mirror of
synced 2025-03-09 20:11:34 +01:00
24 KiB
24 KiB
1 | Abbr | Term |
2 | AA | Air-to-Air |
3 | AA | Anti-Aircraft |
4 | AAA | Anti-Aircraft Artillery |
5 | AAAV | Advanced Amphibious Assault Vehicle |
6 | AADC | Area Air Defense Commander |
7 | AAFES | Army Air Force Exchange System |
8 | AAFES | Army and Air Force Exchange Service |
9 | AAM | Air-to-Air Missile |
10 | AAMG | Anti-Aircraft Machine Gun |
11 | AAP | American Academy of Pediatrics |
12 | AAV | Amphibious Assault Vehicle |
13 | AAV | Amphibious Assault Vehicle |
14 | AAV | Assault Amphibian Vehicle |
15 | AAVC | Assault Amphibian Vehicle Command |
16 | ABA | Applied Behavior Analysis |
17 | ABM | Anti-Ballistic Missile |
18 | AC | Active Component |
19 | ACC | Air Combat Command |
20 | ACFT | Army Combat Fitness Test |
21 | ACM | Air Combat Maneuvering |
22 | ACMI | Air Combat Maneuvering Instrumentation |
23 | ACMR | Air Combat Maneuvering Range |
24 | ACO | Airspace Control Order |
25 | ACP | Armored Command Post |
26 | ACSI | American Customer Satisfaction Index |
27 | ACU | Army Combat Uniform |
28 | ACU | Assault Craft Unit |
29 | ADATS | Air Defense Anti-Tank System |
30 | ADF | Australian Defense Force |
31 | ADFM | Active-Duty Family Member |
32 | ADIZ | Air Defense Identification Zone |
33 | ADWC | Air Defense Warning Condition |
34 | AETF | Air Expeditionary task force |
35 | AEV | Armored Engineer Vehicle |
36 | AEW | Airborne Early Warning |
37 | AEW&C | Airborne Early Warning and Control |
38 | AF | Air Force |
39 | AFB | Air Force Base |
40 | AFD | Automatic Feeding Device |
41 | AFMC | Air Force Material Command |
42 | AFN | American Forces Network |
43 | AFV | Armored Fighting Vehicle |
44 | AIFV | Armored Infantry Fighting Vehicle |
45 | AIP | Assignment Incentive Pay |
46 | AIRSUPREQ | Air Support Request |
47 | AIT | Advanced Individual Training |
48 | AIT or “A School” | Advanced Individual Training |
49 | ALBM | Air Launched Ballistic Missile |
50 | ALCM | Air Launched Cruise Missile |
51 | ALCT | Airlift Control Team |
52 | ALERTORD | Alert Order |
53 | AMC | Air Mobility Command |
54 | AMC | Air Mobility Command |
55 | AMCT | Air Mobility Control Team |
56 | AMD | Air Mobility Division |
57 | AMLO | Air Mobility Liaison Officer |
58 | AMR | Anti-Material Rifle |
59 | AMRAAM | Advanced Medium Range Air-to-Air Missile |
60 | ANG | Air National Guard |
61 | AOC | Air Operations Center |
62 | AP | Armor Piercing |
63 | APC | Armored Personnel Carrier |
64 | APF | Appropriated Funds |
65 | AP-T | Armor Piercing - Tracer |
66 | APU | Auxiliary Power Unit |
67 | ARCT | Air Refueling Control Team |
68 | ARM | Anti-Radiation Missile |
69 | ARRV | Armored Repair and Recovery Vehicle |
70 | ARSOF | Army special operations forces |
71 | ARV | Armored Recovery Vehicle |
72 | AS | Anti-Ship |
73 | ASG | Allied System for Geospatial Intelligence |
74 | ASM | Air-to-Surface Missile |
75 | ASM | Anti-Ship Missle |
76 | ASPJ | Airborne Self-Protection Jammer |
77 | ASRAAM | Advanced Short Range Air-to-Air Missile |
78 | AST | Air Staff Target |
79 | ASTOVL | Advanced Short Take-Off and Vertical Landing |
80 | ASuW | Anti-Surface Warfare |
81 | ASV | Anti-Surface Vessel |
82 | ASVAB | Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery |
83 | ASW | Anti-Submarine Warfare |
84 | AT | Anti-Tank |
85 | ATBM | Anti-Tactical Ballistic Missile |
86 | ATCS | Air Traffic Control Section |
87 | ATGW | Anti-Tank Guided Weapon |
88 | ATR | Anti-Tank Rifle |
89 | AUW | All-Up Weight |
90 | AVL | Anti-Vehicle Land Mine |
91 | AVLB | Armored Vehicle-Launched Bridge |
92 | B | Bomber designation (as in B-52 Stratofortress) |
93 | BAG | Budget Activity Group |
94 | BAH | Basic Allowance for Housing |
95 | BAH | Basic Housing Allowance |
96 | BAHC | Basic Allowance for Health Care |
97 | BAS | Basic Allowance for Subsistence |
98 | BCT | Basic Combat Training |
99 | BDOC | Base Defense Operations Center |
100 | BDU | Battle Dress Uniform |
101 | BDZ | Base Defense Zone |
