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Namespace Wodo

Defined in: wodotexteditor.js.

Namespace Summary
Constructor Attributes Constructor Name and Description
Namespace of the Wodo.TextEditor
Field Summary
Field Attributes Field Name and Description
Id of event if documentModified state changes
Id of event if metadata changes
Id of event for an unkown error
Id of full editing modus
Id of review modus
Method Summary
Method Attributes Method Name and Description
createTextEditor(editorContainerElementId, editorOptions, onEditorCreated)
Creates a text editor object and returns it on success in the passed callback.
Namespace Detail
Namespace of the Wodo.TextEditor
Field Detail
Id of event if documentModified state changes

Id of event if metadata changes

Id of event for an unkown error

Id of full editing modus

Id of review modus
Method Detail
{undefined} createTextEditor(editorContainerElementId, editorOptions, onEditorCreated)
Creates a text editor object and returns it on success in the passed callback.
{!string} editorContainerElementId
id of the existing div element which will contain the editor (should be empty before)
options to configure the features of the editor. All entries are optional
editorOptions.modus Optional, Default: Wodo.MODUS_FULLEDITING
set the editing modus. Current options: Wodo.MODUS_FULLEDITING, Wodo.MODUS_REVIEW
editorOptions.loadCallback Optional
parameter-less callback method, adds a "Load" button to the toolbar which triggers this method
editorOptions.saveCallback Optional
parameter-less callback method, adds a "Save" button to the toolbar which triggers this method
editorOptions.saveAsCallback Optional
parameter-less callback method, adds a "Save as" button to the toolbar which triggers this method
editorOptions.downloadCallback Optional
parameter-less callback method, adds a "Download" button to the right of the toolbar which triggers this method
editorOptions.closeCallback Optional
parameter-less callback method, adds a "Save" button to the toolbar which triggers this method
editorOptions.allFeaturesEnabled Optional, Default: false
if set to 'true', switches the default for all features from 'false' to 'true'
editorOptions.directTextStylingEnabled Optional, Default: false
if set to 'true', enables the direct styling of text (e.g. bold/italic or font)
editorOptions.directParagraphStylingEnabled Optional, Default: false
if set to 'true', enables the direct styling of paragraphs (e.g. indentation or alignement)
editorOptions.paragraphStyleSelectingEnabled Optional, Default: false
if set to 'true', enables setting of defined paragraph styles to paragraphs
editorOptions.paragraphStyleEditingEnabled Optional, Default: false
if set to 'true', enables the editing of defined paragraph styles
editorOptions.imageEditingEnabled Optional, Default: false
if set to 'true', enables the insertion of images
editorOptions.hyperlinkEditingEnabled Optional, Default: false
if set to 'true', enables the editing of hyperlinks
editorOptions.annotationsEnabled Optional, Default: false
if set to 'true', enables the display and the editing of annotations
editorOptions.undoRedoEnabled Optional, Default: false
if set to 'true', enables the Undo and Redo of editing actions
editorOptions.zoomingEnabled Optional, Default: false
if set to 'true', enables the zooming tool
editorOptions.userData Optional
data about the user editing the document
editorOptions.userData.fullName Optional
full name of the user, used for annotations and in the metadata of the document
editorOptions.userData.color Optional, Default: "black"
color to use for any user related indicators like cursor or annotations
{!function(err:?Error|editor:!TextEditor=):undefined} onEditorCreated

Documentation generated by JsDoc Toolkit 2.4.0 on Fri Jul 15 2016 10:59:40 GMT+0200 (CEST)