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2006-02-28 00:22:59 +01:00
accessories of resources sk pr<70>slu<6C>enstvo k
accessories: resources sk Pr<50>slu<6C>enstvo:
actions resources sk Akcie
add accessory resources sk Prida<64> kateg<65>riu
add resource resources sk prida<64> zdroj
add resources resources sk Prida<64> zdroje
administrator resources sk Spr<70>vca
all categories resources sk v<>etky kateg<65>rie
book resources sk Rezervova<76>
book selected resources resources sk rezervova<76> vybran<61> zdroje
book this resource resources sk Rezervova<76> tento zdroj
bookable resources sk Rezervovate<74>n<EFBFBD>
buy this article resources sk K<>pi<70> tento <20>l<EFBFBD>nok
buy this resource resources sk K<>pi<70> tento zdroj
buyable resources sk Na predaj
2006-03-25 11:49:56 +01:00
categories admin resources sk Spr<70>vca kateg<65>ri<72>
2006-02-28 00:22:59 +01:00
category: resources sk Kateg<65>ria:
2006-03-25 11:49:56 +01:00
check all resources sk Ozna<6E> v<>etko
choose categories admin resources sk vyberte spr<70>vcu kateg<65>ri<72>
2006-02-28 00:22:59 +01:00
clear selection resources sk zru<72>i<EFBFBD> v<>ber
configure access permissions resources sk Nastavi<76> pr<70>stupov<6F> pr<70>va
create new accessory for this resource resources sk Vytvori<72> nov<6F> kateg<65>riu pre tento zdroj
create new links resources sk Vytvori<72> nov<6F> odkazy
delete selected resources resources sk zmaza<7A> vybran<61> zdroje
delete this entry resources sk zmaza<7A> tento z<>znam
description (short) resources sk Opis (stru<72>n<EFBFBD>)
direct booking permissions resources sk Priame rezerva<76>n<EFBFBD> pr<70>va
don't use vfs (this will need a symlink --> see readme) resources sk Nepou<6F><75>va<76> vfs (bude potrebn<62> symlink --> pre<72><65>tajte si README)
edit this entry resources sk Uprav tento z<>znam
existing links resources sk Existuj<75>ce odkazy
general resources sk Hlavn<76>
general informations about resource resources sk Hlavn<76> inform<72>cie o zdroji
gernal resource resources sk hlavn<76> zdroj
how many of the resources are useable? resources sk Ko<4B>ko zdrojov je pou<6F><75>te<74>n<EFBFBD>ch?
how many of them are useable? resources sk Ko<4B>ko z nich je pou<6F>ite<74>n<EFBFBD>ch?
how many of this resource are usable resources sk Ko<4B>ko kusov tohto zdroja je pou<6F>ite<74>n<EFBFBD>ch
how many of this resource exists resources sk Ko<4B>ko kusov tohto zdroja existuje
implies booking permission resources sk implikuje rezerva<76>n<EFBFBD> pr<70>vo
implies read permission resources sk implikuje pr<70>vo <20><>tania
information about storage resources sk Inform<72>cie o sklade
informations about the location of resource resources sk Inform<72>cie o umiestnen<65> zdroja
inventory number resources sk Invent<6E>rne <20><>slo
inventory number: resources sk Invent<6E>rne <20><>slo:
is resource bookable? resources sk D<> sa zdroj rezervova<76>?
is resource buyable? resources sk D<> sa zdroj k<>pi<70>?
is this resource bookable? resources sk D<> sa zdroj rezervova<76>?
is this resource buyable? resources sk D<> sa zdroj k<>pi<70>?
