2023-11-23 14:59:42 +01:00

24 KiB
Raw Blame History

4AAAAnti-Aircraft Artillery
5AAAVAdvanced Amphibious Assault Vehicle
6AADCArea Air Defense Commander
7AAFESArmy Air Force Exchange System
8AAFESArmy and Air Force Exchange Service
9AAMAir-to-Air Missile
10AAMGAnti-Aircraft Machine Gun
11AAPAmerican Academy of Pediatrics
12AAVAmphibious Assault Vehicle
13AAVAmphibious Assault Vehicle
14AAVAssault Amphibian Vehicle
15AAVCAssault Amphibian Vehicle Command
16ABAApplied Behavior Analysis
17ABMAnti-Ballistic Missile
18ACActive Component
19ACCAir Combat Command
20ACFTArmy Combat Fitness Test
21ACMAir Combat Maneuvering
22ACMIAir Combat Maneuvering Instrumentation
23ACMRAir Combat Maneuvering Range
24ACOAirspace Control Order
25ACPArmored Command Post
26ACSIAmerican Customer Satisfaction Index
27ACUArmy Combat Uniform
28ACUAssault Craft Unit
29ADATSAir Defense Anti-Tank System
30ADFAustralian Defense Force
31ADFMActive-Duty Family Member
32ADIZAir Defense Identification Zone
33ADWCAir Defense Warning Condition
34AETFAir Expeditionary task force
35AEVArmored Engineer Vehicle
36AEWAirborne Early Warning
37AEW&CAirborne Early Warning and Control
38AFAir Force
39AFBAir Force Base
40AFDAutomatic Feeding Device
41AFMCAir Force Material Command
42AFNAmerican Forces Network
43AFVArmored Fighting Vehicle
44AIFVArmored Infantry Fighting Vehicle
45AIPAssignment Incentive Pay
46AIRSUPREQAir Support Request
47AITAdvanced Individual Training
48AIT or “A School”Advanced Individual Training
49ALBMAir Launched Ballistic Missile
50ALCMAir Launched Cruise Missile
51ALCTAirlift Control Team
52ALERTORDAlert Order
53AMCAir Mobility Command
54AMCAir Mobility Command
55AMCTAir Mobility Control Team
56AMDAir Mobility Division
57AMLOAir Mobility Liaison Officer
58AMRAnti-Material Rifle
59AMRAAMAdvanced Medium Range Air-to-Air Missile
60ANGAir National Guard
61AOCAir Operations Center
62APArmor Piercing
63APCArmored Personnel Carrier
64APFAppropriated Funds
65AP-TArmor Piercing - Tracer
66APUAuxiliary Power Unit
67ARCTAir Refueling Control Team
68ARMAnti-Radiation Missile
69ARRVArmored Repair and Recovery Vehicle
70ARSOFArmy special operations forces
71ARVArmored Recovery Vehicle
73ASGAllied System for Geospatial Intelligence
74ASMAir-to-Surface Missile
75ASMAnti-Ship Missle
76ASPJAirborne Self-Protection Jammer
77ASRAAMAdvanced Short Range Air-to-Air Missile
78ASTAir Staff Target
79ASTOVLAdvanced Short Take-Off and Vertical Landing
80ASuWAnti-Surface Warfare
81ASVAnti-Surface Vessel
82ASVABArmed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery
83ASWAnti-Submarine Warfare
85ATACMSArmy TACtical Missile System
86ATASAir-To-Air Stinger (missile)
87ATBMAnti-Tactical Ballistic Missile
88ATCSAir Traffic Control Section
89ATCCISArmy Tactical Command and Control Information System
90ATGWAnti-Tank Guided Weapon
91ATRAnti-Tank Rifle
92AUWAll-Up Weight
93AVLAnti-Vehicle Land Mine
94AVLBArmored Vehicle-Launched Bridge
95BBomber designation (as in B-52 Stratofortress)
96BAGBudget Activity Group
97BAHBasic Allowance for Housing
98BAHBasic Housing Allowance
99BAHCBasic Allowance for Health Care
100BASBasic Allowance for Subsistence
101BCTBasic Combat Training
102BDOCBase Defense Operations Center
103BDUBattle Dress Uniform
104BDZBase Defense Zone
105BECBenefits Executive Committee
106BMBallistic Missile
107BMCTBegin Morning Civil Twilight
108BMNTBegin Morning Nautical Twilight
109BODBoard of Directors
