
110 lines
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Raw Normal View History

access common br Accesso
access type common br Tipo de acesso
account has been created common br Conta foi criada
account has been deleted common br Conta foi apagada
account has been updated common br Conta foi atualizada
add common br Adicionar
admin common br Administrador
administration common br Administracao
april common br Abril
august common br Agosto
cancel common br Cancelar
change common br Mudar
charset common br iso-8859-1
clear common br Cancelar
clear form common br Limpar Formulario
copy common br Copiar
create common br Criar
created by common br Criado por
current users common br Usuarios ativos
date common br Data
december common br Dezembro
delete common br Cancelar
done common br Pronto
2001-06-12 04:38:13 +02:00
email common br E-Mail
e-mail common br E-Mail
edit common br Modificar
email common br E-Mail
entry has been deleted sucessfully common br Entrada apagada com sucesso
entry updated sucessfully common br Entrada modificada com sucesso
error common br Erro
exit common br Saida
february common br Fevereiro
filter common br Filtro
2001-06-12 04:38:13 +02:00
first name common br Primeiro Nome
friday common br Sexta
ftp common br FTP
global public common br Publico Global
group access common br Acesso Grupo
group has been added common br Grupo Adicionado
group has been deleted common br Grupo cancelado
group has been updated common br Grupo atualizado
group public common br Grupo Publico
groups common br Grupos
help common br Ajuda
high common br Alta
home common br Pagina Inicial
2003-04-23 00:30:38 +02:00
it has been more then %1 days since you changed your password common br Ja passaram-se mais de %1 dias desde que vc mudou sua senha
january common br Janeiro
july common br Julho
june common br Junho
last name common br Ultimo nome
last page common br ultima pagina
login common br Login
logout common br Logout
low common br Baixa
march common br Marco
may common br Maio
medium common br Media
monday common br Segunda
name common br Nome
new entry added sucessfully common br Entrada adicionada corretamente
next page common br proxima pagina
no common br Nao
none common br Nenhuma
normal common br Normal
november common br Novembro
october common br Outubro
ok common br OK
only yours common br so as suas
password common br Senha
password has been updated common br Senha foi alterada
preferences common br Preferencas
previous page common br pagina anterior
priority common br Prioridade
private common br Privado
rename common br Renomiar
saturday common br Sabado
save common br Salvar
search common br Procura
september common br Setembro
session has been killed common br Sessao foi morta
show all common br mostra tudo
2003-04-23 00:30:38 +02:00
showing %1 common br Visualizando %1
showing %1 - %2 of %3 common br Visualizando %1 - %2 de %3
sorry, there was a problem proccesing your request. common br Desculpe, ocorreu um problema processando sua requisicao.
submit common br Inserir
sunday common br Domingo
thursday common br Quinta
time common br Hora
total common br Total
tuesday common br Terca
updated common br Atualizado
view common br Visualizar
wednesday common br Quarta
which groups common br Qual grupo
yes common br Sim
you have 1 new message! common br Voce tem 1 nova mensagem!
2003-04-23 00:30:38 +02:00
you have %1 new messages! common br Voce tem %1 novas mensagens!
your message as been sent common br Sua mensagem foi enviada
your search returned 1 match common br sua pesquisa retornou 1 correspondecia
2003-04-23 00:30:38 +02:00
your search returned %1 matchs common br Sua pesquisa retornou %1 correspondencias
your settings have been updated common br suas preferencias foram atualizadas
bad login or password common br login ou senha incorreta
login login br Login
password login br Password
sorry, your login has expired login br Desculpe, sua conta expiorou
use cookies login br usa i cookie
username login br Nome Utente
you have been successfully logged out login br Voce foi desconectado com sucesso