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synced 2025-03-03 16:51:34 +01:00
Keep the glyphs in SVG format and build the font using a FontForge script. A part of the previous font is kept because the sources is lost. This adds a new dependency to the build system, fontforge.
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<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="0 0 512 512"><!--! Font Awesome Free 6.1.0 by @fontawesome - https://fontawesome.com License - https://fontawesome.com/license/free (Icons: CC BY 4.0, Fonts: SIL OFL 1.1, Code: MIT License) Copyright 2022 Fonticons, Inc. --><path d="M495.9 166.6C499.2 175.2 496.4 184.9 489.6 191.2L446.3 230.6C447.4 238.9 448 247.4 448 256C448 264.6 447.4 273.1 446.3 281.4L489.6 320.8C496.4 327.1 499.2 336.8 495.9 345.4C491.5 357.3 486.2 368.8 480.2 379.7L475.5 387.8C468.9 398.8 461.5 409.2 453.4 419.1C447.4 426.2 437.7 428.7 428.9 425.9L373.2 408.1C359.8 418.4 344.1 427 329.2 433.6L316.7 490.7C314.7 499.7 307.7 506.1 298.5 508.5C284.7 510.8 270.5 512 255.1 512C241.5 512 227.3 510.8 213.5 508.5C204.3 506.1 197.3 499.7 195.3 490.7L182.8 433.6C167 427 152.2 418.4 138.8 408.1L83.14 425.9C74.3 428.7 64.55 426.2 58.63 419.1C50.52 409.2 43.12 398.8 36.52 387.8L31.84 379.7C25.77 368.8 20.49 357.3 16.06 345.4C12.82 336.8 15.55 327.1 22.41 320.8L65.67 281.4C64.57 273.1 64 264.6 64 256C64 247.4 64.57 238.9 65.67 230.6L22.41 191.2C15.55 184.9 12.82 175.3 16.06 166.6C20.49 154.7 25.78 143.2 31.84 132.3L36.51 124.2C43.12 113.2 50.52 102.8 58.63 92.95C64.55 85.8 74.3 83.32 83.14 86.14L138.8 103.9C152.2 93.56 167 84.96 182.8 78.43L195.3 21.33C197.3 12.25 204.3 5.04 213.5 3.51C227.3 1.201 241.5 0 256 0C270.5 0 284.7 1.201 298.5 3.51C307.7 5.04 314.7 12.25 316.7 21.33L329.2 78.43C344.1 84.96 359.8 93.56 373.2 103.9L428.9 86.14C437.7 83.32 447.4 85.8 453.4 92.95C461.5 102.8 468.9 113.2 475.5 124.2L480.2 132.3C486.2 143.2 491.5 154.7 495.9 166.6V166.6zM256 336C300.2 336 336 300.2 336 255.1C336 211.8 300.2 175.1 256 175.1C211.8 175.1 176 211.8 176 255.1C176 300.2 211.8 336 256 336z"/></svg> |