102 | BEC | Benefits Executive Committee |
103 | BM | Ballistic Missile |
104 | BMCT | Begin Morning Civil Twilight |
105 | BMNT | Begin Morning Nautical Twilight |
106 | BOD | Board of Directors |
107 | BPLAN | Base Plan |
108 | BRS | Blended Retirement System |
109 | BVR | Beyond Visual Range |
110 | BZ | Buffer Zone |
111 | C2 | Command and Control |
112 | CABG | Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting |
113 | CAHPS | Consumer Assessment of Healthcare Providers and Systems |
114 | CAP | Combat Air Patrol |
115 | CAS | Close-Air Support |
116 | CASEVAC | Casualty Evacuation |
117 | CAWS | Close Assault Weapon System |
118 | CBO | Congressional Budget Office |
119 | CC | Command & Control |
120 | CCDR | Combatant Commander |
121 | CCHHS | Cook County Health and Hospital System |
122 | CCMD | Combatant Command |
123 | CCV | Command & Control Vehicle |
124 | CDC | Child Development Center |
125 | CDP | Child Development Program |
126 | CDU | Control Display Unit |
127 | CEA | Circular Error Average |
128 | CEB | Cooperative Efforts Board |
129 | CEP | Circular Error Probable |
130 | CEV | Combat Engineer/Engineering Vehicle |
131 | CFE | Conventional Forces Europe |
132 | CFL | Coordinated FireLine |
133 | CFR | Code of Federal Regulations |
134 | CFV | Cavalry Fighting Vehicle |
135 | CIWS | Close-In Weapon System (US) |
136 | CLEP | College Level Examinations Program |
137 | CLS | Combat Life Saver |
138 | CM | Cruise Missile |
139 | CMAC | CHAMPUS Maximum Allowable Charge |
140 | CMO | Civil-Military Operations |
141 | CO | Commanding Officer |
142 | CO | Commanding Officer |
143 | COA | Course of Action |
144 | COG | Center of Gravity |
145 | COIN | Counter-Insurgency |
146 | COL | Colonel |
147 | COLA | Cost of Living Allowance |
148 | CONUS | Continental U.S. |
149 | COOP | Continuity of Operations |
150 | CP | Contact Point |
151 | CP | Continuation Pay |
152 | CPG | Contingency Planning Guidance |
153 | CPL | Corporal |
154 | CPT | Captain |
155 | CRAF | Civil Reserve Air Fleet |
156 | CRAF | Civil Reserve Air Fleet |
157 | CRARRV | Challenger Armored Repair and Recovery Vehicle |
158 | CRBM | Close-Range Ballistic Missile |
159 | CRDP | Concurrent Retirement Disability Pay |
160 | CRSC | Combat Related Special Compensation |
161 | CRT | Cathode Ray Tube |
162 | CSB | Close-Support Bridge |
163 | CSP | Critical Skills Pay |
164 | C-STARS | Centers for Sustainment of Trauma and Readiness Skills (USAF) |
165 | CTS | Close-To-Shore |
166 | CV | Combat Vehicle |
167 | CV | Conventionally Powered aircraft carrier (USN) |
168 | CVRT | Combat Vehicle Reconnaissance Tracked |
169 | CVW | Carrier Air Wing |
170 | CWC | Composite Warfare Commander |
171 | CWMD | Countering Weapons of Mass Destruction |
172 | CZTE | Combate Zone Tax Exclusion |
173 | DA | Department of the Air Force |
174 | DA | Direct Action |
175 | DA | Double Agent |
176 | DACMC | Defense Advisory Committee on Military Compensation |
177 | DAF | Defense Information Systems Network |
178 | DANTES | Defense Activity for Non-Traditional Education Support |
179 | DASC(A) | Direct Air Support Center (Airborne) |
180 | DB | Defined Benefit |
181 | DC | Defined Contribution |
182 | DeCA | Defense Commissary Agency |
183 | DEERS | Defense Enrollment Eligibility Reporting System |
184 | DEERS | Defense Enrollment Eligibility Reporting System |
185 | DEFCON | Defense Readiness Condition |
186 | DEPORD | Deployment Order |
187 | DeRA | Defense Resale Activity |
188 | DEW | Distant Early Warning (US) |
189 | DFAS | Defense Finance and Accounting Service |
190 | DFC | Distinguished Flying Cross: Air Force decoration |
191 | DFGL | Distinct Faith Group Leader |
192 | DGPS | Differential GPS |
193 | DHA | Defense Health Agency |
194 | DIC | Dependency and Indemnity Compensation |
195 | DITY | Do-It-Yourself |
196 | DLA | Dislocation Allowance |
197 | DLTP | Defence Logistics Transformation Program |
198 | DMDC | Defense Manpower Data Center |
199 | DMHS | Defense Message Handling System |