110BPLANBase Plan
111BRSBlended Retirement System
112BVRBeyond Visual Range
113BZBuffer Zone
114C2Command and Control
115CABGCoronary Artery Bypass Grafting
116CAHPSConsumer Assessment of Healthcare Providers and Systems
117CAPCombat Air Patrol
118CASClose-Air Support
119CASEVACCasualty Evacuation
120CAWSClose Assault Weapon System
121CBOCongressional Budget Office
122CCCommand & Control
123CCDRCombatant Commander
124CCHHSCook County Health and Hospital System
125CCMDCombatant Command
126CCVCommand & Control Vehicle
127CDCChild Development Center
128CDPChild Development Program
129CDUControl Display Unit
130CEACircular Error Average
131CEBCooperative Efforts Board
132CEPCircular Error Probable
133CEVCombat Engineer/Engineering Vehicle
134CFEConventional Forces Europe
135CFLCoordinated FireLine
136CFRCode of Federal Regulations
137CFVCavalry Fighting Vehicle
138CIWSClose-In Weapon System (US)
139CLEPCollege Level Examinations Program
140CLSCombat Life Saver
141CMCruise Missile
142CMACCHAMPUS Maximum Allowable Charge
143CMOCivil-Military Operations
144COCommanding Officer
145COCommanding Officer
146COACourse of Action
147COGCenter of Gravity
150COLACost of Living Allowance
151CONUSContinental U.S.
152COOPContinuity of Operations
153CPContact Point
154CPContinuation Pay
155CPGContingency Planning Guidance
158CRAFCivil Reserve Air Fleet
159CRAFCivil Reserve Air Fleet
160CRARRVChallenger Armored Repair and Recovery Vehicle
161CRBMClose-Range Ballistic Missile
162CRDPConcurrent Retirement Disability Pay
163CRSCCombat Related Special Compensation
164CRTCathode Ray Tube
165CSBClose-Support Bridge
166CSPCritical Skills Pay
167C-STARSCenters for Sustainment of Trauma and Readiness Skills (USAF)
169CVCombat Vehicle
170CVConventionally Powered aircraft carrier (USN)
171CVRTCombat Vehicle Reconnaissance Tracked
172CVWCarrier Air Wing
173CWCComposite Warfare Commander
174CWMDCountering Weapons of Mass Destruction
175CZTECombate Zone Tax Exclusion
176DADepartment of the Air Force
177DADirect Action
178DADouble Agent
179DACMCDefense Advisory Committee on Military Compensation
180DAFDefense Information Systems Network
181DANTESDefense Activity for Non-Traditional Education Support
182DASC(A)Direct Air Support Center (Airborne)
183DBDefined Benefit
184DCDefined Contribution
185DeCADefense Commissary Agency
186DEERSDefense Enrollment Eligibility Reporting System
187DEERSDefense Enrollment Eligibility Reporting System
188DEFCONDefense Readiness Condition
189DEPORDDeployment Order
190DeRADefense Resale Activity
191DEWDistant Early Warning (US)
192DFASDefense Finance and Accounting Service
193DFCDistinguished Flying Cross: Air Force decoration
194DFGLDistinct Faith Group Leader
195DGPSDifferential GPS
196DHADefense Health Agency
197DICDependency and Indemnity Compensation
199DLADislocation Allowance
200DLTPDefence Logistics Transformation Program
201DMDCDefense Manpower Data Center
202DMHSDefense Message Handling System
203DMRDesignated Marksman Rifle
204DoDIDoD Instruction
205DoDTRDepartment of Defense Trauma Registry
206DOLU.S. Department of Labor
207DONDepartment of the Navy
209DRBDischarge Review Board
210DRMDynamic Retention Model (RAND)
211DRODecision Review Officer
212DVIDirect Voice Input
213DVOPDisabled Veterans Outreach Program
214DZDrop Zone
215DZDrop Zone
217EADEarliest Arrival Date
218EAOSEnd of Active Obligated Service
219EASEnd of Active Service
220EBTElectronic Benefit Transfer
