mirror of
synced 2025-03-03 09:01:25 +01:00
22 KiB
22 KiB
1 | ABBR | TERM |
2 | Air Force Blue (Raf) | RGB #5d8aa8 |
3 | Air Force Blue (Usaf) | RGB #00308f |
4 | Air Superiority Blue | RGB #72a0c1 |
5 | Alabama Crimson | RGB #a32638 |
6 | Alice Blue | RGB #f0f8ff |
7 | Alizarin Crimson | RGB #e32636 |
8 | Alloy Orange | RGB #c46210 |
9 | Almond | RGB #efdecd |
10 | Amaranth | RGB #e52b50 |
11 | Amber | RGB #ffbf00 |
12 | Amber (Sae/Ece) | RGB #ff7e00 |
13 | American Rose | RGB #ff033e |
14 | Amethyst | RGB #96c |
15 | Android Green | RGB #a4c639 |
16 | Anti-Flash White | RGB #f2f3f4 |
17 | Antique Brass | RGB #cd9575 |
18 | Antique Fuchsia | RGB #915c83 |
19 | Antique Ruby | RGB #841b2d |
20 | Antique White | RGB #faebd7 |
21 | Ao (English) | RGB #008000 |
22 | Apple Green | RGB #8db600 |
23 | Apricot | RGB #fbceb1 |
24 | Aqua | RGB #0ff |
25 | Aquamarine | RGB #7fffd4 |
26 | Army Green | RGB #4b5320 |
27 | Arsenic | RGB #3b444b |
28 | Arylide Yellow | RGB #e9d66b |
29 | Ash Grey | RGB #b2beb5 |
30 | Asparagus | RGB #87a96b |
31 | Atomic Tangerine | RGB #f96 |
32 | Auburn | RGB #a52a2a |
33 | Aureolin | RGB #fdee00 |
34 | Aurometalsaurus | RGB #6e7f80 |
35 | Avocado | RGB #568203 |
36 | Azure | RGB #007fff |
37 | Azure Mist/Web | RGB #f0ffff |
38 | Baby Blue | RGB #89cff0 |
39 | Baby Blue Eyes | RGB #a1caf1 |
40 | Baby Pink | RGB #f4c2c2 |
41 | Ball Blue | RGB #21abcd |
42 | Banana Mania | RGB #fae7b5 |
43 | Banana Yellow | RGB #ffe135 |
44 | Barn Red | RGB #7c0a02 |
45 | Battleship Grey | RGB #848482 |
46 | Bazaar | RGB #98777b |
47 | Beau Blue | RGB #bcd4e6 |
48 | Beaver | RGB #9f8170 |
49 | Beige | RGB #f5f5dc |
50 | Big Dip O’Ruby | RGB #9c2542 |
51 | Bisque | RGB #ffe4c4 |
52 | Bistre | RGB #3d2b1f |
53 | Bittersweet | RGB #fe6f5e |
54 | Bittersweet Shimmer | RGB #bf4f51 |
55 | Black | RGB #000 |
56 | Black Bean | RGB #3d0c02 |
57 | Black Leather Jacket | RGB #253529 |
58 | Black Olive | RGB #3b3c36 |
59 | Blanched Almond | RGB #ffebcd |
60 | Blast-Off Bronze | RGB #a57164 |
61 | Bleu De France | RGB #318ce7 |
62 | Blizzard Blue | RGB #ace5ee |
63 | Blond | RGB #faf0be |
64 | Blue | RGB #00f |
65 | Blue Bell | RGB #a2a2d0 |
66 | Blue (Crayola) | RGB #1f75fe |
67 | Blue Gray | RGB #69c |
68 | Blue-Green | RGB #0d98ba |
69 | Blue (Munsell) | RGB #0093af |
70 | Blue (Ncs) | RGB #0087bd |
71 | Blue (Pigment) | RGB #339 |
72 | Blue (Ryb) | RGB #0247fe |
73 | Blue Sapphire | RGB #126180 |
74 | Blue-Violet | RGB #8a2be2 |
75 | Blush | RGB #de5d83 |
76 | Bole | RGB #79443b |
77 | Bondi Blue | RGB #0095b6 |
78 | Bone | RGB #e3dac9 |
79 | Boston University Red | RGB #c00 |
80 | Bottle Green | RGB #006a4e |
81 | Boysenberry | RGB #873260 |
82 | Brandeis Blue | RGB #0070ff |
83 | Brass | RGB #b5a642 |
84 | Brick Red | RGB #cb4154 |
85 | Bright Cerulean | RGB #1dacd6 |
86 | Bright Green | RGB #6f0 |
87 | Bright Lavender | RGB #bf94e4 |
88 | Bright Maroon | RGB #c32148 |
89 | Bright Pink | RGB #ff007f |
90 | Bright Turquoise | RGB #08e8de |
91 | Bright Ube | RGB #d19fe8 |
92 | Brilliant Lavender | RGB #f4bbff |
93 | Brilliant Rose | RGB #ff55a3 |
94 | Brink Pink | RGB #fb607f |
95 | British Racing Green | RGB #004225 |
96 | Bronze | RGB #cd7f32 |
97 | Brown (Traditional) | RGB #964b00 |
98 | Brown (Web) | RGB #a52a2a |
99 | Bubble Gum | RGB #ffc1cc |
100 | Bubbles | RGB #e7feff |
101 | Buff | RGB #f0dc82 |
102 | Bulgarian Rose | RGB #480607 |
103 | Burgundy | RGB #800020 |
104 | Burlywood | RGB #deb887 |
105 | Burnt Orange | RGB #c50 |
106 | Burnt Sienna | RGB #e97451 |
107 | Burnt Umber | RGB #8a3324 |
108 | Byzantine | RGB #bd33a4 |
109 | Byzantium | RGB #702963 |
110 | Cadet | RGB #536872 |
111 | Cadet Blue | RGB #5f9ea0 |
112 | Cadet Grey | RGB #91a3b0 |
