2022-01-27 07:28:19 +01:00

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Raw Blame History

221CSLC,21st Century Space Launch Complex
34LGSF,Four-Laser Guide Star Facility
44MOST,4-metre Multi-Object Spectroscopic Telescope (Proposed new spectroscopic instrument for VISTA)
54T,Four Telescope (VLTI mode)
6A&A,Journal, Astronomy & Astrophysics
7A&ARv,Journal, Annual Review of Astronomy and Astrophysics
8ACD,Amplitude Calibration Device (ALMA)
9ACe,Astaldi Cimolai EIE (Consortium)
10ADA,ALMA Department of Administration
11ADO,ALMA Directors Office
12ADS,International Italian optics company working on the DSM for the VLT
13AEM,ALMA construction consortium
14AFNOR,Association Française de Normalisation
15AFTA,Astrophysics Focused Telescope Assets
16AGN,Active Galactic Nucleus
17AIDA,Astronomical Infrastructure for Data Access
18AIP,Leibniz Institute for Astrophysics Potsdam
19AIT,Assembly, Integration and Test
20AIV,Assembly, Integration and Verification
21AJ,The Astronomical Journal
22ALMA,Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array
23AMBER,Astronomical Multi-BEam combineR (VLTI Instrument)
24AN,Journal, Astronomische Nachrichten
25Antu,VLT Unit Telescope 1
26AO,Adaptive Optics
27AOF,Adaptive Optics Facility
28AOS,Array Operations Site (ALMA)
29APE,Active Phasing Experiment
30APEX,Atacama Pathfinder Experiment
31ApJ,Astrophysical Journal
32ApJS,Journal, Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series
33AQUARIUS,Mid-infrared detector array (VISIR)
34ARAL,Alignment facility for the VLTI
35ARC,ALMA Regional Centre
36ArTeMiS,Bolometric camera for APEX
37ASAC,ALMA Science Advisory Committee
39ASIC,Application Specific Integrated Circuit
40ASSIST,Adaptive Secondary Setup and Instrument Simulator (AOF test bench)
41AstraLux,Lucky Imaging camera for the Calar Alto 2.2-metre telescope
42AT,Auxiliary Telescope for the VLTI
43ATC,Astronomy Technology Centre (United Kingdom)
44ATILO,Administrative Tribunal of the International Labour Organisation
45AU,Astronomical Unit
46AUI,Associated Universities Inc.
47AVM,Astronomical Visualisation Metadata
48BAM,Construction company for the Headquarters extension
49BE,Back-End (ALMA)
50BELLA,Building Europe Link to Latin America
51BFL,Budget and Forward Look
52BlackGEM,(La Silla) Telescope array searching for optical counterparts of gravitational wave sources
53BLIP,Background photon noise limited
54C2PAP,Computational Center for Particle and Astrophysics, Universe Cluster, Garching
55CAD,Computer Aided Design
56CADC,Canadian Astronomy Data Centre
57CAPj,Communicating Astronomy with the Public Journal
58CARLA,Clusters Around Radio-Loud AGN (Spitzer)
59CASA,Common Astronomy Software Applications (ALMA)
60CCD,Charge Coupled Device
61CCTV,Closed Circuit TeleVision
62CDR,Critical Design Review
63CDS,Centre de Données astronomiques de Strasbourg (Strasbourg astronomical Data Center)
64CEA,Commissariat à LEnergie Atomique, France
65CELAC_EU,Summit of the Community of Latin American and Caribbean StatesEuropean Union
66CES,Coude Echelle Spectrometer
67CfP,Call for Proposal
68CfT,Call for tender
69CHAMP+,Dual channel heterodyne receiver array (APEX)
70CLIF,Convolution with Linearized Inverse Filter algorithm for wavefront sensing
71CLP,Chilean Peso
72CMB,Cosmic Microwave Background