221ECCMElectronic Counter CounterMeasures
222ECHOExtended Care Health Option
223ECMElectronic CounterMeasures
224ECRElectronic Combat Reconnaissance
225EECTEnd Evening Civil Twilight
226EENTEnd of Evening Nautical Twilight
227EFISElectronic Flight Instrument System
228EFMExceptional Family Member
229EFMPExceptional Family Member Program
230EHExplosive Hazard
231EHHCECHO Home Health Care
232EHRElectronic Health Record
233ELINTELectronic INTelligence
234EMCEssential Medical Capability
235EMPElectromagnetic Pulse
236EOCEmergency Operations Center
237EODExplosive Ordnance Disposal
238EODExplosive Ordnance Disposal
239EPEmergency Preparedness
240ERAExplosive Reactive Armor
241ERCen Route Care
242ERISAEmployee Retirement Income Security Act
243ESEAElementary and Secondary Education Act
244eshpEquivalent Shaft Horsepower
245ESMElectronic Support Measures
246EWEarly Warning
247EWElectronic Warfare
248EWElectronic Warning
249EWAElectronic Warfare Aircraft
250FFighter designation (as in F-15 Eagle)
251FAFrontal Aviation
252FACForward Air Control / Forward Air Controller
253FAEFuel Air Explosives
254FAVFast Attack Vehicle
256FCCFamily Child Care
257FCSFire Control System
258FDAU.S. Food and Drug Administration
259FDOFlight Deck Officer
260FEBAForward Edge of the Battle Area
261FEBAFoward Edge of Battle Area
262FEDVIPFederal Employees Dental and Vision Insurance Program
263FEHBPFederal Employees Health Benefits Program
264FFAFree-Fire Area
265FFARFolding-Fin Aerial Rocket
267FHCCFederal Health Care Center
268FIEFly-In Echelon
269FIFVFuture Infantry Fighting Vehicle
270FLIRForward Looking Infrared
271FLPBForeign Language Proficiency Bonus
272FLTCIPFederal Longer Term Care Insurance Program
273FMCFood Machinery Corporation
274FMFFleet Marine Force
275FMRFinancial Management Regulation
276FMSForeign Military Sale (US)
277FMWGFinancial Management Working Group
278FOBForward Operating Base
279FOBForward Operating Base
280FOCFinal Operating Capabilities
281FODForeign Object Damage
282FOSForward Operating Site
283FSAFamily Separation Allowance
284FSSAFamily Subsistence Supplemental Allowance
285FUBARFouled' Up Beyond All Recognition
286FVFighting Vehicle
287GAMGPS-Aided Munition
288GAOU.S. Government Accountability Office
289GATESGlobal Air Transportation Execution System
290GCIGround-Controlled Intercept
291GCTGrande Cadence de Tir (France)
292GEGeneral Electric
293GIBGI Bill
294GMIGeneral Military Intelligence
295GPGeneral Purpose
296GPMGGeneral Purpose Machine Gun
297GPMRCGlobal Patient Movement Requirements Center
298GPSGlobal Positioning System
299GSSAPGeosynchronous Space Situational Awareness Program
300HCBSHome and Community-Based Services
301HCSDBHealth Care Survey of DoD Beneficiaries
302HDHomeland Defense
303HDP-LHardship Duty Pay Locations
304HEHigh Explosive
305HECHealth Executive Committee
306HEDISHealthcare Effectiveness Data and Information Set
307HE-FRAGHigh Explosive-Fragmentation
308HEIHigh Explosive Incendiary
309HEMATHeavy Expanded Mobility Ammunition Trailer
310HEPHigh Explosive Plastic
311HESHHigh Explosive Squash Head
312HE-THigh Explosive - Tracer
313HMGHeavy Machine u Gun
314HMOHealth Maintenance Organization
315HOBHeight of Burst
316HOCHumanitarian Operations Center
318HPTHigh-Payoff Target
320HRHostage Rescue
321HRPHigh-Risk personnel
322HSHomeland Security
323HUDHead Up Display
324HUDWACHead Up Display Weapon Aiming Computer
