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synced 2024-12-17 12:10:53 +01:00
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AAA,Anti-Aircraft Artillery
AAAV,Advanced Amphibious Assault Vehicle
AADC,Area Air Defense Commander
AAFES,Army Air Force Exchange System
AAFES,Army and Air Force Exchange Service
AAM,Air-to-Air Missile
AAMG,Anti-Aircraft Machine Gun
AAP,American Academy of Pediatrics
AAV,Amphibious Assault Vehicle
AAV,Amphibious Assault Vehicle
AAV,Assault Amphibian Vehicle
AAVC,Assault Amphibian Vehicle Command
ABA,Applied Behavior Analysis
ABM,Anti-Ballistic Missile
AC,Active Component
ACC,Air Combat Command
ACFT,Army Combat Fitness Test
ACM,Air Combat Maneuvering
ACMI,Air Combat Maneuvering Instrumentation
ACMR,Air Combat Maneuvering Range
ACO,Airspace Control Order
ACP,Armored Command Post
ACSI,American Customer Satisfaction Index
ACU,Army Combat Uniform
ACU,Assault Craft Unit
ADATS,Air Defense Anti-Tank System
ADF,Australian Defense Force
ADFM,Active-Duty Family Member
ADIZ,Air Defense Identification Zone
ADWC,Air Defense Warning Condition
AETF,Air Expeditionary task force
AEV,Armored Engineer Vehicle
AEW,Airborne Early Warning
AEW&C,Airborne Early Warning and Control
AF,Air Force
AFB,Air Force Base
AFD,Automatic Feeding Device
AFMC,Air Force Material Command
AFN,American Forces Network
AFV,Armored Fighting Vehicle
AIFV,Armored Infantry Fighting Vehicle
AIP,Assignment Incentive Pay
AIRSUPREQ,Air Support Request
AIT,Advanced Individual Training
AIT or “A School”,Advanced Individual Training
ALBM,Air Launched Ballistic Missile
ALCM,Air Launched Cruise Missile
ALCT,Airlift Control Team
ALERTORD,Alert Order
AMC,Air Mobility Command
AMC,Air Mobility Command
AMCT,Air Mobility Control Team
AMD,Air Mobility Division
AMLO,Air Mobility Liaison Officer
AMR,Anti-Material Rifle
AMRAAM,Advanced Medium Range Air-to-Air Missile
ANG,Air National Guard
AOC,Air Operations Center
AP,Armor Piercing
APAM,Anti-Personnel, Anti-Material
APC,Armored Personnel Carrier
APDS,Armor-Piercing, Discarding Sabot
APDS-T,Armor-Piercing, Discarding Sabot (Tracer)
APF,Appropriated Funds
APFSDS,Armor Piercing, Fin-Stabilized, Discarding Sabot
APHE,Armor Piercing, High-Explosive
AP-T,Armor Piercing - Tracer
APU,Auxiliary Power Unit
ARCT,Air Refueling Control Team
ARM,Anti-Radiation Missile
ARRV,Armored Repair and Recovery Vehicle
ARSOF,Army special operations forces
ARV,Armored Recovery Vehicle
ASG,Allied System for Geospatial Intelligence
ASM,Air-to-Surface Missile
ASM,Anti-Ship Missle
ASPJ,Airborne Self-Protection Jammer
ASRAAM,Advanced Short Range Air-to-Air Missile
AST,Air Staff Target
ASTOVL,Advanced Short Take-Off and Vertical Landing
ASuW,Anti-Surface Warfare
ASV,Anti-Surface Vessel
ASVAB,Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery
ASW,Anti-Submarine Warfare
ATBM,Anti-Tactical Ballistic Missile
ATCS,Air Traffic Control Section
ATGW,Anti-Tank Guided Weapon
ATR,Anti-Tank Rifle
AUW,All-Up Weight
AVL,Anti-Vehicle Land Mine
AVLB,Armored Vehicle-Launched Bridge
B,Bomber designation (as in B-52 Stratofortress)
BAG,Budget Activity Group
BAH,Basic Allowance for Housing
BAH,Basic Housing Allowance
BAHC,Basic Allowance for Health Care
BAS,Basic Allowance for Subsistence
BCT,Basic Combat Training
BDOC,Base Defense Operations Center
BDU,Battle Dress Uniform
BDZ,Base Defense Zone
BEC,Benefits Executive Committee
BM,Ballistic Missile