200 | DMR | Designated Marksman Rifle |
201 | DoDI | DoD Instruction |
202 | DoDTR | Department of Defense Trauma Registry |
203 | DOL | U.S. Department of Labor |
204 | DON | Department of the Navy |
205 | DP | Dual-Purpose |
206 | DRB | Discharge Review Board |
207 | DRM | Dynamic Retention Model (RAND) |
208 | DRO | Decision Review Officer |
209 | DVI | Direct Voice Input |
210 | DVOP | Disabled Veterans’ Outreach Program |
211 | DZ | Drop Zone |
212 | DZ | Drop Zone |
213 | E | Enlisted |
214 | EAD | Earliest Arrival Date |
215 | EAOS | End of Active Obligated Service |
216 | EAS | End of Active Service |
217 | EBT | Electronic Benefit Transfer |
218 | ECCM | Electronic Counter CounterMeasures |
219 | ECHO | Extended Care Health Option |
220 | ECM | Electronic CounterMeasures |
221 | ECR | Electronic Combat Reconnaissance |
222 | EECT | End Evening Civil Twilight |
223 | EENT | End of Evening Nautical Twilight |
224 | EFIS | Electronic Flight Instrument System |
225 | EFM | Exceptional Family Member |
226 | EFMP | Exceptional Family Member Program |
227 | EH | Explosive Hazard |
228 | EHHC | ECHO Home Health Care |
229 | EHR | Electronic Health Record |
230 | ELINT | ELectronic INTelligence |
231 | EMC | Essential Medical Capability |
232 | EMP | Electromagnetic Pulse |
233 | EOC | Emergency Operations Center |
234 | EOD | Explosive Ordnance Disposal |
235 | EOD | Explosive Ordnance Disposal |
236 | EP | Emergency Preparedness |
237 | ERA | Explosive Reactive Armor |
238 | ERC | en Route Care |
239 | ERISA | Employee Retirement Income Security Act |
240 | ESEA | Elementary and Secondary Education Act |
241 | eshp | Equivalent Shaft Horsepower |
242 | ESM | Electronic Support Measures |
243 | EW | Early Warning |
244 | EW | Electronic Warfare |
245 | EW | Electronic Warning |
246 | EWA | Electronic Warfare Aircraft |
247 | F | Fighter designation (as in F-15 Eagle) |
248 | FA | Frontal Aviation |
249 | FAC | Forward Air Control / Forward Air Controller |
250 | FAE | Fuel Air Explosives |
251 | FAV | Fast Attack Vehicle |
252 | FBW | Fly-by-Wire |
253 | FCC | Family Child Care |
254 | FCS | Fire Control System |
255 | FDA | U.S. Food and Drug Administration |
256 | FDO | Flight Deck Officer |
257 | FEBA | Forward Edge of the Battle Area |
258 | FEBA | Foward Edge of Battle Area |
259 | FEDVIP | Federal Employees Dental and Vision Insurance Program |
260 | FEHBP | Federal Employees Health Benefits Program |
261 | FFA | Free-Fire Area |
262 | FFAR | Folding-Fin Aerial Rocket |
263 | FFS | Fee-For-Service |
264 | FHCC | Federal Health Care Center |
265 | FIE | Fly-In Echelon |
266 | FIFV | Future Infantry Fighting Vehicle |
267 | FLIR | Forward Looking Infrared |
268 | FLPB | Foreign Language Proficiency Bonus |
269 | FLTCIP | Federal Longer Term Care Insurance Program |
270 | FMC | Food Machinery Corporation |
271 | FMF | Fleet Marine Force |
272 | FMR | Financial Management Regulation |
273 | FMS | Foreign Military Sale (US) |
274 | FMWG | Financial Management Working Group |
275 | FOB | Forward Operating Base |
276 | FOB | Forward Operating Base |
277 | FOC | Final Operating Capabilities |
278 | FOD | Foreign Object Damage |
279 | FOS | Forward Operating Site |
280 | FSA | Family Separation Allowance |
281 | FSSA | Family Subsistence Supplemental Allowance |
282 | FUBAR | Fouled' Up Beyond All Recognition |
283 | FV | Fighting Vehicle |
284 | GAM | GPS-Aided Munition |
285 | GAO | U.S. Government Accountability Office |
286 | GATES | Global Air Transportation Execution System |
287 | GCI | Ground-Controlled Intercept |
288 | GCT | Grande Cadence de Tir (France) |
289 | GE | General Electric |
290 | GIB | GI Bill |
291 | GMI | General Military Intelligence |
292 | GP | General Purpose |
293 | GPMG | General Purpose Machine Gun |
294 | GPMRC | Global Patient Movement Requirements Center |
295 | GPS | Global Positioning System |
296 | GSSAP | Geosynchronous Space Situational Awareness Program |
297 | HCBS | Home and Community-Based Services |