73CMBR,Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation
74CME,Coronal Mass Ejection (usually Sun)
75CNAM,Conservatoire National des Arts et Métiers
76CNRS,Centre national de la recherche scientifique
77CO,Carbon monoxide
78CO,Carried Over budget
79COFUND,EU fellowship funding programme
80CONDOR,1.5 THz heterodyne receiver (APEX)
81CONICA,COudé Near-Infrared CAmera (VLT)
82CORALIE,Echelle Spectrograph on the 1.2-metre Leonard Euler Swiss telescope
83CoRoT,COnvection ROtation and planetary Transits (French Satellite)
84COSMOS,HST survey programme
85Cou-,Council Document
86CP,Calibration Programme
87CPI,Consumer Price Index
88CRIRES+,Planned upgrade to CRIRES
89CRIRES,Cryogenic InfraRed Echelle Spectrometer (VLT)
90CSV,Commissioning and Science Verification
91CTA,Cherenkov Telescope Array
92CTA-S,Cherenkov Telescope Array South
93CTAO,Cherenkov Telescope Array Observatory
94CUBES,Cassegrain U-band Brazilian ESO Spectrograph
95CuRe,Fast wavefront reconstruction algorithms for XAO with pyramid WFS
96CuReD,Fast wavefront reconstruction algorithms for XAO with pyramid WFS with pre-processing
97DC,Direct Current
98DDS,Data DistributIOn middleware for SPARTA
99DDT,Directors Discretionary Time
100DFG,Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft
101DFS,(VLT) Data Flow System
102DG,Director General
103DIG,Deep Imaging Group (Vitacura)
104DL,Delay Line (VLTI)
105DMO,Data Management and Operations Division
106DMS,Dome and Main Structure
107DRS,DRS, formerly Boeing, detector manufacturer
108DSC,Directorate for Science
109DSM,Deformable Secondary Mirror
110DSO,Department of Science Operations (ALMA)
111eAPD,electron Avalanche Photodiode Detector
112EASC,European ALMA Support Centre
113EC,European Commission
114ECRI,European Conference on Research Infrastructures
115EFOSC2,ESO Faint Object Spectrograph and Camera (v.2)
116EIB,European Investment Bank
117EIROforum,Organisation consisting of the seven largest scientific European international organisations devoted to fostering mutual activities
118ELT,Extremely Large Telescope
119EM&P,Journal, Earth, Moon, and Planets
120EMAC,ELT Management Advisory Committee
121EMBL,European Molecular Biology Laboratory (Germany)
122EMMI,ESO Multi-Mode Instrument (NTT)
123ePOD,education and Public Outreach Department
124ERC,European Research Council
125ERIS,Enhanced Resolution Imager and Spectrograph
126ERP,Enterprise Resource Planning (Administration software)
127ESAC,European Science Advisory Committee (for ALMA)
128ESAC,European Space Astronomy Centre (ESA, Spain)
129ESC,ELT Subcommittee
130ESE,ELT Science and Engineering
131ESM,European School Munich
132ESO,European Organisation for Astronomical Research in the Southern Hemisphere
133ESOF,Euroscience Open Forum
134ESON,ESO Science Outreach Network
135ESPRESSO,Echelle SPectrograph for Rocky Exoplanet- and Stable Spectroscopic Observations
136ESRC,ELT Standing Review Committee
137ETF,ELT Technical Facility
138EVALSO,Enabling Virtual Access to Latin-american Southern Observatories
139EWASS,European Week of Astronomy and Space Science
140ExA,Journal, Experimental Astronomy
141ExTrA,(La Silla) Exoplanets in Transit and their Atmospheres
142FC,Finance Committee
143FDR,Final Design Review
144FE IPT,Front-End Integrated Project Team (ALMA)
145FE,Front End
146FEA,Finite Element Analysis