BMCT,Begin Morning Civil Twilight
BMNT,Begin Morning Nautical Twilight
BOD,Board of Directors
BPLAN,Base Plan
BRS,Blended Retirement System
BVR,Beyond Visual Range
BZ,Buffer Zone
C2,Command and Control
C3,Command, Control and Communications
C3I,Command, Control, Communications and Intelligence
CABG,Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting
CAHPS,Consumer Assessment of Healthcare Providers and Systems
CAP,Combat Air Patrol
CAS,Close-Air Support
CASEVAC,Casualty Evacuation
CAWS,Close Assault Weapon System
CBO,Congressional Budget Office
CC,Command & Control
CCDR,Combatant Commander
CCHHS,Cook County Health and Hospital System
CCMD,Combatant Command
CCV,Command & Control Vehicle
CDC,Child Development Center
CDP,Child Development Program
CDU,Control Display Unit
CEA,Circular Error Average
CEB,Cooperative Efforts Board
CEP,Circular Error Probable
CEV,Combat Engineer/Engineering Vehicle
CFE,Conventional Forces Europe
CFL,Coordinated FireLine
CFR,Code of Federal Regulations
CFV,Cavalry Fighting Vehicle
CIWS,Close-In Weapon System (US)
CLEP,College Level Examinations Program
CLS,Combat Life Saver
CM,Cruise Missile
CMAC,CHAMPUS Maximum Allowable Charge
CMO,Civil-Military Operations
CO,Commanding Officer
CO,Commanding Officer
COA,Course of Action
COG,Center of Gravity
COLA,Cost of Living Allowance
CONUS,Continental U.S.
COOP,Continuity of Operations
CP,Contact Point
CP,Continuation Pay
CPG,Contingency Planning Guidance
CRAF,Civil Reserve Air Fleet
CRAF,Civil Reserve Air Fleet
CRARRV,Challenger Armored Repair and Recovery Vehicle
CRBM,Close-Range Ballistic Missile
CRDP,Concurrent Retirement Disability Pay
CRSC,Combat Related Special Compensation
CRT,Cathode Ray Tube
CSB,Close-Support Bridge
CSP,Critical Skills Pay
C-STARS,Centers for Sustainment of Trauma and Readiness Skills (USAF)
CV,Combat Vehicle
CV,Conventionally Powered aircraft carrier (USN)
CVN,Attack aircraft carrier, nuclear powered (US)
CVRT,Combat Vehicle Reconnaissance Tracked
CVW,Carrier Air Wing
CWC,Composite Warfare Commander
CWMD,Countering Weapons of Mass Destruction
CZTE,Combate Zone Tax Exclusion
DA,Department of the Air Force
DA,Direct Action
DA,Double Agent
DACMC,Defense Advisory Committee on Military Compensation
DAF,Defense Information Systems Network
DANTES,Defense Activity for Non-Traditional Education Support
DASC(A),Direct Air Support Center (Airborne)
DB,Defined Benefit
DC,Defined Contribution
DeCA,Defense Commissary Agency
DEERS,Defense Enrollment Eligibility Reporting System
DEERS,Defense Enrollment Eligibility Reporting System
DEFCON,Defense Readiness Condition
DEPORD,Deployment Order
DeRA,Defense Resale Activity
DEW,Distant Early Warning (US)
DFAS,Defense Finance and Accounting Service
DFC,Distinguished Flying Cross: Air Force decoration
DFGL,Distinct Faith Group Leader
DGPS,Differential GPS
DHA,Defense Health Agency
DIC,Dependency and Indemnity Compensation
DLA,Dislocation Allowance
DLTP,Defence Logistics Transformation Program
DMDC,Defense Manpower Data Center
DMHS,Defense Message Handling System
DMR,Designated Marksman Rifle
DoDI,DoD Instruction
DoDTR,Department of Defense Trauma Registry
DOL,U.S. Department of Labor
DON,Department of the Navy
DRB,Discharge Review Board
DRM,Dynamic Retention Model (RAND)
DRO,Decision Review Officer
DVI,Direct Voice Input
DVOP,Disabled Veterans’ Outreach Program
DZ,Drop Zone
DZ,Drop Zone