325HUDWASSHead Up Display Weapon Aiming SubSystem
326HUMINTHuman Intelligence
327HVAPHigh Velocity Armor Piercing
328HVMHigh Velocity Missile
329HVTHigh-Value Target
330IADSIntegrated Air Defense System
331IAMDIntegrated Air and Missile Defense
332IC3Interagency Care Coordination Committee
333ICBMInterContinental Ballistic Missile
334IDAInstitute for Defense Analyses
335IEDImprovised Explosive Device
336iEHRIntegrated Electronic Health Record
337IFFIdentification Friend or Foe
338IFVInfantry Fighting Vehicle
339IGEIn Ground Effect
340IIRIntelligence Information report
341INSInertial Navigation System
342INTELSATInternational Telecommunications Satellite Organization
343IOCInitial Operating Capabilities
344IOCInitial Operational Capability
345IPOInteragency Program Office
347IRANInspect and Repair as Necessary
348IRBMIntermediate Range Ballistic Missile
349IRBMIntermediate-Range Ballistic Missile
350IRCMInfra-Red CounterMeasure
351IRRIndividual Ready Reserve
352IRSInertial Reference System
353IRSTInfra-Red Search-and-Track
354ISOPREPIsolated Personnel Report
355ISWInstitute for the Study of War
356ITInformation Technology
357JAJudge Advocate
358JAATJoint Air Attack Team
359JAGJudge Advocate General
360JAGICJoint Air-Ground Integration Center
361JAOCJoint Air Operations Center
362JAOPJoint Air Operations Plan
363JASDFJapan Air Self Defense Force
364JASTJoint Advanced Strike Technology
365JCNJoint Communications Network
366JDAMJoint Direct Attack Munition
367JECJoint Executive Committee
368JEZJoint Engagement Zone
369JFCHJoint Force Chaplain
370JFOJoint Field Office
371JIFJoint Incentive Fund
372JIOCJoint Intelligence Operations Center
373JIOOJoint Interrogation Operations
374JLOCJoint Logistics Operations Center
375JMROCJoint Medical Readiness Oversight Council
376JOAJoint Operations Area
377JOCJoint Operations Center
378Joint-STARSJoint Surveillance Target Attack Radar System
379JRCJoint Readiness Command
380JSJoint Staff
381JSCJoint Chiefs of Staff
382JSFJoint Strike Fighter
383JSOWJoint Stand-Off Weapon
384JSPJoint Strategic Plan
385JTBJoint Transportation Board
386JTFJoint Task Force
387JTIDSJoint Tactical Information Distribution System
388JVSGJobs for Veterans State Grant
389LALead Agent
390LABSLow Altitude Bombing System
391LADLatest Arrival Date
392LADLaunch Area Denied
393LAMPSLight Airborne MultiPurpose System
394LANTIRNLow Altitude Targeting InfraRed for Night
395LAPESLow Altitude Parachute Extraction System
396LARSLight Artillery Rocket System
397LAVLight Armored Vehicle
398LAVLight Assault Vehicle
399LCDLiquid Crystal Display
400LCSLittoral Combat Ship
401LEALaw Enforcement Agency
402LESLeave and Earnings Statement
403LFLow Frequency (30 to 300 kHz)
404LGBLaser-Guided Bomb
405LGWLaser-Guided Weapon
406LLLTVLow Light Level Television
407LMGLight Machine Gun
408LMILogistics Management Institute
409LOLow Observables
410LOALetter of Authorization
411LOALetter of Offer and Acceptance
412LOCLine of Communications
413LORLaunch on Remote
414LPTLow Profile Turret
415LRMPLong Range Maritime Patrol Aircraft
417LTLight Tank
418LVERLocal Veterans Employment Representative
419LVTPLanding Vehicle Tracked Personnel
420LZLanding Zone
421LZLanding Zone
422MAAPMaster Air Attack Plan
423MACMilitary Airlift Command
424MADMagnetic Anomaly Detector
426MAPMedical Advisory Panel
427MAPMilitary Assistance Program
428MARAD RRFMaritime Administration Ready Reserve Force
429MAWMarine Air Wing (USMC)
