mirror of
synced 2025-03-27 07:09:03 +01:00
21 KiB
21 KiB
2 | 3P | Perceive, Process, Perform |
3 | 5P | Plan, Plane, Pilot, Passengers, Programming |
4 | 7500 | Transponder code for Aircraft hijacking (ICAO) |
5 | 7600 | Transponder code for Radio failure (lost communications, ICAO) |
6 | 7700 | Transponder code for Emergency (ICAO) |
7 | A/A | Air to air TACAN function |
8 | A/C | Aircraft |
9 | A/D | Aerodrome |
10 | A/F | Autofeather |
11 | A/FD | Airport/Facility Directory |
12 | A/P | Autopilot |
13 | A/R | Altitude Rate |
14 | A-VDGS | Advanced Visual Docking Guidance System |
15 | A300 | Airbus A300 twinjet |
16 | A310 | Airbus A310 twinjet |
17 | A320 | Airbus A320 family of twinjets |
18 | A330 | Airbus A330 twinjet |
19 | A340 | Airbus A340 quadjet |
20 | A350 | Airbus A350 twinjet |
21 | A380 | Airbus A380 quadjet |
22 | AAA | Airport Airspace Analysis |
23 | AAE | Above Aerodrome Elevation |
24 | AAF | Airway Facilities Service |
25 | AAF | Army Air Field |
26 | AAI | Arrival Aircraft Interval |
27 | AAI | Airports Authority of India |
28 | AAIB | Air Accidents Investigation Branch (UK) |
29 | AAIM | Aircraft Autonomous Integrity Monitoring |
30 | AAM | Advanced Air Mobility |
31 | AAMS | Aircraft Arrival Management System |
32 | AARTS | Army Aviation Radar Training System |
33 | AAO | Assumed Adverse Obstacle |
34 | AAS | Airport Advisory Service |
35 | AB | Air Base, Afterburner |
36 | ABI | Advanced Boundary Information |
37 | AC | Aircraft |
38 | ACAC | Arab Civil Aviation Conference |
39 | ACAM | Aircraft Continuing Airworthiness Monitoring |
40 | ACARS | Aircraft Communications Addressing and Reporting System |
41 | ACAS | Airborne Collision Avoidance System |
42 | ACC | Area Control Center |
43 | ACE | Airport airside Capacity Enhancement |
44 | ACI | Airports Council International |
45 | ACP | Accept |
46 | AD | Air Defence |
47 | ADAC | Abu Dhabi Airports |
48 | ADEP | Aerodrome of Departure |
49 | ADES | Aerodrome of Destination |
50 | ADF | Automatic Direction Finding |
51 | ADI | Automatic De-Ice and Inhibitor |
52 | ADIRS | Air Data and Inertial Reference System |
53 | ADIRU | Air Data Inertial Reference Unit |
54 | ADIZ | Air Defense Identification Zone |
55 | ADL | Aeronautical Data Link |
56 | ADLY | Arrival Delay |
57 | ADP | Aerodrome dé Paris (Charles de Gaulle) |
58 | ADP | Automated Data Processing |
59 | ADS | Automated Distribution System, Automatic Dependent Surveillance, Aircraft Docking System |
60 | ADS-B | Automatic Dependent Surveillance-Broadcast |
61 | AENA | Aeropuertos Españoles y Navegación Aérea |
62 | AEO | All Engines Operative |
63 | AERA | Automated En-Route Air Traffic Control |
64 | AEW | Airborne Early Warning |
65 | AF | Air Field |
66 | AFCS | Automatic Flight Control System |
67 | AFI | Air Force Instruction |
68 | AFIS | Aerodrome Flight Information Service |
69 | AFTN | Aeronautical Fixed Telecommunication Network |
70 | AFM | Aircraft Flight Manual |
71 | AGAS | Action Group for ATM Safety (EUROCONTROL) |
72 | AGL | Above Ground Level |
73 | AGNIS | Azimuth Guidance for Nose-In Stand (docking system) |
74 | AH | Acceleration Height |
75 | ahdg | alter heading |
76 | AICS | Aircraft Inventory and Charter System |
77 | AID | Airport Information Desk |
78 | AIDS | Aircraft Integrated Data System |