EAD,Earliest Arrival Date
EAOS,End of Active Obligated Service
EAS,End of Active Service
EBT,Electronic Benefit Transfer
ECCM,Electronic Counter CounterMeasures
ECHO,Extended Care Health Option
ECM,Electronic CounterMeasures
ECR,Electronic Combat Reconnaissance
EECT,End Evening Civil Twilight
EENT,End of Evening Nautical Twilight
EFIS,Electronic Flight Instrument System
EFM,Exceptional Family Member
EFMP,Exceptional Family Member Program
EH,Explosive Hazard
EHHC,ECHO Home Health Care
EHR,Electronic Health Record
ELINT,ELectronic INTelligence
EMC,Essential Medical Capability
EMP,Electromagnetic Pulse
EOC,Emergency Operations Center
EOD,Explosive Ordnance Disposal
EOD,Explosive Ordnance Disposal
EP,Emergency Preparedness
ERA,Explosive Reactive Armor
ERC,en Route Care
ERISA,Employee Retirement Income Security Act
ESEA,Elementary and Secondary Education Act
eshp,Equivalent Shaft Horsepower
ESM,Electronic Support Measures
EW,Early Warning
EW,Electronic Warfare
EW,Electronic Warning
EWA,Electronic Warfare Aircraft
F,Fighter designation (as in F-15 Eagle)
FA,Frontal Aviation
FAC,Forward Air Control / Forward Air Controller
FAE,Fuel Air Explosives
FAV,Fast Attack Vehicle
FCC,Family Child Care
FCS,Fire Control System
FDA,U.S. Food and Drug Administration
FDO,Flight Deck Officer
FEBA,Forward Edge of the Battle Area
FEBA,Foward Edge of Battle Area
FEDVIP,Federal Employees Dental and Vision Insurance Program
FEHBP,Federal Employees Health Benefits Program
FFA,Free-Fire Area
FFAR,Folding-Fin Aerial Rocket
FHCC,Federal Health Care Center
FIE,Fly-In Echelon
FIFV,Future Infantry Fighting Vehicle
FLIR,Forward Looking Infrared
FLPB,Foreign Language Proficiency Bonus
FLTCIP,Federal Longer Term Care Insurance Program
FMC,Food Machinery Corporation
FMF,Fleet Marine Force
FMR,Financial Management Regulation
FMS,Foreign Military Sale (US)
FMWG,Financial Management Working Group
FOB,Forward Operating Base
FOB,Forward Operating Base
FOC,Final Operating Capabilities
FOD,Foreign Object Damage
FOS,Forward Operating Site
FSA,Family Separation Allowance
FSSA,Family Subsistence Supplemental Allowance
FUBAR,Fouled' Up Beyond All Recognition
FV,Fighting Vehicle
GAM,GPS-Aided Munition
GAO,U.S. Government Accountability Office
GATES,Global Air Transportation Execution System
GCI,Ground-Controlled Intercept
GCT,Grande Cadence de Tir (France)
GE,General Electric
GMI,General Military Intelligence
GP,General Purpose
GPMG,General Purpose Machine Gun
GPMRC,Global Patient Movement Requirements Center
GPS,Global Positioning System
GSSAP,Geosynchronous Space Situational Awareness Program
HCBS,Home and Community-Based Services
HCSDB,Health Care Survey of DoD Beneficiaries
HD,Homeland Defense
HDP-L,Hardship Duty Pay Locations
HE,High Explosive
HEAP,High Explosive, Anti-Personnel
HEAT,High Explosive, Anti-Tank
HEAT-FS,High Explosive, Anti-Tank - Fin Stabilized
HEC,Health Executive Committee
HEDIS,Healthcare Effectiveness Data and Information Set
HE-FRAG,High Explosive-Fragmentation
HEI,High Explosive Incendiary
HEMAT,Heavy Expanded Mobility Ammunition Trailer
HEP,High Explosive Plastic
HESH,High Explosive Squash Head
HE-T,High Explosive - Tracer
HMG,Heavy Machine u Gun
HMO,Health Maintenance Organization
HOB,Height of Burst
HOC,Humanitarian Operations Center
HOTCC,Hands on Throttle, Collective and Cyclic
HPT,High-Payoff Target
HR,Hostage Rescue
HRP,High-Risk personnel