113 | Cadmium Green | RGB #006b3c |
114 | Cadmium Orange | RGB #ed872d |
115 | Cadmium Red | RGB #e30022 |
116 | Cadmium Yellow | RGB #fff600 |
117 | Café Au Lait | RGB #a67b5b |
118 | Café Noir | RGB #4b3621 |
119 | Cal Poly Green | RGB #1e4d2b |
120 | Cambridge Blue | RGB #a3c1ad |
121 | Camel | RGB #c19a6b |
122 | Cameo Pink | RGB #efbbcc |
123 | Camouflage Green | RGB #78866b |
124 | Canary Yellow | RGB #ffef00 |
125 | Candy Apple Red | RGB #ff0800 |
126 | Candy Pink | RGB #e4717a |
127 | Capri | RGB #00bfff |
128 | Caput Mortuum | RGB #592720 |
129 | Cardinal | RGB #c41e3a |
130 | Caribbean Green | RGB #0c9 |
131 | Carmine | RGB #960018 |
132 | Carmine (M&P) | RGB #d70040 |
133 | Carmine Pink | RGB #eb4c42 |
134 | Carmine Red | RGB #ff0038 |
135 | Carnation Pink | RGB #ffa6c9 |
136 | Carnelian | RGB #b31b1b |
137 | Carolina Blue | RGB #99badd |
138 | Carrot Orange | RGB #ed9121 |
139 | Catalina Blue | RGB #062a78 |
140 | Ceil | RGB #92a1cf |
141 | Celadon | RGB #ace1af |
142 | Celadon Blue | RGB #007ba7 |
143 | Celadon Green | RGB #2f847c |
144 | Celeste (Colour) | RGB #b2ffff |
145 | Celestial Blue | RGB #4997d0 |
146 | Cerise | RGB #de3163 |
147 | Cerise Pink | RGB #ec3b83 |
148 | Cerulean | RGB #007ba7 |
149 | Cerulean Blue | RGB #2a52be |
150 | Cerulean Frost | RGB #6d9bc3 |
151 | Cg Blue | RGB #007aa5 |
152 | Cg Red | RGB #e03c31 |
153 | Chamoisee | RGB #a0785a |
154 | Champagne | RGB #fad6a5 |
155 | Charcoal | RGB #36454f |
156 | Charm Pink | RGB #e68fac |
157 | Chartreuse (Traditional) | RGB #dfff00 |
158 | Chartreuse (Web) | RGB #7fff00 |
159 | Cherry | RGB #de3163 |
160 | Cherry Blossom Pink | RGB #ffb7c5 |
161 | Chestnut | RGB #cd5c5c |
162 | China Pink | RGB #de6fa1 |
163 | China Rose | RGB #a8516e |
164 | Chinese Red | RGB #aa381e |
165 | Chocolate (Traditional) | RGB #7b3f00 |
166 | Chocolate (Web) | RGB #d2691e |
167 | Chrome Yellow | RGB #ffa700 |
168 | Cinereous | RGB #98817b |
169 | Cinnabar | RGB #e34234 |
170 | Cinnamon | RGB #d2691e |
171 | Citrine | RGB #e4d00a |
172 | Classic Rose | RGB #fbcce7 |
173 | Cobalt | RGB #0047ab |
174 | Cocoa Brown | RGB #d2691e |
175 | Coffee | RGB #6f4e37 |
176 | Columbia Blue | RGB #9bddff |
177 | Congo Pink | RGB #f88379 |
178 | Cool Black | RGB #002e63 |
179 | Cool Grey | RGB #8c92ac |
180 | Copper | RGB #b87333 |
181 | Copper (Crayola) | RGB #da8a67 |
182 | Copper Penny | RGB #ad6f69 |
183 | Copper Red | RGB #cb6d51 |
184 | Copper Rose | RGB #966 |
185 | Coquelicot | RGB #ff3800 |
186 | Coral | RGB #ff7f50 |
187 | Coral Pink | RGB #f88379 |
188 | Coral Red | RGB #ff4040 |
189 | Cordovan | RGB #893f45 |
190 | Corn | RGB #fbec5d |
191 | Cornell Red | RGB #b31b1b |
192 | Cornflower Blue | RGB #6495ed |
193 | Cornsilk | RGB #fff8dc |
194 | Cosmic Latte | RGB #fff8e7 |
195 | Cotton Candy | RGB #ffbcd9 |
196 | Cream | RGB #fffdd0 |
197 | Crimson | RGB #dc143c |
198 | Crimson Glory | RGB #be0032 |
199 | Cyan | RGB #0ff |
200 | Cyan (Process) | RGB #00b7eb |
201 | Daffodil | RGB #ffff31 |
202 | Dandelion | RGB #f0e130 |
203 | Dark Blue | RGB #00008b |
204 | Dark Brown | RGB #654321 |
205 | Dark Byzantium | RGB #5d3954 |
206 | Dark Candy Apple Red | RGB #a40000 |
207 | Dark Cerulean | RGB #08457e |
208 | Dark Chestnut | RGB #986960 |
209 | Dark Coral | RGB #cd5b45 |
210 | Dark Cyan | RGB #008b8b |
211 | Dark Electric Blue | RGB #536878 |
212 | Dark Goldenrod | RGB #b8860b |
213 | Dark Gray | RGB #a9a9a9 |
214 | Dark Green | RGB #013220 |
215 | Dark Imperial Blue | RGB #00416a |
216 | Dark Jungle Green | RGB #1a2421 |
217 | Dark Khaki | RGB #bdb76b |
218 | Dark Lava | RGB #483c32 |
219 | Dark Lavender | RGB #734f96 |
220 | Dark Magenta | RGB #8b008b |
221 | Dark Midnight Blue | RGB #036 |
