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synced 2025-03-30 09:36:40 +02:00
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2 | 21CSLC | 21st Century Space Launch Complex |
3 | 4LGSF | Four-Laser Guide Star Facility |
4 | 4MOST | 4-metre Multi-Object Spectroscopic Telescope (Proposed new spectroscopic instrument for VISTA) |
5 | 4T | Four Telescope (VLTI mode) |
6 | A&A | Journal, Astronomy & Astrophysics |
7 | A&ARv | Journal, Annual Review of Astronomy and Astrophysics |
8 | AAA | Amateur Astronomers Association of New York |
9 | ACD | Amplitude Calibration Device (ALMA) |
10 | ACM | Asteroids, Comets, and Meteors |
11 | ACe | Astaldi Cimolai EIE (Consortium) |
12 | ADA | ALMA Department of Administration |
13 | ADO | ALMA Director’s Office |
14 | ADS | International Italian optics company working on the DSM for the VLT |
15 | AEM | ALMA construction consortium |
16 | AFNOR | Association Française de Normalisation |
17 | AFTA | Astrophysics Focused Telescope Assets |
18 | AGN | Active Galactic Nucleus |
19 | AIDA | Astronomical Infrastructure for Data Access |
20 | AIP | Leibniz Institute for Astrophysics Potsdam |
21 | AIT | Assembly, Integration and Test |
22 | AIV | Assembly, Integration and Verification |
23 | AJ | The Astronomical Journal |
24 | ALMA | Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array |
25 | AMBER | Astronomical Multi-BEam combineR (VLTI Instrument) |
26 | AN | Journal, Astronomische Nachrichten |
27 | Antu | VLT Unit Telescope 1 |
28 | AO | Adaptive Optics |
29 | AOF | Adaptive Optics Facility |
30 | AOS | Array Operations Site (ALMA) |
31 | APE | Active Phasing Experiment |
32 | APEX | Atacama Pathfinder Experiment |
33 | ApJ | Astrophysical Journal |
34 | ApJS | Journal, Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series |
35 | AQUARIUS | Mid-infrared detector array (VISIR) |
36 | ARAL | Alignment facility for the VLTI |
37 | ARC | ALMA Regional Centre, or Ames Research Center |
38 | ArTeMiS | Bolometric camera for APEX |
39 | ASAC | ALMA Science Advisory Committee |
40 | ASIAA | East Asia FEIC (ALMA) |
41 | ASIC | Application Specific Integrated Circuit |
42 | ASSIST | Adaptive Secondary Setup and Instrument Simulator (AOF test bench) |
43 | AstraLux | Lucky Imaging camera for the Calar Alto 2.2-metre telescope |
44 | AT | Auxiliary Telescope for the VLTI |
45 | ATC | Astronomy Technology Centre (United Kingdom) |
46 | ATILO | Administrative Tribunal of the International Labour Organisation |
47 | AU | Astronomical Unit, the distance between the Earth and the Sun |
48 | AUI | Associated Universities Inc. |
49 | AVM | Astronomical Visualisation Metadata |
50 | AXP | Anomalous X-Ray Pulsar |
51 | BAM | Construction company for the Headquarters extension |
52 | BE | Back-End (ALMA) |
53 | BELLA | Building Europe Link to Latin America |
54 | BFL | Budget and Forward Look |
55 | BH | Black hole |
56 | BLAST | Balloon-borne Large Aperture Submillimeter Telescope |
57 | BlackGEM | (La Silla) Telescope array searching for optical counterparts of gravitational wave sources |
58 | BLIP | Background photon noise limited |
59 | C2PAP | Computational Center for Particle and Astrophysics, Universe Cluster, Garching |
60 | CAD | Computer Aided Design |
61 | CADC | Canadian Astronomy Data Centre |
62 | CAPj | Communicating Astronomy with the Public Journal |