HS,Homeland Security
HUD,Head Up Display
HUDWAC,Head Up Display Weapon Aiming Computer
HUDWASS,Head Up Display Weapon Aiming SubSystem
HUMINT,Human Intelligence
HVAP,High Velocity Armor Piercing
HVM,High Velocity Missile
HVT,High-Value Target
IADS,Integrated Air Defense System
IAMD,Integrated Air and Missile Defense
IC3,Interagency Care Coordination Committee
ICBM,InterContinental Ballistic Missile
IDA,Institute for Defense Analyses
IED,Improvised Explosive Device
iEHR,Integrated Electronic Health Record
IFF,Identification Friend or Foe
IFV,Infantry Fighting Vehicle
IGE,In Ground Effect
IIR,Intelligence Information report
INS,Inertial Navigation System
INTELSAT,International Telecommunications Satellite Organization
IOC,Initial Operating Capabilities
IOC,Initial Operational Capability
IPO,Interagency Program Office
IRAN,Inspect and Repair as Necessary
IRBM,Intermediate Range Ballistic Missile
IRBM,Intermediate-Range Ballistic Missile
IRCM,Infra-Red CounterMeasure
IRR,Individual Ready Reserve
IRS,Inertial Reference System
IRST,Infra-Red Search-and-Track
ISOPREP,Isolated Personnel Report
IT,Information Technology
JA,Judge Advocate
JAAT,Joint Air Attack Team
JAG,Judge Advocate General
JAGIC,Joint Air-Ground Integration Center
JAOC,Joint Air Operations Center
JAOP,Joint Air Operations Plan
JAST,Joint Advanced Strike Technology
JCN,Joint Communications Network
JDAM,Joint Direct Attack Munition
JEC,Joint Executive Committee
JEZ,Joint Engagement Zone
JFCH,Joint Force Chaplain
JFO,Joint Field Office
JIF,Joint Incentive Fund
JIOC,Joint Intelligence Operations Center
JIOO,Joint Interrogation Operations
JLOC,Joint Logistics Operations Center
JMROC,Joint Medical Readiness Oversight Council
JOA,Joint Operations Area
JOC,Joint Operations Center
Joint-STARS,Joint Surveillance Target Attack Radar System
JRC,Joint Readiness Command
JS,Joint Staff
JSC,Joint Chiefs of Staff
JSF,Joint Strike Fighter
JSOW,Joint Stand-Off Weapon
JSP,Joint Strategic Plan
JTB,Joint Transportation Board
JTF,Joint Task Force
JTIDS,Joint Tactical Information Distribution System
JVSG,Jobs for Veterans State Grant
KCAS,Calibrated AirSpeed (in Knots)
KIAS,Knots Indicated AirSpeed
KTAS,True AirSpeed in Knots
LA,Lead Agent
LABS,Low Altitude Bombing System
LAD,Latest Arrival Date
LAD,Launch Area Denied
LAMPS,Light Airborne MultiPurpose System
LANTIRN,Low Altitude Targeting InfraRed for Night
LAPES,Low Altitude Parachute Extraction System
LARS,Light Artillery Rocket System
LAV,Light Armored Vehicle
LAV,Light Assault Vehicle
LCD,Liquid Crystal Display
LCS,Littoral Combat Ship
LEA,Law Enforcement Agency
LES,Leave and Earnings Statement
LF,Low Frequency (30 to 300 kHz)
LGB,Laser-Guided Bomb
LGW,Laser-Guided Weapon
LLLTV,Low Light Level Television
LMG,Light Machine Gun
LMI,Logistics Management Institute
LO,Low Observables
LOA,Letter of Authorization
LOA,Letter of Offer and Acceptance
LOC,Line of Communications
LOR,Launch on Remote
LPT,Low Profile Turret
LRMP,Long Range Maritime Patrol Aircraft
LT,Light Tank
LVER,Local Veterans’ Employment Representative
LVTP,Landing Vehicle Tracked Personnel
LZ,Landing Zone
LZ,Landing Zone
MAAP,Master Air Attack Plan
MAC,Military Airlift Command
MACH,Measure of Airspeed (Mach 1 = 1,223 kph/760 mph at sea level)
MAD,Magnetic Anomaly Detector
MAP,Medical Advisory Panel
MAP,Military Assistance Program
MARAD RRF,Maritime Administration Ready Reserve Force
