mirror of
synced 2025-02-05 21:10:22 +01:00
Merge master
This commit is contained in:
@ -29,4 +29,4 @@ HEALTHCHECK \
--timeout=3s \
--start-period=10s \
CMD curl -f || exit 1
CMD ["npm", "start"]
CMD ["node", "index.js"]
@ -64,12 +64,22 @@
<div class="flex-grow hidden sm:inline-block" />
<!-- collapse series checkbox -->
<ui-checkbox v-if="isLibraryPage && isBookLibrary && !isBatchSelecting" v-model="settings.collapseSeries" :label="$strings.LabelCollapseSeries" checkbox-bg="bg" check-color="white" small class="mr-2" @input="updateCollapseSeries" />
<!-- library filter select -->
<controls-library-filter-select v-if="isLibraryPage && !isBatchSelecting" v-model="settings.filterBy" class="w-36 sm:w-44 md:w-48 h-7.5 ml-1 sm:ml-4" @change="updateFilter" />
<!-- library sort select -->
<controls-library-sort-select v-if="isLibraryPage && !isBatchSelecting" v-model="settings.orderBy" :descending.sync="settings.orderDesc" class="w-36 sm:w-44 md:w-48 h-7.5 ml-1 sm:ml-4" @change="updateOrder" />
<!-- series filter select -->
<controls-library-filter-select v-if="isSeriesPage && !isBatchSelecting" v-model="settings.seriesFilterBy" is-series class="w-36 sm:w-44 md:w-48 h-7.5 ml-1 sm:ml-4" @change="updateSeriesFilter" />
<!-- series sort select -->
<controls-sort-select v-if="isSeriesPage && !isBatchSelecting" v-model="settings.seriesSortBy" :descending.sync="settings.seriesSortDesc" :items="seriesSortItems" class="w-36 sm:w-44 md:w-48 h-7.5 ml-1 sm:ml-4" @change="updateSeriesSort" />
<!-- issues page remove all button -->
<ui-btn v-if="isIssuesFilter && userCanDelete && !isBatchSelecting" :loading="processingIssues" color="error" small class="ml-4" @click="removeAllIssues">{{ $strings.ButtonRemoveAll }} {{ numShowing }} {{ entityName }}</ui-btn>
<!-- search page -->
@ -5,8 +5,8 @@
<span class="material-icons text-2xl">arrow_back</span>
<nuxt-link v-for="route in configRoutes" :key="route.id" :to="route.path" class="w-full px-4 h-12 border-b border-primary border-opacity-30 flex items-center cursor-pointer relative" :class="routeName === route.id ? 'bg-primary bg-opacity-70' : 'hover:bg-primary hover:bg-opacity-30'">
<p>{{ route.title }}</p>
<nuxt-link v-for="route in configRoutes" :key="route.id" :to="route.path" class="w-full px-3 h-12 border-b border-primary border-opacity-30 flex items-center cursor-pointer relative" :class="routeName === route.id ? 'bg-primary bg-opacity-70' : 'hover:bg-primary hover:bg-opacity-30'">
<p class="leading-4">{{ route.title }}</p>
<div v-show="routeName === route.iod" class="h-full w-0.5 bg-yellow-400 absolute top-0 left-0" />
@ -86,6 +86,14 @@
<div v-show="isPlaylistsPage" class="h-full w-0.5 bg-yellow-400 absolute top-0 left-0" />
<nuxt-link v-if="isPodcastLibrary && userIsAdminOrUp" :to="`/library/${currentLibraryId}/podcast/download-queue`" class="w-full h-20 flex flex-col items-center justify-center text-white text-opacity-80 border-b border-primary border-opacity-70 hover:bg-primary cursor-pointer relative" :class="isPodcastDownloadQueuePage ? 'bg-primary bg-opacity-80' : 'bg-bg bg-opacity-60'">
<span class="material-icons text-2xl">file_download</span>
<p class="pt-1.5 text-center leading-4" style="font-size: 0.9rem">{{ $strings.ButtonDownloadQueue }}</p>
<div v-show="isPodcastDownloadQueuePage" class="h-full w-0.5 bg-yellow-400 absolute top-0 left-0" />
<nuxt-link v-if="numIssues" :to="`/library/${currentLibraryId}/bookshelf?filter=issues`" class="w-full h-20 flex flex-col items-center justify-center text-white text-opacity-80 border-b border-primary border-opacity-70 hover:bg-opacity-40 cursor-pointer relative" :class="showingIssues ? 'bg-error bg-opacity-40' : ' bg-error bg-opacity-20'">
<span class="material-icons text-2xl">warning</span>
@ -149,6 +157,9 @@ export default {
isMusicLibrary() {
return this.currentLibraryMediaType === 'music'
isPodcastDownloadQueuePage() {
return this.$route.name === 'library-library-podcast-download-queue'
isPodcastSearchPage() {
return this.$route.name === 'library-library-podcast-search'
@ -212,4 +223,4 @@ export default {
mounted() {}
@ -11,12 +11,15 @@
<div v-if="!playerHandler.isVideo" class="text-gray-400 flex items-center">
<span class="material-icons text-sm">person</span>
<p v-if="podcastAuthor" class="pl-1 sm:pl-1.5 text-xs sm:text-base">{{ podcastAuthor }}</p>
<p v-else-if="musicArtists" class="pl-1 sm:pl-1.5 text-xs sm:text-base">{{ musicArtists }}</p>
<p v-else-if="authors.length" class="pl-1 sm:pl-1.5 text-xs sm:text-base">
<nuxt-link v-for="(author, index) in authors" :key="index" :to="`/author/${author.id}`" class="hover:underline">{{ author.name }}<span v-if="index < authors.length - 1">, </span></nuxt-link>
<p v-else class="text-xs sm:text-base cursor-pointer pl-1 sm:pl-1.5">{{ $strings.LabelUnknown }}</p>
<div class="flex items-center">
<div v-if="podcastAuthor" class="pl-1 sm:pl-1.5 text-xs sm:text-base">{{ podcastAuthor }}</div>
<div v-else-if="musicArtists" class="pl-1 sm:pl-1.5 text-xs sm:text-base">{{ musicArtists }}</div>
<div v-else-if="authors.length" class="pl-1 sm:pl-1.5 text-xs sm:text-base">
<nuxt-link v-for="(author, index) in authors" :key="index" :to="`/author/${author.id}`" class="hover:underline">{{ author.name }}<span v-if="index < authors.length - 1">, </span></nuxt-link>
<div v-else class="text-xs sm:text-base cursor-pointer pl-1 sm:pl-1.5">{{ $strings.LabelUnknown }}</div>
<widgets-explicit-indicator :explicit="isExplicit"></widgets-explicit-indicator>
<div class="text-gray-400 flex items-center">
@ -129,6 +132,9 @@ export default {
isMusic() {
return this.streamLibraryItem ? this.streamLibraryItem.mediaType === 'music' : false
isExplicit() {
return this.mediaMetadata.explicit || false
mediaMetadata() {
return this.media.metadata || {}
@ -474,4 +480,4 @@ export default {
#streamContainer {
box-shadow: 0px -6px 8px #1111113f;
@ -28,7 +28,11 @@
<div v-else class="px-4 flex-grow">
<h1>{{ book.title }}</h1>
<div class="flex items-center">
{{ book.title }}<widgets-explicit-indicator :explicit="book.explicit" />
<p class="text-base text-gray-300 whitespace-nowrap truncate">by {{ book.author }}</p>
<p v-if="book.genres" class="text-xs text-gray-400 leading-5">{{ book.genres.join(', ') }}</p>
<p class="text-xs text-gray-400 leading-5">{{ book.trackCount }} Episodes</p>
@ -78,4 +82,4 @@ export default {
this.selectedCover = this.bookCovers.length ? this.bookCovers[0] : this.book.cover || null
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
<div class="flex items-center h-full px-1 overflow-hidden">
<div class="h-5 w-5 min-w-5 text-lg mr-1.5 flex items-center justify-center">
<span v-if="isFinished" :class="taskIconStatus" class="material-icons text-base">{{actionIcon}}</span>
<widgets-loading-spinner v-else />
<div class="flex-grow px-2 taskRunningCardContent">
<p class="truncate text-sm">{{ title }}</p>
<p class="truncate text-xs text-gray-300">{{ description }}</p>
<p v-if="isFailed && failedMessage" class="text-xs truncate text-red-500">{{ failedMessage }}</p>
export default {
props: {
task: {
type: Object,
default: () => {}
data() {
return {}
computed: {
title() {
return this.task.title || 'No Title'
description() {
return this.task.description || ''
details() {
return this.task.details || 'Unknown'
isFinished() {
return this.task.isFinished || false
isFailed() {
return this.task.isFailed || false
failedMessage() {
return this.task.error || ''
action() {
return this.task.action || ''
actionIcon() {
switch (this.action) {
case 'download-podcast-episode':
return 'cloud_download'
case 'encode-m4b':
return 'sync'
return 'settings'
taskIconStatus() {
if (this.isFinished && this.isFailed) {
return 'text-red-500'
if (this.isFinished && !this.isFailed) {
return 'text-green-500'
return ''
methods: {
mounted() {}
.taskRunningCardContent {
width: calc(100% - 80px);
height: 75px;
display: flex;
flex-direction: column;
justify-content: center;
@ -7,9 +7,12 @@
<!-- Alternative bookshelf title/author/sort -->
<div v-if="isAlternativeBookshelfView || isAuthorBookshelfView" class="absolute left-0 z-50 w-full" :style="{ bottom: `-${titleDisplayBottomOffset}rem` }">
<p class="truncate" :style="{ fontSize: 0.9 * sizeMultiplier + 'rem' }">
{{ displayTitle }}
<div :style="{ fontSize: 0.9 * sizeMultiplier + 'rem' }">
<div class="flex items-center">
<span class="truncate">{{ displayTitle }}</span>
<widgets-explicit-indicator :explicit="isExplicit" />
<p class="truncate text-gray-400" :style="{ fontSize: 0.8 * sizeMultiplier + 'rem' }">{{ displayLineTwo || ' ' }}</p>
<p v-if="displaySortLine" class="truncate text-gray-400" :style="{ fontSize: 0.8 * sizeMultiplier + 'rem' }">{{ displaySortLine }}</p>
@ -102,8 +105,10 @@
<!-- Podcast Episode # -->
<div v-if="recentEpisodeNumber && !isHovering && !isSelectionMode && !processing" class="absolute rounded-lg bg-black bg-opacity-90 box-shadow-md z-10" :style="{ top: 0.375 * sizeMultiplier + 'rem', right: 0.375 * sizeMultiplier + 'rem', padding: `${0.1 * sizeMultiplier}rem ${0.25 * sizeMultiplier}rem` }">
<p :style="{ fontSize: sizeMultiplier * 0.8 + 'rem' }">Episode #{{ recentEpisodeNumber }}</p>
<div v-if="recentEpisodeNumber !== null && !isHovering && !isSelectionMode && !processing" class="absolute rounded-lg bg-black bg-opacity-90 box-shadow-md z-10" :style="{ top: 0.375 * sizeMultiplier + 'rem', right: 0.375 * sizeMultiplier + 'rem', padding: `${0.1 * sizeMultiplier}rem ${0.25 * sizeMultiplier}rem` }">
<p :style="{ fontSize: sizeMultiplier * 0.8 + 'rem' }">
Episode<span v-if="recentEpisodeNumber"> #{{ recentEpisodeNumber }}</span>
<!-- Podcast Num Episodes -->
@ -193,6 +198,9 @@ export default {
isMusic() {
return this.mediaType === 'music'
isExplicit() {
return this.mediaMetadata.explicit || false
placeholderUrl() {
const config = this.$config || this.$nuxt.$config
return `${config.routerBasePath}/book_placeholder.jpg`
@ -236,7 +244,7 @@ export default {
if (this.recentEpisode.episode) {
return this.recentEpisode.episode.replace(/^#/, '')
return this.recentEpisode.index
return ''
collapsedSeries() {
// Only added to item object when collapseSeries is enabled
@ -734,7 +742,7 @@ export default {
episodeId: this.recentEpisode.id,
title: this.recentEpisode.title,
subtitle: this.mediaMetadata.title,
caption: this.recentEpisode.publishedAt ? `Published ${this.$formatDate(this.recentEpisode.publishedAt, 'MMM do, yyyy')}` : 'Unknown publish date',
caption: this.recentEpisode.publishedAt ? `Published ${this.$formatDate(this.recentEpisode.publishedAt, this.dateFormat)}` : 'Unknown publish date',
duration: this.recentEpisode.audioFile.duration || null,
coverPath: this.media.coverPath || null
@ -858,7 +866,7 @@ export default {
episodeId: episode.id,
title: episode.title,
subtitle: this.mediaMetadata.title,
caption: episode.publishedAt ? `Published ${this.$formatDate(episode.publishedAt, 'MMM do, yyyy')}` : 'Unknown publish date',
caption: episode.publishedAt ? `Published ${this.$formatDate(episode.publishedAt, this.dateFormat)}` : 'Unknown publish date',
duration: episode.audioFile.duration || null,
coverPath: this.media.coverPath || null
@ -73,6 +73,12 @@ export default {
canCreateBookmark() {
return !this.bookmarks.find((bm) => bm.time === this.currentTime)
dateFormat() {
return this.$store.state.serverSettings.dateFormat
timeFormat() {
return this.$store.state.serverSettings.timeFormat
methods: {
@ -111,7 +117,7 @@ export default {
submitCreateBookmark() {
if (!this.newBookmarkTitle) {
this.newBookmarkTitle = this.$formatDate(Date.now(), 'MMM dd, yyyy HH:mm')
this.newBookmarkTitle = this.$formatDatetime(Date.now(), this.dateFormat, this.timeFormat)
var bookmark = {
title: this.newBookmarkTitle,
@ -134,4 +140,4 @@ export default {
@ -19,13 +19,13 @@
<div class="flex items-center -mx-1 mb-1">
<div class="w-40 px-1 text-gray-200">{{ $strings.LabelStartedAt }}</div>
<div class="px-1">
{{ $formatDate(_session.startedAt, 'MMMM do, yyyy HH:mm') }}
{{ $formatDatetime(_session.startedAt, dateFormat, timeFormat) }}
<div class="flex items-center -mx-1 mb-1">
<div class="w-40 px-1 text-gray-200">{{ $strings.LabelUpdatedAt }}</div>
<div class="px-1">
{{ $formatDate(_session.updatedAt, 'MMMM do, yyyy HH:mm') }}
{{ $formatDatetime(_session.updatedAt, dateFormat, timeFormat) }}
<div class="flex items-center -mx-1 mb-1">
@ -151,6 +151,12 @@ export default {
else if (playMethod === this.$constants.PlayMethod.DIRECTSTREAM) return 'Direct Stream'
else if (playMethod === this.$constants.PlayMethod.LOCAL) return 'Local'
return 'Unknown'
dateFormat() {
return this.$store.state.serverSettings.dateFormat
timeFormat() {
return this.$store.state.serverSettings.timeFormat
methods: {
@ -186,4 +192,4 @@ export default {
mounted() {}
@ -164,6 +164,13 @@
<p v-if="mediaMetadata.releaseDate" class="text-xs ml-1 text-white text-opacity-60">{{ $strings.LabelCurrently }} {{ mediaMetadata.releaseDate || '' }}</p>
<div v-if="selectedMatchOrig.explicit != null" class="flex items-center py-2">
<ui-checkbox v-model="selectedMatchUsage.explicit" checkbox-bg="bg" @input="checkboxToggled" />
<div class="flex-grow ml-4">
<ui-checkbox v-model="selectedMatch.explicit" :label="$strings.LabelExplicit" checkbox-bg="primary" border-color="gray-600" label-class="pl-2 text-base font-semibold" />
<p v-if="mediaMetadata.explicit != null" class="text-xs ml-1 text-white text-opacity-60">{{ $strings.LabelCurrently }} {{ mediaMetadata.explicit ? 'Explicit (checked)' : 'Not Explicit (unchecked)' }}</p>
<div class="flex items-center justify-end py-2">
<ui-btn color="success" type="submit">{{ $strings.ButtonSubmit }}</ui-btn>
@ -327,6 +334,7 @@ export default {
res.itunesPageUrl = res.pageUrl || null
res.itunesId = res.id || null
res.author = res.artistName || null
res.explicit = res.explicit || false
return res
@ -59,6 +59,14 @@ export default {
newMaxNewEpisodesToDownload: 0
watch: {
libraryItem: {
immediate: true,
handler(newVal) {
if (newVal) this.init()
computed: {
isProcessing: {
get() {
@ -176,4 +184,4 @@ export default {
height: calc(100% - 80px);
max-height: calc(100% - 80px);
@ -11,8 +11,15 @@
<div v-show="canGoPrev" class="absolute -left-24 top-0 bottom-0 h-full pointer-events-none flex items-center px-6">
<div class="material-icons text-5xl text-white text-opacity-50 hover:text-opacity-90 cursor-pointer pointer-events-auto" @click.stop.prevent="goPrevEpisode" @mousedown.prevent>arrow_back_ios</div>
<div v-show="canGoNext" class="absolute -right-24 top-0 bottom-0 h-full pointer-events-none flex items-center px-6">
<div class="material-icons text-5xl text-white text-opacity-50 hover:text-opacity-90 cursor-pointer pointer-events-auto" @click.stop.prevent="goNextEpisode" @mousedown.prevent>arrow_forward_ios</div>
<div ref="wrapper" class="p-4 w-full text-sm rounded-b-lg rounded-tr-lg bg-bg shadow-lg border border-black-300 relative overflow-y-auto" style="max-height: 80vh">
<component v-if="libraryItem && show" :is="tabComponentName" :library-item="libraryItem" :episode="episode" :processing.sync="processing" @close="show = false" @selectTab="selectTab" />
<component v-if="libraryItem && show" :is="tabComponentName" :library-item="libraryItem" :episode="episodeItem" :processing.sync="processing" @close="show = false" @selectTab="selectTab" />
@ -21,8 +28,8 @@
export default {
data() {
return {
episodeItem: null,
processing: false,
selectedTab: 'details',
tabs: [
id: 'details',
@ -37,6 +44,29 @@ export default {
watch: {
show: {
handler(newVal) {
if (newVal) {
const availableTabIds = this.tabs.map((tab) => tab.id)
if (!availableTabIds.length) {
this.show = false
if (!availableTabIds.includes(this.selectedTab)) {
this.selectedTab = availableTabIds[0]
this.episodeItem = null
} else {
computed: {
show: {
get() {
@ -46,27 +76,118 @@ export default {
this.$store.commit('globals/setShowEditPodcastEpisodeModal', val)
selectedTab: {
get() {
return this.$store.state.editPodcastModalTab
set(val) {
this.$store.commit('setEditPodcastModalTab', val)
libraryItem() {
return this.$store.state.selectedLibraryItem
episode() {
return this.$store.state.globals.selectedEpisode
selectedEpisodeId() {
return this.episode.id
title() {
if (!this.libraryItem) return ''
return this.libraryItem.media.metadata.title || 'Unknown'
return this.libraryItem?.media.metadata.title || 'Unknown'
tabComponentName() {
var _tab = this.tabs.find((t) => t.id === this.selectedTab)
const _tab = this.tabs.find((t) => t.id === this.selectedTab)
return _tab ? _tab.component : ''
episodeTableEpisodeIds() {
return this.$store.state.episodeTableEpisodeIds || []
currentEpisodeIndex() {
if (!this.episodeTableEpisodeIds.length) return 0
return this.episodeTableEpisodeIds.findIndex((bid) => bid === this.selectedEpisodeId)
canGoPrev() {
return this.episodeTableEpisodeIds.length && this.currentEpisodeIndex > 0
canGoNext() {
return this.episodeTableEpisodeIds.length && this.currentEpisodeIndex < this.episodeTableEpisodeIds.length - 1
methods: {
async goPrevEpisode() {
if (this.currentEpisodeIndex - 1 < 0) return
const prevEpisodeId = this.episodeTableEpisodeIds[this.currentEpisodeIndex - 1]
this.processing = true
const prevEpisode = await this.$axios.$get(`/api/podcasts/${this.libraryItem.id}/episode/${prevEpisodeId}`).catch((error) => {
const errorMsg = error.response && error.response.data ? error.response.data : 'Failed to fetch episode'
return null
this.processing = false
if (prevEpisode) {
this.episodeItem = prevEpisode
this.$store.commit('globals/setSelectedEpisode', prevEpisode)
} else {
console.error('Episode not found', prevEpisodeId)
async goNextEpisode() {
if (this.currentEpisodeIndex >= this.episodeTableEpisodeIds.length - 1) return
this.processing = true
const nextEpisodeId = this.episodeTableEpisodeIds[this.currentEpisodeIndex + 1]
const nextEpisode = await this.$axios.$get(`/api/podcasts/${this.libraryItem.id}/episode/${nextEpisodeId}`).catch((error) => {
const errorMsg = error.response && error.response.data ? error.response.data : 'Failed to fetch book'
return null
this.processing = false
if (nextEpisode) {
this.episodeItem = nextEpisode
this.$store.commit('globals/setSelectedEpisode', nextEpisode)
} else {
console.error('Episode not found', nextEpisodeId)
selectTab(tab) {
this.selectedTab = tab
if (this.selectedTab === tab) return
if (this.tabs.find((t) => t.id === tab)) {
this.selectedTab = tab
this.processing = false
init() {
async fetchFull() {
try {
this.processing = true
this.episodeItem = await this.$axios.$get(`/api/podcasts/${this.libraryItem.id}/episode/${this.selectedEpisodeId}`)
this.processing = false
} catch (error) {
console.error('Failed to fetch episode', this.selectedEpisodeId, error)
this.processing = false
this.show = false
hotkey(action) {
if (action === this.$hotkeys.Modal.NEXT_PAGE) {
} else if (action === this.$hotkeys.Modal.PREV_PAGE) {
registerListeners() {
this.$eventBus.$on('modal-hotkey', this.hotkey)
unregisterListeners() {
this.$eventBus.$off('modal-hotkey', this.hotkey)
mounted() {}
mounted() {},
beforeDestroy() {
@ -77,4 +198,4 @@ export default {
.tab.tab-selected {
height: 41px;
@ -24,8 +24,15 @@
<ui-checkbox v-else v-model="selectedEpisodes[String(index)]" small checkbox-bg="primary" border-color="gray-600" />
<div class="px-8 py-2">
<p v-if="episode.episode" class="font-semibold text-gray-200">#{{ episode.episode }}</p>
<p class="break-words mb-1">{{ episode.title }}</p>
<div class="flex items-center font-semibold text-gray-200">
<div v-if="episode.season || episode.episode">#</div>
<div v-if="episode.season">{{ episode.season }}x</div>
<div v-if="episode.episode">{{ episode.episode }}</div>
<div class="flex items-center mb-1">
<div class="break-words">{{ episode.title }}</div>
<widgets-podcast-type-indicator :type="episode.episodeType" />
<p v-if="episode.subtitle" class="break-words mb-1 text-sm text-gray-300 episode-subtitle">{{ episode.subtitle }}</p>
<p class="text-xs text-gray-300">Published {{ episode.publishedAt ? $dateDistanceFromNow(episode.publishedAt) : 'Unknown' }}</p>
@ -28,6 +28,17 @@
<ui-multi-select v-model="podcast.genres" :items="podcast.genres" :label="$strings.LabelGenres" />
<div class="flex flex-wrap">
<div class="md:w-1/4 p-2">
<ui-dropdown :label="$strings.LabelPodcastType" v-model="podcast.type" :items="podcastTypes" small />
<div class="md:w-1/4 p-2">
<ui-text-input-with-label v-model="podcast.language" :label="$strings.LabelLanguage" />
<div class="md:w-1/4 px-2 pt-7">
<ui-checkbox v-model="podcast.explicit" :label="$strings.LabelExplicit" checkbox-bg="primary" border-color="gray-600" label-class="pl-2 text-base font-semibold" />
<div class="p-2 w-full">
<ui-textarea-with-label v-model="podcast.description" :label="$strings.LabelDescription" :rows="3" />
@ -82,7 +93,10 @@ export default {
itunesPageUrl: '',
itunesId: '',
itunesArtistId: '',
autoDownloadEpisodes: false
autoDownloadEpisodes: false,
language: '',
explicit: false,
type: ''
@ -140,6 +154,9 @@ export default {
selectedFolderPath() {
if (!this.selectedFolder) return ''
return this.selectedFolder.fullPath
podcastTypes() {
return this.$store.state.globals.podcastTypes || []
methods: {
@ -170,7 +187,9 @@ export default {
itunesPageUrl: this.podcast.itunesPageUrl,
itunesId: this.podcast.itunesId,
itunesArtistId: this.podcast.itunesArtistId,
language: this.podcast.language
language: this.podcast.language,
explicit: this.podcast.explicit,
type: this.podcast.type
autoDownloadEpisodes: this.podcast.autoDownloadEpisodes
@ -205,9 +224,11 @@ export default {
this.podcast.itunesPageUrl = this._podcastData.pageUrl || ''
this.podcast.itunesId = this._podcastData.id || ''
this.podcast.itunesArtistId = this._podcastData.artistId || ''
this.podcast.language = this._podcastData.language || ''
this.podcast.language = this._podcastData.language || this.feedMetadata.language || ''
this.podcast.autoDownloadEpisodes = false
this.podcast.type = this._podcastData.type || this.feedMetadata.type || 'episodic'
this.podcast.explicit = this._podcastData.explicit || this.feedMetadata.explicit === 'yes' || this.feedMetadata.explicit == 'true'
if (this.folderItems[0]) {
this.selectedFolderId = this.folderItems[0].value
@ -226,4 +247,4 @@ export default {
#episodes-scroll {
max-height: calc(80vh - 200px);
@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
<ui-text-input-with-label v-model="newEpisode.episode" :label="$strings.LabelEpisode" />
<div class="w-1/5 p-1">
<ui-text-input-with-label v-model="newEpisode.episodeType" :label="$strings.LabelEpisodeType" />
<ui-dropdown v-model="newEpisode.episodeType" :label="$strings.LabelEpisodeType" :items="episodeTypes" small />
<div class="w-2/5 p-1">
<ui-text-input-with-label v-model="pubDateInput" @input="updatePubDate" type="datetime-local" :label="$strings.LabelPubDate" />
@ -24,7 +24,12 @@
<div class="flex items-center justify-end pt-4">
<ui-btn @click="submit">{{ $strings.ButtonSubmit }}</ui-btn>
<!-- desktop -->
<ui-btn @click="submit" class="mx-2 hidden md:block">{{ $strings.ButtonSave }}</ui-btn>
<ui-btn @click="saveAndClose" class="mx-2 hidden md:block">{{ $strings.ButtonSaveAndClose }}</ui-btn>
<!-- mobile -->
<ui-btn @click="saveAndClose" class="mx-2 md:hidden">{{ $strings.ButtonSave }}</ui-btn>
<div v-if="enclosureUrl" class="py-4">
<p class="text-xs text-gray-300 font-semibold">Episode URL from RSS feed</p>
@ -89,6 +94,9 @@ export default {
enclosureUrl() {
return this.enclosure.url
episodeTypes() {
return this.$store.state.globals.episodeTypes || []
methods: {
@ -122,28 +130,43 @@ export default {
return updatePayload
submit() {
const payload = this.getUpdatePayload()
if (!Object.keys(payload).length) {
return this.$toast.info('No updates were made')
async saveAndClose() {
const wasUpdated = await this.submit()
if (wasUpdated !== null) this.$emit('close')
async submit() {
if (this.isProcessing) {
return null
const updatedDetails = this.getUpdatePayload()
if (!Object.keys(updatedDetails).length) {
this.$toast.info('No changes were made')
return false
return this.updateDetails(updatedDetails)
async updateDetails(updatedDetails) {
this.isProcessing = true
.$patch(`/api/podcasts/${this.libraryItem.id}/episode/${this.episodeId}`, payload)
.then(() => {
this.isProcessing = false
const updateResult = await this.$axios.$patch(`/api/podcasts/${this.libraryItem.id}/episode/${this.episodeId}`, updatedDetails).catch((error) => {
console.error('Failed update episode', error)
this.isProcessing = false
this.$toast.error(error?.response?.data || 'Failed to update episode')
return false
this.isProcessing = false
if (updateResult) {
if (updateResult) {
this.$toast.success('Podcast episode updated')
.catch((error) => {
var errorMsg = error.response && error.response.data ? error.response.data : 'Failed to update episode'
console.error('Failed update episode', error)
this.isProcessing = false
return true
} else {
return false
mounted() {}
@ -14,6 +14,27 @@
<span class="material-icons absolute right-2 bottom-2 p-0.5 text-base transition-transform duration-100 text-gray-300 hover:text-white transform hover:scale-125 cursor-pointer" @click="copyToClipboard(currentFeed.feedUrl)">content_copy</span>
<div v-if="currentFeed.meta" class="mt-5">
<div class="flex py-0.5">
<div class="w-48">
<span class="text-white text-opacity-60 uppercase text-sm">{{ $strings.LabelRSSFeedPreventIndexing }}</span>
<div>{{ currentFeed.meta.preventIndexing ? 'Yes' : 'No' }}</div>
<div v-if="currentFeed.meta.ownerName" class="flex py-0.5">
<div class="w-48">
<span class="text-white text-opacity-60 uppercase text-sm">{{ $strings.LabelRSSFeedCustomOwnerName }}</span>
<div>{{ currentFeed.meta.ownerName }}</div>
<div v-if="currentFeed.meta.ownerEmail" class="flex py-0.5">
<div class="w-48">
<span class="text-white text-opacity-60 uppercase text-sm">{{ $strings.LabelRSSFeedCustomOwnerEmail }}</span>
<div>{{ currentFeed.meta.ownerEmail }}</div>
<div v-else class="w-full">
<p class="text-lg font-semibold mb-4">{{ $strings.HeaderOpenRSSFeed }}</p>
@ -22,6 +43,7 @@
<ui-text-input-with-label v-model="newFeedSlug" :label="$strings.LabelRSSFeedSlug" />