63 | CARLA | Clusters Around Radio-Loud AGN (Spitzer) |
64 | CASA | Common Astronomy Software Applications (ALMA) |
65 | CBR | cosmic background radiation |
66 | CCD | Charge Coupled Device |
67 | CDR | Critical Design Review |
68 | CDS | Centre de Données astronomiques de Strasbourg (Strasbourg astronomical Data Center) |
69 | CEA | Commissariat à L’Energie Atomique, France |
70 | CELAC_EU | Summit of the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States–European Union |
71 | CES | Coude Echelle Spectrometer |
72 | CfP | Call for Proposal |
73 | CfT | Call for tender |
74 | CGM | Circumgalactic medium |
75 | CHAMP+ | Dual channel heterodyne receiver array (APEX) |
76 | CLIF | Convolution with Linearized Inverse Filter algorithm for wavefront sensing |
77 | CLP | Chilean Peso |
78 | CM | center of mass |
79 | CMB | Cosmic Microwave Background |
80 | CMBR | Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation |
81 | CME | Coronal Mass Ejection (usually Sun) |
82 | CNAM | Conservatoire National des Arts et Métiers |
83 | CNRS | Centre national de la recherche scientifique |
84 | CO | Carbon monoxide |
85 | CO | Carried Over budget |
86 | COFUND | EU fellowship funding programme |
87 | CONDOR | 1.5 THz heterodyne receiver (APEX) |
88 | CONICA | COudé Near-Infrared CAmera (VLT) |
89 | CORALIE | Echelle Spectrograph on the 1.2-metre Leonard Euler Swiss telescope |
90 | CoRoT | COnvection ROtation and planetary Transits (French Satellite) |
91 | COSMOS | HST survey programme |
92 | Cou- | Council Document |
93 | CP | Calibration Programme |
94 | CPI | Consumer Price Index |
95 | CRIRES+ | Planned upgrade to CRIRES |
96 | CRIRES | Cryogenic InfraRed Echelle Spectrometer (VLT) |
97 | CSV | Commissioning and Science Verification |
98 | CTA | Cherenkov Telescope Array |
99 | CTA-S | Cherenkov Telescope Array South |
100 | CTAO | Cherenkov Telescope Array Observatory |
101 | CUBES | Cassegrain U-band Brazilian ESO Spectrograph |
102 | CuRe | Fast wavefront reconstruction algorithms for XAO with pyramid WFS |
103 | CuReD | Fast wavefront reconstruction algorithms for XAO with pyramid WFS with pre-processing |
104 | DC | Direct Current |
105 | DDS | Data DistributIOn middleware for SPARTA |
106 | DDT | Director’s Discretionary Time |
107 | DFG | Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft |
108 | DFS | (VLT) Data Flow System |
109 | DG | Director General |
110 | DIG | Deep Imaging Group (Vitacura) |
111 | DL | Delay Line (VLTI) |
112 | DMO | Data Management and Operations Division |
113 | DMS | Dome and Main Structure |
114 | DRS | DRS, formerly Boeing, detector manufacturer |
115 | DSC | Directorate for Science |
116 | DSM | Deformable Secondary Mirror |
117 | DSO | Department of Science Operations (ALMA) |
118 | eAPD | electron Avalanche Photodiode Detector |
119 | EASC | European ALMA Support Centre |
120 | EC | European Commission |
121 | ECRI | European Conference on Research Infrastructures |
122 | EFOSC2 | ESO Faint Object Spectrograph and Camera (v.2) |
123 | EIB | European Investment Bank |
124 | EIROforum | Organisation consisting of the seven largest scientific European international organisations devoted to fostering mutual activities |
125 | ELT | Extremely Large Telescope |
126 | EM&P | Journal, Earth, Moon, and Planets |
127 | EMAC | ELT Management Advisory Committee |
