4 country code digram),Sexaholics Anonymous,sine anno (Latin,“without year”),Situational awareness,South Africa,(i/s) South Australia (postal symbol),Standards Australia,Sturmabteilung (German,“Storm Detachment”,Nazi forerunner and rival of SS),S.A.,designation for a corporation in many European countries; see article for meanings |
4101 | SAA,Saudi Arabian Airlines,former name of Saudia,Sex Addicts Anonymous,South African Airways,Southern Athletic Association,Standards Association of Australia,a former name of Standards Australia,SAAB — Svenska Aeroplan AB (Swedish aircraft manufacturer; also refers to its former auto manufacturing arm),SAAFR — (a/i) Standard use Army Aircraft Flight Route (“safer”),SAAMI — Sporting Arms and Ammunition Manufacturers' Institute (“sammy”),SAARC — South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation,SAB — Soprano Alto Baritone,Sabena — Société anonyme belge d'exploitation de la navigation aérienne (French for “Belgian Company for Exploiting Aerial Navigation”,1923-2001),SABIC — Saudi Basic Industries Corporation,SABR — Society for American Baseball Research |
4102 | SAC,Standards Activity Committee (of SISO),U.S. Strategic Air Command (1946-1992),SACAT — Semi Attended Customer Activated Terminal (Supermarket checkout),SACEUR — Supreme Allied Commander EURope,SACLANT — Supreme Allied Commander atLANTic,SACLOS — Semi-Automatic Command to Line of Sight |
4103 | SAD,Seasonal Affective Disorder,Situational Awareness Display,SADD — originally Students Against Drunk Driving,now Students Against Destructive Decisions (U.S. national school-related group) |
4104 | SADL,Situation Awareness Data Link (“saddle”),Structural Architecture Description Language |
4105 | SAE,Society of Automotive Engineers[1],Stamped addressed envelope,SAFER — Steel And Foam Energy Reduction,SAFICT — Software Agents as Facilitators of Interoperability in Collective Training,sag — Sango language (ISO 639-2 code),SAG — Screen Actors Guild,SAGAT — Situation Awareness Global Assessment Technique,SAGE — Semi-Automatic Ground Environment (simulation),SAHB — Sensational Alex Harvey Band,SAIC — Science Applications International Corporation |
4106 | SALT-(a/i) Save A Life Today (SALT) Alert; Emergency Contact System,Southern African Large Telescope,Strategic Arms Limitation s |
4107 | SAM,Sequential-Access Memory,Sociedad Aeronáutica de Medellín,Surface-to-Air Missile |
4108 | san,Sanskrit language (ISO 639-2 code),Storage Area Network |
4109 | SAR,Saudi riyal (ISO 4217 currency code),Search And Rescue,Special Administrative Region,Synthetic Aperture Radar |
4110 | SARA,Southeastern Association for Research in Astronomy,Scientific Atlanta Resident Application,Scottish Amateur Rowing Association,Southern African Railway Association,State Administration for Religious Affairs,SARP — Search And Rescue Processor,SARR — (i/a) Search And Rescue Repeater,SARS — Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome |
4111 | SART,Search and Rescue Transponder,Situational Awareness Rating Technique,SARU — South African Rugby Union |
4112 | SAS,Scandinavian Airlines System,Second Avenue Subway,Situational Awareness System,Special Air Service,Studies,Analysis and Simulation,Side Angle Side,Statistical Analysis System (original meaning; SAS Institute Inc. has evolved far beyond that scope),SASE — Self-Addressed Stamped Envelope,SASO — Stability and Support Operations,SASOL — Suid Afrikaanse Steenkool en Oli.e. (Afrikaans,“South African Coal and Oil”) |
4113 | SAT,formerly Scholastic Aptitude Test and Scholastic Assessment Test; now known solely by the initials,Small Arms Trainer,SATB — Soprano Alto Tenor Bass,SATNAV — Satellite Navigation (Increasingly common GPS based system in new vehicles),SATs — Standard Assessment Tasks and other similar terms describing tests used in English schools; see National Curriculum assessment#Terminology,SAU — Saudi Arabia (ISO 3166 trigram),SAVAK — Sazamane Etelaat va Amniate Kechvar (Iranian “Security and Intelligence Service”) |
4114 | SAW,Squad Automatic Weapon,Surface acoustic wave,SAWE — Society of Allied Weight Engineers,SB[edit],Sb — Antimony (Latin Stibium) |
4115 | SB,Sexy Bitch,Sexy Bastard,Sexy Boy (disambiguation),Solomon Islands (ISO 3166 digram),Special Warfare Boat Operator |
4116 | SBA,Santa Barbara Airport,Simulation-Based Acquisition,Sovereign Base Area,Student bar association,SBB — German for the Swiss Federal Railways |
4117 | SBD,Solomon Islands dollar (ISO 4217 currency code),Silent But Deadly |
4118 | SBNO,Standing but not operating (in reference to amusement parks) |
4119 | SBS,Special Boat Service,Special Broadcasting Service,Seoul Broadcasting System |
4120 | SBW,Sonny Bill Williams (New Zealand dual-code rugby player),SC[edit],sc — Sardinian language (ISO 639-1 code),Sc — Scandium |
4121 | SC,Cruiser Submarine (US Navy hull classification) c Saint Kitts and Nevis (FIPS 10-4 country code; from Saint Christopher),Seychelles (ISO 3166 digram),South Carolina (postal symbol) |
4122 | SCO,Santa Cruz Operation (initials later used by SCO Group),Scotland (FIFA trigram; not eligible for an ISO 3166 or IOC trigram),Shanghai Cooperation Organization,SCOTUS — Supreme Court of the United States,SCR — Seychelles rupee (ISO 4217 currency code),SCRAM — Safety Control Rod Axe Man |
4123 | SCS,Scan Correlated Shift,Soil Conservation Service |
4124 | SD,Secure Digital (memory card format),Sheriff's department,Smoke/Decontamination,South Dakota (postal symbol),Sudan (ISO 3166 digram) |
4125 | SDC,Shaft Driven Compressor,U.S. Army Strategic Defense Command (1985-1992),SDG — Sudanese pound (ISO 4217 currency code),SDG — Sum Dum Goy,greasy spoon chinese restaurant,SDH — Synchronous Digital Hierarchy |
4126 | SDHC,Secure Digital High Capacity |
4127 | SDXC,Secure Digital eXtended Capacity |
4128 | SEC,U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission,Security,Southeastern Conference,SECAM — Séquentiel couleur à mémoire (French for “Colour Sequential with Memory”; TV standard,cf. NTSC,PAL),SECDEF — (U.S.) Secretary of Defense,SED — CERDEC Software Engineering Directorate,SEDRIS — Synthetic Environment Data Representation and Interchange Specification,SEE — Small Emplacement Excavator,SEG — Society of Exploration Geophysicists,SEG — Special Escort Group,SEK — Swedish krona (ISO 4217 currency code),Selkent — South East London & Kent Bus Company,SELT — Single Ended Line Test (ing) |
4129 | SEM,Sensor Employment Manager,Switch to Email Mode,i.e. stop texting as it is more disruptive by making a sound or vibrating and email instead,for a given time |
4130 | SEN,Senegal (ISO 3166 trigram),Small Extension Node |
4131 | SEP,Somebody Else’s Problem,Spherical Error Probable,System Enhancement Package,System Engineering Plan,SEPTA — Southeastern Pennsylvania Rapid-Transit Authority,SERE — Survival,Evasion,Resistance and Escape,SESSPE — Submarine Escape and Surface Survival Personnel Equipment,SET — Staphylococcal EnteroToxin,SETI — Search for ExtraTerrestrial Intelligence,SETAC — Society for Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry |
4132 | SEU,Single Event Upset (solid state physics),Slightly Enriched Uranium,Special Evidence Unit,SF[edit] |
4133 | SF,Fleet Submarine (retired US Navy hull classification),San Francisco,Science fiction,South Africa (FIPS 10-4 country code),Speculative fiction,Special Forces |
4134 | SFA,Sales force automation,Saturated fatty acid,Scottish Football Association,Stephen F. Austin (State University),Sudan Football Association |
4135 | SFE,Supercritical fluid extraction,Sydney Futures Exchange,SFF — Standard File Format,sf&f — Science fiction & fantasy,SFM — Switch to Facebook Mode,i.e. to message someone on Facebook instead of texting as it is less disruptive in the sense of the phone not making sound or vibrating,for a period of time,SFOB — Special Forces Operations Base,SFOR — UN Stabilisation Force (in Bosnia and Herzegovina),SFU — Simon Fraser University (Canada),SG[edit],sg — Sango language (ISO 639-1 code),Sg — Seaborgium |
4136 | SG,Senegal (FIPS 10-4 country code),Singapore (ISO 3166 digram),Snow Grains (METAR Code),Study Group |
4137 | SGC,Server Gated Cryptography,Stargate Command,SGD — Singapore dollar (ISO 4217 currency code),SGML — Standard Generalized Markup Language,SGP — Singapore (ISO 3166 trigram) |
4138 | SGS,South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands (ISO 3166 trigram),Svalbard Ground Station (Landsat),Société Générale de Surveillance,SH[edit],sh — Serbo-Croatian language (ISO 639-1 code) |
4139 | SH,Saint Helena (ISO 3166 digram),SONATRACH (Algerian petroleum company) |
4140 | SHAC,Stop Huntingdon Animal Cruelty,Student Health Action Coalition,SHAPE — Supreme Headquarters Allied Powers Europe,SHF — Super High Frequency,SHN — Saint Helena (ISO 3166 trigram) |