<p class="text-xs text-gray-400 py-0.5 px-1">{{ $getString('MessageFeedURLWillBe', [demoFeedUrl]) }}</p>
<widgets-rss-feed-metadata-builder v-model="metadataDetails" />
<p v-if="isHttp" class="w-full pt-2 text-warning text-xs">{{ $strings.NoteRSSFeedPodcastAppsHttps }}</p>
<p v-if="hasEpisodesWithoutPubDate" class="w-full pt-2 text-warning text-xs">{{ $strings.NoteRSSFeedPodcastAppsPubDate }}</p>
@ -41,7 +63,12 @@ export default {
return {
processing: false,
newFeedSlug: null,
currentFeed: null
currentFeed: null,
metadataDetails: {
preventIndexing: true,
ownerName: '',
ownerEmail: ''
watch: {
@ -107,7 +134,8 @@ export default {
const payload = {
serverAddress: window.origin,
slug: this.newFeedSlug
slug: this.newFeedSlug,
metadataDetails: this.metadataDetails
if (this.$isDev) payload.serverAddress = `http://localhost:3333${this.$config.routerBasePath}`
@ -17,7 +17,7 @@
<p class="truncate text-xs sm:text-sm md:text-base">/{{ backup.path.replace(/\\/g, '/') }}</p>
<td class="hidden sm:table-cell font-sans text-sm">{{ backup.datePretty }}</td>
<td class="hidden sm:table-cell font-sans text-sm">{{ $formatDatetime(backup.createdAt, dateFormat, timeFormat) }}</td>
<td class="hidden sm:table-cell font-mono md:text-sm text-xs">{{ $bytesPretty(backup.fileSize) }}</td>
<div class="w-full flex flex-row items-center justify-center">
@ -46,7 +46,7 @@
<p class="text-error text-lg font-semibold">{{ $strings.MessageImportantNotice }}</p>
<p class="text-base py-1" v-html="$strings.MessageRestoreBackupWarning" />
<p class="text-lg text-center my-8">{{ $strings.MessageRestoreBackupConfirm }} {{ selectedBackup.datePretty }}?</p>
<p class="text-lg text-center my-8">{{ $strings.MessageRestoreBackupConfirm }} {{ $formatDatetime(selectedBackup.createdAt, dateFormat, timeFormat) }}?</p>
<div class="flex px-1 items-center">
<ui-btn color="primary" @click="showConfirmApply = false">{{ $strings.ButtonNevermind }}</ui-btn>
<div class="flex-grow" />
@ -71,6 +71,12 @@ export default {
computed: {
userToken() {
return this.$store.getters['user/getToken']
dateFormat() {
return this.$store.state.serverSettings.dateFormat
timeFormat() {
return this.$store.state.serverSettings.timeFormat
methods: {
@ -90,7 +96,7 @@ export default {
deleteBackupClick(backup) {
if (confirm(this.$getString('MessageConfirmDeleteBackup', [backup.datePretty]))) {
if (confirm(this.$getString('MessageConfirmDeleteBackup', [this.$formatDatetime(backup.createdAt, this.dateFormat, this.timeFormat)]))) {
this.processing = true
@ -208,4 +214,4 @@ export default {
padding-bottom: 5px;
background-color: #333;
@ -25,13 +25,13 @@
<td class="text-xs font-mono hidden sm:table-cell">
<ui-tooltip v-if="user.lastSeen" direction="top" :text="$formatDate(user.lastSeen, 'MMMM do, yyyy HH:mm')">
<ui-tooltip v-if="user.lastSeen" direction="top" :text="$formatDatetime(user.lastSeen, dateFormat, timeFormat)">
{{ $dateDistanceFromNow(user.lastSeen) }}
<td class="text-xs font-mono hidden sm:table-cell">
<ui-tooltip direction="top" :text="$formatDate(user.createdAt, 'MMMM do, yyyy HH:mm')">
{{ $formatDate(user.createdAt, 'MMM d, yyyy') }}
<ui-tooltip direction="top" :text="$formatDatetime(user.createdAt, dateFormat, timeFormat)">
{{ $formatDate(user.createdAt, dateFormat) }}
<td class="py-0">
@ -74,6 +74,12 @@ export default {
var usermap = {}
this.$store.state.users.usersOnline.forEach((u) => (usermap[u.id] = u))
return usermap
dateFormat() {
return this.$store.state.serverSettings.dateFormat
timeFormat() {
return this.$store.state.serverSettings.timeFormat
methods: {
@ -201,4 +207,4 @@ export default {
padding-bottom: 5px;
background-color: #272727;
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
<div class="w-full my-2">
<div class="w-full bg-primary px-4 md:px-6 py-2 flex items-center">
<p class="pr-2 md:pr-4">{{ $strings.HeaderDownloadQueue }}</p>
<div class="h-5 md:h-7 w-5 md:w-7 rounded-full bg-white bg-opacity-10 flex items-center justify-center">
<span class="text-sm font-mono">{{ queue.length }}</span>
<transition name="slide">
<div class="w-full">
<table class="text-sm tracksTable">
<th class="text-left px-4 min-w-48">{{ $strings.LabelPodcast }}</th>
<th class="text-left w-32 min-w-32">{{ $strings.LabelEpisode }}</th>
<th class="text-left px-4">{{ $strings.LabelEpisodeTitle }}</th>
<th class="text-left px-4 w-48">{{ $strings.LabelPubDate }}</th>
<template v-for="downloadQueued in queue">
<tr :key="downloadQueued.id">
<td class="px-4">
<div class="flex items-center">
<nuxt-link :to="`/item/${downloadQueued.libraryItemId}`" class="text-sm text-gray-200 hover:underline">{{ downloadQueued.podcastTitle }}</nuxt-link>
<widgets-explicit-indicator :explicit="downloadQueued.podcastExplicit" />
<div class="flex items-center">
<div v-if="downloadQueued.season">{{ downloadQueued.season }}x</div>
<div v-if="downloadQueued.episode">{{ downloadQueued.episode }}</div>
<widgets-podcast-type-indicator :type="downloadQueued.episodeType" />
<td class="px-4">
{{ downloadQueued.episodeDisplayTitle }}
<td class="text-xs">
<div class="flex items-center">
<p>{{ $dateDistanceFromNow(downloadQueued.publishedAt) }}</p>
export default {
props: {
queue: {
type: Array,
default: () => []
libraryItemId: String
data() {
return {}
computed: {},
methods: {},
mounted() {}
@ -2,16 +2,17 @@
<div class="w-full px-2 py-3 overflow-hidden relative border-b border-white border-opacity-10" @mouseover="mouseover" @mouseleave="mouseleave">
<div v-if="episode" class="flex items-center cursor-pointer" :class="{ 'opacity-70': isSelected || selectionMode }" @click="clickedEpisode">
<div class="flex-grow px-2">
<p class="text-sm font-semibold">
{{ title }}
<div class="flex items-center">
<span class="text-sm font-semibold">{{ title }}</span>
<widgets-podcast-type-indicator :type="episode.episodeType" />
<p class="text-sm text-gray-200 episode-subtitle mt-1.5 mb-0.5">{{ subtitle }}</p>
<div class="flex justify-between pt-2 max-w-xl">
<p v-if="episode.season" class="text-sm text-gray-300">Season #{{ episode.season }}</p>
<p v-if="episode.episode" class="text-sm text-gray-300">Episode #{{ episode.episode }}</p>
<p v-if="publishedAt" class="text-sm text-gray-300">Published {{ $formatDate(publishedAt, 'MMM do, yyyy') }}</p>
<p v-if="publishedAt" class="text-sm text-gray-300">Published {{ $formatDate(publishedAt, dateFormat) }}</p>
<div class="flex items-center pt-2">
@ -128,6 +129,9 @@ export default {
publishedAt() {
return this.episode.publishedAt
dateFormat() {
return this.$store.state.serverSettings.dateFormat
methods: {
@ -205,4 +209,4 @@ export default {
@ -160,6 +160,12 @@ export default {
var itemProgress = this.$store.getters['user/getUserMediaProgress'](this.libraryItem.id, episode.id)
return !itemProgress || !itemProgress.isFinished
dateFormat() {
return this.$store.state.serverSettings.dateFormat
timeFormat() {
return this.$store.state.serverSettings.timeFormat
methods: {
@ -222,7 +228,7 @@ export default {
episodeId: episode.id,
title: episode.title,
subtitle: this.mediaMetadata.title,
caption: episode.publishedAt ? `Published ${this.$formatDate(episode.publishedAt, 'MMM do, yyyy')}` : 'Unknown publish date',
caption: episode.publishedAt ? `Published ${this.$formatDate(episode.publishedAt, this.dateFormat)}` : 'Unknown publish date',
duration: episode.audioFile.duration || null,
coverPath: this.media.coverPath || null
@ -290,7 +296,7 @@ export default {
episodeId: episode.id,
title: episode.title,
subtitle: this.mediaMetadata.title,
caption: episode.publishedAt ? `Published ${this.$formatDate(episode.publishedAt, 'MMM do, yyyy')}` : 'Unknown publish date',
caption: episode.publishedAt ? `Published ${this.$formatDate(episode.publishedAt, this.dateFormat)}` : 'Unknown publish date',
duration: episode.audioFile.duration || null,
coverPath: this.media.coverPath || null
@ -308,6 +314,8 @@ export default {
this.showPodcastRemoveModal = true
editEpisode(episode) {
const episodeIds = this.episodesSorted.map((e) => e.id)
this.$store.commit('setEpisodeTableEpisodeIds', episodeIds)
this.$store.commit('setSelectedLibraryItem', this.libraryItem)
this.$store.commit('globals/setSelectedEpisode', episode)
this.$store.commit('globals/setShowEditPodcastEpisodeModal', true)
@ -68,8 +68,6 @@ export default {
mounted() {},
beforeDestroy() {
console.log('Before destroy')
beforeDestroy() {}
@ -51,8 +51,8 @@ export default {
tooltip.style.zIndex = 100
tooltip.style.backgroundColor = 'rgba(0,0,0,0.85)'
tooltip.innerHTML = this.text
tooltip.addEventListener('mouseover', this.cancelHide);
tooltip.addEventListener('mouseleave', this.hideTooltip);
tooltip.addEventListener('mouseover', this.cancelHide)
tooltip.addEventListener('mouseleave', this.hideTooltip)
@ -107,7 +107,7 @@ export default {
this.isShowing = false
cancelHide() {
if (this.hideTimeout) clearTimeout(this.hideTimeout);
if (this.hideTimeout) clearTimeout(this.hideTimeout)
mouseover() {
if (!this.isShowing) this.showTooltip()
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
<ui-tooltip v-if="alreadyInLibrary" :text="$strings.LabelAlreadyInYourLibrary" direction="top">
<span class="material-icons ml-1 text-success" style="font-size: 0.8rem">check_circle</span>
export default {
props: {
alreadyInLibrary: Boolean
data() {
return {}
computed: {},
methods: {},
mounted() {}
@ -36,6 +36,10 @@
<p v-else class="text-success text-base md:text-lg text-center">{{ $strings.MessageValidCronExpression }}</p>
<div v-if="cronExpression && isValid" class="flex items-center justify-center text-yellow-400 mt-2">
<span class="material-icons-outlined mr-2 text-xl">event</span>
<p>{{ $strings.LabelNextScheduledRun }}: {{ nextRun }}</p>
@ -63,6 +67,14 @@ export default {
isValid: true
watch: {
value: {
immediate: true,
handler(newVal) {
computed: {
minuteIsValid() {
return !(isNaN(this.selectedMinute) || this.selectedMinute === '' || this.selectedMinute < 0 || this.selectedMinute > 59)
@ -70,6 +82,11 @@ export default {
hourIsValid() {
return !(isNaN(this.selectedHour) || this.selectedHour === '' || this.selectedHour < 0 || this.selectedHour > 23)
nextRun() {
if (!this.cronExpression) return ''
const parsed = this.$getNextScheduledDate(this.cronExpression)
return this.$formatJsDatetime(parsed, this.$store.state.serverSettings.dateFormat, this.$store.state.serverSettings.timeFormat) || ''
description() {
if ((this.selectedInterval !== 'custom' || !this.selectedWeekdays.length) && this.selectedInterval !== 'daily') return ''
@ -271,6 +288,11 @@ export default {
init() {
this.selectedInterval = 'custom'
this.selectedHour = 0
this.selectedMinute = 0
this.selectedWeekdays = []
if (!this.value) return
const pieces = this.value.split(' ')
if (pieces.length !== 5) {
@ -309,4 +331,4 @@ export default {
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
<ui-tooltip v-if="explicit" :text="$strings.LabelExplicit" direction="top">
<span class="material-icons ml-1" style="font-size: 0.8rem">explicit</span>
export default {
props: {
explicit: Boolean
data() {
return {}
computed: {},
methods: {},
mounted() {}
@ -1,15 +1,51 @@
<div v-if="tasksRunning" class="w-4 h-4 mx-3 relative">
<div class="flex h-full items-center justify-center">
<widgets-loading-spinner />
<div v-if="tasksRunning" class="w-4 h-4 mx-3 relative" v-click-outside="clickOutsideObj">
<button type="button" :disabled="disabled" class="w-10 sm:w-full relative h-full cursor-pointer" aria-haspopup="listbox" :aria-expanded="showMenu" @click.stop.prevent="clickShowMenu">
<div class="flex h-full items-center justify-center">
<ui-tooltip text="Tasks running" direction="bottom" class="flex items-center">
<widgets-loading-spinner />
<transition name="menu">
<div class="sm:w-80 w-full relative">
<div v-show="showMenu" class="absolute z-40 -mt-px w-40 sm:w-full bg-bg border border-black-200 shadow-lg rounded-md py-1 px-2 text-base ring-1 ring-black ring-opacity-5 overflow-auto focus:outline-none sm:text-sm globalTaskRunningMenu">
<ul class="h-full w-full" role="listbox" aria-labelledby="listbox-label">
<template v-if="tasksRunningOrFailed.length">
<p class="uppercase text-xs text-gray-400 my-1 px-1 font-semibold">{{ $strings.LabelTasks }}</p>
<template v-for="task in tasksRunningOrFailed">
<nuxt-link :key="task.id" v-if="actionLink(task)" :to="actionLink(task)">
<li class="text-gray-50 select-none relative hover:bg-black-400 py-1 cursor-pointer">
<cards-item-task-running-card :task="task" />
<li v-else :key="task.id" class="text-gray-50 select-none relative hover:bg-black-400 py-1">
<cards-item-task-running-card :task="task" />
<li v-else class="py-2 px-2">
<p>{{ $strings.MessageNoTasksRunning }}</p>
export default {
data() {
return {}
return {
clickOutsideObj: {
handler: this.clickedOutside,
events: ['mousedown'],
isActive: true
showMenu: false,
disabled: false
computed: {
tasks() {
@ -17,9 +53,37 @@ export default {
tasksRunning() {
return this.tasks.some((t) => !t.isFinished)
tasksRunningOrFailed() {
// return just the tasks that are running or failed in the last 1 minute
return this.tasks.filter((t) => !t.isFinished || (t.isFailed && t.finishedAt > new Date().getTime() - 1000 * 60)) || []
methods: {
clickShowMenu() {
if (this.disabled) return
this.showMenu = !this.showMenu
clickedOutside() {
this.showMenu = false
actionLink(task) {
switch (task.action) {
case 'download-podcast-episode':
return `/library/${task.data.libraryId}/podcast/download-queue`
case 'encode-m4b':
return `/audiobook/${task.data.libraryItemId}/manage?tool=m4b`
return ''
methods: {},
mounted() {}
.globalTaskRunningMenu {
max-height: 80vh;
@ -39,6 +39,11 @@
<div class="flex mt-2 -mx-1">
<div class="w-1/4 px-1">
<ui-dropdown :label="$strings.LabelPodcastType" v-model="details.type" :items="podcastTypes" small class="max-w-52" />
@ -65,7 +70,8 @@ export default {
itunesId: null,
itunesArtistId: null,
explicit: false,
language: null
language: null,
type: null
newTags: []
@ -93,6 +99,9 @@ export default {
filterData() {
return this.$store.state.libraries.filterData || {}
podcastTypes() {
return this.$store.state.globals.podcastTypes || []
methods: {
@ -219,6 +228,7 @@ export default {
this.details.itunesArtistId = this.mediaMetadata.itunesArtistId || ''
this.details.language = this.mediaMetadata.language || ''
this.details.explicit = !!this.mediaMetadata.explicit
this.details.type = this.mediaMetadata.type || 'episodic'
this.newTags = [...(this.media.tags || [])]
@ -228,4 +238,4 @@ export default {
mounted() {}
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
<template v-if="type == 'bonus'">
<ui-tooltip text="Bonus" direction="top">
<span class="material-icons ml-1" style="font-size: 0.8rem">local_play</span>
<template v-if="type == 'trailer'">
<ui-tooltip text="Trailer" direction="top">
<span class="material-icons ml-1" style="font-size: 0.8rem">local_movies</span>
export default {
props: {
type: {
type: String,
default: 'full'
data() {
return {}
computed: {},
methods: {},
mounted() {}
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,90 @@
<div class="w-full py-2">
<div class="flex -mb-px">
<div class="w-1/2 h-6 rounded-tl-md relative border border-black-200 flex items-center justify-center cursor-pointer" :class="!showAdvancedView ? 'text-white bg-bg hover:bg-opacity-60 border-b-bg' : 'text-gray-400 hover:text-gray-300 bg-primary bg-opacity-70 hover:bg-opacity-60'" @click="showAdvancedView = false">
<p class="text-sm">{{ $strings.HeaderRSSFeedGeneral }}</p>
<div class="w-1/2 h-6 rounded-tr-md relative border border-black-200 flex items-center justify-center -ml-px cursor-pointer" :class="showAdvancedView ? 'text-white bg-bg hover:bg-opacity-60 border-b-bg' : 'text-gray-400 hover:text-gray-300 bg-primary bg-opacity-70 hover:bg-opacity-60'" @click="showAdvancedView = true">
<p class="text-sm">{{ $strings.HeaderAdvanced }}</p>
<div class="px-2 py-4 md:p-4 border border-black-200 rounded-b-md mr-px" style="min-height: 200px">
<template v-if="!showAdvancedView">
<div class="flex-grow pt-2 mb-2">
<ui-checkbox v-model="preventIndexing" :label="$strings.LabelPreventIndexing" checkbox-bg="primary" border-color="gray-600" label-class="pl-2" />
<template v-else>
<div class="flex-grow pt-2 mb-2">
<ui-checkbox v-model="preventIndexing" :label="$strings.LabelPreventIndexing" checkbox-bg="primary" border-color="gray-600" label-class="pl-2" />
<div class="w-full relative mb-1">
<ui-text-input-with-label v-model="ownerName" :label="$strings.LabelRSSFeedCustomOwnerName" />
<div class="w-full relative mb-1">
<ui-text-input-with-label v-model="ownerEmail" :label="$strings.LabelRSSFeedCustomOwnerEmail" />
export default {
props: {
value: {
type: Object,
default: () => {
return {
preventIndexing: true,
ownerName: '',
ownerEmail: ''
data() {
return {
showAdvancedView: false
watch: {},
computed: {
preventIndexing: {
get() {
return this.value.preventIndexing
set(value) {
this.$emit('input', {
preventIndexing: value
ownerName: {
get() {
return this.value.ownerName
set(value) {
this.$emit('input', {
ownerName: value
ownerEmail: {
get() {
return this.value.ownerEmail
set(value) {
this.$emit('input', {
ownerEmail: value
methods: {},
mounted() {}
@ -1,17 +1,18 @@
"name": "audiobookshelf-client",
"version": "2.2.15",
"version": "2.2.16",
"lockfileVersion": 2,
"requires": true,
"packages": {
"": {
"name": "audiobookshelf-client",
"version": "2.2.15",
"version": "2.2.16",
"license": "ISC",
"dependencies": {
"@nuxtjs/axios": "^5.13.6",
"@nuxtjs/proxy": "^2.1.0",
"core-js": "^3.16.0",
"cron-parser": "^4.7.1",
"date-fns": "^2.25.0",
"epubjs": "^0.3.88",
"hls.js": "^1.0.7",
@ -5464,6 +5465,17 @@
"resolved": "https://registry.npmjs.org/create-require/-/create-require-1.1.1.tgz",
"integrity": "sha512-dcKFX3jn0MpIaXjisoRvexIJVEKzaq7z2rZKxf+MSr9TkdmHmsU4m2lcLojrj/FHl8mk5VxMmYA+ftRkP/3oKQ=="
"node_modules/cron-parser": {
"version": "4.7.1",
"resolved": "https://registry.npmjs.org/cron-parser/-/cron-parser-4.7.1.tgz",
"integrity": "sha512-WguFaoQ0hQ61SgsCZLHUcNbAvlK0lypKXu62ARguefYmjzaOXIVRNrAmyXzabTwUn4sQvQLkk6bjH+ipGfw8bA==",
"dependencies": {
"luxon": "^3.2.1"
"engines": {
"node": ">=12.0.0"
"node_modules/cross-spawn": {
"version": "7.0.3",
"resolved": "https://registry.npmjs.org/cross-spawn/-/cross-spawn-7.0.3.tgz",
@ -9134,6 +9146,14 @@
"yallist": "^3.0.2"
"node_modules/luxon": {
"version": "3.2.1",
"resolved": "https://registry.npmjs.org/luxon/-/luxon-3.2.1.tgz",
"integrity": "sha512-QrwPArQCNLAKGO/C+ZIilgIuDnEnKx5QYODdDtbFaxzsbZcc/a7WFq7MhsVYgRlwawLtvOUESTlfJ+hc/USqPg==",
"engines": {
"node": ">=12"
"node_modules/make-dir": {
"version": "3.1.0",
"resolved": "https://registry.npmjs.org/make-dir/-/make-dir-3.1.0.tgz",
@ -21582,6 +21602,14 @@
"resolved": "https://registry.npmjs.org/create-require/-/create-require-1.1.1.tgz",
"integrity": "sha512-dcKFX3jn0MpIaXjisoRvexIJVEKzaq7z2rZKxf+MSr9TkdmHmsU4m2lcLojrj/FHl8mk5VxMmYA+ftRkP/3oKQ=="
"cron-parser": {
"version": "4.7.1",
"resolved": "https://registry.npmjs.org/cron-parser/-/cron-parser-4.7.1.tgz",
"integrity": "sha512-WguFaoQ0hQ61SgsCZLHUcNbAvlK0lypKXu62ARguefYmjzaOXIVRNrAmyXzabTwUn4sQvQLkk6bjH+ipGfw8bA==",
"requires": {
"luxon": "^3.2.1"
"cross-spawn": {
"version": "7.0.3",
"resolved": "https://registry.npmjs.org/cross-spawn/-/cross-spawn-7.0.3.tgz",
@ -24397,6 +24425,11 @@
"yallist": "^3.0.2"
"luxon": {
"version": "3.2.1",
"resolved": "https://registry.npmjs.org/luxon/-/luxon-3.2.1.tgz",
"integrity": "sha512-QrwPArQCNLAKGO/C+ZIilgIuDnEnKx5QYODdDtbFaxzsbZcc/a7WFq7MhsVYgRlwawLtvOUESTlfJ+hc/USqPg=="
"make-dir": {
"version": "3.1.0",
"resolved": "https://registry.npmjs.org/make-dir/-/make-dir-3.1.0.tgz",
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
"name": "audiobookshelf-client",
"version": "2.2.15",
"version": "2.2.16",
"description": "Self-hosted audiobook and podcast client",
"main": "index.js",
"scripts": {
@ -16,6 +16,7 @@
"@nuxtjs/axios": "^5.13.6",
"@nuxtjs/proxy": "^2.1.0",
"core-js": "^3.16.0",
"cron-parser": "^4.7.1",
"date-fns": "^2.25.0",
"epubjs": "^0.3.88",
"hls.js": "^1.0.7",
@ -9,10 +9,17 @@
<div v-if="enableBackups" class="mb-6">
<div class="flex items-center pl-6">
<span class="material-icons-outlined text-2xl text-black-50">schedule</span>
<p class="text-gray-100 px-2">{{ scheduleDescription }}</p>
<span class="material-icons text-lg text-black-50 hover:text-yellow-500 cursor-pointer" @click="showCronBuilder = !showCronBuilder">edit</span>
<div class="flex items-center pl-6 mb-2">
<span class="material-icons-outlined text-2xl text-black-50 mr-2">schedule</span>
<div class="w-48"><span class="text-white text-opacity-60 uppercase text-sm">{{ $strings.HeaderSchedule }}:</span></div>
<div class="text-gray-100">{{ scheduleDescription }}</div>
<span class="material-icons text-lg text-black-50 hover:text-yellow-500 cursor-pointer ml-2" @click="showCronBuilder = !showCronBuilder">edit</span>
<div v-if="nextBackupDate" class="flex items-center pl-6 py-0.5 px-2">
<span class="material-icons-outlined text-2xl text-black-50 mr-2">event</span>
<div class="w-48"><span class="text-white text-opacity-60 uppercase text-sm">{{ $strings.LabelNextBackupDate }}:</span></div>
<div class="text-gray-100">{{ nextBackupDate }}</div>
@ -64,10 +71,21 @@ export default {
serverSettings() {
return this.$store.state.serverSettings
dateFormat() {
return this.serverSettings.dateFormat
timeFormat() {
return this.serverSettings.timeFormat
scheduleDescription() {
if (!this.cronExpression) return ''
const parsed = this.$parseCronExpression(this.cronExpression)
return parsed ? parsed.description : 'Custom cron expression ' + this.cronExpression
return parsed ? parsed.description : `${this.$strings.LabelCustomCronExpression} ${this.cronExpression}`
nextBackupDate() {
if (!this.cronExpression) return ''
const parsed = this.$getNextScheduledDate(this.cronExpression)
return this.$formatJsDatetime(parsed, this.dateFormat, this.timeFormat) || ''
methods: {
@ -90,15 +108,15 @@ export default {
updateServerSettings(payload) {
this.updatingServerSettings = true
.dispatch('updateServerSettings', payload)
.then((success) => {
console.log('Updated Server Settings', success)
this.updatingServerSettings = false
.catch((error) => {
console.error('Failed to update server settings', error)
this.updatingServerSettings = false
.dispatch('updateServerSettings', payload)
.then((success) => {
console.log('Updated Server Settings', success)
this.updatingServerSettings = false
.catch((error) => {
console.error('Failed to update server settings', error)
this.updatingServerSettings = false
initServerSettings() {
this.newServerSettings = this.serverSettings ? { ...this.serverSettings } : {}
@ -113,4 +131,4 @@ export default {
@ -68,8 +68,14 @@
<div class="py-2">
<div class="flex-grow py-2">
<ui-dropdown :label="$strings.LabelSettingsDateFormat" v-model="newServerSettings.dateFormat" :items="dateFormats" small class="max-w-52" @input="(val) => updateSettingsKey('dateFormat', val)" />
<p class="text-xs ml-1 text-white text-opacity-60">{{ $strings.LabelExample }}: {{ dateExample }}</p>
<div class="flex-grow py-2">
<ui-dropdown :label="$strings.LabelSettingsTimeFormat" v-model="newServerSettings.timeFormat" :items="timeFormats" small class="max-w-52" @input="(val) => updateSettingsKey('timeFormat', val)" />
<p class="text-xs ml-1 text-white text-opacity-60">{{ $strings.LabelExample }}: {{ timeExample }}</p>
<div class="py-2">
@ -293,6 +299,17 @@ export default {
dateFormats() {
return this.$store.state.globals.dateFormats
timeFormats() {
return this.$store.state.globals.timeFormats
dateExample() {
const date = new Date(2014, 2, 25)
return this.$formatJsDate(date, this.newServerSettings.dateFormat)
timeExample() {
const date = new Date(2014, 2, 25, 17, 30, 0)
return this.$formatJsTime(date, this.newServerSettings.timeFormat)
methods: {
@ -420,4 +437,4 @@ export default {
@ -60,6 +60,25 @@
<div class="w-80 my-6 mx-auto">
<h1 class="text-2xl mb-4">{{ $strings.HeaderStatsLargestItems }}</h1>
<p v-if="!top10LargestItems.length">{{ $strings.MessageNoItems }}</p>
<template v-for="(ab, index) in top10LargestItems">
<div :key="index" class="w-full py-2">
<div class="flex items-center mb-1">
<p class="text-sm text-white text-opacity-70 w-44 pr-2 truncate">
{{ index + 1 }}. <nuxt-link :to="`/item/${ab.id}`" class="hover:underline">{{ ab.title }}</nuxt-link>
<div class="flex-grow rounded-full h-2.5 bg-primary bg-opacity-0 overflow-hidden">
<div class="bg-yellow-400 h-full rounded-full" :style="{ width: Math.round((100 * ab.size) / largestItemSize) + '%' }" />
<div class="w-4 ml-3">
<p class="text-sm font-bold">{{ $bytesPretty(ab.size) }}</p>
@ -105,6 +124,13 @@ export default {
if (!this.top10LongestItems.length) return 0
return this.top10LongestItems[0].duration
top10LargestItems() {
return this.libraryStats ? this.libraryStats.largestItems || [] : []
largestItemSize() {
if (!this.top10LargestItems.length) return 0
return this.top10LargestItems[0].size
authorsWithCount() {
return this.libraryStats ? this.libraryStats.authorsWithCount : []
@ -135,4 +161,4 @@ export default {
@ -39,7 +39,7 @@
<p class="text-xs font-mono">{{ $secondsToTimestamp(session.currentTime) }}</p>
<td class="text-center hidden sm:table-cell">
<ui-tooltip v-if="session.updatedAt" direction="top" :text="$formatDate(session.updatedAt, 'MMMM do, yyyy HH:mm')">
<ui-tooltip v-if="session.updatedAt" direction="top" :text="$formatDatetime(session.updatedAt, dateFormat, timeFormat)">
<p class="text-xs text-gray-200">{{ $dateDistanceFromNow(session.updatedAt) }}</p>
@ -105,6 +105,12 @@ export default {
if (!this.userFilter) return null
var user = this.users.find((u) => u.id === this.userFilter)
return user ? user.username : null
dateFormat() {
return this.$store.state.serverSettings.dateFormat
timeFormat() {
return this.$store.state.serverSettings.timeFormat
methods: {
@ -149,7 +155,7 @@ export default {
episodeId: episode.id,
title: episode.title,
subtitle: libraryItem.media.metadata.title,
caption: episode.publishedAt ? `Published ${this.$formatDate(episode.publishedAt, 'MMM do, yyyy')}` : 'Unknown publish date',