298 | HCSDB | Health Care Survey of DoD Beneficiaries |
299 | HD | Homeland Defense |
300 | HDP-L | Hardship Duty Pay Locations |
301 | HE | High Explosive |
302 | HEC | Health Executive Committee |
303 | HEDIS | Healthcare Effectiveness Data and Information Set |
304 | HE-FRAG | High Explosive-Fragmentation |
305 | HEI | High Explosive Incendiary |
306 | HEMAT | Heavy Expanded Mobility Ammunition Trailer |
307 | HEP | High Explosive Plastic |
308 | HESH | High Explosive Squash Head |
309 | HE-T | High Explosive - Tracer |
310 | HMG | Heavy Machine u Gun |
311 | HMO | Health Maintenance Organization |
312 | HOB | Height of Burst |
313 | HOC | Humanitarian Operations Center |
314 | HOTAS | Hands-On-Throttle-and-Stick |
315 | HPT | High-Payoff Target |
316 | HQ | Headquarter(s) |
317 | HR | Hostage Rescue |
318 | HRP | High-Risk personnel |
319 | HS | Homeland Security |
320 | HUD | Head Up Display |
321 | HUDWAC | Head Up Display Weapon Aiming Computer |
322 | HUDWASS | Head Up Display Weapon Aiming SubSystem |
323 | HUMINT | Human Intelligence |
324 | HVAP | High Velocity Armor Piercing |
325 | HVM | High Velocity Missile |
326 | HVT | High-Value Target |
327 | IADS | Integrated Air Defense System |
328 | IAMD | Integrated Air and Missile Defense |
329 | IC3 | Interagency Care Coordination Committee |
330 | ICBM | InterContinental Ballistic Missile |
331 | IDA | Institute for Defense Analyses |
332 | IED | Improvised Explosive Device |
333 | iEHR | Integrated Electronic Health Record |
334 | IFF | Identification Friend or Foe |
335 | IFV | Infantry Fighting Vehicle |
336 | IGE | In Ground Effect |
337 | IIR | Intelligence Information report |
338 | INS | Inertial Navigation System |
339 | INTELSAT | International Telecommunications Satellite Organization |
340 | IOC | Initial Operating Capabilities |
341 | IOC | Initial Operational Capability |
342 | IPO | Interagency Program Office |
343 | IR | InfraRed |
344 | IRAN | Inspect and Repair as Necessary |
345 | IRBM | Intermediate Range Ballistic Missile |
346 | IRBM | Intermediate-Range Ballistic Missile |
347 | IRCM | Infra-Red CounterMeasure |
348 | IRR | Individual Ready Reserve |
349 | IRS | Inertial Reference System |
350 | IRST | Infra-Red Search-and-Track |
351 | ISA | International Standard Atmosphere |
352 | ISOPREP | Isolated Personnel Report |
353 | IT | Information Technology |
354 | JA | Judge Advocate |
355 | JAAT | Joint Air Attack Team |
356 | JAG | Judge Advocate General |
357 | JAGIC | Joint Air-Ground Integration Center |
358 | JAOC | Joint Air Operations Center |
359 | JAOP | Joint Air Operations Plan |
360 | JAST | Joint Advanced Strike Technology |
361 | JCN | Joint Communications Network |
362 | JDAM | Joint Direct Attack Munition |
363 | JEC | Joint Executive Committee |
364 | JEZ | Joint Engagement Zone |
365 | JFCH | Joint Force Chaplain |
366 | JFO | Joint Field Office |
367 | JIF | Joint Incentive Fund |
368 | JIOC | Joint Intelligence Operations Center |
369 | JIOO | Joint Interrogation Operations |
370 | JLOC | Joint Logistics Operations Center |
371 | JMROC | Joint Medical Readiness Oversight Council |
372 | JOA | Joint Operations Area |
373 | JOC | Joint Operations Center |
374 | Joint-STARS | Joint Surveillance Target Attack Radar System |
375 | JRC | Joint Readiness Command |
376 | JS | Joint Staff |
377 | JSC | Joint Chiefs of Staff |
378 | JSF | Joint Strike Fighter |
379 | JSOW | Joint Stand-Off Weapon |
380 | JSP | Joint Strategic Plan |
381 | JTB | Joint Transportation Board |
382 | JTF | Joint Task Force |
383 | JTIDS | Joint Tactical Information Distribution System |
384 | JVSG | Jobs for Veterans State Grant |
385 | KCAS | Calibrated AirSpeed (in Knots) |
386 | KIAS | Knots Indicated AirSpeed |
387 | KTAS | True AirSpeed in Knots |
388 | LA | Lead Agent |
389 | LABS | Low Altitude Bombing System |
390 | LAD | Latest Arrival Date |
391 | LAD | Launch Area Denied |
392 | LAMPS | Light Airborne MultiPurpose System |
