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<h1>Module xmlrpc</h1>
Provides an XML-RPC imlementation.
It is similar to python's xmlrpclib module.
<div class="contentItem"><h2>public members:<a class="bttop" href="#top"></a></h2><div>
<h3>InvalidServerResponse()</h3><div class="indent">
Exception thrown if a server did not respond with response status 200 (OK).<br />
<h3>MalformedXmlRpc()</h3><div class="indent">
Exception thrown if an XML-RPC response is not well formed.<br />
<h3>Fault()</h3><div class="indent">
Exception thrown if the RPC response is a Fault. <br />
<li><b>Fault::faultCode</b> The fault code returned by the rpc call.</li>
<li><b>Fault::faultString</b> The fault string returned by the rpc call.</li>
<br />
<h3>marshall(obj)</h3><div class="indent">
Marshalls an object to XML-RPC.(Converts an object into XML-RPC conforming xml.)<br />
It just calls the toXmlRpc function of the objcect.<br />
So, to customize serialization of objects one just needs to specify/override the toXmlRpc method
which should return an xml string conforming with XML-RPC spec.<br />
<b>obj</b> The object to marshall<br />
<b>returns</b> An xml representation of the object.<br />
<h3>unmarshall(xml)</h3><div class="indent">
Unmarshalls an XML document to a JavaScript object. (Converts xml to JavaScript object.)<br />
It parses the xml source and creates a JavaScript object.<br />
<b>xml</b> The xml document source to unmarshall.<br />
<b>returns</b> The JavaScript object created from the XML.<br />
<h3>unmarshallDoc(doc,xml)</h3><div class="indent">
Unmarshalls an XML document to a JavaScript object like unmarshall but expects a DOM document as parameter.<br />
It parses the xml source and creates a JavaScript object.<br />
<b>doc</b> The xml document(DOM compatible) to unmarshall.<br />
<b>returns</b> The JavaScript object created from the XML.<br />
<br />
<h3>ServiceProxy(url,methodNames,user,pass)</h3><div class="indent">
Class for creating proxy objects which resemble the remote service.<br />
Method calls to this proxy will result in calls to the remote service.<br />
<br />
The arguments are interpreted as shown in the examples:<br />
<br />
ServerProxy("url")<br />
ServerProxy("url", ["methodName1",...])<br />
ServerProxy("url", ["methodName1",...], "user", "pass")<br />
ServerProxy("url", "user", "pass")<br />
<li><b>url</b> The url of the service.</li>
<li><b>methodNames</b> =[] Array of names of methods that can be called on the server.<br />
If no methods are given then introspection is used to get the methodnames from the server.</li>
<li><b>user</b> =null The user name to use for HTTP authentication.</li>
<li><b>pass</b> =null The password to use for HTTP authentication.</li>
The ServiceProxy objects expose all the methods of the remote service as XMLRPCMethod objects.
In addition the object also has the following methods and properties.<br />
<li><b>ServiceProxy::_addMethodNames(methodNames)</b><br />
Adds new XMLRPCMethods to the proxy server which can then be invoked.<br />
<b>methodNames</b> Array of names of methods that can be called on the server.<br />
<li><b>ServiceProxy::_setAuthentication(user,pass)</b><br />
Sets username and password for HTTP Authentication for all methods of this service.<br />
<b>user</b> The user name.<br />
<b>pass</b> The password.<br />
<li><b>ServiceProxy::_introspect()</b><br />
Initiate XML-RPC introspection to retrieve methodnames from the server<br />
and add them to the server proxy.<br />
<li><b>ServiceProxy::_url</b><br />
The url of the service to resemble.<br />
<li><b>ServiceProxy::_user</b><br />
The user used for HTTP authentication.<br />
<li><b>ServiceProxy::_password</b><br />
The password used for HTTP authentication.<br />
<li><b>ServiceProxy::_methods</b><br />
All XMLRPCMethod objects the proxy can call.<br />
<h3>XMLRPCMethod(url, name, user, pass)</h3><div class="indent">
Class for creating XML-RPC methods.<br />
Calling the created method will result in an XML-RPC call to the service.<br />
The return value of this call will be the return value of the RPC call.<br />
RPC-Faults will be raised as Exceptions.<br />
<br />
<li><b>url</b> The URL of the service providing the method.</li>
<li><b>name</b> The name of the method to invoke.</li>
<li><b>user</b> =null The user name to use for HTTP authentication.</li>
<li><b>pass</b> =null The password to use for HTTP authentication.</li>
Asynchronous operation:<br />
If the last parameter passed to the method is an XMLRPCAsyncCallback object, <br />
then the remote method will be called asynchronously. <br />
The results and errors are passed to the callback. <br />
<br />
<li><b>XMLRPCMethod::toMulticall()</b><br />
Returns the method representation for system.multicall.<br />
All params will be passed to the remote method.<br />
<b>returns</b> An object containing a member methodName and a member params(As required by system.multicall).<br />
<li><b>XMLRPCMethod::setAuthentication(user,pass)</b><br />
Sets username and password for HTTP Authentication.<br />
<b>user</b> The user name.<br />
<b>pass</b> The password.<br />
<li><b>XMLRPCMethod::methodName</b><br />
The name of the remote method.<br />
<li><b>XMLRPCMethod::url</b><br />
The url of the remote service containing the method.<br />
<li><b>XMLRPCMethod::user</b><br />
The user name used for HTTP authorization.<br />
<li><b>XMLRPCMethod::password</b><br />
The password used for HTTP authorization.<br />
<h3>XMLRPCAsyncCallback(result, err)</h3><div class="indent">
The interface of a callback for asynchronous XML-RPC.
<li><b>result</b> The result of the call (null if error)</li>
<li><b>err</b> The Fault if there was one returned otherwise null</li>
<div class="contentItem"><h2>requirements:<a class="bttop" href="#top"></a></h2><div>
<h3><a href="./urllib.xhtml">urllib</a></h3><div class="indent"> is required for making the HTTP request to the remote service.</div>
<h3><a href="./xml.xhtml">xml</a></h3><div class="indent"> is required for parsing the responses from the service.</div>