79 | AIG | Airbus Industries Group |
80 | AILS | Automatic Instrument Landing System |
81 | AIM | Aeronautical Information Manual |
82 | AIP | Aeronautical Information Publication |
83 | AIPA | Aeronautical Information Production Application |
84 | AIRAC | Aeronautical Information Regulation And Control |
85 | AIRMET | Airmen's Meteorological Information |
86 | AIRNAV | Airports and Navigation Aids Database System |
87 | AIRNET | Airport Network Simulation Model |
88 | AIRPAC | Advisor for the Intelligent Resolution of Predicted Aircraft |
89 | ALO | Aviation Logistics Organization |
90 | ALP | Airport Layout Plan |
91 | ALPA | Airlines Pilots Association |
92 | ALS | Approach Lighting System |
93 | ALSF | Approach Lighting System With Sequenced Flashing Lights |
94 | ALSF1 | ALS with Sequenced Flashers I |
95 | ALSF2 | ALS with Sequenced Flashers II |
96 | ALSIP | Approach Lighting System Improvement Plan |
97 | ALTRV | Altitude Reservation |
98 | AM | Airfield Management |
99 | AMAN | Arrival Manager |
100 | AMASS | Airport Movement Area Safety System |
101 | AMCC | Air Route Traffic Control Center Maintenance Control Center |
102 | AMIC | Area Manager in Charge |
103 | AMIS | Aircraft Management Information System |
104 | AMOC | Alternative Methods of Compliance |
105 | AMOS | Automated Meteorological Observation Station |
106 | AMP | ARINC Message Processor (OR) Airport Master Plan |
107 | AMS | Acquisition Management System |
108 | AMT | Aviation Maintenance Technician |
109 | AMVER | Automated Mutual Assistance Vessel Rescue System |
110 | ANA | Administration of Air Navigation |
111 | ANC | Alternate Network Connectivity |
112 | ANCA | Airport Noise and Capacity Act |
113 | ANG | Air National Guard |
114 | ANGB | Air National Guard Base |
115 | ANMS | Automated Network Monitoring System |
116 | ANSL | Air Navigation Solutions Ltd. (UK) |
117 | ANSP | Air Navigation Service Provider |
118 | AOA | Angle of Attack, Air Operations Area, Airport Operating Area |
119 | AOB | Airfield Operations Board |
120 | AOC | Airline Operational Control Center |
121 | AOCC | Atlantic Operations Control Center |
122 | AODR | Authorizing Official Designated Representative |
123 | AOM | Airplane Operating Manual |
124 | AOPA | Aircraft Owners and Pilots Association |
125 | AOR | Area of Responsibility |
126 | AP | Acquisition Plan |
127 | APB | Acquisition Program Baselines |
128 | APIS | Aircraft Parking and Information System |
129 | APM | Approach Path Monitor |
130 | APP | Approach |
131 | APS | Airport Planning Standard |
132 | APTS | Automated Personnel Tracking System |
133 | APU | Auxiliary Power Unit |
134 | AQAFO | Aeronautical Quality Assurance Field Office |
135 | AR | Aerial Refueling |
136 | AR | Aspect Ratio |
137 | ARAC | Army Radar Approach Control (AAF) |
138 | ARFOR | Area Forecast |
139 | ARLNO | Airline Office |
140 | ARP | Airport Reference Point |
141 | ARTCC | Air Route Traffic Control Centre |
142 | ASB | Airspace Block |
143 | ASDA | Accelerate Stop Distance Available |
144 | ASDE | Airport Surface Detection Equipment |
145 | ASDE-X | Airport Surface Detection Equipment, model X |
146 | ASOS | Automated Surface Observation System |
147 | ASR | Airport Surveillance Radar |
148 | ASTERIX | All Purpose Structured Eurocontrol Surveillance Information Exchange |