222 | Dark Olive Green | RGB #556b2f |
223 | Dark Orange | RGB #ff8c00 |
224 | Dark Orchid | RGB #9932cc |
225 | Dark Pastel Blue | RGB #779ecb |
226 | Dark Pastel Green | RGB #03c03c |
227 | Dark Pastel Purple | RGB #966fd6 |
228 | Dark Pastel Red | RGB #c23b22 |
229 | Dark Pink | RGB #e75480 |
230 | Dark Powder Blue | RGB #039 |
231 | Dark Raspberry | RGB #872657 |
232 | Dark Red | RGB #8b0000 |
233 | Dark Salmon | RGB #e9967a |
234 | Dark Scarlet | RGB #560319 |
235 | Dark Sea Green | RGB #8fbc8f |
236 | Dark Sienna | RGB #3c1414 |
237 | Dark Slate Blue | RGB #483d8b |
238 | Dark Slate Gray | RGB #2f4f4f |
239 | Dark Spring Green | RGB #177245 |
240 | Dark Tan | RGB #918151 |
241 | Dark Tangerine | RGB #ffa812 |
242 | Dark Taupe | RGB #483c32 |
243 | Dark Terra Cotta | RGB #cc4e5c |
244 | Dark Turquoise | RGB #00ced1 |
245 | Dark Violet | RGB #9400d3 |
246 | Dark Yellow | RGB #9b870c |
247 | Dartmouth Green | RGB #00703c |
248 | Davy'S Grey | RGB #555 |
249 | Debian Red | RGB #d70a53 |
250 | Deep Carmine | RGB #a9203e |
251 | Deep Carmine Pink | RGB #ef3038 |
252 | Deep Carrot Orange | RGB #e9692c |
253 | Deep Cerise | RGB #da3287 |
254 | Deep Champagne | RGB #fad6a5 |
255 | Deep Chestnut | RGB #b94e48 |
256 | Deep Coffee | RGB #704241 |
257 | Deep Fuchsia | RGB #c154c1 |
258 | Deep Jungle Green | RGB #004b49 |
259 | Deep Lilac | RGB #95b |
260 | Deep Magenta | RGB #c0c |
261 | Deep Peach | RGB #ffcba4 |
262 | Deep Pink | RGB #ff1493 |
263 | Deep Ruby | RGB #843f5b |
264 | Deep Saffron | RGB #f93 |
265 | Deep Sky Blue | RGB #00bfff |
266 | Deep Tuscan Red | RGB #66424d |
267 | Denim | RGB #1560bd |
268 | Desert | RGB #c19a6b |
269 | Desert Sand | RGB #edc9af |
270 | Dim Gray | RGB #696969 |
271 | Dodger Blue | RGB #1e90ff |
272 | Dogwood Rose | RGB #d71868 |
273 | Dollar Bill | RGB #85bb65 |
274 | Drab | RGB #967117 |
275 | Duke Blue | RGB #00009c |
276 | Earth Yellow | RGB #e1a95f |
277 | Ebony | RGB #555d50 |
278 | Ecru | RGB #c2b280 |
279 | Eggplant | RGB #614051 |
280 | Eggshell | RGB #f0ead6 |
281 | Egyptian Blue | RGB #1034a6 |
282 | Electric Blue | RGB #7df9ff |
283 | Electric Crimson | RGB #ff003f |
284 | Electric Cyan | RGB #0ff |
285 | Electric Green | RGB #0f0 |
286 | Electric Indigo | RGB #6f00ff |
287 | Electric Lavender | RGB #f4bbff |
288 | Electric Lime | RGB #cf0 |
289 | Electric Purple | RGB #bf00ff |
290 | Electric Ultramarine | RGB #3f00ff |
291 | Electric Violet | RGB #8f00ff |
292 | Electric Yellow | RGB #ff0 |
293 | Emerald | RGB #50c878 |
294 | English Lavender | RGB #b48395 |
295 | Eton Blue | RGB #96c8a2 |
296 | Fallow | RGB #c19a6b |
297 | Falu Red | RGB #801818 |
298 | Fandango | RGB #b53389 |
299 | Fashion Fuchsia | RGB #f400a1 |
300 | Fawn | RGB #e5aa70 |
301 | Feldgrau | RGB #4d5d53 |
302 | Fern Green | RGB #4f7942 |
303 | Ferrari Red | RGB #ff2800 |
304 | Field Drab | RGB #6c541e |
305 | Fire Engine Red | RGB #ce2029 |
306 | Firebrick | RGB #b22222 |
307 | Flame | RGB #e25822 |
308 | Flamingo Pink | RGB #fc8eac |
309 | Flavescent | RGB #f7e98e |
310 | Flax | RGB #eedc82 |
311 | Floral White | RGB #fffaf0 |
312 | Fluorescent Orange | RGB #ffbf00 |
313 | Fluorescent Pink | RGB #ff1493 |
314 | Fluorescent Yellow | RGB #cf0 |
315 | Folly | RGB #ff004f |
316 | Forest Green (Traditional) | RGB #014421 |
317 | Forest Green (Web) | RGB #228b22 |
318 | French Beige | RGB #a67b5b |
319 | French Blue | RGB #0072bb |
320 | French Lilac | RGB #86608e |
321 | French Lime | RGB #cf0 |
322 | French Raspberry | RGB #c72c48 |
323 | French Rose | RGB #f64a8a |
324 | Fuchsia | RGB #f0f |
325 | Fuchsia (Crayola) | RGB #c154c1 |
326 | Fuchsia Pink | RGB #f7f |
327 | Fuchsia Rose | RGB #c74375 |
328 | Fulvous | RGB #e48400 |
329 | Fuzzy Wuzzy | RGB #c66 |