links resources sk Odkazy
location resources sk Umiestnenie
location of resource resources sk Umiestnenie zdroja
location: resources sk Umiestnenie:
name of resource resources sk N<>zov zdroja:
name: resources sk N<>zov:
no description available resources sk <09>iadny opis sa nena<6E>iel
no resources selected resources sk Nie s<> ozna<6E>en<65> <20>iadne zdroje
notify your administrator to correct this situation resources sk Upozornite svojho spr<70>vcu, nech naprav<61> vzniknut<75> situ<74>ciu
picture resources sk Obr<62>zok
picture source resources sk zdroj obr<62>zka
picture type is not supported, sorry! resources sk Tento typ obr<62>zka nie je podporovan<61>, sorry!
pictures or resource resources sk Obr<62>zky zdroja
planer resources sk pl<70>nova<76>
prizeing information for booking or buying resources sk Cenn<6E>k rezerv<72>ci<63> a n<>kupov
quantity resources sk Mno<6E>stvo
quantity of resource resources sk Po<50>et kusov zdroja
quantity: resources sk Mno<6E>stvo:
2006-03-25 11:49:56 +01:00
read calendar permissions resources sk Na<4E><61>ta<74> pr<70>stupov<6F> pr<70>va Kalend<6E>ra
read permissions resources sk Na<4E><61>ta<74> pr<70>va
2006-02-28 00:22:59 +01:00
related links resources sk S<>visiace odkazy
resources common sk zdroje
resources list resources sk zoznam zdrojov
responsible: resources sk Zodpovedn<64>:
saves entry and exits resources sk Ulo<6C><6F> z<>znam a skon<6F><6E>
select a category resources sk Vyberte kateg<65>riu
select resource resources sk vyberte zdroj
2006-03-25 11:49:56 +01:00
select resources common sk Vyberte zdroje
2006-02-28 00:22:59 +01:00
select/deselect all resources sk v<>etko ozna<6E>i<EFBFBD>/zru<72>i<EFBFBD> ozna<6E>enie
short description resources sk Stru<72>n<EFBFBD> opis
short description of resource resources sk Zobrazi<7A> opis zdroja
show calendar of resource resources sk Zobrazi<7A> kalend<6E>r zdroja
something went wrong by deleting resource resources sk Po<50>as mazania zdroja sa nie<69>o nepodarilo
something went wrong by saving resource resources sk Po<50>as ukladania zdroja sa nie<69>o nepodarilo
storage inforation resources sk Inform<72>cie o sklade
storage information resources sk Inform<72>cie o sklade
storage information: resources sk Inform<72>cie o sklade:
the calendar of this resource resources sk Kalend<6E>r pre tento zdroj
this module displays the resources app resources sk Tento modul zobrazuje aplik<69>ciu pre zdroje
use general resources icon resources sk Pou<6F>i<EFBFBD> v<>eobecn<63> ikonu zdrojov
use own picture resources sk Pou<6F>i<EFBFBD> vlastn<74> obr<62>zok
use the category's icon resources sk Pou<6F>i<EFBFBD> ikonu kateg<65>rie
useable resources sk pou<6F>ite<74>n<EFBFBD>
useable: resources sk Pou<6F>ite<74>n<EFBFBD>:
view accessories for this resource resources sk Zobrazi<7A> pr<70>slu<6C>enstvo k tomuto zdroju
view this entry resources sk Zobrazi<7A> z<>znam
web-page of resource resources sk Webstr<74>nka zdroja
web-site for this resource resources sk Webstr<74>nka tohto zdroja
where to find this resource? resources sk Kde sa d<> n<>js<6A> tento zdroj
which category does this resource belong to? resources sk Do ktorej kateg<65>rie tento zdroj patr<74>?
write permissions resources sk Opr<70>vnenia k z<>pisu
you are not permitted to edit this reource! resources sk Nem<65>te opr<70>vnenie upravova<76> tento zdroj!
you are not permitted to get information about this resource! resources sk Nem<65>te opr<70>vnenia <20><>ta<74> inform<72>cie o tomto zdroji!
you chose more resources than available resources sk Vybrali ste si viacej zdrojov ne<6E> je dostupn<70>ch