149 | ATA | Actual Time of Arrival |
150 | ATC | Air Traffic Control |
151 | ATCALS | Air Traffic Control and Landing Systems |
152 | ATCO | Air Traffic Control Officer |
153 | ATIS | Automatic Terminal Information Service |
154 | ATM | Air Traffic Management, Air Traffic Manager |
155 | ATO | Air Traffic Organization |
156 | ATPL | Airline Transport Pilot License |
157 | AURO | Autorotation (by helicopters) |
158 | AWACS | Airborne Warning And Control System |
159 | BC | Back Course |
160 | BAF | Belgian Air Force |
161 | BASH | Bird/Wildlife Aircraft Strike Hazard |
162 | BDOC | Base Defense Operations Center |
163 | BIRTAM | NOTAM on Bird Activity |
164 | BIT | Build-In Test |
165 | BITE | Build-In Test Equipment |
166 | BRNAV | Basic Area Navigation |
167 | BWB | Blended Wing Body |
168 | BWC | Bird Watch Condition |
169 | C2 | Command and Control |
170 | C3 | Communication, Command and Control |
171 | C4I | Communication, Command, Control, Computers and Intelligence |
172 | CAAC | Civil Aviation Administration of China |
173 | CAAS | Civil Aviation Authorization of Singapore |
174 | CAL | Computer Assisted Learning |
175 | CAMACA | Common Agreed Methodology for Airport airside Capacity Assessment |
176 | CANAC | Computer Assisted National Air Traffic Control Centre (Belgium) |
177 | CANSO | Civil Air Navigation Services Organization |
178 | CARMA | CATC Radar Simulator Allahabad |
179 | CAS | Calibrated Airspeed |
180 | CASE | Controlled Airspace Synthetic Environment (Simulator of Alenia Marconi) |
181 | CAT | Category of Aircraft, Clear Air Turbulence |
182 | CATC | Civil Air Traffic Control |
183 | CAVOK | Clouds And Visibility OK |
184 | C/S | Callsign |
185 | CBT | Computer-based Training |
186 | CC | Commander |
187 | CCBC | Community College Baltimore County |
188 | CCIS | Closed Circuit Information System |
189 | CCTLR | Chief Controller |
190 | CDA | Continuous Descent Approach |
191 | CDI | Course Deviation Indicator |
192 | CDM | Collaborative Decision Making |
193 | CDTI | Cockpit Display of Traffic Information |
194 | CDU | Cockpit Display Unit |
195 | CEATS | Central European Air Traffic Services |
196 | CESC | Chief Executive Standing Conference |
197 | CFIT | Controlled Flight Into Terrain |
198 | CFMU | Central Flow Management Unit |
199 | CFR | Code of Federal Regulations |
200 | COG | Center of Gravity |
201 | CON | Control |
202 | CGD | Combined Graphic Display |
203 | CISM | Critical Incident Stress Management |
204 | CLC | Course Line Computer |
205 | CLNC | Clearance |
206 | CMA | Controlled Movement Area |
207 | CMIC | Civil/Military Interface Standing Committee |
208 | CNS | Communication, Navigation, Surveillance |
209 | CODA | Central Office for Delay Analysis |
210 | ConOps | Concept of Operations |
211 | COPS | Changeover Point(s) |
212 | CORA | Conflict Resolution Advisory |
213 | COTS | Commercial Of-The-Shelf |
214 | CPA | Closest Point of Approach |
215 | CPDLC | Controller Pilot Data Link Communication |
216 | CPI | Crash Position Indicator |
217 | CPL | Commercial Pilot License |
218 | CRC | Control and Reporting Centre |
219 | CRDA | Converging Runway Display Aid |
220 | CREDOS | Crosswind Reduced Separations for Departure Operations |
221 | CTA | Controlled Area, Controlled Time of Arrival |
222 | CTAF | Common Traffic Advisory Frequency |