330 | Gainsboro | RGB #dcdcdc |
331 | Gamboge | RGB #e49b0f |
332 | Ghost White | RGB #f8f8ff |
333 | Ginger | RGB #b06500 |
334 | Glaucous | RGB #6082b6 |
335 | Glitter | RGB #e6e8fa |
336 | Gold (Metallic) | RGB #d4af37 |
337 | Gold (Web) (Golden) | RGB #ffd700 |
338 | Golden Brown | RGB #996515 |
339 | Golden Poppy | RGB #fcc200 |
340 | Golden Yellow | RGB #ffdf00 |
341 | Goldenrod | RGB #daa520 |
342 | Granny Smith Apple | RGB #a8e4a0 |
343 | Gray | RGB #808080 |
344 | Gray-Asparagus | RGB #465945 |
345 | Gray (Html/Css Gray) | RGB #808080 |
346 | Gray (X11 Gray) | RGB #bebebe |
347 | Green (Color Wheel) (X11 Green) | RGB #0f0 |
348 | Green (Crayola) | RGB #1cac78 |
349 | Green (Html/Css Green) | RGB #008000 |
350 | Green (Munsell) | RGB #00a877 |
351 | Green (Ncs) | RGB #009f6b |
352 | Green (Pigment) | RGB #00a550 |
353 | Green (Ryb) | RGB #66b032 |
354 | Green-Yellow | RGB #adff2f |
355 | Grullo | RGB #a99a86 |
356 | Guppie Green | RGB #00ff7f |
357 | Halayà úBe | RGB #663854 |
358 | Han Blue | RGB #446ccf |
359 | Han Purple | RGB #5218fa |
360 | Hansa Yellow | RGB #e9d66b |
361 | Harlequin | RGB #3fff00 |
362 | Harvard Crimson | RGB #c90016 |
363 | Harvest Gold | RGB #da9100 |
364 | Heart Gold | RGB #808000 |
365 | Heliotrope | RGB #df73ff |
366 | Hollywood Cerise | RGB #f400a1 |
367 | Honeydew | RGB #f0fff0 |
368 | Honolulu Blue | RGB #007fbf |
369 | Hooker'S Green | RGB #49796b |
370 | Hot Magenta | RGB #ff1dce |
371 | Hot Pink | RGB #ff69b4 |
372 | Hunter Green | RGB #355e3b |
373 | Iceberg | RGB #71a6d2 |
374 | Icterine | RGB #fcf75e |
375 | Imperial Blue | RGB #002395 |
376 | Inchworm | RGB #b2ec5d |
377 | India Green | RGB #138808 |
378 | Indian Red | RGB #cd5c5c |
379 | Indian Yellow | RGB #e3a857 |
380 | Indigo | RGB #6f00ff |
381 | Indigo (Dye) | RGB #00416a |
382 | Indigo (Web) | RGB #4b0082 |
383 | International Klein Blue | RGB #002fa7 |
384 | International Orange (Aerospace) | RGB #ff4f00 |
385 | International Orange (Engineering) | RGB #ba160c |
386 | International Orange (Golden Gate Bridge) | RGB #c0362c |
387 | Iris | RGB #5a4fcf |
388 | Isabelline | RGB #f4f0ec |
389 | Islamic Green | RGB #009000 |
390 | Ivory | RGB #fffff0 |
391 | Jade | RGB #00a86b |
392 | Jasmine | RGB #f8de7e |
393 | Jasper | RGB #d73b3e |
394 | Jazzberry Jam | RGB #a50b5e |
395 | Jet | RGB #343434 |
396 | Jonquil | RGB #fada5e |
397 | June Bud | RGB #bdda57 |
398 | Jungle Green | RGB #29ab87 |
399 | Kelly Green | RGB #4cbb17 |
400 | Kenyan Copper | RGB #7c1c05 |
401 | Khaki (Html/Css) (Khaki) | RGB #c3b091 |
402 | Khaki (X11) (Light Khaki) | RGB #f0e68c |
403 | Ku Crimson | RGB #e8000d |
404 | La Salle Green | RGB #087830 |
405 | Languid Lavender | RGB #d6cadd |
406 | Lapis Lazuli | RGB #26619c |
407 | Laser Lemon | RGB #fefe22 |
408 | Laurel Green | RGB #a9ba9d |
409 | Lava | RGB #cf1020 |
410 | Lavender Blue | RGB #ccf |
411 | Lavender Blush | RGB #fff0f5 |
412 | Lavender (Floral) | RGB #b57edc |
413 | Lavender Gray | RGB #c4c3d0 |
414 | Lavender Indigo | RGB #9457eb |
415 | Lavender Magenta | RGB #ee82ee |
416 | Lavender Mist | RGB #e6e6fa |
417 | Lavender Pink | RGB #fbaed2 |
418 | Lavender Purple | RGB #967bb6 |
419 | Lavender Rose | RGB #fba0e3 |
420 | Lavender (Web) | RGB #e6e6fa |
421 | Lawn Green | RGB #7cfc00 |
422 | Lemon | RGB #fff700 |
423 | Lemon Chiffon | RGB #fffacd |
424 | Lemon Lime | RGB #e3ff00 |
425 | Licorice | RGB #1a1110 |
426 | Light Apricot | RGB #fdd5b1 |
427 | Light Blue | RGB #add8e6 |
428 | Light Brown | RGB #b5651d |
429 | Light Carmine Pink | RGB #e66771 |
430 | Light Coral | RGB #f08080 |
431 | Light Cornflower Blue | RGB #93ccea |
432 | Light Crimson | RGB #f56991 |
433 | Light Cyan | RGB #e0ffff |
