1. Get your license from [https://rustdesk.com/pricing.html](https://rustdesk.com/pricing.html), check [license](https://rustdesk.com/docs/en/self-host/rustdesk-server-pro/license/) page for more details.
4. Run the Installer and follow the steps on screen. Or manually install with [PM2 or NSSM](https://rustdesk.com/docs/en/self-host/rustdesk-server-oss/windows/).
2. Create a new website for RustDesk with the bindings (Ideally 443) and relevant certificate. Basic settings should point this to a blank folder. (If you use the default site, make sure there are no other files in the folder).
3. On IIS, install [Application Request Routing](https://www.iis.net/downloads/microsoft/application-request-routing) and [URL Rewrite](https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/iis/extensions/url-rewrite-module/using-the-url-rewrite-module).
Inbound Rule – the RustDesk internal 21114 address \
Outbound Rules –`From` is the RustDesk internal 21114 address and `To` is the external address. \
Note: No http / https before the addresses – they are automatically handled. Also, ensure all the addresses are accessible both internally and externally.
If you have an error 500.52 add the mentioned variables: [IIS acting as reverse proxy: Where the problems start](https://techcommunity.microsoft.com/t5/iis-support-blog/iis-acting-as-reverse-proxy-where-the-problems-start/ba-p/846259).