MAW,Marine Air Wing (USMC)
MAXORD,Maximum Ordinate
MBT,Main Battle Tank
MCCS,Marine Corps Community Services
MCM,Mine Countermeasures
MCM,Mine Countermeasures
MCRMC,Military Compensation and Retirement Modernization Commission
MCSC,Managed Care Support Contract
MCX,Marine Corps Exchange
MD,Missile Defense
MDA,Muster Duty Allowance
MEPS,Military Entrance Processing Station
MERHCF,Medicare-Eligible Retiree Health Care Fund
MEZ,Missile Engagement Zone
MFD,Multi-Function Display
MG,Machine Gun
MGIB,Montgomery GI Bill
MGIB-AD,Montgomery GI Bill Active Duty
MGIB-SR,Montgomery GI Bill Selected Reserve
MHA,Military Housing Allowance
MHA,Military Housing Area
MHS,Military Health System
MHS,Military Health System
MIA,Missing in Action
MIB,Military Intelligence Board
MIDB,Modernized Integrated Database
MILCON,military construction
MILCON,Military Construction
MILDEC,military deception
MILDEP,Military Department
MILPERS,Military Personnel
MILSPEC,Military Specification
MILSTAMP,Military Standard Transportation and Movement Procedures
MILSTRIP,Military Standard Requisitioning and Issue Procedure
MILTECH,Military technician
MIW,Mine Warfare
MLA,Military Lending Act
MLRS,Multiple Launch Rocket System
MLU,Mid-Life Update
MMG,Medium Machine Gun
MNF,Multinational Force
MOB,Main Operating Base
MOC,Media Operations Center
MOLLE or M.O.L.L.E.,MOdular Lightweight Load-carrying Equipment
MOS,Military Occupational Specialty
MP,Machine Pistol
MPA,Maritime Patrol Aircraft
MPC,Multi-Purpose Carrier
MPO,Military Post Office
MPS,Military Postal Service
MPSA,Military Postal Service Agency
MR,Maritime Reconnaissance
MRAV,Multi-Role Armored Vehicle
MRBM,Medium Range Ballistic Missile
MRBM,Medium-Range Ballistic Missile
MRF,Military Retirement F
MRR,Minimum-Risk Route
MSC,Military Sealift Command
MSF,Mobile Security Force
MSG,Master Sergeant
MSIP,Multi-Stage Improvement Program
MSP,Maritime Security Program
MSR,Main Supply Route
MSRRA,Military Spouse Residency Relief Act
MTF,Medical Treatment Facility
MWR,Morale, Welfare & Recreation
MyCAA,Military Spouse Career Advancement Accounts
NAF,Nonappropriated Funds
NAI,Named Area of Interest
NAS,Naval Air Station
NATO,North Atlantic Treaty Organization
NAVSOF,Navy Special Operations Forces
NBC,Nuclear, Biological and Chemical
NBI,Nonbattle Injury
NCO,Non-Commissioned Officer
NCP,Normal Cost Payments
NCR,National Capital Region
NCS,National Communications System
NDAA,National Defense Authorization Act
NDMS,National Disaster Medical System
NDRC,National Detainee Reporting Center
NDRF,National Defense Reserve Fleet
NEX,Navy Exchange
NEXCOM,Navy Exchange Command
NEXMART,Navy Exchange Market
NFA,No-Fire Area
NFL,No-Fire Line
NFLS,Naval Forward Logistic Site
NGFS,Naval Gunfire Support
NGO,Nongovernmental Organization
NIMS,National Incident Management System
NLW,Nonlethal Weapon
nm,Nautical Mile
NMCS,National Military Command System
NMCS,Not Mission Capable, Supply
NMS,National Military Strategy
NOC,National Operations Center
NOE,Nap of the Earth
NSC,National Security Council
NSFS,Naval Surface Fire Support
NSL,No-Strike List
NSW,Naval Special Warfare
NVD,Night Vision Device
O&M,Operation and Maintenance
O&M,Operations and Maintenance
OA,Objective Area
OACT,Office of the Actuary (DoD)
OC,Operations Center
OCA,Offensive Counterair
OCO,Offensive Cyberspace Operations
OCONUS,Outside the Continental U.S.