434 | Light Fuchsia Pink | RGB #f984ef |
435 | Light Goldenrod Yellow | RGB #fafad2 |
436 | Light Gray | RGB #d3d3d3 |
437 | Light Green | RGB #90ee90 |
438 | Light Khaki | RGB #f0e68c |
439 | Light Pastel Purple | RGB #b19cd9 |
440 | Light Pink | RGB #ffb6c1 |
441 | Light Red Ochre | RGB #e97451 |
442 | Light Salmon | RGB #ffa07a |
443 | Light Salmon Pink | RGB #f99 |
444 | Light Sea Green | RGB #20b2aa |
445 | Light Sky Blue | RGB #87cefa |
446 | Light Slate Gray | RGB #789 |
447 | Light Taupe | RGB #b38b6d |
448 | Light Thulian Pink | RGB #e68fac |
449 | Light Yellow | RGB #ffffe0 |
450 | Lilac | RGB #c8a2c8 |
451 | Lime (Color Wheel) | RGB #bfff00 |
452 | Lime Green | RGB #32cd32 |
453 | Lime (Web) (X11 Green) | RGB #0f0 |
454 | Limerick | RGB #9dc209 |
455 | Lincoln Green | RGB #195905 |
456 | Linen | RGB #faf0e6 |
457 | Lion | RGB #c19a6b |
458 | Little Boy Blue | RGB #6ca0dc |
459 | Liver | RGB #534b4f |
460 | Lust | RGB #e62020 |
461 | Magenta | RGB #f0f |
462 | Magenta (Dye) | RGB #ca1f7b |
463 | Magenta (Process) | RGB #ff0090 |
464 | Magic Mint | RGB #aaf0d1 |
465 | Magnolia | RGB #f8f4ff |
466 | Mahogany | RGB #c04000 |
467 | Maize | RGB #fbec5d |
468 | Majorelle Blue | RGB #6050dc |
469 | Malachite | RGB #0bda51 |
470 | Manatee | RGB #979aaa |
471 | Mango Tango | RGB #ff8243 |
472 | Mantis | RGB #74c365 |
473 | Mardi Gras | RGB #880085 |
474 | Maroon (Crayola) | RGB #c32148 |
475 | Maroon (Html/Css) | RGB #800000 |
476 | Maroon (X11) | RGB #b03060 |
477 | Mauve | RGB #e0b0ff |
478 | Mauve Taupe | RGB #915f6d |
479 | Mauvelous | RGB #ef98aa |
480 | Maya Blue | RGB #73c2fb |
481 | Meat Brown | RGB #e5b73b |
482 | Medium Aquamarine | RGB #6da |
483 | Medium Blue | RGB #0000cd |
484 | Medium Candy Apple Red | RGB #e2062c |
485 | Medium Carmine | RGB #af4035 |
486 | Medium Champagne | RGB #f3e5ab |
487 | Medium Electric Blue | RGB #035096 |
488 | Medium Jungle Green | RGB #1c352d |
489 | Medium Lavender Magenta | RGB #dda0dd |
490 | Medium Orchid | RGB #ba55d3 |
491 | Medium Persian Blue | RGB #0067a5 |
492 | Medium Purple | RGB #9370db |
493 | Medium Red-Violet | RGB #bb3385 |
494 | Medium Ruby | RGB #aa4069 |
495 | Medium Sea Green | RGB #3cb371 |
496 | Medium Slate Blue | RGB #7b68ee |
497 | Medium Spring Bud | RGB #c9dc87 |
498 | Medium Spring Green | RGB #00fa9a |
499 | Medium Taupe | RGB #674c47 |
500 | Medium Turquoise | RGB #48d1cc |
501 | Medium Tuscan Red | RGB #79443b |
502 | Medium Vermilion | RGB #d9603b |
503 | Medium Violet-Red | RGB #c71585 |
504 | Mellow Apricot | RGB #f8b878 |
505 | Mellow Yellow | RGB #f8de7e |
506 | Melon | RGB #fdbcb4 |
507 | Midnight Blue | RGB #191970 |
508 | Midnight Green (Eagle Green) | RGB #004953 |
509 | Mikado Yellow | RGB #ffc40c |
510 | Mint | RGB #3eb489 |
511 | Mint Cream | RGB #f5fffa |
512 | Mint Green | RGB #98ff98 |
513 | Misty Rose | RGB #ffe4e1 |
514 | Moccasin | RGB #faebd7 |
515 | Mode Beige | RGB #967117 |
516 | Moonstone Blue | RGB #73a9c2 |
517 | Mordant Red 19 | RGB #ae0c00 |
518 | Moss Green | RGB #addfad |
519 | Mountain Meadow | RGB #30ba8f |
520 | Mountbatten Pink | RGB #997a8d |
521 | Msu Green | RGB #18453b |
522 | Mulberry | RGB #c54b8c |
523 | Mustard | RGB #ffdb58 |
524 | Myrtle | RGB #21421e |
525 | Nadeshiko Pink | RGB #f6adc6 |
526 | Napier Green | RGB #2a8000 |
527 | Naples Yellow | RGB #fada5e |
528 | Navajo White | RGB #ffdead |
529 | Navy Blue | RGB #000080 |
530 | Neon Carrot | RGB #ffa343 |
531 | Neon Fuchsia | RGB #fe4164 |
532 | Neon Green | RGB #39ff14 |
533 | New York Pink | RGB #d7837f |
534 | Non-Photo Blue | RGB #a4dded |
535 | North Texas Green | RGB #059033 |
536 | Ocean Boat Blue | RGB #0077be |
537 | Ochre | RGB #c72 |
538 | Office Green | RGB #008000 |
