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synced 2025-03-03 09:01:25 +01:00
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2 | AC | Axiom of Choice, or set of absolutely continuous functions |
3 | a.c. | absolutely continuous |
4 | acrd | inverse chord function |
5 | ad | adjoint representation (or adjoint action) of a Lie group |
6 | adj | adjugate of a matrix |
7 | a.e. | almost everywhere |
8 | Ai | Airy function |
9 | AL | Action limit |
10 | Alt | alternating group (Alt(n) is also written as An) |
11 | A.M. | arithmetic mean |
12 | arccos | inverse cosine function |
13 | arccosec | inverse cosecant function (also written as arccsc) |
14 | arccot | inverse cotangent function |
15 | arccsc | inverse cosecant function (also written as arccosec) |
16 | arcexc | inverse excosecant function (also written as arcexcsc, arcexcosec) |
17 | arcexcosec | inverse excosecant function (also written as arcexcsc, arcexc) |
18 | arcexcsc | inverse excosecant function (also written as arcexcosec, arcexc) |
19 | arcexs | inverse exsecant function (also written as arcexsec) |
20 | arcexsec | inverse exsecant function (also written as arcexs) |
21 | arcosech | inverse hyperbolic cosecant function (also written as arcsch) |
22 | arcosh | inverse hyperbolic cosine function |
23 | arcoth | inverse hyperbolic cotangent function |
24 | arcsch | inverse hyperbolic cosecant function (also written as arcosech) |
25 | arcsec | inverse secant function |
26 | arcsin | inverse sine function |
27 | arctan | inverse tangent function |
28 | arctan2 | inverse tangent function with two arguments (also written as atan2) |
29 | arg | argument of |
30 | arg max | argument of the maximum |
31 | arg min | argument of the minimum |
32 | arsech | inverse hyperbolic secant function |
33 | arsinh | inverse hyperbolic sine function |
34 | artanh | inverse hyperbolic tangent function |
35 | a.s. | almost surely |
36 | atan2 | inverse tangent function with two arguments (also written as arctan2) |
37 | A.P. | arithmetic progression |
38 | Aut | automorphism group |
39 | bd | boundary (also written as fr or ∂) |
40 | Bi | Airy function of the second kind |
41 | BIDMAS | Brackets, Indices, Divide, Multiply, Add, Subtract |
42 | Bias | bias of an estimator |
43 | BWOC | by way of contradiction |
44 | Card | cardinality of a set (Card(X) is also written #X, ♯X or |X|) |
45 | cas | cos + sin function |
46 | cdf | cumulative distribution function |
47 | c.f. | cumulative frequency |
48 | c.c. | complex conjugate |
49 | char | characteristic of a ring |
50 | Chi | hyperbolic cosine integral function |
51 | Ci | cosine integral function |
52 | cis | cos + i sin function (also written as expi) |
53 | Cl | conjugacy class |
54 | cl | topological closure |
55 | CLT | central limit theorem |
56 | cod | codom,codomain |
57 | cok | coker,cokernel |
58 | conv | convex hull of a set |
59 | Cor | corollary |
60 | corr | correlation |
61 | cos | cosine function |
62 | cosec | cosecant function (also written as csc) |
63 | cosech | hyperbolic cosecant function (also written as csch) |
64 | cosh | hyperbolic cosine function |
65 | cosiv | coversine function (also written as cover, covers, cvs) |
66 | cot | cotangent function (also written as ctg) |
67 | coth | hyperbolic cotangent function |
68 | cov | covariance of a pair of random variables |
69 | cover | coversine function (also written as covers, cvs, cosiv) |
70 | covercos | covercosine function (also written as cvc) |
71 | covers | coversine function (also written as cover, cvs, cosiv) |
72 | crd | chord function |
73 | csc | cosecant function (also written as cosec) |
74 | csch | hyperbolic cosecant function (also written as cosech) |
75 | ctg | cotangent function (also written as cot) |
76 | curl | curl of a vector field (also written as rot) |
77 | cvc | covercosine function (also written as covercos) |
78 | cvs | coversine function (also written as cover, covers, cosiv) |
79 | def | define or definition. |
80 | deg | degree of a polynomial, or other recursively-defined objects such as well-formed formulas (also written as ∂) |
81 | del | del, a differential operator (also written as {\displaystyle \nabla }\nabla ) |
82 | det | determinant of a matrix or linear transformation |