OCS,Officer Candidate School
OCU,Operational Conversion Unit
OFCO,Offensive Counterintelligence Operation
OGE,Out of Ground Effect
OHA,Overseas Housing Allowance
OOD,Officer of the Deck
OPCON,Operational Control
OPLAN,Operation Plan
OPM,U.S. Office of Personnel Management
OPORD,Operation Order
OPSEC,Operational Security
OPSEC,Operations Security
OSA,Operational Support Airlift
OSC,On-Scene Commander
OSINT,Open-Source Intelligence
OTC,Officer in Tactical Command
OTH-B,Over-The-Horizon Backscatter radar
OTHR,Over-The-Horizon Radar
OTHT,Over-The-Horizon Targeting
PACAF,Pacific Air Force (USAF)
PAR,Population at Risk
PB,Peace Building
PCM,Primary Care Manager
PCS,Permanent Change of Station
PD,Probability of Damage
PDRL,Permanently Disabled Retired List
PFC,Private First Class
PFM,Personal Financial Management
PFT,Physical Fitness Test
PGM,Precision-Guided Munition
PGM,Precision-Guided Munition
PID,Passive IDentification
PID,Positive Identification
PII,Personally Identifiable Identification
PL,Phase Line
PLANORD,Planning Order
PLB,Personal Locator Beacon
PNGDF,Papua New Guinea Defense Force
PO,Peace Operations
POC,Point of Contact
POC,Privately Owned Conveyance
POD,Port of Debarkation
POE,Port of Embarkation
POW,Prisoner of War
PPBE,Planning, Programming, Budget, and Execution
PPE,personal Protective Equipment
PPM,Personally Procured Move
PPO,Preferred Provider Organization
PR,Personnel Recovery
PRC,Presidential Reserve Call-Up
PSAS,Prosthetic and Sensory Aids Service
PT,Physical Training
PTC,Pharmacy and Therapeutics Committee
PTDO,Prepare to Deploy Order
PTG,Poseur de Travures du Genie (France)
PTSD,Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder
PTTI,Precise Time and Time Interval
PUK,Packup Kit
PV,Perceived Value
PX,Post Exchange
R&D,Research & Development
R&R,Rest and Recuperation
RA,Risk Assessment
RAAWS,Radar Altimeter and Altitude Warning System
RAM,Radar Absorbing Material
RAST,Recovery Assist, Secure and Traverse system
RATO,Rocket-Assisted Take-Off
RC,Reserve Component
RCC,Rescue Coordination Center
RCS,Radar Cross-Section
RDD,Radiological Dispersal Device
REAP,Reserve Education Assistance Program
RED,Radiological Exposure Device
RESCAP,Rescue Combat Air Patrol
RFA,Restrictive Fire Area
RFI,Request for Information
RFL,Restrictive Fire Line
RHPO,Regional Health Planning Organization
RI,Relative Importance
RISE,Reliability Improved Selected Equipment
RM,Risk Management
RMG,Ranging Machine Gun
ROE,Rules of Engagement
ROE,Rules of Engagement
ROZ,Restricted Operations Zone
RP,Rocket Propelled
RPG,Rocket Propelled Grenade
RPM,Revolutions Per Minute
RPM,Rounds Per Minute
RPV,Remotely-Piloted Vehicle
RR,Reattack Recommendation
RRCC,Regional Response Coordination Center
RSA,Resource Sharing Agreement
RSO,Regional Security Officer
RT,Recovery Team
RTB,Return to Base
RVU,Relative Value Unit
RWR,Radar Warning Receiver
SAC,School-Age Care
SAC,Strategic Air Command
SAFE kit,Sexual Assault Forensic Examination Kit
SAM,Surface-to-Air Missile
SAP,Special Access Program
SAR,Search And Rescue
SAR,Search and Rescue
SAS,Special Air Service
SBA,Small Business Administration
SBP,Survivor Benefit Plan
SCAR,Strike Coordination and Reconnaissance
SCRA,Servicemembers Civil Relief Act
SDT,Second Destination Transportation
SEAD,Suppression of Enemy Air Defenses
SEALs,SEA, Air and Land (USN)
SENSO,SENSor Operator
SEP,Systems Enhancement Package
SFG,Special Forces Group
SGLI,Servicemembers’ Group Life Insurance
SHORADEZ,Short-Range Air Defense Engagement Zone
Sigint,SIGnals INTelligence
SIPRNET,SECRET Internet Protocol Router Network
SITREP,Situation Report
SJA,Staff Judge Advocate
SLAP,Saboted Light Armor Penetrator
SLAR,Side-Looking Airborne Radar
SLEP,Service Life Extension Program
SMC,Specialized Military Condition
SMG,SubMachine Gun
SMU,Special Mission Unit
SNAFU,Situation Normal, All 'Fouled' Up