430MAXORDMaximum Ordinate
431MBTMain Battle Tank
432MCCSMarine Corps Community Services
433MCMMine Countermeasures
434MCRMCMilitary Compensation and Retirement Modernization Commission
435MCSCManaged Care Support Contract
436MCXMarine Corps Exchange
437MDMissile Defense
438MDAMuster Duty Allowance
439MEPSMilitary Entrance Processing Station
440MERHCFMedicare-Eligible Retiree Health Care Fund
441MEZMissile Engagement Zone
442MFDMulti-Function Display
443MGMachine Gun
444MGIBMontgomery GI Bill
445MGIB-ADMontgomery GI Bill Active Duty
446MGIB-SRMontgomery GI Bill Selected Reserve
447MHAMilitary Housing Allowance
448MHAMilitary Housing Area
449MHSMilitary Health System
450MIAMissing in Action
451MIBMilitary Intelligence Board
452MIDBModernized Integrated Database
453MILCONMilitary Construction
454MILDECmilitary deception
455MILDEPMilitary Department
456MILPERSMilitary Personnel
457MILSPECMilitary Specification
458MILSTAMPMilitary Standard Transportation and Movement Procedures
459MILSTRIPMilitary Standard Requisitioning and Issue Procedure
460MILTECHMilitary technician
461MIWMine Warfare
462MLAMilitary Lending Act
463MLRSMultiple Launch Rocket System
464MLUMid-Life Update
465MMGMedium Machine Gun
466MNFMultinational Force
467MOBMain Operating Base
468MOCMedia Operations Center
469MOLLE or M.O.L.L.E.MOdular Lightweight Load-carrying Equipment
470MOSMilitary Occupational Specialty
471MPMachine Pistol
472MPAMaritime Patrol Aircraft
473MPCMulti-Purpose Carrier
474MPOMilitary Post Office
475MPSMilitary Postal Service
476MPSAMilitary Postal Service Agency
477MRMaritime Reconnaissance
478MRAVMulti-Role Armored Vehicle
479MRBMMedium-Range Ballistic Missile
480MRFMilitary Retirement F
481MRRMinimum-Risk Route
482MSASMobility Support Advisory Squadron
483MSCMilitary Sealift Command
484MSFMobile Security Force
485MSGMaster Sergeant
486MSIPMulti-Stage Improvement Program
487MSPMaritime Security Program
488MSRMain Supply Route
489MSRRAMilitary Spouse Residency Relief Act
490MTFMedical Treatment Facility
491MyCAAMilitary Spouse Career Advancement Accounts
492NAFNonappropriated Funds
493NAINamed Area of Interest
494NASNaval Air Station
495NATONorth Atlantic Treaty Organization
496NAVSOFNavy Special Operations Forces
497NBINonbattle Injury
498NCONon-Commissioned Officer
499NCPNormal Cost Payments
500NCRNational Capital Region
501NCSNational Communications System
502NDAANational Defense Authorization Act
503NDMSNational Disaster Medical System
504NDRCNational Detainee Reporting Center
505NDRFNational Defense Reserve Fleet
506NEXNavy Exchange
507NEXCOMNavy Exchange Command
508NEXMARTNavy Exchange Market
509NFANo-Fire Area
510NFLNo-Fire Line
511NFLSNaval Forward Logistic Site
512NGFSNaval Gunfire Support
513NIMSNational Incident Management System
514NLWNonlethal Weapon
515NMCSNational Military Command System
516NMSNational Military Strategy
517NOCNational Operations Center
518NOENap of the Earth
519NORADNorth American Aerospace Defense Command (formerly North American Air Defense Command)
520NSCNational Security Council
521NSFSNaval Surface Fire Support
522NSLNo-Strike List
523NSWNaval Special Warfare
524NVDNight Vision Device
526O&MOperation and Maintenance
527O&MOperations and Maintenance
528OAObjective Area
529OACTOffice of the Actuary (DoD)
530OCOperations Center
531OCAOffensive Counterair
532OCOOffensive Cyberspace Operations
533OCONUSOutside the Continental U.S.
