a template defines the layout of egroupware and it contains icons for each application. preferences sl Predloga definira izgled eGroupWare-a in vsebuje ikone za vse aplikacije.
any listing in egw will show you this number of entries or lines per page.<br>to many slow down the page display, to less will cost you the overview. preferences sl Vsak seznam v eGW prika<6B>e to <20>tevilo vnosov oz. vrstic na stran.<br>Preveliko <20>tevilo upočasni vpogled strani, premajhno pa omeji vpogled na seznam.
how do you like to display accounts preferences sl Kako <20>eli<6C> prikazati ra<72>une
how do you like to select accounts preferences sl Kako <20>eli<6C> izbrati ra<72>une
how many hours are you in front or after the timezone of the server.<br>if you are in the same time zone as the server select 0 hours, else select your locale date and time. preferences sl Kak<61>na je razlika v časovnem pasu, v katerem se nahaja<6A>.<br>Če se nahaja<6A> v istem časovnem pasu kot stre<72>nik, izberi 0.
in which country are you. this is used to set certain defaults for you. preferences sl V kateri dr<64>avi ste. To je uporabno za pravilen izbor privzetih vrednosti.
max matches per page preferences sl Največ zadetkov na stran
no default preferences sl Brez privzetih vrednosti
note: this feature does *not* change your email password. this will need to be done manually. preferences sl Opomba: Ta mo<6D>nost *ne* spremeni tvojega gesla. Spremeniti ga bo<62> moral ročno.
please, select a new theme preferences sl Prosim, izberite novo temo
popup with search preferences sl Okno za iskanje
re-enter your password preferences sl Ponovno vpi<70>i geslo
select different theme preferences sl Izberi druga<67>no temo
select the language of texts and messages within egroupware.<br>some languages may not contain all messages, in that case you will see an english message. preferences sl Izberi jezik sporočil in besedil znotraj eGroupWare-a.<br>Nekateri jeziki morda ne vsebujejo vseh prevodov in v tem primeru bo izpisan angle<6C>ko obvestilo.
set this to your convenience. for security reasons, you might not want to show your loginname in public. preferences sl Spremeni glede na svoje potrebe. Iz varnostnih razlogov morda noče<> razkriti svojega uporabni<6E>kega imena.
should the number of active sessions be displayed for you all the time. preferences sl Ali naj bo <20>tevilo aktivnih sej prikazano ves čas?
should this help messages shown up always, when you enter the preferences or only on request. preferences sl Naj bo pomoč vidna vedno ali samo na zahtevo?
show helpmessages by default preferences sl Privzeto prika<6B>i sporočila s pomočjo
show navigation bar as preferences sl Prika<6B>i navigacijsko vrstico kot
show number of current users preferences sl Prika<6B>i trenutno <20>tevilo uporabnikov
show text on navigation icons preferences sl Prika<6B>i besedilo na navigacijski ikoni
the default application will be started when you enter egroupware or click on the homepage icon.<br>you can also have more than one application showing up on the homepage, if you don't choose a specific application here (has to be configured in the preferences of each application). preferences sl Privzeta aplikacija se bo zagnala ob vstopu v eGroupWare ali ob kliku na domačo ikono.<br>Hkrati je lahko prikazanih več aplikacij naenkrat na domači strani, če ne izbere<72> določene aplikacije (to mora biti določeno v nastavitvah vsake aplikacije).
the selectbox shows all available users (can be very slow on big installs with many users). the popup can search users by name or group. preferences sl Izbirni seznam prikazuje uporabnike na voljo (lahko je precej velik in počasen). Z iskalnim oknom lahko i<>če<> uporabnike po imenu ali skupini.
the two passwords are not the same preferences sl Gesli nista enaki.
you can show the applications as icons only, icons with app-name or both. preferences sl Lahko poka<6B>e<EFBFBD> aplikacije samo kot ikone, ikone z imenom aplikacije ali oboje.
you do not have permission to set acl's in this mode! preferences sl Nima<6D> dovoljenja nastaviti ACL v tem načinu!
you must enter a password preferences sl Vpisati mora<72> geslo
your current theme is: %1 preferences sl tvoja trenutna tema je: %1