caption: episode.publishedAt ? `Published ${this.$formatDate(episode.publishedAt, this.dateFormat)}` : 'Unknown publish date',
duration: episode.audioFile.duration || null,
coverPath: libraryItem.media.coverPath || null
@ -266,4 +272,4 @@ export default {
padding: 4px 8px;
font-size: 0.75rem;
@ -79,12 +79,12 @@
<p class="text-sm">{{ Math.floor(item.progress * 100) }}%</p>
<td class="text-center hidden sm:table-cell">
<ui-tooltip v-if="item.startedAt" direction="top" :text="$formatDate(item.startedAt, 'MMMM do, yyyy HH:mm')">
<ui-tooltip v-if="item.startedAt" direction="top" :text="$formatDatetime(item.startedAt, dateFormat, timeFormat)">
<p class="text-sm">{{ $dateDistanceFromNow(item.startedAt) }}</p>
<td class="text-center hidden sm:table-cell">
<ui-tooltip v-if="item.lastUpdate" direction="top" :text="$formatDate(item.lastUpdate, 'MMMM do, yyyy HH:mm')">
<ui-tooltip v-if="item.lastUpdate" direction="top" :text="$formatDatetime(item.lastUpdate, dateFormat, timeFormat)">
<p class="text-sm">{{ $dateDistanceFromNow(item.lastUpdate) }}</p>
@ -149,6 +149,12 @@ export default {
latestSession() {
if (!this.listeningSessions.sessions || !this.listeningSessions.sessions.length) return null
return this.listeningSessions.sessions[0]
dateFormat() {
return this.$store.state.serverSettings.dateFormat
timeFormat() {
return this.$store.state.serverSettings.timeFormat
methods: {
@ -46,7 +46,7 @@
<p class="text-xs font-mono">{{ $secondsToTimestamp(session.currentTime) }}</p>
<td class="text-center hidden sm:table-cell">
<ui-tooltip v-if="session.updatedAt" direction="top" :text="$formatDate(session.updatedAt, 'MMMM do, yyyy HH:mm')">
<ui-tooltip v-if="session.updatedAt" direction="top" :text="$formatDatetime(session.updatedAt, dateFormat, timeFormat)">
<p class="text-xs text-gray-200">{{ $dateDistanceFromNow(session.updatedAt) }}</p>
@ -96,6 +96,12 @@ export default {
userOnline() {
return this.$store.getters['users/getIsUserOnline'](this.user.id)
dateFormat() {
return this.$store.state.serverSettings.dateFormat
timeFormat() {
return this.$store.state.serverSettings.timeFormat
methods: {
@ -140,7 +146,7 @@ export default {
episodeId: episode.id,
title: episode.title,
subtitle: libraryItem.media.metadata.title,
caption: episode.publishedAt ? `Published ${this.$formatDate(episode.publishedAt, 'MMM do, yyyy')}` : 'Unknown publish date',
caption: episode.publishedAt ? `Published ${this.$formatDate(episode.publishedAt, this.dateFormat)}` : 'Unknown publish date',
duration: episode.audioFile.duration || null,
coverPath: libraryItem.media.coverPath || null
@ -252,4 +258,4 @@ export default {
padding: 4px 8px;
font-size: 0.75rem;
@ -25,7 +25,10 @@
<div class="flex justify-center">
<div class="mb-4">
<h1 class="text-2xl md:text-3xl font-semibold">
{{ title }}
<div class="flex items-center">
{{ title }}
<widgets-explicit-indicator :explicit="isExplicit" />
<p v-if="bookSubtitle" class="text-gray-200 text-xl md:text-2xl">{{ bookSubtitle }}</p>
@ -315,6 +318,9 @@ export default {
isInvalid() {
return this.libraryItem.isInvalid
isExplicit() {
return this.mediaMetadata.explicit || false
invalidAudioFiles() {
if (!this.isBook) return []
return this.libraryItem.media.audioFiles.filter((af) => af.invalid)
@ -632,7 +638,7 @@ export default {
episodeId: episode.id,
title: episode.title,
subtitle: this.title,
caption: episode.publishedAt ? `Published ${this.$formatDate(episode.publishedAt, 'MMM do, yyyy')}` : 'Unknown publish date',
caption: episode.publishedAt ? `Published ${this.$formatDate(episode.publishedAt, this.dateFormat)}` : 'Unknown publish date',
duration: episode.audioFile.duration || null,
coverPath: this.libraryItem.media.coverPath || null
@ -753,9 +759,8 @@ export default {
mounted() {
if (this.libraryItem.episodesDownloading) {
this.episodeDownloadsQueued = this.libraryItem.episodesDownloading || []
this.episodeDownloadsQueued = this.libraryItem.episodeDownloadsQueued || []
this.episodesDownloading = this.libraryItem.episodesDownloading || []
// use this items library id as the current
if (this.libraryId) {
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,140 @@
<div class="page" :class="streamLibraryItem ? 'streaming' : ''">
<app-book-shelf-toolbar page="podcast-search" />
<div id="bookshelf" class="w-full overflow-y-auto px-2 py-6 sm:px-4 md:p-12 relative">
<div class="w-full max-w-5xl mx-auto py-4">
<p class="text-xl mb-2 font-semibold px-4 md:px-0">{{ $strings.HeaderCurrentDownloads }}</p>
<p v-if="!episodesDownloading.length" class="text-lg py-4">{{ $strings.MessageNoDownloadsInProgress }}</p>
<template v-for="episode in episodesDownloading">
<div :key="episode.id" class="flex py-5 relative">
<covers-preview-cover :src="$store.getters['globals/getLibraryItemCoverSrcById'](episode.libraryItemId)" :width="96" :book-cover-aspect-ratio="bookCoverAspectRatio" :show-resolution="false" class="hidden md:block" />
<div class="flex-grow pl-4 max-w-2xl">
<!-- mobile -->
<div class="flex md:hidden mb-2">
<covers-preview-cover :src="$store.getters['globals/getLibraryItemCoverSrcById'](episode.libraryItemId)" :width="48" :book-cover-aspect-ratio="bookCoverAspectRatio" :show-resolution="false" class="md:hidden" />
<div class="flex-grow px-2">
<div class="flex items-center">
<nuxt-link :to="`/item/${episode.libraryItemId}`" class="text-sm text-gray-200 hover:underline">{{ episode.podcastTitle }}</nuxt-link>
<widgets-explicit-indicator :explicit="episode.podcastExplicit" />
<p class="text-xs text-gray-300 mb-1">{{ $dateDistanceFromNow(episode.publishedAt) }}</p>
<!-- desktop -->
<div class="hidden md:block">
<div class="flex items-center">
<nuxt-link :to="`/item/${episode.libraryItemId}`" class="text-sm text-gray-200 hover:underline">{{ episode.podcastTitle }}</nuxt-link>
<widgets-explicit-indicator :explicit="episode.podcastExplicit" />
<p class="text-xs text-gray-300 mb-1">{{ $dateDistanceFromNow(episode.publishedAt) }}</p>
<div class="flex items-center font-semibold text-gray-200">
<div v-if="episode.season || episode.episode">#</div>
<div v-if="episode.season">{{ episode.season }}x</div>
<div v-if="episode.episode">{{ episode.episode }}</div>
<div class="flex items-center mb-2">
<span class="font-semibold text-sm md:text-base">{{ episode.episodeDisplayTitle }}</span>
<widgets-podcast-type-indicator :type="episode.episodeType" />
<p class="text-sm text-gray-200 mb-4">{{ episode.subtitle }}</p>
<tables-podcast-download-queue-table v-if="episodeDownloadsQueued.length" :queue="episodeDownloadsQueued"></tables-podcast-download-queue-table>
export default {
async asyncData({ params, redirect }) {
if (!params.library) {
console.error('No library...', params.library)
return redirect('/')
return {
libraryId: params.library
data() {
return {
episodesDownloading: [],
episodeDownloadsQueued: [],
processing: false
computed: {
bookCoverAspectRatio() {
return this.$store.getters['libraries/getBookCoverAspectRatio']
streamLibraryItem() {
return this.$store.state.streamLibraryItem
methods: {
episodeDownloadQueued(episodeDownload) {
if (episodeDownload.libraryId === this.libraryId) {
episodeDownloadStarted(episodeDownload) {
if (episodeDownload.libraryId === this.libraryId) {
this.episodeDownloadsQueued = this.episodeDownloadsQueued.filter((d) => d.id !== episodeDownload.id)
episodeDownloadFinished(episodeDownload) {
if (episodeDownload.libraryId === this.libraryId) {
this.episodeDownloadsQueued = this.episodeDownloadsQueued.filter((d) => d.id !== episodeDownload.id)
this.episodesDownloading = this.episodesDownloading.filter((d) => d.id !== episodeDownload.id)
episodeDownloadQueueUpdated(downloadQueueDetails) {
this.episodeDownloadsQueued = downloadQueueDetails.queue.filter((q) => q.libraryId == this.libraryId)
async loadInitialDownloadQueue() {
this.processing = true
const queuePayload = await this.$axios.$get(`/api/libraries/${this.libraryId}/episode-downloads`).catch((error) => {
console.error('Failed to get download queue', error)
this.$toast.error('Failed to get download queue')
return null
this.processing = false
this.episodeDownloadsQueued = queuePayload?.queue || []
if (queuePayload?.currentDownload) {
// Initialize listeners after load to prevent event race conditions
initListeners() {
this.$root.socket.on('episode_download_queued', this.episodeDownloadQueued)
this.$root.socket.on('episode_download_started', this.episodeDownloadStarted)
this.$root.socket.on('episode_download_finished', this.episodeDownloadFinished)
this.$root.socket.on('episode_download_queue_updated', this.episodeDownloadQueueUpdated)
mounted() {
if (this.libraryId) {
this.$store.commit('libraries/setCurrentLibrary', this.libraryId)
beforeDestroy() {
this.$root.socket.off('episode_download_queued', this.episodeDownloadQueued)
this.$root.socket.off('episode_download_started', this.episodeDownloadStarted)
this.$root.socket.off('episode_download_finished', this.episodeDownloadFinished)
this.$root.socket.off('episode_download_queue_updated', this.episodeDownloadQueueUpdated)
@ -14,19 +14,36 @@
<div class="flex md:hidden mb-2">
<covers-preview-cover :src="$store.getters['globals/getLibraryItemCoverSrcById'](episode.libraryItemId)" :width="48" :book-cover-aspect-ratio="bookCoverAspectRatio" :show-resolution="false" class="md:hidden" />
<div class="flex-grow px-2">
<nuxt-link :to="`/item/${episode.libraryItemId}`" class="text-sm text-gray-200 hover:underline">{{ episode.podcast.metadata.title }}</nuxt-link>
<div class="flex items-center">
<div class="flex" @click.stop>
<nuxt-link :to="`/item/${episode.libraryItemId}`" class="text-sm text-gray-200 hover:underline">{{ episode.podcast.metadata.title }}</nuxt-link>
<widgets-explicit-indicator :explicit="episode.podcast.metadata.explicit" />
<p class="text-xs text-gray-300 mb-1">{{ $dateDistanceFromNow(episode.publishedAt) }}</p>
<!-- desktop -->
<div class="hidden md:block">
<nuxt-link :to="`/item/${episode.libraryItemId}`" class="text-sm text-gray-200 hover:underline">{{ episode.podcast.metadata.title }}</nuxt-link>
<div class="flex items-center">
<div class="flex" @click.stop>
<nuxt-link :to="`/item/${episode.libraryItemId}`" class="text-sm text-gray-200 hover:underline">{{ episode.podcast.metadata.title }}</nuxt-link>
<widgets-explicit-indicator :explicit="episode.podcast.metadata.explicit" />
<p class="text-xs text-gray-300 mb-1">{{ $dateDistanceFromNow(episode.publishedAt) }}</p>
<p class="font-semibold mb-2 text-sm md:text-base">{{ episode.title }}</p>
<div class="flex items-center font-semibold text-gray-200">
<div v-if="episode.season || episode.episode">#</div>
<div v-if="episode.season">{{ episode.season }}x</div>
<div v-if="episode.episode">{{ episode.episode }}</div>
<div class="flex items-center mb-2">
<div class="font-semibold text-sm md:text-base">{{ episode.title }}</div>
<widgets-podcast-type-indicator :type="episode.episodeType" />
<p class="text-sm text-gray-200 mb-4">{{ episode.subtitle }}</p>
@ -113,6 +130,9 @@ export default {
if (i.episodeId) episodeIds[i.episodeId] = true
return episodeIds
dateFormat() {
return this.$store.state.serverSettings.dateFormat
methods: {
@ -156,7 +176,7 @@ export default {
episodeId: episode.id,
title: episode.title,
subtitle: episode.podcast.metadata.title,
caption: episode.publishedAt ? `Published ${this.$formatDate(episode.publishedAt, 'MMM do, yyyy')}` : 'Unknown publish date',
caption: episode.publishedAt ? `Published ${this.$formatDate(episode.publishedAt, this.dateFormat)}` : 'Unknown publish date',
duration: episode.duration || null,
coverPath: episode.podcast.coverPath || null
@ -194,7 +214,7 @@ export default {
episodeId: episode.id,
title: episode.title,
subtitle: episode.podcast.metadata.title,
caption: episode.publishedAt ? `Published ${this.$formatDate(episode.publishedAt, 'MMM do, yyyy')}` : 'Unknown publish date',
caption: episode.publishedAt ? `Published ${this.$formatDate(episode.publishedAt, this.dateFormat)}` : 'Unknown publish date',
duration: episode.duration || null,
coverPath: episode.podcast.coverPath || null
@ -206,4 +226,4 @@ export default {
@ -5,13 +5,12 @@
<div id="bookshelf" class="w-full overflow-y-auto px-2 py-6 sm:px-4 md:p-12 relative">
<div class="w-full max-w-4xl mx-auto flex">
<form @submit.prevent="submit" class="flex flex-grow">
<ui-text-input v-model="searchInput" :disabled="processing" placeholder="Enter search term or RSS feed URL" class="flex-grow mr-2 text-sm md:text-base" />
<ui-text-input v-model="searchInput" type="search" :disabled="processing" placeholder="Enter search term or RSS feed URL" class="flex-grow mr-2 text-sm md:text-base" />
<ui-btn type="submit" :disabled="processing" class="hidden md:block">{{ $strings.ButtonSubmit }}</ui-btn>
<ui-btn type="submit" :disabled="processing" class="block md:hidden" small>{{ $strings.ButtonSubmit }}</ui-btn>
<ui-file-input ref="fileInput" :accept="'.opml, .txt'" class="ml-2" @change="opmlFileUpload">{{ $strings.ButtonUploadOPMLFile }}</ui-file-input>
<div class="w-full max-w-3xl mx-auto py-4">
<p v-if="termSearched && !results.length && !processing" class="text-center text-xl">{{ $strings.MessageNoPodcastsFound }}</p>
<template v-for="podcast in results">
@ -20,7 +19,11 @@
<img v-if="podcast.cover" :src="podcast.cover" class="h-full w-full" />
<div class="flex-grow pl-4 max-w-2xl">
<a :href="podcast.pageUrl" class="text-base md:text-lg text-gray-200 hover:underline" target="_blank" @click.stop>{{ podcast.title }}</a>
<div class="flex items-center">
<a :href="podcast.pageUrl" class="text-base md:text-lg text-gray-200 hover:underline" target="_blank" @click.stop>{{ podcast.title }}</a>
<widgets-explicit-indicator :explicit="podcast.explicit" />
<widgets-already-in-library-indicator :already-in-library="podcast.alreadyInLibrary"/>
<p class="text-sm md:text-base text-gray-300 whitespace-nowrap truncate">by {{ podcast.artistName }}</p>
<p class="text-xs text-gray-400 leading-5">{{ podcast.genres.join(', ') }}</p>
<p class="text-xs text-gray-400 leading-5">{{ podcast.trackCount }} {{ $strings.HeaderEpisodes }}</p>
@ -68,10 +71,14 @@ export default {
selectedPodcast: null,
selectedPodcastFeed: null,
showOPMLFeedsModal: false,
opmlFeeds: []
opmlFeeds: [],
existentPodcasts: []
computed: {
currentLibraryId() {
return this.$store.state.libraries.currentLibraryId
streamLibraryItem() {
return this.$store.state.streamLibraryItem
@ -144,18 +151,29 @@ export default {
return []
console.log('Got results', results)
for (let result of results) {
let podcast = this.existentPodcasts.find((p) => p.itunesId === result.id || p.title === result.title.toLowerCase())
if (podcast) {
result.alreadyInLibrary = true
result.existentId = podcast.id
this.results = results
this.termSearched = term
this.processing = false
async selectPodcast(podcast) {
console.log('Selected podcast', podcast)
if (!podcast.feedUrl) {
this.$toast.error('Invalid podcast - no feed')
this.processing = true
var payload = await this.$axios.$post(`/api/podcasts/feed`, { rssFeed: podcast.feedUrl }).catch((error) => {
var payload = await this.$axios.$post(`/api/podcasts/feed`, {rssFeed: podcast.feedUrl}).catch((error) => {
console.error('Failed to get feed', error)
this.$toast.error('Failed to get podcast feed')
return null
@ -167,8 +185,26 @@ export default {
this.selectedPodcast = podcast
this.showNewPodcastModal = true
console.log('Got podcast feed', payload.podcast)
async fetchExistentPodcastsInYourLibrary() {
this.processing = true
const podcasts = await this.$axios.$get(`/api/libraries/${this.currentLibraryId}/items?page=0&minified=1`).catch((error) => {
console.error('Failed to fetch podcasts', error)
return []
this.existentPodcasts = podcasts.results.map((p) => {
return {
title: p.media.metadata.title.toLowerCase(),
itunesId: p.media.metadata.itunesId,
id: p.id
this.processing = false
mounted() {}
mounted() {
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
const SupportedFileTypes = {
image: ['png', 'jpg', 'jpeg', 'webp'],
audio: ['m4b', 'mp3', 'm4a', 'flac', 'opus', 'ogg', 'oga', 'mp4', 'aac', 'wma', 'aiff', 'wav', 'webm', 'webma'],
audio: ['m4b', 'mp3', 'm4a', 'flac', 'opus', 'ogg', 'oga', 'mp4', 'aac', 'wma', 'aiff', 'wav', 'webm', 'webma', 'mka', 'awb'],
ebook: ['epub', 'pdf', 'mobi', 'azw3', 'cbr', 'cbz'],
info: ['nfo'],
text: ['txt'],
@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ const defaultCode = 'en-us'
const languageCodeMap = {
'de': { label: 'Deutsch', dateFnsLocale: 'de' },
'en-us': { label: 'English', dateFnsLocale: 'enUS' },
// 'es': { label: 'Español', dateFnsLocale: 'es' },
'es': { label: 'Español', dateFnsLocale: 'es' },
'fr': { label: 'Français', dateFnsLocale: 'fr' },
'hr': { label: 'Hrvatski', dateFnsLocale: 'hr' },
'it': { label: 'Italiano', dateFnsLocale: 'it' },
@ -23,6 +23,22 @@ Vue.prototype.$formatJsDate = (jsdate, fnsFormat = 'MM/dd/yyyy HH:mm') => {
if (!jsdate || !isDate(jsdate)) return ''
return format(jsdate, fnsFormat)
Vue.prototype.$formatTime = (unixms, fnsFormat = 'HH:mm') => {
if (!unixms) return ''
return format(unixms, fnsFormat)
Vue.prototype.$formatJsTime = (jsdate, fnsFormat = 'HH:mm') => {
if (!jsdate || !isDate(jsdate)) return ''
return format(jsdate, fnsFormat)
Vue.prototype.$formatDatetime = (unixms, fnsDateFormart = 'MM/dd/yyyy', fnsTimeFormat = 'HH:mm') => {
if (!unixms) return ''
return format(unixms, `${fnsDateFormart} ${fnsTimeFormat}`)
Vue.prototype.$formatJsDatetime = (jsdate, fnsDateFormart = 'MM/dd/yyyy', fnsTimeFormat = 'HH:mm') => {
if (!jsdate || !isDate(jsdate)) return ''
return format(jsdate, `${fnsDateFormart} ${fnsTimeFormat}`)
Vue.prototype.$addDaysToToday = (daysToAdd) => {
var date = addDays(new Date(), daysToAdd)
if (!date || !isDate(date)) return null
@ -167,4 +183,4 @@ export default ({ app, store }, inject) => {
inject('isDev', process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production')
store.commit('setRouterBasePath', app.$config.routerBasePath)
@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
import Vue from 'vue'
import cronParser from 'cron-parser'
Vue.prototype.$bytesPretty = (bytes, decimals = 2) => {
if (isNaN(bytes) || bytes == 0) {
@ -136,6 +137,11 @@ Vue.prototype.$parseCronExpression = (expression) => {
Vue.prototype.$getNextScheduledDate = (expression) => {
const interval = cronParser.parseExpression(expression);
return interval.next().toDate()
export function supplant(str, subs) {
// source: http://crockford.com/javascript/remedial.html
return str.replace(/{([^{}]*)}/g,
@ -144,4 +150,4 @@ export function supplant(str, subs) {
return typeof r === 'string' || typeof r === 'number' ? r : a
@ -32,11 +32,50 @@ export const state = () => ({
text: 'DD/MM/YYYY',
value: 'dd/MM/yyyy'
text: 'DD.MM.YYYY',
value: 'dd.MM.yyyy'
text: 'YYYY-MM-DD',
value: 'yyyy-MM-dd'
text: 'MMM do, yyyy',
value: 'MMM do, yyyy'
text: 'MMMM do, yyyy',
value: 'MMMM do, yyyy'
text: 'dd MMM yyyy',
value: 'dd MMM yyyy'
text: 'dd MMMM yyyy',
value: 'dd MMMM yyyy'
timeFormats: [
text: 'h:mma (am/pm)',
value: 'h:mma'
text: 'HH:mm (24-hour)',
value: 'HH:mm'
podcastTypes: [
{ text: 'Episodic', value: 'episodic' },
{ text: 'Serial', value: 'serial' }
episodeTypes: [
{ text: 'Full', value: 'full' },
{ text: 'Trailer', value: 'trailer' },
{ text: 'Bonus', value: 'bonus' }
libraryIcons: ['database', 'audiobookshelf', 'books-1', 'books-2', 'book-1', 'microphone-1', 'microphone-3', 'radio', 'podcast', 'rss', 'headphones', 'music', 'file-picture', 'rocket', 'power', 'star', 'heart']
@ -169,4 +208,4 @@ export const mutations = {
@ -13,6 +13,7 @@ export const state = () => ({
playerQueueAutoPlay: true,
playerIsFullscreen: false,
editModalTab: 'details',
editPodcastModalTab: 'details',
showEditModal: false,
showEReader: false,
selectedLibraryItem: null,
@ -21,6 +22,7 @@ export const state = () => ({
previousPath: '/',
showExperimentalFeatures: false,
bookshelfBookIds: [],
episodeTableEpisodeIds: [],
openModal: null,
innerModalOpen: false,
lastBookshelfScrollData: {},
@ -135,6 +137,9 @@ export const mutations = {
setBookshelfBookIds(state, val) {
state.bookshelfBookIds = val || []
setEpisodeTableEpisodeIds(state, val) {
state.episodeTableEpisodeIds = val || []
setPreviousPath(state, val) {
state.previousPath = val
@ -198,6 +203,9 @@ export const mutations = {
setShowEditModal(state, val) {
state.showEditModal = val
setEditPodcastModalTab(state, tab) {
state.editPodcastModalTab = tab
showEReader(state, libraryItem) {
state.selectedLibraryItem = libraryItem
@ -225,4 +233,4 @@ export const mutations = {
setInnerModalOpen(state, val) {
state.innerModalOpen = val
@ -17,9 +17,10 @@
"ButtonCloseFeed": "Feed schließen",
"ButtonCollections": "Sammlungen",
"ButtonConfigureScanner": "Scannereinstellungen",
"ButtonCreate": "Ertsellen",
"ButtonCreate": "Erstellen",
"ButtonCreateBackup": "Sicherung erstellen",
"ButtonDelete": "Löschen",
"ButtonDownloadQueue": "Queue",
"ButtonEdit": "Bearbeiten",
"ButtonEditChapters": "Kapitel bearbeiten",
"ButtonEditPodcast": "Podcast bearbeiten",
@ -92,7 +93,9 @@
"HeaderCollection": "Sammlungen",
"HeaderCollectionItems": "Sammlungseinträge",
"HeaderCover": "Titelbild",
"HeaderCurrentDownloads": "Current Downloads",
"HeaderDetails": "Details",
"HeaderDownloadQueue": "Download Queue",
"HeaderEpisodes": "Episoden",
"HeaderFiles": "Dateien",
"HeaderFindChapters": "Kapitel suchen",
@ -126,6 +129,7 @@
"HeaderPreviewCover": "Vorschau Titelbild",
"HeaderRemoveEpisode": "Episode löschen",
"HeaderRemoveEpisodes": "Lösche {0} Episoden",
"HeaderRSSFeedGeneral": "RSS Details",
"HeaderRSSFeedIsOpen": "RSS-Feed ist geöffnet",
"HeaderSavedMediaProgress": "Gespeicherte Hörfortschritte",
"HeaderSchedule": "Zeitplan",
@ -138,6 +142,7 @@
"HeaderSettingsGeneral": "Allgemein",
"HeaderSettingsScanner": "Scanner",
"HeaderSleepTimer": "Einschlaf-Timer",
"HeaderStatsLargestItems": "Largest Items",
"HeaderStatsLongestItems": "Längste Einträge (h)",
"HeaderStatsMinutesListeningChart": "Hörminuten (letzte 7 Tage)",
"HeaderStatsRecentSessions": "Neueste Ereignisse",
@ -162,6 +167,7 @@
"LabelAddToPlaylistBatch": "Füge {0} Hörbüch(er)/Podcast(s) der Wiedergabeliste hinzu",
"LabelAll": "Alle",
"LabelAllUsers": "Alle Benutzer",
"LabelAlreadyInYourLibrary": "Already in your library",
"LabelAppend": "Anhängen",
"LabelAuthor": "Autor",
"LabelAuthorFirstLast": "Autor (Vorname Nachname)",
@ -192,6 +198,7 @@
"LabelCronExpression": "Cron Ausdruck",
"LabelCurrent": "Aktuell",
"LabelCurrently": "Aktuell:",
"LabelCustomCronExpression": "Custom Cron Expression:",
"LabelDatetime": "Datum & Uhrzeit",
"LabelDescription": "Beschreibung",
"LabelDeselectAll": "Alles abwählen",
@ -209,6 +216,7 @@
"LabelEpisode": "Episode",
"LabelEpisodeTitle": "Episodentitel",
"LabelEpisodeType": "Episodentyp",
"LabelExample": "Example",
"LabelExplicit": "Explizit (Altersbeschränkung)",
"LabelFeedURL": "Feed URL",
"LabelFile": "Datei",
@ -270,6 +278,8 @@
"LabelNewestAuthors": "Neuste Autoren",
"LabelNewestEpisodes": "Neueste Episoden",
"LabelNewPassword": "Neues Passwort",
"LabelNextBackupDate": "Next backup date",
"LabelNextScheduledRun": "Next scheduled run",
"LabelNotes": "Hinweise",
"LabelNotFinished": "nicht beendet",
"LabelNotificationAppriseURL": "Apprise URL(s)",
@ -300,7 +310,9 @@
"LabelPlayMethod": "Abspielmethode",
"LabelPodcast": "Podcast",
"LabelPodcasts": "Podcasts",
"LabelPodcastType": "Podcast Type",
"LabelPrefixesToIgnore": "Zu ignorierende(s) Vorwort(e) (Groß- und Kleinschreibung wird nicht berücksichtigt)",
"LabelPreventIndexing": "Prevent your feed from being indexed by iTunes and Google podcast directories",
"LabelProgress": "Fortschritt",
"LabelProvider": "Anbieter",
"LabelPubDate": "Veröffentlichungsdatum",
@ -312,7 +324,10 @@
"LabelRegion": "Region",
"LabelReleaseDate": "Veröffentlichungsdatum",
"LabelRemoveCover": "Lösche Titelbild",
"LabelRSSFeedCustomOwnerEmail": "Custom owner Email",
"LabelRSSFeedCustomOwnerName": "Custom owner Name",
"LabelRSSFeedOpen": "RSS Feed Offen",
"LabelRSSFeedPreventIndexing": "Prevent Indexing",
"LabelRSSFeedSlug": "RSS Feed Schlagwort",
"LabelRSSFeedURL": "RSS Feed URL",
"LabelSearchTerm": "Begriff suchen",
@ -357,6 +372,7 @@
"LabelSettingsStoreCoversWithItemHelp": "Standardmäßig werden die Titelbilder in /metadata/items gespeichert. Wenn diese Option aktiviert ist, werden die Titelbilder als jpg Datei in dem gleichen Ordner gespeichert in welchem sich auch das Medium befindet. Es wird immer nur eine Datei mit dem Namen \"cover.jpg\" gespeichert.",
"LabelSettingsStoreMetadataWithItem": "Metadaten als OPF-Datei im Medienordner speichern",
"LabelSettingsStoreMetadataWithItemHelp": "Standardmäßig werden die Metadaten in /metadata/items gespeichert. Wenn diese Option aktiviert ist, werden die Metadaten als OPF-Datei (Textdatei) in dem gleichen Ordner gespeichert in welchem sich auch das Medium befindet. Es wird immer nur eine Datei mit dem Namen \"matadata.abs\" gespeichert.",
"LabelSettingsTimeFormat": "Time Format",
"LabelShowAll": "Alles anzeigen",
"LabelSize": "Größe",
"LabelSleepTimer": "Einschlaf-Timer",
@ -381,9 +397,10 @@
"LabelStatsWeekListening": "Gehörte Wochen",
"LabelSubtitle": "Untertitel",
"LabelSupportedFileTypes": "Unterstützte Dateitypen",
"LabelTag": "Tag",
"LabelTag": "Schlagwort",
"LabelTags": "Schlagwörter",
"LabelTagsAccessibleToUser": "Für Benutzer zugängliche Schlagwörter",
"LabelTasks": "Tasks Running",
"LabelTimeListened": "Gehörte Zeit",
"LabelTimeListenedToday": "Heute gehörte Zeit",
"LabelTimeRemaining": "{0} verbleibend",
@ -485,6 +502,8 @@
"MessageNoCollections": "Keine Sammlungen",
"MessageNoCoversFound": "Keine Titelbilder gefunden",
"MessageNoDescription": "Keine Beschreibung",
"MessageNoDownloadsInProgress": "No downloads currently in progress",
"MessageNoDownloadsQueued": "No downloads queued",
"MessageNoEpisodeMatchesFound": "Keine Episodenübereinstimmungen gefunden",
"MessageNoEpisodes": "Keine Episoden",
"MessageNoFoldersAvailable": "Keine Ordner verfügbar",
@ -501,6 +520,7 @@
"MessageNoSearchResultsFor": "Keine Suchergebnisse für \"{0}\"",