83 | dim | dimension of a vector space |
84 | div | divergence of a vector field |
85 | DNE | a solution for an expression does not exist, or is undefined. Generally used with limits and integrals |
86 | dom | domain of a function (Or, more generally, a relation) |
87 | End | categories of endomorphisms |
88 | Ei | exponential integral function |
89 | epi | epigraph of a function |
90 | Eqn | equation |
91 | erf | error function |
92 | erfc | complementary error function |
93 | etr | exponent of the trace |
94 | exc | excosecant function (also written as excsc, excosec) |
95 | excosec | excosecant function (also written as excsc, exc) |
96 | excsc | excosecant function (also written as excosec, exc) |
97 | exs | exsecant function (also written as exsec) |
98 | exsec | exsecant function (also written as exs) |
99 | exp | exponential function (exp x is also written as ex) |
100 | expi | cos + i sin function (also written as cis) |
101 | expm1 | exponential minus 1 function (also written as exp1m) |
102 | exp1m | exponential minus 1 function (also written as expm1) |
103 | Ext | Ext functor. |
104 | ext | exterior. |
105 | extr | a set of extreme points of a set. |
106 | FIP | finite intersection property. |
107 | FOC | first order condition. |
108 | FOL | first-order logic. |
109 | fr | boundary (also written as bd or ∂) |
110 | Frob | Frobenius endomorphism. |
111 | Gal | Galois group (also written as Γ) |
112 | gcd | greatest common divisor of two numbers (also written as hcf) |
113 | gd | Gudermannian function |
114 | GF | Galois field |
115 | GF | generating function |
116 | GL | general linear group |
117 | GM | geometric mean |
118 | glb | greatest lower bound (also written as inf) |
119 | GP | geometric progression |
120 | grad | gradient of a function |
121 | hacover | hacoversine function (also written as hacovers, hcv) |
122 | hacovercos | hacovercosine function (also written as hcc) |
123 | hacovers | hacoversine function (also written as hacover, hcv) |
124 | hav | haversine function (also written as sem) |
125 | havercos | havercosine function (also written as hvc) |
126 | hcc | hacovercosine function (also written as hacovercos) |
127 | hcv | hacoversine function (also written as hacover, hacovers) |
128 | hcf | highest common factor of two numbers (also written as gcd) |
129 | H.M. | harmonic mean |
130 | HOL | higher-order logic |
131 | Hom | Hom functor |
132 | hom | hom-class |
133 | hot | higher order term |
134 | HOTPO | half or triple plus one |
135 | hvc | havercosine function (also written as havercos) |
136 | hyp | hypograph of a function |
137 | iff | if and only if |
138 | IH | induction hypothesis |
139 | iid | independent and identically distributed random variables |
140 | Im | imaginary part of a complex number (also written as {\displaystyle \Im }\Im ) |
141 | im | image |
142 | inf | infimum of a set (also written as glb) |
143 | int | interior |
144 | I.o. | Infinitely often |
145 | ker | kernel |
146 | lb | binary logarithm (log2) (also written as ld) |
147 | lcm | lowest common multiple (a.k.a. least common multiple) of two numbers |
148 | LCHS | locally compact Hausdorff second countable |
149 | ld | binary logarithm (log2) (also written as lb) |
150 | lerp | linear interpolation |
151 | lg | common logarithm (log10) or binary logarithm (log2) |
152 | LHS | left-hand side of an equation |
153 | Li | offset logarithmic integral function |
154 | li | logarithmic integral function or linearly independent |
155 | lim | limit of a sequence, or of a function |
156 | lim inf | limit inferior |
157 | lim sup | limit superior |
158 | LLN | law of large numbers |
159 | ln | natural logarithm, loge |
160 | lnp1 | natural logarithm plus 1 function |
161 | ln1p | natural logarithm plus 1 function |
162 | log | logarithm (If without a subscript, this may mean either log10 or loge) |
163 | logh | natural logarithm, loge |
164 | LST | language of set theory |
165 | lub | least upper bound (also written sup) |
166 | max | maximum of a set |
167 | MGF | moment-generating function |
168 | M.I. | mathematical induction |
169 | min | minimum of a set |
170 | mod | modulo |
171 | Mp | metaplectic group |
172 | mtanh | modified hyperbolic tangent function (also written as mth) |