223 | CTOT | Calculated Take-Off Time |
224 | CTR | Control Zone or Controlled Traffic Region |
225 | CV | Vice Commander |
226 | CVFR | Controlled Visual Flight Rule (flight) |
227 | CVSM | Conventional Vertical Separation Minimum |
228 | CW | Continous Wave |
229 | CW | Cold Weather |
230 | CWS | Collision Warning System |
231 | CWP | Controller Working Position |
232 | CWY | Clearway |
233 | DA | Density Altitude |
234 | DAS | DFS Aviation Services (DFS subcompany for services outside Germany) |
235 | DCIA | Dependent Converging Instrument Approach |
236 | DECIDE | Detect, Estimate, Choose, Identify, Do, and Evaluate |
237 | DEL | Delivery |
238 | DER | Departure End of Runway |
239 | DFS | Deutsche Flugsicherung (ATC in Germany) |
240 | DGAC | Direction Générale de l'Aviation Civile |
241 | DLA | Defense Logistics Agency |
242 | DP | Departure Procedure |
243 | DSNA | Direction des Services de la Navigation Aérienne |
244 | DTI | Direction Technique Innovation |
245 | DVA | Diverse Vector Area |
246 | DW | Downwind |
247 | EAS | Equivalent Airspeed |
248 | EAVA | Estonian Aviation Academy |
249 | ECAC | European Civil Aviation Conference |
250 | eCTOL | Electric Conventional Take-off and Landing |
251 | ECP | Entry Control Point |
252 | EFM | Gesellschaft für Enteisen und Flugzeugschleppen |
253 | EICAS | Engine Instrument Crew Alerting System |
254 | ELEV | Field Elevation |
255 | ELT | Emergency Locator Transmitter |
256 | EOL | Engine-off landing |
257 | ERPM | Engine Rotations per Minute |
258 | eSTOL | Electric Short Take-off and Landing |
259 | ETA | Estimated Time of Arrival, East Transition Area |
260 | ETL | Effective Translational Lift (for helicopters) |
261 | ETOPS | Extended-range Twin-engine Operational Performance Standards |
262 | ETVS | Electronic Terminal Voice Switch |
263 | eVTOL | Electric Vertical Take-off and Landing |
264 | FAA | U.S. Federal Aviation Administration |
265 | FAR | Fuel Air Ratio, Federal Aviation Regulations |
266 | FAS | Final Approach Segment |
267 | FAS | Final Approach Speed |
268 | FAST | Future Aviation Safety Team |
269 | FAT | Factory Acceptance Test (see also SAT and RAT) |
270 | FAT | Final Approach Track |
271 | FATO | Final Approach and Take-off Area |
272 | FAWP | Final Approach Waypoint |
273 | FAWS | Flight Advisory Weather Service |
274 | FBO | Fixed-Base Operator |
275 | FBW | Fly-by-Wire |
276 | FCA | Final Cruise Altitude |
277 | FCC | Federal Communications Commission (USA) |
278 | FCC | Flight Control Computer |
279 | FCI | Flight Command Indicator |
280 | FCL | Flight Crew Licensing |
281 | FCLP | Field Carrier Landing Practice |
282 | FCLT | Freeze Calculated Landing Time |
283 | FCLTP | Flight Crew Licensing and Training Panel (ICAO) |
284 | FCOM | Flight Crew Operating Manual |
285 | FCOM | Flight Crew Operations Manual |
286 | FCPC | Flight Control Primary Computer |
287 | FE | Field Elevation (highest point of an airport’s usable runways and is measured in height above mean sea level) |
288 | FIA | Flight Information Area |
289 | FIR | Flight Information Region |
290 | FIS | Federal Inspection Services |
291 | FL | Flight Level |
292 | FLIP | Flight Information Publication |
293 | FMG | Flughafen München GmbH |
294 | FMS | Flight Management System |
295 | FOD | Foreign Object Debris |
