mirror of
synced 2025-02-22 21:30:54 +01:00
WIP eTemplate 2.0 DTD
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,238 +0,0 @@
* eTemplate2 XML schema as Relax NG
* - we read the legacy etemplate2.dtd converted by PHPStorm to Relax NG with an XML parser
* - remove the obsolete widgets
* - add new widgets from custom-elements.json file generated by our documentation build
* - output it again as new eTemplate2 Relax NG schema for our xet files
* Open problems:
* - custom-elements.json has no information about element hierarchy: not all elements are allowed be contained by an arbitrary element
* - Relax NG can define attribute types, need to check how with match our internal types to the xet attributes
* @link https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/RELAX_NG RELAX NG (REgular LAnguage for XML Next Generation)
* @link https://github.com/EGroupware/etemplate/blob/6767672516524444847207d50b21ba59ff7f1540/js/widget_browser.js old widget-browser dtd generation
* @link https://www.jetbrains.com/help/phpstorm/validating-web-content-files.html JetBrains DTD, XML-Schema or RelaxNG support
if (!file_exists($file=__DIR__."/custom-elements.json"))
die("Missing '$file file!");
if (!($data=json_decode(file_get_contents($file), true)))
die("Could not load '$file'!");
if (!file_exists(($file = __DIR__."/../etemplate2/etemplate2.rng")))
die("Missing file '$file', you need to generate it from 'etemplate2.dtd' e.g. with PHPStorm!");
$grammar = new SimpleXMLElement(file_get_contents($file));
$widgets = getByName($grammar, 'Widgets');
// overlay can only container template, not all widgets
getByName($grammar, 'overlay')->element->zeroOrMore->ref->attributes()['name'] = 'template';
$classes = [];
foreach($data['modules'] as $module)
if (empty($module['exports'])) continue;
foreach($module['exports'] as $export)
if ($export['kind'] !== 'custom-element-definition' || preg_match('/_(ro|mobile)$/', $export['name']))
$last_export = $export['name'];
foreach($module['declarations'] as $declaration)
if ($declaration['kind'] === 'class')
foreach(['members', 'attributes'] as $collection)
foreach($declaration[$collection] ?? [] as $key => $element)
$declaration[$collection][$element['name']] = $element;
$classes[$declaration['name']] = $declaration;
// some widgets use: customElements.defines(<tag>, <class> as any, ...)
if ($export['declaration']['name'] === "anonymous_0")
$export['declaration']['name'] = $last_export;
/*echo $export['name'].'('.$export['declaration']['name'].'): '.
implode(', ', attributes($classes[$export['declaration']['name']]))."\n";*/
<define name="countdown">
<element name="countdown">
<ref name="attlist.countdown"/>
<define name="attlist.countdown" combine="interleave">
<attribute name="format" a:defaultValue="s"/>
<attribute name="onFinish"/>
if (in_array($export['name'], ['et2-tab', 'et2-tab-panel']))
continue; // we use the legacy tabs and tabpanels
// add the element
$define = $grammar->addChild('define');
$define->addAttribute('name', $export['name']);
$element = $define->addChild('element');
$element->addAttribute('name', $export['name']);
$attrs = $element->addChild('ref');
$attrs->addAttribute('name', 'attlist.'.$export['name']);
// add to widgets
$widgets->choice->addChild('ref')->addAttribute('name', $export['name']);
// add the element-attributes
$attrs = $grammar->addChild('define');
$attrs->addAttribute('name', 'attlist.'.$export['name']);
$attrs->addAttribute('combine', 'interleave');
attributes($classes[$export['declaration']['name']], $attrs);
// widget specific fixes
case 'et2-tabbox':
// add legacy children tabs and tabpanels
$element->addChild('ref')->addAttribute('name', 'tabs');
$element->addChild('ref')->addAttribute('name', 'tabpanels');
// dont allow children
// remove corresponding legacy widget
removeWidget(str_replace('et2-', '', $export['name']));
$remove = [];
foreach($widgets->choice->children() as $widget)
if (preg_match('/^(button|dropdown_button|int|float|menu|select|taglist|tree|passwd|date|time|ajax_select|vfs-(select|path))/', $name=(string)$widget->attributes()['name']))
$remove[] = $name; // removing direct disturbs the foreach!
