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synced 2025-03-11 21:50:15 +01:00
pending translations from our translation server
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@ -342,6 +342,8 @@ height common bg Височина
help common bg Помощ
high common bg Висок
highest common bg Най-висок
history common bg История
history log common bg История на версиите
holy see (vatican city state) common bg Ватикана
home common bg Начало
home email common bg домашен e-mail
@ -349,7 +351,10 @@ home screen common bg Основен екран
honduras common bg Хондурас
hong kong common bg Хонг-Конг
hours common bg часа
how many days to sync in the future (default %1) groupdav bg Колко дни да се синхронизира в бъдеще (по подразбиране %1)
how many days to sync in the past (default %1) groupdav bg Колко дни да се синхронизира в миналото (по подразбиране %1)
how many icons should be shown in the navbar (top of the page). additional icons go into a kind of pulldown menu, callable by the icon on the far right side of the navbar. common bg Колко икони да се покажат в лентата за навигация (горе на страницата)? Останалите икони се показват чрез падащо меню, активирано чрез иконата в крайната дясна част на лентата.
how many rows to print common bg Колко реда да се отпечатат
how to show the general egroupware menu ? common bg Как да се покаже общото меню на EGroupware ?
html common bg HTML
hungary common bg Унгария
@ -367,12 +372,15 @@ insert all %1 addresses of the %2 contacts in %3 common bg Вмъкване на
insert column after common bg Вмъкни колона след
insert column before common bg Вмъкни колона преди
insert in document common bg Вмъкване в документа
insert placeholder common bg Вмъкване на заместител
insert row after common bg Вмъкни ред след
insert row before common bg Вмъкни ред преди
insert timestamp into description field common bg Вмъкване на времеви печат в полето за описание
international common bg Международен
invalid 2-factor authentication code common bg Невалиден код за двуфакторно удостоверяване
invalid filename common bg Грешно име на файл
invalid ip address common bg Невалиден IP адрес
invalid or expired 'remember me' token common bg Невалиден или изтекъл токен "запомни ме
invalid password common bg Грешна парола
iran, islamic republic of common bg Ислямска Република Иран
iraq common bg Ирак
@ -380,6 +388,7 @@ ireland common bg Ейре
israel common bg Израел
it has been more then %1 days since you changed your password common bg Изминали са повече от %1 дни, откакто сте променяли паролата си
it is recommended that you run setup to upgrade your tables to the current version common bg Препоръчително е да преминете през "инсталация" (setup), за да обновите таблиците си до текущата версия.
it is recommended to store your public key in addressbook, so other users can write you encrypted mails. common bg Препоръчително е да съхранявате публичния си ключ в Addressbook, за да могат други потребители да ви пишат криптирани писма.
italic common bg Курсив
italy common bg Италия
jamaica common bg Ямайка
@ -630,6 +630,7 @@ height, disabled common cs Výška, vypnuto
help common cs Nápověda
high common cs Vysoká
highest common cs Nejvyšší
history common cs Historie
history log common cs Protokol historie
hold [%1] and [%2] key to drag %3 to your desktop common cs Stiskněte současně klávesy [%1] a [%2] a pak můžete přetáhnout %3 na vaši plochu
holy see (vatican city state) common cs VATIKÁN
@ -692,14 +693,17 @@ insert new column behind this one common cs vložit nový sloupec za tento
insert new column in front of all common cs vložit nový sloupec před všechny ostatní
insert new row after this one common cs vložit nový řádek za tento
insert new row in front of first line common cs vložit nový řádek před první řádek
insert placeholder common cs Vložit zástupný symbol
insert row after common cs Vložit řádek za
insert row before common cs Vložit řádek před
insert timestamp into description field common cs Vložení časového razítka do pole popisu
integer common cs Celé číslo
international common cs Mezinárodní
introduction common cs Úvod
invalid 2-factor authentication code common cs Neplatný kód dvoufaktorového ověřování
invalid filename common cs Neplatné jméno souboru
invalid ip address common cs Neplatná IP adresa
invalid or expired 'remember me' token common cs Neplatný nebo prošlý token "zapamatuj si mě"
invalid password common cs Neplatné heslo
iran, islamic republic of common cs ÍRÁN
iraq common cs IRÁK
@ -317,6 +317,8 @@ height common da Højde
help common da Hjælp
high common da Høj
highest common da Højeste
history common da Historie
history log common da Versionshistorik
holy see (vatican city state) common da Vatikanet
home common da Startside
home email common da privat e-mail
@ -324,7 +326,11 @@ home screen common da Hovedside
honduras common da Honduras
hong kong common da Hong Kong
hours common da timer
how many days to sync in the future (default %1) groupdav da Hvor mange dage skal synkroniseres i fremtiden (standard %1)
how many days to sync in the past (default %1) groupdav da Hvor mange dage til synkronisering i fortiden (standard %1)
how many icons should be shown in the navbar (top of the page). additional icons go into a kind of pulldown menu, callable by the icon on the far right side of the navbar. common da Hvor mange ikoner skal der vises i navigations bjælken (øverst på siden). Evt. overskydende ikoner vil være tilgængelig i en slags pulldown menu, ved at trykke på ikonet helt til højre i navigations bjælken.
how many rows to print common da Hvor mange rækker skal udskrives
how to show the general egroupware menu ? common da Sådan vises den generelle EGroupware-menu
html common da HTML
hungary common da Ungarn
iceland common da Island
@ -336,12 +342,15 @@ indonesia common da Indonesien
insert all %1 addresses of the %2 contacts in %3 common da Indsæt alle %1 adresserne fra %2 kontakterne i %3
insert column after common da Indslt kolonne efter
insert column before common da Indsæt kolonne foran
insert placeholder common da Indsæt pladsholder
insert row after common da Indsæt række efter
insert row before common da Indsæt række foran
insert timestamp into description field common da Insert timestamp into description field
international common da International
invalid 2-factor authentication code common da Ugyldig kode for 2-faktor-autentifikation
invalid filename common da Ugyldigt filnavn
invalid ip address common da Ugyldig IP
invalid or expired 'remember me' token common da Ugyldig eller udløbet "husk mig"-token
invalid password common da Ugyldig adgangskode
iran, islamic republic of common da Iran, Den Islamiske Republik
iraq common da Irak
@ -349,6 +358,7 @@ ireland common da Irland
israel common da Israel
it has been more then %1 days since you changed your password common da Det er mere end %1 dage siden du sidst ændrede dit password
it is recommended that you run setup to upgrade your tables to the current version common da Det anbefales at du kører setup for at opgradere dine tabeller til den nuværende version.
it is recommended to store your public key in addressbook, so other users can write you encrypted mails. common da Det anbefales at gemme din offentlige nøgle i Adressebog, så andre brugere kan skrive krypterede mails til dig.
italic common da Kursiv
italy common da Italien
jamaica common da Jamaica
@ -1073,7 +1073,7 @@ please, check back with us shortly. common de Bitte schauen Sie bald wieder vorb
pm common de Nachmittag
poland common de POLEN
popup common de Pop-up
popup with search common de weitere Teilnehmer suchen
popup with search common de Weitere Teilnehmer/Gruppen suchen
portrait common de Hochformat
portugal common de PORTUGAL
postal common de Postadresse
@ -1098,7 +1098,7 @@ programs common de Programme
project common de Projekt
properties common de Eigenschaften
protocol is required common de Protokoll ist erforderlich
public common de öffentlich
public common de Öffentlich
puerto rico common de PUERTO RICO
qatar common de QATAR
quick add common de Schnelles Hinzufügen
@ -1204,8 +1204,8 @@ security & password common de Sicherheit & Passwort
select common de Auswählen
select "%1", if your client does not support multiple addressbooks. groupdav de "%1" auswählen, wenn der Client nur ein einziges Adressbuch unterstützt.
select "%1", if your client support groups, eg. os x or ios addressbook. groupdav de "%1" auswählen, wenn der Client Gruppen unterstützt, z.B. für das OS X oder iOS Adressbuch.
select a category common de eine Kategorie auswählen
select a primary contact, to show in the list common de einen Hauptkontakt auswählen, der in der Auflistung mit angezeigt wird
select a category common de Eine Kategorie auswählen
select a primary contact, to show in the list common de Einen Hauptkontakt auswählen, der in der Auflistung mit angezeigt wird
select access common de Zugriff auswählen
select account common de Benutzer auswählen
select action common de Befehl auswählen
@ -1217,7 +1217,7 @@ select an app to search in common de Anwendung zum Durchsuchen auswählen
select an application common de Anwendung auswählen
select an application, (*) = uninstalled common de Anwendung auswählen, (*) = nicht installiert
select an entry to link with common de Eintrag zum Verknüpfen auswählen
select an opened dialog common de geöffneten Dialog auswählen
select an opened dialog common de Geöffneten Dialog auswählen
select an table of the application common de Tabelle der Anwendung auswählen
select application common de Anwendung auswählen
select application to search common de Anwendung zum Suchen auswählen
@ -337,6 +337,8 @@ height common el Ύψος
help common el Βοήθεια
high common el Ψηλά
highest common el Ψηλότερα
history common el Ιστορία
history log common el Ιστορικό εκδόσεων
holy see (vatican city state) common el ΒΑΤΙΚΑΝΟ
home common el Αρχική Σελίδα
home email common el Email οικίας
@ -344,7 +346,11 @@ home screen common el Βασική οθόνη
honduras common el ΟΝΔΟΥΡΑ
hong kong common el ΧΟΝΓΚ ΚΟΝΓΚ
hours common el Ωρες
how many days to sync in the future (default %1) groupdav el Πόσες ημέρες θα συγχρονιστούν στο μέλλον (προεπιλογή %1)
how many days to sync in the past (default %1) groupdav el Πόσες ημέρες για συγχρονισμό στο παρελθόν (προεπιλογή %1)
how many icons should be shown in the navbar (top of the page). additional icons go into a kind of pulldown menu, callable by the icon on the far right side of the navbar. common el Πόσες εικόνες θα εμφανίζονται στη μπάρα πλοήγησης (κορυφή της σελίδας). Οι επιπλέον εικόνες μπαίνουν σ' ένα είδος pulldown menu, και ανακτώνται από το εικονίδιο στην τέρμα δεξιά πλευρά του μενού πλοήγησης.
how many rows to print common el Πόσες γραμμές θα εκτυπωθούν
how to show the general egroupware menu ? common el Πώς να εμφανίζεται το γενικό μενού EGroupware
html common el HTML
hungary common el ΟΥΓΓΑΡΙΑ
iceland common el ΙΣΛΑΝΔΙΑ
@ -361,12 +367,15 @@ initial common el Αρχικό
insert all %1 addresses of the %2 contacts in %3 common el Εισαγωγή όλων των %1 διευθύνσεων των %2 επαφών στο %3
insert column after common el Εισαγωγή στήλης μετά
insert column before common el Εισαγωγή στήλης πριν
insert placeholder common el Εισαγωγή σημείου τοποθέτησης
insert row after common el Εισαγωγή σειράς μετά
insert row before common el Εισαγωγή σειράς πριν
insert timestamp into description field common el Εισαγωγή χρονοσφραγίδας στο πεδίο περιγραφής
international common el Διεθνείς
invalid 2-factor authentication code common el Μη έγκυρος κωδικός ελέγχου ταυτότητας 2 παραγόντων
invalid filename common el Άκυρο όνομα αρχείου
invalid ip address common el Ακυρη διεύθυνση ΙΡ
invalid or expired 'remember me' token common el Άκυρο ή ληγμένο κουπόνι 'θυμήσου με'
invalid password common el Άκυρος κωδικός
iran, islamic republic of common el ΙΡΑΝ
iraq common el ΙΡΑΚ
@ -374,6 +383,7 @@ ireland common el ΙΡΛΑΝΔΙΑ
israel common el ΙΣΡΑΗΛ
it has been more then %1 days since you changed your password common el Πέρασαν πάνω από %1 μέρες από την τελευταία αλλαγή του κωδικού σας
it is recommended that you run setup to upgrade your tables to the current version common el Συνιστάται η εκτέλεση του setup για αναβάθμιση των πινάκων σας στην τρέχουσα έκδοση.
it is recommended to store your public key in addressbook, so other users can write you encrypted mails. common el Συνιστάται να αποθηκεύετε το δημόσιο κλειδί σας στο βιβλίο διευθύνσεων, ώστε οι άλλοι χρήστες να μπορούν να σας γράφουν κρυπτογραφημένα μηνύματα.
italic common el Πλάγια
italy common el ΙΤΑΛΙΑ
jamaica common el ΤΖΑΜΑΙΚΑ
@ -667,7 +667,7 @@ help common en Help
high common en High
highest common en Highest
history common en History
history log common en History log
history log common en Version history
hold [%1] and [%2] key to drag %3 to your desktop common en Hold [%1] and [%2] key to drag %3 to your desktop
hold [%1] key to select text eg. to copy it common en Hold [%1] key to select text eg. to copy it
holy see (vatican city state) common en HOLY SEE (VATICAN CITY STATE)
@ -727,6 +727,7 @@ insert new column behind this one common es-es Insertar nueva columna detrás de
insert new column in front of all common es-es Insertar nueva columna al principio de todas
insert new row after this one common es-es Insertar una nueva fila después de ésta
insert new row in front of first line common es-es Insertar una nueva fila delante de la primera línea
insert placeholder common es-es Insertar marcador de posición
insert row after common es-es Insertar una fila despues
insert row before common es-es Insertar una fila antes
insert timestamp into description field common es-es Insertar marca de tiempo en el campo de descripción
@ -734,9 +735,11 @@ install common es-es Instalar
integer common es-es Entero
international common es-es Internacional
introduction common es-es Introducción
invalid 2-factor authentication code common es-es Código de autenticación de 2 factores no válido
invalid email common es-es Correo-e no válido
invalid filename common es-es Nombre de archivo inválido.
invalid ip address common es-es Dirección IP inválida.
invalid or expired 'remember me' token common es-es Token "recuérdame" no válido o caducado
invalid password common es-es La contraseña inválida.
iran, islamic republic of common es-es IRAN, ISLAMIC REPUBLIC OF
iraq common es-es IRAK
@ -305,12 +305,18 @@ height common et Kõrgus
help common et Abi
high common et Kõrge
highest common et Kõrgeim
history common et Ajalugu
history log common et Versiooni ajalugu
home common et Kodu
home email common et kodu email
honduras common et HONDURAS
hong kong common et HONG KONG
hour common et Tund
hours common et tundi
how many days to sync in the future (default %1) groupdav et Mitu päeva tulevikus sünkroonida (vaikimisi %1)
how many days to sync in the past (default %1) groupdav et Mitu päeva sünkroonida minevikus (vaikimisi %1)
how many rows to print common et Mitu rida printida
how to show the general egroupware menu ? common et Kuidas näidata EGroupware üldmenüüd
html common et Html
hungary common et UNGARI
iceland common et ISLAND
@ -323,14 +329,18 @@ india common et INDIA
indonesia common et INDONEESIA
insert column after common et Sisesta veerg enne
insert column before common et Sisesta veerg peale
insert placeholder common et Sisesta paigutuskoht
insert row after common et Sisesta rida enne
insert row before common et Sisesta rida peale
insert timestamp into description field common et Lisage ajatempel kirjeldusväljale
international common et rahvusvaheline
invalid 2-factor authentication code common et 2-faktoorse autentimise kood on kehtetu
invalid filename common et Vigane failinimi
invalid ip address common et Vigane IP aadress
invalid or expired 'remember me' token common et Kehtetu või aegunud "mäleta mind" märgis
invalid password common et Vigane parool
ireland common et IIRIMAA
it is recommended to store your public key in addressbook, so other users can write you encrypted mails. common et Soovitatav on salvestada oma avalik võti aadressiraamatusse, et teised kasutajad saaksid teile krüpteeritud kirju kirjutada.