4141 | SHO,Showtime (see also sho.com) |
4142 | SI,Slovenia (ISO 3166 and FIPS 10-4 country code digram),Socialist International,Sports Illustrated,Système International (French,International System of Units),SIA — Singapore Airlines (ICAO code),SIA — Survivors of Incest Anonymous,SIAM — Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics,SIC — Standard Industrial Classification,SICS — (a/i) Swedish Institute of Computer Science,SIDS — Sudden infant death syndrome,SIDU — select,insert,delete,update. See Create,read,update and delete,SIF — Selective Identification Feature,SIFF — Successor IFF |
4143 | SIIT,Saskatchewan Indian Institute of Technologies (Canadian university),Sirindhorn International Institute of Technology (Thai university),Stateless IP/ICMP Translation algorithm,SIMAC — Semantic Interaction with Music Audio Contents,SIMLAS — Soldier Integrated Multipurpose Laser System,SIMM — Single In-line Memory Module,SIMNET — SIMulator NETwork,later SIMulation NETwork,SIMNET-D,SIMNET-Developmental,SIMP — Strongly Interacting Massive Particle |
4144 | SIMPLE,Satellite Interactive Multimedia Platform for Low-cost Earth stations,Savings Incentive Match Plan for Employees (as used in SIMPLE IRA),Standard Interface for Multiple Platform Link Evaluation (NATO STANAG 5602),sin — Sinhalese language (ISO 639-2 code),SIN — Social Insurance Number (Canada),SINCGARS — SINgle Channel Ground and Airborne Radio System |
4145 | SIP,Session Initiation Protocol,State Implementation Plan,System Improvement Program,Systematic Investment Plan,SIPP — Self-Invested Personal Pension |
4146 | SIRI,Service Interface for Real Time Information |
4147 | Siri,Speech Interpretation and Recognition Interface (Apple iOS software) |
4148 | SISO,Simulation Interoperability Standards Organization,Society of Independent Show Organizers,SIW — Simulation Interoperability Workshop,SIYSS — Stockholm International Youth Science Seminar,SJ[edit] |
4149 | SK,Saskatchewan (postal symbol),Slovakia (ISO 3166 digram),SKC — Clear Sky (METAR Code),SKK — Slovak koruna (ISO 4217 currency code),SKM — Sikkim (ISO 3166 trigram; obsolete 1975),SL[edit],sl — Slovene language (ISO 639-1 code) |
4150 | SL,Sierra Leone (ISO 3166 and FIPS 10-4 country code digram),Start Line |
4151 | SLA,Service Level Agreement,Symbionese Liberation Army,SLAA — Sex and Love Addicts Anonymous,SLAC — Stanford Linear Accelerator Center,SLAN — sine loco,anno,nomine (Latin,“without place,year,or name”),SLAPP — Strategic lawsuit against public participation,SLB — Solomon Islands (ISO 3166 trigram),SLBM — Sea/Submarine-Launched Ballistic Missile,SLC — Scan Line Corrector,SLE — Sierra Leone (ISO 3166 trigram),SLI/SLi,(i/s) Scan-Line Interleave,Scalable Link Interface,SLIT — SubLingual ImmunoTherapy,slk — Slovak language (ISO 639-2 code),SLL — Sierra Leone leone (ISO 4217 currency code),SLO — Slovenia (IOC trigram,but not FIFA or ISO 3166) |
4152 | SLOC,Sea Lines Of Communication,Source Lines Of Code,SLORC — State Law and Order Restoration Council (of Burma) |
4153 | SLP,Sea Level Pressure,Super Long Play,slph — Standard litre per hour (air flow),slpm — Standard litre per minute (air flow),slps — Standard litre per second (air flow),SLR — Single-Lens Reflex (camera) |
4154 | SLT,Single Lens Translucent,Speech and language therapist,Solid Logic Technology (electronics),Swing Landing Trainer (paratroops),Secondary lymphoid tissue,slv — Slovenian language (ISO 639-2 code),SLV — El Salvador (ISO 3166 trigram),SM[edit],sm — Samoan language (ISO 639-1 code),Sm — Samarium |
4155 | SM,Sado-Masochism,San Marino (ISO 3166 and FIPS 10-4 country code digram),Soldier's Manual,Submarine Minelayer (US Navy hull classification),SMA — Scan Mirror Assembly,SMART — Subject Matter And Requirements Team,SMASS — Small Main-Belt Asteroid Spectroscopic Survey,SMCT — Soldier's Manual of Common Tasks,SMD — Surface Mount Device,SMDR — Station Message Detail Recording,sme — Northern Sami language (ISO 639-2 code) |
4156 | SME,Scan Mirror Electronics,Subject Matter Expert |
4157 | SMX-many,including: Server Macro Expansion,Solaris MINIX,Spatial multiplexing,Sulfamethoxazole; see entry |
4158 | SMZ-many,including: Silver Mt. Zion,Sulfamethazine,Sulfamethoxazole; see entry,SN[edit],sn — Shona language (ISO 639-1 code),Sn — Tin (Latin Stannum) |
4159 | SN,Senegal (ISO 3166 digram),Singapore (FIPS 10-4 country code),Snow (METAR Code),SuperNova,Screen Name,sna — Shona language (ISO 639-2 code),SNAFU — “Situation Normal — All Fouled/Fucked Up”,SNAP — Supernova/Acceleration Probe,SNCB — Société nationale des chemins de fer de Belgique (French for “Belgian Railways National Society”,NMBS in Dutch),SNCF — Société nationale des chemins de fer français (French for “French Railways National Society”),snd — Sindhi language (ISO 639-2 code),SND — Standard Nomenclature Database,SNE — Synthetic Natural Environment,SNES — Super Nintendo Entertainment System,SNÉTA — Syndicat national pour l'étude des transports aériens (French for “Aerial transport Study National Syndicate”,1919-1923),SNG — Satellite News Gathering (television) |
4160 | SNL,Saturday Night Live (television),Società Navigazione del Lago di Lugano,SNM — Special Nuclear Material,SNMP — Simple Network Management Protocol,SNOBOL — StriNg Oriented symBOlic Language,SNP — Single-nucleotide polymorphism |
4161 | SNR,SuperNova Remnant,Signal-to-Noise Ratio,SNRI — Serotonin-Norepinephrine Reuptake Inhibitor,SNS — Spallation Neutron Source,SNU — Solar Neutrino Unit,SO[edit],so — Somali language (ISO 639-1 code) |
4162 | SO,Shared Object (Unix),Sheriff's Office,Significant other,Somalia (ISO 3166 and FIPS 10-4 country code digram) |
4163 | SOA,service-oriented architecture,Society of Actuaries,State of the art |
4164 | SOAP,Simple Object Access Protocol,Supplemental Offer and Acceptance Program (U.S. medical residency matching) |
4165 | SOB,Son Of a Bitch,Same Old Bullshit,SOC — Sector Operations Centre,SOCCSKSARGEN — South Cotabato,Cotabato,Sultan Kudarat,Sarangani,General Santos City (a region in the Philippines; pronounced “sock-sar-gen”),SOCOM — (U.S.) Special Operations Command |
4166 | SoCon,Southern Conference (U.S. college sports) |
4167 | SOD,School Of Dentistry,Statement Of Difference[s],Statement Of Direction,Statement Of Documentation,Statement Of Duty/Duties |
4168 | SOE,Secret Of Evermore,Special Operations Executive (WWII British organization),State Of Emissions (EW) |
4169 | SOF-(a/i) Special Operations Force,Status of Forces,SOFIA — Stratospheric Observatory For Infrared Astronomy |
4170 | SOGAT,Society of Graphical and Allied Trades,Former British printing union,SOHC — Single-OverHead-Cam engine,SOHO — Solar and Heliospheric Observatory,SOI — Signal Operating Instruction,SOL — Shit Out of Luck,SOLIS — Synoptic Optical Long-term Investigations of the Sun,som — Somali language (ISO 639-2 code) |
4171 | SOM,Simulation Object Model,Somalia (ISO 3166 trigram),Sonar — SOund Navigation And Ranging |
4172 | SOP,Standing/Standard Operating Procedure,State of Play |
4173 | SOR,State Of iness,Statement Of Requirements |
4174 | SOS,Somali shilling (ISO 4217 currency code),Save Our Souls,SOSTAR — Stand-Off Surveillance and Target Acquisition Radar,sot — Sotho language (ISO 639-2 code),SOUTHAG — Southern Army Group,SOUTHCOM — (U.S.) Southern Command,SOV — Single Occupant Vehicle,SOW — Statement Of Work,SOWHAT — RESNA Subcommittee on Wheelchairs and Transportation,SOX — Sarbanes-Oxley Act,SP[edit] |
4175 | SP,Security Police,Self-Propelled,Shore Patrol,Spain (FIPS 10-4 country code),Start Point,Strong Point,spa — Spanish language (ISO 639-2 code),SPAAG — Self-Propelled Anti-Aircraft Gun,SPACECOM — (U.S.) Space Command,Spaser — Surface plasmon amplification by stimulated emission of radiation,SPC — Secretariat of the Pacific Community,SPCO — Single-Pole Change Over |
4176 | Sp,Special,Spring tide (nautical charts),sine prole (Latin,“without offspring”) |
4177 | SPL,Scottish Premier League,Superior Parietal Lobule,Sound Pressure Level,SPM — Saint Pierre and Miquelon (ISO 3166 trigram),SPOD — (a/i) Sea Port of Debarkation,SPOE — (a/i) Sea Port of Embarkation,SPOT — Satellite pour l'observation de la Terre (French,“Satellite for Earth Observation”),SPQR — Senatus Populusque Romanus (Latin “The Senate and the People of Rome”),sps — sine prole superstite (Latin,“without surviving issue”),SPS — Standard Positioning Service (GPS),SPST — Single-Pole Single-Throw,SQ[edit],sq — Albanian language (ISO 639-1 code),SQ — Sound Quality,SQ — Standard Quality,sqi — Albanian language (ISO 639-2 code),SQL — (i/a) Structured Query Language (“seek-well”),SQUID — Superconducting QUantum Interference Device,SR[edit],sr — Serbian language (ISO 639-1 code),Sr — Strontium |