foreach($remove as $name)
$dom = new DOMDocument("1.0");
$dom->preserveWhiteSpace = false;
$dom->formatOutput = true;
if (php_sapi_name() !== "cli")
header('Content-Type: application/xml; charset=utf-8');
echo $dom->saveXML();
* Remove (legacy-)widget with given name from schema
* @param string $name
* @return void
function removeWidget(string $name)
global $grammar, $widgets;
if (removeByName($widgets->choice, $name))
removeByName($grammar, $name);
removeByName($grammar, 'attlist.'.$name);
function removeByName(SimpleXMLElement $parent, string $name) : bool
foreach($parent->children() as $child)
if ((string)$child->attributes()['name'] === $name)
return true;
return false;
function getByName(SimpleXMLElement $parent, string $name) : ?SimpleXMLElement
foreach($parent as $element)
if ((string)$element->attributes()['name'] === $name)
return $element;
return null;
* Generate attribute list for an element
* @param array $class class defining the element
* @param SimpleXMLElement|null $attrs attribute list element: <define name="attlist.<element>" combine="interleave"/>
* @return string[]|void
function attributes(array $class, ?SimpleXMLElement $attrs=null)
static $default_attributes = [
'id' => ['name' => 'id', 'type' => ['text' => 'string']], // commented out with some reasoning in Et2Widget
$attributes = $default_attributes+array_filter($class['attributes'] ?? [], static function ($attr)
return ($attr['name'] ?? null) && $attr['name'][0] !== '_'; // ignore attributes with empty name or name starting with understore
if (!isset($attrs))
return array_map(static function($attr) use ($class)
return $attr['name'].'('.($attr['type']['text']??'any').
(isset($attr['fieldName']) && isset($class['members'][$attr['fieldName']]['default']) ?
':'.$class['members'][$attr['fieldName']]['default'] : '').')';
}, $attributes);
foreach($attributes as $attr)
// todo: are all attributes optional
$optional = $attrs->addChild('optional');
$attribute = $optional->addChild('attribute');
$attribute->addAttribute('name', $attr['name']);
if (isset($attr['fieldName']) && isset($class['members'][$attr['fieldName']]['default']))
$default = $class['members'][$attr['fieldName']]['default'];
if (in_array($default[0], ['"', "'"]) && $default[0] === substr($default, -1))
$default = substr($default, 1, -1);
$attribute->addAttribute('a:defaultValue', $default, 'http://relaxng.org/ns/compatibility/annotations/1.0');
switch ($attr['type']['text'] ?? 'any')
case 'boolean':
$choice = $attribute->addChild('choice');
$choice->addChild('value', 'false');
$choice->addChild('value', 'true');
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,419 @@
* eTemplate2 XML schema
* 1. we read the legacy etemplate2.dtd converted by PHPStorm (Tools > XML Actions > Convert Schema) to Relax NG with an XML parser
* 2. remove the obsolete widgets
* 3. add new widgets from custom-elements.json file generated by our documentation build
* 4. apply overwrites below
* 5. output it again as new eTemplate2 Relax NG schema
* 6. convert it again via PHPStorm (Tools > XML Actions > Convert Schema) to etemplate2.0.dtd referenced in our xet files
* (until we figure out how to use RELAX NG direct)
* Open problems:
* - custom-elements.json has no information about element hierarchy: not all elements are allowed be contained by an arbitrary element
* - Relax NG can define attribute types, need to check how with match our internal types to the xet attributes
* @link https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/RELAX_NG RELAX NG (REgular LAnguage for XML Next Generation)
* @link https://relaxng.org/tutorial-20011203.html RELAX NG Tutorial
* @link https://github.com/EGroupware/etemplate/blob/6767672516524444847207d50b21ba59ff7f1540/js/widget_browser.js old widget-browser dtd generation
* @link https://www.jetbrains.com/help/phpstorm/validating-web-content-files.html JetBrains DTD, XML-Schema or RelaxNG support
if (!file_exists($file=__DIR__."/dist/custom-elements.json"))
die("Missing '$file file!");
if (!($data=json_decode(file_get_contents($file), true)))
die("Could not load '$file'!");
if (!file_exists(($file = __DIR__."/etemplate2/etemplate2.rng")))
die("Missing file '$file', you need to generate it from 'etemplate2.dtd' e.g. with PHPStorm!");
$grammar = new SimpleXMLElement(file_get_contents($file));
$widgets = getByName($grammar, 'Widgets');
* Manually overwriting problems / errors in what we automatically generate
* @todo fix in TS sources
$overwrites = [
// RE to remove no longer used legacy widgets not matching "et2-<legacy-name>"
