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synced 2025-03-27 15:16:20 +01:00
6.1 KiB
6.1 KiB
1 | Abbreviation | Definition |
2 | A/A | Air to air TACAN function |
3 | A/C | Aircraft |
4 | A/D | Aerodrome |
5 | A/F | Autofeather |
6 | A/FD | Airport/Facility Directory |
7 | A/P | Autopilot |
8 | AAE | Above Aerodrome Elevation |
9 | AAIB | Air Accidents Investigation Branch (UK) |
10 | AAIM | Aircraft Autonomous Integrity Monitoring |
11 | AAO | Assumed Adverse Obstacle |
12 | AAS | Airport Advisory Service |
13 | AB | Air Base |
14 | AC | Aircraft |
15 | AC | Air Conditioning |
16 | ACAM | Aircraft Continuing Airworthiness Monitoring |
17 | ACARS | ARINC Communications Addressing and Reporting System |
18 | ACAS | Airborne Collision Avoidance System |
19 | ACC | Area Control Center |
20 | ADAC | Abu Dhabi Airports |
21 | ADP | Aeroportes de Paris |
22 | AENA | Aeropuertos Españoles y Navegación Aérea |
23 | AF | Air Field |
24 | AFM | Aircraft Flight Manual |
25 | AGL | Above Ground Level |
26 | AIP | Aeronautical Information Publication |
27 | AMAN | Arrival Manager |
28 | AOA | Angle of Attack |
29 | AOM | Airplane Operating Manual |
30 | AOR | Area of Responsibility |
31 | AFIS | Aerodrome Flight Information Service |
32 | AFM | Airplane Flight Manual |
33 | AGL | Above Ground Level |
34 | AIP | Aeronautical Information Publication |
35 | ANSP | Air Navigation Service Provider |
36 | AR | Aerial Refueling |
37 | AR | Aspect Ratio |
38 | A/R | Altitude Rate |
39 | ARFOR | Area Forecast |
40 | ARINC | Aeronautical Radio Incorporated (USA) |
41 | ARTCC | Air Route Traffic Control Centre |
42 | ASB | Airspace Block |
43 | ATA | Actual Time of Arrival |
44 | ATC | Air Traffic Control |
45 | ATIS | Automatic Terminal Information Service |
46 | ATO | Air Traffic Organization |
47 | BAF | Belgian Air Force |
48 | BWI | Baltimore/Washington International Thurgood Marshall Airport |
49 | CAAC | Civil Aviation Administration of China |
50 | CAAS | Civil Aviation Authorization of Singapore |
51 | CANSO | Civil Air Navigation Services Organization |
52 | CAS | Calibrated Airspeed |
53 | CAT | Category of Aircraft |
54 | CAVOK | Ceiling And Visibility OK |
55 | CCBC | Community College Baltimore County |
56 | COG | Center of Gravity |
57 | COTS | Commercial-of-the-shelf |
58 | CRDA | Converging Runway Display Aid |
59 | CTA | Controlled Time of Arrival |
60 | CTA | Controlled Area |
61 | CTOT | Calculated Take-Off Time |
62 | CTR | Control Zone or Controlled Traffic Region |
63 | DAS | DFS Aviation Services (DFS subcompany for services outside Germany) |
64 | DCIA | Dependent Converging Instrument Approach |
65 | DFS | Deutsche Flugsicherung (ATC in Germany) |
66 | DGAC | Direction générale de l'aviation civile |
67 | DTI | Direction Technique Innovation |
68 | DW | Downwind |
69 | EAS | Equivalent Airspeed |
70 | EAVA | Estonian Aviation Academy |
71 | ECAC | European Civil Aviation Conference |
72 | EFM | Gesellschaft für Enteisen und Flugzeugschleppen |
73 | ETA | Estimated Time of Arrival |
74 | ETOPS | Extended Range Twin-engine Aircraft Operations |
75 | FAA | Federal Aviation Administration (USA) |
76 | FAR | Fuel Air Ratio |
77 | FAS | Final Approach Segment |
78 | FAS | Final Approach Speed |
79 | FAST | Future Aviation Safety Team |
80 | FAT | Factory Acceptance Test (see also SAT and RAT) |
81 | FAT | Final Approach Track |
82 | FATO | Final Approach and Take-off Area |
83 | FAWP | Final Approach Waypoint |
84 | FAWS | Flight Advisory Weather Service |
85 | FBW | Fly-by-Wire |
86 | FCA | Final Cruise Altitude |
87 | FCC | Flight Control Computer |
88 | FCC | Federal Communications Commission (USA) |