italy common et ITAALIA
january common et Jaanuar
japan common et JAAPAN
@ -556,7 +556,8 @@ height, disabled common fi Pituus, Estetty
help common fi Ohjeet
high common fi Korkea
highest common fi Korkein
history log common fi Historia loki
history common fi Historia
history log common fi Versiohistoria
holy see (vatican city state) common fi VATIKAANI
home common fi Etusivu
home email common fi Kotisähköposti
@ -566,8 +567,11 @@ hong kong common fi HONG KONG
horizontal rule common fi Vaakasuuntainen viiva
hour common fi Tunti
hours common fi Tuntia
how many days to sync in the future (default %1) groupdav fi Kuinka monta päivää synkronoidaan tulevaisuudessa (oletusarvo %1)
how many days to sync in the past (default %1) groupdav fi Kuinka monta päivää synkronoidaan menneisyydessä (oletusarvo %1)
how many entries should the list show common fi Kuinka monta merkintää näytetään listalla
how many icons should be shown in the navbar (top of the page). additional icons go into a kind of pulldown menu, callable by the icon on the far right side of the navbar. common fi Kuinka monta kuvaketta näytetään navigaatiopalkissa. Loput kuvakkeet saa näkyviin oikeasta reunasta avautuvasta pudotusvalikosta.
how many rows to print common fi Kuinka monta riviä tulostetaan
how to show the general egroupware menu ? common fi Kuinka päävalikko näytetään?
html common fi HTML
hungary common fi UNKARI
@ -608,13 +612,16 @@ insert new column behind this one common fi Lisää uusi sarake valitun taakse
insert new column in front of all common fi Lisää uusi sarake kaikkien eteen
insert new row after this one common fi Lisää uusi rivi valitun jälkeen
insert new row in front of first line common fi Lisää uusi rivi ensimmäisen rivin eteen
insert placeholder common fi Aseta paikanvaraaja
insert row after common fi Lisää rivi jälkeen
insert row before common fi Lisää rivi eteen
insert timestamp into description field common fi Lisää aikaleima kuvauskenttään
integer common fi Kokonaisluku
international common fi Kansainvälinen
invalid 2-factor authentication code common fi Virheellinen 2-tekijätodennuskoodi
invalid filename common fi Virheellinen tiedostonnimi.
invalid ip address common fi Virheellinen IP-osoite.
invalid or expired 'remember me' token common fi Virheellinen tai vanhentunut "Muista minut" -merkki.
invalid password common fi Virheellinen salasana.
iran, islamic republic of common fi IRANIN ISLAMILAINEN TASAVALTA
iraq common fi IRAK
@ -622,6 +629,7 @@ ireland common fi IRLANTI
israel common fi ISRAEL
it has been more then %1 days since you changed your password common fi Olet vaihtanut salasanasi viimeksi %1 päivää sitten.
it is recommended that you run setup to upgrade your tables to the current version common fi On suositeltavaa päivittää tietokannan taulut nykyiseen versioon.
it is recommended to store your public key in addressbook, so other users can write you encrypted mails. common fi On suositeltavaa tallentaa julkinen avaimesi osoitekirjaan, jotta muut käyttäjät voivat kirjoittaa sinulle salattuja viestejä.
italic common fi Kursivoi
italy common fi ITALIA
jamaica common fi JAMAIKA
@ -712,6 +712,7 @@ insert new column behind this one common fr Insérer une nouvelle colonne après
insert new column in front of all common fr Insérer une nouvelle colonne devant toutes les autres
insert new row after this one common fr Insérer une nouvelle ligne après celle-ci
insert new row in front of first line common fr Insérer une nouvelle ligne devant la première ligne
insert placeholder common fr Insérer un espace réservé
insert row after common fr Insérer une ligne après
insert row before common fr Insérer une ligne avant
insert timestamp into description field common fr Insérer un timestamp dans le champs description
@ -723,6 +724,7 @@ invalid 2-factor authentication code common fr Code d'authentification à double
invalid email common fr Email invalide
invalid filename common fr Nom de fichier invalide
invalid ip address common fr Adresse IP invalide
invalid or expired 'remember me' token common fr jeton "remember me" invalide ou expiré.
invalid password common fr Mot de passe invalide
iran, islamic republic of common fr IRAN, REPUBLIQUE ISLAMIQUE D'
iraq common fr IRAK
@ -374,6 +374,8 @@ height common hu Magasság
help common hu Segítség
high common hu Sürgős
highest common hu Legmagasabb
history common hu Történelem
history log common hu Verziótörténet
holy see (vatican city state) common hu Vatikán
home common hu Kezdőlap
home email common hu otthoni email
@ -382,7 +384,10 @@ honduras common hu Honduras
hong kong common hu Hong Kong
hour common hu Óra
hours common hu órák
how many days to sync in the future (default %1) groupdav hu Hány napra szinkronizáljon a jövőben (alapértelmezett %1)
how many days to sync in the past (default %1) groupdav hu Hány nap szinkronizálás a múltban (alapértelmezett %1)
how many icons should be shown in the navbar (top of the page). additional icons go into a kind of pulldown menu, callable by the icon on the far right side of the navbar. common hu A felső menüsoron látható ikonok maximális száma. A többi alkalmazás ikonja a menüsor jobb oldalán található ikonra kattintva érhető el.
how many rows to print common hu Hány sort kell kinyomtatni
how to show the general egroupware menu ? common hu Hogyan legyen az EGroupware menü megjelenítve?
html common hu HTML
hungary common hu Magyarország
@ -401,12 +406,15 @@ initial common hu Kezdeti
insert all %1 addresses of the %2 contacts in %3 common hu A %2 kapcsolat összes %1 címének beillesztése ide %3
insert column after common hu Oszlop szúrása utána
insert column before common hu Oszlop beszúrása elé
insert placeholder common hu Helyőrző beillesztése
insert row after common hu Sor beszúrása utána
insert row before common hu Sor beszúrása elé
insert timestamp into description field common hu Időbélyegző beillesztése a leírás mezőbe
international common hu Nemzetközi
invalid 2-factor authentication code common hu Érvénytelen 2-faktoros hitelesítési kód
invalid filename common hu Érvénytelen állománynév
invalid ip address common hu Érvénytelen IP cím
invalid or expired 'remember me' token common hu Érvénytelen vagy lejárt "emlékezz rám" token
invalid password common hu Érvénytelen jelszó
iran, islamic republic of common hu Irán
iraq common hu Irak
@ -414,6 +422,7 @@ ireland common hu Írország
israel common hu Izrael
it has been more then %1 days since you changed your password common hu Több mint %1 nap telt el az utolsó jelszómódosítás óta
it is recommended that you run setup to upgrade your tables to the current version common hu Erősen javasolt az adatbázis frissítése a legújabb verzióra. Ezt a tartomány konfigurációját ellátó felhasználóként teheti meg.
it is recommended to store your public key in addressbook, so other users can write you encrypted mails. common hu Ajánlott a nyilvános kulcsát az Addressbookban tárolni, így más felhasználók titkosított leveleket tudnak írni Önnek.
italic common hu Dőlt
italy common hu Olaszország
jamaica common hu Jamaika
@ -404,6 +404,7 @@ height, disabled common id Height, Disabled
help common id Bantuan
high common id Tinggi
highest common id Tertinggi
history common id Sejarah
history log common id Log Riwayat
holy see (vatican city state) common id HOLY SEE (NEGARA KOTA VATICAN)
home common id Beranda
@ -414,6 +415,10 @@ hong kong common id HONG KONG
horizontal rule common id Horizontal Rule
hour common id Jam
hours common id jam
how many days to sync in the future (default %1) groupdav id Berapa hari yang akan disinkronkan di masa mendatang (default %1)
how many days to sync in the past (default %1) groupdav id Berapa hari yang akan disinkronkan di masa lalu (default %1)
how many rows to print common id Berapa banyak baris yang akan dicetak
how to show the general egroupware menu ? common id Cara menampilkan menu umum EGroupware
html common id HTML
hungary common id HONGARIA
iceland common id ISLANDIA
@ -630,6 +630,7 @@ height, disabled common ja 高さ(無効)
help common ja ヘルプ
high common ja 高
highest common ja 最高
history common ja 歴史
history log common ja 変更履歴
hold [%1] and [%2] key to drag %3 to your desktop common ja Hold [%1] and [%2] key to drag %3 to your desktop
hold [%1] key to select text eg. to copy it common ja Hold [%1] key to select text eg. to copy it
@ -693,14 +694,17 @@ insert new column behind this one common ja Insert new column after
insert new column in front of all common ja Insert new column before all
insert new row after this one common ja Insert new row after
insert new row in front of first line common ja Insert new row before first line
insert placeholder common ja プレースホルダーを挿入する
insert row after common ja Insert row after
insert row before common ja Insert row before
insert timestamp into description field common ja 説明欄にタイムスタンプを挿入
integer common ja 整数
international common ja 国際
introduction common ja 紹介
invalid 2-factor authentication code common ja 2ファクタ認証のコードが無効です。
invalid filename common ja ファイル名が不正です。
invalid ip address common ja IP アドレスが不正です。
invalid or expired 'remember me' token common ja Remember Me トークンが無効、または有効期限が切れている
invalid password common ja パスワードが不正です。
iran, islamic republic of common ja イラン
iraq common ja イラク
@ -121,15 +121,25 @@ gibraltar common lt GIBRALTARAS
greece common lt GRAIKIJA
greenland common lt GRENLANDIJA
guatemala common lt GVATEMALA
history common lt Istorija
history log common lt Versijos istorija
how many days to sync in the future (default %1) groupdav lt Kiek dienų sinchronizuoti ateityje (numatytoji %1)
how many days to sync in the past (default %1) groupdav lt Kiek dienų sinchronizuoti praeityje (numatytoji %1)
how many rows to print common lt Kiek eilučių spausdinti
how to show the general egroupware menu ? common lt Kaip rodyti bendrąjį EGroupware meniu
hungary common lt VENGRIJA
iceland common lt ISLANDIJA
india common lt INDIJA
indonesia common lt INDONEZIJA
insert placeholder common lt Įterpti pakaitinę antraštę
insert timestamp into description field common lt Laiko žymos įterpimas į aprašymo lauką
invalid 2-factor authentication code common lt Neteisingas 2 veiksnių autentiškumo patvirtinimo kodas
invalid or expired 'remember me' token common lt Netinkamas arba pasibaigęs "Prisimink mane" žetono galiojimo laikas
iran, islamic republic of common lt IRANAS
iraq common lt IRAKAS
ireland common lt AIRIJA
israel common lt IZRAELIS
it is recommended to store your public key in addressbook, so other users can write you encrypted mails. common lt Rekomenduojama savo viešąjį raktą saugoti Adresinė, kad kiti naudotojai galėtų jums rašyti užšifruotus laiškus.
italy common lt ITALIJA
jamaica common lt JAMAIKA
january common lt Sausis
@ -386,6 +386,8 @@ height, disabled common lv Augstums,nav atļauts
help common lv Palīgs
high common lv Augsta
highest common lv Augstākā
history common lv Vēsture
history log common lv Versiju vēsture
holy see (vatican city state) common lv VATIKĀNS
home common lv Mājas
home email common lv e-pasts mājās
@ -395,7 +397,11 @@ hong kong common lv HONKONGA
horizontal rule common lv Horizontālā kārtula
hour common lv Stundas
hours common lv stundas
how many days to sync in the future (default %1) groupdav lv Cik dienas sinhronizēt nākotnē (noklusējuma %1)
how many days to sync in the past (default %1) groupdav lv Cik dienas sinhronizēt pagātnē (noklusējuma %1)
how many icons should be shown in the navbar (top of the page). additional icons go into a kind of pulldown menu, callable by the icon on the far right side of the navbar. common lv Cik daudz ikonas tiek rādītas rīku joslā (lapas augšpusē). Citas ikonas atrodas izvēlnē, kuru var atvērt uzspiežot uz ikonas, kas atrodas rīku joslas labajā malā.
how many rows to print common lv Cik rindu drukāt
how to show the general egroupware menu ? common lv Kā parādīt vispārējo EGroupware izvēlni
html common lv HTML
hungary common lv UNGĀRIJA
iceland common lv ISLANDE
@ -417,11 +423,14 @@ insert new column behind this one common lv ievieto jaunu kolonnu aiz šīs
insert new column in front of all common lv pirms visām kolonnām ievieto jaunu kolonnu
insert new row after this one common lv pēc šīs rindiņas ievieto jaunu rindiņu
insert new row in front of first line common lv pierms pirmās līnijas ievieto jaunu rindiņu
insert placeholder common lv Ievietot vietvārdu
insert timestamp into description field common lv Ievietot laika zīmogu apraksta laukā
integer common lv Vesels skaitlis
international common lv Internacionāls
invalid 2-factor authentication code common lv Nederīgs 2 faktoru autentifikācijas kods
invalid filename common lv Nederīgs lauka nosaukums
invalid ip address common lv Nederīga IP adrese
invalid or expired 'remember me' token common lv Nederīgs vai beidzies "atcerēties mani" žetona derīguma termiņš
invalid password common lv Nederīga parole
iran, islamic republic of common lv IRĀNA, ISLAMA REPUBLIKA
iraq common lv IRĀKA
@ -429,6 +438,7 @@ ireland common lv ĪRIJA
israel common lv IZRAĒLA
it has been more then %1 days since you changed your password common lv Ir pagājušas vairāk kā %1 dienas kopš Jūs nomainījāt savu paroli
it is recommended that you run setup to upgrade your tables to the current version common lv Būtu vēlams palaist setup programmu, lai pārveidotu datu bāzi (varbūt tabulas?) atbilstoši jaunākajai versijai.
it is recommended to store your public key in addressbook, so other users can write you encrypted mails. common lv Savu publisko atslēgu ieteicams saglabāt Addressbook, lai citi lietotāji varētu jums rakstīt šifrētus e-pastus.
italic common lv Slīpraksts
italy common lv ITĀLIJA
jamaica common lv JAMAIKA
@ -580,6 +580,7 @@ height, disabled common nl Hoogte, uitgeschakeld
help common nl Help
high common nl Hoog
highest common nl Hoogste
history common nl Geschiedenis
history log common nl Historie log
hold [%1] and [%2] key to drag %3 to your desktop common nl Houd [%1] en [%2] toets vast om %3 naar uw desktop te slepen
holy see (vatican city state) common nl VATICAANSTAD
@ -595,6 +596,7 @@ how many days to sync in the future (default %1) groupdav nl Hoeveel dagen om te
how many days to sync in the past (default %1) groupdav nl Hoeveel dagen om te synchroniseren vanuit het verleden (Standaard %1)
how many entries should the list show common nl Hoeveel items mogen er in de lijst getoond worden
how many icons should be shown in the navbar (top of the page). additional icons go into a kind of pulldown menu, callable by the icon on the far right side of the navbar. common nl Hoe veel programma-iconen moeten worden weergegeven in de navigatiebalk. Extra iconen worden weergegeven in een uitklapmenu.
how many rows to print common nl Hoeveel rijen af te drukken
how to show the general egroupware menu ? common nl Hoe moet het algemene EGroupware menu weergegeven worden?
html common nl HTML
html link to the current record common nl HTML link naar huidig record
@ -637,13 +639,16 @@ insert new column behind this one common nl voeg een nieuwe kolom na deze kolom
insert new column in front of all common nl voeg een nieuwe kolom voor deze kolom in
insert new row after this one common nl voeg een nieuwe rij onder deze rij in
insert new row in front of first line common nl voeg een nieuwe rij boven de eerste rij in
insert placeholder common nl Plaatshouder invoegen
insert row after common nl Rij invoegen onder
insert row before common nl Rij invoegen boven
insert timestamp into description field common nl Tijdstempel invoegen in beschrijvingsveld
integer common nl Geheel getal
international common nl Internationaal
invalid 2-factor authentication code common nl Ongeldige 2-Factor Authenticatie code
invalid filename common nl Ongelde bestandsnaam
invalid ip address common nl Ongeldig IP-adres
invalid or expired 'remember me' token common nl Ongeldig of verlopen 'onthoud mij' token
invalid password common nl Ongeldig wachtwoord
iran, islamic republic of common nl IRAN
iraq common nl IIRAK
@ -651,6 +656,7 @@ ireland common nl IERLAND
israel common nl ISRAËL
it has been more then %1 days since you changed your password common nl Er zijn meer dan %1 dagen verstreken sinds u uw wachtwoord hebt gewijzigd.