539 | Old Gold | RGB #cfb53b |
540 | Old Lace | RGB #fdf5e6 |
541 | Old Lavender | RGB #796878 |
542 | Old Mauve | RGB #673147 |
543 | Old Rose | RGB #c08081 |
544 | Olive | RGB #808000 |
545 | Olive Drab RGB #7 | RGB #3c341f |
546 | Olive Drab (Web) (Olive Drab RGB #3) | RGB #6b8e23 |
547 | Olivine | RGB #9ab973 |
548 | Onyx | RGB #353839 |
549 | Opera Mauve | RGB #b784a7 |
550 | Orange (Color Wheel) | RGB #ff7f00 |
551 | Orange Peel | RGB #ff9f00 |
552 | Orange-Red | RGB #ff4500 |
553 | Orange (Ryb) | RGB #fb9902 |
554 | Orange (Web Color) | RGB #ffa500 |
555 | Orchid | RGB #da70d6 |
556 | Otter Brown | RGB #654321 |
557 | Ou Crimson Red | RGB #900 |
558 | Outer Space | RGB #414a4c |
559 | Outrageous Orange | RGB #ff6e4a |
560 | Oxford Blue | RGB #002147 |
561 | Pakistan Green | RGB #060 |
562 | Palatinate Blue | RGB #273be2 |
563 | Palatinate Purple | RGB #682860 |
564 | Pale Aqua | RGB #bcd4e6 |
565 | Pale Blue | RGB #afeeee |
566 | Pale Brown | RGB #987654 |
567 | Pale Carmine | RGB #af4035 |
568 | Pale Cerulean | RGB #9bc4e2 |
569 | Pale Chestnut | RGB #ddadaf |
570 | Pale Copper | RGB #da8a67 |
571 | Pale Cornflower Blue | RGB #abcdef |
572 | Pale Gold | RGB #e6be8a |
573 | Pale Goldenrod | RGB #eee8aa |
574 | Pale Green | RGB #98fb98 |
575 | Pale Lavender | RGB #dcd0ff |
576 | Pale Magenta | RGB #f984e5 |
577 | Pale Pink | RGB #fadadd |
578 | Pale Plum | RGB #dda0dd |
579 | Pale Red-Violet | RGB #db7093 |
580 | Pale Robin Egg Blue | RGB #96ded1 |
581 | Pale Silver | RGB #c9c0bb |
582 | Pale Spring Bud | RGB #ecebbd |
583 | Pale Taupe | RGB #bc987e |
584 | Pale Violet-Red | RGB #db7093 |
585 | Pansy Purple | RGB #78184a |
586 | Papaya Whip | RGB #ffefd5 |
587 | Paris Green | RGB #50c878 |
588 | Pastel Blue | RGB #aec6cf |
589 | Pastel Brown | RGB #836953 |
590 | Pastel Gray | RGB #cfcfc4 |
591 | Pastel Green | RGB #7d7 |
592 | Pastel Magenta | RGB #f49ac2 |
593 | Pastel Orange | RGB #ffb347 |
594 | Pastel Pink | RGB #dea5a4 |
595 | Pastel Purple | RGB #b39eb5 |
596 | Pastel Red | RGB #ff6961 |
597 | Pastel Violet | RGB #cb99c9 |
598 | Pastel Yellow | RGB #fdfd96 |
599 | Patriarch | RGB #800080 |
600 | Payne'S Grey | RGB #536878 |
601 | Peach | RGB #ffe5b4 |
602 | Peach (Crayola) | RGB #ffcba4 |
603 | Peach-Orange | RGB #fc9 |
604 | Peach Puff | RGB #ffdab9 |
605 | Peach-Yellow | RGB #fadfad |
606 | Pear | RGB #d1e231 |
607 | Pearl | RGB #eae0c8 |
608 | Pearl Aqua | RGB #88d8c0 |
609 | Pearly Purple | RGB #b768a2 |
610 | Peridot | RGB #e6e200 |
611 | Periwinkle | RGB #ccf |
612 | Persian Blue | RGB #1c39bb |
613 | Persian Green | RGB #00a693 |
614 | Persian Indigo | RGB #32127a |
615 | Persian Orange | RGB #d99058 |
616 | Persian Pink | RGB #f77fbe |
617 | Persian Plum | RGB #701c1c |
618 | Persian Red | RGB #c33 |
619 | Persian Rose | RGB #fe28a2 |
620 | Persimmon | RGB #ec5800 |
621 | Peru | RGB #cd853f |
622 | Phlox | RGB #df00ff |
623 | Phthalo Blue | RGB #000f89 |
624 | Phthalo Green | RGB #123524 |
625 | Piggy Pink | RGB #fddde6 |
626 | Pine Green | RGB #01796f |
627 | Pink | RGB #ffc0cb |
628 | Pink Lace | RGB #ffddf4 |
629 | Pink-Orange | RGB #f96 |
630 | Pink Pearl | RGB #e7accf |
631 | Pink Sherbet | RGB #f78fa7 |
632 | Pistachio | RGB #93c572 |
633 | Platinum | RGB #e5e4e2 |
634 | Plum (Traditional) | RGB #8e4585 |
635 | Plum (Web) | RGB #dda0dd |
636 | Portland Orange | RGB #ff5a36 |
637 | Powder Blue (Web) | RGB #b0e0e6 |
638 | Princeton Orange | RGB #ff8f00 |
639 | Prune | RGB #701c1c |
640 | Prussian Blue | RGB #003153 |
641 | Psychedelic Purple | RGB #df00ff |
642 | Puce | RGB #c89 |
643 | Pumpkin | RGB #ff7518 |
644 | Purple Heart | RGB #69359c |
645 | Purple (Html/Css) | RGB #800080 |
646 | Purple Mountain Majesty | RGB #9678b6 |
