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The translate-file.ps1 Script

This PowerShell script translates the given text file into another language and writes the output on the console.


/home/markus/Repos/PowerShell/scripts/translate-file.ps1 [[-File] <String>] [[-SourceLang] <String>] [[-TargetLang] <String>] [<CommonParameters>]

-File <String>
    Specifies the path to the file to be translated
    Required?                    false
    Position?                    1
    Default value                
    Accept pipeline input?       false
    Accept wildcard characters?  false

-SourceLang <String>
    Specifies the source language
    Required?                    false
    Position?                    2
    Default value                
    Accept pipeline input?       false
    Accept wildcard characters?  false

-TargetLang <String>
    Specifies the target language
    Required?                    false
    Position?                    3
    Default value                
    Accept pipeline input?       false
    Accept wildcard characters?  false

    This script supports the common parameters: Verbose, Debug, ErrorAction, ErrorVariable, WarningAction, 
    WarningVariable, OutBuffer, PipelineVariable, and OutVariable.


PS> ./translate-file C:\Memo.txt en de


Author: Markus Fleschutz | License: CC0


Script Content

	Translates a text file into another language 
	This PowerShell script translates the given text file into another language and writes the output on the console.
	Specifies the path to the file to be translated
	Specifies the source language
	Specifies the target language
	PS> ./translate-file C:\Memo.txt en de
	Author: Markus Fleschutz | License: CC0

param([string]$File = "", [string]$SourceLang = "", [string]$TargetLang = "")

function UseLibreTranslate { param([string]$Text, [string]$SourceLang, [string]$TargetLang)
	$Parameters = @{"q"="$Text"; "source"="$SourceLang"; "target"="$TargetLang"; }
	$Result = (Invoke-WebRequest -Uri https://libretranslate.de/translate -Method POST -Body ($Parameters|ConvertTo-Json) -ContentType "application/json" -useBasicParsing).content | ConvertFrom-Json
	Start-Sleep -seconds 6 # 10 requests per minute maximum
	return $Result.translatedText

try {
	if ($File -eq "" ) { $File = Read-Host "Enter the file path" }
	if ($SourceLang -eq "" ) { $SourceLang = Read-Host "Enter the source language" }
	if ($TargetLang -eq "" ) { $TargetLang = Read-Host "Enter the target language" }

	$Lines = Get-Content -path $File
	foreach($Line in $Lines) {
		if ("$Line" -eq "") { Write-Output "$Line"; continue }
		if ("$Line" -eq " ") { Write-Output "$Line"; continue }
		if ("$Line" -like "===*") { Write-Output "$Line"; continue }
		if ("$Line" -like "---*") { Write-Output "$Line"; continue }
		if ("$Line" -like "!*(/*)") { Write-Output "$Line"; continue }
		$Result = UseLibreTranslate $Line $SourceLang $TargetLang
		Write-Output $Result
	exit 0 # success
} catch {
	"⚠️ Error in line $($_.InvocationInfo.ScriptLineNumber): $($Error[0])"
	exit 1

(generated by convert-ps2md.ps1 as of 11/08/2024 12:40:23)