534OCSOfficer Candidate School
535OCUOperational Conversion Unit
537OFCOOffensive Counterintelligence Operation
538OGEOut of Ground Effect
539OHAOverseas Housing Allowance
541OODOfficer of the Deck
543OPCONOperational Control
544OPLANOperation Plan
545OPMU.S. Office of Personnel Management
546OPORDOperation Order
547OPSECOperational Security
548OPSECOperations Security
549OSAOperational Support Airlift
550OSCOn-Scene Commander
551OSINTOpen-Source Intelligence
552OTCOfficer in Tactical Command
554OTH-BOver-The-Horizon Backscatter radar
555OTHROver-The-Horizon Radar
556OTHTOver-The-Horizon Targeting
557PACAFPacific Air Force (USAF)
558PARPopulation at Risk
559PBPeace Building
560PCMPrimary Care Manager
561PCSPermanent Change of Station
562PDProbability of Damage
563PDRLPermanently Disabled Retired List
564PEGASUSPersistent German Airborne Surveillance System
565PFCPrivate First Class
566PFMPersonal Financial Management
567PFTPhysical Fitness Test
568PGMPrecision-Guided Munition
569PGMPrecision-Guided Munition
570PIDPassive IDentification
571PIDPositive Identification
572PIIPersonally Identifiable Identification
573PLPhase Line
574PLANORDPlanning Order
575PLBPersonal Locator Beacon
577PNGDFPapua New Guinea Defense Force
578POPeace Operations
579POCPoint of Contact
580POCPrivately Owned Conveyance
581PODPort of Debarkation
582POEPort of Embarkation
583POWPrisoner of War
584PPEpersonal Protective Equipment
585PPMPersonally Procured Move
586PPOPreferred Provider Organization
587PRPersonnel Recovery
588PRCPresidential Reserve Call-Up
589PSASProsthetic and Sensory Aids Service
590PTPhysical Training
591PTCPharmacy and Therapeutics Committee
592PTDOPrepare to Deploy Order
593PTGPoseur de Travures du Genie (France)
594PTSDPost-Traumatic Stress Disorder
595PTTIPrecise Time and Time Interval
596PUKPackup Kit
597PVPerceived Value
599PXPost Exchange
600R&DResearch & Development
601R&RRest and Recuperation
602RARisk Assessment
603RAAWSRadar Altimeter and Altitude Warning System
604RAMRadar Absorbing Material, Rolling Airframe Missile
605RATORocket-Assisted Take-Off
606RCReserve Component
607RCCRescue Coordination Center
608RCSRadar Cross-Section
609RDDRadiological Dispersal Device
610REAPReserve Education Assistance Program
612REDRadiological Exposure Device
613RESCAPRescue Combat Air Patrol
614RFARestrictive Fire Area
615RFIRequest for Information
616RFLRestrictive Fire Line
617RHPORegional Health Planning Organization
618RIRelative Importance
619RISEReliability Improved Selected Equipment
620RMRisk Management
621RMGRanging Machine Gun
622ROERules of Engagement
623ROERules of Engagement
624ROZRestricted Operations Zone
625RPRocket Propelled
626RPGRocket Propelled Grenade
627RPVRemotely-Piloted Vehicle
628RRReattack Recommendation
629RRCCRegional Response Coordination Center
630RSAResource Sharing Agreement
631RSORegional Security Officer
632RTRecovery Team
633RTBReturn to Base
634RVURelative Value Unit
635RWRRadar Warning Receiver
637SACSchool-Age Care
638SACStrategic Air Command
639SAFE kitSexual Assault Forensic Examination Kit
640SAMSurface-to-Air Missile
641SAPSpecial Access Program
642SARSearch and Rescue
643SASSpecial Air Service
644SBASmall Business Administration
645SBPSurvivor Benefit Plan
646SCARStrike Coordination and Reconnaissance
647SCRAServicemembers Civil Relief Act
648SDTSecond Destination Transportation
649SEADSuppression of Enemy Air Defenses
650SENSOSENSor Operator
651SEPSystems Enhancement Package
652SFGSpecial Forces Group
653SGLIServicemembers Group Life Insurance
655SHORADEZShort-Range Air Defense Engagement Zone
656SigintSIGnals INTelligence
657SIPRNETSECRET Internet Protocol Router Network
658SITREPSituation Report
659SJAStaff Judge Advocate
660SLAPSaboted Light Armor Penetrator
661SLARSide-Looking Airborne Radar
662SLEPService Life Extension Program
664SMCSpecialized Military Condition
665SMGSubMachine Gun