4178 | SR,Sound Reinforcement,Supply Route,Suriname (ISO 3166 digram),Sveriges Radio (Swedish Radio Ltd),SR — Sustained release of a drug |
4179 | SRAM,Scott (King),Ray (Day),SAM (Patterson) — founders of bicycle component manufacturer SRAM Corporation,Static Random Access Memory (“ess-ram”),SR-ATGW — Short-Range Anti-Tank Guided Weapon,SRB — Solid Rocket Booster,SRBM — Short-Range Ballistic Missile (cf. IRBM,ICBM),SRC — Scheduled Removal Component,srd — Sardinian language (ISO 639-2 code) |
4180 | SRD,Science Requirements Document,Surinam dollar (ISO 4217 currency code),SREL — Savannah River Ecology Laboratory |
4181 | SRG,SACEUR Rover Group,Special Republican Guard,SRGW — Short-Range Guided Weapon |
4182 | SRL,Savannah River Laboratory,Single Rocket Launcher,Survival Research Labs,SRM — Specified Risk Material,srp — Serbian language (ISO 639-2 code),SRS — Savannah River Site,SRSP — Science and Religion in Schools Project,SRTP — [Secure Real-time Transport Protocol],SS[edit],ss — Swati language (ISO 639-1 code) |
4183 | SSA,Cargo Submarine (US Navy hull classification),Social Security Administration (U.S.),Statistics South Africa,SSB — Single-sideband modulation,SSB — Sacramento Sustainable Business,SSBN — Nuclear-Powered Ballistic Missile Submarine (US Navy hull classification) |
4184 | SSC,Safe,Sane,Consensual (SM phrase),Secondary Somatosensory Cortex,Smaller-Scale Contingency,U.S. Army Soldiers System Center (Natick,Massachusetts),Superconducting Super Collider,SSCCATAGAPP — Singles,Seniors,Childless Couples,And Teens And Gays Against Parasitic Parents (fictional organization from The Simpsons) |
4185 | SSD,Solid-state drive,South Sudan (ISO 3166 trigram),SSDC — U.S. Space and Strategic Defense Command |
4186 | SSDD,Same Shit,Different Day,Single-Sided Double-Density (floppy disk) |
4187 | SSE,South South-East,Streaming SIMD Extensions,SSG — Guided Missile Submarine (retired US Navy hull classification),SSGN — Nuclear-Powered Guided Missile Submarine (US Navy hull classification),SSH — Saffir-Simpson Hurricane scale,SSK — Hunter-Killer Submarine (retired US Navy hull classification),SSKP — Single-Shot Kill Probability,SSL — Secure Sockets Layer,SSM — Surface-to-Surface (Guided) Missile |
4188 | SSN,Nuclear-Powered Attack Submarine (US Navy hull classification),SIM Serial Number,Social Security Number (U.S.),Socialist Solidarity Network,Subsystem number (SCCP,SS7),SSNW — Same Shit,New Wrapping,SSO — Submarine Oiler (retired US Navy hull classification),SSP — Submarine Transport (retired US Navy hull classification) |
4189 | SSR,Radar Picket Submarine (retired US Navy hull classification),Solid State Recorder |
4190 | SSRI,Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitor,Social Systems Research Institute |
4191 | SSRN,Social Science Research Network,Nuclear-Powered Radar Picket Submarine (retired US Navy hull classification) |
4192 | SSS,Siding Spring Survey,Side Side Side (an acronym for remembering congruent triangles),Sigue Sigue Sputnik (band),S/SSM — Surface-to-Subsurface Missile |
4193 | SST,SuperSonic Transport,Training Submarine (US Navy hull classification),Saturated Suction Temperature (refrigeration cycles),SSTO — Single-Stage To Orbit,SSV — Soft-Skinned Vehicle (i.e.,unarmoured),ssw — Swati language (ISO 639-2 code),SSW — South South-West,ST[edit],st — Sotho language (ISO 639-1 code) |
4194 | ST,Saint Lucia (FIPS 10-4 country code),São Tomé and Príncipe (ISO 3166 digram) |
4195 | STA,Scheduled Time of Arrival,Surveillance and Target Acquisition,STAG — (U.S.) Strategy and Tactics Group,STAGE — Scenario Toolkit And Generation Environment,STANAG — (NATO) Standardisation Agreement |
4196 | STAR,Scientific and Technical Aerospace Reports (NASA),Simulation of Tactical Alternative Responses,Special Threat Analysis and Recognition |
4197 | STAT,Signal Transducers and Activators of Transcription (cell biology),Special Tertiary Admissions Test (Australia) |
4198 | STB,Surface Transportation Board[2] |
4199 | STD,São Tomé and Príncipe dobra (ISO 4217 currency code),Sexually Transmitted Disease,STDM — Statistical Time Division Multiplexing,STENTOR — Satellite de télécommunications pour expérimenter de nouvelles technologies en orbite (French,“Orbital New Technology Experimental Telecommunications Satellite”) |
4200 | STFU,Southern Tenant Farmers Union,Stuff You[citation needed],STH — Sonic The Hedgehog |
4201 | STI,Sexually Transmitted Infection,Subaru Tecnica International,STK — Satellite Tool Kit,STM — Short Term Memory,STOL — Short Take-Off and Landing,STOVL — Short Take-Off and Vertical Landing |
4202 | STP,São Tomé and Príncipe (ISO 3166 trigram),Standard Temperature and Pressure,STR — Short Tandem Repeat (DNA analysis),STRATCOM — United States Strategic Command |
4203 | STRICOM,U.S. Army Simulation,Training & Instrumentation Command (1992-),Strike Command (1962-1971),STRIVE — Synthetic Tactical Real-time Interactive Virtual Environment,STSM — Senior Technical Staff Member,Stuka — Sturzkampfflugzeug (German WWII dive bomber),SU[edit],su — Sundanese language (ISO 639-1 code) |
4204 | SU,Soviet Union (ISO 3166 digram; obsolete 1992),Sudan (FIPS 10-4 country code),SUB — Student Union Building,SuD — Subject under Discussion,SUDC — Swedish United Dawah Center,a salafist Islamic organisation in Sweden |
4205 | SUI,Sonic user interface,Switzerland (IOC and FIFA trigram,but not ISO 3166),SUK — Start Up Kit,sun — Sundanese language (ISO 639-2 code),SUN — ,Soviet Union (ISO 3166 trigram; obsolete 1992),Stanford University Network that led to Sun Microsystems,SUNY — State University of New York (usually pronounced “sue-knee”),SUR — Suriname (ISO 3166 trigram),SURTASS — Surveillance Towed Array Sensor System,SUSAT — Sight Unit Small Arms,Trilux,SUV — Sport Utility Vehicle,SV[edit],sv — Swedish language (ISO 639-1 code) |
4206 | SV,El Salvador (ISO 3166 digram),Sportverein (German for “Sport Association”,as in Hamburger SV and SV Werder Bremen),SVC — Secondary Visual Cortex,SvD — Svenska Dagbladet (Swedish newspaper) |
4207 | SW,South-West ordinal direction,Sweden (FIPS 10-4 country code),Shortwave,swa — Swahili language (ISO 639-2 code) |
4208 | SWA,Secure Web Access,South-West Asia |
4209 | SWAC,Southwestern Athletic Conference |
4210 | SWALK,Sealed With A Loving Kiss, |
4211 | SWAN,System for Wearable Audio Navigation |
4212 | SWAP,Surface Waters Acidification Programme, |
4213 | SWAPO,South-West Africa People's Organisation, |
4214 | SWAT,Special Weapons And Tactics |
4215 | SWE — Sweden (ISO 3166 trigram) |
4216 | swe,Swedish language (ISO 639-2 code) |
4217 | SWF,Single White Female |
4218 | SWG,Surface Warfare Group,Symbology Working Group,SWHR — Society for Women's Health Research,SWIG — Simplified Wrapper and Interface Generator,SWIR — (a/i) Short Wave InfraRed (“ss-why-are” or “swhirr”) |
4219 | SWLABR,She Was Like A Bearded Rainbow,Cream song (Bruce,Clapton and Baker),SWORD — Subjective WORkload Dominance,SWORDS — Special Weapons Observation Reconnaissance Detection System,SWOT — Strengths,Weaknesses,Opportunities,Threats (mnemonic) |
4220 | SWP,Special Working Party (“swipp”),Systematic Westing Plan (a plan of periodic westing of shares or mutual funds worth a fixed amount of money),Skill With Prizes (UK pub quiz machines — quality titles include: Pub Quiz,Quiz City,Frog in a Liquidizer,Who Wants To Win a Tenner?),SWT — Sea Water Tank,SWV — Sisters With Voices (American female R&B vocal group),SWZ — Swaziland (ISO 3166 trigram),SX[edit],SX — Sonic X |
4221 | T,Tera,Tesla,Tritium |
4222 | ta,Tamil language (ISO 639-1 code) |
4223 | Ta,Tantalum |
4224 | TA,Target Acquisition,Teaching Assistant,Tera-ampere,Territorial Army (UK),Tristan da Cunha (ISO 3166 digram) |
4225 | TAA,Transparency Anti-Aliasing,Trans Australia Airlines |
4226 | TAACOM,U.S. Theater Army Area Command |
4227 | TAADCOORD,Theatre Army Air Defence Co-ordinator |
4228 | TAAR,Trace Amine-Associated Receptor |
4229 | TAC,U.S. Tactical Air Command (1946-1992) |
4230 | TACAN,Tactical Air Navigation |
4231 | TACC,Tactical Air Control Centre,(USAF) Tanker Airlift Control Center |
4232 | TACCO,Tactical Coordinator |
4233 | TACCSF,U.S. Theater Aerospace Command & Control Simulation Facility |
4234 | TACDAR,Tactical Detection And Reporting |
4235 | TACP,Tactical Air Control Party,Technology Applications Certification Program |
4236 | TACSOP,Tactical SOP (Standing Operating Procedure) |
4237 | TADIL,Tactical Digital Information Link |
4238 | TADSS,Training Aids,Devices,Simulators,and Simulations |
4239 | tah,Tahitian language (ISO 639-2 code) |
4240 | TAI,Target[ed] Area of Interest |
4241 | TAJ,Tom and Jerry |
4242 | TAJT,Tom and Jerry Tales |
4243 | TALES,Technical Advice and Lexicon for Enabling Simulation |
