2021-02-06 16:14:05 +01:00

6.8 KiB

2add-firewall-rules.ps1adds firewall rules to the given executables (requires admin rights)
3check-ipv4-address.ps1checks the given IPv4 address for validity
4check-mac-address.ps1checks the given MAC address for validity
5check-xml-file.ps1checks the given XML file for validity
6clone-repos.ps1clones well-known Git repositories
7close-calculator.ps1closes the calculator program gracefully
8close-chrome.ps1closes Google Chrome gracefully
9close-edge.ps1closes Microsoft Edge gracefully
10close-file-explorer.ps1closes Microsoft File Explorer gracefully
11close-program.ps1closes the given program gracefully
12close-thunderbird.ps1closes Mozilla Thunderbird gracefully
13close-windows-terminal.ps1closes Windows Terminal gracefully
14configure-git.ps1sets up the Git configuration
15csv-to-text.ps1converts the given CSV file into a text list
16daily-tasks.shexecute PowerShell scripts automatically as daily tasks (Linux only)
17decrypt-file.ps1decrypts the given file
18display-time.ps1displays the current time for 10 seconds by default
19download.ps1downloads the file/directory from the given URL
20empty-dir.ps1empties the given directory
21enable-crash-dumps.ps1enables the writing of crash dumps
22encrypt-file.ps1encrypts the given file
23generate-qrcode.ps1generates a QR code
24hibernate.ps1enables hibernate mode for the local computer (requires admin rights)
25inspect-exe.ps1prints basic information of the given executable file
26list-anagrams.ps1lists all anagrams of the given word
27list-automatic-variables.ps1lists PowerShell automatic variables
28list-current-timezone.ps1lists the current time zone details
29list-clipboard.ps1lists the contents of the clipboard
30list-environment-variables.ps1lists all environment variables
31list-empty-dirs.ps1lists empty subfolders in a directory tree
32list-files.ps1lists all files in the given folder and also in every subfolder
33list-formatted.ps1lists the current working directory formatted in columns
34list-fritzbox-calls.ps1lists the FRITZ!Box calls
35list-fritzbox-devices.ps1lists FRITZ!Box's known devices
36list-installed-software.ps1lists the installed software
37list-logbook.ps1lists the content of the logbook
38list-unused-files.ps1lists unused files in a directory tree
39list-cmdlets.ps1lists the PowerShell cmdlets
40list-earthquakes.ps1lists earthquakes with magnitude >= 6.0 for the last 30 days
41list-modules.ps1lists the PowerShell modules
42list-news.ps1lists the latest news
43list-os-releases.ps1lists OS releases and download URL
44list-printers.ps1lists all printer known to the computer
45list-processes.ps1lists the local computer processes
46list-random-passwords.ps1prints a list of random passwords
47list-random-pins.ps1prints a list of random PIN's
48list-scripts.ps1lists the PowerShell scripts in this repository
49list-timezones.ps1lists all time zones available
50list-user-groups.ps1lists the user groups on the local computer
51locate-city.ps1prints the geographic location of the given city
52locate-ipaddress.ps1prints the geographic location of the given IP address
53locate-zip-code.ps1prints the geographic location of the given zip-code
54MD5.ps1prints the MD5 checksum of the given file
55make-install.ps1installs built executables and libs to the installation directory
56moon.ps1prints the current moon phase
57mute-audio.ps1mutes audio
58next-joke.ps1]gets the next random Juck Norris joke
59open-browser.ps1starts the default Web browser
60open-calculator.ps1starts the calculator program
61open-email-client.ps1starts the default email client
62play-beep.ps1plays a beep sound
63poweroff.ps1halts the local computer (requires admin rights)
64query-smart-data.ps1queries the S.M.A.R.T. data of your HDD/SSD's and saves it to the current/given directory
65new-email.ps1starts the default email client to write a new email
66reboot.ps1reboots the local computer (requires admin rights)
67reboot-fritzbox.ps1reboots the FRITZ!box device
68search-files.ps1searches the given pattern in the given files
69scan-ports.ps1scans the network for open/closed ports
70send-email.ps1sends an email message
71send-tcp.ps1sends a TCP message to the given IP address and port
72send-udp.ps1sends a UDP datagram message to the given IP address and port
73set-timer.ps1sets a timer for a countdown
74set-wallpaper.ps1sets the given image as wallpaper
75SHA1.ps1prints the SHA1 checksum of the given file
76SHA256.ps1prints the SHA256 checksum of the given file
77simulate-matrix.ps1simulates the Matrix (fun)
78simulate-presence.ps1simulates the human presence against burglars
79speak-date.ps1speaks the current date by text-to-speech (TTS)
80speak-epub.ps1speaks the content of the given Epub file by text-to-speech (TTS)
81speak-file.ps1speaks the content of the given text file by text-to-speech (TTS)
82speak-test.ps1performs a speak test by text-to-speech (TTS)
83speak-text.ps1speaks the given text by text-to-speech (TTS)
84speak-time.ps1speaks the current time by text-to-speech (TTS)
85switch-shelly1.ps1switches a Shelly1 device in the local network
86take-screenshot.ps1takes a single screenshot
87take-screenshots.ps1takes multiple screenshots
88train-dns-cache.ps1trains the DNS cache with frequently used domain names
89translate-file.ps1translates the given file from source to target language
90translate-text.ps1translates the given text into other languages
91turn-volume-up.ps1turns the audio volume up (+10% by default)
92turn-volume-down.ps1turns the audio volume down (-10% by default)
93txt2wav.ps1converts text into a audio .WAV file
94unmute-audio.ps1unmutes audio
95update-repos.ps1updates all Git repositories under the current directory
96visualize-dir-tree.ps1visualizes the given/current directory tree
97voice-control.ps1executes the PowerShell scripts by voice
98weather.ps1prints the current weather forecast
99weather-alert.ps1checks the current weather for critical values
100weather-report.ps1prints the local weather report
101weather-worldwide.ps1prints the current weather of cities worldwide
102write-animated.ps1writes animated text
103write-big.ps1writes the given text in big letters
104write-blue.ps1writes the given text in a blue foreground color
105write-braille.ps1writes the given text in Braille
106write-green.ps1writes the given text in a green foreground color
107write-logbook.ps1writes the given text to the logbook
108write-marquee.ps1writes the given text as marquee
109write-morse-code.ps1writes the given text in Morse code
110write-motd.ps1writes the message of the day (MOTD)
111write-red.ps1writes the given text in a red foreground color
112write-rot13.ps1encodes or decodes the given text with ROT13
113write-typewriter.ps1writes the given text with the typewriter effect
114write-uppercase.ps1writes the given text in uppercase letters
115write-vertical.ps1writes the given text in vertical direction
116zip-dir.ps1creates a zip archive of the given folder