666SMUSpecial Mission Unit
667SNAFUSituation Normal, All 'Fouled' Up
668SNAPSupplemental Nutrition Assistance Program
669SOCOMSpecial Operations Command
670SOFSpecial Operations Forces
671SOLRSSpecial Operations Logistics Readiness Squadron
672SOPStandard Operating Procedure
673SOTFSpecial Operations Task Force
674SOUTHAFSouthern Command Air Forces
676SPSpecialist (when referred in a soldiers rank)
677SPAAGSelf-Propelled Anti-Aircraft Gun
678SPAWARThe Space and Naval Warfare Systems Command
679SPGSelf-Propelled Gun
680SPOTREPSpot Report
681SRSpecial Reconnaissance
682SRAMShort Range Attack Missile
683SRBMShort-Range Ballistic Missile
684SRUFStanding Rules For the Use of Force
685SSMSurface-to-Surface Missile
686STCShock Trauma Center
687SUWSurface Warfare
688TATuition Assistance
689TATarget Audience
690TAThreat Assessment
691TACTactical Air Command
692TACAMOTAke Charge And Move Out
693TACANTACtical Aid to Navigation
694TACCOTACtical COordinator
695TACONTactical Control
696TAITarget Area of Interest
697TAMPTransition Assistance Management Program
698TANSTactical Air Navigation System
699TBOTime Between Overhauls
700TBDTorpedo Boat Destroyer
701TBTTank Bridge Transporter
702TCCCTactical Combat Casualty Care
703TCFTactical Combat Force
704TDYTemporary Duty Station
705TECHINTTechnical Intelligence
706TENCAPTactical Exploitation of National Capabilities
707TFTask Force
708TFITotal Family Income
709TFRTerrain Following Radar
710TGTask Group
711TIALDTarget Identification Airborne Laser Designation
712TICTarget Information Center
713TMA TRICAREManagement Activity
714TOTheater of Operations
715TOATable of Allowance
716TOFTime of Flight
717TOTTime on Target
718TQTactical Questioning
719TRANSCOMTransportation Command
720TRANSECTransmission Security
721TRAPTactical Recovery of Aircraft and Personnel
722TRICAREMilitary Health Care Program
723TRPTarget Reference Point
724TRVTank Recovery Vehicle
725TSOCTheater Special Operations Command
726TSPThrift Savings Plan
727TSSAMTri-Service Stand-off Attack Missile
728TTTTime to Target
729TUTask Unit
730UCMJUniform Code of Military Justice
731UCPUnified Command Plan
732UCXUnemployment Compensation for Ex-Servicemembers
733UDTUnderwater Demolition Team
734UETFUnified Exchange Task Force
735UICUnit Identification Code
736UJTLUniversal Joint Task List
737ULNUnit Line Number
738USAACUnited States Army Air Corps
739USAAFUnited States Army Air Forces
740USAFEUnited States Air Force in Europe
741USCGUnited States Coast Guard
742USDAU.S. Department of Agriculture
743USERRAUniformed Services Employment and Reemployment Rights Act
744USFHPU.S. Family Health Plan
745USMCUnited States Marine Corps
746USMTFUnited States Message Text Format
747USNUnited States Navy
748USNSUnited States Naval Ship
749USWUndersea Warfare
750USSFUnited States Space Force, the space service branch of the United States Armed Forces
751UTCUnit Type Code
752UXOUnexploded Explosive Ordnance
753V/STOLVertical or Short Take-Off and Landing
754VAU.S. Department of Veterans Affairs
755VAVulnerability Assessment
756VANFVA National Formulary
757VBIEDVehicle-Borne Improvised Explosive Device
758VDUVisual Display Unit
759VHAVeterans Health Administration
760VIvisual information
761VISAVoluntary Intermodal Sealift Agreement
762VISNVeterans Integrated Service Network
763VistAVeterans Health Information Systems and Technology Architecture
764VSELVickers Shipbuilding and Engineering LTD
765VSOVeterans Service Organization
766VSTOLVertical Short Take-Off and Landing
767VTASVoice, Throttle and Stick
768WARMWartime Reserve Modes
769WARNORDWarning Order
770WEZWeapon Engagement Zone
771WGWorking Group
772WICWomen, Infants and Children
773WLGWashington Liaison Group
774WMDWeapons of Mass Destruction
775WOWarrant Officer
776WSOWeapon System Operator (or Weapon System Officer)
777XOExecutive Officer
778YOSYears of Service
779ZFZone of Fire