296 | FOV | Field of View |
297 | FWC | Flight Warning Computer |
298 | GA | General Aviation, Go Around (VFR) |
299 | GND | Ground |
300 | GP | Glide Path |
301 | GPS | Global Positioning System |
302 | GS | Ground Speed or Glideslope |
303 | HEMS | Helicopter Emergency Medical Services |
304 | HKIA | Hong Kong International Airport |
305 | HOGE | Hover Out of Ground Effect |
306 | HOTS | Higher-Order Thinking Skills |
307 | IAA | Israeli Airport Authority |
308 | IAF | Israeli Air Force |
309 | IAS | Indicated airspeed |
310 | IATA | International Air Transport Association, HQ in Montreal, Canada |
311 | ICA | Initial Climb Area |
312 | IFE | In-flight Emergency |
313 | IFR | Instrument Flight Rules |
314 | IG | Image Generator |
315 | IGE | In Ground Effect |
316 | IGLR | Integrated Ground Lighting and Radar |
317 | ILS | Instrument Landing System |
318 | ISA | International Standard Atmosphere |
319 | IMC | Instrument Meteorological Conditions |
320 | KAT | Kaufbeuren ATM Training (DFS subcompany) |
321 | KCAS | Calibrated AirSpeed in Knots |
322 | KIAS | Indicated Airspeed in Knots |
323 | KTAS | True AirSpeed in Knots |
324 | LAA | Lappland Aviation Academy |
325 | LAHSO | Land and Hold Short Operations |
326 | LDA | Landing Distance Available |
327 | LDAH | Landing Distance Available for Helicopter |
328 | LH | Lufthansa |
329 | LITAS | Low Intensity Two Colour Approach System |
330 | LL | Lower Limit |
331 | LMUK | Lockheed Martin UK |
332 | LOD | Level of Detail |
333 | LTA | Lower Traffic Area |
334 | LUAW | Line up and wait |
335 | LVNL | Luchtverkeersleiding Nederland (Air Traffic Control the Netherlands) |
336 | LVP | Low Visibility Procedures |
337 | LWINS | Lightweight Inertial Navigation System |
338 | MA | Missed Approach (IFR) |
339 | MATS | Malta Air Traffic Services |
340 | MEA | Minimum En-route Altitude |
341 | METAR | Meteorological Aerodrome Report |
342 | MCP | Maximum Continuous Power |
343 | MGTOW | Maximum Gross Take-off Weight |
344 | MLW | Maximum Landing Weight |
345 | MMR | Multi-Mode Receiver |
346 | MSA | Minimum Safe Altitude |
347 | MSL | Median Sea Level |
348 | MSTA | Minimum Safe Turning Altitude |
349 | MTOW | Maximum Take-Off Weight |
350 | NATCA | National Air Traffic Controllers Association |
351 | NATOPS | Naval Aviation Training and Operating Procedures Standardization |
352 | NATS | National Air Traffic Services (UK) |
353 | NAVAIDS | Navigational Aids |
354 | NCOIC | Non-Commissioned Officer in Charge |
355 | NIMA | National Imagery Mapping Agency |
356 | NLFS | Night Low Flying System |
357 | NM | Nautical Mile |
358 | NORDO | No Radio |
359 | NOTAM | Notice to Airmen or Notice to Air Missions |
360 | NUAIR | Northeast UAS Airspace Integration Research (a New York based nonprofit organization) |
361 | OCS | Obstacle Clearance Surfaces |
362 | OCTA | Outside Control Areas |
363 | OEI | One Engine Inoperative |
364 | ODP | Obstacle Departure Procedure |
365 | OGE | Out of Ground Effect |
366 | OFZ | Obstacle Free Zone |
367 | OJT | On the Job Training |
368 | OODA | Observation, Orientation, Decision, and Action |
369 | PA | Pressure Altitude |
370 | PADS | Parallax Aircraft Docking System |
371 | PAPA | Parallax Aircraft Parking Aid (docking system) |
372 | PAPI | Precision Approach Path Indicator |
373 | PAR | Precision Approach Radar |