393 | LANTIRN | Low Altitude Targeting InfraRed for Night |
394 | LAPES | Low Altitude Parachute Extraction System |
395 | LARS | Light Artillery Rocket System |
396 | LAV | Light Armored Vehicle |
397 | LAV | Light Assault Vehicle |
398 | LCD | Liquid Crystal Display |
399 | LCS | Littoral Combat Ship |
400 | LEA | Law Enforcement Agency |
401 | LES | Leave and Earnings Statement |
402 | LF | Low Frequency (30 to 300 kHz) |
403 | LGB | Laser-Guided Bomb |
404 | LGW | Laser-Guided Weapon |
405 | LLLTV | Low Light Level Television |
406 | LMG | Light Machine Gun |
407 | LMI | Logistics Management Institute |
408 | LO | Low Observables |
409 | LOA | Letter of Authorization |
410 | LOA | Letter of Offer and Acceptance |
411 | LOC | Line of Communications |
412 | LOR | Launch on Remote |
413 | LPT | Low Profile Turret |
414 | LRMP | Long Range Maritime Patrol Aircraft |
415 | LT | Lieutenant |
416 | LT | Light Tank |
417 | LVER | Local Veterans’ Employment Representative |
418 | LVTP | Landing Vehicle Tracked Personnel |
419 | LZ | Landing Zone |
420 | LZ | Landing Zone |
421 | MAAP | Master Air Attack Plan |
422 | MAC | Military Airlift Command |
423 | MAD | Magnetic Anomaly Detector |
424 | MAJ | Major |
425 | MAP | Medical Advisory Panel |
426 | MAP | Military Assistance Program |
427 | MARAD RRF | Maritime Administration Ready Reserve Force |
428 | MAW | Marine Air Wing (USMC) |
429 | MAXORD | Maximum Ordinate |
430 | MBT | Main Battle Tank |
431 | MCCS | Marine Corps Community Services |
432 | MCM | Mine Countermeasures |
433 | MCM | Mine Countermeasures |
434 | MCRMC | Military Compensation and Retirement Modernization Commission |
435 | MCSC | Managed Care Support Contract |
436 | MCX | Marine Corps Exchange |
437 | MD | Missile Defense |
438 | MDA | Muster Duty Allowance |
439 | MEPS | Military Entrance Processing Station |
440 | MERHCF | Medicare-Eligible Retiree Health Care Fund |
441 | MEZ | Missile Engagement Zone |
442 | MFD | Multi-Function Display |
443 | MG | Machine Gun |
444 | MGIB | Montgomery GI Bill |
445 | MGIB-AD | Montgomery GI Bill Active Duty |
446 | MGIB-SR | Montgomery GI Bill Selected Reserve |
447 | MHA | Military Housing Allowance |
448 | MHA | Military Housing Area |
449 | MHS | Military Health System |
450 | MHS | Military Health System |
451 | MIA | Missing in Action |
452 | MIB | Military Intelligence Board |
453 | MIDB | Modernized Integrated Database |
454 | MILCON | military construction |
455 | MILCON | Military Construction |
456 | MILDEC | military deception |
457 | MILDEP | Military Department |
458 | MILPERS | Military Personnel |
459 | MILSPEC | Military Specification |
460 | MILSTAMP | Military Standard Transportation and Movement Procedures |
461 | MILSTRIP | Military Standard Requisitioning and Issue Procedure |
462 | MILTECH | Military technician |
463 | MIW | Mine Warfare |
464 | MLA | Military Lending Act |
465 | MLRS | Multiple Launch Rocket System |
466 | MLU | Mid-Life Update |
467 | MMG | Medium Machine Gun |
468 | MNF | Multinational Force |
469 | MOB | Main Operating Base |
470 | MOC | Media Operations Center |
471 | MOLLE or M.O.L.L.E. | MOdular Lightweight Load-carrying Equipment |
472 | MOS | Military Occupational Specialty |
473 | MP | Machine Pistol |
474 | MPA | Maritime Patrol Aircraft |
475 | MPC | Multi-Purpose Carrier |
476 | MPO | Military Post Office |
477 | MPS | Military Postal Service |
478 | MPSA | Military Postal Service Agency |
479 | MR | Maritime Reconnaissance |
480 | MRAV | Multi-Role Armored Vehicle |
481 | MRBM | Medium Range Ballistic Missile |
482 | MRBM | Medium-Range Ballistic Missile |
483 | MRF | Military Retirement F |
484 | MRR | Minimum-Risk Route |
485 | MSC | Military Sealift Command |
486 | MSF | Mobile Security Force |
487 | MSG | Master Sergeant |
488 | MSIP | Multi-Stage Improvement Program |
489 | MSP | Maritime Security Program |
490 | MSR | Main Supply Route |
491 | MSRRA | Military Spouse Residency Relief Act |
492 | MTF | Medical Treatment Facility |