'.remove' => '/^(button|dropdown_button|int|float|menu|select|taglist|tree|passwd|date|time|ajax_select|vfs-(select|path))/',
'*' => [ // all widgets
'.attrs' => [
'id' => 'string', // commented out with some reasoning in Et2Widget
//'data' => null, // ToDo: not sure, but AFAIK this is no attribute, but somehow listed in each widget
'width' => 'string',
'span' => 'string', // actually int|"all"
'Et2InputWidget' => [
'.attrs' => [
'tabindex' => 'int',
'Et2Textbox' => [
'.attrs' => [
'placeholder' => 'string',
'maxlength' => 'int',
'Et2InvokerMixin' => 'Et2TextBox',
'et2-description' => [
'.attrs' => [
'for' => 'string',
'et2-textarea' => [
'.attrs' => [
'maxlength' => 'int',
'rows' => 'int',
'resizeRatio' => 'number', // is this correct
'et2-date' => [
'.attrs' => [
'yearRange' => 'string',
'dataFormat' => 'string',
'et2-hbox' => [
'.children' => 'Widgets',
'et2-vbox' => [
'.children' => 'Widgets',
'et2-box' => [
'.children' => 'Widgets',
'Et2Box' => [ // inherited by et2-(v|h)box too
'.attrs' => [
'overflow' => 'string',
'et2-tabbox' => [
'.children' => ['tabs','tabpanels'], // add legacy children tabs and tabpanels
'.attrs' => [
'cfDisabled' => 'boolean', // implemented on server-side
'cfTypeFilter' => 'string',
'cfPrivateTab' => 'boolean',
'cfPrepend' => 'string',
'cfExclude' => 'string',
'et2-tab' => null, // remove/skip, as we currently use legacy tabs and tabpanels
'et2-tab-panel' => null,
'et2-details' => [
'.children' => 'Widgets',
'et2-split' => [
'.children' => 'Widgets',
'et2-select-*' => 'et2-select', // seems like et2-select-* widgets are NOT parsed
* Fixes on the existing legacy DTD
// make overlay the only allowed start element
$grammar->start->addChild('ref')->addAttribute('name', 'overlay');
// overlay can only container template, not all widgets
getByName($grammar, 'overlay')->element->zeroOrMore->ref->attributes()['name'] = 'template';
getByName($grammar, 'attlist.vfs-upload')->addChild('optional')
->addChild('attribute')->addAttribute('name', 'callback');
// add statustext to tab
getByName($grammar, 'attlist.tab')->addChild('optional')
->addChild('attribute')->addAttribute('name', 'statustext');
// build a hashed version of all classes, members and attributes to e.g. find ancestors
$classes = [];
foreach($data['modules'] as $module)
foreach ($module['declarations'] as $declaration)
if ($declaration['kind'] === 'class')
foreach (['members', 'attributes'] as $collection)
foreach ($declaration[$collection] ?? [] as $key => $element)
$declaration[$collection][$element['name']] = $element;
$classes[$declaration['name']] = $declaration;
// iterate of custom-elements to define in the schema
foreach($data['modules'] as $module)
foreach($module['exports'] ?? [] as $export)
// some widgets use: customElements.defines(<tag>, <class> as any, ...) --> use previous export
if (!empty($export['declaration']['name']) && $export['declaration']['name'] === "anonymous_0")
$export['declaration']['name'] = $last_export;
$last_export = $export['name'];
// ignore / skip none-widgets and some of the widgets e.g. r/o versions
if ($export['kind'] !== 'custom-element-definition' ||
preg_match('/_(ro|mobile)$/', $export['name']) ||
array_key_exists($export['name'], $overwrites) && !isset($overwrites[$export['name']]))
// add the element
$define = $grammar->addChild('define');
$define->addAttribute('name', $export['name']);
$element = $define->addChild('element');
$element->addAttribute('name', $export['name']);
$attrs = $element->addChild('ref');
$attrs->addAttribute('name', 'attlist.'.$export['name']);
// add to widgets
$widgets->choice->addChild('ref')->addAttribute('name', $export['name']);
// add the element-attributes
$attrs = $grammar->addChild('define');
$attrs->addAttribute('name', 'attlist.'.$export['name']);
$attrs->addAttribute('combine', 'interleave');
if (empty($classes[$export['declaration']['name']]['tagName'])) $classes[$export['declaration']['name']]['tagName'] = $export['name'];
attributes($classes[$export['declaration']['name']], $attrs);
// add or disallow children depending on overwrites (not available from the TS sources)
// ToDo: this ignores the use in slots!
if (empty($overwrites[$export['name']]['.children']))
// don't allow children
// add allowed children
foreach((array)$overwrites[$export['name']]['.children'] as $child)
$element->addChild('ref')->addAttribute('name', $child);
// remove corresponding legacy widget
removeWidget(str_replace('et2-', '', $export['name']));
$remove = [];
foreach($widgets->choice->children() as $widget)
if (preg_match($overwrites['.remove'], $name=(string)$widget->attributes()['name']))
$remove[] = $name; // removing direct disturbs the foreach!
