- using string 'not set' for a not set lastname, as LDAP allows no accounts without lastname.
- addaccount hook was not called if account was auto-created at login-time (as the apps array is not yet read). Atm. app-names with hooks need to be listed here. I just added felamimail, which need to create mailboxes for new users
- only needs host- and domain-name
- needs NO extra account on the ADS host
- can be used with accounts in SQL or LDAP to auto-create autheticated users
- new param to lowercase the user-names before auto-creating them (to deal with case-insensitve and case-sensitive system)
- extend etemplate's sitemgr_module class and set the $etemplate_method class-var to a method/menuaction of the app
- the app need to return etemplate::exec() (otherwise the content is empty)!!!
- the app need to avoid redirects or links, as this would leave sitemgr!!!
// saves an unnecessary copy
'= CreateObject' => '=& CreateObject',
'= new' => '=& new',
// php5 cloning of the DB object
'= $GLOBALS[\'egw\']->db;' => '= clone($GLOBALS[\'egw\']->db);',
'= $this->db;' => '= clone($this->db);',
// remove windows lineends (CR)
"\r" => '',
$modernize['$HTTP_'.$name.'_VARS'] = '$_'.$name;
$modernize['$GLOBALS[\'HTTP_'.$name.'_VARS\']'] = '$_'.$name;
$modernize['$GLOBALS["HTTP_'.$name.'_VARS"]'] = '$_'.$name;
// phpGW --> eGW
'PHPGW_' => 'EGW_',
'$GLOBALS[\'phpgw_info\']' => '$GLOBALS[\'egw_info\']',
'$GLOBALS["phpgw_info"]' => '$GLOBALS[\'egw_info\']',
'$GLOBALS[\'phpgw\']' => '$GLOBALS[\'egw\']',
'$GLOBALS["phpgw"]' => '$GLOBALS[\'egw\']',
'common->phpgw_header' => 'common->egw_header',
'common->phpgw_footer' => 'common->egw_footer',
'common->phpgw_exit' => 'common->egw_exit',
'common->phpgw_final' => 'common->egw_final',
It also substitutes spaces at the beginning of a line (indetion) with tabs, you need to specify (--remove-space-indention N) the number of spaces to substitute, if it's other then 2.
- allow to re-enable (by default) disabled cells, via setting the value for their name in $readonlys to false
- class attribute can be a reference into the content (@) and/or contain vars like $row or $col