374 | PCAS | Primary Crash Alarm System |
375 | PIC | Pilot in Command |
376 | PNF | Pilot Not Flying |
377 | POH | Pilot's Operating Handbook |
378 | PPL | Private Pilot's License |
379 | PMI | Preventative Maintenance Inspection |
380 | POFZ | Precision Obstacle Free Zone |
381 | PTAC | Position, Turn, Altitude, Clearance (also known as Approach Clearance) |
382 | PtF | Permit to Fly |
383 | QFE | the altimeter setting that will cause the altimeter to read the height above a specific aerodrome or ground level, and therefore read zero on landing |
384 | QNE | pressure altitude at the landing runway threshold |
385 | QNH | atmospheric pressure adjusted to mean sea level |
386 | RADAR | Radio Detection And Ranging |
387 | RADNET | Radar Network |
388 | RAIM | Receiver Autonomous Integrity Monitoring (GPS) |
389 | RAPCON | Radar Approach Control |
390 | RAT | Reliability Acceptance Test (see also FAT and SAT) |
391 | RAM | Royal Air Maroc |
392 | RAP | Recognised Air Picture |
393 | RASP | Recognised Air and Surveillance Picture |
394 | RB | Relative Bearing |
395 | RBI | Relative Bearing Indicator |
396 | RBAF | Royal Belgium Armed Forces |
397 | RCAF | Royal Canadian Air Force |
398 | RCC | Rescue Co-ordination Centre |
399 | RCL | Runway Centre Line Lighting |
400 | RCR | Runway Condition Reading |
401 | RCS | Radar Cross Section |
402 | RESA | Runway End Safety Area |
403 | RET | Rapid Exit Taxiways |
404 | RF | Radio Frequency |
405 | RFFS | Rescue and Fire Fighting Services |
406 | RFM | Rotorcraft Flight Manual |
407 | RIMCAS | Runway Incursion Monitoring and Conflict Alert System |
408 | RJAF | Royal Jordanian Air Force |
409 | RJC | Reject |
410 | RPI | Runway Point of Intercept |
411 | ROFZ | Runway Obstacle Free Zone |
412 | RMI | Radio Magnetic Indicator |
413 | RNAV | Area Navigation |
414 | RNP | Required Navigation Performance |
415 | ROC | Rate Of Climb |
416 | ROC | Required Obstacle Clearance |
417 | RPS | Radar Position Symbol |
418 | RRPM | Rotor Rotations per Minute |
419 | RSA | Runway Safety Area |
420 | RSAF | Republic of Singapore Air Force |
421 | RSC | Runway Surface Condition |
422 | RSI | Remote Status Indicato |
423 | RSRS | Reduced Same Runway Separation |
424 | RTCA | Radio Technical Commission for Aeronautics |
425 | RVR | Runway Visual Range |
426 | RVSM | Reduced Vertical Separation Minimum |
427 | RWR | Radar Warning Receiver |
428 | RWY | Runway |
429 | SADL | Situational Awareness Data Link |
430 | SAF | Sustainable Aviation Fuel |
431 | SAR | Search and Rescue, Synthetic Aperture Radar |
432 | SARPS | Standards and Recommended Practices (ICAO) |
433 | SAT | Site Acceptance Test (see also FAT and RAT) |
434 | SATCO | Senior Air Traffic Control Officer |
435 | SATCOM | Satellite Communication |
436 | SATNAV | Satellite Navigation |
437 | SATSE | State Air Traffic Services Enterprise |
438 | SCN | Secondary Crash Net |
439 | SDD | Situation Data Display |
440 | SEOL | Simulated engine-off landing |
441 | SELCAL | Selective Calling System |
442 | SES | Single European Sky |
443 | SESAME | Single European Sky ATM Master Plan |
444 | SESAR | Single European Sky ATM Research |
445 | SFL | Sequencing Flashing Light |
446 | SFO | Simulated Flameout Operation |
447 | SI | Selective Interrogation |
448 | SIAP | Standard Instrument Approach Procedure |