4244 | tam,Tamil language (ISO 639-2 code) |
4245 | TAN,Tanzania (IOC and FIFA trigram,but not ISO 3166) |
4246 | TANJ,There Ain't No Justice (used as expletive in the Ringworld novels) |
4247 | TANP,Terrain-Aware Network Planner |
4248 | TANSTAAFL,There Ain't No Such Thing As A Free Lunch (coined by author Robert A. Heinlein in his The Moon Is a Harsh Mistress) |
4249 | TAPPS,Texas Association of Private and Parochial Schools |
4250 | TARDIS,Time And Relative Dimension In Space (from Doctor Who) |
4251 | TARP,Transparency Accountability Rights for Parents (coined by Karen Plumridge,founder of Black Ribbon Gold Heart) |
4252 | TAS,Tasmania (postal symbol) |
4253 | TASER,Thomas A. Swift's Electric Rifle |
4254 | TASM,Tactical Air-to-Surface Missile |
4255 | tat,Tatar language (ISO 639-2 code) |
4256 | TAT,Tourism Authority of Thailand |
4257 | TATP,TriAcetone TriPeroxide |
4258 | TATT,Tired All The Time (medical diagnosis in-joke) |
4259 | Tb,Terbium |
4260 | TB,Tuberculosis |
4261 | TBA,to be announced |
4262 | TBBPA,TetraBromoBisPhenol-A |
4263 | TBC,to be confirmed,to be continued |
4264 | TBF,to be fair |
4265 | TBGRI,Tropical Botanic Garden and Research Institute,India |
4266 | TBH,To Be Honest |
4267 | TBL,Turkish Basketball League |
4268 | TBM,Tactical Ballistic Missile,Theatre Ballistic Missile |
4269 | TBS,Turner Broadcasting System |
4270 | TBT,Tributyltin |
4271 | Tc,Technetium |
4272 | TC,Teracoulomb,Turks and Caicos (ISO 3166 digram),United Arab Emirates (FIPS 10-4 country code; from Trucial Coast States) |
4273 | TCA,Transformational Communications Architecture,Turks and Caicos (ISO 3166 trigram) |
4274 | TCAA,Top Counter-Assault Agents |
4275 | TCAS,Traffic Collision Avoidance System |
4276 | TCD,Chad (ISO 3166 trigram) |
4277 | TCG,Trusted Computing Group,Türkiye Cumhuriyeti Gemisi |
4278 | TCHD,Truck Cargo Heavy Duty |
4279 | TCL,Tool Command Language |
4280 | TCM,Turner Classic Movies |
4281 | TCP,Traffic Control Point,Transmission Control Protocol,Trichlorophenol |
4282 | TCU,Texas Christian University |
4283 | TCW,Tasty Coma Wife |
4284 | TCWMS,Tele-Center Workforce Management System |
4285 | TD,Territorial Decoration,Toon Disney,Toronto-Dominion (Bank); see also its U.S. subsidiary,TD Bank,N.A.,Touchdown,Tower Defence A game type,involves defending waves of enemies using tower |
4286 | TDA,The Disney Afternoon |
4287 | TDL,Tactical Data Link |
4288 | TDM,Time-Division Multiplexing |
4289 | TDMA,Time Division Multiple Access |
4290 | TDP,Technology Demonstration Programme |
4291 | TDRS,Tracking Data and Relay Satellite |
4292 | TE,Tactical Exploitation,Testosterone to Epitestosterone ratio,Tight end (American football; position generally not used in modern Canadian football) |
4293 | Te,Tellurium |
4294 | te,Telugu language (ISO 639-1 code) |
4295 | TEAL,Tasman Empire Airways Limited |
4296 | Team,Together everyone achieves more |
4297 | TEAMS,The East African Marine System (fiber optic cable) |
4298 | TED,Technology Entertainment Design prize |
4299 | TEETH,Tried Everything Else,Try Homeopathy (medical diagnosis in-joke) |
4300 | TEL,(a/i) Transporter,Erector and Launcher |
4301 | tel,Telugu language (ISO 639-2 code) |
4302 | TELAR,Transporter,Erector,Launcher And Radar |
4303 | TENCAP,Tactical Exploitation of National Capabilities |
4304 | TERS,Tactical Event Reporting System |
4305 | TES,Tactical Event System |
4306 | TEST,Thesaurus of Engineering and Scientific Terms |
4307 | TEU,Twenty-foot equivalent unit (cargo capacity) |
4308 | TeVeS,Tensor Vector Scalar theory |
4309 | TF - |
4310 | TFMPP,Trifluorophenylmethylpiperazine |
4311 | TFR,Total Fertility Rate |
4312 | TFT,Thin-Film Transistor |
4313 | tg,Tajik language (ISO 639-1 code) |
4314 | Tg,Teragram |
4315 | TG,Togo (ISO 3166 digram) |
4316 | TGA,Tonga (IOC and FIFA trigram,but not ISO 3166) |
4317 | TGIF,Thank God It's Friday,Toes Go In First |
4318 | tgk,Tajik language (ISO 639-2 code) |
4319 | tgl,Tagalog language (ISO 639-2 code) |
4320 | TGO,Togo (ISO 3166 trigram) |
4321 | TGT,Target (also the ticker symbol for Target Corporation),Ticket Granting Ticket (computer security),Tyrese,Ginuwine,Tank,see TGT (group) for their collaboration |
4322 | TH,Terahenry,Thailand (ISO 3166 and FIPS 10-4 country code digram) |
4323 | th,Thai language (ISO 639-1 code) |
4324 | Th,Thorium |
4325 | tha,Thai language (ISO 639-2 code) |
4326 | THA,Thailand (ISO 3166 trigram) |
4327 | THAAD,(a/i) Terminal High Altitude Area Defence |
4328 | THB,Thai baht (ISO 4217 currency code) |
4329 | THEGENTRY,The High-End Group of Earth's New Technologies Research Yield |
4330 | THEL,Tactical High Energy Laser ACTD |
4331 | THG,Tetrahydrogestrinone |
4332 | TI,Tajikistan (FIPS 10-4 country code),Thermal Imaging,Threat Identification,Training Instructor,Texas Instruments |
4333 | Ti,Tebi,Titanium |
4334 | ti,Tigrinya language (ISO 639-1 code) |
4335 | TIA,Total Information Awareness initiative |
4336 | TIA,Transient Ischemic Attack |
4337 | TIALD,Thermal Imaging and Airborne Laser Designation |
4338 | TIBS,Tactical Information Broadcast System |
4339 | TIC,Troops In Contact |
4340 | TIGERS,Topologically Integrated Geographic Encoding and Referencing System |
4341 | TIM,Technical Information Memorandum,Technical Interchange Meeting,Toxic Industrial Material,Telecom Italia Mobile |
4342 | TIMS,Tactical Internet Management System,The Institute of Management Sciences,The International Molinological Society,Thermal Infrared Multispectral Scanner,Thermal Ionization Mass Spectrometry,Travel Information Management Services,Tuberculosis Information Management System |
4343 | TINC,There Is No Cabal |
4344 | TINY,That Is,Not You (internet slang) |
4345 | TIP,Thermal Identification Panel |
4346 | tir,Tigrinya language (ISO 639-2 code) |
4347 | tits,Toes in the Sand |
4348 | TJ,Tajikistan (ISO 3166 digram),Terajoule |
4349 | TJD,Truncated Julian Day |
4350 | TJK,Tajikistan (ISO 3166 trigram) |
4351 | TJS,Tajik somoni (ISO 4217 currency code) |
4352 | TK,Terakelvin,Tokelau (ISO 3166 digram) |
4353 | tk,Turkmen language (ISO 639-1 code) |
4354 | TKBL,Türkiye 1. Kadınlar Basketbol Ligi,the Turkish-language name of the Turkish Women's Basketball League |
4355 | TKL,Tokelau (ISO 3166 trigram) |
4356 | TKM,Turkmenistan (ISO 3166 trigram) |
4357 | tl,Tagalog language (ISO 639-1 code) |
4358 | TL,Team Leader,Teralitre,Timor-Leste (ISO 3166 digram),ThermoLuminescence,TL;DR ,Too long; didn’t read. |
4359 | Tl,Thallium |
4360 | TLA,Three-Letter Abbreviation/Acronym |
4361 | TLAM,Tomahawk Land Attack Missile |
4362 | TLAR,That Looks About Right (chat shorthand),Transporter-Launcher And Radar |
4363 | TLATOJL,The Life and Times of Juniper Lee |
4364 | TLC,Tender Loving Care,The Learning Channel (now known strictly by the initials),Thin Layer Chromatography,T-Boz,Lefteye,Chilli,Tables,Ladders,and Chairs (type of professional wrestling match) |
4365 | TLD,Thermoluminescent Dosimeter,Top-Level Domain |
4366 | TLM,Traditional Latin Mass,Tridentine Latin Mass,Transaction Lifecycle Management |
4367 | TLPM,T1 Line Performance Monitor |
4368 | TLS,Timor-Leste (ISO 3166 trigram),Times Literary Supplement,TM[edit] |
4369 | TM,Technical Manual,Theatre Missile,Thematic Mapper,trademark (often written in small superscript type: TM or ™),Turing machine,Turkmenistan (ISO 3166 digram) Tympanic Membrane |
4370 | Tm,Terametre |
4371 | TMAP,(a/i) Texas Medication Algorithm Project |
4372 | TMC,The Movie Channel |
4373 | TMD,Theatre Missile Defence |
4374 | TMDK,The Mighty Don't Kneel (Australian professional wrestling stable also active in Japan) |
4375 | TMI,Too Much Information |
4376 | TMJ,TemporoMandibular Joint (syndrome) |
4377 | TMM,Turkmen manat (ISO 4217 currency code) |
4378 | TMNT,Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles |
4379 | TMO,Table Mountain Observatory,Television match official (rugby union) |
4380 | TMP,East Timor (ISO 3166 trigram; obsolete 2002),Temporary |
4381 | TMPG,Transparent Multi-Platform Gateway |
4382 | TMR,Twin Main Rotors (helicopter type) |
4383 | TMS,Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation |
4384 | TMT,Thirty Meter Telescope |
4385 | TMTOWTDI,There's Than One Way To Do It (from Perl) |
4386 | TN,Tennessee (postal symbol),Teranewton,Tonga (FIPS 10-4 country code),Tunisia (ISO 3166 digram) |
4387 | tn,Tswana language (ISO 639-1 code) |
4388 | TNA,Total Nonstop Action Wrestling |
4389 | TND,Tunisian dinar (ISO 4217 currency code) |
4390 | TNO,Trans-Neptunian Object |
4391 | TNT,Thomas Nationwide Transport,an Australian company that was one of the predecessors to the former TNT N.V. and the current TNT Express,TriNitroToluene,(a/i) Turner Network Television,TO[edit] |
4392 | TOA,Table Of Authorities,Total Obligation Authority (accounting) |