"MessageNoSeries": "Keine Serien",
"MessageNoTags": "Keine Tags",
"MessageNoTasksRunning": "No Tasks Running",
"MessageNotYetImplemented": "Noch nicht implementiert",
"MessageNoUpdateNecessary": "Keine Aktualisierung erforderlich",
"MessageNoUpdatesWereNecessary": "Keine Aktualisierungen waren notwendig",
@ -616,4 +636,4 @@
"ToastSocketFailedToConnect": "Verbindung zum WebSocket fehlgeschlagen",
"ToastUserDeleteFailed": "Benutzer konnte nicht gelöscht werden",
"ToastUserDeleteSuccess": "Benutzer gelöscht"
@ -20,6 +20,7 @@
"ButtonCreate": "Create",
"ButtonCreateBackup": "Create Backup",
"ButtonDelete": "Delete",
"ButtonDownloadQueue": "Queue",
"ButtonEdit": "Edit",
"ButtonEditChapters": "Edit Chapters",
"ButtonEditPodcast": "Edit Podcast",
@ -92,7 +93,9 @@
"HeaderCollection": "Collection",
"HeaderCollectionItems": "Collection Items",
"HeaderCover": "Cover",
"HeaderCurrentDownloads": "Current Downloads",
"HeaderDetails": "Details",
"HeaderDownloadQueue": "Download Queue",
"HeaderEpisodes": "Episodes",
"HeaderFiles": "Files",
"HeaderFindChapters": "Find Chapters",
@ -126,6 +129,7 @@
"HeaderPreviewCover": "Preview Cover",
"HeaderRemoveEpisode": "Remove Episode",
"HeaderRemoveEpisodes": "Remove {0} Episodes",
"HeaderRSSFeedGeneral": "RSS Details",
"HeaderRSSFeedIsOpen": "RSS Feed is Open",
"HeaderSavedMediaProgress": "Saved Media Progress",
"HeaderSchedule": "Schedule",
@ -138,6 +142,7 @@
"HeaderSettingsGeneral": "General",
"HeaderSettingsScanner": "Scanner",
"HeaderSleepTimer": "Sleep Timer",
"HeaderStatsLargestItems": "Largest Items",
"HeaderStatsLongestItems": "Longest Items (hrs)",
"HeaderStatsMinutesListeningChart": "Minutes Listening (last 7 days)",
"HeaderStatsRecentSessions": "Recent Sessions",
@ -162,6 +167,7 @@
"LabelAddToPlaylistBatch": "Add {0} Items to Playlist",
"LabelAll": "All",
"LabelAllUsers": "All Users",
"LabelAlreadyInYourLibrary": "Already in your library",
"LabelAppend": "Append",
"LabelAuthor": "Author",
"LabelAuthorFirstLast": "Author (First Last)",
@ -192,6 +198,7 @@
"LabelCronExpression": "Cron Expression",
"LabelCurrent": "Current",
"LabelCurrently": "Currently:",
"LabelCustomCronExpression": "Custom Cron Expression:",
"LabelDatetime": "Datetime",
"LabelDescription": "Description",
"LabelDeselectAll": "Deselect All",
@ -209,6 +216,7 @@
"LabelEpisode": "Episode",
"LabelEpisodeTitle": "Episode Title",
"LabelEpisodeType": "Episode Type",
"LabelExample": "Example",
"LabelExplicit": "Explicit",
"LabelFeedURL": "Feed URL",
"LabelFile": "File",
@ -270,6 +278,8 @@
"LabelNewestAuthors": "Newest Authors",
"LabelNewestEpisodes": "Newest Episodes",
"LabelNewPassword": "New Password",
"LabelNextBackupDate": "Next backup date",
"LabelNextScheduledRun": "Next scheduled run",
"LabelNotes": "Notes",
"LabelNotFinished": "Not Finished",
"LabelNotificationAppriseURL": "Apprise URL(s)",
@ -300,7 +310,9 @@
"LabelPlayMethod": "Play Method",
"LabelPodcast": "Podcast",
"LabelPodcasts": "Podcasts",
"LabelPodcastType": "Podcast Type",
"LabelPrefixesToIgnore": "Prefixes to Ignore (case insensitive)",
"LabelPreventIndexing": "Prevent your feed from being indexed by iTunes and Google podcast directories",
"LabelProgress": "Progress",
"LabelProvider": "Provider",
"LabelPubDate": "Pub Date",
@ -312,7 +324,10 @@
"LabelRegion": "Region",
"LabelReleaseDate": "Release Date",
"LabelRemoveCover": "Remove cover",
"LabelRSSFeedCustomOwnerEmail": "Custom owner Email",
"LabelRSSFeedCustomOwnerName": "Custom owner Name",
"LabelRSSFeedOpen": "RSS Feed Open",
"LabelRSSFeedPreventIndexing": "Prevent Indexing",
"LabelRSSFeedSlug": "RSS Feed Slug",
"LabelRSSFeedURL": "RSS Feed URL",
"LabelSearchTerm": "Search Term",
@ -357,6 +372,7 @@
"LabelSettingsStoreCoversWithItemHelp": "By default covers are stored in /metadata/items, enabling this setting will store covers in your library item folder. Only one file named \"cover\" will be kept",
"LabelSettingsStoreMetadataWithItem": "Store metadata with item",
"LabelSettingsStoreMetadataWithItemHelp": "By default metadata files are stored in /metadata/items, enabling this setting will store metadata files in your library item folders. Uses .abs file extension",
"LabelSettingsTimeFormat": "Time Format",
"LabelShowAll": "Show All",
"LabelSize": "Size",
"LabelSleepTimer": "Sleep timer",
@ -384,6 +400,7 @@
"LabelTag": "Tag",
"LabelTags": "Tags",
"LabelTagsAccessibleToUser": "Tags Accessible to User",
"LabelTasks": "Tasks Running",
"LabelTimeListened": "Time Listened",
"LabelTimeListenedToday": "Time Listened Today",
"LabelTimeRemaining": "{0} remaining",
@ -485,6 +502,8 @@
"MessageNoCollections": "No Collections",
"MessageNoCoversFound": "No Covers Found",
"MessageNoDescription": "No description",
"MessageNoDownloadsInProgress": "No downloads currently in progress",
"MessageNoDownloadsQueued": "No downloads queued",
"MessageNoEpisodeMatchesFound": "No episode matches found",
"MessageNoEpisodes": "No Episodes",
"MessageNoFoldersAvailable": "No Folders Available",
@ -501,6 +520,7 @@
"MessageNoSearchResultsFor": "No search results for \"{0}\"",
"MessageNoSeries": "No Series",
"MessageNoTags": "No Tags",
"MessageNoTasksRunning": "No Tasks Running",
"MessageNotYetImplemented": "Not yet implemented",
"MessageNoUpdateNecessary": "No update necessary",
"MessageNoUpdatesWereNecessary": "No updates were necessary",
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
@ -8,18 +8,19 @@
"ButtonAuthors": "Auteurs",
"ButtonBrowseForFolder": "Naviguer vers le répertoire",
"ButtonCancel": "Annuler",
"ButtonCancelEncode": "Annuler l'encodage",
"ButtonChangeRootPassword": "Changer le mot de passe Administrateur",
"ButtonCheckAndDownloadNewEpisodes": "Vérifier & télécharger de nouveaux épisodes",
"ButtonCancelEncode": "Annuler l’encodage",
"ButtonChangeRootPassword": "Modifier le mot de passe Administrateur",
"ButtonCheckAndDownloadNewEpisodes": "Vérifier et télécharger de nouveaux épisodes",
"ButtonChooseAFolder": "Choisir un dossier",
"ButtonChooseFiles": "Choisir les fichiers",
"ButtonClearFilter": "Effacer le filtre",
"ButtonCloseFeed": "Fermer le flux",
"ButtonCollections": "Collections",
"ButtonConfigureScanner": "Configurer l'analyse",
"ButtonConfigureScanner": "Configurer l’analyse",
"ButtonCreate": "Créer",
"ButtonCreateBackup": "Créer une sauvegarde",
"ButtonDelete": "Effacer",
"ButtonDownloadQueue": "Queue",
"ButtonEdit": "Modifier",
"ButtonEditChapters": "Modifier les chapitres",
"ButtonEditPodcast": "Modifier les podcasts",
@ -30,16 +31,16 @@
"ButtonIssues": "Parutions",
"ButtonLatest": "Dernière version",
"ButtonLibrary": "Bibliothèque",
"ButtonLogout": "Se Déconnecter",
"ButtonLookup": "Rechercher",
"ButtonLogout": "Me déconnecter",
"ButtonLookup": "Chercher",
"ButtonManageTracks": "Gérer les pistes",
"ButtonMapChapterTitles": "Correspondance des titres de chapitres",
"ButtonMatchAllAuthors": "Rechercher tous les auteurs",
"ButtonMatchBooks": "Rechercher les Livres",
"ButtonNevermind": "Oubliez cela",
"ButtonMatchAllAuthors": "Chercher tous les auteurs",
"ButtonMatchBooks": "Chercher les livres",
"ButtonNevermind": "Non merci",
"ButtonOk": "Ok",
"ButtonOpenFeed": "Ouvrir le Flux",
"ButtonOpenManager": "Ouvrir le Gestionnaire",
"ButtonOpenFeed": "Ouvrir le flux",
"ButtonOpenManager": "Ouvrir le gestionnaire",
"ButtonPlay": "Écouter",
"ButtonPlaying": "En lecture",
"ButtonPlaylists": "Listes de lecture",
@ -59,25 +60,25 @@
"ButtonReset": "Réinitialiser",
"ButtonRestore": "Rétablir",
"ButtonSave": "Sauvegarder",
"ButtonSaveAndClose": "Sauvegarder & Fermer",
"ButtonSaveAndClose": "Sauvegarder et Fermer",
"ButtonSaveTracklist": "Sauvegarder la liste de lecture",
"ButtonScan": "Analyser",
"ButtonScanLibrary": "Analyser la bibliothèque",
"ButtonSearch": "Rechercher",
"ButtonSearch": "Chercher",
"ButtonSelectFolderPath": "Sélectionner le chemin du dossier",
"ButtonSeries": "Séries",
"ButtonSetChaptersFromTracks": "Positionner les chapitres par rapports aux pistes",
"ButtonShiftTimes": "Décaler le temps du livre",
"ButtonShiftTimes": "Décaler l’horodatage du livre",
"ButtonShow": "Afficher",
"ButtonStartM4BEncode": "Démarrer l'encodage M4B",
"ButtonStartM4BEncode": "Démarrer l’encodage M4B",
"ButtonStartMetadataEmbed": "Démarrer les Métadonnées intégrées",
"ButtonSubmit": "Soumettre",
"ButtonUpload": "Téléverser",
"ButtonUploadBackup": "Téléverser une sauvegarde",
"ButtonUploadCover": "Téléverser une couverture",
"ButtonUploadOPMLFile": "Téléverser un fichier OPML",
"ButtonUserDelete": "Effacer l'utilisateur {0}",
"ButtonUserEdit": "Modifier l'utilisateur {0}",
"ButtonUserDelete": "Effacer l’utilisateur {0}",
"ButtonUserEdit": "Modifier l’utilisateur {0}",
"ButtonViewAll": "Afficher tout",
"ButtonYes": "Oui",
"HeaderAccount": "Compte",
@ -86,32 +87,34 @@
"HeaderAudiobookTools": "Outils de Gestion de Fichier Audiobook",
"HeaderAudioTracks": "Pistes zudio",
"HeaderBackups": "Sauvegardes",
"HeaderChangePassword": "Chager le mot de passe",
"HeaderChangePassword": "Modifier le mot de passe",
"HeaderChapters": "Chapitres",
"HeaderChooseAFolder": "Choisir un dossier",
"HeaderCollection": "Collection",
"HeaderCollectionItems": "Entrées de la Collection",
"HeaderCover": "Couverture",
"HeaderCurrentDownloads": "Current Downloads",
"HeaderDetails": "Détails",
"HeaderDownloadQueue": "Download Queue",
"HeaderEpisodes": "Épisodes",
"HeaderFiles": "Fichiers",
"HeaderFindChapters": "Trouver les chapitres",
"HeaderIgnoredFiles": "Fichiers Ignorés",
"HeaderItemFiles": "Fichiers des Articles",
"HeaderItemMetadataUtils": "Outils de gestion des métadonnées",
"HeaderLastListeningSession": "Dernière Session d'écoute",
"HeaderLastListeningSession": "Dernière Session d’écoute",
"HeaderLatestEpisodes": "Dernier épisodes",
"HeaderLibraries": "Bibliothèque",
"HeaderLibraryFiles": "Fichier de bibliothèque",
"HeaderLibraryStats": "Statistiques de bibliothèque",
"HeaderListeningSessions": "Sessions d'écoute",
"HeaderListeningStats": "Statistiques d'écoute",
"HeaderListeningSessions": "Sessions d’écoute",
"HeaderListeningStats": "Statistiques d’écoute",
"HeaderLogin": "Connexion",
"HeaderLogs": "Journaux",
"HeaderManageGenres": "Gérer les genres",
"HeaderManageTags": "Gérer les étiquettes",
"HeaderMapDetails": "Édition en masse",
"HeaderMatch": "Rechercher",
"HeaderMatch": "Chercher",
"HeaderMetadataToEmbed": "Métadonnée à intégrer",
"HeaderNewAccount": "Nouveau compte",
"HeaderNewLibrary": "Nouvelle bibliothèque",
@ -119,13 +122,14 @@
"HeaderOpenRSSFeed": "Ouvrir Flux RSS",
"HeaderOtherFiles": "Autres fichiers",
"HeaderPermissions": "Permissions",
"HeaderPlayerQueue": "Liste d'écoute",
"HeaderPlayerQueue": "Liste d’écoute",
"HeaderPlaylist": "Liste de lecture",
"HeaderPlaylistItems": "Éléments de la liste de lecture",
"HeaderPodcastsToAdd": "Podcasts à ajouter",
"HeaderPreviewCover": "Prévisualiser la couverture",
"HeaderRemoveEpisode": "Supprimer l'épisode",
"HeaderRemoveEpisode": "Supprimer l’épisode",
"HeaderRemoveEpisodes": "Suppression de {0} épisodes",
"HeaderRSSFeedGeneral": "RSS Details",
"HeaderRSSFeedIsOpen": "Le Flux RSS est actif",
"HeaderSavedMediaProgress": "Progression de la sauvegarde des médias",
"HeaderSchedule": "Programmation",
@ -138,14 +142,15 @@
"HeaderSettingsGeneral": "Général",
"HeaderSettingsScanner": "Scanneur",
"HeaderSleepTimer": "Minuterie",
"HeaderStatsLargestItems": "Articles les plus lourd",
"HeaderStatsLongestItems": "Articles les plus long (heures)",
"HeaderStatsMinutesListeningChart": "Minutes d'écoute (7 derniers jours)",
"HeaderStatsMinutesListeningChart": "Minutes d’écoute (7 derniers jours)",
"HeaderStatsRecentSessions": "Sessions récentes",
"HeaderStatsTop10Authors": "Top 10 Auteurs",
"HeaderStatsTop5Genres": "Top 5 Genres",
"HeaderTools": "Outils",
"HeaderUpdateAccount": "Mettre à jour le compte",
"HeaderUpdateAuthor": "Mettre à jour l'auteur",
"HeaderUpdateAuthor": "Mettre à jour l’auteur",
"HeaderUpdateDetails": "Mettre à jour les détails",
"HeaderUpdateLibrary": "Mettre à jour la bibliothèque",
"HeaderUsers": "Utilisateurs",
@ -155,20 +160,21 @@
"LabelAccountTypeGuest": "Invité",
"LabelAccountTypeUser": "Utilisateur",
"LabelActivity": "Activité",
"LabelAddedAt": "Date d'ajout",
"LabelAddedAt": "Date d’ajout",
"LabelAddToCollection": "Ajouter à la collection",
"LabelAddToCollectionBatch": "Ajout de {0} livres à la lollection",
"LabelAddToPlaylist": "Ajouter à la liste de lecture",
"LabelAddToPlaylistBatch": "{0} éléments ajoutés à la liste de lecture",
"LabelAll": "Tout",
"LabelAllUsers": "Tous les utilisateurs",
"LabelAlreadyInYourLibrary": "Already in your library",
"LabelAppend": "Ajouter",
"LabelAuthor": "Auteur",
"LabelAuthorFirstLast": "Auteur (Prénom Nom)",
"LabelAuthorLastFirst": "Auteur (Nom, Prénom)",
"LabelAuthors": "Auteurs",
"LabelAutoDownloadEpisodes": "Téléchargement automatique d'épisode",
"LabelBackToUser": "Revenir à l'Utilisateur",
"LabelAutoDownloadEpisodes": "Téléchargement automatique d’épisode",
"LabelBackToUser": "Revenir à l’Utilisateur",
"LabelBackupsEnableAutomaticBackups": "Activer les sauvegardes automatiques",
"LabelBackupsEnableAutomaticBackupsHelp": "Sauvegardes Enregistrées dans /metadata/backups",
"LabelBackupsMaxBackupSize": "Taille maximale de la sauvegarde (en Go)",
@ -176,7 +182,7 @@
"LabelBackupsNumberToKeep": "Nombre de sauvegardes à maintenir",
"LabelBackupsNumberToKeepHelp": "Une seule sauvegarde sera effacée à la fois. Si vous avez plus de sauvegardes à effacer, vous devrez le faire manuellement.",
"LabelBooks": "Livres",
"LabelChangePassword": "Changer le mot de passe",
"LabelChangePassword": "Modifier le mot de passe",
"LabelChaptersFound": "Chapitres trouvés",
"LabelChapterTitle": "Titres du chapitre",
"LabelClosePlayer": "Fermer le lecteur",
@ -187,16 +193,17 @@
"LabelContinueListening": "Continuer la lecture",
"LabelContinueSeries": "Continuer la série",
"LabelCover": "Couverture",
"LabelCoverImageURL": "URL vers l'image de couverture",
"LabelCoverImageURL": "URL vers l’image de couverture",
"LabelCreatedAt": "Créé le",
"LabelCronExpression": "Expression Cron",
"LabelCurrent": "Courrant",
"LabelCurrently": "En ce moment :",
"LabelCustomCronExpression": "Custom Cron Expression:",
"LabelDatetime": "Datetime",
"LabelDescription": "Description",
"LabelDeselectAll": "Tout déselectionner",
"LabelDevice": "Appareil",
"LabelDeviceInfo": "Détail de l'appareil",
"LabelDeviceInfo": "Détail de l’appareil",
"LabelDirectory": "Répertoire",
"LabelDiscFromFilename": "Disque depuis le fichier",
"LabelDiscFromMetadata": "Disque depuis les métadonnées",
@ -207,15 +214,16 @@
"LabelEnable": "Activer",
"LabelEnd": "Fin",
"LabelEpisode": "Épisode",
"LabelEpisodeTitle": "Titre de l'épisode",
"LabelEpisodeType": "Type de l'épisode",
"LabelEpisodeTitle": "Titre de l’épisode",
"LabelEpisodeType": "Type de l’épisode",
"LabelExample": "Example",
"LabelExplicit": "Restriction",
"LabelFeedURL": "URL deu flux",
"LabelFile": "Fichier",
"LabelFileBirthtime": "Creation du fichier",
"LabelFileModified": "Modification du fichier",
"LabelFilename": "Nom de fichier",
"LabelFilterByUser": "Filtrer par l'utilisateur",
"LabelFilterByUser": "Filtrer par l’utilisateur",
"LabelFindEpisodes": "Trouver des épisodes",
"LabelFinished": "Fini(e)",
"LabelFolder": "Dossier",
@ -245,7 +253,7 @@
"LabelLastTime": "Progression",
"LabelLastUpdate": "Dernière mise à jour",
"LabelLess": "Moins",
"LabelLibrariesAccessibleToUser": "Bibliothèque accessible à l'utilisateur",
"LabelLibrariesAccessibleToUser": "Bibliothèque accessible à l’utilisateur",
"LabelLibrary": "Bibliothèque",
"LabelLibraryItem": "Article de bibliothèque",
"LabelLibraryName": "Nom de la bibliothèque",
@ -254,7 +262,7 @@
"LabelLogLevelDebug": "Debug",
"LabelLogLevelInfo": "Info",
"LabelLogLevelWarn": "Warn",
"LabelLookForNewEpisodesAfterDate": "Rechercher de nouveaux épisode après cette date",
"LabelLookForNewEpisodesAfterDate": "Chercher de nouveaux épisode après cette date",
"LabelMediaPlayer": "Lecteur multimédia",
"LabelMediaType": "Type de média",
"LabelMetadataProvider": "Fournisseur de métadonnées",
@ -270,50 +278,57 @@
"LabelNewestAuthors": "Nouveaux auteurs",
"LabelNewestEpisodes": "Derniers épisodes",
"LabelNewPassword": "Nouveau mot de passe",
"LabelNextBackupDate": "Next backup date",
"LabelNextScheduledRun": "Next scheduled run",
"LabelNotes": "Notes",
"LabelNotFinished": "Non terminé(e)",
"LabelNotificationAppriseURL": "URL(s) d'apprise",
"LabelNotificationAppriseURL": "URL(s) d’apprise",
"LabelNotificationAvailableVariables": "Variables disponibles",
"LabelNotificationBodyTemplate": "Modèle de Message",
"LabelNotificationEvent": "Evènement de Notification",
"LabelNotificationsMaxFailedAttempts": "Nombres de tentatives d'envoi",
"LabelNotificationsMaxFailedAttempts": "Nombres de tentatives d’envoi",
"LabelNotificationsMaxFailedAttemptsHelp": "La notification est abandonnée une fois ce seuil atteint",
"LabelNotificationsMaxQueueSize": "Nombres de notifications maximum à mettre en attente",
"LabelNotificationsMaxQueueSizeHelp": "La limite de notification est de un évènement par seconde. Le notification seront ignorées si la file d'attente est à son maximum. Cela empêche un flot trop important.",
"LabelNotificationsMaxQueueSizeHelp": "La limite de notification est de un évènement par seconde. Le notification seront ignorées si la file d’attente est à son maximum. Cela empêche un flot trop important.",
"LabelNotificationTitleTemplate": "Modèle de Titre",
"LabelNotStarted": "Non Démarré(e)",
"LabelNumberOfBooks": "Nombre de Livres",
"LabelNumberOfEpisodes": "Nombre d'Episodes",
"LabelNumberOfEpisodes": "Nombre d’Episodes",
"LabelOpenRSSFeed": "Ouvrir le flux RSS",
"LabelOverwrite": "Ecraser",
"LabelPassword": "Mot de Passe",
"LabelOverwrite": "Écraser",
"LabelPassword": "Mot de passe",
"LabelPath": "Chemin",
"LabelPermissionsAccessAllLibraries": "Peut accéder à toutes les bibliothèque",
"LabelPermissionsAccessAllTags": "Peut accéder à toutes les étiquettes",
"LabelPermissionsAccessExplicitContent": "Peut acceter au contenu restreint",
"LabelPermissionsAccessExplicitContent": "Peut accéder au contenu restreint",
"LabelPermissionsDelete": "Peut supprimer",
"LabelPermissionsDownload": "Peut télécharger",
"LabelPermissionsUpdate": "Peut mettre à Jour",
"LabelPermissionsUpdate": "Peut mettre à jour",
"LabelPermissionsUpload": "Peut téléverser",
"LabelPhotoPathURL": "Chemin / URL des photos",
"LabelPlaylists": "Listes de lecture",
"LabelPlayMethod": "Méthode d'écoute",
"LabelPlayMethod": "Méthode d’écoute",
"LabelPodcast": "Podcast",
"LabelPodcasts": "Podcasts",
"LabelPodcastType": "Podcast Type",
"LabelPrefixesToIgnore": "Préfixes à Ignorer (Insensible à la Casse)",
"LabelPreventIndexing": "Prevent your feed from being indexed by iTunes and Google podcast directories",
"LabelProgress": "Progression",
"LabelProvider": "Fournisseur",
"LabelPubDate": "Date de publication",
"LabelPublisher": "Éditeur",
"LabelPublishYear": "Année d'édition",
"LabelPublishYear": "Année d’édition",
"LabelRecentlyAdded": "Derniers ajouts",
"LabelRecentSeries": "Séries récentes",
"LabelRecommended": "Recommandé",
"LabelRegion": "Région",
"LabelReleaseDate": "Date de parution",
"LabelRemoveCover": "Supprimer la couverture",
"LabelRSSFeedCustomOwnerEmail": "Custom owner Email",
"LabelRSSFeedCustomOwnerName": "Custom owner Name",
"LabelRSSFeedOpen": "Flux RSS ouvert",
"LabelRSSFeedSlug": "Identificateur d'adresse du Flux RSS ",
"LabelRSSFeedPreventIndexing": "Prevent Indexing",
"LabelRSSFeedSlug": "Identificateur d’adresse du Flux RSS ",
"LabelRSSFeedURL": "Adresse du flux RSS",
"LabelSearchTerm": "Terme de recherche",
"LabelSearchTitle": "Titre de recherche",
@ -323,40 +338,41 @@
"LabelSeries": "Séries",
"LabelSeriesName": "Nom de la série",
"LabelSeriesProgress": "Progression de séries",
"LabelSettingsBookshelfViewHelp": "Design Skeuomorphic avec une étagère en bois",
"LabelSettingsBookshelfViewHelp": "Interface Skeuomorphic avec une étagère en bois",
"LabelSettingsChromecastSupport": "Support du Chromecast",
"LabelSettingsDateFormat": "Format de date",
"LabelSettingsDisableWatcher": "Désactiver la surveillance",
"LabelSettingsDisableWatcherForLibrary": "Désactiver la surveillance des dossiers pour la bibliothèque",
"LabelSettingsDisableWatcherHelp": "Désactive la mise à jour automatique lorsque les fichiers changent. *Nécessite un redémarrage*",
"LabelSettingsEnableEReader": "Active E-reader pour tous les utilisateurs",
"LabelSettingsEnableEReaderHelp": "E-reader est toujours en cours de développement, mais ce paramètre l'active pour tous les utilisateurs (ou utiliser l'interrupteur \"Fonctionnalités expérimentales\" pour l'activer seulement pour vous)",
"LabelSettingsEnableEReaderHelp": "E-reader est toujours en cours de développement, mais ce paramètre l’active pour tous les utilisateurs (ou utiliser l’interrupteur « Fonctionnalités expérimentales » pour l’activer seulement pour vous)",
"LabelSettingsExperimentalFeatures": "Fonctionnalités expérimentales",
"LabelSettingsExperimentalFeaturesHelp": "Fonctionnalités en cours de développement sur lesquels nous attendons votre retour et expérience. Cliquer pour ouvrir la discussion Github.",
"LabelSettingsFindCovers": "Chercher des couvertures de livre",
"LabelSettingsFindCoversHelp": "Si votre livre audio ne possède pas de couverture intégrée ou une image de couverture dans le dossier, l'analyser tentera de récupérer une couverture.<br>Attention, cela peut augmenter le temps d'analyse.",
"LabelSettingsHomePageBookshelfView": "La page d'accueil utilise la vue étagère",
"LabelSettingsFindCoversHelp": "Si votre livre audio ne possède pas de couverture intégrée ou une image de couverture dans le dossier, l’analyser tentera de récupérer une couverture.<br>Attention, cela peut augmenter le temps d’analyse.",
"LabelSettingsHomePageBookshelfView": "La page d’accueil utilise la vue étagère",
"LabelSettingsLibraryBookshelfView": "La bibliothèque utilise la vue étagère",
"LabelSettingsOverdriveMediaMarkers": "Utiliser Overdrive Media Marker pour les chapitres",
"LabelSettingsOverdriveMediaMarkersHelp": "Les fichiers MP3 d'Overdrive viennent avec les minutages des chapitres intégrés en métadonnées. Activer ce paramètre utilisera ces minutages pour les chapitres automatiquement.",
"LabelSettingsOverdriveMediaMarkersHelp": "Les fichiers MP3 d’Overdrive viennent avec les minutages des chapitres intégrés en métadonnées. Activer ce paramètre utilisera ces minutages pour les chapitres automatiquement.",
"LabelSettingsParseSubtitles": "Analyse des sous-titres",
"LabelSettingsParseSubtitlesHelp": "Extrait les sous-titres depuis le dossier du Livre Audio.<br>Les sous-titres doivent être séparés par \" - \"<br>i.e. \"Titre du Livre - Ceci est un sous-titre\" aura le sous-titre \"Ceci est un sous-titre\"",
"LabelSettingsParseSubtitlesHelp": "Extrait les sous-titres depuis le dossier du Livre Audio.<br>Les sous-titres doivent être séparés par « - »<br>i.e. « Titre du Livre - Ceci est un sous-titre » aura le sous-titre « Ceci est un sous-titre »",
"LabelSettingsPreferAudioMetadata": "Préférer les Métadonnées audio",
"LabelSettingsPreferAudioMetadataHelp": "Les méta étiquettes ID3 des fichiers audios seront utilisés à la place des noms de dossier pour les détails du livre audio",
"LabelSettingsPreferMatchedMetadata": "Préférer les Métadonnées par correspondance",
"LabelSettingsPreferMatchedMetadataHelp": "Les métadonnées par correspondance écrase les détails de l'article lors d'une Recherche par Correspondance Rapide. Par défaut, la recherche par correspondance rapide ne comblera que les éléments manquant.",
"LabelSettingsPreferMatchedMetadataHelp": "Les métadonnées par correspondance écrase les détails de l’article lors d’une recherche par correspondance rapide. Par défaut, la recherche par correspondance rapide ne comblera que les éléments manquant.",
"LabelSettingsPreferOPFMetadata": "Préférer les Métadonnées OPF",
"LabelSettingsPreferOPFMetadataHelp": "Les fichiers de métadonnées OPF seront utilisés à la place des noms de dossier pour les détails du Livre Audio",
"LabelSettingsSkipMatchingBooksWithASIN": "Ignorer la recherche par correspondance sur les livres ayant déjà un ASIN",
"LabelSettingsSkipMatchingBooksWithISBN": "Ignorer la recherche par correspondance sur les livres ayant déjà un ISBN",
"LabelSettingsSortingIgnorePrefixes": "Ignorer les préfixes lors du tri",
"LabelSettingsSortingIgnorePrefixesHelp": "i.e. pour le préfixe \"le\", le livre avec pour titre \"Le Titre du Livre\" sera trié en tant que \"Titre du Livre, Le\"",
"LabelSettingsSortingIgnorePrefixesHelp": "i.e. pour le préfixe « le », le livre avec pour titre « Le Titre du Livre » sera trié en tant que « Titre du Livre, Le »",
"LabelSettingsSquareBookCovers": "Utiliser des couvertures carrées",
"LabelSettingsSquareBookCoversHelp": "Préférer les couvertures carrées par rapport aux couvertures standardes de 1.6:1.",
"LabelSettingsStoreCoversWithItem": "Enregistrer la couverture avec les articles",
"LabelSettingsStoreCoversWithItemHelp": "Par défaut, les couvertures sont enregistrées dans /metadata/items. Activer ce paramètre enregistrera les couvertures dans le dossier avec les fichiersde l'article. Seul un fichier nommé \"cover\" sera gardé.",
"LabelSettingsStoreCoversWithItemHelp": "Par défaut, les couvertures sont enregistrées dans /metadata/items. Activer ce paramètre enregistrera les couvertures dans le dossier avec les fichiers de l’article. Seul un fichier nommé « cover » sera conservé.",
"LabelSettingsStoreMetadataWithItem": "Enregistrer les Métadonnées avec les articles",
"LabelSettingsStoreMetadataWithItemHelp": "Par défaut, les métadonnées sont enregistrées dans /metadata/items. Activer ce paramètre enregistrera les métadonnées dans le dossier de l'article avec une extension \".abs\".",
"LabelSettingsStoreMetadataWithItemHelp": "Par défaut, les métadonnées sont enregistrées dans /metadata/items. Activer ce paramètre enregistrera les métadonnées dans le dossier de l’article avec une extension « .abs ».",