it is recommended that you run setup to upgrade your tables to the current version common nl Het is aanbevolen dat u setup uitvoerd om uw tabellen bij te werken naar een actuele versie
it is recommended to store your public key in addressbook, so other users can write you encrypted mails. common nl Het is aanbevolen om uw publieke sleutel op te slaan in Adresboek, zodat andere gebruikers u versleutelde e-mails kunnen schrijven.
italic common nl Cursief
italy common nl ITALIË
jamaica common nl JAMAICA
@ -535,6 +535,7 @@ height, disabled common pl Wysokość, wyłączono
help common pl Pomoc
high common pl Wysoki
highest common pl Najwyższy
history common pl Historia
history log common pl Zapis Historii
holy see (vatican city state) common pl PAŃSTWO WATYKAN
home common pl Powrót na stronę główną
@ -545,9 +546,12 @@ hong kong common pl HONG KONG
horizontal rule common pl Linia pozioma
hour common pl Godzina
hours common pl godziny
how many days to sync in the future (default %1) groupdav pl Ile dni do synchronizacji w przyszłości (domyślnie %1)
how many days to sync in the past (default %1) groupdav pl Ile dni do synchronizacji w przeszłości (domyślnie %1)
how many entries should the list show common pl Jak dużo wpisów powinna pokazywać lista
how many icons should be shown in the navbar (top of the page). additional icons go into a kind of pulldown menu, callable by the icon on the far right side of the navbar. common pl Jak dużo ikon ma się pojawiać w pasku nawigacyjnym (nagłówku strony). Pozostałe ikony znajdą się w menu rozwijanym po prawej stronie paska nawigacyjnego.
how to show the general egroupware menu ? common pl Jak wyświetlić
how many rows to print common pl Ile wierszy do wydrukowania
how to show the general egroupware menu ? common pl Jak wyświetlić ogólne menu EGroupware
html common pl HTML
hungary common pl WĘGRY
iceland common pl ISLANDIA
@ -584,13 +588,16 @@ insert new column behind this one common pl wstaw nową kolumnę za bieżącą
insert new column in front of all common pl wstaw nową kolumnę na początku
insert new row after this one common pl wstaw nowy wiersz za bieżącym
insert new row in front of first line common pl wstaw nowy wiersz na początku
insert placeholder common pl Wstaw miejsce
insert row after common pl Wstaw wiersz po
insert row before common pl Wstaw wiersz przed
insert timestamp into description field common pl Wstaw znacznik czasu do pola opisu
integer common pl Liczba całkowita
international common pl Międzynarodowy
invalid 2-factor authentication code common pl Nieprawidłowy kod uwierzytelniania dwuczynnikowego
invalid filename common pl Niepoprawna nazwa pliku
invalid ip address common pl Zły adres IP
invalid or expired 'remember me' token common pl Nieprawidłowy lub wygasły token "zapamiętaj mnie".
invalid password common pl Złe hasło
iran, islamic republic of common pl IRAN
iraq common pl IRAK
@ -598,6 +605,7 @@ ireland common pl IRLANDIA
israel common pl IZRAEL
it has been more then %1 days since you changed your password common pl Upłynęło ponad %1 dni od momentu zmiany hasła
it is recommended that you run setup to upgrade your tables to the current version common pl Zaleca się uruchomienie instalatora do uaktualnienia tabel do bieżącej wersji
it is recommended to store your public key in addressbook, so other users can write you encrypted mails. common pl Zaleca się przechowywanie klucza publicznego w Książce adresowej, aby inni użytkownicy mogli pisać do Ciebie zaszyfrowane wiadomości.
italic common pl Kursywa
italy common pl WŁOCHY
jamaica common pl JAMAJKA
@ -555,6 +555,7 @@ height, disabled common pt-br Altura, Desativada
help common pt-br Ajuda
high common pt-br Alto
highest common pt-br Mais alto
history common pt-br História
history log common pt-br Registro do histórico
holy see (vatican city state) common pt-br VATICANO
home common pt-br Página Inicial
@ -569,6 +570,7 @@ how many days to sync in the future (default %1) groupdav pt-br Quantos dias par
how many days to sync in the past (default %1) groupdav pt-br Quantos dias para sincronizar no passado (padrão% 1)
how many entries should the list show common pt-br Quantos items a lista deverá exibir
how many icons should be shown in the navbar (top of the page). additional icons go into a kind of pulldown menu, callable by the icon on the far right side of the navbar. common pt-br Quantos ícones devem ser mostrados na barra de navegação (ao topo da página). Ícones adicionais serão colocados em um recurso adicional em forma de menú suspenso à direita da barra de navegação.
how many rows to print common pt-br Quantas filas para imprimir
how to show the general egroupware menu ? common pt-br Como exibir o menu geral do EGroupware ?
html common pt-br Html
html link to the current record common pt-br Link HTML para o registro atual
@ -610,13 +612,16 @@ insert new column behind this one common pt-br inserir uma nova coluna antes des
insert new column in front of all common pt-br inserir uma nova coluna ao final de todas
insert new row after this one common pt-br inserir uma nova linha após esta
insert new row in front of first line common pt-br inserir uma nova linha antes da primeira linha
insert placeholder common pt-br Inserir espaço reservado
insert row after common pt-br Inserir linha depois
insert row before common pt-br Inserir linha antes
insert timestamp into description field common pt-br Insira o carimbo da hora no campo de descrição
integer common pt-br Inteiro
international common pt-br Internacional
invalid 2-factor authentication code common pt-br Código de autenticação de 2 fatores inválidos
invalid filename common pt-br Nome de arquivo inválido
invalid ip address common pt-br Endereço IP inválido
invalid or expired 'remember me' token common pt-br Ficha "lembre-se de mim" inválida ou vencida
invalid password common pt-br Senha inválida
iran, islamic republic of common pt-br IRÃ
iraq common pt-br IRAQUE
@ -624,6 +629,7 @@ ireland common pt-br IRLANDA
israel common pt-br ISRAEL
it has been more then %1 days since you changed your password common pt-br Já passaram mais de %1 dias desde que você mudou sua senha
it is recommended that you run setup to upgrade your tables to the current version common pt-br É recomendado que seja executada a Configuração para atualizar as tabelas para a versão atual.
it is recommended to store your public key in addressbook, so other users can write you encrypted mails. common pt-br É recomendável armazenar sua chave pública no Addressbook, para que outros usuários possam escrever seus e-mails criptografados.
italic common pt-br Itálico
italy common pt-br ITÁLIA
jamaica common pt-br JAMAICA
@ -511,6 +511,8 @@ height, disabled common pt Altura, Desactivada
help common pt Ajuda
high common pt Alta
highest common pt Mais alta
history common pt História
history log common pt Diário de história
holy see (vatican city state) common pt Santa Sé (Cidade do Estado do Vaticano)
home common pt Página inicial
home email common pt endereço de correio electrónico principal
@ -520,8 +522,12 @@ hong kong common pt Hong Kong
horizontal rule common pt Regra horizontal
hour common pt Hora
hours common pt Horas
how many days to sync in the future (default %1) groupdav pt Quantos dias para sincronizar no futuro (%1 por defeito)
how many days to sync in the past (default %1) groupdav pt Quantos dias para sincronizar no passado (por defeito %1)
how many entries should the list show common pt Número de registos a exibir na lista
how many icons should be shown in the navbar (top of the page). additional icons go into a kind of pulldown menu, callable by the icon on the far right side of the navbar. common pt Quantos ícones devem ser exibidos na barra de navegação (topo da página). Os ícones adicionais irão para um outro menu. Para aceder a este menu basta clicar no ícone mais à direita da barra de navegação.
how many rows to print common pt Quantas filas a imprimir
how to show the general egroupware menu ? common pt Como mostrar o menu geral do EGroupware
html common pt HTML
html link to the current record common pt Link HTML para o registro atual
hungary common pt Hungria
@ -558,13 +564,16 @@ insert new column behind this one common pt Inserir uma coluna antes desta
insert new column in front of all common pt Inserir uma coluna à frente de todas
insert new row after this one common pt Inserir uma coluna depois desta
insert new row in front of first line common pt Inserir uma linha à frente de todas
insert placeholder common pt Inserir o espaço reservado
insert row after common pt Inserir linha depois
insert row before common pt Inserir linha antes
insert timestamp into description field common pt Inserir carimbo da hora no campo de descrição
integer common pt Inteiro
international common pt Internacional
invalid 2-factor authentication code common pt Código de autenticação de 2 factores inválidos
invalid filename common pt Nome de ficheiro inválido
invalid ip address common pt Endereço IP inválido
invalid or expired 'remember me' token common pt Ficha "lembre-se de mim" inválida ou expirada
invalid password common pt Senha inválida
iran, islamic republic of common pt Irão, República Islâmica do
iraq common pt Iraque
@ -572,6 +581,7 @@ ireland common pt Irlanda
israel common pt Israel
it has been more then %1 days since you changed your password common pt Passaram %1 dias desde a última alteração da sua senha
it is recommended that you run setup to upgrade your tables to the current version common pt É recomendado que seja executada a Configuração para atualizar as tabelas para a versão atual.
it is recommended to store your public key in addressbook, so other users can write you encrypted mails. common pt Recomenda-se o armazenamento da sua chave pública no Addressbook, para que outros utilizadores possam escrever-lhe mensagens encriptadas.
italic common pt Itálico
italy common pt Itália
jamaica common pt Jamaica
@ -32,7 +32,17 @@ created common ro Creat
created by common ro Creat de
created by %1 common ro Creat de %1
dark mode common ro Mod întunecat
history common ro Istorie
history log common ro Istoricul versiunii
how many days to sync in the future (default %1) groupdav ro Câte zile să se sincronizeze în viitor (implicit %1)
how many days to sync in the past (default %1) groupdav ro Câte zile de sincronizare în trecut (implicit %1)
how many rows to print common ro Câte rânduri să se tipărească
how to show the general egroupware menu ? common ro Cum se afișează meniul general EGroupware
insert placeholder common ro Inserir espaço reservado
insert timestamp into description field common ro Introduceți data și ora în câmpul de descriere
invalid 2-factor authentication code common ro Código de autenticação de 2 fatores inválidos
invalid or expired 'remember me' token common ro Ficha "lembre-se de mim" inválida ou vencida
it is recommended to store your public key in addressbook, so other users can write you encrypted mails. common ro É recomendável armazenar sua chave pública no Addressbook, para que outros usuários possam escrever seus e-mails criptografados.
light mode common ro Mod deschis
new password common ro Parolă nouă
ok common ro Acceptă
@ -579,6 +579,7 @@ height, disabled common ru Высота, Отключено
help common ru Помощь
high common ru Высокий
highest common ru Наивысший
history common ru История
history log common ru Хроники
holy see (vatican city state) common ru Ватикан
home common ru Домой
@ -593,6 +594,7 @@ how many days to sync in the future (default %1) groupdav ru В течение
how many days to sync in the past (default %1) groupdav ru За сколько прошедших дней проводить синхронизацию (по умолчанию – %1)
how many entries should the list show common ru Сколко записей надо показывать в списке
how many icons should be shown in the navbar (top of the page). additional icons go into a kind of pulldown menu, callable by the icon on the far right side of the navbar. common ru Сколько иконок будет показываться на верхней панели. Дополнительные иконки будут объединены в выпадающее меню, вызываемое пиктограммой в правом углу панели навигации.
how many rows to print common ru Сколько строк печатать
how to show the general egroupware menu ? common ru Как показывать главное меню EGroupware?
html common ru Html
html link to the current record common ru HTML-ссылка на запись
@ -635,13 +637,16 @@ insert new column behind this one common ru вставить новую коло
insert new column in front of all common ru вставить новую колонку впереди всех
insert new row after this one common ru вставить новую строку после этой
insert new row in front of first line common ru вставить новую строку перед первой Строкой
insert placeholder common ru Вставить заполнитель
insert row after common ru Вставить строку после
insert row before common ru Вставить строку перед
insert timestamp into description field common ru Вставка метки времени в поле описания
integer common ru Целое
international common ru Международный
invalid 2-factor authentication code common ru Неверный код двухфакторной аутентификации
invalid filename common ru Неправильное имя файла
invalid ip address common ru Неправильный IP-адрес
invalid or expired 'remember me' token common ru Неверный или просроченный токен "запомнить меня".
invalid password common ru Неправильный пароль
iran, islamic republic of common ru Иран
iraq common ru Ирак
@ -649,6 +654,7 @@ ireland common ru Ирландия
israel common ru Израиль
it has been more then %1 days since you changed your password common ru Прошло более %1 дней с тех пор, как Вы изменили пароль
it is recommended that you run setup to upgrade your tables to the current version common ru Рекомендуется запустить установку для обновления таблиц до текущей версии.
it is recommended to store your public key in addressbook, so other users can write you encrypted mails. common ru Рекомендуется хранить ваш открытый ключ в Addressbook, чтобы другие пользователи могли писать вам зашифрованные письма.
italic common ru Итальянский
italy common ru Италия
jamaica common ru Ямайка
@ -701,6 +701,7 @@ insert new column behind this one common sk Vložiť nový stĺpec za týmto
insert new column in front of all common sk Vložiť nový stĺpec na úplný začiatok
insert new row after this one common sk Vložiť riadok za týmto
insert new row in front of first line common sk Vložiť riadok na začiatok prvého Riadku
insert placeholder common sk Vložiť zástupný symbol
insert row after common sk Vložiť Riadok Za
insert row before common sk Vložiť Riadok Pred
insert timestamp into description field common sk Vložiť časovú pečiatku do poľa popisu
@ -708,9 +709,11 @@ install common sk Inštalovať
integer common sk Celé číslo
international common sk Mezinárodný
introduction common sk Úvod
invalid 2-factor authentication code common sk Neplatný kód dvojfaktorového overovania
invalid email common sk Chybný e-mail
invalid filename common sk Chybný názov súboru
invalid ip address common sk Chybná IP adresa
invalid or expired 'remember me' token common sk Neplatný alebo neplatný token "zapamätaj si ma
invalid password common sk Chybné heslo
iran, islamic republic of common sk IRÁN, ISLAMSKÁ REPUBLIKA
iraq common sk IRAK
@ -632,6 +632,7 @@ height, disabled common sl Širina, izključeno
help common sl Pomoč
high common sl Visoko
highest common sl Najvišje
history common sl História
history log common sl Dnevnik zgodovine
hold [%1] and [%2] key to drag %3 to your desktop common sl Zadržite tipko [%1] in [%2], da povlečete %3 na namizje
hold [%1] key to select text eg. to copy it common sl Držite tipko [%1], da izberete besedilo npr. da ga kopirate
@ -695,14 +696,17 @@ insert new column behind this one common sl Vstavi nov stolpec za tem
insert new column in front of all common sl Vstavi nov stolpec pred vsemi
insert new row after this one common sl Vstavi novo vrstico za to
insert new row in front of first line common sl Vstavi novo vrstico pred prvo vrstico
insert placeholder common sl Vstavljanje nadomestnega nosilca
insert row after common sl Vstavi vrstico za izbranim
insert row before common sl Vstavi vrstico pred izbrano
insert timestamp into description field common sl Vstavljanje časovnega žiga v polje z opisom
integer common sl Celo število
international common sl Mednarodni
introduction common sl Uvod
invalid 2-factor authentication code common sl Neveljavna koda 2-faktorske avtentikacije
invalid filename common sl Napačno ime datotke
invalid ip address common sl Napačna IP številka
invalid or expired 'remember me' token common sl Nepravilen ali pretečen žeton "Zapomni si me"
invalid password common sl Napačno geslo
iran, islamic republic of common sl IRAN, ISLAMSKA REPUBLIKA
iraq common sl IRAK
@ -484,6 +484,7 @@ height, disabled common sv Höjd, inaktiverad
help common sv Hjälp
high common sv Hög
highest common sv Högsta
history common sv Historia
history log common sv Historik
holy see (vatican city state) common sv VATIKANEN
home common sv Hem
@ -494,8 +495,12 @@ hong kong common sv HONG KONG
horizontal rule common sv Horisontell linje
hour common sv Timme
hours common sv Timmar
how many days to sync in the future (default %1) groupdav sv Hur många dagar ska synkroniseringen ske i framtiden (standard %1)
how many days to sync in the past (default %1) groupdav sv Hur många dagar ska synkroniseras i det förflutna (standard %1)
how many entries should the list show common sv Hur många poster ska listan visa
how many icons should be shown in the navbar (top of the page). additional icons go into a kind of pulldown menu, callable by the icon on the far right side of the navbar. common sv Hur många ikoner ska visas i Navigeringslisten (överst på sidan). Ikoner utöver dessa visas i Länkboxen som hämtas via ikonen längst till höger.