4393 | TOAD,Temporary,Obsolete,Abandoned,or Derelict site (urbanism),Towed Optical Assessment Device |
4394 | TOBS,Time of OBServation |
4395 | TOGS,Thermal Observation Gunnery Sight |
4396 | TOMS,Total Ozone Mapping Spectrometer (satellite instrument) |
4397 | TON,Tonga (ISO 3166 trigram) |
4398 | ton,Tongan language (ISO 639-2 code) |
4399 | TOP,Tongan pa'anga (ISO 4217 currency code) |
4400 | TOT,Time On Target |
4401 | TPE,Chinese Taipei (IOC and FIFA trigram for the country also known as Taiwan) |
4402 | TPI,The point is |
4403 | TPO,Thrombopoietin |
4404 | TPS,The Pennington School |
4405 | TPTB,The Powers That Be (often used to refer to the people responsible for the content of TV series or movies) |
4406 | TQ,Top Qualifier (similar to Pole Position in car racing) |
4407 | TRA,Technology iness Assessment |
4408 | TRAC,(U.S. Army) TRADOC Analysis Center |
4409 | TRACON,Terminal Radar Approach Control |
4410 | TRADOC,(U.S. Army) Training and Doctrine Command |
4411 | TRAIN,Tourist Railway Association,Inc. |
4412 | TRANSCOM,U.S. Transportation Command |
4413 | TRAP,Tactical Receive equipment and related Applications |
4414 | TRASANA,TRADOC Systems Analysis Agency |
4415 | TRD,Towed Radar Decoy |
4416 | TRIGAT,Third Generation Antitank (missile) |
4417 | TRL,Technology readiness level |
4418 | TRP,Target Reference Point,Time of Reporting |
4419 | Trp,Troop |
4420 | TRU,Transuranic |
4421 | TRUEX,Training in Urban Environment Exercise |
4422 | TRW,Thompson Ramo Wooldridge Inc. |
4423 | TRY,Turkish lira (ISO 4217 currency code) |
4424 | Ts,Terasecond |
4425 | ts,Tsonga language (ISO 639-1 code) |
4426 | TSEC,Transmission Security Encryption Code |
4427 | TSL,Transportation Security Laboratory |
4428 | tsn,Tswana language (ISO 639-2 code) |
4429 | tso,Tsonga language (ISO 639-2 code) |
4430 | TSR,Terminate and Stay Resident |
4431 | TSSIA,The Subject Says It All |
4432 | tt,Tatar language (ISO 639-1 code) |
4433 | TTCT,Torrance Tests of Creative Thinking |
4434 | TTD,Trinidad and Tobago dollar (ISO 4217 currency code) |
4435 | TTFN,Ta Ta For Now |
4436 | TTO,Trinidad and Tobago (ISO 3166 trigram) |
4437 | TTTEAF,Thomas the Tank Engine and Friends |
4438 | TTY,TeleTYpewriter (Printer) |
4439 | TTYL,To You Later (Internet slang) |
4440 | TTZ,Tetrazolium |
4441 | TUC,Trades Union Congress |
4442 | TUG,TeX Users Group |
4443 | tuk,Turkmen language (ISO 639-2 code) |
4444 | TUN,Tunisia (ISO 3166 trigram) |
4445 | TUNS,Technical University of Nova Scotia |
4446 | TUR,Turkey (ISO 3166 trigram) |
4447 | Tur,Turkish language (ISO 639-2 code) |
4448 | TUSK,Tank Urban Survival Kit |
4449 | TUV,Tuvalu (ISO 3166 trigram) |
4450 | TVA,Tennessee Valley Authority |
4451 | TVR,TreVor (Wilkinson) Racing |
4452 | TVS,Tornado vortex signature |
4453 | tw,Twi language (ISO 639-1 code) |
4454 | TWAIN,Technology Without An Interesting Name |
4455 | TWD,Taiwan dollar (ISO 4217 currency code) |
4456 | TWE,Trans World Entertainment |
4457 | TWI,The Welding Institute |
4458 | twi,Twi language (ISO 639-2 code) |
4459 | TWN,Republic of China (Taiwan) (ISO 3166 trigram) |
4460 | TWP,Technical Working Paper |
4461 | TXV,Thermostatic Expansion Valve |
4462 | ty,Tahitian language (ISO 639-1 code) |
4463 | TZ,Tanzania (ISO 3166 and FIPS 10-4 country code digram) |
4464 | TZA,Tanzania (ISO 3166 trigram) |
4465 | TZC,Tetrazolium chloride |
4466 | TZS,Tanzanian shilling (ISO 4217 currency code) |
4467 | U,Uranium |
4468 | UA,Ukraine (ISO 3166 digram) Unit of Action |
4469 | UAAP,University Athletic Association of the Philippines |
4470 | UAB,University of Alabama at Birmingham |
4471 | UAE,United Arab Emirates (also IOC and FIFA trigram,but not ISO 3166) |
4472 | UBIGEO,Ubicación Geografica (Spanish for Geographical Location) |
4473 | UCBSA,United Cricket Board of South Africa |
4474 | UCF,University of Central Florida |
4475 | UCLES,University of Cambridge Local Examinations Syndicate |
4476 | UCR,University of Costa Rica |
4477 | UCS,Union of Concerned Scientists |
4478 | UDAS,Uppsala-DLR Asteroid Survey |
4479 | UDTS,Uppsala-DLR Trojan Survey |
4480 | UE,Unit of Employment |
4481 | UEFA,Union of European Football Associations |
4482 | UESAC,Uppsala-ESO Survey of Asteroids and Comets |
4483 | UFC,Ultimate Fighting Championship |
4484 | UG,Uganda (ISO 3166 and FIPS 10-4 country code digram) |
4485 | ug,Uyghur language (ISO 639-1 code) |
4486 | UGA,Uganda (ISO 3166 trigram) |
4487 | UGV,Unmanned Ground Vehicle |
4488 | UGX,Ugandan shilling (ISO 4217 currency code) |
4489 | UHF,Ultra High Frequency |
4490 | UHMW,Ultra-High Molecular Weight |
4491 | UHRB,Ultra-High Resolution Building (simulation) |
4492 | UIC,University of Illinois at Chicago |
4493 | UID,User ID |
4494 | uig,Uyghur language (ISO 639-2 code) |
4495 | UIL,University Interscholastic League (governing body for most interscholastic activities,notably sports,in Texas public high schools) |
4496 | UIUC,University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign |
4497 | UJTL,Universal Joint Task List |
4498 | uk,Ukrainian language (ISO 639-1 code) |
4499 | UK,United Kingdom (also FIPS 10-4 country code),University of Kentucky |
4500 | UKIP,United Kingdom Independence Party |
4501 | UKR,Ukraine (ISO 3166 trigram) |
4502 | ukr,Ukrainian language (ISO 639-2 code) |
4503 | UL,Underwriters Laboratories |
4504 | ULF,Ultra Low Frequency |
4505 | UM,U.S. Minor Outlying Islands (postal symbol; ISO 3166 digram) |
4506 | UMBC,University of Maryland,Baltimore County |
4507 | UMC,United Microelectronics Corporation,University of Missouri-Columbia |
4508 | UMCP,Unit Maintenance Collection Point |
4509 | UMES,University of Maryland Eastern Shore |
4510 | UMI,U.S. Minor Outlying Islands (ISO 3166 trigram) |
4511 | UMIST,University of Manchester Institute of Science and Technology |
4512 | UML,Unified Marxist-Leninist Communist Party of Nepal,Unified Modeling Language,University of Massachusetts Lowell,User-Mode Linux |
4513 | UMTS,Universal Mobile Telecommunications System |
4514 | UN,United Nations |
4515 | UNABOM,University and airline bomber (FBI case name) |
4516 | UNAIDS,(i/a) Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS |
4517 | UNAMSIL,United Nations Mission in Sierra Leone |
4518 | UNCF,United Negro College Fund |
4519 | UNCLOS,United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea |
4520 | UNCSGN,United Nations Conference on the Standardization of Geographical Names |
4521 | UNCTAD,United Nations Conference on Trade and Development |
4522 | UNDCP,United Nations Drug Control Programme |
4523 | UNDE,(i/a) Union of National Defence Employees (Canada) |
4524 | UNDP,United Nations Development Programme |
4525 | UNEP,United Nations Environment Programme |
4526 | UNESCO,United Nations Educational,Scientific and Cultural Organization |
4527 | UNFCCC,United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change |
4528 | UNFICYP,United Nations Peacekeeping Force in Cyprus |
4529 | UNGEGN,United Nations Group of Experts on Geographical Names |
4530 | UNHCR,United Nations High Commission (er) for Refugees |
4531 | UNICEF,United Nations Children's Fund (originally the United Nations International Children's Emergency Fund) |
4532 | UNICRI,United Nations Interregional Crime and Justice Research Institute |
4533 | UNIDO,United Nations Industrial Development Organization |
4534 | UNIFEM,United Nations Development Fund for Women (from the French Fonds de développement des Nations unies pour la femme) |
4535 | UNIS,University of Surrey,Guildford,England |
4536 | UNLV,University of Nevada,Las Vegas |
4537 | UNMIK,United Nations Interim Administration Mission in Kosovo |
4538 | UNMOVIC,United Nations Monitoring,Verification and Inspection Commission |
4539 | UNOSOM,United Nations Operations in Somalia |
4540 | UNPROFOR,United Nations Protection Force (in former Yugoslavia) |
4541 | UNRISD,United Nations Research Institute for Social Development |
4542 | UNSM,Union of Nova Scotian Municipalities |
4543 | UNTAC,United Nations Transitional Authority in Cambodia |
4544 | UNTAET,(i/a) United Nations Transitional Administration in East Timor |
4545 | UNU,United Nations University |
4546 | UP,Ukraine (FIPS 10-4 country code),Union Pacific Railroad (AAR reporting mark),Upper Peninsula (of Michigan),Uttar Pradesh |
4547 | UPC,United Pentecostal Church,Universal Product Code |
4548 | UPDM,Uganda People's Democratic Movement,Unified Modeling Language Profile for DoDAF and MoDAF,Unité de psychiatrie du développement mental,Universal Pattern Decomposition Method,Unix Power Device Management,Unpressurized Docking Mast,Urban Planning,Design and Management |
4549 | UPdM,Università Popolare della Multimedialità |
4550 | UPI,United Press International |
4551 | UPN,United Paramount Network |