89 | FCI | Flight Command Indicator |
90 | FCL | Flight Crew Licensing |
91 | FCLP | Field Carrier Landing Practice |
92 | FCLT | Freeze Calculated Landing Time |
93 | FCLTP | Flight Crew Licensing and Training Panel (ICAO) |
94 | FCOM | Flight Crew Operating Manual |
95 | FCOM | Flight Crew Operations Manual |
96 | FCPC | Flight Control Primary Computer |
97 | FE | Field Elevation (highest point of an airport’s usable runways and is measured in height above mean sea level) |
98 | FIA | Flight Information Area |
99 | FIR | Flight Information Region |
100 | FL | Flight Level |
101 | FMG | Flughafen München GmbH |
102 | FOD | Foreign Object Debris |
103 | FOV | Field of View |
104 | GP | Glide Path |
105 | GPS | Global Positioning System |
106 | GS | Ground Speed or Glideslope |
107 | HKIA | Hong Kong International Airport |
108 | IAA | Israeli Airport Authority |
109 | IAF | Israeli Air Force |
110 | IAS | Indicated Air Speed |
111 | IG | Image Generator |
112 | IGLR | Integrated Ground Lighting and Radar |
113 | IMC | Instrument Meteorological Conditions |
114 | KAT | Kaufbeuren ATM Training (DFS subcompany) |
115 | LAA | Lappland Aviation Academy |
116 | LL | Lower Limit |
117 | LMUK | Lockheed Martin UK |
118 | LOD | Level of Detail |
119 | LTA | Lower Traffic Area |
120 | LVNL | Luchtverkeersleiding Nederland (Air Traffic Control the Netherlands) |
121 | LVP | Low Visibility Procedures |
122 | MATS | Malta Air Traffic Services |
123 | MEA | Minimum En-route Altitude |
124 | METAR | Meteorological Aerodrome Report |
125 | MSL | Median Sea Level |
126 | OCTA | Outside Control Areas |
127 | PAPI | Precision Approach Path Indicator |
128 | PAR | Precision Approach Radar |
129 | POH | Pilot's Operating Handbook |
130 | PPL | Private Pilot License |
131 | QNE | pressure altitude at the landing runway threshold |
132 | QNH | atmospheric pressure adjusted to mean sea level |
133 | RAT | Reliability Acceptance Test (see also FAT and SAT) |
134 | RBAF | Royal Belgium Armed Forces |
135 | RCAF | Royal Canadian Air Force |
136 | RET | Rapid Exit Taxiways |
137 | RJAF | Royal Jordanian Air Force |
138 | RPI | Runway Point of Intercept |
139 | RPM | Rotations per Minute |
140 | RVR | Runway Visual Range |
141 | RWY | Runway |
142 | SAT | Site Acceptance Test (see also FAT and RAT) |
143 | SLOC | Slovenia Control |
144 | STARS | Standard Arrival Routes |
145 | SID | Standard Instrument Departure |
146 | SKYGUIDE | ATC Swiss |
147 | SOW | Statement of Work |
148 | SSR | Secondary Surveillance Radar |
149 | SWT | Switch |
150 | TA | Terminal Airspace |
151 | TAS | Terminal Airspace System |
152 | TAS | True Airspeed |
153 | TCAS | Traffic Collision Avoidance System |
154 | TCL | Taxi Center Lights |
155 | TFDM | Terminal Flight Data Management |
156 | TMA | Terminal Control Area |
157 | TSTC | Texas State Technical College |
158 | UAA | University of Alaska Anchorage |
159 | UMASS | University of Massachusetts |
160 | USAF | US Air Force |
161 | UTA | Upper Traffic Area |
162 | V2 | Takeoff speed. The speed at which the aircraft may safely be climbed with one engine inoperative |
163 | VASI | Visual Approach Slope Indicator |
164 | VHF | Very High Frequency |
165 | VOR | VHF Omni-directional Range |
166 | VREF | 1.3 times the stalling speed of the aircraft in the stated landing configuration and at the prevailing aircraft weight |
167 | VRR | Voice Recognition & Response |
168 | VTC | Visual Terminal Chart |
169 | VTOL | vertical take-off and landing |
170 | VSTOL | vertical short take-off and landing |
171 | VTOSL | vertical take-off and short landing |
172 | WTC | Wake Turbulence Category |