128 | EMBL | European Molecular Biology Laboratory (Germany) |
129 | EMMI | ESO Multi-Mode Instrument (NTT) |
130 | ePOD | education and Public Outreach Department |
131 | ERC | European Research Council |
132 | ERIS | Enhanced Resolution Imager and Spectrograph |
133 | ERP | Enterprise Resource Planning (Administration software) |
134 | ESAC | European Science Advisory Committee (for ALMA) |
135 | ESAC | European Space Astronomy Centre (ESA, Spain) |
136 | ESC | ELT Subcommittee |
137 | ESE | ELT Science and Engineering |
138 | ESM | European School Munich |
139 | ESO | European Organisation for Astronomical Research in the Southern Hemisphere |
140 | ESOF | Euroscience Open Forum |
141 | ESON | ESO Science Outreach Network |
142 | ESPRESSO | Echelle SPectrograph for Rocky Exoplanet- and Stable Spectroscopic Observations |
143 | ESRC | ELT Standing Review Committee |
144 | ETF | ELT Technical Facility |
145 | EVALSO | Enabling Virtual Access to Latin-american Southern Observatories |
146 | EWASS | European Week of Astronomy and Space Science |
147 | ExA | Journal, Experimental Astronomy |
148 | ExTrA | (La Silla) Exoplanets in Transit and their Atmospheres |
149 | FC | Finance Committee |
150 | FDR | Final Design Review |
151 | FE IPT | Front-End Integrated Project Team (ALMA) |
152 | FE | Front End |
153 | FEA | Finite Element Analysis |
154 | FEED | Front-End Engineering Design (ELT) |
155 | FEIC | Front End Integration Centre (ALMA) |
156 | FEROS | Fibre-fed, Extended Range, Échelle Spectrograph (MPG/ESO 2.2-metre) |
157 | FIAT | Facility (for) Infrared Arrays Testing |
158 | FITS | Flexible Image Transport System |
159 | FLAMES | Fibre Large Array Multi Element Spectrograph (VLT) |
160 | FORS1 | FOcal Reducer/low dispersion Spectrograph (VLT)-1 |
161 | FORS2 | FOcal Reducer/low dispersion Spectrograph (VLT)-2 |
162 | FOS | Faint Object Spectrograph (HST) |
163 | FP | Fabry-Perot |
164 | FP6 | Sixth EC Framework Programme |
165 | FP7 | Seventh EC Framework Programme |
166 | FWHM | Full Width at Half Maximum |
167 | GALACSI | Ground Atmospheric Layer Adaptive Optics for Spectroscopic Imaging (AOF) |
168 | GIRAFFE | Fibre-fed multi-object spectrograph and part of the VLT FLAMES facility |
169 | GLAO | Ground Layer Adaptive Optics |
170 | gNLT | Garching Night Log Tool |
171 | GRAAL | GRound-layer Adaptive optics Assisted by Lasers (AOF) |
172 | GRAVITY | AO assisted, two-object, multiple-beam-combiner (VLTI) |
173 | GROND | Gamma-Ray Burst Optical/Near-Infrared Detector (MPG/ESO 2.2-metre) |
174 | GTC | Gran Telescopio Canarias |
175 | GTO | Guaranteed Time for Observation |
176 | GWh | Gigawatt hours |
177 | GÉANT | European multi-gigabit computer network for research and education purposes |
178 | H-LTAO | HARMONI Laser Tomography Adaptive Optics |
179 | H2020 | (EU) Horizon 2020 Programme |
180 | HARMONI | Proposed first light integral field spectrograph for the ELT |
181 | HARPS | High Accuracy Radial Velocity Planetary Searcher (3.6-metre) |
182 | HAWK-I | High Acuity Wide field K-band Imager |
183 | HCI | Human Computer Interface |
184 | HIA | Herzberg Institute of Astrophysics (Canada) |
185 | HIRES | (ELT) HIgh REsolution Spectrograph |
186 | HODM | High Order Deformable Mirror |
187 | HST | Hubble Space Telescope |
188 | HVAC | Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning |
189 | IAG | Institute of Astronomy, Geophysics and Atmospheric Sciences (Brazil) |
190 | IAU | International Astronomical Union |
191 | Icar | Icarus, Planetary science journal, Planetary science journal |
192 | IFS | Integral Field Spectrograph (SPHERE, ELT) |
193 | IFU | Integral Field Unit |
194 | INAF | Italian National Institute for Astrophysics |
195 | INRIA | Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et en Automatique |
196 | IPAG | Institut de Planetologie et d’Astrophysique de Grenoble |
197 | IPC | (Chilean) Índice de Precios al Consumidor |
198 | IPP | Max-Planck Institute for Plasma Physics (Germany) |
199 | IPSAS | International Public Sector Accounting Standards |
200 | IPT | Integrated Product Team (ALMA) |
201 | IR | Infrared |
202 | IRAM | Institut de Radioastronomie Millimétrique |
203 | IRDIS | InfraRed Dual-beam Imager and Spectrograph (SPHERE, ELT) |
204 | IRIS | VLTI Infrared Image Sensor |
205 | IRLOS | InfraRed Low Order Sensor |
206 | IRO | International Relations Office |
207 | ISAAC | Infrared Spectrometer And Array Camera (VLT) |
208 | ISERD | Israeli inter-ministerial agency for R&D cooperation with Europe |
209 | ISM | International Staff Member |
210 | ISS | International Space Station |
211 | IT | Information Technology |
212 | ITAR | International Traffic in Arms Regulations |
213 | ITER | International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor |
214 | IVOA | International Virtual Observatory Alliance |
215 | IVSLA | Istituto Veneto di Scienze ed Arti |
216 | IYA2009 | International Year of Astronomy 2009 |
217 | JAO | Joint ALMA Observatory |
218 | JENAM | Joint European and National Astronomy Meeting |
219 | JUICE | JUpiter ICy moons Explorer |
220 | JWST | James Webb Space Telescope |
221 | k | kilo/1,000 |
222 | KIDS | (VST) Kilo-Degree Survey |
223 | KMOS | K-band Multi-Object Spectrograph (VLT) |
224 | KTS | Klaus Tschira Stiftung |
225 | Kueyan | VLT Unit Telescope 2 |
226 | LABOCA | Large APEX Bolometer CAmera |
227 | LAOG | Laboratoire d'Astrophysique de l'Observatoire de Grenoble |
228 | LCS | Local Control System |
229 | LEO | Low Earth Orbit |
230 | LFC | Laser Frequency Comb |
231 | LGS | Laser Guide Star |
232 | LGSF | Laser Guide Star Facility |
233 | LMC | Large Magellanic Cloud |
234 | LMU | Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München |
235 | LN2 | Liquid nitrogen |
236 | LOFAR | Low Frequency Array |
237 | LOPS | Local Optical Phasing Sensor |
238 | LP | Large Programme |
239 | LPG | Liquefied Petroleum Gas |
240 | LPO | La Silla Paranal Observatory |
241 | LSM | Local Staff Members |
242 | LSP | La Silla Paranal Subcommittee |
243 | LTAO | Laser Tomography Adaptive Optics |
244 | LVSM | Large Visible Sensor Module |
245 | M# | Mirror # |
246 | M | million/1,000,000 |
247 | MACAO | Multiple Application Curvature Adaptive Optic |
248 | MACCON | Motion controller manufacturer |
249 | MAD | Multi-conjugate Adaptive optics Demonstrator |
250 | MAORY | (ELT) Multi-conjugate Adaptive Optics RelaY |
251 | mas | milliarcseconds |
252 | MASCOT | Mini All-Sky Cloud Observation Tool (Paranal) |
253 | MATISSE | Multi AperTure mid-Infrared SpectroScopic Experiment (VLTI) |
254 | MCAO | Multi-Conjugate Adaptive Optics |
255 | Melipal | VLT Unit Telescope 3 |
256 | MELT | Minuscule ELT |
257 | MENLO systems | Optical equipment manufacturer |