SNAP,Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program
SOCOM,Special Operations Command
SOF,Special Operations Forces
SOLRS,Special Operations Logistics Readiness Squadron
SOP,Standard Operating Procedure
SOTF,Special Operations Task Force
SOUTHAF,Southern Command Air Forces
SP,Specialist (when referred in a soldiers rank)
SPAAG,Self-Propelled Anti-Aircraft Gun
SPAWAR,The Space and Naval Warfare Systems Command
SPG,Self-Propelled Gun
SPOTREP,Spot Report
SR,Special Reconnaissance
SRAM,Short Range Attack Missile
SRBM,Short-Range Ballistic Missile
SRUF,Standing Rules For the Use of Force
SSM,Surface-to-Surface Missile
STC,Shock Trauma Center
SUW,Surface Warfare
TA,Tuition Assistance
TA,Target Audience
TA,Threat Assessment
TAC,Tactical Air Command
TACAMO,TAke Charge And Move Out
TACAN,TACtical Aid to Navigation
TACCO,TACtical COordinator
TACON,Tactical Control
TAI,Target Area of Interest
TAMP,Transition Assistance Management Program
TANS,Tactical Air Navigation System
TBO,Time Between Overhauls
TBD,Torpedo Boat Destroyer
TBT,Tank Bridge Transporter
TCCC,Tactical Combat Casualty Care
TCF,Tactical Combat Force
TDY,Temporary Duty Station
TECHINT,Technical Intelligence
TENCAP,Tactical Exploitation of National Capabilities
TF,Task Force
TFI,Total Family Income
TFR,Terrain Following Radar
TG,Task Group
TIALD,Target Identification Airborne Laser Designation
TIC,Target Information Center
TMA TRICARE,Management Activity
TO,Theater of Operations
TOA,Table of Allowance
TOF,Time of Flight
TOT,Time on Target
TOW,Tube-launched, Optically-tracked, Wire-Guided
TQ,Tactical Questioning
TRANSCOM,Transportation Command
TRANSEC,Transmission Security
TRAP,Tactical Recovery of Aircraft and Personnel
TRICARE,Military Health Care Program
TRP,Target Reference Point
TRV,Tank Recovery Vehicle
TSOC,Theater Special Operations Command
TSP,Thrift Savings Plan
TSSAM,Tri-Service Stand-off Attack Missile
TTT,Time to Target
TU,Task Unit
UA,Unmanned Aircraft
UAS,Unmanned Aircraft System
UAV,Unmanned Aerial Vehicle
UCAV,Unmanned Combat Aerial Vehicle
UCMJ,Uniform Code of Military Justice
UCP,Unified Command Plan
UCX,Unemployment Compensation for Ex-Servicemembers
UDT,Underwater Demolition Team
UETF,Unified Exchange Task Force
UHF,Ultra-High Fequency (300MHz to 3 GHz)
UIC,Unit Identification Code
UJTL,Universal Joint Task List
ULN,Unit Line Number
USAAC,United States Army Air Corps
USAAF,United States Army Air Forces
USAF,United States Air Force
USAFE,United States Air Force in Europe
USCG,United States Coast Guard
USDA,U.S. Department of Agriculture
USERRA,Uniformed Services Employment and Reemployment Rights Act
USFHP,U.S. Family Health Plan
USMC,United States Marine Corps
USMTF,United States Message Text Format
USN,United States Navy
USNS,United States Naval Ship
USW,Undersea Warfare
UTC,Unit Type Code
UXO,Unexploded Explosive Ordnance
V/STOL,Vertical or Short Take-Off and Landing
VA,U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs
VA,Vulnerability Assessment
VANF,VA National Formulary
VBIED,Vehicle-Borne Improvised Explosive Device
VDU,Visual Display Unit
VHA,Veterans Health Administration
VHF,Very High Frequency (3 to 300MHz)
VI,visual information
VISA,Voluntary Intermodal Sealift Agreement
VISN,Veterans Integrated Service Network
VistA,Veterans Health Information Systems and Technology Architecture
VSEL,Vickers Shipbuilding and Engineering LTD
VSO,Veterans Service Organization
VSTOL,Vertical Short Take-Off and Landing
VTAS,"Voice, Throttle and Stick"
VTOL,Vertical Take-Off and Landing
WARM,Wartime Reserve Modes
WARNORD,Warning Order
WEZ,Weapon Engagement Zone
WG,Working Group
WIC,Women, Infants and Children
WLG,Washington Liaison Group
WMD,Weapons of Mass Destruction
WO,Warrant Officer
WSO,Weapon System Operator (or Weapon System Officer)
XO,Executive Officer
YOS,Years of Service
ZF,Zone of Fire