how many rows to print common sv Hur många rader som ska skrivas ut
how to show the general egroupware menu ? common sv Hur den allmänna EGroupware-menyn ska visas
html common sv Html
hungary common sv UNGERN
iceland common sv ISLAND
@ -530,13 +535,16 @@ insert new column behind this one common sv Skapa kolumn efter denna
insert new column in front of all common sv Skapa kolumn före alla
insert new row after this one common sv Skapa rad efter denna
insert new row in front of first line common sv Skapa rad före första raden
insert placeholder common sv Infoga en platshållare
insert row after common sv Infoga rad efter
insert row before common sv Infoga rad före
insert timestamp into description field common sv Infoga tidsstämpel i beskrivningsfältet
integer common sv Heltal
international common sv Internationell
invalid 2-factor authentication code common sv Ogiltig kod för 2-faktorsautentisering
invalid filename common sv Ogiltigt filnamn
invalid ip address common sv Ogiltig IP adress
invalid or expired 'remember me' token common sv Ogiltig eller förfallen "Kom ihåg mig"-token
invalid password common sv Ogiltigt lösenord
iran, islamic republic of common sv IRAN
iraq common sv IRAK
@ -544,6 +552,7 @@ ireland common sv IRLAND
israel common sv ISRAEL
it has been more then %1 days since you changed your password common sv Det är mer än %1 dagar sedan du ändrade ditt lösenord
it is recommended that you run setup to upgrade your tables to the current version common sv Det rekomenderas att du kör installationen för att uppgradera dina tabeller till aktuell version.
it is recommended to store your public key in addressbook, so other users can write you encrypted mails. common sv Det rekommenderas att du lagrar din offentliga nyckel i adressboken, så att andra användare kan skriva krypterade e-postmeddelanden till dig.
italic common sv Kursiv
italy common sv ITALIEN
jamaica common sv JAMAICA
@ -67,9 +67,19 @@ group has been deleted common tr Grup silindi
group has been updated common tr Grup güncellendi
group name common tr Grup Ýsmi
highest common tr En yüksek
history common tr Tarih
history log common tr Sürüm geçmişi
home email common tr Ev E-mail
how many days to sync in the future (default %1) groupdav tr Gelecekte kaç gün senkronize edilecek (varsayılan %1)
how many days to sync in the past (default %1) groupdav tr Geçmişte kaç gün senkronize edilecek (varsayılan %1)
how many rows to print common tr Kaç satır yazdırılacağı
how to show the general egroupware menu ? common tr Genel EGroupware menüsü nasıl gösterilir
insert placeholder common tr Yer tutucu ekle
insert timestamp into description field common tr Açıklama alanına zaman damgası ekle
international common tr Uluslararas?
invalid 2-factor authentication code common tr Geçersiz 2 Faktörlü Kimlik Doğrulama kodu
invalid or expired 'remember me' token common tr Geçersiz veya süresi dolmuş 'beni hatırla' belirteci
it is recommended to store your public key in addressbook, so other users can write you encrypted mails. common tr Açık anahtarınızı Adres Defteri'nde saklamanız önerilir, böylece diğer kullanıcılar size şifreli postalar yazabilir.
light mode common tr Işık modu
load common tr Yükle
loginid common tr Kullanýcý Adý
@ -225,27 +225,37 @@ haiti common uk ГАЇТІ
help common uk Довідка
high common uk Високий
highest common uk Найвищий
history common uk Історія
history log common uk Історія версій
home common uk Додому
home email common uk домашній email
home screen common uk Основний екран
honduras common uk ГОНДУРАС
hours common uk години
how many days to sync in the future (default %1) groupdav uk Скільки днів синхронізувати в майбутньому (за замовчуванням %1)
how many days to sync in the past (default %1) groupdav uk Скільки днів синхронізувати в минулому (за замовчуванням %1)
how many icons should be shown in the navbar (top of the page). additional icons go into a kind of pulldown menu, callable by the icon on the far right side of the navbar. common uk Скільки ікон показувати в навігаційній панелі. Додаткові ікони будуть в випадаючому меню в правій частині панелі.
how many rows to print common uk Скільки рядків друкувати
how to show the general egroupware menu ? common uk Як показати загальне меню EGroupware
hungary common uk УГОРЩИНА
id common uk Id
image url common uk URL зображення
import common uk Імпорт
insert all %1 addresses of the %2 contacts in %3 common uk Вставити всі %1 адресів %2 контактів в %3
insert placeholder common uk Вставте заповнювач
insert timestamp into description field common uk Вставте мітку часу в поле опису
international common uk Міжнародний
invalid 2-factor authentication code common uk Невірний код 2-факторної автентифікації
invalid filename common uk невірне ім'я файлу
invalid ip address common uk Невірна IP адреса
invalid or expired 'remember me' token common uk Недійсний або прострочений токен "запам'ятати мене
invalid password common uk Невірний пароль
iraq common uk ІРАК
ireland common uk ІРЛАНДІЯ
israel common uk ІЗРАЇЛЬ
it has been more then %1 days since you changed your password common uk Пройшло більше %1 днів з часу зміни паролю
it is recommended that you run setup to upgrade your tables to the current version common uk It is recommended that you run setup to upgrade your tables to the current version.
it is recommended to store your public key in addressbook, so other users can write you encrypted mails. common uk Рекомендується зберігати ваш відкритий ключ в адресній книзі, щоб інші користувачі могли писати вам зашифровані листи.
italy common uk ІТАЛІЯ
jamaica common uk ЯМАЙКА
january common uk Січень
@ -503,6 +503,7 @@ height, disabled common zh 高度,禁用
help common zh 帮助
high common zh 高
highest common zh 最高
history common zh История
history log common zh 历史日志
holy see (vatican city state) common zh 罗马教廷(梵蒂冈)
home common zh 首页
@ -513,8 +514,11 @@ hong kong common zh 香港
horizontal rule common zh 水平规则
hour common zh 小时
hours common zh 小时
how many days to sync in the future (default %1) groupdav zh Колко дни да се синхронизира в бъдеще (по подразбиране %1)
how many days to sync in the past (default %1) groupdav zh Колко дни да се синхронизира в миналото (по подразбиране %1)
how many entries should the list show common zh 列表将要显示多少个条目
how many icons should be shown in the navbar (top of the page). additional icons go into a kind of pulldown menu, callable by the icon on the far right side of the navbar. common zh 将在导航栏(页面顶部)显示多少个图标。其它图标会放入一个下拉菜单中,通过点击导航栏最右侧的下拉图标可显示下拉菜单及其中的这些图标。
how many rows to print common zh Колко реда да се отпечатат
how to show the general egroupware menu ? common zh 如何显示通用 EGroupware 菜单
html common zh HTML
hungary common zh 匈牙利
@ -552,13 +556,16 @@ insert new column behind this one common zh 在这一列之后插入新列
insert new column in front of all common zh 在最前面插入新列
insert new row after this one common zh 在这一行之后插入新行
insert new row in front of first line common zh 在第一行之前插入新行
insert placeholder common zh 插入占位符
insert row after common zh 在之后插入行
insert row before common zh 在之前插入行
insert timestamp into description field common zh 在描述栏中插入时间戳
integer common zh 整数
international common zh 国际
invalid 2-factor authentication code common zh 无效的2-Factor Authentication代码
invalid filename common zh 文件名不正确
invalid ip address common zh IP地址无效
invalid or expired 'remember me' token common zh 无效或过期的 "记住我 "令牌
invalid password common zh 密码无效
iran, islamic republic of common zh 伊朗
iraq common zh 伊拉克
@ -566,6 +573,7 @@ ireland common zh 爱尔兰
israel common zh 以色列
it has been more then %1 days since you changed your password common zh 您的密码已经%1天没有更改了
it is recommended that you run setup to upgrade your tables to the current version common zh 建议您运行安装程序来升级您的数据表至当前版本。
it is recommended to store your public key in addressbook, so other users can write you encrypted mails. common zh 建议在地址簿中存储你的公钥,这样其他用户可以给你写加密的邮件。
italic common zh 斜体
italy common zh 意大利
jamaica common zh 牙买加
@ -12,7 +12,7 @@
%s the event calendar de %s dem Termin
(%1 events in %2 seconds) calendar de (%1 Termine in %2 Sekunden
(empty = use global limit, no = no export at all) admin de (leer = globale Begrenzung verwenden, nein = gar kein Export)
(without a custom url we use nation of user preference to load holidays from %s) calendar de (Ohne eine eigene URL laden wir die Feiertage entsprechen des Landes in den Benutzereinstellung aus den %s)
(without a custom url we use nation of user preference to load holidays from %s) calendar de (Ohne eine eigene URL laden wir die Feiertage entsprechen des Landes in den Benutzereinstellung aus den %s )
, exceptions preserved calendar de und Ausnahmen erhalten
, stati of participants reset calendar de , Status der Teilnehmer zurückgesetzt
a list of email addresses of all participants who have not declined calendar de Eine Liste der E-Mail-Adressen aller Teilnehmer, die nicht abgelehnt haben.
@ -178,7 +178,7 @@ displays this calendar view on the home page (page you get when you enter egroup
distribution list calendar de Verteilerliste
do not import conflicting events calendar de Ereignisse mit Termin-Konflikt nicht importieren
do not include events of group members calendar de Zeige nicht die Termine der Gruppenmitglieder
do not notify externals (non-users) about this event calendar de Benachrichtigt NICHT die Externen (NichtBenutzer) über diesen Termin
do not notify externals (non-users) about this event calendar de Benachrichtigt NICHT die Externe (Nicht-Benutzer) über diesen Termin
do you really want to change the start of this series? if you do, the original series will be terminated as of %1 and a new series for the future reflecting your changes will be created. calendar de Wollen Sie wirklich den Beginn dieses Serientermins ändern? Wenn Sie das tun, so wird die bestehende Serie %1 beendet und für die Zukunft ein neuer Wiederholungstermin mit Ihren Änderungen erzeugt.
do you want a weekview with or without weekend? calendar de Möchten Sie eine Wochenansicht mit oder ohne Wochenende?
do you want non-egroupware participants of events you created to be automatically notified about new or changed appointments? calendar de Sollen Teilnehmer, die keine EGroupware Benutzer sind, automatisch über Änderungen an von Ihnen angelegten Terminen benachrichtigt werden?
@ -40,6 +40,7 @@ add sub infolog bg Добави Под-
add timesheet entry infolog bg Добави запис в Графика
add: infolog bg Добавяне:
added infolog bg добавен
addressbook placeholders available infolog bg Налични заместители на адресната книга
all infolog bg Всички
all links and attachments infolog bg всички връзки и приложения
all projects infolog bg Всички проекти
@ -135,6 +136,7 @@ edit status infolog bg Редактиране на статуса
edit the entry infolog bg Редактиране на записа
edit this entry infolog bg Редактиране на записа
empty for all infolog bg непопълнен за всички
encrypt description infolog bg Криптиране на описанието
end infolog bg Край
enddate infolog bg Краен срок
enddate can not be before startdate infolog bg Крайния срок не може да бъде преди началната дата
@ -154,6 +156,7 @@ fieldseparator infolog bg Разделител на полетата
finish infolog bg край
for which types should this field be used infolog bg за кои типове да се използва полето
from infolog bg От
full list of placeholder names infolog bg Пълен списък на имената на заместителите
general fields: infolog bg Общи полета:
global categories infolog bg Глобални категории
group owner for infolog bg Група-собственик на
@ -176,11 +179,12 @@ infolog - new subproject infolog bg Дневник - Нов подпроект
infolog - subprojects from infolog bg Дневник - Подпроект от
infolog entry deleted infolog bg Записът е изтрит от Дневника
infolog entry saved infolog bg Записът е запазен в Дневника
InfoLog filter for the home screen infolog bg Филтър за главния екран на Дневника
infolog filter for the home screen infolog bg Филтър за главния екран на Дневника
infolog list infolog bg Дневник - списък
infolog preferences common bg Дневник - настройки
infolog-fieldname infolog bg Дневник - име на поле
insert in document infolog bg Вмъкване в документа
insert timestamp into description field infolog bg Вмъкване на времева марка в полето за описание
invalid filename infolog bg Невалидно име на файл
label<br>helptext infolog bg Етикет<br>Помощен текст
last changed infolog bg Последна промяна
@ -298,7 +302,7 @@ select to filter by responsible infolog bg филтър по отговорни
sets the status of this entry and its subs to done infolog bg Маркира записа заедно с под-зап. като Изпълнени
should infolog show subtasks, -calls or -notes in the normal view or not. you can always view the subs via there parent. infolog bg Дневникът да показва ли Под-задачите, -обажданията -бележките в стандартния изглед или не. Тези елементи винаги могат да бъдат показани чрез "родителите" им.
should infolog show the links to other applications and/or the file-attachments in the infolog list (normal view when you enter infolog). infolog bg Дневникът да показва ли връзките към други приложения и/или приложените файлове в "Дневник-списък" (стандартния изглед при влизане в Дневник)?
Should InfoLog show up on the home screen and with which filter. Works only if you dont selected an application for the home screen (in your preferences). infolog bg Да се показва ли Дневникът на главния екран и с какъв филтър. Работи само, ако не сте избрали приложение за главния екран (в настройките)?
should infolog show up on the home screen and with which filter. works only if you dont selected an application for the home screen (in your preferences). infolog bg Да се показва ли Дневникът на главния екран и с какъв филтър. Работи само, ако не сте избрали приложение за главния екран (в настройките)?
should infolog use full names (surname and familyname) or just the loginnames. infolog bg Да се използват ли пълните имена (име, презиме и фамилия) или само потребителските имена?
should the infolog list show a unique numerical id, which can be used eg. as ticket id. infolog bg В списъка на Дневника да се показва ли уникалния цифров идентификатор, който може да се използва примерно като No. на етикет?
should the infolog list show the column "last modified". infolog bg Да се показва ли в списъка на Дневника колоната "последно изменен"?