"LabelSettingsTimeFormat": "Time Format",
"LabelShowAll": "Afficher Tout",
"LabelSize": "Taille",
"LabelSleepTimer": "Minuterie",
@ -369,13 +385,13 @@
"LabelStatsBestDay": "Meilleur Jour",
"LabelStatsDailyAverage": "Moyenne Journalière",
"LabelStatsDays": "Jours",
"LabelStatsDaysListened": "Jours d'écoute",
"LabelStatsDaysListened": "Jours d’écoute",
"LabelStatsHours": "Heures",
"LabelStatsInARow": "d'affilé(s)",
"LabelStatsInARow": "d’affilé(s)",
"LabelStatsItemsFinished": "Articles terminés",
"LabelStatsItemsInLibrary": "Articles dans la Bibliothèque",
"LabelStatsMinutes": "minutes",
"LabelStatsMinutesListening": "Minutes d'écoute",
"LabelStatsMinutesListening": "Minutes d’écoute",
"LabelStatsOverallDays": "Jours au total",
"LabelStatsOverallHours": "Heures au total",
"LabelStatsWeekListening": "Écoute de la semaine",
@ -383,9 +399,10 @@
"LabelSupportedFileTypes": "Types de fichiers supportés",
"LabelTag": "Étiquette",
"LabelTags": "Étiquettes",
"LabelTagsAccessibleToUser": "Étiquettes accessibles à l'utilisateur",
"LabelTimeListened": "Temps d'écoute",
"LabelTimeListenedToday": "Nombres d'écoutes Aujourd'hui",
"LabelTagsAccessibleToUser": "Étiquettes accessibles à l’utilisateur",
"LabelTasks": "Tasks Running",
"LabelTimeListened": "Temps d’écoute",
"LabelTimeListenedToday": "Nombres d’écoutes Aujourd’hui",
"LabelTimeRemaining": "{0} restantes",
"LabelTimeToShift": "Temps de décalage en secondes",
"LabelTitle": "Titre",
@ -394,154 +411,157 @@
"LabelToolsMakeM4b": "Créer un fichier Livre Audio M4B",
"LabelToolsMakeM4bDescription": "Génère un fichier Livre Audio .M4B avec intégration des métadonnées, image de couverture et les chapitres.",
"LabelToolsSplitM4b": "Scinde le fichier M4B en fichiers MP3",
"LabelToolsSplitM4bDescription": "Créer plusieurs fichier MP3 à partir du découpage par chapitre, en incluant les métadonnées, l'image de couverture et les chapitres.",
"LabelToolsSplitM4bDescription": "Créer plusieurs fichier MP3 à partir du découpage par chapitre, en incluant les métadonnées, l’image de couverture et les chapitres.",
"LabelTotalDuration": "Durée Totale",
"LabelTotalTimeListened": "Temps d'écoute total",
"LabelTotalTimeListened": "Temps d’écoute total",
"LabelTrackFromFilename": "Piste depuis le fichier",
"LabelTrackFromMetadata": "Piste depuis les métadonnées",
"LabelTracks": "Pistes",
"LabelTracksMultiTrack": "Piste Multiple",
"LabelTracksSingleTrack": "Piste Simple",
"LabelTracksMultiTrack": "Piste multiple",
"LabelTracksSingleTrack": "Piste simple",
"LabelType": "Type",
"LabelUnknown": "Inconnu",
"LabelUpdateCover": "Mettre à jour la Couverture",
"LabelUpdateCoverHelp": "Autoriser la mise à jour de la couverture existante lorsqu'une correspondance est trouvée",
"LabelUpdateCover": "Mettre à jour la couverture",
"LabelUpdateCoverHelp": "Autoriser la mise à jour de la couverture existante lorsqu’une correspondance est trouvée",
"LabelUpdatedAt": "Mis à jour à",
"LabelUpdateDetails": "Mettre à jours les Détails",
"LabelUpdateDetailsHelp": "Autoriser la mise à jour des détails existants lorsqu'une correspondance est trouvée",
"LabelUploaderDragAndDrop": "Glisser & Déposer des fichiers ou dossiers",
"LabelUpdateDetails": "Mettre à jours les détails",
"LabelUpdateDetailsHelp": "Autoriser la mise à jour des détails existants lorsqu’une correspondance est trouvée",
"LabelUploaderDragAndDrop": "Glisser et déposer des fichiers ou dossiers",
"LabelUploaderDropFiles": "Déposer des fichiers",
"LabelUseChapterTrack": "Utiliser la Piste du Chapitre",
"LabelUseFullTrack": "Utiliser la Piste Complète",
"LabelUseChapterTrack": "Utiliser la piste du chapitre",
"LabelUseFullTrack": "Utiliser la piste Complète",
"LabelUser": "Utilisateur",
"LabelUsername": "Nom d'Utilisateur",
"LabelUsername": "Nom d’utilisateur",
"LabelValue": "Valeur",
"LabelVersion": "Version",
"LabelViewBookmarks": "Afficher les Signets",
"LabelViewChapters": "Afficher les Chapitres",
"LabelViewBookmarks": "Afficher les signets",
"LabelViewChapters": "Afficher les chapitres",
"LabelViewQueue": "Afficher la liste de lecture",
"LabelVolume": "Volume",
"LabelWeekdaysToRun": "Jours de la semaine à exécuter",
"LabelYourAudiobookDuration": "Durée de vos Livres Audios",
"LabelYourBookmarks": "Vos Signets",
"LabelYourAudiobookDuration": "Durée de vos livres audios",
"LabelYourBookmarks": "Vos signets",
"LabelYourPlaylists": "Vos listes de lecture",
"LabelYourProgress": "Votre progression",
"MessageAddToPlayerQueue": "Ajouter en file d'attente",
"MessageAppriseDescription": "Nécessite une instance d'<a href=\"https://github.com/caronc/apprise-api\" target=\"_blank\">API Apprise</a> pour utiliser cette fonctionnalité ou une api qui prend en charge les mêmes requêtes. <br />L'URL de l'API Apprise doit comprendre le chemin complet pour envoyer la notification. Par exemple, si votre instance écoute sur <code></code> alors vous devez mettre <code></code>.",
"MessageBackupsDescription": "Les sauvegardes incluent les utilisateurs, la progression de lecture par utilisateur, les détails des articles des bibliothèques, les paramètres du serveur et les images sauvegardées. Les Sauvegardes n'incluent pas les fichiers de votre bibliothèque.",
"MessageBatchQuickMatchDescription": "La Recherche par Correspondance Rapide tentera d'ajouter les couvertures et les métadonnées manquantes pour les articles sélectionnés. Activer l'option suivante pour autoriser la Recherche par Correspondance à écraser les données existantes.",
"MessageBookshelfNoCollections": "Vous n'avez pas encore de collections",
"MessageBookshelfNoResultsForFilter": "Aucun résultat pour le filtre \"{0}: {1}\"",
"MessageBookshelfNoRSSFeeds": "Aucun flux RSS n'est ouvert",
"MessageBookshelfNoSeries": "Vous n'avez aucune séries",
"MessageAddToPlayerQueue": "Ajouter en file d’attente",
"MessageAppriseDescription": "Nécessite une instance d’<a href=\"https://github.com/caronc/apprise-api\" target=\"_blank\">API Apprise</a> pour utiliser cette fonctionnalité ou une api qui prend en charge les mêmes requêtes. <br />l’URL de l’API Apprise doit comprendre le chemin complet pour envoyer la notification. Par exemple, si votre instance écoute sur <code></code> alors vous devez mettre <code></code>.",
"MessageBackupsDescription": "Les sauvegardes incluent les utilisateurs, la progression de lecture par utilisateur, les détails des articles des bibliothèques, les paramètres du serveur et les images sauvegardées. Les sauvegardes n’incluent pas les fichiers de votre bibliothèque.",
"MessageBatchQuickMatchDescription": "La recherche par correspondance rapide tentera d’ajouter les couvertures et les métadonnées manquantes pour les articles sélectionnés. Activer l’option suivante pour autoriser la recherche par correspondance à écraser les données existantes.",
"MessageBookshelfNoCollections": "Vous n’avez pas encore de collections",
"MessageBookshelfNoResultsForFilter": "Aucun résultat pour le filtre « {0}: {1} »",
"MessageBookshelfNoRSSFeeds": "Aucun flux RSS n’est ouvert",
"MessageBookshelfNoSeries": "Vous n’avez aucune séries",
"MessageChapterEndIsAfter": "Le Chapitre Fin est situé à la fin de votre Livre Audio",
"MessageChapterErrorFirstNotZero": "Le premier capitre doit débuter à 0",
"MessageChapterErrorStartGteDuration": "Horodatage invalide car il doit débuter avant la fin du livre",
"MessageChapterErrorStartLtPrev": "Horodatage invalide car il doit débuter au moins après le précédent chapitre",
"MessageChapterStartIsAfter": "Le Chapitre Début est situé au début de votre Livre Audio",
"MessageCheckingCron": "Vérification du cron...",
"MessageCheckingCron": "Vérification du cron…",
"MessageConfirmDeleteBackup": "Êtes-vous sûr de vouloir supprimer la Sauvegarde de {0} ?",
"MessageConfirmDeleteLibrary": "Êtes-vous sûr de vouloir supprimer définitivement la bibliothèque \"{0}\" ?",
"MessageConfirmDeleteLibrary": "Êtes-vous sûr de vouloir supprimer définitivement la bibliothèque « {0} » ?",
"MessageConfirmDeleteSession": "Êtes-vous sûr de vouloir supprimer cette session ?",
"MessageConfirmForceReScan": "Êtes-vous sûr de vouloir lancer une Analyse Forcée ?",
"MessageConfirmMarkSeriesFinished": "Êtes-vous sûr de vouloir marquer comme terminé tous les livres de cette série ?",
"MessageConfirmMarkSeriesNotFinished": "Êtes-vous sûr de vouloir marquer comme non terminé tous les livres de cette série ?",
"MessageConfirmRemoveCollection": "Êtes-vous sûr de vouloir supprimer la collection \"{0}\" ?",
"MessageConfirmRemoveEpisode": "Êtes-vous sûr de vouloir supprimer l'épisode \"{0}\" ?",
"MessageConfirmRemoveCollection": "Êtes-vous sûr de vouloir supprimer la collection « {0} » ?",
"MessageConfirmRemoveEpisode": "Êtes-vous sûr de vouloir supprimer l’épisode « {0} » ?",
"MessageConfirmRemoveEpisodes": "Êtes-vous sûr de vouloir supprimer {0} épisodes ?",
"MessageConfirmRemovePlaylist": "Êtes-vous sûr de vouloir supprimer la liste de lecture \"{0}\" ?",
"MessageConfirmRenameGenre": "Êtes-vous sûr de vouloir renommer le genre \"{0}\" vers \"{1}\" pour tous les articles ?",
"MessageConfirmRemovePlaylist": "Êtes-vous sûr de vouloir supprimer la liste de lecture « {0} » ?",
"MessageConfirmRenameGenre": "Êtes-vous sûr de vouloir renommer le genre « {0} » vers « {1} » pour tous les articles ?",
"MessageConfirmRenameGenreMergeNote": "Information: Ce genre existe déjà et sera fusionné.",
"MessageConfirmRenameGenreWarning": "Attention ! Un genre similaire avec une casse différente existe déjà \"{0}\".",
"MessageConfirmRenameTag": "Êtes-vous sûr de vouloir renommer l'étiquette \"{0}\" vers \"{1}\" pour tous les articles ?",
"MessageConfirmRenameGenreWarning": "Attention ! Un genre similaire avec une casse différente existe déjà « {0} ».",
"MessageConfirmRenameTag": "Êtes-vous sûr de vouloir renommer l’étiquette « {0} » vers « {1} » pour tous les articles ?",
"MessageConfirmRenameTagMergeNote": "Information: Cette étiquette existe déjà et sera fusionnée.",
"MessageConfirmRenameTagWarning": "Attention ! Une étiquette similaire avec une casse différente existe déjà \"{0}\".",
"MessageDownloadingEpisode": "Téléchargement de l'épisode",
"MessageDragFilesIntoTrackOrder": "Faire glisser les fichiers dans l'ordre correct",
"MessageConfirmRenameTagWarning": "Attention ! Une étiquette similaire avec une casse différente existe déjà « {0} ».",
"MessageDownloadingEpisode": "Téléchargement de l’épisode",
"MessageDragFilesIntoTrackOrder": "Faire glisser les fichiers dans l’ordre correct",
"MessageEmbedFinished": "Intégration Terminée !",
"MessageEpisodesQueuedForDownload": "{0} épisode(s) mis en file pour téléchargement",
"MessageFeedURLWillBe": "L'URL du Flux sera {0}",
"MessageFetching": "Récupération...",
"MessageForceReScanDescription": "Analysera tous les fichiers de nouveau. Les étiquettes ID3 des fichiers audios, fichiers OPF, et les fichiers textes seront analysés comme s'ils étaient nouveaux.",
"MessageFeedURLWillBe": "l’URL du Flux sera {0}",
"MessageFetching": "Récupération…",
"MessageForceReScanDescription": "Analysera tous les fichiers de nouveau. Les étiquettes ID3 des fichiers audios, fichiers OPF, et les fichiers textes seront analysés comme s’ils étaient nouveaux.",
"MessageImportantNotice": "Information Importante !",
"MessageInsertChapterBelow": "Insérer le chapitre ci-dessous",
"MessageItemsSelected": "{0} articles sélectionnés",
"MessageItemsUpdated": "{0} articles mis à jour",
"MessageJoinUsOn": "Rejoignez-nous sur",
"MessageListeningSessionsInTheLastYear": "{0} sessions d'écoute l'an dernier",
"MessageLoading": "Chargement...",
"MessageLoadingFolders": "Chargement des dossiers...",
"MessageListeningSessionsInTheLastYear": "{0} sessions d’écoute l’an dernier",
"MessageLoading": "Chargement…",
"MessageLoadingFolders": "Chargement des dossiers…",
"MessageM4BFailed": "M4B en échec !",
"MessageM4BFinished": "M4B terminé !",
"MessageMapChapterTitles": "Faire correspondre les titres des chapitres aux chapitres existants de votre livre audio sans ajuster l'horodatage.",
"MessageMapChapterTitles": "Faire correspondre les titres des chapitres aux chapitres existants de votre livre audio sans ajuster l’horodatage.",
"MessageMarkAsFinished": "Marquer comme terminé",
"MessageMarkAsNotFinished": "Marquer comme non Terminé",
"MessageMatchBooksDescription": "tentera de faire correspondre les livres de la bibliothèque avec les livres du fournisseur sélectionné pour combler les détails et couverture manquants. N'écrase pas les données existantes.",
"MessageNoAudioTracks": "Pas de pistes audio",
"MessageNoAuthors": "Pas d'Auteurs",
"MessageNoBackups": "Pas de Sauvegardes",
"MessageNoBookmarks": "Pas de signets",
"MessageNoChapters": "Pas de chapitres",
"MessageNoCollections": "Pas de collections",
"MessageMatchBooksDescription": "tentera de faire correspondre les livres de la bibliothèque avec les livres du fournisseur sélectionné pour combler les détails et couverture manquants. N’écrase pas les données existantes.",
"MessageNoAudioTracks": "Aucune piste audio",
"MessageNoAuthors": "Aucun auteur",
"MessageNoBackups": "Aucune sauvegarde",
"MessageNoBookmarks": "Aucun signet",
"MessageNoChapters": "Aucun chapitre",
"MessageNoCollections": "Aucune collection",
"MessageNoCoversFound": "Aucune couverture trouvée",
"MessageNoDescription": "Pas de description",
"MessageNoEpisodeMatchesFound": "Pas de correspondance d'épisode trouvée",
"MessageNoDescription": "Aucune description",
"MessageNoDownloadsInProgress": "Aucun téléchargement en cours",
"MessageNoDownloadsQueued": "Aucun téléchargement en file d’attente",
"MessageNoEpisodeMatchesFound": "Aucune correspondance d’épisode trouvée",
"MessageNoEpisodes": "Aucun épisode",
"MessageNoFoldersAvailable": "Aucun dossier disponible",
"MessageNoGenres": "Pas de genres",
"MessageNoIssues": "Pas de parution",
"MessageNoItems": "Pas d'Articles",
"MessageNoItemsFound": "Pas d'Articles Trouvés",
"MessageNoListeningSessions": "Pas de sessions d'écoutes",
"MessageNoLogs": "Pas de journaux",
"MessageNoMediaProgress": "Pas de Média en cours",
"MessageNoNotifications": "Pas de Notifications",
"MessageNoPodcastsFound": "Pas de podcasts trouvés",
"MessageNoResults": "Pas de résultats",
"MessageNoSearchResultsFor": "Pas de résultats de recherche pour \"{0}\"",
"MessageNoSeries": "Pas de séries",
"MessageNoTags": "Pas d'étiquettes",
"MessageNoGenres": "Aucun genre",
"MessageNoIssues": "Aucune parution",
"MessageNoItems": "Aucun article",
"MessageNoItemsFound": "Aucun article trouvé",
"MessageNoListeningSessions": "Aucune session d’écoute en cours",
"MessageNoLogs": "Aucun journaux",
"MessageNoMediaProgress": "Aucun média en cours",
"MessageNoNotifications": "Aucune notification",
"MessageNoPodcastsFound": "Aucun podcast trouvé",
"MessageNoResults": "Aucun résultat",
"MessageNoSearchResultsFor": "Aucun résultat pour la recherche « {0} »",
"MessageNoSeries": "Aucune série",
"MessageNoTags": "Aucune d’étiquettes",
"MessageNoTasksRunning": "No Tasks Running",
"MessageNotYetImplemented": "Non implémenté",
"MessageNoUpdateNecessary": "Pas de mise à jour nécessaire",
"MessageNoUpdatesWereNecessary": "Aucune mise à jour n'était nécessaire",
"MessageNoUserPlaylists": "Vous n'avez aucune liste de lecture",
"MessageNoUpdateNecessary": "Aucune mise à jour nécessaire",
"MessageNoUpdatesWereNecessary": "Aucune mise à jour n’était nécessaire",
"MessageNoUserPlaylists": "Vous n’avez aucune liste de lecture",
"MessageOr": "ou",
"MessagePauseChapter": "Suspendre la lecture du chapitre",
"MessagePlayChapter": "Écouter depuis le début du chapitre",
"MessagePlaylistCreateFromCollection": "Créer une liste de lecture depuis la collection",
"MessagePodcastHasNoRSSFeedForMatching": "Le Podcast n'a pas d'URL de flux RSS à utiliser pour la correspondance",
"MessageQuickMatchDescription": "Renseigne les détails manquants ainsi que la couverture avec la première correspondance de '{0}'. N'écrase pas les données présentes à moins que le paramètre 'Préférer les Métadonnées par correspondance' soit activé.",
"MessageRemoveAllItemsWarning": "ATTENTION ! Cette action supprimera toute la base de données de la bibliothèque ainsi que les mises à jour ou correspondances qui auraient été effectuées. Cela n'a aucune incidence sur les fichiers de la bibliothèque. Souhaitez-vous continuer ?",
"MessagePodcastHasNoRSSFeedForMatching": "Le Podcast n’a pas d’URL de flux RSS à utiliser pour la correspondance",
"MessageQuickMatchDescription": "Renseigne les détails manquants ainsi que la couverture avec la première correspondance de « {0} ». N’écrase pas les données présentes à moins que le paramètre « Préférer les Métadonnées par correspondance » soit activé.",
"MessageRemoveAllItemsWarning": "ATTENTION ! Cette action supprimera toute la base de données de la bibliothèque ainsi que les mises à jour ou correspondances qui auraient été effectuées. Cela n’a aucune incidence sur les fichiers de la bibliothèque. Souhaitez-vous continuer ?",
"MessageRemoveChapter": "Supprimer le chapitre",
"MessageRemoveEpisodes": "Suppression de {0} épisode(s)",
"MessageRemoveFromPlayerQueue": "Supprimer de la liste d'écoute",
"MessageRemoveUserWarning": "Êtes-vous certain de vouloir supprimer définitivement l'utilisateur \"{0}\" ?",
"MessageRemoveFromPlayerQueue": "Supprimer de la liste d’écoute",
"MessageRemoveUserWarning": "Êtes-vous certain de vouloir supprimer définitivement l’utilisateur « {0} » ?",
"MessageReportBugsAndContribute": "Remonter des anomalies, demander des fonctionnalités et contribuer sur",
"MessageResetChaptersConfirm": "Êtes-vous certain de vouloir réinitialiser les chapitres et annuler les changements effectués ?",
"MessageRestoreBackupConfirm": "Êtes-vous certain de vouloir restaurer la sauvegarde créée le",
"MessageRestoreBackupWarning": "Restaurer la sauvegarde écrasera la base de donnée située dans le dossier /config ainsi que les images sur /metadata/items & /metadata/authors.<br /><br />Les sauvegardes ne touchent pas aux fichiers de la bibliothèque. Si vous avez activé le paramètre pour sauvegarder les métadonnées et les images de couverture dans le même dossier que les fichiers, ceux-ci ne ni sauvegardés, ni écrasés lors de la restauration.<br /><br />Tous les clients utilisant votre serveur seront automatiquement mis à jour.",
"MessageRestoreBackupWarning": "Restaurer la sauvegarde écrasera la base de donnée située dans le dossier /config ainsi que les images sur /metadata/items et /metadata/authors.<br /><br />Les sauvegardes ne touchent pas aux fichiers de la bibliothèque. Si vous avez activé le paramètre pour sauvegarder les métadonnées et les images de couverture dans le même dossier que les fichiers, ceux-ci ne ni sauvegardés, ni écrasés lors de la restauration.<br /><br />Tous les clients utilisant votre serveur seront automatiquement mis à jour.",
"MessageSearchResultsFor": "Résultats de recherche pour",
"MessageServerCouldNotBeReached": "Serveur inaccessible",
"MessageSetChaptersFromTracksDescription": "Positionne un chapitre par fichier audio, avec le titre du fichier comme titre de chapitre",
"MessageStartPlaybackAtTime": "Démarrer la lecture pour \"{0}\" à {1} ?",
"MessageThinking": "On réfléchit...",
"MessageStartPlaybackAtTime": "Démarrer la lecture pour « {0} » à {1} ?",
"MessageThinking": "Je cherche…",
"MessageUploaderItemFailed": "Échec du téléversement",
"MessageUploaderItemSuccess": "Téléversement effectué !",
"MessageUploading": "Téléversement...",
"MessageUploading": "Téléversement…",
"MessageValidCronExpression": "Expression cron valide",
"MessageWatcherIsDisabledGlobally": "La Surveillance est désactivée par un paramètre global du serveur",
"MessageWatcherIsDisabledGlobally": "La surveillance est désactivée par un paramètre global du serveur",
"MessageXLibraryIsEmpty": "La bibliothèque {0} est vide !",
"MessageYourAudiobookDurationIsLonger": "La durée de votre Livre Audio est plus longue que la durée trouvée",
"MessageYourAudiobookDurationIsShorter": "La durée de votre Livre Audio est plus courte que la durée trouvée",
"NoteChangeRootPassword": "L'utilisateur Root est le seul a pouvoir utiliser un mote de passe vide",
"NoteChapterEditorTimes": "Information: L'horodatage du premier chapitre doit être à 0:00 et celui du dernier chapitre ne peut se situer au-delà de la durée du Livre Audio.",
"NoteFolderPicker": "Information: Les dossiers déjà surveillés ne sont pas affichés",
"NoteFolderPickerDebian": "Information: La sélection de dossier sur une installation debian n'est pas finalisée. Merci de renseigner le chemin complet vers votre bibliothèque manuellement.",
"NoteChangeRootPassword": "seul l’utilisateur « root » peut utiliser un mot de passe vide",
"NoteChapterEditorTimes": "Information : l’horodatage du premier chapitre doit être à 0:00 et celui du dernier chapitre ne peut se situer au-delà de la durée du Livre Audio.",
"NoteFolderPicker": "Information : Les dossiers déjà surveillés ne sont pas affichés",
"NoteFolderPickerDebian": "Information : La sélection de dossier sur une installation debian n’est pas finalisée. Merci de renseigner le chemin complet vers votre bibliothèque manuellement.",
"NoteRSSFeedPodcastAppsHttps": "Attention : la majorité des application de podcast nécessite une adresse de flux en HTTPS.",
"NoteRSSFeedPodcastAppsPubDate": "Attention : un ou plusieurs de vos épisodes ne possèdent pas de date de publication. Certaines applications de podcast le requièrent.",
"NoteUploaderFoldersWithMediaFiles": "Les dossiers contenant des fichiers multimédias seront traités comme des éléments distincts de la bibliothèque.",
"NoteUploaderOnlyAudioFiles": "Si vous téléverser uniquement des fichiers audio, chaque fichier audio sera traité comme un livre audio distinct.",
"NoteUploaderUnsupportedFiles": "Les fichiers non pris en charge sont ignorés. Lorsque vous choisissez ou déposez un dossier, les autres fichiers qui ne sont pas dans un dossier d'élément sont ignorés.",
"NoteUploaderUnsupportedFiles": "Les fichiers non pris en charge sont ignorés. Lorsque vous choisissez ou déposez un dossier, les autres fichiers qui ne sont pas dans un dossier d’élément sont ignorés.",
"PlaceholderNewCollection": "Nom de la nouvelle collection",
"PlaceholderNewFolderPath": "Nouveau chemin de dossier",
"PlaceholderNewPlaylist": "Nouveau nom de liste de lecture",
@ -549,12 +569,12 @@
"PlaceholderSearchEpisode": "Search episode...",
"ToastAccountUpdateFailed": "Échec de la mise à jour du compte",
"ToastAccountUpdateSuccess": "Compte mis à jour",
"ToastAuthorImageRemoveFailed": "Échec de la suppression de l'image",
"ToastAuthorImageRemoveSuccess": "Image de l'auteur supprimée",
"ToastAuthorUpdateFailed": "Échec de la mise à jour de l'auteur",
"ToastAuthorImageRemoveFailed": "Échec de la suppression de l’image",
"ToastAuthorImageRemoveSuccess": "Image de l’auteur supprimée",
"ToastAuthorUpdateFailed": "Échec de la mise à jour de l’auteur",
"ToastAuthorUpdateMerged": "Auteur fusionné",
"ToastAuthorUpdateSuccess": "Auteur mis à jour",
"ToastAuthorUpdateSuccessNoImageFound": "Auteur mis à jour (pas d'image trouvée)",
"ToastAuthorUpdateSuccessNoImageFound": "Auteur mis à jour (aucune image trouvée)",
"ToastBackupCreateFailed": "Échec de la création de sauvegarde",
"ToastBackupCreateSuccess": "Sauvegarde créée",
"ToastBackupDeleteFailed": "Échec de la suppression de sauvegarde",
@ -578,23 +598,23 @@
"ToastCollectionRemoveSuccess": "Collection supprimée",
"ToastCollectionUpdateFailed": "Échec de la mise à jour de la collection",
"ToastCollectionUpdateSuccess": "Collection mise à jour",
"ToastItemCoverUpdateFailed": "Échec de la mise à jour de la couverture de l'article",
"ToastItemCoverUpdateSuccess": "Couverture de l'article mise à jour",
"ToastItemDetailsUpdateFailed": "Échec de la mise à jour des détails de l'article",
"ToastItemDetailsUpdateSuccess": "Détails de l'article mis à jour",
"ToastItemDetailsUpdateUnneeded": "Pas de mise à jour nécessaire pour les détails de l'article",
"ToastItemMarkedAsFinishedFailed": "Échec de l'annotation terminée",
"ToastItemCoverUpdateFailed": "Échec de la mise à jour de la couverture de l’article",
"ToastItemCoverUpdateSuccess": "Couverture de l’article mise à jour",
"ToastItemDetailsUpdateFailed": "Échec de la mise à jour des détails de l’article",
"ToastItemDetailsUpdateSuccess": "Détails de l’article mis à jour",
"ToastItemDetailsUpdateUnneeded": "Pas de mise à jour nécessaire sur les détails de l’article",
"ToastItemMarkedAsFinishedFailed": "Échec de l’annotation terminée",
"ToastItemMarkedAsFinishedSuccess": "Article marqué comme terminé",
"ToastItemMarkedAsNotFinishedFailed": "Échec de l'annotation non-terminée",
"ToastItemMarkedAsNotFinishedFailed": "Échec de l’annotation non-terminée",
"ToastItemMarkedAsNotFinishedSuccess": "Article marqué comme non-terminé",
"ToastLibraryCreateFailed": "Échec de la création de bibliothèque",
"ToastLibraryCreateSuccess": "Bibliothèque \"{0}\" créée",
"ToastLibraryCreateSuccess": "Bibliothèque « {0} » créée",
"ToastLibraryDeleteFailed": "Échec de la suppression de la bibliothèque",
"ToastLibraryDeleteSuccess": "Bibliothèque supprimée",
"ToastLibraryScanFailedToStart": "Échec du démarrage de l'analyse",
"ToastLibraryScanFailedToStart": "Échec du démarrage de l’analyse",
"ToastLibraryScanStarted": "Analyse de la bibliothèque démarrée",
"ToastLibraryUpdateFailed": "Échec de la mise à jour de la bibliothèque",
"ToastLibraryUpdateSuccess": "Bibliothèque \"{0}\" mise à jour",
"ToastLibraryUpdateSuccess": "Bibliothèque « {0} » mise à jour",
"ToastPlaylistCreateFailed": "Échec de la création de la liste de lecture",
"ToastPlaylistCreateSuccess": "Liste de lecture créée",
"ToastPlaylistRemoveFailed": "Échec de la suppression de la liste de lecture",
@ -603,17 +623,17 @@
"ToastPlaylistUpdateSuccess": "Liste de lecture mise à jour",
"ToastPodcastCreateFailed": "Échec de la création du Podcast",
"ToastPodcastCreateSuccess": "Podcast créé",
"ToastRemoveItemFromCollectionFailed": "Échec de la suppression de l'article de la collection",