173 | mth | modified hyperbolic tangent function (also written as mtanh) |
174 | mx | matrix |
175 | NAND | not-and in logic |
176 | No. | number |
177 | NOR | not-or in logic |
178 | NTS | need to show |
179 | OBGF | ordinary bivariate generating function |
180 | ob | object class |
181 | ord | ordinal number of a well-ordered set |
182 | probability density function | |
183 | pf | proof |
184 | PGL | projective general linear group |
185 | PI | the constant 3.14159265359 |
186 | Pin | pin group. |
187 | pmf | probability mass function |
188 | Pn | previous number |
189 | Pr | probability of an event |
190 | PSL | projective special linear group |
191 | PSO | projective orthogonal group. |
192 | PSU | projective special unitary group |
193 | PU | projective unitary group |
194 | QED | Quod erat demonstrandum, a Latin phrase used at the end of a definitive proof |
195 | QEF | quod erat faciendum, a Latin phrase sometimes used at the end of a geometrical construction |
196 | ran | range of a function |
197 | rank | rank of a matrix (also written as rk) |
198 | Re | real part of a complex number |
199 | resp | respectively |
200 | RHS | right-hand side of an equation |
201 | rk | rank (also written as rank) |
202 | RMS | rms,root mean square |
203 | rng | non-unital ring |
204 | rot | rotor of a vector field (also written as curl) |
205 | RTP | required to prove |
206 | RV | random variable (or as R.V) |
207 | R | Real numbers |
208 | SD | standard deviation |
209 | SE | standard error |
210 | sec | secant function |
211 | sech | hyperbolic secant function |
212 | seg | initial segment of |
213 | sem | haversine function (also written as hav) |
214 | SFIP | strong finite intersection property |
215 | sgn | sign function |
216 | Shi | hyperbolic sine integral function |
217 | Si | sine integral function |
218 | sin | sine function |
219 | sinc | sinc function |
220 | sinh | hyperbolic sine function |
221 | siv | versine function (also written as ver, vers) |
222 | SL | special linear group |
223 | SO | special orthogonal group |
224 | SOC | second order condition |
225 | Soln | solution |
226 | Sp | symplectic group |
227 | Sp | trace of a matrix, from the German 'spur' used for the trace |
228 | sp | linear span of a set of vectors (also written as span or written with angle brackets) |
229 | Spec | spectrum of a ring |
230 | Spin | spin group |
231 | s.t. | such that or so that or subject to |
232 | st | standard part function |
233 | STP | [it is] sufficient to prove |
234 | SU | special unitary group |
235 | sup | supremum of a set (also written as lub, which stands for least upper bound) |
236 | supp | support of a function |
237 | swish | swish function, an activation function in data analysis |
238 | Sym | symmetric group (Sym(n) is also written as Sn) or symmetric algebra |
239 | tan | tangent function (also written as tgn, tg) |
240 | tanh | hyperbolic tangent function |
241 | TAU | the constant 6.283185307179586476925286766559 |
242 | TFAE | the following are equivalent |
243 | tg | tangent function (also written as tan, tgn) |
244 | tgn | tangent function (also written as tan, tg) |
245 | Thm | theorem |
246 | Tor | Tor functor |
247 | Tr | trace, either the field trace, or the trace of a matrix or linear transformation |
248 | undef | a function or expression is undefined |
249 | V | volume |
250 | var | variance of a random variable |
251 | vcs | vercosine function (also written as vercos) |
252 | ver | versine function (also written as vers, siv) |
253 | vercos | vercosine function (also written as vcs) |
254 | vers | versine function (also written as ver, siv) |
255 | W^5 | which was what we wanted. Synonym of Q.E.D |
256 | walog | without any loss of generality |
257 | wff | well-formed formula |
258 | whp | with high probability |
259 | wlog | without loss of generality |
260 | WMA | we may assume. |
261 | WO | well-ordered set |
262 | wp1 | with probability 1 |
263 | wrt | with respect to or with regard to |
264 | WTP | want to prove |
265 | WTS | want to show |
266 | XOR | exclusive or in logic |
267 | XYZ | Cartesian coordinate system (x,y,z) |
268 | ZF | Zermelo–Fraenkel axioms of set theory |
269 | ZFC | Zermelo–Fraenkel axioms (with the Axiom of Choice) of set theory |