@ -319,8 +323,8 @@ startdate enddate infolog bg Начална дата дата за прикл.
startdate for new entries infolog bg Начална дата за новите записи
startrecord infolog bg Начален запис
status infolog bg Статус
status, percent and date completed are always allowed. infolog bg Статус, степен на изпълнение и датата на приключване винаги са достъпни.
status ... infolog bg Статус...
status, percent and date completed are always allowed. infolog bg Статус, степен на изпълнение и датата на приключване винаги са достъпни.
sub infolog bg Под-
sub-entries become subs of the parent or main entries, if there's no parent infolog bg Под-записите са такива за "родителските" или главните записи, ако няма "родителски"
subject infolog bg Тема
@ -357,7 +361,6 @@ view subs infolog bg показва Под-
view the parent of this entry and all his subs infolog bg Показва Родителя на записа и всичките му под-
view this linked entry in its application infolog bg показва свързания запис в съотв. приложение
which additional fields should the responsible be allowed to edit without having edit rights? infolog bg Кои допълнителни полета да бъдат достъпни за редакция от отговорника, без да има съответните права?
which implicit acl rights should the responsible get? infolog bg Какви права от Списъка за контрол на достъпа (ACL) да получава отговорника при назначаването си?
which types should the calendar show infolog bg Кои типове да се показват в Календара
will-call infolog bg ще телефонира
write (add or update) a record by passing its fields. infolog bg Запис (добавяне или актуализация) на запис чрез подаване на полетата му
@ -370,6 +373,5 @@ yes, with purging of deleted items possible infolog bg Да, с възможно
you can choose a categorie to be preselected, when you create a new infolog entry infolog bg Може да настроите предварителен избор на категория при създаване на нов запис
you have entered an invalid ending date infolog bg Въвели сте невалидна дата на приключване
you have entered an invalid starting date infolog bg Въвели сте невалидна начална дата
you have to enter a name, to create a new typ!!! infolog bg За създаване на нов тип е необходимо да въведете име!!!
you must enter a subject or a description infolog bg Необходимо е да въведете тема или описание
your database is not up to date (%1 vs. %2), please run %3setup%4 to update your database. infolog bg Базата данни не е обновена (%1 вм. %2). Моля, използвайте %3setup%4 за обновяване.
@ -178,6 +178,7 @@ edit status infolog cs Editovat stav
edit the entry infolog cs Editovat záznam
edit this entry infolog cs Editovat tento záznam
empty for all infolog cs prázdné znamená vše
encrypt description infolog cs Šifrování popisu
end infolog cs Konec
enddate infolog cs Koncové datum
enddate can not be before startdate infolog cs Koncové datum nemůže předcházet počátečnímu datu
@ -245,10 +246,11 @@ infolog - new subproject infolog cs InfoLog - Nový podprojekt
infolog - subprojects from infolog cs InfoLog - Podprojekty (čeho)
infolog csv export infolog cs Export do souboru CSV
infolog csv import infolog cs Import ze souboru CSV
infolog encryption requires epl subscription infolog cs Šifrování InfoLogu vyžaduje předplatné EPL
infolog entry deleted infolog cs Záznam InfoLogu smazán
infolog entry saved infolog cs Záznam InfoLogu uložen
infolog fields: infolog cs Pole Úkolů:
InfoLog filter for the home screen infolog cs Filtr InfoLogu pro hlavní obrazovku
infolog filter for the home screen infolog cs Filtr InfoLogu pro hlavní obrazovku
infolog ical export infolog cs Export do souboru iCal
infolog ical import infolog cs Import ze souboru iCal
infolog id infolog cs Identifikace úkolu
@ -257,6 +259,7 @@ infolog preferences common cs Předvolby InfoLogu
infolog-fieldname infolog cs InfoLog - Název položky
insert infolog cs Vložit
insert in document infolog cs Vložit do dokumentu
insert timestamp into description field infolog cs Vložení časového razítka do pole popisu
invalid filename infolog cs Neplatné jméno souboru
invalid owner id: %1. might be a bad field translation. used %2 instead. infolog cs Nesprávná identifikace vlastníka: %1. Místo toho je použito %2.
invalid status for entry type %1. infolog cs Záznam typu %1 má nesprávný stav.
@ -358,6 +361,7 @@ prefix for sub-entries (default: re:) infolog cs Předpona pro podřízené záz
price infolog cs Cena
pricelist infolog cs Ceník
primary link infolog cs hlavní odkaz
print this infolog infolog cs Tisk tohoto InfoLogu
printing... infolog cs Probíhá tisk...
priority infolog cs Priorita
private infolog cs Soukromé
@ -428,7 +432,7 @@ sets the status of this entry and its subs to done infolog cs Nastavit stav záz
sets the status of this entry to done infolog cs Nastaví stav tohoto záznamu na hotovo
should infolog show subtasks, -calls or -notes in the normal view or not. you can always view the subs via there parent. infolog cs Má InfoLog zobrazovat Pod-úkoly, -hovory nebo -poznámky v normálním zobrazení nebo ne? Podpoložky můžete vždy zobrazit přes jejich rodiče.
should infolog show the links to other applications and/or the file-attachments in the infolog list (normal view when you enter infolog). infolog cs Má InfoLog zobrazovat odkazy na ostatní aplikace nebo připojené soubory v seznamu InfoLogu nebo ne (normální zobrazení při vstupu do InfoLogu)?
Should InfoLog show up on the home screen and with which filter. Works only if you dont selected an application for the home screen (in your preferences). infolog cs Má se InfoLog zobrazovat na hlavní obrazovce a se kterým filtrem? Volba funguje jen v případě, že nevyberete v předvolbách pro hlavní obrazovku nějakou aplikaci.
should infolog show up on the home screen and with which filter. works only if you dont selected an application for the home screen (in your preferences). infolog cs Má se InfoLog zobrazovat na hlavní obrazovce a se kterým filtrem? Volba funguje jen v případě, že nevyberete v předvolbách pro hlavní obrazovku nějakou aplikaci.
should infolog use full names (surname and familyname) or just the loginnames. infolog cs Má InfoLog používat jména a příjmení nebo jen přihlašovací jména?
should the infolog list show a unique numerical id, which can be used eg. as ticket id. infolog cs Má seznam InfoLogu zobrazovat unikátní číselná Id, která se dají požívat např. jako ticket Id?
should the infolog list show the column "last modified". infolog cs Má seznam InfoLogu zobrazovat sloupec "naposledy změněno"?
@ -453,8 +457,8 @@ startdate must be before enddate!!! infolog cs Počáteční datum musí být d
starting %1 infolog cs Začíná %1
startrecord infolog cs První záznam
status infolog cs Stav
status, percent and date completed are always allowed. infolog cs Stav, procento a datum dokončení může vždy.
status ... infolog cs Stav ...
status, percent and date completed are always allowed. infolog cs Stav, procento a datum dokončení může vždy.
sub infolog cs Podpoložka
sub-entries become subs of the parent or main entries, if there's no parent infolog cs Podzáznamy se stanou podpoložkou rodiče nebo hlavních záznamů, pokud neexistuje rodič
sub-entries will not be closed infolog cs Podřízené záznamy nebudou ukončeny
@ -510,7 +514,6 @@ view the parent of this entry and all his subs infolog cs Zobrazit rodiče tohot
view this linked entry in its application infolog cs zobrazit odkazovaný záznam v jeho aplikaci
when should the todo or phonecall be started, it shows up from that date in the filter open or own open (startpage) infolog cs kdy má být úkol nebo telefonní hovor započat (od tohoto data se ve filtru na úvodní straně zobrazuje jako otevřený nebo vlastní otevřený)
which additional fields should the responsible be allowed to edit without having edit rights? infolog cs Které dodatečné položky má mít odpovědná osoba možnost editovat bez toho, že by měla práva k editaci?
which implicit acl rights should the responsible get? infolog cs Jaká implicitní ACL práva má odpovědná osoba dostat?
which participants should be preselected when scheduling an appointment. infolog cs Kteří účastníci by měli být automaticky pozváni při vytváření schůzky.
which types should the calendar show infolog cs Které typy záznamů má kalendář zobrazovat
which types should the calendar show like events? infolog cs Které typy záznamů má kalendář zobrazovat jako událost?
@ -528,7 +531,6 @@ you can choose a categorie to be preselected, when you create a new infolog entr
you can't delete one of the stock types !!! infolog cs Nemůžete smazat jeden z kmenových typů !!!
you have entered an invalid ending date infolog cs Zadal(a) jste neplatné datum dokočení
you have entered an invalid starting date infolog cs Zadal(a) jste neplatné počáteční datum
you have to enter a name, to create a new typ!!! infolog cs Pro vytvoření nového typu musíte zadat jeho název!!!
you must enter a subject or a description infolog cs Musíte zadat předmět nebo popis
you need to select an entry for linking. infolog cs Pro vytvoření propojení musíte nejprve vybrat nějaký záznam.
you need to select some entries first infolog cs Nejprve musíte vybrat nějaký záznam.
@ -28,6 +28,7 @@ add file infolog da Tilføj fil
add sub infolog da Tilføj Underkategori
add: infolog da Tilføj:
added infolog da Tilføjet
addressbook placeholders available infolog da Pladsholdere i adressebogen er tilgængelige
all infolog da Alle
all links and attachments infolog da alle links og vedhæftet filer
allows to set the status of an entry, eg. set a todo to done if it's finished (values depend on entry-typ) infolog da tillader at sætte status på en indtastning, f.eks. sætte en opgave til forbi hvis den er færdig (værdierne afhænger af typen)
@ -74,7 +75,7 @@ datecreated infolog da dato oprettet
dates, status, access infolog da Datoer, status og adgang
days infolog da dage
default filter for infolog infolog da Standart filter for Opgaver
default status for a new log entry infolog da standart status for en ny opgave
default status for a new log entry infolog da Standart status for en ny opgave
delegation infolog da Overdrag
delete infolog da Slet
delete one record by passing its id. infolog da Slet en record ved at angive dets ID
@ -97,6 +98,7 @@ edit status infolog da Redigér status
edit the entry infolog da Redigér indstasningen
edit this entry infolog da Redigér denne indstasning
empty for all infolog da tom for alle
encrypt description infolog da Krypter beskrivelse
end infolog da Slut
enddate infolog da Slut dato
enddate can not be before startdate infolog da Slut dato kan ikke være før start dato
@ -114,25 +116,28 @@ fieldseparator infolog da feltseparator
finish infolog da færdig
for which types should this field be used infolog da til hvilken type skal dette felt bruges til
from infolog da Fra
full list of placeholder names infolog da Komplet liste over navne på pladsholdere
global categories infolog da Globale Kategorier
high infolog da Høj
history infolog da Historisk
id infolog da ID
if not set, the line with search and filters is hidden for less entries then "max matches per page" (as defined in your common preferences). infolog da Hvis ikke sat, vil linien med 'Søg' og 'Filtre' være gemt ved mindre emner end 'Max. matches pr. side' (som defineret i Standard præferencer).
import next set infolog da Importer næste 'set'
info log common da Opgaver
infolog common da Opgaver
infolog - delete infolog da Opgaver - Slet
infolog - edit infolog da Opgaver - Redigér
infolog - import csv-file infolog da Opgaver - Importer CSV-fil
infolog - new infolog da Opgaver - Ny
infolog - new subproject infolog da Opgaver - Nyt underopgave
infolog - subprojects from infolog da Opgaver - Underopgave fra
infolog entry deleted infolog da Infolog emne slettet
infolog entry saved infolog da Infolog emne gemt
infolog list infolog da Vis Infolog
info log common da InfoLog
infolog common da InfoLog
infolog - delete infolog da InfoLog - Slet
infolog - edit infolog da InfoLog - Redigér
infolog - import csv-file infolog da InfoLog - Importer CSV-fil
infolog - new infolog da InfoLog - Ny
infolog - new subproject infolog da InfoLog- Nyt underopgave
infolog - subprojects from infolog da InfoLog - Underopgave fra
infolog encryption requires epl subscription infolog da InfoLog-kryptering kræver EPL-abonnement
infolog entry deleted infolog da InfoLog emne slettet
infolog entry saved infolog da InfoLog emne gemt
infolog list infolog da Vis InfoLog
infolog preferences common da Opgaver - Præferencer
infolog-fieldname infolog da Opgaver - Feltnavn
insert timestamp into description field infolog da Indsæt tidsstempel i beskrivelsesfeltet
invalid filename infolog da Ugyldigt filnavn
label<br>helptext infolog da Label<br>Hjælp tekst
last changed infolog da Sidst ændret
@ -189,6 +194,8 @@ phone/email infolog da Telefon/E-mail
phonecall infolog da Telefon besked
planned infolog da Planlagt
planned time infolog da Planlagt tid
print this infolog infolog da Udskriv denne InfoLog
printing... infolog da Udskrivning...
priority infolog da Prioritet
private infolog da Privat
project infolog da Projekt
@ -217,13 +224,13 @@ select an entry to link with infolog da Vælg en opgave at linke med
select to filter by owner infolog da Filtrer ved ejer
select to filter by responsible infolog da Filtrer ved ansvarlig
sets the status of this entry and its subs to done infolog da Sæt status af dette emne og dets underpunkter til : Udført
should infolog show subtasks, -calls or -notes in the normal view or not. you can always view the subs via there parent. infolog da Skal Opgaver vise underkategorier, -telefon beskeder eller -noter i det normale vindue eller ikke. Du kan altid vise underkategorierne via deres forældre.
should infolog show the links to other applications and/or the file-attachments in the infolog list (normal view when you enter infolog). infolog da Skal INfolog vise links til andre programmer og/eller til vedhæftelser i InfoLog listen (Standard view når du er i InfoLog).
should infolog use full names (surname and familyname) or just the loginnames. infolog da Skal Opgaver vise fulde navne (efternavne og familienavn) eller kun brugernavne.
should infolog show subtasks, -calls or -notes in the normal view or not. you can always view the subs via there parent. infolog da Skal InfoLog vise underkategorier, -telefon beskeder eller -noter i det normale vindue eller ikke. Du kan altid vise underkategorierne via deres forældre.
should infolog show the links to other applications and/or the file-attachments in the infolog list (normal view when you enter infolog). infolog da Skal InfoLog vise links til andre programmer og/eller til vedhæftelser i InfoLog listen (Standard view når du er i InfoLog).
should infolog use full names (surname and familyname) or just the loginnames. infolog da Skal InfoLog vise fulde navne (efternavne og familienavn) eller kun brugernavne.
should this entry only be visible to you and people you grant privat access via the acl infolog da skal denne opgave kun være tilgængelig for dig og andre du har givet privat adgang til via ACL.
show a column for used and planned times in the list. infolog da Vis en kolonne for brugt og planlagt tid i listen
show full usernames infolog da Vis fulde brugernavne
show in the infolog list infolog da Vis i Opgave liste
show in the infolog list infolog da Vis i InfoLog liste
show times infolog da Vis tider
small view infolog da lille visning
start infolog da Start
@ -251,7 +258,7 @@ typ infolog da Type
typ '%1' already exists !!! infolog da Type '%1' eksistere allerede
type infolog da Type
type ... infolog da Type ...
type of the log-entry: note, phonecall or todo infolog da Type på log-entry : Notat, telefon-kald eller ToDo
type of the log-entry: note, phonecall or todo infolog da Type på InfoLog-entry : Notat, telefon-kald eller ToDo
unlink infolog da Fjern link
upcoming infolog da kommende
urgency infolog da Prioritet
@ -271,6 +278,5 @@ yes - delete infolog da Ja - Slet
yes - delete including sub-entries infolog da Ja - Slet inclusiv under-emner
you have entered an invalid ending date infolog da Du har indtastet en ugyldig slut dato
you have entered an invalid starting date infolog da Du har indtastet en ugyldig start dato
you have to enter a name, to create a new typ!!! infolog da Du skal indtaste et navn, for at oprette en ny type!!!
you must enter a subject or a description infolog da Du skal indtaste en beskrivelse eller emne
your database is not up to date (%1 vs. %2), please run %3setup%4 to update your database. infolog da Din database er ikke up to date (%1 vs. %2) Kør %3setup%4 for at opdatere database.