258 | MERAC | Mobilising European Research in Astrophysics and Cosmology |
259 | MERIL | Mapping the European Research Infrastructure Landscape |
260 | METIS | Mid-infrared ELT Imager and Spectrograph |
261 | MICADO | Adaptive optics imaging camera (ELT) |
262 | MIDI | Mid-infrared Interferometric Instrument (VLTI) |
263 | MIM | Museo Interactivo Mirador, Santiago |
264 | mmVLBI | Millimeter Very Long Baseline Interferometry |
265 | Mn | Mirror #n |
266 | MNRAS | Journal, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society |
267 | MOAO | Multiple-Object Adaptive Optics |
268 | MOONS | Multi Object Optical and Near-infrared Spectrograph (VLT third generation) |
269 | MOS | (ELT) Multi-Object Spectroscopy |
270 | MOSAIC | (ELT) Multi-Object Spectrograph (Multi-Object Spectrograph for Astrophysics, Intergalactic medium studies and Cosmology) |
271 | MOSFIRE | Near-infrared multi-object spectrograph (Keck) |
272 | MPA | Max Planck Institute for Astrophysics |
273 | MPE | Max Planck Institute for Extraterrestrial Physics |
274 | MPG | Max-Planck-Gesellschaft |
275 | MPIA | Max Planck Institute for Astronomy |
276 | MPIfR | Max-Planck Institute for Radioastronomy (Germany) |
277 | MS | Member State(s) |
278 | MTM | MT Mechatronics (European company of high technology, engineering and maintenance services) |
279 | MUSE | Multi Unit Spectroscopic Explorer (VLT) |
281 | NAOJ | National Astronomical Observatory of Japan |
282 | NAOMI | Adaptive optics system for the ATs (VLTI) |
283 | NAOS | Nasmyth Adaptive Optics System (VLT) |
284 | NASA | National Aeronautics and Space Administration |
285 | NAV | Navision |
286 | NDF | Non-Deliverable Forward Agreement |
287 | NEAR | New Earths in the Alpha Cen Region experiment |
288 | NEO | Near-Earth Object |
289 | NewA | Journal, New Astronomy |
290 | NewAR | Journal, New Astronomy Reviews |
291 | NFM | Narrow Field Mode |
292 | NGC | New General Catalogue |
293 | NGC | New General detector Controller |
294 | NGSD | Proposed large natural/laser guide star WFS detector (ELT) |
295 | NGTS | Next Generation Transit Survey |
296 | NINS | National Institutes of Natural Sciences |
297 | NIRPS | (NNT) Near Infra Red Planet Searcher |
298 | NOVA | The Netherlands Research School for Astronomy (Nederlandse Onderzoekschool voor Astronomie) |
299 | NRAO | National Radio Astronomy Observatory |
300 | NSF | National Science Foundation |
301 | NTT | New Technology Telescope |
302 | NUVA | Network for UltraViolet Astrophysics |
303 | OAA | Arcetri Astrophysical Observatory |
304 | OBAMA | Optical Bidule for Aberration Measurement on the ATs |
305 | OCA-NICE | Cote d’Azur Observatory (Observatoire de la Cote d’Azur) |
306 | ODG | Office of the Director General |
307 | OECD | Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development |
308 | OmegaCAM | Optical Camera for the VST |
309 | OPC | Observing Programmes Committee |
310 | OPO | Observing Programmes Office |
311 | OPTICON | Optical Infrared Coordination Network for Astronomy |
312 | OSF | ALMA Operations Support Facilities |
313 | OSO | Onsala Space Observatory |
314 | OT | Observing Tool |
315 | OTS | Operations Technical Support |
316 | P&SS | Journal, Planetary and Space Science |
317 | P2PP | Peer to Peer Protocol |
318 | P86 | Observing Period 86 |
319 | P87 | Observing Period 87 |
320 | PA | Product Assurance |