449 | SID | Standard Instrument Departure |
450 | SIF | Selective Identification Friend or Foe |
451 | SIGMET | Significant Meteorological (Information) Report |
452 | SILs | Sector Inbound Lists |
453 | SIM | Simulator |
454 | SKYGUIDE | Air Traffic Control of Switzerland |
455 | SL | Sea Level |
456 | SLB | Side lobe Blanking |
457 | SLC | Side lobe Cancellation |
458 | SLOC | Slovenia Control |
459 | SM | Statute Mile |
460 | SMR | Surface Movement Radar |
461 | SOF | Supervisor of Flying |
462 | SOW | Statement of Work |
463 | SRC | Safety Regulation Commission (EUROCONTROL) |
464 | SRU | Safety Regulation Unit (EUROCONTROL) |
465 | SSR | Secondary Surveillance Radar |
466 | STAR | Standard Arrival Route or Standard Terminal Arrival Route |
467 | STARS | Standard Terminal Automation Replacement System |
468 | STB | Stop Bar |
469 | STCA | Short Term Conflict Alert |
470 | STD | Synthetic Training Device |
471 | STDMA | Self-organising Time Division Multiple Access (known as VHF digital link - Mode 4) |
472 | STNA | Service Technique de la Navigation Aerienne |
473 | STO | Short Take-Off |
474 | STOVL | Short Take-Off and Vertical Landing |
475 | STOL | Short Take-Off and Landing |
476 | STRATFOR | Eurocontrol Statistics and Forecasts Service |
477 | SUA | Special Use Airspace |
478 | SV | Supervisor |
479 | SVFR | Special Visual Flight Rules |
480 | SWT | Switch |
481 | SWY | Stopway |
482 | SYSCO | System Coordination – Data Exchange and Coordination |
483 | TA | Terminal Airspace |
484 | TAA | Terminal Arrival Area |
485 | TAAM | Total Airspace and Airport Modeller |
486 | TACAN | Tactical Air Navigation (System) |
487 | TACS | Theater Air Control System |
488 | TACTICOS | Tactical Information and Command System |
489 | TAF | Terminal Aerodrome/Area Forecast |
490 | TAIS | Tactical Airspace Integration System (US Army) |
491 | TAIS | Tactical Air Intelligence System |
492 | TAP | Target Acquisition Protocol |
493 | TARMAC | Taxi and Ramp Management and Control |
494 | TAS | Terminal Airspace System |
495 | TAS | True Air Speed |
496 | TAWS | Terrain Avoidance and Warning System |
497 | TCAS | Traffic alert and Collision Avoidance System |
498 | TCDS | Type Certificate Data Sheet |
499 | TCH | Threshold Crossing Height |
500 | TCL | Thrust Control Lever or Taxi Center Lights |
501 | TDW | Tower Display Workstation |
502 | TDZ | Runway Touchdown Zone Lighting |
503 | TDZE | Touch Down Zone Elevation |
504 | TERPS | US Standard for Terminal Instrument Procedures |
505 | TFDM | Terminal Flight Data Management |
506 | TFDPS | Tower Flight Data Processing System |
507 | TFM | Traffic Flow Management |
508 | TFR | Temporary Flight Restriction |
509 | TH | True Heading |
510 | TID | Touch Input Device |
511 | TIS | Traffic Information System |
512 | TLOF | Touchdown and Lift-off Area |
513 | TM | Traffic Management |
514 | TMA | Terminal Control Area |
515 | TOC | Top Of Climb |
516 | TOD | Top Of Descent |
517 | TODA | Take-off Distance Available |
518 | TODAH | Take-off Distance Available for Helicopter |
519 | TOP | Take-Off Power |
520 | TOR | Terms of Reference, or Tornado aircraft |
521 | TORA | Takeoff Run Available |
522 | TOWSIM | Tower Simulator |
523 | TRACON | Terminal Radar Approach Control |
524 | TRH | Thrust Reduction Height |