493 | MyCAA | Military Spouse Career Advancement Accounts |
494 | NAF | Nonappropriated Funds |
495 | NAI | Named Area of Interest |
496 | NAS | Naval Air Station |
497 | NATO | North Atlantic Treaty Organization |
498 | NAVSOF | Navy Special Operations Forces |
499 | NBI | Nonbattle Injury |
500 | NCO | Non-Commissioned Officer |
501 | NCP | Normal Cost Payments |
502 | NCR | National Capital Region |
503 | NCS | National Communications System |
504 | NDAA | National Defense Authorization Act |
505 | NDMS | National Disaster Medical System |
506 | NDRC | National Detainee Reporting Center |
507 | NDRF | National Defense Reserve Fleet |
508 | NEX | Navy Exchange |
509 | NEXCOM | Navy Exchange Command |
510 | NEXMART | Navy Exchange Market |
511 | NFA | No-Fire Area |
512 | NFL | No-Fire Line |
513 | NFLS | Naval Forward Logistic Site |
514 | NGFS | Naval Gunfire Support |
515 | NGO | Nongovernmental Organization |
516 | NIMS | National Incident Management System |
517 | NLW | Nonlethal Weapon |
518 | nm | Nautical Mile |
519 | NMCS | National Military Command System |
520 | NMS | National Military Strategy |
521 | NOC | National Operations Center |
522 | NOE | Nap of the Earth |
523 | NSC | National Security Council |
524 | NSFS | Naval Surface Fire Support |
525 | NSL | No-Strike List |
526 | NSW | Naval Special Warfare |
527 | NVD | Night Vision Device |
528 | O | Officer |
529 | O&M | Operation and Maintenance |
530 | O&M | Operations and Maintenance |
531 | OA | Objective Area |
532 | OACT | Office of the Actuary (DoD) |
533 | OC | Operations Center |
534 | OCA | Offensive Counterair |
535 | OCO | Offensive Cyberspace Operations |
536 | OCONUS | Outside the Continental U.S. |
537 | OCS | Officer Candidate School |
538 | OCU | Operational Conversion Unit |
539 | OEF | Operation ENDURING FREEDOM |
540 | OFCO | Offensive Counterintelligence Operation |
541 | OGE | Out of Ground Effect |
542 | OHA | Overseas Housing Allowance |
543 | OIF | Operation IRAQI FREEDOM |
544 | OOD | Officer of the Deck |
545 | OOP | Out-of-Pocket |
546 | OPCON | Operational Control |
547 | OPLAN | Operation Plan |
548 | OPM | U.S. Office of Personnel Management |
549 | OPORD | Operation Order |
550 | OPSEC | Operational Security |
551 | OPSEC | Operations Security |
552 | OSA | Operational Support Airlift |
553 | OSC | On-Scene Commander |
554 | OSINT | Open-Source Intelligence |
555 | OTC | Officer in Tactical Command |
556 | OTH | Over-the-Horizon |
557 | OTH-B | Over-The-Horizon Backscatter radar |
558 | OTHR | Over-The-Horizon Radar |
559 | OTHT | Over-The-Horizon Targeting |
560 | PACAF | Pacific Air Force (USAF) |
561 | PAR | Population at Risk |
562 | PB | Peace Building |
563 | PCM | Primary Care Manager |
564 | PCS | Permanent Change of Station |
565 | PD | Probability of Damage |
566 | PDRL | Permanently Disabled Retired List |
567 | PFC | Private First Class |
568 | PFM | Personal Financial Management |
569 | PFT | Physical Fitness Test |
570 | PGM | Precision-Guided Munition |
571 | PGM | Precision-Guided Munition |
572 | PID | Passive IDentification |
573 | PID | Positive Identification |
574 | PII | Personally Identifiable Identification |
575 | PL | Phase Line |
576 | PLANORD | Planning Order |
577 | PLB | Personal Locator Beacon |
578 | PM | Peacemaking |
579 | PNGDF | Papua New Guinea Defense Force |
580 | PO | Peace Operations |
581 | POC | Point of Contact |
582 | POC | Privately Owned Conveyance |
583 | POD | Port of Debarkation |
584 | POE | Port of Embarkation |
585 | POW | Prisoner of War |
586 | PPE | personal Protective Equipment |
587 | PPM | Personally Procured Move |
588 | PPO | Preferred Provider Organization |
589 | PR | Personnel Recovery |
590 | PRC | Presidential Reserve Call-Up |
591 | PSAS | Prosthetic and Sensory Aids Service |
592 | PT | Physical Training |
593 | PTC | Pharmacy and Therapeutics Committee |
594 | PTDO | Prepare to Deploy Order |
595 | PTG | Poseur de Travures du Genie (France) |
596 | PTSD | Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder |
597 | PTTI | Precise Time and Time Interval |
598 | PUK | Packup Kit |
599 | PV | Perceived Value |
600 | PVT | Private |
601 | PX | Post Exchange |
602 | R&D | Research & Development |
603 | R&R | Rest and Recuperation |
604 | RA | Risk Assessment |
605 | RAAWS | Radar Altimeter and Altitude Warning System |
606 | RAM | Radar Absorbing Material |
607 | RATO | Rocket-Assisted Take-Off |
608 | RC | Reserve Component |
609 | RCC | Rescue Coordination Center |
610 | RCS | Radar Cross-Section |
611 | RDD | Radiological Dispersal Device |
612 | REAP | Reserve Education Assistance Program |
613 | Recce | Reconnaissance |
614 | RED | Radiological Exposure Device |
615 | RESCAP | Rescue Combat Air Patrol |
616 | RFA | Restrictive Fire Area |
617 | RFI | Request for Information |
618 | RFL | Restrictive Fire Line |
619 | RHPO | Regional Health Planning Organization |
620 | RI | Relative Importance |
621 | RISE | Reliability Improved Selected Equipment |
622 | RM | Risk Management |
623 | RMG | Ranging Machine Gun |
624 | ROE | Rules of Engagement |
625 | ROE | Rules of Engagement |
626 | ROZ | Restricted Operations Zone |
627 | RP | Rocket Propelled |
628 | RPG | Rocket Propelled Grenade |
629 | RPM | Revolutions Per Minute |
630 | RPM | Rounds Per Minute |
631 | RPV | Remotely-Piloted Vehicle |
632 | RR | Reattack Recommendation |
633 | RRCC | Regional Response Coordination Center |
634 | RSA | Resource Sharing Agreement |
635 | RSO | Regional Security Officer |
636 | RT | Recovery Team |
637 | RTB | Return to Base |
638 | RVU | Relative Value Unit |
639 | RWR | Radar Warning Receiver |
640 | SA | Surface-to-Air |
641 | SAC | School-Age Care |
642 | SAC | Strategic Air Command |
643 | SAFE kit | Sexual Assault Forensic Examination Kit |
644 | SAM | Surface-to-Air Missile |
645 | SAP | Special Access Program |
646 | SAR | Search And Rescue |
647 | SAR | Search and Rescue |
648 | SAS | Special Air Service |
649 | SBA | Small Business Administration |
650 | SBP | Survivor Benefit Plan |
651 | SCAR | Strike Coordination and Reconnaissance |
652 | SCRA | Servicemembers Civil Relief Act |
653 | SDT | Second Destination Transportation |
654 | SEAD | Suppression of Enemy Air Defenses |
655 | SENSO | SENSor Operator |
656 | SEP | Systems Enhancement Package |
657 | SFG | Special Forces Group |
658 | SGLI | Servicemembers’ Group Life Insurance |
659 | SGT | Sergeant |
660 | SHORADEZ | Short-Range Air Defense Engagement Zone |
661 | Sigint | SIGnals INTelligence |
662 | SIPRNET | SECRET Internet Protocol Router Network |
663 | SITREP | Situation Report |
664 | SJA | Staff Judge Advocate |
665 | SLAP | Saboted Light Armor Penetrator |
666 | SLAR | Side-Looking Airborne Radar |
667 | SLEP | Service Life Extension Program |
668 | SLS | Shoot-Look-Shoot |
669 | SMC | Specialized Military Condition |
670 | SMG | SubMachine Gun |
671 | SMU | Special Mission Unit |
672 | SNAP | Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program |
673 | SOCOM | Special Operations Command |
674 | SOF | Special Operations Forces |
675 | SOLRS | Special Operations Logistics Readiness Squadron |
676 | SOP | Standard Operating Procedure |
677 | SOTF | Special Operations Task Force |
678 | SOUTHAF | Southern Command Air Forces |
679 | SP | Self-Propelled |
680 | SP | Specialist (when referred in a soldiers rank) |
681 | SPAAG | Self-Propelled Anti-Aircraft Gun |
682 | SPAWAR | The Space and Naval Warfare Systems Command |
683 | SPG | Self-Propelled Gun |
684 | SPOTREP | Spot Report |
685 | SR | Special Reconnaissance |
686 | SRAM | Short Range Attack Missile |
687 | SRBM | Short-Range Ballistic Missile |
688 | SRUF | Standing Rules For the Use of Force |
689 | SSM | Surface-to-Surface Missile |
690 | STC | Shock Trauma Center |
691 | STO | Short Take-Off |
692 | STOL | Short Take-Off and Landing |
693 | STOL | Short Takeoff and Landing |
694 | STOVL | Short Take-Off and Vertical Landing |
695 | SUW | Surface Warfare |
696 | TA | Tuition Assistance |
697 | TA | Target Audience |
