2022-02-03 07:17:31 +01:00

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2a.c.absolutely continuous.
3acrdinverse chord function.
4adadjoint representation (or adjoint action) of a Lie group.
5adjadjugate of a matrix.
6a.e.almost everywhere.
7AiAiry function.
8ALAction limit.
9Altalternating group (Alt(n) is also written as An.)
10A.M.arithmetic mean.
11arccosinverse cosine function.
12arccosecinverse cosecant function. (Also written as arccsc.)
13arccotinverse cotangent function.
14arccscinverse cosecant function. (Also written as arccosec.)
15arcexsinverse exsecant function. (Also written as arcexsec.)
16arcexsecinverse exsecant function. (Also written as arcexs.)
17arcosechinverse hyperbolic cosecant function. (Also written as arcsch.)
18arcoshinverse hyperbolic cosine function.
19arcothinverse hyperbolic cotangent function.
20arcschinverse hyperbolic cosecant function. (Also written as arcosech.)
21arcsecinverse secant function.
22arcsininverse sine function.
23arctaninverse tangent function.
24arctan2inverse tangent function with two arguments. (Also written as atan2.)
25argargument of
26arg maxargument of the maximum.
27arg minargument of the minimum.
28arsechinverse hyperbolic secant function.
29arsinhinverse hyperbolic sine function.
30artanhinverse hyperbolic tangent function.
31a.s.almost surely.
32atan2inverse tangent function with two arguments. (Also written as arctan2.)
33A.P.arithmetic progression.
34Autautomorphism group.
35bdboundary. (Also written as fr or ∂.)
36BiAiry function of the second kind.
37Biasbias of an estimator
38BWOCby way of contradiction
39cascos + sin function.
40cdfcumulative distribution function.
41c.f.cumulative frequency.
42c.c.complex conjugate.
43charcharacteristic of a ring.
44Chihyperbolic cosine integral function.
45Cicosine integral function.
46ciscos + i sin function. (Also written as expi.)
47Clconjugacy class.
48cltopological closure.
49CLTcentral limit theorem.
50convconvex hull of a set.
53coscosine function.
54coseccosecant function. (Also written as csc.)
55cosechhyperbolic cosecant function. (Also written as csch.)
56coshhyperbolic cosine function.
57cotcotangent function. (Also written as ctg.)
58cothhyperbolic cotangent function.
59covcovariance of a pair of random variables.
60covercoscovercosine function. (Also written as cvc.)
61crdchord function.
62csccosecant function. (Also written as cosec.)
63cschhyperbolic cosecant function. (Also written as cosech.)
64ctgcotangent function. (Also written as cot.)
65curlcurl of a vector field. (Also written as rot.)
66cvccovercosine function. (Also written as covercos.)
67defdefine or definition.
68detdeterminant of a matrix or linear transformation.
69dimdimension of a vector space.
70divdivergence of a vector field.
71Endcategories of endomorphisms.
72Eiexponential integral function.
73epiepigraph of a function.
75erferror function.
76erfccomplementary error function.
77etrexponent of the trace.
78exsexsecant function. (Also written as exsec.)
79exsecexsecant function. (Also written as exs.)
80expexponential function. (exp x is also written as ex.)
81expicos + i sin function. (Also written as cis.)
82expm1exponential minus 1 function. (Also written as exp1m.)
83exp1mexponential minus 1 function. (Also written as expm1.)
84ExtExt functor.
86extra set of extreme points of a set.
87FIPfinite intersection property.
88FOCfirst order condition.
89FOLfirst-order logic.
90frboundary. (Also written as bd or ∂.)
91FrobFrobenius endomorphism.
92GalGalois group. (Also written as Γ.)
93gcdgreatest common divisor of two numbers. (Also written as hcf.)
94gdGudermannian function.
95GFGalois field.
96GFgenerating function.
97GLgeneral linear group.
98GMgeometric mean.
99glbgreatest lower bound. (Also written as inf.)
100GPgeometric progression.
101gradgradient of a function.
102hacovercoshacovercosine function. (Also written as hcc.)
103havhaversine function. (Also written as sem.)
104havercoshavercosine function. (Also written as hvc.)
105hcchacovercosine function. (Also written as hacovercos.)
