2020-01-06 14:38:29 +01:00

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layout: markdown
title: Editor Integration
# Text Editor Integration
This section assumes you already have a working binary of *boxes*. Binaries for some platforms can be obtained through
the [download page]({{ site.baseurl}}/download.html). Should your platform be missing from the list, you can still
download the source distribution and compile your own binary. This sounds harder than it is.
Although *boxes* can be useful when used on the command line, the more frequent use case will be as a filter tied to
your editor. So, how can *boxes* be tied to your editor?
Example config file entries are featured so far for [Vim](, [Jed](,
[Emacs](, [Sublime Text](, and
[NotePad++]( If you know how to to this in other editors, please feel free to add that
information to this page via GitHub or just let me know in the GitHub issues.
## Integration with Vim
To call filters from vim, you need to press `!` in visual mode or `!!` in normal mode. So the easiest way to tie in
*boxes* with vim is by adding the following four lines to your *.vimrc*:
vmap ,mc !boxes -d c-cmt<CR>
nmap ,mc !!boxes -d c-cmt<CR>
vmap ,xc !boxes -d c-cmt -r<CR>
nmap ,xc !!boxes -d c-cmt -r<CR>
`<CR>` should be there literally; just paste the lines directly from your browser window. This would comment out the
current line or the lines you have marked when you press `,mc` (for *make comment*). Comments can be removed in the
same way by pressing `,xc`. Should you feel that `,mc` is too long a combination to type, feel free to choose a shorter
one. The above example assumes you are using the standard boxes config file, which features the *c-cmt* design. Of
course, the same technique works for any other designs.
While the above example is nice, it does not offer much convenience when you are editing different languages a lot,
because you need to remember the hotkey for each different box design. Fortunately, vim has a feature called
*autocommands*. They can be used to automatically change the meaning of a key combination depending on what file you
edit (any many other things too, of course). Autocommand syntax is
au[tocmd] [group] {event} {pat} [nested] {cmd}
We can leave out the group. For `{event}`, we choose `BufEnter`, which is generated every time you enter a new buffer,
e.g. when starting vim or when switching between open files. `{pat}` is a file glob, and `{cmd}` is our call to *boxes*.
The lines below are from the author's *.vimrc*. They can be pasted directly from your browser window. Their effect is
that `,mc` and `,xc` always generate the correct comments for many languages, including C, C++, HTML, Java, lex, yacc,
shell scripts, Perl, etc. The default key binding is to generate shell comments using a pound sign (file glob of `*` at
the start).
autocmd BufEnter * nmap ,mc !!boxes -d pound-cmt<CR>
autocmd BufEnter * vmap ,mc !boxes -d pound-cmt<CR>
autocmd BufEnter * nmap ,xc !!boxes -d pound-cmt -r<CR>
autocmd BufEnter * vmap ,xc !boxes -d pound-cmt -r<CR>
autocmd BufEnter *.html nmap ,mc !!boxes -d html-cmt<CR>
autocmd BufEnter *.html vmap ,mc !boxes -d html-cmt<CR>
autocmd BufEnter *.html nmap ,xc !!boxes -d html-cmt -r<CR>
autocmd BufEnter *.html vmap ,xc !boxes -d html-cmt -r<CR>
autocmd BufEnter *.[chly],*.[pc]c nmap ,mc !!boxes -d c-cmt<CR>
autocmd BufEnter *.[chly],*.[pc]c vmap ,mc !boxes -d c-cmt<CR>
autocmd BufEnter *.[chly],*.[pc]c nmap ,xc !!boxes -d c-cmt -r<CR>
autocmd BufEnter *.[chly],*.[pc]c vmap ,xc !boxes -d c-cmt -r<CR>
autocmd BufEnter *.C,*.cpp,*.java nmap ,mc !!boxes -d java-cmt<CR>
autocmd BufEnter *.C,*.cpp,*.java vmap ,mc !boxes -d java-cmt<CR>
autocmd BufEnter *.C,*.cpp,*.java nmap ,xc !!boxes -d java-cmt -r<CR>
autocmd BufEnter *.C,*.cpp,*.java vmap ,xc !boxes -d java-cmt -r<CR>
autocmd BufEnter .vimrc*,.exrc nmap ,mc !!boxes -d vim-cmt<CR>
autocmd BufEnter .vimrc*,.exrc vmap ,mc !boxes -d vim-cmt<CR>
autocmd BufEnter .vimrc*,.exrc nmap ,xc !!boxes -d vim-cmt -r<CR>
autocmd BufEnter .vimrc*,.exrc vmap ,xc !boxes -d vim-cmt -r<CR>
**Syntax Highlighting in Vim**
There is a [Vim syntax file]({{ site.github }}/master/boxes.vim) for *boxes*
configuration files, which you can install to have the *boxes* config colorized. On Windows, the file must be placed
in the directory *VIM_INSTALL_DIR\vimfiles\syntax*.