4552 | UPS,Uninterruptible Power Supply,United Parcel Service |
4553 | UPTN,Universal Personal Telecommunications Number,Upper Peninsula Telehealth Network |
4554 | UPU,Universal Postal Union |
4555 | UR,Soviet Union (NATO country code,obsolete 1992) |
4556 | ur,Urdu language (ISO 639-1 code) |
4557 | URBSFA,Union royale belge des sociétés de football association (French for Royal Belgian Football Association) |
4558 | urd,Urdu language (ISO 639-2 code) |
4559 | URD,User Requirements Document |
4560 | URI,Uniform Resource Identifier,University of Rhode Island |
4561 | URU,Uruguay (IOC and FIFA trigram,but not ISO 3166) |
4562 | URY,Uruguay (ISO 3166 trigram) |
4563 | US,United States (also ISO 3166 and FIPS 10-4 country code digram) |
4564 | USA,United States of America (also ISO 3166 trigram),United States Army |
4565 | USAADAC,U.S. Army Air Defense Artillery Center,Fort Bliss,Texas |
4566 | USAARMC,U.S. Army ARMor Center,Fort Knox,Kentucky |
4567 | USAAVNC,U.S. Army AViatioN Center,Fort Rucker,Alabama |
4568 | USAF,United States Air Force |
4569 | USAFSPC,U.S. Air Force Space Command |
4570 | USAIC,U.S. Army Infantry Center,U.S. Army Intelligence Center |
4571 | USAID,(a/i) United States Agency for International Development |
4572 | USAP,Union Sportive des Arlequins Perpignanais,United States Antarctic Program |
4573 | USAPATRIOT,Uniting and Strengthening America by Providing Appropriate Tools Required to Intercept and Obstruct Terrorism |
4574 | USAREUR,United States Army Europe |
4575 | USB,Universal Serial Bus |
4576 | USC,United States Code,University of South Carolina,University of Southern California |
4577 | USCG,United States Coast Guard |
4578 | USCINCSPACE,United States Commander in Chief,Space Command |
4579 | USD,(U.S.) Under-Secretary of Defense* USD(A&T),(U.S.) Under-Secretary of Defense (Acquisition and Technology),United States dollar (ISO 4217 currency code),USD(AT&L),(U.S.) Under-Secretary of Defense for Acquisition,Technology,and Logistics,USD(C),(U.S.) Under-Secretary of Defense (Comptroller) |
4580 | USDA,United States Department of Agriculture |
4581 | USDI,United States Department of the Interior |
4582 | USDOE,United States Department of Energy |
4583 | USDRE,(U.S.) Under-Secretary of Defense for Research and Engineering (1978-1986) |
4584 | USEC,United States Enrichment Corporation |
4585 | USFL,United States Football League |
4586 | USFWS,United States Fish and Wildlife Service |
4587 | USGS,United States Geological Survey |
4588 | USIA,United States Information Agency |
4589 | USJFCOM,United States Joint Forces Command |
4590 | USL,United Soccer League,a third-level U.S. league. Not to be confused with an earlier league of the same name.,United Soccer Leagues,the organization that operates the above league,plus several other lower-level leagues,University of Southwestern Louisiana,a former name for the school now known as the University of Louisiana at Lafayette |
4591 | USMC,United States Marine Corps |
4592 | USMNT,United States men's national (soccer) team |
4593 | USN,United States Navy |
4594 | USNA,United States National Arboretum,United States Naval Academy |
4595 | USNB,United States Naval Base |
4596 | USNG,United States National Grid |
4597 | USNH,United States Naval Hospital |
4598 | USNI,United States Naval Institute |
4599 | USNO,U.S. Naval Observatory |
4600 | USNOFS,United States Naval Observatory Flagstaff Station |
4601 | USNP,United States Newspaper Program |
4602 | USNR,United States Navy Reserve |
4603 | USNS,United States Naval Ship |
4604 | USNZ,University Sport New Zealand |
4605 | USPS,United States Postal Service |
4606 | USPTO,United States Patent and Trademark Office |
4607 | USR,Universal System Resources (/usr,directory in a *NIX filesystem),User |
4608 | USS,United States ship (sometimes meaningless; see Star Trek) |
4609 | USSPACECOM,United States Space Command |
4610 | USSR,Union of Soviet Socialist Republics |
4611 | UST,Underground Storage Tank |
4612 | USTRANSCOM,United States Transportation Command |
4613 | USWNT,United States women's national (soccer) team |
4614 | UT,Universal Time |
4615 | UTEP,(a/i) University of Texas at El Paso (pronounced you-tep) |
4616 | UTM,Universal Transverse Mercator (geographical co-ordinate system) |
4617 | UU,Unitarian Universalism,University of Utah,Unseen University |
4618 | UUA,Unitarian Universalist Association |
4619 | UUID,Universally Unique Identifier (see also GUID) |
4620 | UUV,Unmanned Underwater Vehicle |
4621 | UV,Burkina Faso (FIPS 10-4 country code; from Upper Volta),ultraviolet |
4622 | UW,University of Washington |
4623 | UWO,University of Western Ontario |
4624 | UWT,Under Water Telephone |
4625 | UWTG,Under Water Tug |
4626 | UWW,United World Wrestling |
4627 | UXO,Unexploded Ordnance |
4628 | UY,Uruguay (ISO 3166 and FIPS 10-4 country code digram) |
4629 | UYU,Uruguayan peso uruguayo (ISO 4217 currency code) |
4630 | uz,Uzbek language (ISO 639-1 code) |
4631 | UZ,Uzbekistan (ISO 3166 and FIPS 10-4 country code digram) |
4632 | uzb,Uzbek language (ISO 639-2 code) |
4633 | UZB,Uzbekistan (ISO 3166 trigram) |
4634 | UZS,Uzbek som (ISO 4217 currency code) |
4635 | V,5 (in Roman numerals),Vanadium,Volt |
4636 | VA,Vatican City-State (ISO 3166 digram),Veterans Affairs (U.S. Department of),Virginia (postal symbol),Various Artists |
4637 | VACIS,Vehicle And Container Inspection System |
4638 | VACIS,Victorian Ambulance Clinical Information System |
4639 | VANOS,Variable Nockenwelle System |
4640 | VAO,Vienna Art Orchestra |
4641 | VAT,Value-Added Tax,Vatican City-State (ISO 3166 trigram) |
4642 | VB,Victoria Bitter (beer),Visual Basic |
4643 | VBA,Visual Basic for Applications |
4644 | VC,Saint Vincent and the Grenadines (FIPS 10-4 country code; ISO 3166 digram),Victoria Cross |
4645 | VCDS,(Canada) Vice-Chief of the Defence Staff,VAG-COM Diagnostic System |
4646 | VCJCS,Vice Chairman,Joint Chiefs of Staff |
4647 | vCJD,Variant Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease |
4648 | VCNO,(U.S.) Vice Chief of Naval Operations |
4649 | VCofS,Vice Chief of Staff |
4650 | VCR,Video cassette recorder |
4651 | VCT,Saint Vincent and the Grenadines (ISO 3166 trigram) |
4652 | VD,North Vietnam (ISO 3166 digram,obsolete 1977),Venereal Disease |
4653 | VDFS,VisualSVN Distributed File System (VDFS) |
4654 | VDR,North Vietnam (ISO 3166 trigram,obsolete 1977) |
4655 | ve,Venda language (ISO 639-1 code) |
4656 | VE,Venezuela (FIPS 10-4 country code; ISO 3166 digram) |
4657 | VEB,Venezuelan bolívar (ISO 4217 currency code) |
4658 | VEEGA,Venus Earth Earth Gravity Assist manœuvre |
4659 | ven,Venda language (ISO 639-2 code) |
4660 | VEN,Venezuela (ISO 3166 trigram) |
4661 | VERDI,Vittorio Emanuele Re D'Italia (Victor Emmanuel,King of Italy) |
4662 | VERITAS,Very Energetic Radiation Imaging Telescope Array System |
4663 | VFA,Victorian Football Association (historic Australian rules football league),Volatile Fatty Acid |
4664 | VfD,s for deletion (used in Wikipedia) |
4665 | VFL,Victorian Football League,the name of two distinct Australian rules football leagues: |
4666 | VFM,Value For Money |
4667 | VFMO,Very Fast Moving Object (astronomy) |
4668 | VFT,Virtual Function Table |
4669 | VFW,Veterans of Foreign Wars |
4670 | VG,British Virgin Islands (ISO 3166 digram) |
4671 | VGB,British Virgin Islands (ISO 3166 trigram) |
4672 | VH1,(a/i) Video Hits One |
4673 | VHF,Very High Frequency |
4674 | vi,Vietnamese language (ISO 639-1 code) |
4675 | VIA,Versatile Interface Adapter |
4676 | VIC,Victoria,Australia (postal symbol),Video Interface Chip,Virginia Intermont College |
4677 | VIDS,Visual Information Display System |
4678 | vie,Vietnamese language (ISO 639-2 code) |
4679 | VII,7 (in Roman numerals) |
4680 | VIII,8 (in Roman numerals) |
4681 | VIN,(i/a) Vehicle Identification Number (ISO 3779) |
4682 | VIP,Very Important Person |
4683 | VIR,U.S. Virgin Islands (ISO 3166 trigram),Virgin Atlantic Airways (ICAO code) |
4684 | VIS,Vavoua International School,Vienna Independent Shorts,Viewable Image Size,Visual Instruction Set |
4685 | VISCII,VIetnamese Standard Code for Information Interchange |
4686 | VIT,Vellore Institute of Technology |
4687 | VIVO,Video In Video Out |
4688 | VJ,Video Jockey |
4689 | VK,Australia (ham radio code),Västerbottens-Kuriren,a Swedish daily newspaper |
4690 | VLA,Very Large Array,(UK) Veterinary Laboratories Agency |
4691 | VLAD,(a/i) Vertical Line Array DIFAR |
4692 | VLBA,Very Long Baseline Array |
4693 | VLF,Very Low Frequency |
4694 | VLIW,Very Long Instruction Word |
4695 | VLPFC,VentroLateral PreFrontal Cortex |
4696 | VLPMC,VentroLateral PreMotor Cortex |
4697 | VLSF,Very Loud,Stink-Free |
4698 | VLSI,Very-large-scale integration |
4699 | VLVS,Very Loud,Very Stinky |
