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2024-03-27 17:36:59 +01:00

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Script: copy-photos-sorted.ps1

copy-photos-sorted.ps1 [[-sourceDir] ] [[-targetDir] ]


    This script supports the common parameters: Verbose, Debug, ErrorAction, ErrorVariable, WarningAction, 
    WarningVariable, OutBuffer, PipelineVariable, and OutVariable.

Script Content

	Copy photos sorted by year and month
	This PowerShell script copies image files from sourceDir to targetDir sorted by year and month.
.PARAMETER sourceDir
	Specifies the path to the source folder
.PARAMTER targetDir
	Specifies the path to the target folder
	PS> ./copy-photos-sorted.ps1 D:\iPhone\DCIM C:\MyPhotos
	⏳ Copying IMG_20230903_134445.jpg to C:\MyPhotos\2023\09 SEP\...
	✔️ Copied 1 photo to 📂C:\MyPhotos in 41 sec
	Author: Markus Fleschutz | License: CC0

param([string]$sourceDir = "", [string]$targetDir = "")

function CopyFile { param([string]$sourcePath, [string]$targetDir, [int]$date, [string]$filename)
	[int]$year = $date / 10000
	[int]$month = ($date / 100) % 100
	$monthDir = switch($month) {
	1  {"01 JAN"}
	2  {"02 FEB"}
	3  {"03 MAR"}
	4  {"04 APR"}
	5  {"05 MAY"}
	6  {"06 JUN"}
	7  {"07 JUL"}
	8  {"08 AUG"}
	9  {"09 SEP"}
	10 {"10 OCT"}
	11 {"11 NOV"}
	12 {"12 DEC"}
	$TargetPath = "$targetDir/$year/$monthDir/$filename"
	if (Test-Path "$TargetPath" -pathType leaf) {
		Write-Host "⏳ Skipping existing $targetDir\$year\$monthDir\$filename..."
	} else {
		Write-Host "⏳ Copying $filename to $targetDir\$year\$monthDir\..."
		New-Item -path "$targetDir" -name "$year" -itemType "directory" -force | out-null
		New-Item -path "$targetDir/$year" -name "$monthDir" -itemType "directory" -force | out-null
		Copy-Item "$sourcePath" "$TargetPath" -force

try {
	if ($sourceDir -eq "") { $sourceDir = Read-Host "Enter file path to the source directory" }
	if ($targetDir -eq "") { $targetDir = Read-Host "Enter file path to the target directory" }
	$stopWatch = [system.diagnostics.stopWatch]::startNew()

	Write-Host "⏳ Checking source directory 📂$($sourceDir)..."
	if (-not(Test-Path "$sourceDir" -pathType container)) { throw "Can't access source directory: $sourceDir" }
	$files = (Get-ChildItem "$sourceDir\*.jpg" -attributes !Directory)

	Write-Host "⏳ Checking target directory 📂$($targetDir)..."
	if (-not(Test-Path "$targetDir" -pathType container)) { throw "Can't access target directory: $targetDir" }

	foreach($file in $files) {
		$filename = (Get-Item "$file").Name
		if ("$filename" -like "IMG_*_*.jpg") {
			$Array = $filename.split("_")
			CopyFile "$file" "$targetDir" $Array[1] "$filename"
		} elseif ("$filename" -like "IMG-*-*.jpg") {
			$Array = $filename.split("-")
			CopyFile "$file" "$targetDir" $Array[1] "$filename"
		} elseif ("$filename" -like "PANO_*_*.jpg") {
			$Array = $filename.split("_")
			CopyFile "$file"  "$targetDir" $Array[1] "$filename"
		} elseif ("$filename" -like "PANO-*-*.jpg") {
			$Array = $filename.split("-")
			CopyFile "$file" "$targetDir" $Array[1] "$filename"
		} elseif ("$filename" -like "SAVE_*_*.jpg") {
			$Array = $filename.split("_")
			CopyFile "$file" "$targetDir" $Array[1] "$filename"
		} elseif ("$filename" -like "PXL_*_*.jpg") {
			$Array = $filename.split("_")
			CopyFile "$file" "$targetDir" $Array[1] "$filename"
		} else {
			Write-Host "⏳ Skipping $filename with unknown filename format..."
	[int]$elapsed = $stopWatch.Elapsed.TotalSeconds
	"✔️ Copied $($files.Count) photos to 📂$targetDir in $elapsed sec"
	exit 0 # success
} catch {
	"⚠️ Error in line $($_.InvocationInfo.ScriptLineNumber): $($Error[0])"
	exit 1

(generated by convert-ps2md.ps1 using the comment-based help of copy-photos-sorted.ps1 as of 03/27/2024 17:36:26)