321 | PAC | Provisional Acceptance Chile |
322 | PACMAN | Fringe tracker for PRIMA (VLTI) |
323 | PAE | Provisional Acceptance Europe |
324 | PARLA | PAranal Raman Laser, replacement for PARSEC (VLTI) |
325 | PARSEC | Sodium line laser for VLT AO |
326 | PASJ | Journal, Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan |
327 | PASP | Journal, Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific |
328 | PDR | Preliminary Design Review |
329 | PESSTO | Public ESO Spectroscopic Survey of Transient Objects |
330 | PFS | (ELT) Pre-Focal Station |
331 | PFS-A | (ELT) Pre-Focal Station for Nasmyth A |
332 | PhD | Doctor of Philosophy |
333 | PI | Principal Investigator |
334 | PIO | Public Information Officer |
335 | PIONIER | VLTI visitor instrument |
336 | PIP | Paranal Instrumentation Programme |
337 | PLC | Programmable Logic Controllers (ELT) |
338 | PMD | Project Management Department |
339 | PMPD | Performance Management and Professional Development |
340 | PRIMA | Phase-Referenced Imaging and Micro-arcsecond Astrometry facility (VLTI) |
341 | PSF | Point Spread Function |
342 | PTP | Precision Time Protocol |
343 | Q | Quarter |
344 | QSO | Quasi Stellar Object, quasar |
345 | QUEST | QUasar Equatorial Survey Team |
346 | R&D | Research and Development |
347 | RAB | Reflector Assembly Building |
348 | RAL | Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, Didcot (UK) |
349 | RCL | Radioastronomy Chajnantor Limitada |
350 | RedCLARA | Latin American Advanced Networks Cooperation (Academic data network in Latin America) |
351 | REM | Rapid Eye Mount Telescope (La Silla) |
352 | REUNA | Red Universitaria Nacional (Academic data network in Chile) |
353 | RM | Rossiter-McClaughlin (effect) |
354 | RMN | Reflective Memory Network (VLTI) |
355 | rms | Root Mean Square |
356 | SABOCA | Shortwave Apex BOlometer Camera |
357 | SAC | EURO-VO Science Advisory Committee |
358 | SAF | Science Archive Facility |
359 | SAFRAN-REOSC | High performance optics company |
360 | SAPHIRA | Detector for the GRAVITY wavefront sensor |
361 | SAXO | SPHERE’S AO system (VLT) |
362 | SCAO | Single-conjugate adaptive optics |
363 | SCO | Santiago Central Office (ALMA/ESO Vitacura) |
364 | SDD | Software Development Division |
365 | SDSS | Sloan Digital Sky Survey |
366 | SEPIA | Swedish ESO PI receiver for APEX |
367 | SHFI | Swedish Heterodyne Facility Instrument |
368 | SiC | (ELT) SiliconCarbide-mirrorsubstrate |
369 | SINFONI | Spectrograph for INtegral Field Observations in the Near Infrared (VLT) |
370 | SKA | Square Kilometer Array |
371 | SM | Service Mode (observing) |
372 | SM4 | Servicing Mission 4 (HST) |
373 | SMBH | Supermassive black hole |
374 | SOFI | SOn oF Isaac (NTT) |
375 | SOPHIE | Spectrographe pour l’Observation des Phénomènes des Intérieurs stellaires et des Exoplanètes |
376 | SOXS | (NTT) Son Of X-Shooter |
377 | SPARTA | Real-time computer for the AOF |
378 | SPC | Scientific Personnel Committee |
379 | SPECULOOS | (Paranal) Search for habitable Planets EClipsing ULtra-cOOl Stars |
380 | SPHERE | Spectro-Polarimetric High-contrast Exoplanet Research instrument (VLT) |
381 | SPIFFI | SPectrometer for Infrared Faint Field Imaging |
382 | SPT | South Pole Telescope |
383 | SSDF | Science Support Discretionary Fund |
384 | SSED | Software System Engineering Department |
385 | SSWG | Science Strategy Working Group |