@ -113,9 +113,9 @@ copy of: infolog de Kopie von:
copy your changes to the clipboard, %1reload the entry%2 and merge them. infolog de Kopieren Sie ihre Änderungen in die Zwischenablage, %1laden den Eintrag neu%2 und fügen diese wieder ein.
create new links infolog de Neue Verknüpfung erzeugen
created infolog de Erstellt
creates a new field infolog de erstellt ein neues Feld
creates a new status with the given values infolog de erstellt einen neuen Status mit den angegebenen Werten
creates a new typ with the given name infolog de erstellt einen neuen Typ mit dem eingegebenen Namen
creates a new field infolog de Erstellt ein neues Feld
creates a new status with the given values infolog de Erstellt einen neuen Status mit den angegebenen Werten
creates a new typ with the given name infolog de Erstellt einen neuen Typ mit dem eingegebenen Namen
creation infolog de Erstellung
csv-fieldname infolog de CSV-Feldname
csv-filename infolog de CSV-Dateiname
@ -35,6 +35,7 @@ add file infolog el Προσθήκη αρχείου
add sub infolog el προσθήκη υπό
add: infolog el Προσθήκη:
added infolog el Προστέθηκε
addressbook placeholders available infolog el Διαθέσιμα εικονίδια στο βιβλίο διευθύνσεων
all infolog el Όλα
all links and attachments infolog el όλοι οι σύνδεσμοι και οι επισυνάψεις
allows to set the status of an entry, eg. set a todo to done if it's finished (values depend on entry-typ) infolog el επιτρέπει τον καθορισμό της κατάστασης μιας καταχώρησης,π.χ. καθορισμός μιας εκκρεμότητας σε ολοκληρωμένη εάν τελείωσε (αξίες εξαρτώνται από τον τύπο της καταχώρησης)
@ -125,6 +126,7 @@ edit status infolog el Επιμέλεια κατάστασης
edit the entry infolog el Επιμέλεια της καταχώρησης
edit this entry infolog el Επιμέλεια αυτής της καταχώρησης
empty for all infolog el κενό για όλα
encrypt description infolog el Κρυπτογράφηση περιγραφής
end infolog el Τέλος
enddate infolog el Προθεσμία λήξης
enddate can not be before startdate infolog el Η προθεσμία λήξης δεν μπορεί να είναι προηγούμενη της ημερομηνίας έναρξης
@ -143,6 +145,7 @@ fieldseparator infolog el Διαχωριστής πεδίων
finish infolog el τέλος
for which types should this field be used infolog el για ποιους τύπους να χρησιμοποιηθεί αυτό το πεδίο
from infolog el Από
full list of placeholder names infolog el Πλήρης κατάλογος των ονομάτων των placeholder
general fields: infolog el Γενικά πεδία:
global categories infolog el Παγκόσμιες κατηγορίες
high infolog el υψηλή
@ -160,12 +163,14 @@ infolog - import csv-file infolog el InfoLog - Εισαγωγή CSV αρχείο
infolog - new infolog el InfoLog - Νέο
infolog - new subproject infolog el InfoLog - Νέα υποκατηγορία σχεδίων
infolog - subprojects from infolog el InfoLog - Υποκατηγορίες σχεδίων από
infolog encryption requires epl subscription infolog el Η κρυπτογράφηση InfoLog απαιτεί συνδρομή EPL
infolog entry deleted infolog el InfoLog καταχώρηση διεγράφη
infolog entry saved infolog el InfoLog καταχώρηση αποθηκεύτηκε
infolog filter for the home screen infolog el InfoLog φίλτρο για τη βασική οθόνη
infolog list infolog el InfoLog λίστα
infolog preferences common el InfoLog προτιμήσεις
infolog-fieldname infolog el InfoLog - Όνομα πεδίου
insert timestamp into description field infolog el Εισαγωγή χρονοσφραγίδας στο πεδίο περιγραφής
invalid filename infolog el Άκυρο όνομα αρχείου
label<br>helptext infolog el Ετικέτα<br>Κείμενο βοήθειας
last changed infolog el Τελευταία αλλαγή
@ -234,6 +239,8 @@ planned time infolog el ώρα σχεδίου
price infolog el Τιμή
pricelist infolog el Τιμοκατάλογος
primary link infolog el κύριος σύνδεσμος
print this infolog infolog el Εκτύπωση αυτού του InfoLog
printing... infolog el Εκτύπωση...
priority infolog el Προτεραιότητα
private infolog el Προσωπικό
project infolog el Σχέδιο
@ -45,6 +45,7 @@ add sub infolog es-es agregar Sub
add timesheet entry infolog es-es Añadir entrada a la hoja de presencia
add: infolog es-es Añadir:
added infolog es-es añadido
addressbook placeholders available infolog es-es Marcadores de direcciones disponibles
all infolog es-es Todos
all links and attachments infolog es-es todos los enlaces y ficheros adjuntos
all projects infolog es-es Todos los proyectos
@ -165,6 +166,7 @@ edit status infolog es-es Editar estado
edit the entry infolog es-es Editar la entrada
edit this entry infolog es-es Editar esta entrada
empty for all infolog es-es Limpiar todo
encrypt description infolog es-es Cifrar descripción
end infolog es-es Fin
enddate infolog es-es Fecha de finalización
enddate can not be before startdate infolog es-es La fecha de finalización no puede ser anterior a la de inicio
@ -194,6 +196,7 @@ first argument for preg_replace infolog es-es primer argumento para preg_replace
for serial letter use this tag. put the content, you want to repeat between two tags. infolog es-es Para carta de serie use esta etiqueta. Ponga el contenido que quiera repetir entre dos etiquetas.
for which types should this field be used infolog es-es para qué tipos se usa este campo
from infolog es-es De
full list of placeholder names infolog es-es Lista completa de nombres de marcadores de posición
general fields: infolog es-es Campos generales:
general settings infolog es-es Opciones generales
global categories infolog es-es Categorías globales
@ -222,19 +225,20 @@ infolog - import csv-file infolog es-es Registro - Importar archivo CSV
infolog - new infolog es-es Registro - Nuevo
infolog - new subproject infolog es-es Registro - Nuevo subproyecto
infolog - subprojects from infolog es-es Registro - Subproyectos de
infolog copied - the copy can now be edited infolog es-es Registro copiado - ahora se puede editar la copia
infolog csv export infolog es-es Exportación CSV del Registro
infolog csv import infolog es-es Importación CSV del Registro
infolog encryption requires epl subscription infolog es-es El cifrado de InfoLog requiere suscripción a EPL
infolog entry deleted infolog es-es Se ha borrado la entrada del registro
infolog entry saved infolog es-es Se ha guardado la entrada en el registro
infolog fields: infolog es-es Campos del registro:
InfoLog filter for the home screen infolog es-es Filtro para el registro en la pantalla principal
infolog filter for the home screen infolog es-es Filtro para el registro en la pantalla principal
infolog id infolog es-es ID del Registro
infolog list infolog es-es Lista del registro
infolog preferences common es-es Preferencias del registro
infolog-fieldname infolog es-es Registro - Nombre del Campo
insert infolog es-es Insertar
insert in document infolog es-es Insertar en el documento
insert timestamp into description field infolog es-es Insertar fecha y hora en el campo de descripción
invalid filename infolog es-es El nombre de archivo no es válido
invalid owner id: %1. might be a bad field translation. used %2 instead. infolog es-es El ID del propietario no es válido: %1. Puede ser una mala traducción del campo. Se ha usado %2 en su lugar.
invalid status for entry type %1. infolog es-es El estado no es válido para el tipo de entrada %1.
@ -324,6 +328,8 @@ planned time infolog es-es Tiempo Planificado
price infolog es-es Precio
pricelist infolog es-es Lista de precios
primary link infolog es-es enlace primario
print this infolog infolog es-es Imprimir este InfoLog
printing... infolog es-es Imprimir...
priority infolog es-es Prioridad
private infolog es-es Privado
project infolog es-es Proyecto
@ -387,7 +393,7 @@ sets the status of this entry and its subs to done infolog es-es Pone el estado
sets the status of this entry to done infolog es-es Establecer el estado de esta entrada a Hecho
should infolog show subtasks, -calls or -notes in the normal view or not. you can always view the subs via there parent. infolog es-es ¿Mostrar las Subtareas (llamadas o notas) en la vista normal? Siempre puede ver estos subtipos a través de su tipo superior.
should infolog show the links to other applications and/or the file-attachments in the infolog list (normal view when you enter infolog). infolog es-es ¿Deben mostrarse los enlaces a otras aplicaciones y/o los ficheros adjuntos en la lista del registro (la vista normal al entrar en el registro)?
Should InfoLog show up on the home screen and with which filter. Works only if you dont selected an application for the home screen (in your preferences). infolog es-es ¿Debe mostrarse el Registro en la pantalla principal, y con qué filtro? Sólo funciona si no selecciona una aplicación para la pantalla principal (en sus preferencias).
should infolog show up on the home screen and with which filter. works only if you dont selected an application for the home screen (in your preferences). infolog es-es ¿Debe mostrarse el Registro en la pantalla principal, y con qué filtro? Sólo funciona si no selecciona una aplicación para la pantalla principal (en sus preferencias).
should infolog use full names (surname and familyname) or just the loginnames. infolog es-es ¿Usar nombres completos (apellido y nombre de la familia), o sólo los nombres de usuario?
should the infolog list show a unique numerical id, which can be used eg. as ticket id. infolog es-es ¿Mostrar una lista con un id numérico único, que se pueda usar como id de ticket?
should the infolog list show the column "last modified". infolog es-es ¿Debe mostrar el Registro la columna "última modificación"?
@ -410,8 +416,8 @@ startdate for new entries infolog es-es Fecha de inicio para entradas nuevas
starting %1 infolog es-es Iniciando %1
startrecord infolog es-es Comenzar grabación de registro
status infolog es-es Estado
status, percent and date completed are always allowed. infolog es-es El estado, porcentaje y fecha de finalización se permiten siempre.
status ... infolog es-es Estado...
status, percent and date completed are always allowed. infolog es-es El estado, porcentaje y fecha de finalización se permiten siempre.
sub infolog es-es Sub
sub-entries become subs of the parent or main entries, if there's no parent infolog es-es Las subentradas quedan por debajo de las entradas del nivel superior o del principal, si no hay nivel superior.
sub-entries will not be closed infolog es-es Las subentradas no se cerrarán
@ -460,7 +466,6 @@ view the parent of this entry and all his subs infolog es-es Ver el padre de est
view this linked entry in its application infolog es-es ver esta entrada vinculada en su aplicación
when should the todo or phonecall be started, it shows up from that date in the filter open or own open (startpage) infolog es-es Cuándo se debe iniciar las tareas pendientes o llamada de teléfono. Se muestra en la fecha del filtro o al abrir manualmente en la página de inicio
which additional fields should the responsible be allowed to edit without having edit rights? infolog es-es ¿Qué campos adicionales puede editar el responsable sin tener derechos de edición?
which implicit acl rights should the responsible get? infolog es-es ¿Qué derechos implícitos de ACL debe tener el responsable?
which types should the calendar show infolog es-es Qué tipos debe mostrar el calendario
will-call infolog es-es va a llamar
write (add or update) a record by passing its fields. infolog es-es Escribir (añadir o actualizar) un registro pasando sus campos.
@ -476,7 +481,6 @@ you can choose a categorie to be preselected, when you create a new infolog entr
you can't delete one of the stock types !!! infolog es-es ¡¡No puede borrar uno de los tipos almacenados!!
you have entered an invalid ending date infolog es-es Ha introducido una fecha de finalización que no es válida
you have entered an invalid starting date infolog es-es Ha introducido una fecha de inicio que no es válida
you have to enter a name, to create a new typ!!! infolog es-es ¡Debe introducir un nombre para crear un tipo nuevo!
you must enter a subject or a description infolog es-es Debe introducir un asunto o descripción
you need to select an entry for linking. infolog es-es Necesita seleccionar una entrada para vincular.
you need to select some entries first infolog es-es Necesita seleccionar antes algunas entradas
@ -26,6 +26,7 @@ add sub infolog et lisa alam
add timesheet entry infolog et Lisa Timesheet kirje
add: infolog et Lisa:
added infolog et Lisatud
addressbook placeholders available infolog et Kättesaadavad aadressiraamatu paigutussätted
all infolog et Kõik
all projects infolog et Kõik projektid
apply the changes infolog et Rakenda muudatused
@ -85,6 +86,7 @@ edit status infolog et Muuda staatust
edit the entry infolog et Muuda kirjet
edit this entry infolog et Muuda seda kirjet
empty for all infolog et tühi kõigijaoks
encrypt description infolog et Krüpteeri kirjeldus
end infolog et Lõpp
enddate infolog et Tähtaja kuupäev
enddate can not be before startdate infolog et Tähtaja kuupäev ei saa olle enne alustamise kuupäeva
@ -95,6 +97,7 @@ fax infolog et Faks
field must not be empty !!! infolog et Väli ei tohi jääda tühjaks !!!
fieldseparator infolog et Väljaeraldaja
finish infolog et lõpp
full list of placeholder names infolog et Täielik loetelu paigutussalvestiste nimedest
global categories infolog et Globaalsed Kategooriad
high infolog et kõrge
history infolog et Ajalugu
@ -106,10 +109,12 @@ infolog - edit infolog et InfoLog - Muuda
infolog - import csv-file infolog et InfoLog - Impordi CSV-Fail
infolog - new infolog et InfoLog - Uus
infolog - new subproject infolog et InfoLog - Uus Alamprojekt
infolog encryption requires epl subscription infolog et InfoLogi krüpteerimine nõuab EPL tellimust
infolog entry deleted infolog et InfoLog kirje kustutatud
infolog entry saved infolog et InfoLog kirje salvestatud
infolog list infolog et InfoLog nimekiri
infolog preferences common et InfoLog eelistused
insert timestamp into description field infolog et Ajatempli sisestamine kirjelduse väljale
invalid filename infolog et Vigane failinimi
last changed infolog et Viimati vahetatud
last modified infolog et Viimati muudetud
@ -145,6 +150,8 @@ phonecall infolog et Telefoni Kõne
planned infolog et kavandatud
planned time infolog et kavandatud aeg
price infolog et Hind
print this infolog infolog et Trükkida see InfoLog
printing... infolog et Trükkimine...
priority infolog et Prioriteet
private infolog et Privaatne
project infolog et Projekt
@ -158,7 +165,7 @@ search for: infolog et Otsi:
select infolog et Märgi
select a price infolog et Vali hind
select a project infolog et Vali Projekt
show in the infolog list infolog et Näita infoLog listis
show in the infolog list infolog et Näita InfoLog listis
show last modified infolog et Näita viimati muudetud
show times infolog et Näita aegu
small view infolog et väike vaade
@ -46,6 +46,7 @@ add sub infolog fi Lisää alamerkintä
add timesheet entry infolog fi Lisää ajanhallinnan merkintä
add: infolog fi Lisää:
added infolog fi Lisätty
addressbook placeholders available infolog fi Osoitekirjan paikannimet käytettävissä
all infolog fi Kaikki
all links and attachments infolog fi Kaikki linkit ja liitteet
all projects infolog fi Kaikki projektit
@ -167,6 +168,7 @@ edit status infolog fi Muokkaa tilaa
edit the entry infolog fi Muokkaa merkintää
edit this entry infolog fi Muokkaa tätä merkintää
empty for all infolog fi Tyhjä kaikille
encrypt description infolog fi Salaa kuvaus
end infolog fi Päättyy
enddate infolog fi Erääntymispäivä
enddate can not be before startdate infolog fi Erääntymispäivä ei voi olla ennen alkamispäivää
@ -195,6 +197,7 @@ finish infolog fi Lopeta
for serial letter use this tag. put the content, you want to repeat between two tags. infolog fi Käytä tägiä toistettaviin dokumentteihin. Lisää sisältö kahden tägin väliin.
for which types should this field be used infolog fi Mitkä tehtävätyypit käyttävät tätä kenttää?