106hcfhighest common factor of two numbers. (Also written as gcd.)
107H.M.harmonic mean.
108HOLhigher-order logic.
109HomHom functor.
111hothigher order term
112HOTPOhalf or triple plus one
113hvchavercosine function. (Also written as havercos.)
114hyphypograph of a function.
115iffif and only if.
116IHinduction hypothesis.
117iidindependent and identically distributed random variables.
118Imimaginary part of a complex number (Also written as {\displaystyle \Im }\Im ).
120infinfimum of a set. (Also written as glb.)
122I.o.Infinitely often.
124lbbinary logarithm (log2). (Also written as ld.)
125lcmlowest common multiple (a.k.a. least common multiple) of two numbers.
126LCHSlocally compact Hausdorff second countable.
127ldbinary logarithm (log2). (Also written as lb.)
128lerplinear interpolation.[5]
129lgcommon logarithm (log10) or binary logarithm (log2).
130LHSleft-hand side of an equation.
131Lioffset logarithmic integral function.
132lilogarithmic integral function or linearly independent.
133lim inflimit inferior.
134lim suplimit superior.
135LLNlaw of large numbers.
136lnp1natural logarithm plus 1 function.
137ln1pnatural logarithm plus 1 function.
138LSTlanguage of set theory.
139lubleast upper bound. (Also written sup.)
140maxmaximum of a set.
141MGFmoment-generating function.
142M.I.mathematical induction.
143minminimum of a set.
145Mpmetaplectic group.
146mtanhmodified hyperbolic tangent function. (Also written as mth.)
147mthmodified hyperbolic tangent function. (Also written as mtanh.)
149NANDnot-and in logic.
151NORnot-or in logic.
152NTSneed to show.
153OBGFordinary bivariate generating function.
154obobject class.
155ordordinal number of a well-ordered set.[4]
156pdfprobability density function.
158PGLprojective general linear group.
159PIthe constant 3.14159265359
160Pinpin group.
161pmfprobability mass function.
162Pnprevious number.
163Prprobability of an event
164PSLprojective special linear group.
165PSOprojective orthogonal group.
166PSUprojective special unitary group.
167PUprojective unitary group.
168ranrange of a function.
169rankrank of a matrix. (Also written as rk.)
170Rereal part of a complex number
172RHSright-hand side of an equation.
173rkrank. (Also written as rank.)
174rngnon-unital ring.
175rotrotor of a vector field. (Also written as curl.)
176RTPrequired to prove.
177RVrandom variable. (or as R.V.)
178SDstandard deviation
179SEstandard error
180secsecant function.
181sechhyperbolic secant function.
182seginitial segment of.[1]
183semhaversine function. (Also written as hav.)
184SFIPstrong finite intersection property.
185sgnsign function.
186Shihyperbolic sine integral function.
187Sisine integral function.
188sinsine function.
189sincsinc function.
190sinhhyperbolic sine function.
191SLspecial linear group.
192SOspecial orthogonal group.
193SOCsecond order condition.
195Spsymplectic group.
196splinear span of a set of vectors. (Also written as span or written with angle brackets.)
197Specspectrum of a ring.
198Spinspin group.
199s.t.such that or so that or subject to.
200ststandard part function.
201STP[it is] sufficient to prove.
202SUspecial unitary group.
203suppsupport of a function.
204Symsymmetric group (Sym(n) is also written as Sn) or symmetric algebra.
205tanhhyperbolic tangent function.
206TAUthe constant 6.283185307179586476925286766559
207TFAEthe following are equivalent.
209TorTor functor.
210undefa function or expression is undefined
212varvariance of a random variable.
213vcsvercosine function. (Also written as vercos.)
214vercosvercosine function. (Also written as vcs.)
215W^5which was what we wanted. Synonym of Q.E.D.
216walogwithout any loss of generality.
217wffwell-formed formula.
218whpwith high probability.
219wlogwithout loss of generality.
220WMAwe may assume.
221WOwell-ordered set
222wp1with probability 1.
223wrtwith respect to or with regard to.
224WTPwant to prove
225WTSwant to show
226XORexclusive or in logic
227ZFZermeloFraenkel axioms of set theory
228ZFCZermeloFraenkel axioms (with the Axiom of Choice) of set theory