647 | Purple (Munsell) | RGB #9f00c5 |
648 | Purple Pizzazz | RGB #fe4eda |
649 | Purple Taupe | RGB #50404d |
650 | Purple (X11) | RGB #a020f0 |
651 | Quartz | RGB #51484f |
652 | Rackley | RGB #5d8aa8 |
653 | Radical Red | RGB #ff355e |
654 | Rajah | RGB #fbab60 |
655 | Raspberry | RGB #e30b5d |
656 | Raspberry Glace | RGB #915f6d |
657 | Raspberry Pink | RGB #e25098 |
658 | Raspberry Rose | RGB #b3446c |
659 | Raw Umber | RGB #826644 |
660 | Razzle Dazzle Rose | RGB #f3c |
661 | Razzmatazz | RGB #e3256b |
662 | Red | RGB #f00 |
663 | Red-Brown | RGB #a52a2a |
664 | Red Devil | RGB #860111 |
665 | Red (Munsell) | RGB #f2003c |
666 | Red (Ncs) | RGB #c40233 |
667 | Red-Orange | RGB #ff5349 |
668 | Red (Pigment) | RGB #ed1c24 |
669 | Red (Ryb) | RGB #fe2712 |
670 | Red-Violet | RGB #c71585 |
671 | Redwood | RGB #ab4e52 |
672 | Regalia | RGB #522d80 |
673 | Resolution Blue | RGB #002387 |
674 | Rich Black | RGB #004040 |
675 | Rich Brilliant Lavender | RGB #f1a7fe |
676 | Rich Carmine | RGB #d70040 |
677 | Rich Electric Blue | RGB #0892d0 |
678 | Rich Lavender | RGB #a76bcf |
679 | Rich Lilac | RGB #b666d2 |
680 | Rich Maroon | RGB #b03060 |
681 | Rifle Green | RGB #414833 |
682 | Robin Egg Blue | RGB #0cc |
683 | Rose | RGB #ff007f |
684 | Rose Bonbon | RGB #f9429e |
685 | Rose Ebony | RGB #674846 |
686 | Rose Gold | RGB #b76e79 |
687 | Rose Madder | RGB #e32636 |
688 | Rose Pink | RGB #f6c |
689 | Rose Quartz | RGB #aa98a9 |
690 | Rose Taupe | RGB #905d5d |
691 | Rose Vale | RGB #ab4e52 |
692 | Rosewood | RGB #65000b |
693 | Rosso Corsa | RGB #d40000 |
694 | Rosy Brown | RGB #bc8f8f |
695 | Royal Azure | RGB #0038a8 |
696 | Royal Blue (Traditional) | RGB #002366 |
697 | Royal Blue (Web) | RGB #4169e1 |
698 | Royal Fuchsia | RGB #ca2c92 |
699 | Royal Purple | RGB #7851a9 |
700 | Royal Yellow | RGB #fada5e |
701 | Rubine Red | RGB #d10056 |
702 | Ruby | RGB #e0115f |
703 | Ruby Red | RGB #9b111e |
704 | Ruddy | RGB #ff0028 |
705 | Ruddy Brown | RGB #bb6528 |
706 | Ruddy Pink | RGB #e18e96 |
707 | Rufous | RGB #a81c07 |
708 | Russet | RGB #80461b |
709 | Rust | RGB #b7410e |
710 | Rusty Red | RGB #da2c43 |
711 | Sacramento State Green | RGB #00563f |
712 | Saddle Brown | RGB #8b4513 |
713 | Safety Orange (Blaze Orange) | RGB #ff6700 |
714 | Saffron | RGB #f4c430 |
715 | Salmon | RGB #ff8c69 |
716 | Salmon Pink | RGB #ff91a4 |
717 | Sand | RGB #c2b280 |
718 | Sand Dune | RGB #967117 |
719 | Sandstorm | RGB #ecd540 |
720 | Sandy Brown | RGB #f4a460 |
721 | Sandy Taupe | RGB #967117 |
722 | Sangria | RGB #92000a |
723 | Sap Green | RGB #507d2a |
724 | Sapphire | RGB #0f52ba |
725 | Sapphire Blue | RGB #0067a5 |
726 | Satin Sheen Gold | RGB #cba135 |
727 | Scarlet | RGB #ff2400 |
728 | Scarlet (Crayola) | RGB #fd0e35 |
729 | School Bus Yellow | RGB #ffd800 |
730 | Screamin' Green | RGB #76ff7a |
731 | Sea Blue | RGB #006994 |
732 | Sea Green | RGB #2e8b57 |
733 | Seal Brown | RGB #321414 |
734 | Seashell | RGB #fff5ee |
735 | Selective Yellow | RGB #ffba00 |
736 | Sepia | RGB #704214 |
737 | Shadow | RGB #8a795d |
738 | Shamrock Green | RGB #009e60 |
739 | Shocking Pink | RGB #fc0fc0 |
740 | Shocking Pink (Crayola) | RGB #ff6fff |
741 | Sienna | RGB #882d17 |
742 | Silver | RGB #c0c0c0 |
743 | Sinopia | RGB #cb410b |
744 | Skobeloff | RGB #007474 |
745 | Sky Blue | RGB #87ceeb |
746 | Sky Magenta | RGB #cf71af |
747 | Slate Blue | RGB #6a5acd |
748 | Slate Gray | RGB #708090 |
749 | Smalt (Dark Powder Blue) | RGB #039 |
750 | Smokey Topaz | RGB #933d41 |
751 | Smoky Black | RGB #100c08 |
752 | Snow | RGB #fffafa |
753 | Spiro Disco Ball | RGB #0fc0fc |
754 | Spring Bud | RGB #a7fc00 |
755 | Spring Green | RGB #00ff7f |
756 | St. Patrick'S Blue | RGB #23297a |
