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Windows & pm2 20

Install NodeJs

Please download and install NodeJS. NodeJs is the runtime environment of pm2, so you need to install NodeJs first。

Install pm2

Enter belows in cmd.exe, press the Enter key for each line, and run them line by line.

npm install -g pm2
npm install pm2-windows-startup -g
pm2-startup install

Run hbbr and hbbs

Download the Windows version of server program. Unzip the program to the C: drive. Run the following four commands (take care to edit the -r parameter):

cd c:\rustdesk-server-windows-x64
pm2 start hbbs.exe -- -r <The host where hbbr is running>
pm2 start hbbr.exe 
pm2 save

View the log

pm2 log hbbr
pm2 log hbbs