from infolog fi Lähettäjä:
full list of placeholder names infolog fi Täydellinen luettelo paikanhaltijoiden nimistä
general fields: infolog fi Yleiset kentät
global categories infolog fi Yleiset kategoriat
group owner for infolog fi Ryhmän omistaja
@ -222,19 +225,20 @@ infolog - import csv-file infolog fi Tehtävienhallinta - Tuo CSV-tiedosto
infolog - new infolog fi Tehtävä - Uusi
infolog - new subproject infolog fi Tehtävienhallinta - Uusi aliprojekti
infolog - subprojects from infolog fi Tehtävienhallinta - Aliprojektit kohteesta
infolog copied - the copy can now be edited infolog fi Tehtävä kopioitu - kopiota voidaan nyt muokata
infolog csv export infolog fi CSV vienti
infolog csv import infolog fi CSV tuonti
infolog encryption requires epl subscription infolog fi InfoLog-salaus vaatii EPL-tilauksen.
infolog entry deleted infolog fi Merkintä poistettu
infolog entry saved infolog fi Merkintä tallennettu
infolog fields: infolog fi Kentät:
InfoLog filter for the home screen infolog fi Tehtävienhallinnan suodatin etusivulle
infolog filter for the home screen infolog fi Tehtävienhallinnan suodatin etusivulle
infolog id infolog fi Tehtävän ID
infolog list infolog fi Tehtävienhallinnan lista
infolog preferences common fi Tehtävienhallinnan asetukset
infolog-fieldname infolog fi Tehtäväkentän nimi
insert infolog fi Lisää
insert in document infolog fi Syötä asiakirjaan
insert timestamp into description field infolog fi Lisää aikaleima kuvauskenttään
invalid filename infolog fi Tiedostonimi ei kelpaa
invalid owner id: %1. might be a bad field translation. used %2 instead. infolog fi Virheellinen omistaja ID: %1. Käytetty sen sijaan %2.
invalid status for entry type %1. infolog fi Virheellinen tila tyypille %1
@ -325,6 +329,8 @@ planned time infolog fi Suunniteltu aikataulu
price infolog fi Hinta
pricelist infolog fi Hinnasto
primary link infolog fi Ensisijainen linkki
print this infolog infolog fi Tulosta tämä InfoLog
printing... infolog fi Tulostaminen...
priority infolog fi Tärkeys
private infolog fi Yksityinen
project infolog fi Projekti
@ -388,7 +394,7 @@ sets the status of this entry and its subs to done infolog fi Aseta tälle merki
sets the status of this entry to done infolog fi Merkitse valmiiksi
should infolog show subtasks, -calls or -notes in the normal view or not. you can always view the subs via there parent. infolog fi Näyttääkö alitehtävät, -soitot tai -muistiot normaalinäkymässä? Voit aina nähdä alimerkinnät päämerkinnän alta?
should infolog show the links to other applications and/or the file-attachments in the infolog list (normal view when you enter infolog). infolog fi Näyttääkö linkkejä muihin sovelluksiin ja / tai liitetiedostoihin Tehtävienhallinnan listalla.
Should InfoLog show up on the home screen and with which filter. Works only if you dont selected an application for the home screen (in your preferences). infolog fi Näyttetääkö Tehtävienhallinta näkymä etusivulla ja millä suotimilla. Toimii vain jos et ole valinnut mitään sovellusta etusivulle omissa (henkilökohtaisissa) asetuksissasi?
should infolog show up on the home screen and with which filter. works only if you dont selected an application for the home screen (in your preferences). infolog fi Näyttetääkö Tehtävienhallinta näkymä etusivulla ja millä suotimilla. Toimii vain jos et ole valinnut mitään sovellusta etusivulle omissa (henkilökohtaisissa) asetuksissasi?
should infolog use full names (surname and familyname) or just the loginnames. infolog fi Käyttääkö Tehtävienhallinta koko nimeä (etunimi, sukunimi) vai ainoastaan kirjautumisnimeä.
should the infolog list show a unique numerical id, which can be used eg. as ticket id. infolog fi Näyttääkö Tehtävienhallintalista yksilöllisen numerotunnisteen, jota voidaan käyttää esimerkiksi merkinnän tunnisteena?
should the infolog list show the column "last modified". infolog fi Näyttääkö Tehtävienhallinta listaussarakkeen "viimeksi muokattu?
@ -410,8 +416,8 @@ startdate for new entries infolog fi Aloituspäivä uusille merkinnöille
starting %1 infolog fi Alkaa %1
startrecord infolog fi Startrecord
status infolog fi Tila
status, percent and date completed are always allowed. infolog fi Tila, prosentit, valmistumispäivä ovat aina sallittuja.
status ... infolog fi Tila...
status, percent and date completed are always allowed. infolog fi Tila, prosentit, valmistumispäivä ovat aina sallittuja.
sub infolog fi Sub
sub-entries become subs of the parent or main entries, if there's no parent infolog fi Alimerkinnät (sub entries) tulevat päämerkinnän (parent) alle tai päämerkinnöiksi, ellei niille aseteta päämerkintää.
sub-entries will not be closed infolog fi Alimerkintöjä ei suljeta
@ -462,7 +468,6 @@ view the parent of this entry and all his subs infolog fi Näytä tämän merkin
view this linked entry in its application infolog fi Näytä tämä linkitetty merkintä sovelluksessa
when should the todo or phonecall be started, it shows up from that date in the filter open or own open (startpage) infolog fi Millon tehtävän tai puhelinsoiton pitäisi alkaa, se näkyy sinä päivä avoimissa tai omissa avoimissa tehtävissä (aloitussivulla)?
which additional fields should the responsible be allowed to edit without having edit rights? infolog fi Mitä muita kenttiä vastuuhenkilö saa muokata, ilman että hänellä on muokkas oikeuksia?
which implicit acl rights should the responsible get? infolog fi Mitä ACL -oikeuksia vastuuhenkilö saa?
which types should the calendar show infolog fi Mitkä Tehtävätyypit kalenterin tulisi näyttää
will-call infolog fi Soita
write (add or update) a record by passing its fields. infolog fi Kirjoita, lisää tai päivitä merkintä
@ -478,7 +483,6 @@ you can choose a categorie to be preselected, when you create a new infolog entr
you can't delete one of the stock types !!! infolog fi Et voi poistaa mitään tyyppien ryhmästä !!!
you have entered an invalid ending date infolog fi Virheellinen erääntymispäivä
you have entered an invalid starting date infolog fi Virheellinen alkamispäivä
you have to enter a name, to create a new typ!!! infolog fi Kirjoita nimi luodaksesi uuden tyypin !!!
you must enter a subject or a description infolog fi Anna aihe tai kuvaus
you need to select an entry for linking. infolog fi Valitse linkitettävä merkintä
you need to select some entries first infolog fi Valitse merkintä
@ -12,9 +12,6 @@
%1 you are responsible for is starting at %2 infolog fr %1 dont vous êtes responsables commence le %2
%1 you delegated is due at %2 infolog fr %1 que vous avez délégué est dû le %2
%1 you delegated is starting at %2 infolog fr %1 que vous avez délégué commence le %2
%s $cont[info_from] infolog fr %s $cont[info_from]
%s $row_cont[info_addr] infolog fr %s $row_cont[info_addr]
%s $row_cont[info_from] infolog fr %s $row_cont[info_from]
(and children) deleted infolog fr (et sous-entrées) supprimés.
(no subject) infolog fr (pas de sujet)
- subprojects from infolog fr - Sous-projets de
@ -74,7 +71,7 @@ back to main list infolog fr Retour à la liste principale
billed infolog fr Facturé
both infolog fr Les deux
call infolog fr Appel
can be used to show further infolog types in the calendar or limit it to show eg. only tasks. infolog fr Peut être utilisé pour montrer plus de types d'Infolog dans le calendrier ou les limiter par ex aux tâches seulement
can be used to show further infolog types in the calendar or limit it to show eg. only tasks. infolog fr Peut être utilisé pour montrer plus de types d'InfoLog dans le calendrier ou les limiter par ex aux tâches seulement
can not return an exact number of rows and therefore hides the count. admin fr Impossible de récupérer le nombre exacts de lignes, total masqué.
cancel infolog fr Annuler
cancelled infolog fr Annulé
@ -139,10 +136,10 @@ date completed (leave it empty to have it automatic set if status is done or bil
datecreated infolog fr Date de création
dates, status, access infolog fr Dates, Statut, Accès
days infolog fr Jours
default category for new infolog entries infolog fr Catégorie par défaut pour les entrées d'Infolog
default category for new infolog entries infolog fr Catégorie par défaut pour les entrées d'InfoLog
default document to insert entries infolog fr Document par défaut pour insérer les entrées.
default filter for infolog infolog fr Filtre par défaut pour l'iInfoLog
default status for a new log entry infolog fr Statut par défaut pour un nouvel infolog
default status for a new log entry infolog fr Statut par défaut pour un nouvel Infolog
delegated infolog fr Délégué
delegated open infolog fr Délégué ouvert
delegated open and upcoming infolog fr Délégué ouvert et à venir
@ -159,7 +156,6 @@ deletes this field infolog fr supprime ce champ
deletes this status infolog fr supprime ce statut
description infolog fr Description
determines the order the fields are displayed infolog fr détermine l´ordre d´affichage des champs
difference: infolog fr Différence :
directory with documents to insert entries infolog fr Répertoire avec les documents pour insérer les entrées
disables a status without deleting it infolog fr désactive un statut sans le supprimer
do you want a confirmation of the responsible on: accepting, finishing the task or both infolog fr Voulez-vous une confirmation du responsable sur: accepter, finir la tâche, ou les deux
@ -177,12 +173,10 @@ download infolog fr Télécharger
download url for links infolog fr URL de téléchargement pour les liens
due %1 infolog fr Dû %
due date infolog fr Echéance
due date must be in the future!!! infolog fr L'échéance doit être dans le futur !
duration infolog fr Durée
e-mail: infolog fr Email :
each value is a line like <id>[=<label>] infolog fr chaque valeur est une ligne telle que <id>[=<label>]
edit infolog fr Modifier
edit conditions infolog fr Modifier les conditions
edit or create categories for ingolog infolog fr Modifier ou créer des catégories pour InfoLog
edit rights (full edit rights incl. making someone else responsible!) infolog fr modifier les droits (édition complète des droits, pouvant rendre quelqu'un d'autre responsable!)
edit status infolog fr Modifier les statuts
@ -195,7 +189,7 @@ enddate infolog fr Date de fin
enddate can not be before startdate infolog fr La date de fin ne peut pas être avant la date de début
enter a custom contact, leave empty if linked entry should be used infolog fr Entrez un contact personnalisé, laissez vide si l'entrée liée devrait être utilisée
enter a custom phone/email, leave empty if linked entry should be used infolog fr Entrez un EMail/numéro de téléphone personnalisé, laissez vide si l'entrée liée devait être utilisée
enter a textual description of the log-entry infolog fr Entrez une description textuelle de l'entrée de Log
enter a textual description of the log-entry infolog fr Entrez une description textuelle de l'entrée de InfoLog
enter the query pattern infolog fr Entrez le champ de requête
entry and all files infolog fr Entrée et tous les fichiers
error: importing the ical infolog fr Erreur : lors de l'importation de l'iCal
@ -205,20 +199,18 @@ error: the entry has been updated since you opened it for editing! infolog fr Er
execute a further action for this entry infolog fr Exécuter une action de plus pour cette entrée
existing links infolog fr Liens existants
exists infolog fr Existe
exit without saving infolog fr Sortir sans sauvegarder
export definition to use for nextmatch export infolog fr Définition de l'export à utiliser pour l'export "nextmatch"
exports in ical format. infolog fr Exportes au format iCal.
exports infolog entries into a csv file. infolog fr Exporter les entrées d'Infolog dans un fichier CSV.
exports infolog entries into a csv file. infolog fr Exporter les entrées d'InfoLog dans un fichier CSV.
favorites infolog fr Favoris
fax infolog fr Fax
field must not be empty !!! infolog fr Ce champ ne peut être vide !
fields to exclude when copying an infolog: infolog fr Champs à exclure lors de la copie d'un Infolog :
fields to exclude when copying an infolog: infolog fr Champs à exclure lors de la copie d'un InfoLog :
fields to exclude when creating a sub-entry: infolog fr Champs à exclure lors de création d'une sous-entrée :
fieldseparator infolog fr Séparateur de champ
finish infolog fr Terminer
first argument for preg_replace infolog fr Premier argument pour preg_replace
first non-empty: infolog fr Premier non-vide :
for infolog type %1, %2 is required infolog fr Pour un infolog de type %1, %2 est requis
for infolog type %1, %2 is required infolog fr Pour un InfoLog de type %1, %2 est requis
for serial letter use this tag. put the content, you want to repeat between two tags. infolog fr Pour les lettres en série utiliser cette balise. Placer le contenu que vous voulez répéter entre deux balises.
for which types should this field be used infolog fr pour quels types ce champ devrait être utilisé
from infolog fr De
@ -244,7 +236,7 @@ if you specify an export definition, it will be used when you export infolog fr
import next set infolog fr importer l´élément suivant
importance infolog fr Importance
imports entries into the infolog from a csv file. csv means 'comma separated values'. however in the options tab you can also choose other seperators. infolog fr Importe les entrées dans l'Infolog depuis un fichier CSV. CSV veut dire 'Valeurs Séparées par des Virgules". Dans l'onglet d'options, vous pouvez aussi choisir d'autres séparateurs.
imports todos into infolog from an ical file. infolog fr Importer des tâches dans l'infolog depuis un fichier iCal.
imports todos into infolog from an ical file. infolog fr Importer des tâches dans l'InfoLog depuis un fichier iCal.
info log common fr InfoLog
infolog common fr InfoLog
infolog - delete infolog fr InfoLog - Supprimer
@ -258,22 +250,20 @@ infolog csv import infolog fr Infolog importation CSV
infolog encryption requires epl subscription infolog fr Le chiffrement nécessite un abonnement EPL
infolog entry deleted infolog fr InfoLog entrée supprimée
infolog entry saved infolog fr InfoLog entrée enregistrée
infolog fields: infolog fr Champs d'Infolog:
infolog fields: infolog fr Champs d'InfoLog:
infolog filter for the home screen infolog fr InfoLog filtre pour l'écran principal
infolog ical export infolog fr Export Infolog en iCal
infolog ical import infolog fr Import Infolog en infolog
infolog id infolog fr Infolog ID
infolog ical export infolog fr Export InfoLog en iCal
infolog ical import infolog fr Import InfoLog en InfoLog
infolog id infolog fr InfoLog ID
infolog list infolog fr Liste InfoLog
infolog preferences common fr Préférences InfoLog
infolog-fieldname infolog fr InfoLog - Nom du champ
infolog.entry_test.%s.locality infolog fr infolog.entry_test.%s.locality
insert infolog fr Insérer
insert in document infolog fr Insérer dans un document
insert timestamp into description field infolog fr Insérer une ligne de temps dans le champ description
invalid filename infolog fr Nom de fichier invalide
invalid owner id: %1. might be a bad field translation. used %2 instead. infolog fr Id de propriétaire invalide: %1. %2 utilisé à la place.
invalid status for entry type %1. infolog fr Statut invalide pour l'entrée de type %1.
kanban infolog fr Kanban
label<br>helptext infolog fr Label<br>Texte d´aide
last changed infolog fr Dernière modification
last modified infolog fr Dernière modification
@ -297,13 +287,11 @@ list all categories infolog fr Liste toutes les catégories
list of files linked to the current record infolog fr Liste des fichiers liés à l'enregistrement en cours
load custom fields in index, if filtered by selected types (eg. to display them in a type-specific index template) infolog fr Charge les champs personnalisés dans l'index, si filtré par les types sélectionnés (ex. pour les afficher dans un modèle d'index spécifique au type)
location infolog fr Emplacement
location, priority , ... infolog fr Emplacement, priorité, ...
longer textual description infolog fr Description textuelle plus longue
low infolog fr Bas
manage mapping infolog fr Gestion des correspondances
max length of the input [, length of the inputfield (optional)] infolog fr taille max de l´entrée [, taille du champ d´entrée (optionnel)]
modifier infolog fr Editeur
modifier full name: infolog fr Nom complet du modifié par
modifierer infolog fr Editeur
name must not be empty !!! infolog fr Le nom ne peut pas être vide !!!
name of current user, all other contact fields are valid too infolog fr Nom de l'utilisateur courant, tous les autres champs de contacts sont valides aussi
@ -328,7 +316,6 @@ not infolog fr pas
not assigned infolog fr Pas attribué
not-started infolog fr Non démarré
note infolog fr Note
notification infolog fr Notification
notification settings infolog fr Paramètres de notification
number of records to read (%1) infolog fr Nombre d'enregistrements à lire (%1)
number of row for a multiline inputfield or line of a multi-select-box infolog fr nombre de lignes pour un champ d´entrées multilignes ou pour une boîte de sélection multiple
@ -358,7 +345,7 @@ own upcoming infolog fr Propre arrivant
owner does not have edit rights infolog fr Le propriétaire n'a pas les droits en édition
owner, responsible infolog fr Propriétaire, Responsable
parent infolog fr Parent
parent infolog infolog fr Parent de l'Infolog
parent infolog infolog fr Parent de l'InfoLog
participants for scheduling an appointment infolog fr Participants pour programmer une réunion
path on (web-)serverside<br>eg. /var/samba/share infolog fr Chemin côté (web)server<br>p.ex. /var/samba/Share
path to user and group files has to be outside of the webservers document-root!!! infolog fr Le chemin vers les fichiers utilisateurs et groupes DOIT FIGURER EN DEHORS du répertoire racine des serveurs Web!!!