757 | Steel Blue | RGB #4682b4 |
758 | Stil De Grain Yellow | RGB #fada5e |
759 | Stizza | RGB #900 |
760 | Stormcloud | RGB #4f666a |
761 | Straw | RGB #e4d96f |
762 | Sunglow | RGB #fc3 |
763 | Sunset | RGB #fad6a5 |
764 | Tan | RGB #d2b48c |
765 | Tangelo | RGB #f94d00 |
766 | Tangerine | RGB #f28500 |
767 | Tangerine Yellow | RGB #fc0 |
768 | Tango Pink | RGB #e4717a |
769 | Taupe | RGB #483c32 |
770 | Taupe Gray | RGB #8b8589 |
771 | Tea Green | RGB #d0f0c0 |
772 | Tea Rose (Orange) | RGB #f88379 |
773 | Tea Rose (Rose) | RGB #f4c2c2 |
774 | Teal | RGB #008080 |
775 | Teal Blue | RGB #367588 |
776 | Teal Green | RGB #00827f |
777 | Telemagenta | RGB #cf3476 |
778 | Tenné (Tawny) | RGB #cd5700 |
779 | Terra Cotta | RGB #e2725b |
780 | Thistle | RGB #d8bfd8 |
781 | Thulian Pink | RGB #de6fa1 |
782 | Tickle Me Pink | RGB #fc89ac |
783 | Tiffany Blue | RGB #0abab5 |
784 | Tiger'S Eye | RGB #e08d3c |
785 | Timberwolf | RGB #dbd7d2 |
786 | Titanium Yellow | RGB #eee600 |
787 | Tomato | RGB #ff6347 |
788 | Toolbox | RGB #746cc0 |
789 | Topaz | RGB #ffc87c |
790 | Tractor Red | RGB #fd0e35 |
791 | Trolley Grey | RGB #808080 |
792 | Tropical Rain Forest | RGB #00755e |
793 | True Blue | RGB #0073cf |
794 | Tufts Blue | RGB #417dc1 |
795 | Tumbleweed | RGB #deaa88 |
796 | Turkish Rose | RGB #b57281 |
797 | Turquoise | RGB #30d5c8 |
798 | Turquoise Blue | RGB #00ffef |
799 | Turquoise Green | RGB #a0d6b4 |
800 | Tuscan Red | RGB #7c4848 |
801 | Twilight Lavender | RGB #8a496b |
802 | Tyrian Purple | RGB #66023c |
803 | Ua Blue | RGB #03a |
804 | Ua Red | RGB #d9004c |
805 | Ube | RGB #8878c3 |
806 | Ucla Blue | RGB #536895 |
807 | Ucla Gold | RGB #ffb300 |
808 | Ufo Green | RGB #3cd070 |
809 | Ultra Pink | RGB #ff6fff |
810 | Ultramarine | RGB #120a8f |
811 | Ultramarine Blue | RGB #4166f5 |
812 | Umber | RGB #635147 |
813 | Unbleached Silk | RGB #ffddca |
814 | United Nations Blue | RGB #5b92e5 |
815 | University Of California Gold | RGB #b78727 |
816 | Unmellow Yellow | RGB #ff6 |
817 | Up Forest Green | RGB #014421 |
818 | Up Maroon | RGB #7b1113 |
819 | Upsdell Red | RGB #ae2029 |
820 | Urobilin | RGB #e1ad21 |
821 | Usafa Blue | RGB #004f98 |
822 | Usc Cardinal | RGB #900 |
823 | Usc Gold | RGB #fc0 |
824 | Utah Crimson | RGB #d3003f |
825 | Vanilla | RGB #f3e5ab |
826 | Vegas Gold | RGB #c5b358 |
827 | Venetian Red | RGB #c80815 |
828 | Verdigris | RGB #43b3ae |
829 | Vermilion (Cinnabar) | RGB #e34234 |
830 | Vermilion (Plochere) | RGB #d9603b |
831 | Veronica | RGB #a020f0 |
832 | Violet | RGB #8f00ff |
833 | Violet-Blue | RGB #324ab2 |
834 | Violet (Color Wheel) | RGB #7f00ff |
835 | Violet (Ryb) | RGB #8601af |
836 | Violet (Web) | RGB #ee82ee |
837 | Viridian | RGB #40826d |
838 | Vivid Auburn | RGB #922724 |
839 | Vivid Burgundy | RGB #9f1d35 |
840 | Vivid Cerise | RGB #da1d81 |
841 | Vivid Tangerine | RGB #ffa089 |
842 | Vivid Violet | RGB #9f00ff |
843 | Warm Black | RGB #004242 |
844 | Waterspout | RGB #a4f4f9 |
845 | Wenge | RGB #645452 |
846 | Wheat | RGB #f5deb3 |
847 | White | RGB #fff |
848 | White Smoke | RGB #f5f5f5 |
849 | Wild Blue Yonder | RGB #a2add0 |
850 | Wild Strawberry | RGB #ff43a4 |
851 | Wild Watermelon | RGB #fc6c85 |
852 | Wine | RGB #722f37 |
853 | Wine Dregs | RGB #673147 |
854 | Wisteria | RGB #c9a0dc |
855 | Wood Brown | RGB #c19a6b |
856 | Xanadu | RGB #738678 |
857 | Yale Blue | RGB #0f4d92 |
858 | Yellow | RGB #ff0 |
859 | Yellow-Green | RGB #9acd32 |
860 | Yellow (Munsell) | RGB #efcc00 |
861 | Yellow (Ncs) | RGB #ffd300 |
862 | Yellow Orange | RGB #ffae42 |
863 | Yellow (Process) | RGB #ffef00 |
864 | Yellow (Ryb) | RGB #fefe33 |
865 | Zaffre | RGB #0014a8 |
866 | Zinnwaldite Brown | RGB #2c1608 |