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layout: post
title: "Windows Unicode Configuration"
date: 2024-03-13 21:35:00 +0100
Here's a little hint on how to configure your Windows 10/11 for boxes.<!--break-->
Out of the box, some Windows installations are not properly configured to support Unicode in their terminals.
Full UTF-8 support must sometimes be explicitly enabled.
1. Press <kbd>Windows</kbd>+<kbd>R</kbd>, type `control`, and press <kbd>Enter</kbd> in order to call up the control
2. "Clock and Region" → "Region" → *Administrative* Tab → **Change System Locale**
3. Enable the checkbox "Beta: Use Unicode UTF-8 for worldwide language support". The setting for "Current system
locale" does not matter.
![System Locale Dialog]({{ site.baseurl}}/images/windows10-unicode.png){: .img-shad .img-fluid}
The above is written for Windows 10, but it should be roughly the same on Windows 11.
After that, enjoy fine Unicode display even in a regular CMD shell:
![CMD shell with unicode]({{ site.baseurl}}/images/windows10-unicode-example.png){: .img-shad .img-fluid}