foreach($remove as $name)
$dom = new DOMDocument("1.0");
$dom->preserveWhiteSpace = false;
$dom->formatOutput = true;
if (php_sapi_name() !== "cli")
header('Content-Type: application/xml; charset=utf-8');
// add <value>1</value> to legacy widget boolean attributes
echo preg_replace('#<choice>
(\s+)</choice>#', "<choice>\n\$1<value>false</value>\n\$1<value>true</value>\n\$1<value>1</value>\n\$3</choice>",
// update the header
preg_replace('#<!--.*-->#s', '<!--
EGroupware: eTemplate 2.0 DTD
AUTHOR: Hadi Nategh <hn[AT]egroupware.org>, Ralf Becker <rb[AT]egroupware.org>
COPYRIGHT: 2016-2024 by EGroupware GmbH
LICENSE: https://opensource.org/licenses/gpl-license.php GPL - GNU General Public License Version 2+
PUBLIC ID: "https://www.egroupware.org/etemplate2.0.dtd"
Version: 1.2
An example how to use this DTD from your XML document:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE overlay PUBLIC "-//EGroupware GmbH//eTemplate 2//EN" "https://www.egroupware.org/etemplate2.0.dtd">
-->', $dom->saveXML()));
* Remove (legacy-)widget with given name from schema
* @param string $name
* @return void
function removeWidget(string $name)
global $grammar, $widgets;
if (removeByName($widgets->choice, $name))
removeByName($grammar, $name);
removeByName($grammar, 'attlist.'.$name);
function removeByName(SimpleXMLElement $parent, string $name) : bool
foreach($parent->children() as $child)
if ((string)$child->attributes()['name'] === $name)
return true;
return false;
function removeNode(SimpleXMLElement $node)
function getByName(SimpleXMLElement $parent, string $name) : ?SimpleXMLElement
foreach($parent as $element)
if ((string)$element->attributes()['name'] === $name)
return $element;
return null;
* Overwrite attributes in given element / class
* @param array& $element
* @param string|null $name overwrites to use e.g. "*", default use $element['name']
* @return void
function overwriteAttributes(array& $element, string $name=null)
global $overwrites;
if (!isset($name)) $name = $element['tagName'];
// forward just to another widget, class or mixin
if (isset($overwrites[$name]) && is_string($overwrites[$name]))
$name = $overwrites[$name];
if (empty($overwrites[$name]['.attrs']))
return; // nothing to do
foreach($overwrites[$name]['.attrs'] as $attr => $type)
if (isset($type))
$element['attributes'][$attr] = ['name' => $attr, 'type' => ['text' => $type]];
* Generate attribute list for an element
* @param array $class class defining the element
* @param SimpleXMLElement|null $attrs attribute list element: <define name="attlist.<element>" combine="interleave"/>
* @return string[]|void
function attributes(array $class, ?SimpleXMLElement $attrs=null)
overwriteAttributes($class, '*');
// also apply overwrites of own class, direct parent and mixins
foreach(getAncestors($class) as $parent)
if ($parent && !empty($parent['name']) && preg_match('/^Et2/', $parent['name'])) // can also be Lit or Sl*
overwriteAttributes($class, $parent['name']);
$attributes = array_filter($class['attributes'] ?? [], static function ($attr)
return ($attr['name'] ?? null) && $attr['name'][0] !== '_'; // ignore attributes with empty name or name starting with underscore
if (!isset($attrs))
return array_map(static function($attr) use ($class)
return $attr['name'].'('.($attr['type']['text']??'any').
(isset($attr['fieldName']) && isset($class['members'][$attr['fieldName']]['default']) ?
':'.$class['members'][$attr['fieldName']]['default'] : '').')';
}, $attributes);
foreach($attributes as $attr)
// todo: are all attributes optional, probably
$optional = $attrs->addChild('optional');
$attribute = $optional->addChild('attribute');
$attribute->addAttribute('name', $attr['name']);
if (isset($attr['fieldName']) && isset($class['members'][$attr['fieldName']]['default']))
$default = $class['members'][$attr['fieldName']]['default'];
if (in_array($default[0], ['"', "'"]) && $default[0] === substr($default, -1))
$default = substr($default, 1, -1);
$attribute->addAttribute('a:defaultValue', $default, 'http://relaxng.org/ns/compatibility/annotations/1.0');
switch ($attr['type']['text'] ?? 'any')
case 'boolean':
$choice = $attribute->addChild('choice');
$choice->addChild('value', 'false');
$choice->addChild('value', 'true');
$choice->addChild('value', '1'); // often used in our templates
// not understood by DTD :(
//$choice->addChild('text'); // as we allow "@<attr>" or "$cont[name]"
// todo: other types are understood by RELAX NG, but not by DTD
* Get ancestors: superclass(es) and mixins of the current class/element
* @param array|null $class
* @return array[] of array with name attribute
function getAncestors(?array $class=null)
if (!isset($class) || empty($class['name']) || !preg_match('/^Et2/', $class['name']))
return [];
if (!isset($class['kind']))
global $classes;
$class = $classes[$class['name']] ?? null;
return $class ? array_filter([$class, ...getAncestors($class['superclass']??null), ...$class['mixins']??[]]) : [];
Normal file
Normal file
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
Normal file
Normal file
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
Reference in New Issue
Block a user