- removed include_root (is now always identical to server_root)
- removed mcrypt_version (not relevant to todays php versions)
- replaced session_type with session_handler
- look is now a bit more like setup and eGroupware itself
--> updated header-version to 1.29 forcing everyone to update
- flag in session if it is encrypted to prevent calling the encryption more then once, which stalls the session-content
- egw_session::session_comit() method calls now encrypt() too, as it closes the session, before the destructor is called
- hack to fix PHP Fatal error: Cannot use string offset as an array, which happens sometime in felamimail under php5.2
- some more docu"
-documenting the needed skripting for the configured aspell path in egw_integration.txt
-re-imported spellcheck (aspell) integration from Jose
-switching aspell integration on in fckconfig.js, as documented in FCKeditor_2.x/Developers_Guide/Configuration/Spell_Checker
- it now also encrypts the egw object and egw_info array, stored in the session
- it no longer encrypts every egw_session::appsession() call, but the
whole array at once when the egw_session object gets destroyed
- mcrypt algo and mode are currently hardcoded to tripledes and ecb, as
we dont have the database connection, when they are needed. You can
add it as egw_info[server][mcrypt_{algo|mode}] in the header.inc.php
- fixed a bug, which let the session grow around 400k(!) each request
- if mcrypt or the selected algo/mode is not availible the session
encryption is switched off automatic, but an error is logged
this should fix the <br type="_moz"> bug.
-added the about button in all egw_config settings, as it enables the user to check the version of the editor
-added the show-blocks button in all egw_config settings, as it enables the user to check the structure elements of his document
+ path with clickable components
+ human readable size, mode, ...
+ mime icon with integrated thumbnail creation
- link widget uses now vfs-mime for it's icons
- thumbnail creation is now switched on with size 32px by default, it can
be switched of by the admin or user, in doing so explicitly
- mime-icons are moved from filemanager to etemplate, as not everyone
installs filemanager
- filemanager has now 3 display modi:
+ Current directory (with subdirs always on top)
+ Subdirs sorted in
+ Files from subdirs (shows recursive all files and you
can click on the path components thanks to new vfs widget)
a hashed directory structure based on the fs_id and not longer on the
path (which can not be recovered, once the filesystem get's corrupt)
--> Make backups (db AND files directory), before attempting the update !!!!!!!!
- the used storage (default filesystem) can be switched via a get-parameter in the url mounted (eg. sqlfs://default/?storage=db)
- please note the current (php5.2.6) problems:
a) retriving files via streams does NOT work for PDO_mysql (bindColum(,,PDO::PARAM_LOB) does NOT work, string returned)
(there's a workaround implemented, but it requires to allocate memory for the whole file!)
b) uploading/writing files > 1M fail on PDOStatement::execute() (setting PDO::MYSQL_ATTR_MAX_BUFFER_SIZE does NOT help)
(not sure if that's a bug in PDO/PDO_mysql or an accepted limitation)
--> now we need to implement an easy switch in setup to allow admins to use the db backend (does NOT require an directory outside the docroot)
currently you need to use filemanager/cli.php mount"
allowing to set an arbitrary uid, gid and mode for the vfs (like
mounting a dos Filesystem under Linux).
Can be used to mount eg. an upload dir writable only by Admins:
filemanger/cli.php mount --user root_admin --password whatever \
filesystem://dummy/var/www/html/uploads?group=Admins&mode=075 \
Please note that you can NOT use filesystem:/something!
Fixed the vfs-classes to deal correctly with get-parameters used as
- new feature allowing apps to specify with index-page and icon to use
--> allows to install sitemgr-link icon without an extra application
(which was a symlink and got lost in every version upgrade)
PHP Fatal error: egw_db::connect(): The script tried to execute a method or access a property of an incomplete object ...
Problem was that session restore is now used regardless if it's explicitly switched on, egw_db::connect() only registered the required class, if it was explicitly switched on. Therefore it worked everywhere, where session restore was configured before, but failed everyone not used it before ;-)"
- DONT UPDATE ON A PROCUDTION SYSTEM (for the next few days)!
- eGW support from now on only php session handling
- custom session handlers (like the memcache one) can now be
implemented as classes and dont need to change any other code
- the class get's autoloaded and the name need to be configured
eg. in the header.inc.php as $egw_info[server][session_handler]
- session restore is now enabled by default (it's way faster and
works well with php5.1+)
- a db-bases session handler follows soon
- new GroupDAV v2 component-set attribute for collections
- getlastmodified & getcontentlength properties for infolog propfind
- fixed propfind on a single infolog entry to return just that entry
- getcontenttype of vevent and vtodo collection returns extra component
The problem seems to be line [784] of trunk/phpgwapi/inc/horde/Horde/iCalendar.php
$value = str_replace($this->_newline, '\n', $value);
When removing this line, the description value is correct on the client.
I could not find any sideffects during my tests, if some clients have
problems with this, I assume this would then have to be fixed at a higher
level, because the current state with this line just causes broken output.
From wikipedia regarding Linebreaks in QuotedPrintable:
If the data being encoded contains meaningful line breaks, they must be encoded as an ASCII CR LF sequence, not as their original byte values
Vcard extract without the reported line code:
Vcard extract with the reported line of code
pointed out by Philip Herbert. Carl Knauber Holding GmbH & Co KG
formal error.
This breaks sync for single contacts from egw to client.
example: photo in addressbook without blank line after the property value.
This way the devices are not compliant with RFC2426 (Vcard Version 3)
5. Differences From vCard v2.1
. Inline binary content must be "B" encoded and folded. A blank
line after the encoded binary content is no longer required.
This was pointed out by Philip Herbert. Carl Knauber Holding GmbH & Co KG