"ToastRemoveItemFromCollectionFailed": "Échec de la suppression de l’article de la collection",
"ToastRemoveItemFromCollectionSuccess": "Article supprimé de la collection",
"ToastRSSFeedCloseFailed": "Échec de la fermeture du flux RSS",
"ToastRSSFeedCloseSuccess": "Flux RSS fermé",
"ToastSeriesUpdateFailed": "Echec de la mise à jour de la série",
"ToastSeriesUpdateFailed": "Échec de la mise à jour de la série",
"ToastSeriesUpdateSuccess": "Mise à jour de la série réussie",
"ToastSessionDeleteFailed": "Échec de la suppression de session",
"ToastSessionDeleteSuccess": "Session supprimée",
"ToastSocketConnected": "WebSocket connecté",
"ToastSocketDisconnected": "WebSocket déconnecté",
"ToastSocketFailedToConnect": "Échec de la connexion WebSocket",
"ToastUserDeleteFailed": "Échec de la suppression de l'utilisateur",
"ToastUserDeleteFailed": "Échec de la suppression de l’utilisateur",
"ToastUserDeleteSuccess": "Utilisateur supprimé"
@ -20,6 +20,7 @@
"ButtonCreate": "Napravi",
"ButtonCreateBackup": "Napravi backup",
"ButtonDelete": "Obriši",
"ButtonDownloadQueue": "Queue",
"ButtonEdit": "Edit",
"ButtonEditChapters": "Uredi poglavlja",
"ButtonEditPodcast": "Uredi podcast",
@ -92,7 +93,9 @@
"HeaderCollection": "Kolekcija",
"HeaderCollectionItems": "Stvari u kolekciji",
"HeaderCover": "Cover",
"HeaderCurrentDownloads": "Current Downloads",
"HeaderDetails": "Detalji",
"HeaderDownloadQueue": "Download Queue",
"HeaderEpisodes": "Epizode",
"HeaderFiles": "Datoteke",
"HeaderFindChapters": "Pronađi poglavlja",
@ -126,6 +129,7 @@
"HeaderPreviewCover": "Pregledaj Cover",
"HeaderRemoveEpisode": "Ukloni epizodu",
"HeaderRemoveEpisodes": "Ukloni {0} epizoda/-e",
"HeaderRSSFeedGeneral": "RSS Details",
"HeaderRSSFeedIsOpen": "RSS Feed je otvoren",
"HeaderSavedMediaProgress": "Spremljen Media Progress",
"HeaderSchedule": "Schedule",
@ -138,6 +142,7 @@
"HeaderSettingsGeneral": "Opčenito",
"HeaderSettingsScanner": "Scanner",
"HeaderSleepTimer": "Sleep Timer",
"HeaderStatsLargestItems": "Largest Items",
"HeaderStatsLongestItems": "Najduže stavke (sati)",
"HeaderStatsMinutesListeningChart": "Minuta odslušanih (posljednjih 7 dana)",
"HeaderStatsRecentSessions": "Nedavne sesije",
@ -162,6 +167,7 @@
"LabelAddToPlaylistBatch": "Add {0} Items to Playlist",
"LabelAll": "All",
"LabelAllUsers": "Svi korisnici",
"LabelAlreadyInYourLibrary": "Already in your library",
"LabelAppend": "Append",
"LabelAuthor": "Autor",
"LabelAuthorFirstLast": "Author (First Last)",
@ -192,6 +198,7 @@
"LabelCronExpression": "Cron Expression",
"LabelCurrent": "Trenutan",
"LabelCurrently": "Trenutno:",
"LabelCustomCronExpression": "Custom Cron Expression:",
"LabelDatetime": "Datetime",
"LabelDescription": "Opis",
"LabelDeselectAll": "Odznači sve",
@ -209,6 +216,7 @@
"LabelEpisode": "Epizoda",
"LabelEpisodeTitle": "Naslov epizode",
"LabelEpisodeType": "Vrsta epizode",
"LabelExample": "Example",
"LabelExplicit": "Explicit",
"LabelFeedURL": "Feed URL",
"LabelFile": "Datoteka",
@ -270,6 +278,8 @@
"LabelNewestAuthors": "Najnoviji autori",
"LabelNewestEpisodes": "Najnovije epizode",
"LabelNewPassword": "Nova lozinka",
"LabelNextBackupDate": "Next backup date",
"LabelNextScheduledRun": "Next scheduled run",
"LabelNotes": "Bilješke",
"LabelNotFinished": "Nedovršeno",
"LabelNotificationAppriseURL": "Apprise URL(s)",
@ -300,7 +310,9 @@
"LabelPlayMethod": "Vrsta reprodukcije",
"LabelPodcast": "Podcast",
"LabelPodcasts": "Podcasts",
"LabelPodcastType": "Podcast Type",
"LabelPrefixesToIgnore": "Prefiksi za ignorirati (mala i velika slova nisu bitna)",
"LabelPreventIndexing": "Prevent your feed from being indexed by iTunes and Google podcast directories",
"LabelProgress": "Napredak",
"LabelProvider": "Dobavljač",
"LabelPubDate": "Datam izdavanja",
@ -312,7 +324,10 @@
"LabelRegion": "Regija",
"LabelReleaseDate": "Datum izlaska",
"LabelRemoveCover": "Remove cover",
"LabelRSSFeedCustomOwnerEmail": "Custom owner Email",
"LabelRSSFeedCustomOwnerName": "Custom owner Name",
"LabelRSSFeedOpen": "RSS Feed Open",
"LabelRSSFeedPreventIndexing": "Prevent Indexing",
"LabelRSSFeedSlug": "RSS Feed Slug",
"LabelRSSFeedURL": "RSS Feed URL",
"LabelSearchTerm": "Traži pojam",
@ -357,6 +372,7 @@
"LabelSettingsStoreCoversWithItemHelp": "By default covers are stored in /metadata/items, enabling this setting will store covers in your library item folder. Only one file named \"cover\" will be kept",
"LabelSettingsStoreMetadataWithItem": "Spremi metapodatke uz stavku",
"LabelSettingsStoreMetadataWithItemHelp": "Po defaultu metapodatci su spremljeni u /metadata/items, uključujućite li ovu postavku, metapodatci će biti spremljeni u folderima od biblioteke. Koristi .abs ekstenziju.",
"LabelSettingsTimeFormat": "Time Format",
"LabelShowAll": "Prikaži sve",
"LabelSize": "Veličina",
"LabelSleepTimer": "Sleep timer",
@ -384,6 +400,7 @@
"LabelTag": "Tag",
"LabelTags": "Tags",
"LabelTagsAccessibleToUser": "Tags dostupni korisniku",
"LabelTasks": "Tasks Running",
"LabelTimeListened": "Vremena odslušano",
"LabelTimeListenedToday": "Vremena odslušano danas",
"LabelTimeRemaining": "{0} preostalo",
@ -485,6 +502,8 @@
"MessageNoCollections": "Nema kolekcija",
"MessageNoCoversFound": "Covers nisu pronađeni",
"MessageNoDescription": "Nema opisa",
"MessageNoDownloadsInProgress": "No downloads currently in progress",
"MessageNoDownloadsQueued": "No downloads queued",
"MessageNoEpisodeMatchesFound": "Nijedna epizoda pronađena",
"MessageNoEpisodes": "Nema epizoda",
"MessageNoFoldersAvailable": "Nema dostupnih foldera",
@ -501,6 +520,7 @@
"MessageNoSearchResultsFor": "Nema rezultata pretragee za \"{0}\"",
"MessageNoSeries": "No Series",
"MessageNoTags": "No Tags",
"MessageNoTasksRunning": "No Tasks Running",
"MessageNotYetImplemented": "Not yet implemented",
"MessageNoUpdateNecessary": "Aktualiziranje nije potrebno",
"MessageNoUpdatesWereNecessary": "Aktualiziranje nije bilo potrebno",
@ -616,4 +636,4 @@
"ToastSocketFailedToConnect": "Socket failed to connect",
"ToastUserDeleteFailed": "Neuspješno brisanje korisnika",
"ToastUserDeleteSuccess": "Korisnik obrisan"
@ -20,6 +20,7 @@
"ButtonCreate": "Crea",
"ButtonCreateBackup": "Crea un Backup",
"ButtonDelete": "Elimina",
"ButtonDownloadQueue": "Queue",
"ButtonEdit": "Edit",
"ButtonEditChapters": "Modifica Capitoli",
"ButtonEditPodcast": "Modifica Podcast",
@ -92,7 +93,9 @@
"HeaderCollection": "Raccolta",
"HeaderCollectionItems": "Elementi della Raccolta",
"HeaderCover": "Cover",
"HeaderCurrentDownloads": "Current Downloads",
"HeaderDetails": "Dettagli",
"HeaderDownloadQueue": "Download Queue",
"HeaderEpisodes": "Episodi",
"HeaderFiles": "File",
"HeaderFindChapters": "Trova Capitoli",
@ -126,6 +129,7 @@
"HeaderPreviewCover": "Anteprima Cover",
"HeaderRemoveEpisode": "Rimuovi Episodi",
"HeaderRemoveEpisodes": "Rimuovi {0} Episodi",
"HeaderRSSFeedGeneral": "RSS Details",
"HeaderRSSFeedIsOpen": "RSS Feed è aperto",
"HeaderSavedMediaProgress": "Progressi salvati",
"HeaderSchedule": "Schedula",
@ -138,6 +142,7 @@
"HeaderSettingsGeneral": "Generale",
"HeaderSettingsScanner": "Scanner",
"HeaderSleepTimer": "Sveglia",
"HeaderStatsLargestItems": "Largest Items",
"HeaderStatsLongestItems": "libri più lunghi (ore)",
"HeaderStatsMinutesListeningChart": "Minuti ascoltati (Ultimi 7 Giorni)",
"HeaderStatsRecentSessions": "Sessioni Recenti",
@ -162,6 +167,7 @@
"LabelAddToPlaylistBatch": "Aggiungi {0} file alla Playlist",
"LabelAll": "Tutti",
"LabelAllUsers": "Tutti gli Utenti",
"LabelAlreadyInYourLibrary": "Already in your library",
"LabelAppend": "Appese",
"LabelAuthor": "Autore",
"LabelAuthorFirstLast": "Autore (Per Nome)",
@ -192,6 +198,7 @@
"LabelCronExpression": "Espressione Cron",
"LabelCurrent": "Attuale",
"LabelCurrently": "Attualmente:",
"LabelCustomCronExpression": "Custom Cron Expression:",
"LabelDatetime": "Data & Ora",
"LabelDescription": "Descrizione",
"LabelDeselectAll": "Deseleziona Tutto",
@ -209,6 +216,7 @@
"LabelEpisode": "Episodio",
"LabelEpisodeTitle": "Titolo Episodio",
"LabelEpisodeType": "Tipo Episodio",
"LabelExample": "Example",
"LabelExplicit": "Esplicito",
"LabelFeedURL": "Feed URL",
"LabelFile": "File",
@ -270,6 +278,8 @@
"LabelNewestAuthors": "Autori Recenti",
"LabelNewestEpisodes": "Episodi Recenti",
"LabelNewPassword": "Nuova Password",
"LabelNextBackupDate": "Next backup date",
"LabelNextScheduledRun": "Next scheduled run",
"LabelNotes": "Note",
"LabelNotFinished": "Da Completare",
"LabelNotificationAppriseURL": "Apprendi URL(s)",
@ -300,7 +310,9 @@
"LabelPlayMethod": "Metodo di riproduzione",
"LabelPodcast": "Podcast",
"LabelPodcasts": "Podcasts",
"LabelPodcastType": "Podcast Type",
"LabelPrefixesToIgnore": "Suffissi da ignorare (specificando maiuscole e minuscole)",
"LabelPreventIndexing": "Prevent your feed from being indexed by iTunes and Google podcast directories",
"LabelProgress": "Cominciati",
"LabelProvider": "Provider",
"LabelPubDate": "Data Pubblicazione",
@ -312,7 +324,10 @@
"LabelRegion": "Regione",
"LabelReleaseDate": "Data Release",
"LabelRemoveCover": "Remove cover",
"LabelRSSFeedCustomOwnerEmail": "Custom owner Email",
"LabelRSSFeedCustomOwnerName": "Custom owner Name",
"LabelRSSFeedOpen": "RSS Feed Aperto",
"LabelRSSFeedPreventIndexing": "Prevent Indexing",
"LabelRSSFeedSlug": "RSS Feed Slug",
"LabelRSSFeedURL": "RSS Feed URL",
"LabelSearchTerm": "Ricerca",
@ -357,6 +372,7 @@
"LabelSettingsStoreCoversWithItemHelp": "Di default, le immagini di copertina sono salvate dentro /metadata/items, abilitando questa opzione le copertine saranno archiviate nella cartella della libreria corrispondente. Verrà conservato solo un file denominato \"cover\"",
"LabelSettingsStoreMetadataWithItem": "Archivia i metadata con il file",
"LabelSettingsStoreMetadataWithItemHelp": "Di default, i metadati sono salvati dentro /metadata/items, abilitando questa opzione si memorizzeranno i metadata nella cartella della libreria. I file avranno estensione .abs",
"LabelSettingsTimeFormat": "Time Format",
"LabelShowAll": "Mostra Tutto",
"LabelSize": "Dimensione",
"LabelSleepTimer": "Sleep timer",
@ -384,6 +400,7 @@
"LabelTag": "Tag",
"LabelTags": "Tags",
"LabelTagsAccessibleToUser": "Tags permessi agli Utenti",
"LabelTasks": "Tasks Running",
"LabelTimeListened": "Tempo di Ascolto",
"LabelTimeListenedToday": "Tempo di Ascolto Oggi",
"LabelTimeRemaining": "{0} rimanente",
@ -485,6 +502,8 @@
"MessageNoCollections": "Nessuna Raccolta",
"MessageNoCoversFound": "Nessuna Cover Trovata",
"MessageNoDescription": "Nessuna descrizione",
"MessageNoDownloadsInProgress": "No downloads currently in progress",
"MessageNoDownloadsQueued": "No downloads queued",
"MessageNoEpisodeMatchesFound": "Nessun episodio corrispondente trovato",
"MessageNoEpisodes": "Nessun Episodio",
"MessageNoFoldersAvailable": "Nessuna Cartella disponibile",
@ -501,6 +520,7 @@
"MessageNoSearchResultsFor": "Nessun risultato per \"{0}\"",
"MessageNoSeries": "Nessuna Serie",
"MessageNoTags": "No Tags",
"MessageNoTasksRunning": "No Tasks Running",
"MessageNotYetImplemented": "Non Ancora Implementato",
"MessageNoUpdateNecessary": "Nessun aggiornamento necessario",
"MessageNoUpdatesWereNecessary": "Nessun aggiornamento necessario",
@ -616,4 +636,4 @@
"ToastSocketFailedToConnect": "Socket non riesce a connettersi",
"ToastUserDeleteFailed": "Errore eliminazione utente",
"ToastUserDeleteSuccess": "Utente eliminato"
@ -20,6 +20,7 @@
"ButtonCreate": "Utwórz",
"ButtonCreateBackup": "Utwórz kopię zapasową",
"ButtonDelete": "Usuń",
"ButtonDownloadQueue": "Queue",
"ButtonEdit": "Edit",
"ButtonEditChapters": "Edytuj rozdziały",
"ButtonEditPodcast": "Edytuj podcast",
@ -92,7 +93,9 @@
"HeaderCollection": "Kolekcja",
"HeaderCollectionItems": "Elementy kolekcji",
"HeaderCover": "Okładka",
"HeaderCurrentDownloads": "Current Downloads",
"HeaderDetails": "Szczegóły",
"HeaderDownloadQueue": "Download Queue",
"HeaderEpisodes": "Rozdziały",
"HeaderFiles": "Pliki",
"HeaderFindChapters": "Wyszukaj rozdziały",
@ -126,6 +129,7 @@
"HeaderPreviewCover": "Podgląd okładki",
"HeaderRemoveEpisode": "Usuń odcinek",
"HeaderRemoveEpisodes": "Usuń {0} odcinków",
"HeaderRSSFeedGeneral": "RSS Details",
"HeaderRSSFeedIsOpen": "Kanał RSS jest otwarty",
"HeaderSavedMediaProgress": "Zapisany postęp",
"HeaderSchedule": "Harmonogram",
@ -138,6 +142,7 @@
"HeaderSettingsGeneral": "Ogólne",
"HeaderSettingsScanner": "Skanowanie",
"HeaderSleepTimer": "Wyłącznik czasowy",
"HeaderStatsLargestItems": "Largest Items",
"HeaderStatsLongestItems": "Najdłuższe pozycje (hrs)",
"HeaderStatsMinutesListeningChart": "Czas słuchania w minutach (ostatnie 7 dni)",
"HeaderStatsRecentSessions": "Ostatnie sesje",
@ -162,6 +167,7 @@
"LabelAddToPlaylistBatch": "Add {0} Items to Playlist",
"LabelAll": "All",
"LabelAllUsers": "Wszyscy użytkownicy",
"LabelAlreadyInYourLibrary": "Already in your library",
"LabelAppend": "Append",
"LabelAuthor": "Autor",
"LabelAuthorFirstLast": "Autor (Rosnąco)",
@ -192,6 +198,7 @@
"LabelCronExpression": "Wyrażenie CRON",
"LabelCurrent": "Aktualny",
"LabelCurrently": "Obecnie:",
"LabelCustomCronExpression": "Custom Cron Expression:",
"LabelDatetime": "Data i godzina",
"LabelDescription": "Opis",
"LabelDeselectAll": "Odznacz wszystko",
@ -209,6 +216,7 @@
"LabelEpisode": "Odcinek",
"LabelEpisodeTitle": "Tytuł odcinka",
"LabelEpisodeType": "Typ odcinka",
"LabelExample": "Example",
"LabelExplicit": "Nieprzyzwoite",
"LabelFeedURL": "URL kanału",
"LabelFile": "Plik",
@ -270,6 +278,8 @@
"LabelNewestAuthors": "Najnowsi autorzy",
"LabelNewestEpisodes": "Najnowsze odcinki",
"LabelNewPassword": "Nowe hasło",
"LabelNextBackupDate": "Next backup date",
"LabelNextScheduledRun": "Next scheduled run",
"LabelNotes": "Uwagi",
"LabelNotFinished": "Nieukończone",
"LabelNotificationAppriseURL": "URLe Apprise",
@ -300,7 +310,9 @@
"LabelPlayMethod": "Metoda odtwarzania",
"LabelPodcast": "Podcast",
"LabelPodcasts": "Podcasty",
"LabelPodcastType": "Podcast Type",
"LabelPrefixesToIgnore": "Ignorowane prefiksy (wielkość liter nie ma znaczenia)",
"LabelPreventIndexing": "Prevent your feed from being indexed by iTunes and Google podcast directories",
"LabelProgress": "Postęp",
"LabelProvider": "Dostawca",
"LabelPubDate": "Data publikacji",
@ -312,7 +324,10 @@
"LabelRegion": "Region",
"LabelReleaseDate": "Data wydania",
"LabelRemoveCover": "Remove cover",
"LabelRSSFeedCustomOwnerEmail": "Custom owner Email",
"LabelRSSFeedCustomOwnerName": "Custom owner Name",
"LabelRSSFeedOpen": "RSS Feed otwarty",
"LabelRSSFeedPreventIndexing": "Prevent Indexing",
"LabelRSSFeedSlug": "RSS Feed Slug",
"LabelRSSFeedURL": "URL kanały RSS",
"LabelSearchTerm": "Wyszukiwanie frazy",
@ -357,6 +372,7 @@
"LabelSettingsStoreCoversWithItemHelp": "Domyślnie okładki są przechowywane w folderze /metadata/items, włączenie tej opcji spowoduje, że okładka będzie przechowywana w folderze ksiązki. Tylko jedna okładka o nazwie pliku \"cover\" będzie przechowywana.",
"LabelSettingsStoreMetadataWithItem": "Przechowuj metadane w folderze książki",
"LabelSettingsStoreMetadataWithItemHelp": "Domyślnie metadane są przechowywane w folderze /metadata/items, włączenie tej opcji spowoduje, że okładka będzie przechowywana w folderze ksiązki. Tylko jedna okładka o nazwie pliku \"cover\" będzie przechowywana. Rozszerzenie pliku metadanych: .abs",
"LabelSettingsTimeFormat": "Time Format",
"LabelShowAll": "Pokaż wszystko",
"LabelSize": "Rozmiar",
"LabelSleepTimer": "Wyłącznik czasowy",
@ -384,6 +400,7 @@
"LabelTag": "Tag",
"LabelTags": "Tagi",
"LabelTagsAccessibleToUser": "Tagi dostępne dla użytkownika",
"LabelTasks": "Tasks Running",
"LabelTimeListened": "Czas odtwarzania",
"LabelTimeListenedToday": "Czas odtwarzania dzisiaj",
"LabelTimeRemaining": "Pozostało {0}",
@ -485,6 +502,8 @@
"MessageNoCollections": "Brak kolekcji",
"MessageNoCoversFound": "Okładki nieznalezione",
"MessageNoDescription": "Brak opisu",
"MessageNoDownloadsInProgress": "No downloads currently in progress",
"MessageNoDownloadsQueued": "No downloads queued",
"MessageNoEpisodeMatchesFound": "Nie znaleziono pasujących odcinków",
"MessageNoEpisodes": "Brak odcinków",
"MessageNoFoldersAvailable": "Brak dostępnych folderów",
@ -501,6 +520,7 @@
"MessageNoSearchResultsFor": "Brak wyników wyszukiwania dla \"{0}\"",
"MessageNoSeries": "No Series",
"MessageNoTags": "No Tags",
"MessageNoTasksRunning": "No Tasks Running",
"MessageNotYetImplemented": "Jeszcze nie zaimplementowane",
"MessageNoUpdateNecessary": "Brak konieczności aktualizacji",
"MessageNoUpdatesWereNecessary": "Brak aktualizacji",
@ -616,4 +636,4 @@
"ToastSocketFailedToConnect": "Poączenie z serwerem nie powiodło się",
"ToastUserDeleteFailed": "Nie udało się usunąć użytkownika",
"ToastUserDeleteSuccess": "Użytkownik usunięty"
@ -1,30 +1,31 @@
"ButtonAdd": "Добавить",
"ButtonAddChapters": "Добавить Главы",
"ButtonAddPodcasts": "Добавить Подкасты",
"ButtonAddChapters": "Добавить главы",
"ButtonAddPodcasts": "Добавить подкасты",
"ButtonAddYourFirstLibrary": "Добавьте Вашу первую библиотеку",
"ButtonApply": "Применить",
"ButtonApplyChapters": "Применить Главы",
"ButtonApplyChapters": "Применить главы",
"ButtonAuthors": "Авторы",
"ButtonBrowseForFolder": "Выбрать Папку",
"ButtonBrowseForFolder": "Выбрать папку",
"ButtonCancel": "Отмена",
"ButtonCancelEncode": "Отменить Кодирование",
"ButtonChangeRootPassword": "Поменять Мастер Пароль",
"ButtonCheckAndDownloadNewEpisodes": "Проверка и Загрузка Новых Эпизодов",
"ButtonCancelEncode": "Отменить кодирование",
"ButtonChangeRootPassword": "Поменять мастер пароль",
"ButtonCheckAndDownloadNewEpisodes": "Проверка и Загрузка новых эпизодов",
"ButtonChooseAFolder": "Выбор папки",
"ButtonChooseFiles": "Выбор файлов",
"ButtonClearFilter": "Очистить Фильтр",
"ButtonCloseFeed": "Закрыть Канал",
"ButtonClearFilter": "Очистить фильтр",
"ButtonCloseFeed": "Закрыть канал",
"ButtonCollections": "Коллекции",
"ButtonConfigureScanner": "Конфигурация Сканера",
"ButtonConfigureScanner": "Конфигурация сканера",
"ButtonCreate": "Создать",
"ButtonCreateBackup": "Создать бэкап",
"ButtonDelete": "Удалить",
"ButtonDownloadQueue": "Очередь",
"ButtonEdit": "Редактировать",
"ButtonEditChapters": "Редактировать Главы",
"ButtonEditPodcast": "Редактировать Подкаст",
"ButtonForceReScan": "Принудительно Пере сканировать",
"ButtonFullPath": "Полный Путь",
"ButtonEditChapters": "Редактировать главы",
"ButtonEditPodcast": "Редактировать подкаст",
"ButtonForceReScan": "Принудительно пересканировать",
"ButtonFullPath": "Полный путь",
"ButtonHide": "Скрыть",
"ButtonHome": "Домой",
"ButtonIssues": "Проблемы",
@ -32,143 +33,148 @@
"ButtonLibrary": "Библиотека",
"ButtonLogout": "Выход",
"ButtonLookup": "Найти",
"ButtonManageTracks": "Управление Треками",
"ButtonMapChapterTitles": "Найти Названия Глав",
"ButtonMatchAllAuthors": "Найти Всех Авторов",
"ButtonMatchBooks": "Найти Книги",
"ButtonManageTracks": "Управление треками",
"ButtonMapChapterTitles": "Найти названия глав",
"ButtonMatchAllAuthors": "Найти всех авторов",
"ButtonMatchBooks": "Найти книги",
"ButtonNevermind": "Не важно",
"ButtonOk": "Ok",
"ButtonOpenFeed": "Открыть Канал",
"ButtonOpenManager": "Открыть Менеджер",
"ButtonOpenFeed": "Открыть канал",
"ButtonOpenManager": "Открыть менеджер",
"ButtonPlay": "Слушать",
"ButtonPlaying": "Проигрывается",
"ButtonPlaylists": "Плейлисты",
"ButtonPurgeAllCache": "Очистить Весь Кэш",
"ButtonPurgeItemsCache": "Очистить Кэш Элементов",
"ButtonPurgeMediaProgress": "Очистить Прогресс Медиа",
"ButtonPurgeAllCache": "Очистить весь кэш",
"ButtonPurgeItemsCache": "Очистить кэш элементов",
"ButtonPurgeMediaProgress": "Очистить прогресс медиа",
"ButtonQueueAddItem": "Добавить в очередь",
"ButtonQueueRemoveItem": "Удалить из очереди",
"ButtonQuickMatch": "Быстрый Поиск",
"ButtonQuickMatch": "Быстрый поиск",
"ButtonRead": "Читать",
"ButtonRemove": "Удалить",
"ButtonRemoveAll": "Удалить Всё",
"ButtonRemoveAllLibraryItems": "Удалить Все Элементы Библиотеки",
"ButtonRemoveFromContinueListening": "Удалить из Продолжить Слушать",
"ButtonRemoveSeriesFromContinueSeries": "Удалить Серию из Продолжить Серию",
"ButtonReScan": "Пере сканировать",
"ButtonRemoveAll": "Удалить всё",
"ButtonRemoveAllLibraryItems": "Удалить все элементы библиотеки",
"ButtonRemoveFromContinueListening": "Удалить из Продолжить слушать",
"ButtonRemoveSeriesFromContinueSeries": "Удалить серию из Продолжить серию",
"ButtonReScan": "Пересканировать",
"ButtonReset": "Сбросить",
"ButtonRestore": "Восстановить",
"ButtonSave": "Сохранить",
"ButtonSaveAndClose": "Сохранить и Закрыть",
"ButtonSaveTracklist": "Сохранить Список треков",
"ButtonSaveAndClose": "Сохранить и закрыть",
"ButtonSaveTracklist": "Сохранить список треков",
"ButtonScan": "Сканировать",
"ButtonScanLibrary": "Сканировать Библиотеку",
"ButtonScanLibrary": "Сканировать библиотеку",
"ButtonSearch": "Поиск",
"ButtonSelectFolderPath": "Выберите Путь Папки",
"ButtonSelectFolderPath": "Выберите путь папки",
"ButtonSeries": "Серии",
"ButtonSetChaptersFromTracks": "Установить главы из треков",
"ButtonShiftTimes": "Смещение",
"ButtonShow": "Показать",
"ButtonStartM4BEncode": "Начать Кодирование M4B",
"ButtonStartMetadataEmbed": "Начать Встраивание Метаданных",
"ButtonStartM4BEncode": "Начать кодирование M4B",
"ButtonStartMetadataEmbed": "Начать встраивание метаданных",
"ButtonSubmit": "Применить",
"ButtonUpload": "Загрузить",
"ButtonUploadBackup": "Загрузить Бэкап",
"ButtonUploadCover": "Загрузить Обложку",
"ButtonUploadBackup": "Загрузить бэкап",
"ButtonUploadCover": "Загрузить обложку",
"ButtonUploadOPMLFile": "Загрузить Файл OPML",
"ButtonUserDelete": "Удалить пользователя {0}",
"ButtonUserEdit": "Редактировать пользователя {0}",
"ButtonViewAll": "Посмотреть Все",
"ButtonViewAll": "Посмотреть все",
"ButtonYes": "Да",
"HeaderAccount": "Учетная запись",
"HeaderAdvanced": "Дополнительно",
"HeaderAppriseNotificationSettings": "Настройки Оповещений",
"HeaderAudiobookTools": "Инструменты Файлов Аудиокниг",
"HeaderAudioTracks": "Аудио Треки",
"HeaderAppriseNotificationSettings": "Настройки оповещений",
"HeaderAudiobookTools": "Инструменты файлов аудиокниг",
"HeaderAudioTracks": "Аудио треки",
"HeaderBackups": "Бэкапы",
"HeaderChangePassword": "Изменить Пароль",
"HeaderChangePassword": "Изменить пароль",
"HeaderChapters": "Главы",
"HeaderChooseAFolder": "Выберите Папку",
"HeaderChooseAFolder": "Выберите папку",
"HeaderCollection": "Коллекция",
"HeaderCollectionItems": "Элементы Коллекции",
"HeaderCollectionItems": "Элементы коллекции",
"HeaderCover": "Обложка",
"HeaderCurrentDownloads": "Текущие закачки",
"HeaderDetails": "Подробности",
"HeaderDownloadQueue": "Очередь скачивания",
"HeaderEpisodes": "Эпизоды",
"HeaderFiles": "Файлы",
"HeaderFindChapters": "Найти Главы",
"HeaderFindChapters": "Найти главы",
"HeaderIgnoredFiles": "Игнорируемые Файлы",
"HeaderItemFiles": "Файлы Элемента",
"HeaderItemFiles": "Файлы элемента",
"HeaderItemMetadataUtils": "Утилиты",
"HeaderLastListeningSession": "Последний Сеанс Прослушивания",
"HeaderLastListeningSession": "Последний сеанс прослушивания",
"HeaderLatestEpisodes": "Последние эпизоды",
"HeaderLibraries": "Библиотеки",
"HeaderLibraryFiles": "Файлы Библиотеки",
"HeaderLibraryStats": "Статистика Библиотеки",
"HeaderLibraryFiles": "Файлы библиотеки",
"HeaderLibraryStats": "Статистика библиотеки",
"HeaderListeningSessions": "Сеансы",
"HeaderListeningStats": "Статистика Прослушивания",
"HeaderListeningStats": "Статистика прослушивания",
"HeaderLogin": "Логин",
"HeaderLogs": "Логи",
"HeaderManageGenres": "Редактировать Жанры",
"HeaderManageTags": "Редактировать Теги",
"HeaderManageGenres": "Редактировать жанры",
"HeaderManageTags": "Редактировать теги",
"HeaderMapDetails": "Найти подробности",
"HeaderMatch": "Поиск",
"HeaderMetadataToEmbed": "Метаинформация для встраивания",
"HeaderNewAccount": "Новая Учетная запись",
"HeaderNewLibrary": "Новая Библиотека",
"HeaderNewAccount": "Новая учетная запись",
"HeaderNewLibrary": "Новая библиотека",
"HeaderNotifications": "Уведомления",
"HeaderOpenRSSFeed": "Открыть RSS-канал",
"HeaderOtherFiles": "Другие Файлы",
"HeaderOtherFiles": "Другие файлы",
"HeaderPermissions": "Разрешения",
"HeaderPlayerQueue": "Очередь Воспроизведения",
"HeaderPlayerQueue": "Очередь воспроизведения",
"HeaderPlaylist": "Плейлист",
"HeaderPlaylistItems": "Элементы Списка Воспроизведения",
"HeaderPodcastsToAdd": "Подкасты для Добавления",
"HeaderPreviewCover": "Предпросмотр Обложки",
"HeaderRemoveEpisode": "Удалить Эпизод",
"HeaderRemoveEpisodes": "Удалить {0} Эпизодов",
"HeaderRSSFeedIsOpen": "RSS-канал Открыт",
"HeaderSavedMediaProgress": "Прогресс Медиа Сохранен",
"HeaderPlaylistItems": "Элементы списка воспроизведения",
"HeaderPodcastsToAdd": "Подкасты для добавления",
"HeaderPreviewCover": "Предпросмотр обложки",
"HeaderRemoveEpisode": "Удалить эпизод",
"HeaderRemoveEpisodes": "Удалить {0} эпизодов",
"HeaderRSSFeedGeneral": "Сведения о RSS",
"HeaderRSSFeedIsOpen": "RSS-канал открыт",
"HeaderSavedMediaProgress": "Прогресс медиа сохранен",
"HeaderSchedule": "Планировщик",
"HeaderScheduleLibraryScans": "Планировщик Автоматического Сканирования Библиотеки",
"HeaderScheduleLibraryScans": "Планировщик автоматического сканирования библиотеки",
"HeaderSession": "Сеансы",
"HeaderSetBackupSchedule": "Установить Планировщик Бэкапов",
"HeaderSetBackupSchedule": "Установить планировщик бэкапов",
"HeaderSettings": "Настройки",
"HeaderSettingsDisplay": "Дисплей",
"HeaderSettingsExperimental": "Экспериментальные Функции",
"HeaderSettingsExperimental": "Экспериментальные функции",
"HeaderSettingsGeneral": "Основные",
"HeaderSettingsScanner": "Сканер",
"HeaderSleepTimer": "Таймер Сна",
"HeaderStatsLongestItems": "Самые Длинные Книги (часов)",
"HeaderSleepTimer": "Таймер сна",
"HeaderStatsLargestItems": "Самые большые элементы",
"HeaderStatsLongestItems": "Самые длинные элементы (часов)",
"HeaderStatsMinutesListeningChart": "Минут прослушивания (последние 7 дней)",
"HeaderStatsRecentSessions": "Последние Сеансы",
"HeaderStatsTop10Authors": "Топ 10 Авторов",
"HeaderStatsTop5Genres": "Топ 5 Жанров",