147FEED,Front-End Engineering Design (ELT)
148FEIC,Front End Integration Centre (ALMA)
149FEROS,Fibre-fed, Extended Range, Échelle Spectrograph (MPG/ESO 2.2-metre)
150FIAT,Facility (for) Infrared Arrays Testing
151FITS,Flexible Image Transport System
152FLAMES,Fibre Large Array Multi Element Spectrograph (VLT)
153FORS1,FOcal Reducer/low dispersion Spectrograph (VLT)-1
154FORS2,FOcal Reducer/low dispersion Spectrograph (VLT)-2
155FOS,Faint Object Spectrograph (HST)
157FP6,Sixth EC Framework Programme
158FP7,Seventh EC Framework Programme
159FWHM,Full Width at Half Maximum
160GALACSI,Ground Atmospheric Layer Adaptive Optics for Spectroscopic Imaging (AOF)
161GIRAFFE,Fibre-fed multi-object spectrograph and part of the VLT FLAMES facility
162GLAO,Ground Layer Adaptive Optics
163gNLT,Garching Night Log Tool
164GRAAL,GRound-layer Adaptive optics Assisted by Lasers (AOF)
165GRAVITY,AO assisted, two-object, multiple-beam-combiner (VLTI)
166GROND,Gamma-Ray Burst Optical/Near-Infrared Detector (MPG/ESO 2.2-metre)
167GTC,Gran Telescopio Canarias
168GTO,Guaranteed Time for Observation
169GWh,Gigawatt hours
170GÉANT,European multi-gigabit computer network for research and education purposes
171H-LTAO,HARMONI Laser Tomography Adaptive Optics
172H2020,(EU) Horizon 2020 Programme
173HARMONI,Proposed first light integral field spectrograph for the ELT
174HARPS,High Accuracy Radial Velocity Planetary Searcher (3.6-metre)
175HAWK-I,High Acuity Wide field K-band Imager
176HCI,Human Computer Interface
177HIA,Herzberg Institute of Astrophysics (Canada)
178HIRES,(ELT) HIgh REsolution Spectrograph
179HODM,High Order Deformable Mirror
180HST,Hubble Space Telescope
181HVAC,Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning
182IAG,Institute of Astronomy, Geophysics and Atmospheric Sciences (Brazil)
183IAS,International Accounting Standards
184IAU,International Astronomical Union
185Icar,Icarus, Planetary science journal, Planetary science journal
186IFS,Integral Field Spectrograph (SPHERE, ELT)
187IFU,Integral Field Unit
188INAF,Italian National Institute for Astrophysics
189INRIA,Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et en Automatique
190IPAG,Institut de Planetologie et dAstrophysique de Grenoble
191IPC,(Chilean) Índice de Precios al Consumidor
192IPP,Max-Planck Institute for Plasma Physics (Germany)
193IPSAS,International Public Sector Accounting Standards
194IPT,Integrated Product Team (ALMA)
196IRAM,Institut de Radioastronomie Millimétrique
197IRDIS,InfraRed Dual-beam Imager and Spectrograph (SPHERE, ELT)
198IRIS,VLTI Infrared Image Sensor
199IRLOS,InfraRed Low Order Sensor
200IRO,International Relations Office
201ISAAC,Infrared Spectrometer And Array Camera (VLT)
202ISERD,Israeli inter-ministerial agency for R&D cooperation with Europe
203ISM,International Staff Member
204ISS,International Space Station
205IT,Information Technology
206ITAR,International Traffic in Arms Regulations
207ITER,International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor
208IVOA,International Virtual Observatory Alliance
209IVSLA,Istituto Veneto di Scienze ed Arti
210IYA2009,International Year of Astronomy 2009
211JAO,Joint ALMA Observatory
212JENAM,Joint European and National Astronomy Meeting
213JPL,Jet Propulsion Laboratory
214JUICE,JUpiter ICy moons Explorer
215JWST,James Webb Space Telescope