Activate by `set syn=boxes`.
<a name="jed">&nbsp;</a>
## Integration with Jed
[Andreas Heiduk]( kindly provided the following excerpt from his *.jedrc*:
%!% Ripped from ""
variable Last_Process_Command = Null_String;
define do_process_region(cmd) {
variable tmp;
tmp = make_tmp_file ("/tmp/jedpipe");
cmd = strncat (cmd, " > ", tmp, " 2>&1", 4);
!if (dupmark ()) error ("Mark not set.");
if (pipe_region (cmd))
error ("Process returned a non-zero exit status.");
del_region ();
() = insert_file (tmp);
() = delete_file (tmp);
define process_region ()
variable cmd;
cmd = read_mini ("Pipe to command:", Last_Process_Command, "");
!if (strlen (cmd)) return;
Last_Process_Command = cmd;
if( BATCH == 0 ){
setkey("process_region", "\e|"); % ESC-Pipe :-)
% define some often used filters
setkey("do_process_region(\"tal\")", "\et") % tal on esc-t
I think it calls [tal]( when you press `ESC-t` (second but last line). Thus,
you would have to add a similar line to call *boxes*.
<a name="emacs">&nbsp;</a>
## Integration with Emacs
[Jason L. Shiffer]( kindly submitted the following information on integrating *boxes* with
The simple interface (only a single box style, but easy):
(defun boxes-create ()
(shell-command-on-region (region-beginning) (region-end) "boxes -d c-cmt2" nil 1 nil))
(defun boxes-remove ()
(shell-command-on-region (region-beginning) (region-end) "boxes -r -d c-cmt2" nil 1 nil))
Jason also wrote a [*boxes* mode for Emacs](boxes.el). Remember to update its design list when you add new designs to
your config file.
<a name="sublime">&nbsp;</a>
## Integration with Sublime
[Marco Andreolli]( found a way to integrate *boxes* with Sublime Text&nbsp;3
(from [#47]({{ site.github }}/issues/47)):
1. Open Sublime Text 3
1. Install [Package Control]( and restart Sublime.
1. Choose *Tools &rarr; Command Palette...* from the main menu and select *Package Control: Install Package*, then
choose [FilterPipes](
1. Choose *Tools &rarr; Command Palette...* from the main menu and select *FilterPipes: My Custom Filters Plugin*
1. In the following file open dialog, open
<code class="highlighter-rouge">%APPDATA%\Sublime Text&nbsp;3\&#8203;Packages\&#8203;MyCustomFilterPipes\&#8203;Default.sublime-commands</code>.
This is the default on Windows, but if you are on other operating systems, the dialog should already be open
in the correct folder.
1. Before the closing `]`, add the following:
{ /* Boxes stone */
"caption": "FilterPipes: Boxes stone",
"command": "filter_pipes_process",
"args": {
"command": ["boxes", "-d", "stone", "-a", "c", "-s", "80"]
Be sure to add a comma after the previous entry, so that the list is continued properly.
1. Now you have a new command *Boxes stone* which will create a *stone* styled box of 80 characters in width around
the selected text. In may be accessed via the command palette like above, or you might want to define a hotkey or
a macro to do it.