698 | TA | Threat Assessment |
699 | TAC | Tactical Air Command |
700 | TACAMO | TAke Charge And Move Out |
701 | TACAN | TACtical Aid to Navigation |
702 | TACCO | TACtical COordinator |
703 | TACON | Tactical Control |
704 | TAI | Target Area of Interest |
705 | TAMP | Transition Assistance Management Program |
706 | TANS | Tactical Air Navigation System |
707 | TBO | Time Between Overhauls |
708 | TBD | Torpedo Boat Destroyer |
709 | TBT | Tank Bridge Transporter |
710 | TCCC | Tactical Combat Casualty Care |
711 | TCF | Tactical Combat Force |
712 | TDY | Temporary Duty Station |
713 | TECHINT | Technical Intelligence |
714 | TENCAP | Tactical Exploitation of National Capabilities |
715 | TF | Task Force |
716 | TFI | Total Family Income |
717 | TFR | Terrain Following Radar |
718 | TG | Task Group |
719 | TIALD | Target Identification Airborne Laser Designation |
720 | TIC | Target Information Center |
721 | TMA TRICARE | Management Activity |
722 | TO | Theater of Operations |
723 | TOA | Table of Allowance |
724 | TOF | Time of Flight |
725 | TOT | Time on Target |
726 | TQ | Tactical Questioning |
727 | TRANSCOM | Transportation Command |
728 | TRANSEC | Transmission Security |
729 | TRAP | Tactical Recovery of Aircraft and Personnel |
730 | TRICARE | Military Health Care Program |
731 | TRP | Target Reference Point |
732 | TRV | Tank Recovery Vehicle |
733 | TSOC | Theater Special Operations Command |
734 | TSP | Thrift Savings Plan |
735 | TSSAM | Tri-Service Stand-off Attack Missile |
736 | TTT | Time to Target |
737 | TU | Task Unit |
738 | UA | Unmanned Aircraft |
739 | UAS | Unmanned Aircraft System |
740 | UAV | Unmanned Aerial Vehicle |
741 | UCAV | Unmanned Combat Aerial Vehicle |
742 | UCMJ | Uniform Code of Military Justice |
743 | UCP | Unified Command Plan |
744 | UCX | Unemployment Compensation for Ex-Servicemembers |
745 | UDT | Underwater Demolition Team |
746 | UETF | Unified Exchange Task Force |
747 | UHF | Ultra-High Fequency (300MHz to 3 GHz) |
748 | UIC | Unit Identification Code |
749 | UJTL | Universal Joint Task List |
750 | ULN | Unit Line Number |
751 | USAAC | United States Army Air Corps |
752 | USAAF | United States Army Air Forces |
753 | USAF | United States Air Force |
754 | USAFE | United States Air Force in Europe |
755 | USCG | United States Coast Guard |
756 | USDA | U.S. Department of Agriculture |
757 | USERRA | Uniformed Services Employment and Reemployment Rights Act |
758 | USFHP | U.S. Family Health Plan |
759 | USMC | United States Marine Corps |
760 | USMTF | United States Message Text Format |
761 | USN | United States Navy |
762 | USNS | United States Naval Ship |
763 | USW | Undersea Warfare |
764 | UTC | Unit Type Code |
765 | UXO | Unexploded Explosive Ordnance |
766 | V/STOL | Vertical or Short Take-Off and Landing |
767 | VA | U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs |
768 | VA | Vulnerability Assessment |
769 | VANF | VA National Formulary |
770 | VBIED | Vehicle-Borne Improvised Explosive Device |
771 | VDU | Visual Display Unit |
772 | VHA | Veterans Health Administration |
773 | VHF | Very High Frequency (3 to 300MHz) |
774 | VI | visual information |
775 | VISA | Voluntary Intermodal Sealift Agreement |
776 | VISN | Veterans Integrated Service Network |
777 | VistA | Veterans Health Information Systems and Technology Architecture |
778 | VSEL | Vickers Shipbuilding and Engineering LTD |
779 | VSO | Veterans Service Organization |
780 | VSTOL | Vertical Short Take-Off and Landing |
781 | VTAS | Voice, Throttle and Stick |
782 | VTOL | Vertical Take-Off and Landing |
783 | WARM | Wartime Reserve Modes |
784 | WARNORD | Warning Order |
785 | WEZ | Weapon Engagement Zone |
786 | WG | Working Group |
787 | WLG | Washington Liaison Group |
788 | WMD | Weapons of Mass Destruction |
789 | WO | Warrant Officer |
790 | WSO | Weapon System Operator (or Weapon System Officer) |
791 | XO | Executive Officer |
792 | YOS | Years of Service |
793 | ZF | Zone of Fire |