217KIDS,(VST) Kilo-Degree Survey
218KMOS,K-band Multi-Object Spectrograph (VLT)
219KTS,Klaus Tschira Stiftung
220Kueyan,VLT Unit Telescope 2
221LABOCA,Large APEX Bolometer CAmera
222LAOG,Laboratoire d'Astrophysique de l'Observatoire de Grenoble
223LCS,Local Control System
224LEO,Low Earth Orbit
225LFC,Laser Frequency Comb
226LGS,Laser Guide Star
227LGSF,Laser Guide Star Facility
228LMC,Large Magellanic Cloud
229LMU,Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München
230LN2,Liquid nitrogen
231LOFAR,Low Frequency Array
232LOPS,Local Optical Phasing Sensor
233LP,Large Programme
234LPG,Liquefied Petroleum Gas
235LPO,La Silla ­Paranal Observatory
236LSM,Local Staff Members
237LSP,La Silla ­Paranal Subcommittee
238LTAO,Laser Tomography Adaptive Optics
239LVSM,Large Visible Sensor Module
240M#,Mirror #
242MACAO,Multiple Application Curvature Adaptive Optic
243MACCON,Motion controller manufacturer
244MAD,Multi-conjugate Adaptive optics Demonstrator
245MAORY,(ELT) Multi-conjugate Adaptive Optics RelaY
247MASCOT,Mini All-Sky Cloud Observation Tool (Paranal)
248MATISSE,Multi AperTure mid-Infrared SpectroScopic Experiment (VLTI)
249MCAO,Multi-Conjugate Adaptive Optics
250Melipal,VLT Unit Telescope 3
251MELT,Minuscule ELT
252MENLO systems,Optical equipment manufacturer
253MERAC,Mobilising European Research in Astrophysics and Cosmology
254MERIL,Mapping the European Research Infrastructure Landscape
255METIS,Mid-infrared ELT Imager and Spectrograph
256MICADO,Adaptive optics imaging camera (ELT)
257MIDI,Mid-infrared Interferometric Instrument (VLTI)
258MIM,Museo Interactivo Mirador, Santiago
259MIT,Massachusetts Institute of Technology
260mmVLBI,Millimeter Very Long Baseline Interferometry
261Mn,Mirror #n
262MNRAS,Journal, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society
263MOAO,Multiple-Object Adaptive Optics
264MOONS,Multi Object Optical and Near-infrared Spectrograph (VLT third generation)
265MOS,(ELT) Multi-Object Spectroscopy
266MOSAIC,(ELT) Multi-Object Spectrograph (Multi-Object Spectrograph for Astrophysics, Intergalactic medium studies and Cosmology)
267MOSFIRE,Near-infrared multi-object spectrograph (Keck)
268MPA,Max Planck Institute for Astrophysics
269MPE,Max Planck Institute for Extraterrestrial Physics
271MPIA,Max Planck Institute for Astronomy
272MPIfR,Max-Planck Institute for Radioastronomy (Germany)
273MS,Member State(s)
274MTM,MT Mechatronics (European company of high technology, engineering and maintenance services)
275MUSE,Multi Unit Spectroscopic Explorer (VLT)
277NAOJ,National Astronomical Observatory of Japan
278NAOMI,Adaptive optics system for the ATs (VLTI)
279NAOS,Nasmyth Adaptive Optics System (VLT)
280NASA,National Aeronautics and Space Administration
282NDF,Non-Deliverable Forward Agreement
283NEAR,New Earths in the Alpha Cen Region experiment
284NEO,Near-Earth Object
285NewA,Journal, New Astronomy
286NewAR,Journal, New Astronomy Reviews
287NFM,Narrow Field Mode
288NGC,New General Catalogue
289NGC,New General detector Controller
290NGSD,Proposed large natural/laser guide star WFS detector (ELT)
291NGTS,Next Generation Transit Survey
292NINS,National Institutes of Natural Sciences
293NIRPS,(NNT) Near Infra Red Planet Searcher
294NOVA,The Netherlands Research School for Astronomy (Nederlandse Onderzoekschool voor Astronomie)