386 | ST-ECF | Space Telescope European Coordination Facility |
387 | STC | Scientific Technical Committee |
388 | STFC | Science and Technology Facilities Council (UK) |
389 | STRAP | Tip-tilt sensors (VLTI) |
390 | STScI | Space Telescope Science Institute (USA) |
391 | sub-mm | submillimetre |
392 | SUSI2 | Superb Seeing Imager 2 (NTT) |
393 | TAROT | Télescope à Action Rapide pour les Objets Transitoires |
394 | TAROT-S | Télescopes à Action Rapide pour les Objets Transitoires South |
395 | TBT | Test-Bed Telescope |
396 | TEC | Technology Division |
397 | telbib | ESO library telescope bibliography database |
398 | TFB | Tunable Filter Bank (ALMA) |
399 | TIMMI | TIMMI far-infrared camera (ESO 3.6-metre telescope) |
400 | ToO | Target of Opportunity |
401 | TRAPPIST | TRAnsiting Planets and PlanetesImals Small Telescope |
402 | TRR | Test Readiness Review |
403 | UC | Users Committee |
404 | UK ATC | UK Astronomy Technology Centre |
405 | Ultracam | High-speed camera (VLT) |
406 | UltraVISTA | Ultra-deep near-infrared survey in the COSMOS field |
407 | UNCOPUOS | United Nations Committee for the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space |
408 | USM | University Observatory Munich |
409 | UT | Unit Telescope of the VLT |
410 | UT1–4 | VLT Unit Telescopes 1–4: Antu, Kueyen, Melipal and Yepun |
411 | UV | UltraViolet |
412 | UVES | UV-Visual Echelle Spectrograph (VLT) |
413 | VERTEX | (APEX) VERTEX Antennentechnik GmbH, Duisburg (Germany) |
414 | VHS | VISTA Hemisphere Survey |
415 | VIDEO | VISTA Deep Extragalactic Observations Survey |
416 | VIKING | VISTA Kilo-degree Infrared Galaxy survey |
417 | VIMOS | VIsible MultiObject Spectrograph (VLT) |
418 | VINCI | VLT INterferometer Commissioning Instrument (VLTI) |
419 | VIPERS | VIMOS Public Extragalactic Redshift Survey |
420 | VIRCAM | VISTA Infrared Camera |
421 | VISA | VLTI Sub-Array |
422 | VISIR | VLT Mid-Infrared Imager Spectrometer |
423 | VISTA | Visible and Infrared Survey Telescope for Astronomy |
424 | VLT | Very Large Telescope |
425 | VLT/I | Very Large Telescope and its Interferometer |
426 | VLTI | Very Large Telescope Interferometer |
427 | VLTI-PR# | VLTI projects |
428 | VM | Visitor Mode (observing) |
429 | VMC | VISTA survey of the Magellanic Cloud system |
430 | VO | Virtual Observatory |
431 | VOP | Virtual Observatory Project Office |
432 | VPHAS+ | VST Photometric Hα Survey |
433 | VSS | Variability Sky Survey |
434 | VST | VLT Survey Telescope |
435 | VVDS | VIMOS VLT Deep Survey |
436 | VVV | ESO public survey VISTA Variables in the Vía Láctea |
437 | WASP | Wide Angle Search for Planets survey |
438 | WFCAM | Infrared wide field camera for the UK Infrared Telescope on Mauna Kea |
439 | WFI | Wide Field Imager (MPG/ESO 2.2-metre) |
440 | WiFi | Wireless Fidelity |
441 | WVR | Water Vapour Radiometer (ALMA) |
442 | X-shooter | Wideband ultraviolet-infrared single target spectrograph (VLT) |
443 | XAO | Extreme adaptive optics |
444 | XMM-Newton | X-ray Multi-Mirror satellite (ESA) |
445 | Yepun | VLT Unit Telescope 4 |
446 | Z-Spec | Millimetre-wave spectrograph (APEX visitor instrument) |
447 | zCOSMOS | Large Programme to measure 30 000 galaxies in the HST Cosmic Origins field |
448 | ZIMPOL | Zurich Imaging Polarimeter (SPHERE, ELT) |
449 | ΛCDM | Lambda Cold Dark Matter |
450 | μm | Micrometre |