4700 | VM,Vietnam (FIPS 10-4 country code) |
4701 | VMF,Marine Fighting Squadron of the United States Marine Corps |
4702 | VMF,Variable Message Format |
4703 | VMN,VentroMedial Nucleus (neurophysiology) |
4704 | VN,Vietnam (ISO 3166 digram) |
4705 | VND,Vietnamese đồng (ISO 4217 currency code) |
4706 | VNIR,Visible and Near InfraRed |
4707 | VNM,Vietnam (ISO 3166 trigram) |
4708 | VNS,see entry |
4709 | vo,Volapük language (ISO 639-1 code) |
4710 | VOA,Voice of America |
4711 | VOC,Vereenigde Oostindische Compagnie (Dutch East India Company),Volatile organic compounds |
4712 | VOIP,Voice Over Internet Protocol |
4713 | vol,Volapük language (ISO 639-2 code) |
4714 | VOLT,Visual OpenType Layout Tool |
4715 | VON,Victorian Order of Nurses |
4716 | VOR,VHF Omnidirectional Ranging |
4717 | VOR,Voice of Russia |
4718 | VOX,Voice Operated oscillator |
4719 | VPN,Virtual Private Network |
4720 | VQ,Vector Quantization,U.S. Virgin Islands (FIPS 10-4 territory code) |
4721 | VR,Virtual Reality |
4722 | VRSG,Virtual Reality Scene Generator |
4723 | VSHORAD,Very Short Range Air Defence |
4724 | VSO,Voluntary Services Overseas |
4725 | VSR,Very Special Relativity |
4726 | VT,Vatican City-State (FIPS 10-4 country code),Vermont (postal symbol),Video tape,Virginia Tech |
4727 | VTC,Video Tele-Conference |
4728 | VTEC,Variable valve Timing and Electronic lift Control |
4729 | VTOL,Vertical Take-Off & Landing |
4730 | VU,Vanuatu (ISO 3166 digram),Vedanta University |
4731 | VUB,Vrije Universiteit Brussel (Belgian university) |
4732 | VUT,Vanuatu (ISO 3166 trigram) |
4733 | VUV,Vanuatu vatu (ISO 4217 currency code) |
4734 | VV,Via Voice,Village Voice |
4735 | VVAF,Vietnam Veterans of America Foundation |
4736 | VW,Volkswagen |
4737 | VZ,Verizon Communications (NYSE code) |
4738 | W,Tungsten (from German Wolfram),Watt,West |
4739 | W3C,World Wide Web Consortium |
4740 | WA,Namibia (FIPS 10-4 country code; from West Africa),Washington state (postal symbol),Western Australia (postal symbol),World Archery (Federation) |
4741 | wa,Walloon language (ISO 639-1 code) |
4742 | WAAC,Women's Army Auxiliary Corps (Britain) (World War I UK) |
4743 | WAAF,Women's Auxiliary Air Force (World War II UK) |
4744 | WAC,Western Athletic Conference,Women's Auxiliary Corps (World War II Canada),Women's Army Corps (World War II U.S.) |
4745 | WACC,Weighted Average Cost of Capital (accounting) |
4746 | WACS,What-A-Cartoon! Show |
4747 | WAD,Weapons Alert Designator |
4748 | WAGGGS,World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts |
4749 | WAGs,Wives And Girlfriends (most notably of England national football team players at the 2006 FIFA World Cup,although the term existed earlier) |
4750 | WAK,Wake Island (ISO 3166 trigram,obsolete 1986) |
4751 | WAL,see entry |
4752 | WAN,Wide area network |
4753 | WAP,Wireless Application Protocol |
4754 | WAPIMA,What a pain in my ass |
4755 | WAR,With All Respect |
4756 | WAsP,Short form of WAAAAP (Wind Atlas Analysis and Application Program) |
4757 | WASP,White Anglo-Saxon Protestant,Wide Angle Search for Planets,Women Airforce Service Pilots |
4758 | WAYP,White And Yellow Pages |
4759 | WB,Warner Bros.,Welcome Back (Internet shorthand) |
4760 | Wb,Weber |
4761 | WBA,Warner Bros. Animation,West Bromwich Albion (F.C.),World Boxing Association |
4762 | WBC,World Boxing Council |
4763 | WBE,Work Breakdown Element |
4764 | WBO,World Boxing Organization |
4765 | WC,Water Closet,Winston Churchill,World Cup (sports) |
4766 | WCBO,World Chess Boxing Organisation |
4767 | WCBP,World Center for Birds of Prey |
4768 | WCL,World Confederation of Labour |
4769 | WCS,Weapon Control Status,Wildlife Conservation Society |
4770 | WCW,World Championship Wrestling |
4771 | WDC,Western Design Center,World Data Center |
4772 | WDIN,Wildlife Disease Information Node |
4773 | WDWR,Walt Disney World Resort |
4774 | WEBS,Weapon Effectiveness Battle Simulation |
4775 | WEC,World Extreme Cagefighting |
4776 | WEEE,Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment |
4777 | WEF,World Economic Forum |
4778 | WEM,West Edmonton Mall |
4779 | WEU,Western European Union |
4780 | WEZ,(a/i) Weapon Engagement Zone |
4781 | WF,Wallis and Futuna Islands (ISO 3166 digram) |
4782 | WFC,Women's Forage Corps (World War II UK) |
4783 | WFD,Weapon of Focused Destruction |
4784 | WFF,Wallops Flight Facility |
4785 | WFI,Water for Injection |
4786 | WFP,World Food Program |
4787 | WFZ,Weapons Free Zone |
4788 | WG,Working Group,Wade-Giles |
4789 | WH,Wehrmacht Heer (German World War II army vehicle licence plate code) |
4790 | WHAM,Wisconsin Hydrogen-Alpha Mapping (telescope) |
4791 | WHI,Women's Health Initiative |
4792 | WHIP,Walks plus hits per inning pitched |
4793 | WHO,World Health Organisation |
4794 | WHS,(U.S.) Washington Headquarters Services |
4795 | WI,Western Sahara (FIPS 10-4 country code),Wisconsin (postal symbol),Women's Institute |
4796 | WIA,Wounded In Action,Wireless Institute of Australia (Amateur Radio) |
4797 | WIIFM,What's in it for me? |
4798 | WIMP,Weakly Interacting Massive Particle,Windows,Icons,Menus,Pointers |
4799 | WIP,Work In Progress |
4800 | WIPO,(a/i) World Intellectual Property Organization |
4801 | WIPP,[Nuclear] Waste Isolation Pilot Plant |
4802 | WIYN,Wisconsin Indiana Yale NOAO telescope consortium |
4803 | WK,Wake Island (ISO 3166 digram,obsolete 1986) |
4804 | WKYP,Will Keep You Posted |
4805 | WL,Wehrmacht Luftwaffe (German World War II air force vehicle licence plate code) |
4806 | WLB,Women's Land Brigade (World War II Canada) |
4807 | WLF,Wallis and Futuna Islands (ISO 3166 trigram) |
4808 | wln,Walloon language (ISO 639-2 code) |
4809 | WLOG,Without Loss Of Generality (see WOLOG) |
4810 | WM,Wehrmacht Marine (German World War II navy vehicle licence plate code) |
4811 | WMANUS,West Midlands Area National Union of Students |
4812 | WMD,World Movement for Democracy |
4813 | WMI,Wildlife Management Institute |
4814 | WMO,World Meteorological Organization |
4815 | WNA,World Nuclear Association |
4816 | WNIT,Women's National Invitation Tournament |
4817 | WNSD,What's New,Scooby-Doo? |
4818 | WNW,West North-West |
4819 | WO,Warrant Officer |
4820 | wo,Wolof language (ISO 639-1 code) |
4821 | WOF,Width of Fabric |
4822 | WOFT,Waste Of Fucking Time |
4823 | WOFTAM,Waste Of Fucking Time And Money |
4824 | WOI,(a/i) Wheels Of Italy |
4825 | wol,Wolof language (ISO 639-2 code) |
4826 | WOM,Write Only Memory |
4827 | WOS,Wilson Ornithological Society |
4828 | WOSM,World Organization of the Scout Movement,Worldwide Oil Spill Model |
4829 | WOT,Waste Of Time |
4830 | WP,White Phosphorus (ammunition) |
4831 | WPB,War Production Board during World War II |
4832 | WPE,World Pork Expo |
4833 | WPK,Wider Peacekeeping |
4834 | WPT,World Poker Tour,World Premiere Toons |
4835 | WR,Wide Receiver (football) |
4836 | WRAC,Women's Royal Army Corps (World War II UK) |
4837 | WRAIR,Walter Reed Army Institute of Research |
4838 | WRC,World Rally Championship |
4839 | WRC,World Religions Conference |
4840 | WRNG,Warning |
4841 | WRS,Worldwide Reference System |
4842 | WRT,NHS Workforce Review Team |
4843 | WRT,The Linksys routers whose model name start with 'WRT' |
4844 | WRT,Third party firmware for the Linksys WRT routers and compatible models from other vendors. |
4845 | WRT,Wallace Roberts & Todd,LLC (Urban Planning and Design) |
4846 | WRT,Web Runtime (WRT) is a portable application framework developed by Nokia that allows the creation of widgets on the S60 Platform. |
4847 | WRT,Wholesale,Trade,Retail sector,category in employment and economics statistics |
4848 | WRT,Wireless Receiver/Transmitter ( computer networks/IT ) |
4849 | WRT,Wireless Ronin Technologies (digital signage) |
4850 | WRT,World Rally Team |
4851 | WRT,Writer Response Theory |
4852 | WRVS,Women's Royal Voluntary Service,now only known by the acronym (UK) |
4853 | WS,Samoa (ISO 3166 and FIPS 10-4 country code digram; from the country's former name of Western Samoa),Writer to the Signet (a Scottish solicitor) |
4854 | WSC,Weapon System Catalogue |
4855 | WSDL,Web Services Description Language |
4856 | WSJ,(The) Wall Street Journal |
4857 | WSL,White Star Line (shipping company),Women's Super League,used to describe England's top women's association football league and top women's rugby union competition,Workers' Socialist League (UK political party) |
4858 | WSM,Samoa (ISO 3166 trigram; from Western Samoa),Winchester Short Magnum (family of rifle cartridges) |
4859 | WSROC,Western Sydney Regional Organisation of Councils |
4860 | WSSM,Winchester Super Short Magnum (family of rifle cartridges) |
4861 | WST,Water Soluble Tetrazolium (assay),Samoan tālā (ISO 4217 currency code) |
4862 | WSTC,Women Signallers Territorial Corps (World War II UK) |