295NRAO,National Radio Astronomy Observatory
296NSF,National Science Foundation
297NTT,New Technology Telescope
298NUVA,Network for UltraViolet Astrophysics
299OAA,Arcetri Astrophysical Observatory
300OBAMA,Optical Bidule for Aberration Measurement on the ATs
301OCA-NICE,Cote dAzur Observatory (Observatoire de la Cote dAzur)
302ODG,Office of the Director General
303OECD,Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
304OmegaCAM,Optical Camera for the VST
305OPC,Observing Programmes Committee
306OPO,Observing Programmes Office
307OPTICON,Optical Infrared Coordination Network for Astronomy
308OSF,ALMA Operations Support Facilities
309OSO,Onsala Space Observatory
310OT,Observing Tool
311OTS,Operations Technical Support
312P&SS,Journal, Planetary and Space Science
313P2PP,Peer to Peer Protocol
314P86,Observing Period 86
315P87,Observing Period 87
316PA,Product Assurance
317PAC,Provisional Acceptance Chile
318PACMAN,Fringe tracker for PRIMA (VLTI)
319PAE,Provisional Acceptance Europe
320PARLA,PAranal Raman Laser, replacement for PARSEC (VLTI)
321PARSEC,Sodium line laser for VLT AO
322PASJ,Journal, Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan
323PASP,Journal, Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific
324PDR,Preliminary Design Review
325PESSTO,Public ESO Spectroscopic Survey of Transient Objects
326PFS,(ELT) Pre-Focal Station
327PFS-A,(ELT) Pre-Focal Station for Nasmyth A
328PhD,Doctor of Philosophy
329PI,Principal Investigator
330PIO,Public Information Officer
331PIONIER,VLTI visitor instrument
332PIP,Paranal Instrumentation Programme
333PLC,Programmable Logic Controllers (ELT)
334PMD,Project Management Department
335PMPD,Performance Management and Professional Development
336PRIMA,Phase-Referenced Imaging and Micro-arcsecond Astrometry facility (VLTI)
337PSF,Point Spread Function
338PTP,Precision Time Protocol
340QSO,Quasi Stellar Object, quasar
341QUEST,QUasar Equatorial Survey Team
342R&D,Research and Development
343RAB,Reflector Assembly Building
344RAL,Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, Didcot (UK)
345RCL,Radioastronomy Chajnantor Limitada
346RedCLARA,Latin American Advanced Networks Cooperation (Academic data network in Latin America)
347REM,Rapid Eye Mount Telescope (La Silla)
348REUNA,Red Universitaria Nacional (Academic data network in Chile)
349RM,Rossiter-McClaughlin (effect)
350RMN,Reflective Memory Network (VLTI)
351rms,Root Mean Square
352SABOCA,Shortwave Apex BOlometer Camera
353SAC,EURO-VO Science Advisory Committee
354SAF,Science Archive Facility
355SAFRAN-REOSC,High performance optics company
356SAPHIRA,Detector for the GRAVITY wavefront sensor
358SCAO,Single-conjugate adaptive optics
359SCO,Santiago Central Office (ALMA/ESO Vitacura)
360SDD,Software Development Division
361SDSS,Sloan Digital Sky Survey
362SEPIA,Swedish ESO PI receiver for APEX
363SHFI,Swedish Heterodyne Facility Instrument
364SiC,(ELT) SiliconCarbide-mirrorsubstrate
365SINFONI,Spectrograph for INtegral Field Observations in the Near Infrared (VLT)
366SKA,Square Kilometer Array
367SM,Service Mode (observing)
368SM4,Servicing Mission 4 (HST)
369SOFI,SOn oF Isaac (NTT)
370SOPHIE,Spectrographe pour lObservation des Phénomènes des Intérieurs stellaires et des Exoplanètes
371SOXS,(NTT) Son Of X-Shooter
372SPARTA,Real-time computer for the AOF