1. Add more FilterPipes commands for other designs, or for removing and repairing your ASCII art boxes.
<a name="notepadplusplus">&nbsp;</a>
## Integration with Notepad++
In order to integrate *boxes* with Notepad++, first make sure that *boxes* is on your `PATH`. On Windows, this usually
means boxes.exe and boxes.cfg must be located in a directory which is on the `PATH` environment variable. This method
of *boxes* integration works only on Windows, because afaik, Notepad++ is available only on Windows.
We use the NppExec plugin. Install NppExec via PluginManager:
1. Display PluginManager via the main menu: *Plugin &rarr; Plugin Manager &rarr; Show Plugin Manager*
1. If NppExec is not on the *Installed* tab already, go to the *Available* tab and select NppExec from the list.
1. Press **Install**.
1. Restart Notepad++
<div class="bxLargeImageWrapper">
<img src="{{ site.baseurl }}/images/editor-npp-pluginmanager.png" alt="Plugin Manager" width="670" height="493" />
Once the NppExec plugin is available, proceed with *boxes* integration:
1. Go to *Plugins &rarr; NppExec &rarr; Execute ...*
1. Paste the following script into the text area:
<div class="highlighter-rouge"><div class="highlight"><pre class="highlight"><code>NPP_CONSOLE 0
cmd.exe /c exit %RANDOM%
set tempfile = $(SYS.TEMP)\NppBoxes_$(EXITCODE).out.txt
set ascfile = $(SYS.TEMP)\NppBoxes_$(EXITCODE).in.txt
sel_saveto $(ascfile) :a
cmd.exe /c <span class="mark-hilite">boxes -d nuke -s 80 -pt1 -ac</span> "$(ascfile)" > "$(tempfile)"
sel_loadfrom $(tempfile)
cmd.exe /c del /f /q "$(tempfile)" "$(ascfile)"</code></pre></div></div>
This script is inspired by a [post by Peter Jones]( on the
Notepad++ forum. It works via temp files in ANSI format. (That's the `:a` argument to the `sel_saveto` command.)
This is compatible with boxes, and also helps avoiding byte order marks at the beginning of the temp file.
The <span class="mark-hilite">green part</span> marks the place where you configure the box. In this case, we'll
get a *nuke* box 80 characters wide, with the text centered in it and an extra blank line at the top.
1. Press **Save...** and give it a meaningful name, for example `boxes nuke 80`.
1. Press **Save** on the *Script name* input box.
<div class="bxLargeImageWrapper">
<img src="{{ site.baseurl }}/images/editor-npp-script.png" alt="NppExec Script" width="472" height="277" />
1. Go to *Plugins &rarr; NppExec &rarr; Advanced Options ...*
1. In the *Associated Script* dropdown, select the `boxes nuke 80` script entry created previously, then press
**Add/Modify** to add it to the list of *Menu items*.
1. Optionally select *Place to the Macros submenu*, if you want an entry for this in the *Macros* menu.
1. Press **OK**, and if asked, restart Notepad++.
<div class="bxLargeImageWrapper">
<img src="{{ site.baseurl }}/images/editor-npp-options.png" alt="NppExec Advanced Options" width="530" height="511" />
1. Go to *Macro &rarr; Modify Shortcut/Delete Macro...* to call up the Shortcut mapper.
1. Select the *Plugin commands* tab, and type `boxes` into the filter line at the bottom of the dialog window.
1. Choose our `boxes nuke 80` entry and press **Modify**:
<div class="bxLargeImageWrapper">
<img src="{{ site.baseurl }}/images/editor-npp-shortcut.png" alt="Shortcut mapper" width="677" height="290" />
1. Assign a shortcut key, for example Ctrl+Shift+B.
1. Make sure that the Shortcut mapper reports `No shortcut conflicts for this item` in the status area.
That's it, finally! Now you can select any piece of text in the Notepad++ editor and draw the `nuke 80` box around it
by pressing your assigned shortcut:
_ ._ _ , _ ._
(_ ' ( ` )_ .__)
( ( ( ) `) ) _)
(__ (_ (_ . _) _) ,__)
`~~`\ ' . /`~~`
,::: ; ; :::,
___________________________jgs______/_ __ \___________________________________
| |