"HeaderStatsRecentSessions": "Последние сеансы",
"HeaderStatsTop10Authors": "Топ 10 авторов",
"HeaderStatsTop5Genres": "Топ 5 жанров",
"HeaderTools": "Инструменты",
"HeaderUpdateAccount": "Обновить Учетную запись",
"HeaderUpdateAuthor": "Обновить Автора",
"HeaderUpdateDetails": "Обновить Детали",
"HeaderUpdateLibrary": "Обновить Библиотеку",
"HeaderUpdateAccount": "Обновить учетную запись",
"HeaderUpdateAuthor": "Обновить автора",
"HeaderUpdateDetails": "Обновить детали",
"HeaderUpdateLibrary": "Обновить библиотеку",
"HeaderUsers": "Пользователи",
"HeaderYourStats": "Ваша Статистика",
"LabelAccountType": "Тип Учетной записи",
"HeaderYourStats": "Ваша статистика",
"LabelAccountType": "Тип учетной записи",
"LabelAccountTypeAdmin": "Администратор",
"LabelAccountTypeGuest": "Гость",
"LabelAccountTypeUser": "Пользователь",
"LabelActivity": "Активность",
"LabelAddedAt": "Добавить В",
"LabelAddToCollection": "Добавить в Коллекцию",
"LabelAddToCollectionBatch": "Добавить {0} Книг в Коллекцию",
"LabelAddToPlaylist": "Добавить в Плейлист",
"LabelAddToPlaylistBatch": "Добавить {0} Элементов в Плейлист",
"LabelAddedAt": "Дата добавления",
"LabelAddToCollection": "Добавить в коллекцию",
"LabelAddToCollectionBatch": "Добавить {0} книг в коллекцию",
"LabelAddToPlaylist": "Добавить в плейлист",
"LabelAddToPlaylistBatch": "Добавить {0} элементов в плейлист",
"LabelAll": "Все",
"LabelAllUsers": "Все пользователи",
"LabelAlreadyInYourLibrary": "Уже в Вашей библиотеке",
"LabelAppend": "Добавить",
"LabelAuthor": "Автор",
"LabelAuthorFirstLast": "Автор (Имя Фамилия)",
"LabelAuthorLastFirst": "Автор (Фамилия, Имя)",
"LabelAuthors": "Авторы",
"LabelAutoDownloadEpisodes": "Скачивать Эпизоды Автоматически",
"LabelBackToUser": "Назад к Пользователю",
"LabelAutoDownloadEpisodes": "Скачивать эпизоды автоматически",
"LabelBackToUser": "Назад к пользователю",
"LabelBackupsEnableAutomaticBackups": "Включить автоматическое бэкапирование",
"LabelBackupsEnableAutomaticBackupsHelp": "Бэкапы сохраняются в /metadata/backups",
"LabelBackupsMaxBackupSize": "Максимальный размер бэкапа (в GB)",
@ -176,27 +182,28 @@
"LabelBackupsNumberToKeep": "Сохранять бэкапов",
"LabelBackupsNumberToKeepHelp": "За один раз только 1 бэкап будет удален, так что если у вас будет больше бэкапов, то их нужно удалить вручную.",
"LabelBooks": "Книги",
"LabelChangePassword": "Изменить Пароль",
"LabelChangePassword": "Изменить пароль",
"LabelChaptersFound": "глав найдено",
"LabelChapterTitle": "Название Главы",
"LabelChapterTitle": "Название главы",
"LabelClosePlayer": "Закрыть проигрыватель",
"LabelCollapseSeries": "Свернуть Серии",
"LabelCollapseSeries": "Свернуть серии",
"LabelCollections": "Коллекции",
"LabelComplete": "Завершить",
"LabelConfirmPassword": "Подтвердить Пароль",
"LabelContinueListening": "Продолжить Слушать",
"LabelContinueSeries": "Продолжить Серию",
"LabelConfirmPassword": "Подтвердить пароль",
"LabelContinueListening": "Продолжить слушать",
"LabelContinueSeries": "Продолжить серию",
"LabelCover": "Обложка",
"LabelCoverImageURL": "URL Изображения Обложки",
"LabelCoverImageURL": "URL изображения обложки",
"LabelCreatedAt": "Создано",
"LabelCronExpression": "Выражение Cron",
"LabelCurrent": "Текущий",
"LabelCurrently": "Текущее:",
"LabelCustomCronExpression": "Пользовательское выражение Cron:",
"LabelDatetime": "Дата и время",
"LabelDescription": "Описание",
"LabelDeselectAll": "Снять Выделение",
"LabelDeselectAll": "Снять выделение",
"LabelDevice": "Устройство",
"LabelDeviceInfo": "Информация об Устройстве",
"LabelDeviceInfo": "Информация об устройстве",
"LabelDirectory": "Каталог",
"LabelDiscFromFilename": "Диск из Имени файла",
"LabelDiscFromMetadata": "Диск из Метаданных",
@ -207,16 +214,17 @@
"LabelEnable": "Включить",
"LabelEnd": "Конец",
"LabelEpisode": "Эпизод",
"LabelEpisodeTitle": "Имя Эпизода",
"LabelEpisodeType": "Тип Эпизода",
"LabelEpisodeTitle": "Имя эпизода",
"LabelEpisodeType": "Тип эпизода",
"LabelExample": "Пример",
"LabelExplicit": "Явный",
"LabelFeedURL": "URL Канала",
"LabelFeedURL": "URL канала",
"LabelFile": "Файл",
"LabelFileBirthtime": "Дата Создания",
"LabelFileModified": "Дата Модификации",
"LabelFileBirthtime": "Дата создания",
"LabelFileModified": "Дата модификации",
"LabelFilename": "Имя файла",
"LabelFilterByUser": "Фильтр по Пользователю",
"LabelFindEpisodes": "Найти Эпизоды",
"LabelFilterByUser": "Фильтр по пользователю",
"LabelFindEpisodes": "Найти эпизоды",
"LabelFinished": "Закончен",
"LabelFolder": "Папка",
"LabelFolders": "Папки",
@ -225,7 +233,7 @@
"LabelHardDeleteFile": "Жесткое удаление файла",
"LabelHour": "Часы",
"LabelIcon": "Иконка",
"LabelIncludeInTracklist": "Включать в Список воспроизведения",
"LabelIncludeInTracklist": "Включать в список воспроизведения",
"LabelIncomplete": "Не завершен",
"LabelInProgress": "В процессе",
"LabelInterval": "Интервал",
@ -237,96 +245,103 @@
"LabelIntervalEvery6Hours": "Каждые 6 часов",
"LabelIntervalEveryDay": "Каждый день",
"LabelIntervalEveryHour": "Каждый час",
"LabelInvalidParts": "Неверные Части",
"LabelInvalidParts": "Неверные части",
"LabelItem": "Элемент",
"LabelLanguage": "Язык",
"LabelLanguageDefaultServer": "Язык Сервера по Умолчанию",
"LabelLastSeen": "Последнее Сканирование",
"LabelLastTime": "Последний по Времени",
"LabelLastUpdate": "Последний Обновленный",
"LabelLanguageDefaultServer": "Язык сервера по умолчанию",
"LabelLastSeen": "Последнее сканирование",
"LabelLastTime": "Последний по времени",
"LabelLastUpdate": "Последний обновленный",
"LabelLess": "Менее",
"LabelLibrariesAccessibleToUser": "Библиотеки Доступные для Пользователя",
"LabelLibrariesAccessibleToUser": "Библиотеки доступные для пользователя",
"LabelLibrary": "Библиотека",
"LabelLibraryItem": "Элемент Библиотеки",
"LabelLibraryName": "Имя Библиотеки",
"LabelLibraryItem": "Элемент библиотеки",
"LabelLibraryName": "Имя библиотеки",
"LabelLimit": "Лимит",
"LabelListenAgain": "Послушать Снова",
"LabelListenAgain": "Послушать снова",
"LabelLogLevelDebug": "Debug",
"LabelLogLevelInfo": "Info",
"LabelLogLevelWarn": "Warn",
"LabelLookForNewEpisodesAfterDate": "Искать новые эпизоды после этой даты",
"LabelMediaPlayer": "Медиа Проигрыватель",
"LabelMediaType": "Тип Медиа",
"LabelMediaPlayer": "Медиа проигрыватель",
"LabelMediaType": "Тип медиа",
"LabelMetadataProvider": "Провайдер",
"LabelMetaTag": "Мета Тег",
"LabelMetaTag": "Мета тег",
"LabelMinute": "Минуты",
"LabelMissing": "Потеряно",
"LabelMissingParts": "Потерянные Части",
"LabelMissingParts": "Потерянные части",
"LabelMore": "Еще",
"LabelName": "Имя",
"LabelNarrator": "Читает",
"LabelNarrators": "Чтецы",
"LabelNew": "Новый",
"LabelNewestAuthors": "Новые Авторы",
"LabelNewestEpisodes": "Новые Эпизоды",
"LabelNewPassword": "Новый Пароль",
"LabelNewestAuthors": "Новые авторы",
"LabelNewestEpisodes": "Новые эпизоды",
"LabelNewPassword": "Новый пароль",
"LabelNextBackupDate": "Следующая дата бэкапирования",
"LabelNextScheduledRun": "Следущий запланированный запуск",
"LabelNotes": "Заметки",
"LabelNotFinished": "Не Завершено",
"LabelNotFinished": "Не завершено",
"LabelNotificationAppriseURL": "URL(ы) для извещений",
"LabelNotificationAvailableVariables": "Доступные переменные",
"LabelNotificationBodyTemplate": "Шаблон Тела",
"LabelNotificationEvent": "Событие Оповещения",
"LabelNotificationBodyTemplate": "Шаблон тела",
"LabelNotificationEvent": "Событие оповещения",
"LabelNotificationsMaxFailedAttempts": "Макс. попыток",
"LabelNotificationsMaxFailedAttemptsHelp": "Уведомления будут выключены если произойдет ошибка отправки данное количество раз",
"LabelNotificationsMaxQueueSize": "Макс. размер очереди для событий уведомлений",
"LabelNotificationsMaxQueueSizeHelp": "События ограничены 1 в секунду. События будут игнорированы если в очереди максимальное количество. Это предотвращает спам сообщениями.",
"LabelNotificationTitleTemplate": "Шаблон Заголовка",
"LabelNotStarted": "Не Запущено",
"LabelNumberOfBooks": "Количество Книг",
"LabelNotificationTitleTemplate": "Шаблон заголовка",
"LabelNotStarted": "Не запущено",
"LabelNumberOfBooks": "Количество книг",
"LabelNumberOfEpisodes": "# Эпизодов",
"LabelOpenRSSFeed": "Открыть RSS-канал",
"LabelOverwrite": "Перезаписать",
"LabelPassword": "Пароль",
"LabelPath": "Путь",
"LabelPermissionsAccessAllLibraries": "Есть Доступ ко всем Библиотекам",
"LabelPermissionsAccessAllTags": "Есть Доступ ко всем Тегам",
"LabelPermissionsAccessExplicitContent": "Есть Доступ к Явному Содержимому",
"LabelPermissionsDelete": "Может Удалять",
"LabelPermissionsDownload": "Может Скачивать",
"LabelPermissionsUpdate": "Может Обновлять",
"LabelPermissionsUpload": "Может Закачивать",
"LabelPhotoPathURL": "Путь к Фото/URL",
"LabelPermissionsAccessAllLibraries": "Есть доступ ко всем библиотекам",
"LabelPermissionsAccessAllTags": "Есть доступ ко всем тегам",
"LabelPermissionsAccessExplicitContent": "Есть доступ к явному содержимому",
"LabelPermissionsDelete": "Может удалять",
"LabelPermissionsDownload": "Может скачивать",
"LabelPermissionsUpdate": "Может обновлять",
"LabelPermissionsUpload": "Может закачивать",
"LabelPhotoPathURL": "Путь к фото/URL",
"LabelPlaylists": "Плейлисты",
"LabelPlayMethod": "Метод Воспроизведения",
"LabelPlayMethod": "Метод воспроизведения",
"LabelPodcast": "Подкаст",
"LabelPodcasts": "Подкасты",
"LabelPrefixesToIgnore": "Игнорируемые Префиксы (без учета регистра)",
"LabelPodcastType": "Тип подкаста",
"LabelPrefixesToIgnore": "Игнорируемые префиксы (без учета регистра)",
"LabelPreventIndexing": "Запретить индексацию фида каталогами подкастов iTunes и Google",
"LabelProgress": "Прогресс",
"LabelProvider": "Провайдер",
"LabelPubDate": "Дата Публикации",
"LabelPubDate": "Дата публикации",
"LabelPublisher": "Издатель",
"LabelPublishYear": "Год Публикации",
"LabelRecentlyAdded": "Недавно Добавленные",
"LabelRecentSeries": "Последние Серии",
"LabelPublishYear": "Год публикации",
"LabelRecentlyAdded": "Недавно добавленные",
"LabelRecentSeries": "Последние серии",
"LabelRecommended": "Рекомендованное",
"LabelRegion": "Регион",
"LabelReleaseDate": "Дата Выхода",
"LabelReleaseDate": "Дата выхода",
"LabelRemoveCover": "Удалить обложку",
"LabelRSSFeedCustomOwnerEmail": "Пользовательский Email владельца",
"LabelRSSFeedCustomOwnerName": "Пользовательское Имя владельца",
"LabelRSSFeedOpen": "Открыть RSS-канал",
"LabelRSSFeedPreventIndexing": "Запретить индексирование",
"LabelRSSFeedSlug": "Встроить RSS-канал",
"LabelRSSFeedURL": "URL RSS-канала",
"LabelSearchTerm": "Поисковый Запрос",
"LabelSearchTitle": "Поиск по Названию",
"LabelSearchTitleOrASIN": "Поиск по Названию или ASIN",
"LabelSearchTerm": "Поисковый запрос",
"LabelSearchTitle": "Поиск по названию",
"LabelSearchTitleOrASIN": "Поиск по названию или ASIN",
"LabelSeason": "Сезон",
"LabelSequence": "Последовательность",
"LabelSeries": "Серия",
"LabelSeriesName": "Имя Серии",
"LabelSeriesProgress": "Прогресс Серии",
"LabelSeriesName": "Имя серии",
"LabelSeriesProgress": "Прогресс серии",
"LabelSettingsBookshelfViewHelp": "Конструкция с деревянными полками",
"LabelSettingsChromecastSupport": "Поддержка Chromecast",
"LabelSettingsDateFormat": "Формат Даты",
"LabelSettingsDisableWatcher": "Отключить Отслеживание",
"LabelSettingsDateFormat": "Формат даты",
"LabelSettingsDisableWatcher": "Отключить отслеживание",
"LabelSettingsDisableWatcherForLibrary": "Отключить отслеживание для библиотеки",
"LabelSettingsDisableWatcherHelp": "Отключает автоматическое добавление/обновление элементов, когда обнаружено изменение файлов. *Требуется перезапуск сервера",
"LabelSettingsEnableEReader": "Включить e-reader для всех пользователей",
@ -335,7 +350,7 @@
"LabelSettingsExperimentalFeaturesHelp": "Функционал в разработке на который Вы могли бы дать отзыв или помочь в тестировании. Нажмите для открытия обсуждения на github.",
"LabelSettingsFindCovers": "Найти обложки",
"LabelSettingsFindCoversHelp": "Если у Ваших аудиокниг нет встроенной обложки или файла обложки в папке книги, то сканер попробует найти обложку.<br>Примечание: Это увеличит время сканирования",
"LabelSettingsHomePageBookshelfView": "Вид книжной полки на Домашней Странице",
"LabelSettingsHomePageBookshelfView": "Вид книжной полки на Домашней странице",
"LabelSettingsLibraryBookshelfView": "Вид книжной полки в Библиотеке",
"LabelSettingsOverdriveMediaMarkers": "Overdrive Media Markers для глав",
"LabelSettingsOverdriveMediaMarkersHelp": "MP3 файлы из Overdrive поставляется с таймингами глав, встроенными в виде пользовательских метаданных. При включении этого параметра эти теги будут автоматически использоваться для таймингов глав",
@ -357,46 +372,48 @@
"LabelSettingsStoreCoversWithItemHelp": "По умолчанию обложки сохраняются в папке /metadata/items, при включении этой настройки обложка будет храниться в папке элемента. Будет сохраняться только один файл с именем \"cover\"",
"LabelSettingsStoreMetadataWithItem": "Хранить метаинформацию с элементом",
"LabelSettingsStoreMetadataWithItemHelp": "По умолчанию метаинформация сохраняется в папке /metadata/items, при включении этой настройки метаинформация будет храниться в папке элемента. Используется расширение файла .abs",
"LabelShowAll": "Показать Все",
"LabelSettingsTimeFormat": "Формат времени",
"LabelShowAll": "Показать все",
"LabelSize": "Размер",
"LabelSleepTimer": "Таймер сна",
"LabelStart": "Начало",
"LabelStarted": "Начат",
"LabelStartedAt": "Начато В",
"LabelStartTime": "Время Начала",
"LabelStatsAudioTracks": "Аудио Треки",
"LabelStartTime": "Время начала",
"LabelStatsAudioTracks": "Аудио треки",
"LabelStatsAuthors": "Авторы",
"LabelStatsBestDay": "Лучший День",
"LabelStatsDailyAverage": "В среднем в День",
"LabelStatsDailyAverage": "В среднем в день",
"LabelStatsDays": "Дней",
"LabelStatsDaysListened": "Дней Прослушано",
"LabelStatsDaysListened": "Дней прослушано",
"LabelStatsHours": "Часов",
"LabelStatsInARow": "в строке",
"LabelStatsItemsFinished": "Элементов Завершено",
"LabelStatsItemsInLibrary": "Элементов в Библиотеке",
"LabelStatsInARow": "беспрерывно",
"LabelStatsItemsFinished": "Элементов завершено",
"LabelStatsItemsInLibrary": "Элементов в библиотеке",
"LabelStatsMinutes": "минут",
"LabelStatsMinutesListening": "Минут Прослушано",
"LabelStatsOverallDays": "Всего Дней",
"LabelStatsOverallHours": "Всего Часов",
"LabelStatsWeekListening": "Недель Прослушано",
"LabelStatsMinutesListening": "Минут прослушано",
"LabelStatsOverallDays": "Всего дней",
"LabelStatsOverallHours": "Всего сасов",
"LabelStatsWeekListening": "Недель прослушано",
"LabelSubtitle": "Подзаголовок",
"LabelSupportedFileTypes": "Поддерживаемые типы файлов",
"LabelTag": "Тег",
"LabelTags": "Теги",
"LabelTagsAccessibleToUser": "Теги Доступные для Пользователя",
"LabelTimeListened": "Время Прослушивания",
"LabelTimeListenedToday": "Время Прослушивания Сегодня",
"LabelTagsAccessibleToUser": "Теги доступные для пользователя",
"LabelTasks": "Запущенные задачи",
"LabelTimeListened": "Время прослушивания",
"LabelTimeListenedToday": "Время прослушивания сегодня",
"LabelTimeRemaining": "{0} осталось",
"LabelTimeToShift": "Время смещения в сек.",
"LabelTitle": "Название",
"LabelToolsEmbedMetadata": "Встроить Метаданные",
"LabelToolsEmbedMetadata": "Встроить метаданные",
"LabelToolsEmbedMetadataDescription": "Встроить метаданные в аудио файлы, включая обложку и главы.",
"LabelToolsMakeM4b": "Создать M4B Файл Аудиокниги",
"LabelToolsMakeM4b": "Создать M4B файл аудиокниги",
"LabelToolsMakeM4bDescription": "Создает .M4B файл аудиокниги с встроенными метаданными, обложкой и главами.",
"LabelToolsSplitM4b": "Разделить M4B на MP3 файлы",
"LabelToolsSplitM4bDescription": "Создает MP3 файла из M4B, разделяет на главы с встроенными метаданными, обложкой и главами.",
"LabelTotalDuration": "Общая Длина",
"LabelTotalTimeListened": "Всего Прослушано",
"LabelTotalDuration": "Общая длина",
"LabelTotalTimeListened": "Всего прослушано",
"LabelTrackFromFilename": "Трек из Имени файла",
"LabelTrackFromMetadata": "Трек из Метаданных",
"LabelTracks": "Треков",
@ -404,10 +421,10 @@
"LabelTracksSingleTrack": "Один трек",
"LabelType": "Тип",
"LabelUnknown": "Неизвестно",
"LabelUpdateCover": "Обновить Обложку",
"LabelUpdateCover": "Обновить обложку",
"LabelUpdateCoverHelp": "Позволяет перезаписывать существующие обложки для выбранных книг если будут найдены",
"LabelUpdatedAt": "Обновлено в",
"LabelUpdateDetails": "Обновить Подробности",
"LabelUpdateDetails": "Обновить подробности",
"LabelUpdateDetailsHelp": "Позволяет перезаписывать текущие подробности для выбранных книг если будут найдены",
"LabelUploaderDragAndDrop": "Перетащите файлы или каталоги",
"LabelUploaderDropFiles": "Перетащите файлы",
@ -422,10 +439,10 @@
"LabelViewQueue": "Очередь воспроизведения",
"LabelVolume": "Громкость",
"LabelWeekdaysToRun": "Дни недели для запуска",
"LabelYourAudiobookDuration": "Продолжительность Вашей Книги",
"LabelYourBookmarks": "Ваши Закладки",
"LabelYourPlaylists": "Ваши Плейлисты",
"LabelYourProgress": "Ваш Прогресс",
"LabelYourAudiobookDuration": "Продолжительность Вашей книги",
"LabelYourBookmarks": "Ваши закладки",
"LabelYourPlaylists": "Ваши плейлисты",
"LabelYourProgress": "Ваш прогресс",
"MessageAddToPlayerQueue": "Добавить в очередь проигрывателя",
"MessageAppriseDescription": "Для использования этой функции необходимо иметь запущенный экземпляр <a href=\"https://github.com/caronc/apprise-api\" target=\"_blank\">Apprise API</a> или api которое обрабатывает те же самые запросы. <br />URL-адрес API Apprise должен быть полным URL-адресом для отправки уведомления, т.е., если API запущено по адресу <code></code> тогда нужно указать <code></code>.",
"MessageBackupsDescription": "Бэкап включает пользователей, прогресс пользователей, данные элементов библиотеки, настройки сервера и изображения хранящиеся в <code>/metadata/items</code> и <code>/metadata/authors</code>. Бэкапы <strong>НЕ</strong> сохраняют файлы из папок библиотек.",
@ -465,8 +482,8 @@
"MessageForceReScanDescription": "будет сканировать все файлы снова, как свежее сканирование. Теги ID3 аудиофайлов, OPF-файлы и текстовые файлы будут сканироваться как новые.",
"MessageImportantNotice": "Важное замечание!",
"MessageInsertChapterBelow": "Вставить главу ниже",
"MessageItemsSelected": "{0} Элементов Выделено",
"MessageItemsUpdated": "{0} Элементов Обновлено",
"MessageItemsSelected": "{0} Элементов выделено",
"MessageItemsUpdated": "{0} Элементов обновлено",
"MessageJoinUsOn": "Присоединяйтесь к нам в",
"MessageListeningSessionsInTheLastYear": "{0} сеансов прослушивания в прошлом году",
"MessageLoading": "Загрузка...",
@ -474,33 +491,36 @@
"MessageM4BFailed": "M4B Ошибка!",
"MessageM4BFinished": "M4B Завершено!",
"MessageMapChapterTitles": "Сопоставление названий глав с существующими главами аудиокниги без корректировки временных меток",
"MessageMarkAsFinished": "Отметить, как Завершенную",
"MessageMarkAsNotFinished": "Отметить, как Не Завершенную",
"MessageMarkAsFinished": "Отметить, как завершенную",
"MessageMarkAsNotFinished": "Отметить, как не завершенную",
"MessageMatchBooksDescription": "попытается сопоставить книги в библиотеке с книгой из выбранного поставщика поиска и заполнить пустые детали и обложку. Не перезаписывает сведения.",
"MessageNoAudioTracks": "Нет аудио треков",
"MessageNoAuthors": "Нет Авторов",
"MessageNoBackups": "Нет Бэкапов",
"MessageNoBookmarks": "Нет Закладок",
"MessageNoChapters": "Нет Глав",
"MessageNoCollections": "Нет Коллекций",
"MessageNoAuthors": "Нет авторов",
"MessageNoBackups": "Нет бэкапов",
"MessageNoBookmarks": "Нет закладок",
"MessageNoChapters": "Нет глав",
"MessageNoCollections": "Нет коллекций",
"MessageNoCoversFound": "Обложек не найдено",
"MessageNoDescription": "Нет описания",
"MessageNoDownloadsInProgress": "В настоящее время загрузка не выполняется",
"MessageNoDownloadsQueued": "Нет загрузок в очереди",
"MessageNoEpisodeMatchesFound": "Совпадения эпизодов не найдены",
"MessageNoEpisodes": "Нет Эпизодов",
"MessageNoEpisodes": "Нет эпизодов",
"MessageNoFoldersAvailable": "Нет доступных папок",
"MessageNoGenres": "Нет Жанров",
"MessageNoIssues": "Нет Проблем",
"MessageNoItems": "Нет Элементов",
"MessageNoGenres": "Нет жанров",
"MessageNoIssues": "Нет проблем",
"MessageNoItems": "Нет элементов",
"MessageNoItemsFound": "Элементы не найдены",
"MessageNoListeningSessions": "Нет Сеансов Прослушивания",
"MessageNoLogs": "Нет Логов",
"MessageNoMediaProgress": "Нет Прогресса Медиа",
"MessageNoNotifications": "Нет Уведомлений",
"MessageNoListeningSessions": "Нет сеансов прослушивания",
"MessageNoLogs": "Нет логов",
"MessageNoMediaProgress": "Нет прогресса медиа",
"MessageNoNotifications": "Нет уведомлений",
"MessageNoPodcastsFound": "Подкасты не найдены",
"MessageNoResults": "Нет Результатов",
"MessageNoResults": "Нет результатов",
"MessageNoSearchResultsFor": "Нет результатов поиска для \"{0}\"",
"MessageNoSeries": "Нет Серий",
"MessageNoTags": "Нет Тегов",
"MessageNoSeries": "Нет серий",
"MessageNoTags": "Нет тегов",
"MessageNoTasksRunning": "Нет выполняемых задач",
"MessageNotYetImplemented": "Пока не реализовано",
"MessageNoUpdateNecessary": "Обновление не требуется",
"MessageNoUpdatesWereNecessary": "Обновления не требовались",
@ -526,7 +546,7 @@
"MessageStartPlaybackAtTime": "Начать воспроизведение для \"{0}\" с {1}?",
"MessageThinking": "Думаю...",
"MessageUploaderItemFailed": "Не удалось загрузить",
"MessageUploaderItemSuccess": "Успешно Загружено!",
"MessageUploaderItemSuccess": "Успешно загружено!",
"MessageUploading": "Загрузка...",
"MessageValidCronExpression": "Верное cron выражение",
"MessageWatcherIsDisabledGlobally": "Наблюдатель отключен глобально в настройках сервера",
@ -616,4 +636,4 @@
"ToastSocketFailedToConnect": "Не удалось подключить сокет",
"ToastUserDeleteFailed": "Не удалось удалить пользователя",
"ToastUserDeleteSuccess": "Пользователь удален"
@ -20,6 +20,7 @@
"ButtonCreate": "创建",
"ButtonCreateBackup": "创建备份",
"ButtonDelete": "删除",
"ButtonDownloadQueue": "下载队列",
"ButtonEdit": "编辑",
"ButtonEditChapters": "编辑章节",
"ButtonEditPodcast": "编辑播客",
@ -92,13 +93,15 @@
"HeaderCollection": "收藏",
"HeaderCollectionItems": "收藏项目",
"HeaderCover": "封面",
"HeaderCurrentDownloads": "当前下载",
"HeaderDetails": "详情",
"HeaderDownloadQueue": "下载队列",
"HeaderEpisodes": "剧集",
"HeaderFiles": "文件",
"HeaderFindChapters": "查找章节",
"HeaderIgnoredFiles": "忽略的文件",
"HeaderItemFiles": "项目文件",
"HeaderItemMetadataUtils": "项目元数据管理程序",
"HeaderItemMetadataUtils": "项目元数据管理",
"HeaderLastListeningSession": "最后一次收听会话",
"HeaderLatestEpisodes": "最新剧集",
"HeaderLibraries": "媒体库",
@ -126,6 +129,7 @@
"HeaderPreviewCover": "预览封面",
"HeaderRemoveEpisode": "移除剧集",
"HeaderRemoveEpisodes": "移除 {0} 剧集",
"HeaderRSSFeedGeneral": "RSS 详细信息",
"HeaderRSSFeedIsOpen": "RSS 源已打开",
"HeaderSavedMediaProgress": "保存媒体进度",
"HeaderSchedule": "计划任务",
@ -138,6 +142,7 @@
"HeaderSettingsGeneral": "通用",
"HeaderSettingsScanner": "扫描",
"HeaderSleepTimer": "睡眠计时",
"HeaderStatsLargestItems": "最大的项目",
"HeaderStatsLongestItems": "项目时长(小时)",
"HeaderStatsMinutesListeningChart": "收听分钟数(最近7天)",
"HeaderStatsRecentSessions": "历史会话",
@ -162,6 +167,7 @@
"LabelAddToPlaylistBatch": "添加 {0} 个项目到播放列表",
"LabelAll": "全部",
"LabelAllUsers": "所有用户",
"LabelAlreadyInYourLibrary": "已存在你的库中",
"LabelAppend": "附加",
"LabelAuthor": "作者",
"LabelAuthorFirstLast": "作者 (姓 名)",
@ -192,6 +198,7 @@
"LabelCronExpression": "计划任务表达式",
"LabelCurrent": "当前",
"LabelCurrently": "当前:",
"LabelCustomCronExpression": "自定义计划任务表达式:",
"LabelDatetime": "日期时间",
"LabelDescription": "描述",
"LabelDeselectAll": "全部取消选择",
@ -209,6 +216,7 @@
"LabelEpisode": "剧集",
"LabelEpisodeTitle": "剧集标题",
"LabelEpisodeType": "剧集类型",
"LabelExample": "示例",
"LabelExplicit": "信息准确",
"LabelFeedURL": "源 URL",
"LabelFile": "文件",
@ -270,6 +278,8 @@
"LabelNewestAuthors": "最新作者",
"LabelNewestEpisodes": "最新剧集",
"LabelNewPassword": "新密码",
"LabelNextBackupDate": "下次备份日期",
"LabelNextScheduledRun": "下次任务运行",
"LabelNotes": "注释",
"LabelNotFinished": "未听完",
"LabelNotificationAppriseURL": "通知 URL(s)",
@ -300,7 +310,9 @@
"LabelPlayMethod": "播放方法",
"LabelPodcast": "播客",
"LabelPodcasts": "播客",
"LabelPodcastType": "播客类型",
"LabelPrefixesToIgnore": "忽略的前缀 (不区分大小写)",
"LabelPreventIndexing": "防止 iTunes 和 Google 播客目录对你的源进行索引",
"LabelProgress": "进度",
"LabelProvider": "供应商",
"LabelPubDate": "出版日期",
@ -312,7 +324,10 @@
"LabelRegion": "区域",
"LabelReleaseDate": "发布日期",
"LabelRemoveCover": "移除封面",
"LabelRSSFeedCustomOwnerEmail": "自定义所有者电子邮件",
"LabelRSSFeedCustomOwnerName": "自定义所有者名称",
"LabelRSSFeedOpen": "打开 RSS 源",
"LabelRSSFeedPreventIndexing": "防止索引",
"LabelRSSFeedSlug": "RSS 源段",
"LabelRSSFeedURL": "RSS 源 URL",
"LabelSearchTerm": "搜索项",
@ -357,6 +372,7 @@
"LabelSettingsStoreCoversWithItemHelp": "默认情况下封面存储在/metadata/items文件夹中, 启用此设置将存储封面在你媒体项目文件夹中. 只保留一个名为 \"cover\" 的文件",
"LabelSettingsStoreMetadataWithItem": "存储项目元数据",
"LabelSettingsStoreMetadataWithItemHelp": "默认情况下元数据文件存储在/metadata/items文件夹中, 启用此设置将存储元数据在你媒体项目文件夹中. 使 .abs 文件护展名",
"LabelSettingsTimeFormat": "时间格式",
"LabelShowAll": "全部显示",
"LabelSize": "文件大小",
"LabelSleepTimer": "睡眠定时",
@ -384,6 +400,7 @@
"LabelTag": "标签",
"LabelTags": "标签",
"LabelTagsAccessibleToUser": "用户可访问的标签",
"LabelTasks": "正在运行的任务",
"LabelTimeListened": "收听时间",
"LabelTimeListenedToday": "今日收听的时间",
"LabelTimeRemaining": "剩余 {0}",
@ -485,6 +502,8 @@
"MessageNoCollections": "没有收藏",
"MessageNoCoversFound": "没有找到封面",
"MessageNoDescription": "没有描述",
"MessageNoDownloadsInProgress": "当前没有正在进行的下载",
"MessageNoDownloadsQueued": "下载队列无任务",
"MessageNoEpisodeMatchesFound": "没有找到任何剧集匹配项",
"MessageNoEpisodes": "没有剧集",
"MessageNoFoldersAvailable": "没有可用文件夹",
@ -501,6 +520,7 @@
"MessageNoSearchResultsFor": "没有搜索到结果 \"{0}\"",
"MessageNoSeries": "无系列",
"MessageNoTags": "无标签",
"MessageNoTasksRunning": "没有正在运行的任务",
"MessageNotYetImplemented": "尚未实施",
"MessageNoUpdateNecessary": "无需更新",
"MessageNoUpdatesWereNecessary": "无需更新",
@ -616,4 +636,4 @@
"ToastSocketFailedToConnect": "网络连接失败",
"ToastUserDeleteFailed": "删除用户失败",
"ToastUserDeleteSuccess": "用户已删除"
Normal file
Normal file
Binary file not shown.
After Width: | Height: | Size: 1.0 MiB |
Binary file not shown.