373SPC,Scientific Personnel Committee
374SPECULOOS,(Paranal) Search for habitable Planets EClipsing ULtra-cOOl Stars
375SPHERE,Spectro-Polarimetric High-contrast Exoplanet Research instrument (VLT)
376SPIFFI,SPectrometer for Infrared Faint Field Imaging
377SPT,South Pole Telescope
378SSDF,Science Support Discretionary Fund
379SSED,Software System Engineering Department
380SSWG,Science Strategy Working Group
381ST-ECF,Space Telescope European Coordination Facility
382STC,Scientific Technical Committee
383STFC,Science and Technology Facilities Council (UK)
384STRAP,Tip-tilt sensors (VLTI)
385STScI,Space Telescope Science Institute (USA)
387SUSI2,Superb Seeing Imager 2 (NTT)
388TAROT,Télescope à Action Rapide pour les Objets Transitoires
389TAROT-S,Télescopes à Action Rapide pour les Objets Transitoires South
390TBT,Test-Bed Telescope
391TEC,Technology Division
392telbib,ESO library telescope bibliography database
393TFB,Tunable Filter Bank (ALMA)
394TIMMI,TIMMI far-infrared camera (ESO 3.6-metre telescope)
395ToO,Target of Opportunity
396TRAPPIST,TRAnsiting Planets and PlanetesImals Small Telescope
397TRR,Test Readiness Review
398TUM,Technische Universität München
399UC,Users Committee
400UK ATC,UK Astronomy Technology Centre
401Ultracam,High-speed camera (VLT)
402UltraVISTA,Ultra-deep near-infrared survey in the COSMOS field
403UNCOPUOS,United Nations Committee for the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space
404USM,University Observatory Munich
405UT,Unit Telescope of the VLT
406UT14,VLT Unit Telescopes 14: Antu, Kueyen, Melipal and Yepun
408UVES,UV-Visual Echelle Spectrograph (VLT)
409VAT,Value Added Tax
410VERTEX,(APEX) VERTEX Antennentechnik GmbH, Duisburg (Germany)
411VHS,VISTA Hemisphere Survey
412VIDEO,VISTA Deep Extragalactic Observations Survey
413VIKING,VISTA Kilo-degree Infrared Galaxy survey
414VIMOS,VIsible MultiObject Spectrograph (VLT)
415VINCI,VLT INterferometer Commissioning Instrument (VLTI)
416VIPERS,VIMOS Public Extragalactic Redshift Survey
417VIRCAM,VISTA Infrared Camera
418VISA,VLTI Sub-Array
419VISIR,VLT Mid-Infrared Imager Spectrometer
420VISTA,Visible and Infrared Survey Telescope for Astronomy
421VLT,Very Large Telescope
422VLT/I,Very Large Telescope and its Interferometer
423VLTI,Very Large Telescope Interferometer
424VLTI-PR#,VLTI projects
425VM,Visitor Mode (observing)
426VMC,VISTA survey of the Magellanic Cloud system
427VO,Virtual Observatory
428VOP,Virtual Observatory Project Office
429VPHAS+,VST Photometric Hα Survey
430VSS,Variability Sky Survey
431VST,VLT Survey Telescope
432VVDS,VIMOS VLT Deep Survey
433VVV,ESO public survey VISTA Variables in the Vía Láctea
434WASP,Wide Angle Search for Planets survey
435WFCAM,Infrared wide field camera for the UK Infrared Telescope on Mauna Kea
436WFI,Wide Field Imager (MPG/ESO 2.2-metre)
437WiFi,Wireless Fidelity
438WVR,Water Vapour Radiometer (ALMA)
439X-shooter,Wideband ultraviolet-infrared single target spectrograph (VLT)
440XAO,Extreme adaptive optics
441XMM-Newton,X-ray Multi-Mirror satellite (ESA)
442Yepun,VLT Unit Telescope 4
443Z-Spec,Millimetre-wave spectrograph (APEX visitor instrument)
444zCOSMOS,Large Programme to measure 30 000 galaxies in the HST Cosmic Origins field
445ZIMPOL,Zurich Imaging Polarimeter (SPHERE, ELT)
446ΛCDM,Lambda Cold Dark Matter