4863 | WSW,West South-West |
4864 | WTB,Wales Tourism Board,Warenterminbörse Hannover |
4865 | WTC,World Trade Center |
4866 | WTF,What the fuck?; also What a Terrible Failure (android) |
4867 | WTFH,What The Fucking Hell |
4868 | WTH,What the Hell |
4869 | WTO,World Trade Organization |
4870 | WU,Wabash University,Washington University in St. Louis,Western Union,Windows Update,Work unit,WU Wien (German Wirtschaftsuniversität Wien,Vienna University of Economics and Business Administration) |
4871 | WUBU2,What you been up to |
4872 | WUU2,What you up to,Internet slang popular with teenagers. |
4873 | WV,West Virginia (postal symbol) |
4874 | WVA,World Veterinary Association |
4875 | WVIAC,West Virginia Intercollegiate Athletic Conference |
4876 | WVR,Women's Volunteer Reserve (World War II UK) |
4877 | WVSC,Women's Volunteer Service Corps (World War II Canada) |
4878 | WVU,West Virginia University |
4879 | WW,see entry |
4880 | WWE,World Wrestling Entertainment |
4881 | WWF,World Wide Fund for Nature,from its original name of World Wildlife Fund,which remains the legal name in the U.S. and Canada,World Wrestling Federation |
4882 | WWI,World War I |
4883 | WWII,World War II |
4884 | WWIII,World War III |
4885 | WWS,Wheaton Warrenville South High School |
4886 | WWV,Wagner-Werk-Verzeichnis (catalog of the works of Richard Wagner,and callsign of NIST's shortwave radio station in Fort Collins,Colorado) |
4887 | WWWF,World Wide Wrestling Federation |
4888 | WXO,Weather [Executive] Officer |
4889 | WY,Wyoming (postal symbol) |
4890 | WZ,Swaziland (FIPS 10-4 country code) |
4891 | XAF,BEAC (Banque des états de l'Afrique centrale) Central Africa CFA (Coopération financière en Afrique centrale) franc (ISO 4217 currency code) |
4892 | XAG,Silver Troy ounce (ISO 4217 currency code) |
4893 | XAU,Gold Troy ounce (ISO 4217 currency code) |
4894 | XBA,European Composite Unit (EURCO; Bonds market unit) (ISO 4217 currency code) |
4895 | XBB,European Monetary Unit (E.M.U.; Bonds market unit) (ISO 4217 currency code) |
4896 | XBML,eXtended Business Modelling Language |
4897 | XC,Ninety (in Roman numerals) |
4898 | XCBL,XML Common Business Library |
4899 | XCD,East Caribbean dollar (ISO 4217 currency code) |
4900 | XD,Used in chatrooms or email for smiley face. X is the eyes; squinted D is the mouth; XD. |
4901 | Xe,Xenon |
4902 | XF,Automobile made by Jaguar,Truck made by DAF Trucks,IATA code for Vladivostok Air |
4903 | XFA,XML Forms Architecture |
4904 | XFC,Xtreme Fighting Championships |
4905 | XFD,Fighter aircraft made by Douglas |
4906 | Xfe,X File Explorer |
4907 | XFF,X-Forwarded-For |
4908 | XFG,Exfoliation glaucoma |
4909 | XFH,1932 rototype U.S. Navy fighter aircraft made by Hall,X-ray fluorescence holography |
4910 | XFN,XHTML Friends Network, |
4911 | XFR,Automobile made by Jaguar |
4912 | XFT,X FreeType interface library |
4913 | XG,Automobile made by Hyundai |
4914 | XGA,Extended Graphics Array |
4915 | XGP,Extreme Game Player |
4916 | xh,Xhosa language (ISO 639-1 code) |
4917 | xho,Xhosa language (ISO 639-2 code) |
4918 | XHR,eXtra high Image resolution,XMLHTTPRequest |
4919 | XHTML,eXtensible Hypertext Markup Language |
4920 | XI,Eleven (in Roman numerals) |
4921 | XII,Twelve (in Roman numerals) |
4922 | XIII,Thirteen (in Roman numerals) |
4923 | XIV,Fourteen (in Roman numerals) |
4924 | XIX,Nineteen (in Roman numerals) |
4925 | XJ,Automobile made by Jaguar,Automobile made by Jeep |
4926 | XJL,Amphibian aircraft made by Columbia,Automobile made by Jaguar |
4927 | XJS,Automobile made by Jaguar |
4928 | XK,Automobile made by Jaguar,Automobile made by Jeep,Kell blood group precursor |
4929 | XKB,X keyboard extension |
4930 | XKE,Automobile made by Jaguar |
4931 | XKR,Automobile made by Jaguar |
4932 | XL,eXtra Large,Forty (in Roman numerals) |
4933 | XML,eXtensible Markup Language |
4934 | XMSF,eXtensible Modelling and Simulation Framework |
4935 | XN,Christian,Nordic Patent Institute |
4936 | XNC,X Northern Captain |
4937 | XNS,Xerox Network Systems,Extensible Name Service,Christians |
4938 | XNU,X is Not Unix |
4939 | XOF,BCÉAO (Banque centrale des états de l'Afrique de l'Ouest) West African CFA (Communauté financière d'Afrique) franc (ISO 4217 currency code) |
4940 | XP,eXperience Point (role-playing games) |
4941 | XPD,Palladium Troy ounce (ISO 4217 currency code) |
4942 | XPF,CFP franc (ISO 4217 currency code) |
4943 | XPT,Platinum Troy ounce (ISO 4217 currency code) |
4944 | XQJ,XQuery API for Java™ |
4945 | XRAY,X-Ray |
4946 | XRML,eXtensible Rights Markup Language |
4947 | XS,Xiaolin Showdown |
4948 | XSL,eXtensible Style Language |
4949 | XTMH,eXtreme Technology Multiprocessor Hyperlanguage |
4950 | XUL,XML User Interface Language |
4951 | XV,Fifteen (in Roman numerals) |
4952 | XVI,Sixteen (in Roman numerals) |
4953 | XVII,Seventeen (in Roman numerals) |
4954 | XVIII,Eighteen (in Roman numerals) |
4955 | XWF,Xcitement Wrestling Federation |
4956 | XX,Twenty (in Roman numerals) |
4957 | XXX,Hardcore pornography (film rating),Thirty (in Roman numera |
4958 | Xyl,Xylobium |
4959 | XZN,Triple square screw driver |
4960 | y,Yocto- |
4961 | Y,Yotta,Yttrium |
4962 | Y2K,Year Two Thousand |
4963 | yA,Yoctoampere |
4964 | YA,Yottaampere,Young Adult |
4965 | Ya,Yottayear |
4966 | YaBPr,Yet another Brother Pat rant |
4967 | YABSLAG,Yet another boy singing like a girl |
4968 | YAC,(a/i) Youth-Adult Committee |
4969 | YAFLA,Yet Another Five Letter Abbreviation |
4970 | YAP,Young Aspiring Professional |
4971 | YB,Youcef Benzouada (Southern Algerian name) |
4972 | Yb,Ytterbium |
4973 | yC,Yoctocoulomb |
4974 | YC,Yottacoulomb |
4975 | YD,People's Democratic Republic of Yemen (ISO 3166 digram,obsolete 1990) |
4976 | YDS,Yosemite Decimal System (climbing) |
4977 | YE,Yemen (ISO 3166 digram) |
4978 | YEM,Yemen (ISO 3166 trigram) |
4979 | YER,Yemeni rial (ISO 4217 currency code) |
4980 | yF,Yoctofarad |
4981 | YF,Yottafarad |
4982 | yg,Yoctogram |
4983 | Yg,Yottagram |
4984 | YGCO,Yamaneko Group of Comet Observers |
4985 | Ygo,Yu-Gi-Oh! |
4986 | yH,Yoctohenry |
4987 | YH,Yottahenry |
4988 | YHBT,You Have Been Trolled |
4989 | YHIH1,You Heard It Here First (lowercase: yhih1,pronounced yi-hi) |
4990 | YHII,You Have It Inside |
4991 | YHS,Ya Hoor sur! |
4992 | YI,Serbia and Montenegro (deprecated FIPS 10-4 country code,now RB (Serbia) and MJ (Montenegro)) |
4993 | yi,Yiddish language (ISO 639-1 code) |
4994 | Yi,Yobi |
4995 | yid,Yiddish language (ISO 639-2 code) |
4996 | Yippie,Youth International Party + suffix |
4997 | yJ,Yoctojoule |
4998 | YJ,Yottajoule |
4999 | yK,Yoctokelvin |
5000 | YK,Yottakelvin |
5001 | YKYFCW,You know you're from Christchurch when (post-earthquake joke) |
5002 | yL,Yoctolitre |
5003 | YL,Yottalitre |
5004 | YM,Yemen (FIPS 10-4 country code),Your Magazine (originally Young Miss,later Young & Modern) |
5005 | ym,Yoctometre |
5006 | Ym,Yottametre |
5007 | YMD,People's Democratic Republic of Yemen (ISO 3166 trigram,obsolete 1990) |
5008 | YMMD,You Make My Day |
5009 | yN,Yoctonewton |
5010 | YN,Yottanewton |
5011 | YO,former Yugoslavia (NATO country code,obsolete 1993) |
5012 | yo,Yoruba language (ISO 639-1 code) |
5013 | YOLO,You Only Live Once |
5014 | yor,Yoruba language (ISO 639-2 code) |
5015 | YPA,Yards per Pass Attempt (football statistic) |
5016 | YPIO,Your Problem Is Obvious |
5017 | YPO,Young Presidents' Organization |
5018 | ys,Yoctosecond |
5019 | yS,Yoctosiemens |
5020 | Ys,Yottasecond |
5021 | YS,Yottasiemens |
5022 | YSA,Single adult (LDS Church),Young Socialist Alliance,Youth Service America |
5023 | YSI,Young Scots for Independence |
5024 | YT,Mayotte (ISO 3166 digram),Yottatesla,Yukon Territory (postal symbol) |
5025 | yT,Yoctotesla |
5026 | YTD,Year-To-Date |
5027 | YTM,Yield to Maturity |
5028 | YTS,Youth Training Scheme |
5029 | YTT,Yoshi Topsy-Turvy |
5030 | YU,York University,former Yugoslavia (ISO 3166 digram,obsolete 2003) |
5031 | YUG,former Yugoslavia (ISO 3166 trigram,obsolete 2003) |
5032 | Yuppie,Young Urban Professional + suffix |
5033 | yV,Yoctovolt |
5034 | YV,Yottavolt |
5035 | yW,Yoctowatt |
5036 | YW,Yottawatt |
5037 | YYH,YuYu Hakusho |
5038 | z,Zepto |
5039 | Z,Zetta |
5040 | ZA,South Africa (ISO 3166 digram),Zambia (FIPS 10-4 country code),Zettaampere |
5041 | zA,Zeptoampere |
5042 | za,Zhuang languages (ISO 639-1 code) |
5043 | ZAF,South Africa (ISO 3166 trigram) |
5044 | ZAMS,Zero age main sequence |
5045 | ZAR,South African rand (ISO 4217 currency code),Zaire (ISO 3166 trigram,obsolete 1997) |
5046 | ZAS,Zylinder Abschaltung System |
5047 | ZBT,Zero-Balance Transfer (accounting) |
5048 | zC,Zeptocoulomb |
5049 | ZC,Zettacoulomb |
5050 | ZCM,(n) ZENworks Configuration Management |
5051 | ZCMK,Zone Control Master Key |
5052 | ZCU,Zimbabwe Cricket Union |
5053 | \a,Atto- |