Before Width: | Height: | Size: 221 KiB |
@ -1,12 +1,12 @@
"name": "audiobookshelf",
"version": "2.2.15",
"version": "2.2.16",
"lockfileVersion": 2,
"requires": true,
"packages": {
"": {
"name": "audiobookshelf",
"version": "2.2.15",
"version": "2.2.16",
"license": "GPL-3.0",
"dependencies": {
"axios": "^0.27.2",
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
"name": "audiobookshelf",
"version": "2.2.15",
"version": "2.2.16",
"description": "Self-hosted audiobook and podcast server",
"main": "index.js",
"scripts": {
@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ Check out the [API documentation](https://api.audiobookshelf.org/)
<br />
<img alt="Library Screenshot" src="https://github.com/advplyr/audiobookshelf/raw/master/images/LibraryStreamSquare.png" />
<img alt="Library Screenshot" src="https://github.com/advplyr/audiobookshelf/raw/master/images/DemoLibrary.png" />
<br />
@ -72,7 +72,7 @@ class Server {
this.abMergeManager = new AbMergeManager(this.db, this.taskManager)
this.playbackSessionManager = new PlaybackSessionManager(this.db)
this.coverManager = new CoverManager(this.db, this.cacheManager)
this.podcastManager = new PodcastManager(this.db, this.watcher, this.notificationManager)
this.podcastManager = new PodcastManager(this.db, this.watcher, this.notificationManager, this.taskManager)
this.audioMetadataManager = new AudioMetadataMangaer(this.db, this.taskManager)
this.rssFeedManager = new RssFeedManager(this.db)
this.eBookManager = new EBookManager(this.db)
@ -82,6 +82,11 @@ class LibraryController {
return res.json(req.library)
async getEpisodeDownloadQueue(req, res) {
const libraryDownloadQueueDetails = this.podcastManager.getDownloadQueueDetails(req.library.id)
return res.json(libraryDownloadQueueDetails)
async update(req, res) {
const library = req.library
@ -229,6 +234,16 @@ class LibraryController {
if (payload.sortBy === 'book.volumeNumber') payload.sortBy = null // TODO: Remove temp fix after mobile release 0.9.60
if (filterSeries && !payload.sortBy) {
sortArray.push({ asc: (li) => li.media.metadata.getSeries(filterSeries).sequence })
// If no series sequence then fallback to sorting by title (or collapsed series name for sub-series)
asc: (li) => {
if (this.db.serverSettings.sortingIgnorePrefix) {
return li.collapsedSeries?.nameIgnorePrefix || li.media.metadata.titleIgnorePrefix
} else {
return li.collapsedSeries?.name || li.media.metadata.title
if (payload.sortBy) {
@ -637,6 +652,7 @@ class LibraryController {
var authorsWithCount = libraryHelpers.getAuthorsWithCount(libraryItems)
var genresWithCount = libraryHelpers.getGenresWithCount(libraryItems)
var durationStats = libraryHelpers.getItemDurationStats(libraryItems)
var sizeStats = libraryHelpers.getItemSizeStats(libraryItems)
var stats = {
totalItems: libraryItems.length,
totalAuthors: Object.keys(authorsWithCount).length,
@ -645,6 +661,7 @@ class LibraryController {
longestItems: durationStats.longestItems,
numAudioTracks: durationStats.numAudioTracks,
totalSize: libraryHelpers.getLibraryItemsTotalSize(libraryItems),
largestItems: sizeStats.largestItems,
@ -755,4 +772,4 @@ class LibraryController {
module.exports = new LibraryController()
module.exports = new LibraryController()
@ -36,8 +36,11 @@ class LibraryItemController {
}).filter(au => au)
} else if (includeEntities.includes('downloads')) {
var downloadsInQueue = this.podcastManager.getEpisodeDownloadsInQueue(req.libraryItem.id)
item.episodesDownloading = downloadsInQueue.map(d => d.toJSONForClient())
const downloadsInQueue = this.podcastManager.getEpisodeDownloadsInQueue(req.libraryItem.id)
item.episodeDownloadsQueued = downloadsInQueue.map(d => d.toJSONForClient())
if (this.podcastManager.currentDownload?.libraryItemId === req.libraryItem.id) {
item.episodesDownloading = [this.podcastManager.currentDownload.toJSONForClient()]
return res.json(item)
@ -225,6 +225,20 @@ class PodcastController {
// GET: api/podcasts/:id/episode/:episodeId
async getEpisode(req, res) {
const episodeId = req.params.episodeId
const libraryItem = req.libraryItem
const episode = libraryItem.media.episodes.find(ep => ep.id === episodeId)
if (!episode) {
Logger.error(`[PodcastController] getEpisode episode ${episodeId} not found for item ${libraryItem.id}`)
return res.sendStatus(404)
// DELETE: api/podcasts/:id/episode/:episodeId
async removeEpisode(req, res) {
var episodeId = req.params.episodeId
@ -283,4 +297,4 @@ class PodcastController {
module.exports = new PodcastController()
module.exports = new PodcastController()
@ -134,4 +134,4 @@ class RSSFeedController {
module.exports = new RSSFeedController()
module.exports = new RSSFeedController()
@ -14,12 +14,14 @@ const LibraryFile = require('../objects/files/LibraryFile')
const PodcastEpisodeDownload = require('../objects/PodcastEpisodeDownload')
const PodcastEpisode = require('../objects/entities/PodcastEpisode')
const AudioFile = require('../objects/files/AudioFile')
const Task = require("../objects/Task")
class PodcastManager {
constructor(db, watcher, notificationManager) {
constructor(db, watcher, notificationManager, taskManager) {
this.db = db
this.watcher = watcher
this.notificationManager = notificationManager
this.taskManager = taskManager
this.downloadQueue = []
this.currentDownload = null
@ -56,18 +58,28 @@ class PodcastManager {
newPe.setData(ep, index++)
newPe.libraryItemId = libraryItem.id
var newPeDl = new PodcastEpisodeDownload()
newPeDl.setData(newPe, libraryItem, isAutoDownload)
newPeDl.setData(newPe, libraryItem, isAutoDownload, libraryItem.libraryId)
async startPodcastEpisodeDownload(podcastEpisodeDownload) {
SocketAuthority.emitter('episode_download_queue_updated', this.getDownloadQueueDetails())
if (this.currentDownload) {
SocketAuthority.emitter('episode_download_queued', podcastEpisodeDownload.toJSONForClient())
const task = new Task()
const taskDescription = `Downloading episode "${podcastEpisodeDownload.podcastEpisode.title}".`
const taskData = {
libraryId: podcastEpisodeDownload.libraryId,
libraryItemId: podcastEpisodeDownload.libraryItemId,
task.setData('download-podcast-episode', 'Downloading Episode', taskDescription, taskData)
SocketAuthority.emitter('episode_download_started', podcastEpisodeDownload.toJSONForClient())
this.currentDownload = podcastEpisodeDownload
@ -81,7 +93,7 @@ class PodcastManager {
await filePerms.setDefault(this.currentDownload.libraryItem.path)
var success = await downloadFile(this.currentDownload.url, this.currentDownload.targetPath).then(() => true).catch((error) => {
let success = await downloadFile(this.currentDownload.url, this.currentDownload.targetPath).then(() => true).catch((error) => {
Logger.error(`[PodcastManager] Podcast Episode download failed`, error)
return false
@ -90,15 +102,21 @@ class PodcastManager {
if (!success) {
await fs.remove(this.currentDownload.targetPath)
task.setFailed('Failed to download episode')
} else {
Logger.info(`[PodcastManager] Successfully downloaded podcast episode "${this.currentDownload.podcastEpisode.title}"`)
} else {
task.setFailed('Failed to download episode')
SocketAuthority.emitter('episode_download_finished', this.currentDownload.toJSONForClient())
SocketAuthority.emitter('episode_download_queue_updated', this.getDownloadQueueDetails())
this.currentDownload = null
@ -329,5 +347,15 @@ class PodcastManager {
feeds: rssFeedData
getDownloadQueueDetails(libraryId = null) {
let _currentDownload = this.currentDownload
if (libraryId && _currentDownload?.libraryId !== libraryId) _currentDownload = null
return {
currentDownload: _currentDownload?.toJSONForClient(),
queue: this.downloadQueue.filter(item => !libraryId || item.libraryId === libraryId).map(item => item.toJSONForClient())
module.exports = PodcastManager
module.exports = PodcastManager
@ -188,9 +188,12 @@ class RssFeedManager {
async openFeedForItem(user, libraryItem, options) {
const serverAddress = options.serverAddress
const slug = options.slug
const preventIndexing = options.metadataDetails?.preventIndexing ?? true
const ownerName = options.metadataDetails?.ownerName
const ownerEmail = options.metadataDetails?.ownerEmail
const feed = new Feed()
feed.setFromItem(user.id, slug, libraryItem, serverAddress)
feed.setFromItem(user.id, slug, libraryItem, serverAddress, preventIndexing, ownerName, ownerEmail)
this.feeds[feed.id] = feed
Logger.debug(`[RssFeedManager] Opened RSS feed "${feed.feedUrl}"`)
@ -202,9 +205,12 @@ class RssFeedManager {
async openFeedForCollection(user, collectionExpanded, options) {
const serverAddress = options.serverAddress
const slug = options.slug
const preventIndexing = options.metadataDetails?.preventIndexing ?? true
const ownerName = options.metadataDetails?.ownerName
const ownerEmail = options.metadataDetails?.ownerEmail
const feed = new Feed()
feed.setFromCollection(user.id, slug, collectionExpanded, serverAddress)
feed.setFromCollection(user.id, slug, collectionExpanded, serverAddress, preventIndexing, ownerName, ownerEmail)
this.feeds[feed.id] = feed
Logger.debug(`[RssFeedManager] Opened RSS feed "${feed.feedUrl}"`)
@ -216,9 +222,12 @@ class RssFeedManager {
async openFeedForSeries(user, seriesExpanded, options) {
const serverAddress = options.serverAddress
const slug = options.slug
const preventIndexing = options.metadataDetails?.preventIndexing ?? true
const ownerName = options.metadataDetails?.ownerName
const ownerEmail = options.metadataDetails?.ownerEmail
const feed = new Feed()
feed.setFromSeries(user.id, slug, seriesExpanded, serverAddress)
feed.setFromSeries(user.id, slug, seriesExpanded, serverAddress, preventIndexing, ownerName, ownerEmail)
this.feeds[feed.id] = feed
Logger.debug(`[RssFeedManager] Opened RSS feed "${feed.feedUrl}"`)
@ -246,4 +255,4 @@ class RssFeedManager {
return this.handleCloseFeed(feed)
module.exports = RssFeedManager
module.exports = RssFeedManager
@ -70,17 +70,19 @@ class Feed {
id: this.id,
entityType: this.entityType,
entityId: this.entityId,
feedUrl: this.feedUrl
feedUrl: this.feedUrl,
meta: this.meta.toJSONMinified(),
getEpisodePath(id) {
var episode = this.episodes.find(ep => ep.id === id)
console.log('getEpisodePath=', id, episode)
if (!episode) return null
return episode.fullPath
setFromItem(userId, slug, libraryItem, serverAddress) {
setFromItem(userId, slug, libraryItem, serverAddress, preventIndexing = true, ownerName = null, ownerEmail = null) {
const media = libraryItem.media
const mediaMetadata = media.metadata
const isPodcast = libraryItem.mediaType === 'podcast'
@ -106,6 +108,11 @@ class Feed {
this.meta.feedUrl = feedUrl
this.meta.link = `${serverAddress}/item/${libraryItem.id}`
this.meta.explicit = !!mediaMetadata.explicit
this.meta.type = mediaMetadata.type
this.meta.language = mediaMetadata.language
this.meta.preventIndexing = preventIndexing
this.meta.ownerName = ownerName
this.meta.ownerEmail = ownerEmail
this.episodes = []
if (isPodcast) { // PODCAST EPISODES
@ -142,6 +149,8 @@ class Feed {
this.meta.author = author
this.meta.imageUrl = media.coverPath ? `${this.serverAddress}/feed/${this.slug}/cover` : `${this.serverAddress}/Logo.png`
this.meta.explicit = !!mediaMetadata.explicit
this.meta.type = mediaMetadata.type
this.meta.language = mediaMetadata.language
this.episodes = []
if (isPodcast) { // PODCAST EPISODES
@ -333,4 +342,4 @@ class Feed {
return author
module.exports = Feed
module.exports = Feed
@ -14,6 +14,9 @@ class FeedEpisode {
this.author = null
this.explicit = null
this.duration = null
this.season = null
this.episode = null
this.episodeType = null
this.libraryItemId = null
this.episodeId = null
@ -35,6 +38,9 @@ class FeedEpisode {
this.author = episode.author
this.explicit = episode.explicit
this.duration = episode.duration
this.season = episode.season
this.episode = episode.episode
this.episodeType = episode.episodeType
this.libraryItemId = episode.libraryItemId
this.episodeId = episode.episodeId || null
this.trackIndex = episode.trackIndex || 0
@ -52,6 +58,9 @@ class FeedEpisode {
author: this.author,
explicit: this.explicit,
duration: this.duration,
season: this.season,
episode: this.episode,
episodeType: this.episodeType,
libraryItemId: this.libraryItemId,
episodeId: this.episodeId,
trackIndex: this.trackIndex,
@ -77,25 +86,31 @@ class FeedEpisode {
this.author = meta.author
this.explicit = mediaMetadata.explicit
this.duration = episode.duration
this.season = episode.season
this.episode = episode.episode
this.episodeType = episode.episodeType
this.libraryItemId = libraryItem.id
this.episodeId = episode.id
this.trackIndex = 0
this.fullPath = episode.audioFile.metadata.path
setFromAudiobookTrack(libraryItem, serverAddress, slug, audioTrack, meta, additionalOffset = 0) {
setFromAudiobookTrack(libraryItem, serverAddress, slug, audioTrack, meta, additionalOffset = null) {
// Example: <pubDate>Fri, 04 Feb 2015 00:00:00 GMT</pubDate>
let timeOffset = isNaN(audioTrack.index) ? 0 : (Number(audioTrack.index) * 1000) // Offset pubdate to ensure correct order
let episodeId = String(audioTrack.index)
// Additional offset can be used for collections/series
if (additionalOffset && !isNaN(additionalOffset)) {
if (additionalOffset !== null && !isNaN(additionalOffset)) {
timeOffset += Number(additionalOffset) * 1000
episodeId = String(additionalOffset) + '-' + episodeId
// e.g. Track 1 will have a pub date before Track 2
const audiobookPubDate = date.format(new Date(libraryItem.addedAt + timeOffset), 'ddd, DD MMM YYYY HH:mm:ss [GMT]')
const contentUrl = `/feed/${slug}/item/${audioTrack.index}/${audioTrack.metadata.filename}`
const contentUrl = `/feed/${slug}/item/${episodeId}/${audioTrack.metadata.filename}`
const media = libraryItem.media
const mediaMetadata = media.metadata
@ -110,7 +125,7 @@ class FeedEpisode {
this.id = String(audioTrack.index)
this.id = episodeId
this.title = title
this.description = mediaMetadata.description || ''
this.enclosure = {
@ -144,9 +159,12 @@ class FeedEpisode {
{ 'itunes:summary': this.description || '' },
"itunes:explicit": !!this.explicit
{ "itunes:episodeType": this.episodeType },
{ "itunes:season": this.season },
{ "itunes:episode": this.episode }
module.exports = FeedEpisode
module.exports = FeedEpisode
@ -7,6 +7,11 @@ class FeedMeta {
this.feedUrl = null
this.link = null
this.explicit = null
this.type = null
this.language = null
this.preventIndexing = null
this.ownerName = null
this.ownerEmail = null
if (meta) {
@ -21,6 +26,11 @@ class FeedMeta {
this.feedUrl = meta.feedUrl
this.link = meta.link
this.explicit = meta.explicit
this.type = meta.type
this.language = meta.language
this.preventIndexing = meta.preventIndexing
this.ownerName = meta.ownerName
this.ownerEmail = meta.ownerEmail
toJSON() {
@ -31,7 +41,22 @@ class FeedMeta {
imageUrl: this.imageUrl,
feedUrl: this.feedUrl,
link: this.link,
explicit: this.explicit
explicit: this.explicit,
type: this.type,
language: this.language,
preventIndexing: this.preventIndexing,
ownerName: this.ownerName,
ownerEmail: this.ownerEmail
toJSONMinified() {
return {
title: this.title,
description: this.description,
preventIndexing: this.preventIndexing,
ownerName: this.ownerName,
ownerEmail: this.ownerEmail
@ -43,16 +68,18 @@ class FeedMeta {
feed_url: this.feedUrl,
site_url: this.link,
image_url: this.imageUrl,
language: 'en',
custom_namespaces: {
'itunes': 'http://www.itunes.com/dtds/podcast-1.0.dtd',
'psc': 'http://podlove.org/simple-chapters',
'podcast': 'https://podcastindex.org/namespace/1.0'
'podcast': 'https://podcastindex.org/namespace/1.0',
'googleplay': 'http://www.google.com/schemas/play-podcasts/1.0'
custom_elements: [
{ 'language': this.language || 'en' },
{ 'author': this.author || 'advplyr' },
{ 'itunes:author': this.author || 'advplyr' },
{ 'itunes:summary': this.description || '' },
{ 'itunes:type': this.type },
'itunes:image': {
_attr: {
@ -62,15 +89,15 @@ class FeedMeta {
'itunes:owner': [
{ 'itunes:name': this.author || '' },
{ 'itunes:email': '' }
{ 'itunes:name': this.ownerName || this.author || '' },
{ 'itunes:email': this.ownerEmail || '' }
"itunes:explicit": !!this.explicit
{ 'itunes:explicit': !!this.explicit },
{ 'itunes:block': this.preventIndexing?"Yes":"No" },
{ 'googleplay:block': this.preventIndexing?"yes":"no" }
module.exports = FeedMeta
module.exports = FeedMeta
@ -197,9 +197,15 @@ class LibraryItem {
if (key === 'libraryFiles') {
this.libraryFiles = payload.libraryFiles.map(lf => lf.clone())
// Use first image library file as cover
const firstImageFile = this.libraryFiles.find(lf => lf.fileType === 'image')
if (firstImageFile) this.media.coverPath = firstImageFile.metadata.path
// Set cover image
const imageFiles = this.libraryFiles.filter(lf => lf.fileType === 'image')
const coverMatch = imageFiles.find(iFile => /\/cover\.[^.\/]*$/.test(iFile.metadata.path))
if (coverMatch) {
this.media.coverPath = coverMatch.metadata.path
} else if (imageFiles.length) {
this.media.coverPath = imageFiles[0].metadata.path
} else if (this[key] !== undefined && key !== 'media') {
this[key] = payload[key]
@ -330,6 +336,7 @@ class LibraryItem {
if (dataFound.ino !== this.ino) {
Logger.warn(`[LibraryItem] Check scan item changed inode "${this.ino}" -> "${dataFound.ino}"`)
this.ino = dataFound.ino
hasUpdated = true
@ -341,7 +348,7 @@ class LibraryItem {
if (dataFound.path !== this.path) {
Logger.warn(`[LibraryItem] Check scan item changed path "${this.path}" -> "${dataFound.path}"`)
Logger.warn(`[LibraryItem] Check scan item changed path "${this.path}" -> "${dataFound.path}" (inode ${this.ino})`)
this.path = dataFound.path
this.relPath = dataFound.relPath
hasUpdated = true
@ -444,8 +451,14 @@ class LibraryItem {
// Set cover image if not set
const imageFiles = this.libraryFiles.filter(lf => lf.fileType === 'image')
if (imageFiles.length && !this.media.coverPath) {
this.media.coverPath = imageFiles[0].metadata.path
Logger.debug('[LibraryItem] Set media cover path', this.media.coverPath)
// attempt to find a file called cover.<ext> otherwise just fall back to the first image found
const coverMatch = imageFiles.find(iFile => /\/cover\.[^.\/]*$/.test(iFile.metadata.path))
if (coverMatch) {
this.media.coverPath = coverMatch.metadata.path
} else {
this.media.coverPath = imageFiles[0].metadata.path
Logger.info('[LibraryItem] Set media cover path', this.media.coverPath)
hasUpdated = true
@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
const Path = require('path')
const { getId } = require('../utils/index')
const { sanitizeFilename } = require('../utils/fileUtils')
const globals = require('../utils/globals')
class PodcastEpisodeDownload {
constructor() {
@ -8,9 +9,9 @@ class PodcastEpisodeDownload {
this.podcastEpisode = null
this.url = null
this.libraryItem = null
this.libraryId = null
this.isAutoDownload = false
this.isDownloading = false
this.isFinished = false
this.failed = false
@ -22,20 +23,32 @@ class PodcastEpisodeDownload {
toJSONForClient() {
return {
id: this.id,
episodeDisplayTitle: this.podcastEpisode ? this.podcastEpisode.title : null,
episodeDisplayTitle: this.podcastEpisode?.title ?? null,
url: this.url,
libraryItemId: this.libraryItem ? this.libraryItem.id : null,
isDownloading: this.isDownloading,
libraryItemId: this.libraryItem?.id || null,
libraryId: this.libraryId || null,
isFinished: this.isFinished,
failed: this.failed,
startedAt: this.startedAt,
createdAt: this.createdAt,
finishedAt: this.finishedAt
finishedAt: this.finishedAt,
podcastTitle: this.libraryItem?.media.metadata.title ?? null,
podcastExplicit: !!this.libraryItem?.media.metadata.explicit,
season: this.podcastEpisode?.season ?? null,
episode: this.podcastEpisode?.episode ?? null,
episodeType: this.podcastEpisode?.episodeType ?? 'full',
publishedAt: this.podcastEpisode?.publishedAt ?? null
get fileExtension() {
const extname = Path.extname(this.url).substring(1).toLowerCase()
if (globals.SupportedAudioTypes.includes(extname)) return extname
return 'mp3'
get targetFilename() {
return sanitizeFilename(`${this.podcastEpisode.title}.mp3`)
return sanitizeFilename(`${this.podcastEpisode.title}.${this.fileExtension}`)
get targetPath() {
return Path.join(this.libraryItem.path, this.targetFilename)
@ -47,13 +60,21 @@ class PodcastEpisodeDownload {
return this.libraryItem ? this.libraryItem.id : null
setData(podcastEpisode, libraryItem, isAutoDownload) {
setData(podcastEpisode, libraryItem, isAutoDownload, libraryId) {
this.id = getId('epdl')
this.podcastEpisode = podcastEpisode
this.url = podcastEpisode.enclosure.url
const url = podcastEpisode.enclosure.url
if (decodeURIComponent(url) !== url) { // Already encoded
this.url = url
} else {
this.url = encodeURI(url)
this.libraryItem = libraryItem
this.isAutoDownload = isAutoDownload
this.createdAt = Date.now()
this.libraryId = libraryId
setFinished(success) {
@ -62,4 +83,4 @@ class PodcastEpisodeDownload {
this.failed = !success
module.exports = PodcastEpisodeDownload
module.exports = PodcastEpisodeDownload
@ -82,7 +82,8 @@ class Stream extends EventEmitter {
get codecsToForceAAC() {
@ -117,7 +117,7 @@ class PodcastEpisode {
this.enclosure = data.enclosure ? { ...data.enclosure } : null
this.season = data.season || ''
this.episode = data.episode || ''
this.episodeType = data.episodeType || ''
this.episodeType = data.episodeType || 'full'
this.publishedAt = data.publishedAt || 0
this.addedAt = Date.now()
this.updatedAt = Date.now()
@ -165,4 +165,4 @@ class PodcastEpisode {
return cleanStringForSearch(this.title).includes(query)
module.exports = PodcastEpisode
module.exports = PodcastEpisode
@ -296,7 +296,7 @@ class Book {
} else if (key === 'narrators') {
if (opfMetadata.narrators && opfMetadata.narrators.length && (!this.metadata.narrators.length || opfMetadataOverrideDetails)) {
if (opfMetadata.narrators?.length && (!this.metadata.narrators.length || opfMetadataOverrideDetails)) {
metadataUpdatePayload.narrators = opfMetadata.narrators
} else if (key === 'series') {
@ -356,9 +356,9 @@ class Book {
updateAudioTracks(orderedFileData) {
var index = 1
let index = 1
this.audioFiles = orderedFileData.map((fileData) => {
var audioFile = this.audioFiles.find(af => af.ino === fileData.ino)
const audioFile = this.audioFiles.find(af => af.ino === fileData.ino)
audioFile.manuallyVerified = true
audioFile.invalid = false
audioFile.error = null
@ -376,11 +376,11 @@ class Book {
rebuildTracks(preferOverdriveMediaMarker) {
rebuildTracks() {
Logger.debug(`[Book] Tracks being rebuilt...!`)
this.audioFiles.sort((a, b) => a.index - b.index)
this.missingParts = []
@ -412,14 +412,16 @@ class Book {
return wasUpdated
setChapters(preferOverdriveMediaMarker = false) {
setChapters() {
const preferOverdriveMediaMarker = !!global.ServerSettings.scannerPreferOverdriveMediaMarker
// If 1 audio file without chapters, then no chapters will be set
var includedAudioFiles = this.audioFiles.filter(af => !af.exclude)
const includedAudioFiles = this.audioFiles.filter(af => !af.exclude)
if (!includedAudioFiles.length) return
// If overdrive media markers are present and preferred, use those instead
if (preferOverdriveMediaMarker) {
var overdriveChapters = parseOverdriveMediaMarkersAsChapters(includedAudioFiles)
const overdriveChapters = parseOverdriveMediaMarkersAsChapters(includedAudioFiles)
if (overdriveChapters) {
Logger.info('[Book] Overdrive Media Markers and preference found! Using these for chapter definitions')
this.chapters = overdriveChapters
@ -460,17 +462,26 @@ class Book {
} else if (includedAudioFiles.length > 1) {
const preferAudioMetadata = !!global.ServerSettings.scannerPreferAudioMetadata
// Build chapters from audio files
this.chapters = []
var currChapterId = 0
var currStartTime = 0
let currChapterId = 0
let currStartTime = 0
includedAudioFiles.forEach((file) => {
if (file.duration) {
let title = file.metadata.filename ? Path.basename(file.metadata.filename, Path.extname(file.metadata.filename)) : `Chapter ${currChapterId}`
// When prefer audio metadata server setting is set then use ID3 title tag as long as it is not the same as the book title
if (preferAudioMetadata && file.metaTags?.tagTitle && file.metaTags?.tagTitle !== this.metadata.title) {
title = file.metaTags.tagTitle
id: currChapterId++,
start: currStartTime,
end: currStartTime + file.duration,
title: file.metadata.filename ? Path.basename(file.metadata.filename, Path.extname(file.metadata.filename)) : `Chapter ${currChapterId}`
currStartTime += file.duration
@ -15,6 +15,7 @@ class PodcastMetadata {
this.itunesArtistId = null
this.explicit = false
this.language = null
this.type = null
if (metadata) {
@ -34,6 +35,7 @@ class PodcastMetadata {
this.itunesArtistId = metadata.itunesArtistId
this.explicit = metadata.explicit
this.language = metadata.language || null
this.type = metadata.type || 'episodic'
toJSON() {
@ -49,7 +51,8 @@ class PodcastMetadata {
itunesId: this.itunesId,
itunesArtistId: this.itunesArtistId,
explicit: this.explicit,
language: this.language
language: this.language,
type: this.type
@ -67,7 +70,8 @@ class PodcastMetadata {
itunesId: this.itunesId,
itunesArtistId: this.itunesArtistId,
explicit: this.explicit,
language: this.language
language: this.language,
type: this.type
@ -112,6 +116,7 @@ class PodcastMetadata {
this.itunesArtistId = mediaMetadata.itunesArtistId || null
this.explicit = !!mediaMetadata.explicit
this.language = mediaMetadata.language || null
this.type = mediaMetadata.type || null
if (mediaMetadata.genres && mediaMetadata.genres.length) {
this.genres = [...mediaMetadata.genres]
@ -132,4 +137,4 @@ class PodcastMetadata {
return hasUpdates
module.exports = PodcastMetadata
module.exports = PodcastMetadata
@ -51,6 +51,7 @@ class ServerSettings {
this.chromecastEnabled = false
this.enableEReader = false
this.dateFormat = 'MM/dd/yyyy'
this.timeFormat = 'HH:mm'
this.language = 'en-us'
this.logLevel = Logger.logLevel
@ -96,6 +97,7 @@ class ServerSettings {
this.chromecastEnabled = !!settings.chromecastEnabled
this.enableEReader = !!settings.enableEReader
this.dateFormat = settings.dateFormat || 'MM/dd/yyyy'
this.timeFormat = settings.timeFormat || 'HH:mm'
this.language = settings.language || 'en-us'
this.logLevel = settings.logLevel || Logger.logLevel
this.version = settings.version || null
@ -146,6 +148,7 @@ class ServerSettings {
chromecastEnabled: this.chromecastEnabled,
enableEReader: this.enableEReader,
dateFormat: this.dateFormat,
timeFormat: this.timeFormat,
language: this.language,
logLevel: this.logLevel,
version: this.version
@ -178,4 +181,4 @@ class ServerSettings {
return hasUpdates
module.exports = ServerSettings
module.exports = ServerSettings
@ -95,7 +95,8 @@ class iTunes {
cover: this.getCoverArtwork(data),
trackCount: data.trackCount,
feedUrl: data.feedUrl,
pageUrl: data.collectionViewUrl
pageUrl: data.collectionViewUrl,
explicit: data.trackExplicitness === 'explicit'
@ -105,4 +106,4 @@ class iTunes {
module.exports = iTunes
module.exports = iTunes
@ -76,6 +76,7 @@ class ApiRouter {
this.router.get('/libraries/:id/items', LibraryController.middleware.bind(this), LibraryController.getLibraryItems.bind(this))
this.router.delete('/libraries/:id/issues', LibraryController.middleware.bind(this), LibraryController.removeLibraryItemsWithIssues.bind(this))
this.router.get('/libraries/:id/episode-downloads', LibraryController.middleware.bind(this), LibraryController.getEpisodeDownloadQueue.bind(this))
this.router.get('/libraries/:id/series', LibraryController.middleware.bind(this), LibraryController.getAllSeriesForLibrary.bind(this))
this.router.get('/libraries/:id/collections', LibraryController.middleware.bind(this), LibraryController.getCollectionsForLibrary.bind(this))
this.router.get('/libraries/:id/playlists', LibraryController.middleware.bind(this), LibraryController.getUserPlaylistsForLibrary.bind(this))
@ -235,6 +236,7 @@ class ApiRouter {
this.router.get('/podcasts/:id/search-episode', PodcastController.middleware.bind(this), PodcastController.findEpisode.bind(this))
this.router.post('/podcasts/:id/download-episodes', PodcastController.middleware.bind(this), PodcastController.downloadEpisodes.bind(this))
this.router.post('/podcasts/:id/match-episodes', PodcastController.middleware.bind(this), PodcastController.quickMatchEpisodes.bind(this))
this.router.get('/podcasts/:id/episode/:episodeId', PodcastController.middleware.bind(this), PodcastController.getEpisode.bind(this))
this.router.patch('/podcasts/:id/episode/:episodeId', PodcastController.middleware.bind(this), PodcastController.updateEpisode.bind(this))
this.router.delete('/podcasts/:id/episode/:episodeId', PodcastController.middleware.bind(this), PodcastController.removeEpisode.bind(this))
@ -553,4 +555,4 @@ class ApiRouter {
module.exports = ApiRouter
module.exports = ApiRouter
@ -221,7 +221,7 @@ class MediaFileScanner {
async scanMediaFiles(mediaLibraryFiles, libraryItem, libraryScan = null) {
const preferAudioMetadata = libraryScan ? !!libraryScan.preferAudioMetadata : !!global.ServerSettings.scannerPreferAudioMetadata
const preferOverdriveMediaMarker = libraryScan ? !!libraryScan.preferOverdriveMediaMarker : !!global.ServerSettings.scannerPreferOverdriveMediaMarker
const preferOverdriveMediaMarker = !!global.ServerSettings.scannerPreferOverdriveMediaMarker
let hasUpdated = false
@ -280,7 +280,7 @@ class MediaFileScanner {
if (hasUpdated) {
} else if (libraryItem.mediaType === 'podcast') { // Podcast Media Type
const existingAudioFiles = mediaScanResult.audioFiles.filter(af => libraryItem.media.findFileWithInode(af.ino))
@ -201,6 +201,7 @@ class Scanner {
const dataFound = libraryItemDataFound.find(lid => lid.ino === libraryItem.ino || comparePaths(lid.relPath, libraryItem.relPath))
if (!dataFound) {
libraryScan.addLog(LogLevel.WARN, `Library Item "${libraryItem.media.metadata.title}" is missing`)
Logger.warn(`[Scanner] Library item "${libraryItem.media.metadata.title}" is missing (inode "${libraryItem.ino}")`)
@ -899,7 +900,7 @@ class Scanner {
description: episodeToMatch.description || '',
enclosure: episodeToMatch.enclosure || null,
episode: episodeToMatch.episode || '',
episodeType: episodeToMatch.episodeType || '',
episodeType: episodeToMatch.episodeType || 'full',
season: episodeToMatch.season || '',
pubDate: episodeToMatch.pubDate || '',
publishedAt: episodeToMatch.publishedAt
@ -993,4 +994,4 @@ class Scanner {
return MediaFileScanner.probeAudioFileWithTone(audioFile)
module.exports = Scanner
module.exports = Scanner
@ -46,7 +46,9 @@ module.exports.AudioMimeType = {
WMA: 'audio/x-ms-wma',
AIFF: 'audio/x-aiff',
WEBM: 'audio/webm',
WEBMA: 'audio/webm'
WEBMA: 'audio/webm',
MKA: 'audio/x-matroska',
AWB: 'audio/amr-wb'
module.exports.VideoMimeType = {
@ -107,7 +107,6 @@ module.exports.setDefaultDirSync = (path, silent = false) => {
const uid = global.Uid
const gid = global.Gid
if (isNaN(uid) || isNaN(gid)) {
if (!silent) Logger.debug('Not modifying permissions since no uid/gid is specified')
return true
if (!silent) Logger.debug(`[FilePerms] Setting dir permission "${mode}" for uid ${uid} and gid ${gid} | "${path}"`)
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
const globals = {
SupportedImageTypes: ['png', 'jpg', 'jpeg', 'webp'],
SupportedAudioTypes: ['m4b', 'mp3', 'm4a', 'flac', 'opus', 'ogg', 'oga', 'mp4', 'aac', 'wma', 'aiff', 'wav', 'webm', 'webma'],
SupportedAudioTypes: ['m4b', 'mp3', 'm4a', 'flac', 'opus', 'ogg', 'oga', 'mp4', 'aac', 'wma', 'aiff', 'wav', 'webm', 'webma', 'mka', 'awb'],
SupportedEbookTypes: ['epub', 'pdf', 'mobi', 'azw3', 'cbr', 'cbz'],
SupportedVideoTypes: ['mp4'],
TextFileTypes: ['txt', 'nfo'],
@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
const sanitizeHtml = require('../libs/sanitizeHtml')
const {entities} = require("./htmlEntities");
const { entities } = require("./htmlEntities");
function sanitize(html) {
const sanitizerOptions = {
allowedTags: [
'p', 'ol', 'ul', 'li', 'a', 'strong', 'em', 'del'
'p', 'ol', 'ul', 'li', 'a', 'strong', 'em', 'del', 'br'
disallowedTagsMode: 'discard',
allowedAttributes: {
@ -95,17 +95,20 @@ module.exports = {
checkSeriesProgressFilter(series, filterBy, user) {
const filter = this.decode(filterBy.split('.')[1])
var numBooksStartedOrFinished = 0
let someBookHasProgress = false
let someBookIsUnfinished = false
for (const libraryItem of series.books) {
const itemProgress = user.getMediaProgress(libraryItem.id)
if (filter === 'Finished' && (!itemProgress || !itemProgress.isFinished)) return false
if (filter === 'Not Started' && itemProgress) return false
if (itemProgress) numBooksStartedOrFinished++
if (!itemProgress || !itemProgress.isFinished) someBookIsUnfinished = true
if (itemProgress && itemProgress.progress > 0) someBookHasProgress = true
if (filter === 'finished' && (!itemProgress || !itemProgress.isFinished)) return false
if (filter === 'not-started' && itemProgress) return false
if (numBooksStartedOrFinished === series.books.length) { // Completely finished series
if (filter === 'Not Finished') return false
} else if (numBooksStartedOrFinished === 0 && filter === 'In Progress') { // Series not started
if (!someBookIsUnfinished && filter === 'not-finished') { // Completely finished series
return false
} else if (!someBookHasProgress && filter === 'in-progress') { // Series not started
return false
return true
@ -280,6 +283,19 @@ module.exports = {
getItemSizeStats(libraryItems) {
var sorted = sort(libraryItems).desc(li => li.media.size)
var top10 = sorted.slice(0, 10).map(li => ({ id: li.id, title: li.media.metadata.title, size: li.media.size })).filter(i => i.size > 0)
var totalSize = 0
libraryItems.forEach((li) => {
totalSize += li.media.size
return {
largestItems: top10
getLibraryItemsTotalSize(libraryItems) {
var totalSize = 0
libraryItems.forEach((li) => {
@ -843,4 +859,4 @@ module.exports = {
return Object.values(albums)
@ -43,6 +43,8 @@ module.exports.parse = (nameString) => {
// Example &LF: Friedman, Milton & Friedman, Rose
if (nameString.includes('&')) {
nameString.split('&').forEach((asa) => splitNames = splitNames.concat(asa.split(',')))
} else if (nameString.includes(';')) {
nameString.split(';').forEach((asa) => splitNames = splitNames.concat(asa.split(',')))
} else {
splitNames = nameString.split(',')
@ -111,7 +111,7 @@ function fetchVolumeNumber(metadataMeta) {
function fetchNarrators(creators, metadata) {
const narrators = fetchCreators(creators, 'nrt')
if (typeof metadata.meta == "undefined" || narrators.length) return narrators
if (narrators?.length) return narrators
try {
const narratorsJSON = JSON.parse(fetchTagString(metadata.meta, "calibre:user_metadata:#narrators").replace(/"/g, '"'))
return narratorsJSON["#value#"]
@ -150,7 +150,7 @@ module.exports.parseOpfMetadataXML = async (xml) => {
const metadataMeta = prefix ? metadata[`${prefix}:meta`] || metadata.meta : metadata.meta
metadata.meta = {}
if (metadataMeta && metadataMeta.length) {
if (metadataMeta?.length) {
metadataMeta.forEach((meta) => {
if (meta && meta['$'] && meta['$'].name) {
metadata.meta[meta['$'].name] = [meta['$'].content || '']
@ -46,7 +46,8 @@ function extractPodcastMetadata(channel) {
categories: extractCategories(channel),
feedUrl: null,
description: null,
descriptionPlain: null
descriptionPlain: null,
type: null
if (channel['itunes:new-feed-url']) {
@ -61,7 +62,7 @@ function extractPodcastMetadata(channel) {
metadata.descriptionPlain = htmlSanitizer.stripAllTags(rawDescription)
var arrayFields = ['title', 'language', 'itunes:explicit', 'itunes:author', 'pubDate', 'link']
var arrayFields = ['title', 'language', 'itunes:explicit', 'itunes:author', 'pubDate', 'link', 'itunes:type']
arrayFields.forEach((key) => {
var cleanKey = key.split(':').pop()
metadata[cleanKey] = extractFirstArrayItem(channel, key)
@ -258,4 +259,4 @@ module.exports.findMatchingEpisodesInFeed = (feed, searchTitle) => {
return matches.sort((a, b) => a.levenshtein - b.levenshtein)
Reference in New Issue
Block a user