525 | TSO | Technical Standard Order |
526 | TSTC | Texas State Technical College |
527 | TT | True Track |
528 | TVOR | Terminal VOR |
529 | TWEB | Transcribed Weather Broadcast (USA for ATIS) |
530 | TWR | Control Tower or Thrust to Weight Ratio |
531 | TWY | Taxiway |
532 | TXC | Taxiway Centreline Lights |
533 | TXE | Taxiway Edge Lights |
534 | UA | Unmanned Aircraft |
535 | UAC | Upper Area Control Centre |
536 | UAM | Urban Air Mobility |
537 | UAS | Unmanned Aircraft Systems |
538 | UAT | Universal Access Transceiver |
539 | UAV | Unmanned Aerial Vehicle |
540 | UCAV | Unmanned Combat Aerial Vehicle |
541 | UDF | Ultra High Frequency Direction Finding |
542 | UEI | Units, Equipment, Installations |
543 | UFA | UFA, Inc., the world's premier developer of Air Traffic Control simulation systems |
544 | UHF | Ultra High Frequency (300MHz to 3 GHz) |
545 | UIR | Upper Flight Information Region |
546 | UKCAA | United Kingdom Civil Aviation Authority |
547 | UMASS | University of Massachusetts |
548 | URET | User Request Evaluation Tool |
549 | USAF | United States Air Force |
550 | UTA | Upper Traffic Area |
551 | V2 | Takeoff speed. The speed at which the aircraft may safely be climbed with one engine inoperative |
552 | VAR | Magnetic Variation |
553 | VASI | Visual Approach Slope Indicator |
554 | VASIS | Visual Approach Slope Indicator System |
555 | VCS | Voice Communication System |
556 | VCCS | Voice Communication Control System |
557 | VCOA | Visual Climb Over Airport |
558 | VDF | Very High Frequency Direction Finding |
559 | VDGS | Visual Docking Guidance System, Visual Database Generation System |
560 | VDL-4 | VHF digital link Mode 4 (see also STDMA) |
561 | VDU | Visual Display Unit |
562 | VFS | Vertical Flight Society |
563 | VFOW | Vertical Field of View |
564 | VFR | Visual Flight Rules |
565 | VHF | Very High Frequency (3 to 300MHz) |
566 | VLF | Very Low Frequency |
567 | VMC | Visual Meteorological Conditions |
568 | VOLMET | Meteorological Information for Aircraft in Flight |
569 | VOR | VHF Omni-directional Receiver |
570 | VORTAC | VOR -TACAN combination |
571 | VREF | 1.3 times the stalling speed of the aircraft in the stated landing configuration and at the prevailing aircraft weight |
572 | VRS | Vortex Ring State |
573 | VS | Stall speed, defined as the minimum steady flight speed at which the airplane is controllable |
574 | VSBY | Visibility |
575 | VSP | Vertical Speed |
576 | VSTOL | Vertical Short Take-Off and Landing |
577 | VTC | Visual Terminal Chart |
578 | VTC | Virtual Training Centre |
579 | VTOL | Vertical Take-Off and Landing |
580 | VTOSL | Vertical Take-Off and Short Landing |
581 | VTS | Vehicle Tracking System |
582 | Vtoss | Take-off safety speed |
583 | Vy | Optimimum climbing speed |
584 | Vz | Rate-of-climb |
585 | WA | Wind Angle |
586 | WAAS | Wide Area Augmentation System |
587 | WAM | Wide Area Multilateration |
588 | WBS | Work Break-down Structure |
589 | WCA | Wind Correction Angle |
590 | WDI | Wind Direction Indicator |
591 | WGS | World Geodetic System |
592 | WIAS | Wetter Informations- und Anzeigesystem (German) |
593 | WP | Waypoint |
594 | WS | Work Station |
595 | WTC | Wake Turbulence Category |
596 | WTWS | Wake Turbulence Warning System |
597 | WX | Weather |
598 | WXR | Weather Radar Transceiver |