@ -377,7 +364,7 @@ prefix for sub-entries (default: re:) infolog fr Préfixe pour les sous-entrées
price infolog fr Prix
pricelist infolog fr Liste de prix
primary link infolog fr Lien primaire
print this infolog infolog fr Imprimer cet Infolog
print this infolog infolog fr Imprimer cet InfoLog
printing... infolog fr Impression...
priority infolog fr Priorité
private infolog fr Privé
@ -399,7 +386,6 @@ receive notifications about own items infolog fr Recevoir les notifications pour
receive notifications about starting entries you are responsible for infolog fr Recevoir les notifications pour les entrées dont vous êtes responsables et qui commencent.
receive notifications about starting entries you delegated infolog fr Recevoir les notifications pour les entrées que vous avez déléguées et qui commencent.
receive notifications as html-mails infolog fr Recevoir les notifications comme des mails en HTML.
regex replace: infolog fr Remplacement Regex :
regular expression infolog fr Expression régulière
remark infolog fr Remarque
remove this link (not the entry itself) infolog fr Enlever ce lien (pas l'entrée elle-même)
@ -418,7 +404,6 @@ rights for the responsible infolog fr Droits pour le responsable
rows infolog fr Lignes
same day infolog fr Même jour
save infolog fr Enregistrer
save the changes made infolog fr Enregistrer les modifications faites
saves the changes made and leaves infolog fr enregistre les modifications et quitte
saves this entry infolog fr Enregistre cette entrée
schedule appointment infolog fr Programmer une réunion
@ -483,7 +468,6 @@ sub-entries will not be closed infolog fr Les sous-entrées ne seront pas clôtu
sub-entry infolog fr Sous-entrée
subject infolog fr Sujet
sum infolog fr Somme
sum: infolog fr Somme :
tag to mark positions for address labels infolog fr Balise pour marquer les positions des étiquettes d'adresses
task infolog fr ToDo
tasks of infolog fr Tâche de
@ -496,7 +480,6 @@ the text displayed to the user infolog fr le texte affiché pour l´utilisateur
this is the filter infolog uses when you enter the application. filters limit the entries to show in the actual view. there are filters to show only finished, still open or futures entries of yourself or all users. infolog fr Ceci est le filtre qu'InfoLog utilise quand vous entrez dans l'application. Les filtres limitent les entrées à montrer dans la vue actuelle. Il y a des filtres pour montrer seulement ceux temrminés, encore ouverts ou les futures entrées de vous-même ou de tous les utilisateurs.
til when should the todo or phonecall be finished infolog fr Quand la tâche ou l'appel téléphonique devrait être terminé
times infolog fr Heures
timesheet infolog fr feuille de temps
titles of any entries linked to the current record, excluding attached files infolog fr Titres de toutes les entrées liées à l'enregistrement courant, à l'exception des fichiers
to many might exceed your execution-time-limit infolog fr trop peut excéder votre temps limite d´exécution.
to what should the startdate of new entries be set. infolog fr A quoi devrait être fixée la date de départ de la nouvelle entrée.
@ -506,11 +489,10 @@ todo infolog fr Tâche
typ infolog fr Type
typ '%1' already exists !!! infolog fr Le type '%1' existe déjà !
type infolog fr Type
type '%1' already exists !!! infolog fr le type '%1' existe déjà !
type ... infolog fr Type ...
type of customfield infolog fr Type de champ personnalisé
type of field infolog fr Type de champ
type of the log-entry: note, phonecall or todo infolog fr Type de l'entrée Log: Note, Appel téléphonique ou tâche
type of the log-entry: note, phonecall or todo infolog fr Type de l'entrée InfoLog: Note, Appel téléphonique ou tâche
unable to link to %3 by custom field "%1": "%4". %2 matches. infolog fr Impossible de lie à %3 par le champ personnalisé "%1": "%4". %2 correspond.
unknown type: %1 infolog fr Type inconnu : %1
unlink infolog fr Délier
@ -520,7 +502,6 @@ urgency infolog fr Priorité
urgent infolog fr Urgent
use all infolog fr Utiliser tout
use custom notification message infolog fr Utiliser le message de notification personnalisé
use definition filter infolog fr Utiliser les filtres de définition
use field from csv if possible infolog fr Utiliser le champ du CSV si possible
use search results infolog fr Utiliser les résultats de la recherche
use this tag for addresslabels. put the content, you want to repeat, between two tags. infolog fr Utiliser cette balise pour les étiquettes d'adresse. Placer le contenu que vous voulez répéter entre deux balises.
@ -549,7 +530,7 @@ yes, noone can purge deleted items infolog fr Oui, personne ne peut purger les
yes, only admins can purge deleted items infolog fr Oui, les administrateurs seuls peuvent purger les éléménts supprimés
yes, with larger fontsize infolog fr Oui, avec une taille de caractères plus grande
yes, with purging of deleted items possible infolog fr Oui, avec la purge des éléments supprimés possible
you can choose a categorie to be preselected, when you create a new infolog entry infolog fr Vous pouvez choisir une catégorie qui sera présélectionnée lors de la création de nouvelles entrées d'Infolog
you can choose a categorie to be preselected, when you create a new infolog entry infolog fr Vous pouvez choisir une catégorie qui sera présélectionnée lors de la création de nouvelles entrées d'InfoLog
you can't delete one of the stock types !!! infolog fr Vous ne pouvez pas effacer un des types de stock !
you have entered an invalid ending date infolog fr Vous avez entré une date de fin invalide !
you have entered an invalid starting date infolog fr Vous avez entré une date de début invalide !
@ -41,6 +41,7 @@ add sub infolog hu Albejegyzés hozzáadása
add timesheet entry infolog hu Regiszter bejegyzés hozzáadása
add: infolog hu Hozzáadás:
added infolog hu Hozzáadva
addressbook placeholders available infolog hu Címjegyzék helyőrzői elérhetőek
all infolog hu Összes
all links and attachments infolog hu Minden hivatkozás és melléklet
all projects infolog hu Minden projekt
@ -142,6 +143,7 @@ edit status infolog hu Állapot szerkesztése
edit the entry infolog hu Bejegyzés szerkesztése
edit this entry infolog hu Aktuális bejegyzés szerkesztése
empty for all infolog hu összes törlése
encrypt description infolog hu Titkosított leírás
end infolog hu Befejezés
enddate infolog hu Lejárat napja
enddate can not be before startdate infolog hu A lejárat dátuma nem lehet korábbi mint a kezdés dátuma
@ -162,6 +164,7 @@ fieldseparator infolog hu Mező elválasztó
finish infolog hu befejez
for which types should this field be used infolog hu használható típusok a mezőben
from infolog hu Feladó
full list of placeholder names infolog hu A helyőrző nevek teljes listája
general fields: infolog hu Általános mezők:
global categories infolog hu Globális kategóriák
group owner for infolog hu Csoport tulajdonos
@ -184,12 +187,14 @@ infolog - import csv-file infolog hu InfoLog - CSV-állomány import
infolog - new infolog hu InfoLog - Új
infolog - new subproject infolog hu InfoLog - Új alprojekt
infolog - subprojects from infolog hu InfoLog - Alprojekt innen
infolog encryption requires epl subscription infolog hu Az InfoLog titkosításához EPL előfizetés szükséges
infolog entry deleted infolog hu InfoLog bejegyzés törölve
infolog entry saved infolog hu InfoLog bejegyzés elmentve
InfoLog filter for the home screen infolog hu InfoLog szűrő a fő képernyőn
infolog filter for the home screen infolog hu InfoLog szűrő a fő képernyőn
infolog list infolog hu InfoLog lista
infolog preferences common hu InfoLog tulajdonságok
infolog-fieldname infolog hu InfoLog - Mezőnév
insert timestamp into description field infolog hu Időbélyegző beillesztése a leírás mezőbe
invalid filename infolog hu Érvénytelen állománynév
label<br>helptext infolog hu Címke<br>Segítség szöveg
last changed infolog hu Utolsó változás
@ -265,6 +270,8 @@ planned time infolog hu tervezett idő
price infolog hu Ár
pricelist infolog hu Árlista
primary link infolog hu elsődleges kapcsolat
print this infolog infolog hu Az InfoLog kinyomtatása
printing... infolog hu Nyomtatás...
priority infolog hu Prioritás
private infolog hu Magán
project infolog hu Projekt
@ -315,7 +322,7 @@ sender infolog hu Feladó
sets the status of this entry and its subs to done infolog hu Bejegyzés és hozzátartozó albejegyzések állapotának megváltoztatása készre
should infolog show subtasks, -calls or -notes in the normal view or not. you can always view the subs via there parent. infolog hu InfoLog megjelenítse-e az alfeladatokat, -hívásokat vagy -feljegyzéseket a normál nézetben. Az albejegyzéseket mindig el lehet érni a szülőn keresztül.
should infolog show the links to other applications and/or the file-attachments in the infolog list (normal view when you enter infolog). infolog hu Infolog megjelenítse-e a hivatkozásokat más alkalmazáskhoz és/vagy állomány mellékleteket a normál nézetben.
Should InfoLog show up on the home screen and with which filter. Works only if you dont selected an application for the home screen (in your preferences). infolog hu Az InfoLog megjelenik a Kezdőlapon egy szűrő alkalmazásával, listázva a feladatait stb. Akkor működik, ha nem választott ki egy alkalmazást Főképernyőnek (a beállításai között). Ha nem tudja, ez miről szól, akkor valószínűleg nem állította át és működni fog.
should infolog show up on the home screen and with which filter. works only if you dont selected an application for the home screen (in your preferences). infolog hu Az InfoLog megjelenik a Kezdőlapon egy szűrő alkalmazásával, listázva a feladatait stb. Akkor működik, ha nem választott ki egy alkalmazást Főképernyőnek (a beállításai között). Ha nem tudja, ez miről szól, akkor valószínűleg nem állította át és működni fog.
should infolog use full names (surname and familyname) or just the loginnames. infolog hu Az InfoLog használja-e a teljes nevet (családi és keresztnév), vagy csak a bejelentkező nevet.
should the infolog list show a unique numerical id, which can be used eg. as ticket id. infolog hu Az InfoLog lista megjelenítse-e az egyedi azonosítót, ami egy szám. Ez a szám alkalmas például jegy azonosító használatára (egyértelműbb, mint a megnevezés, tehát van értelme).
should the infolog list show the column "last modified". infolog hu Az InfoLog lista megjelenítse-e az "utolsó módosítás" oszlopot is.
@ -336,8 +343,8 @@ startdate enddate infolog hu Kezdés dátuma Befejezés dátuma
startdate for new entries infolog hu Új bejegyzés kezdési időpontja
startrecord infolog hu Kezdő bejegyzés
status infolog hu Állapot
status, percent and date completed are always allowed. infolog hu (például ha az alapértelmezett csoportjogosultság nem tenné lehetővé, hogy a leírást módosítsa a felelős).
status ... infolog hu Állapot ...
status, percent and date completed are always allowed. infolog hu (például ha az alapértelmezett csoportjogosultság nem tenné lehetővé, hogy a leírást módosítsa a felelős).
sub infolog hu Albejegyzés
sub-entries become subs of the parent or main entries, if there's no parent infolog hu Az albejegyzések a struktúrában felettük álló kategóriának lesznek gyermekei, ha nincs szülő.
subject infolog hu Tárgy
@ -376,7 +383,6 @@ view the parent of this entry and all his subs infolog hu Szülő bejegyzés és
view this linked entry in its application infolog hu hivatkozott bejegyzés megtekintése a hozzá tartozó alkalmazással
when should the todo or phonecall be started, it shows up from that date in the filter open or own open (startpage) infolog hu Ha egy tennivaló vagy telefonhívás elindult, a nyitott (vagy saját nyitott) szűrőbe bekerül a dátuma (ezt is ki kell találni, hogy hol szerepel)
which additional fields should the responsible be allowed to edit without having edit rights? infolog hu A bejegyzés felelőse mely mezőket szerkesztheti anélkül, hogy egyébként szerkesztési jogosultságai lennének?
which implicit acl rights should the responsible get? infolog hu Mely értelemszerűen felmerülő ACL jogosultságokat kapjon a felelős?
which types should the calendar show infolog hu Mely típust mutasson a naptár
will-call infolog hu hívni fog
write (add or update) a record by passing its fields. infolog hu Kiír (hozzáad vagy módosít) egy bejegyzést a mezők átadásával.
@ -392,6 +398,5 @@ you can choose a categorie to be preselected, when you create a new infolog entr
you can't delete one of the stock types !!! infolog hu Gyári típust nem lehet törölni !!!
you have entered an invalid ending date infolog hu Helytelen befejezési dátum
you have entered an invalid starting date infolog hu Helytelen kezdési dátum
you have to enter a name, to create a new typ!!! infolog hu Új típus létrehozásához meg kell adni egy nevet!
you must enter a subject or a description infolog hu Meg kell adni a tárgyat vagy a leírást
your database is not up to date (%1 vs. %2), please run %3setup%4 to update your database. infolog hu Az adatbázis frissítésre szorul (%1 <-> %2), kérem futtassa a %3beállításokat%4 az adatbázis frissítéséhez.
@ -39,6 +39,7 @@ add sub infolog id tambah Sub
add timesheet entry infolog id Tamba entri lembarwaktu
add: infolog id Tambah:
added infolog id ditambahkan
addressbook placeholders available infolog id Tersedia tempat penampung buku alamat
all infolog id Semua
all links and attachments infolog id semua tautan dan lampiran
all projects infolog id Semua Proyek
@ -117,6 +118,7 @@ edit status infolog id Edit status
edit the entry infolog id Edit entri
edit this entry infolog id Edit entri ini
empty for all infolog id kosongkan untuk semuanya
encrypt description infolog id Mengenkripsi deskripsi
end infolog id Akhir
enddate infolog id Tanggal jatuh-tempo
enddate can not be before startdate infolog id Tanggal jatuh-tempo tidak dapat sebelum tanggal memulai
@ -127,6 +129,7 @@ field must not be empty !!! infolog id Field tidak boleh kosong !!!
fieldseparator infolog id Pemisah field
finish infolog id rampung
from infolog id Dari
full list of placeholder names infolog id Daftar lengkap nama placeholder
general fields: infolog id Field Umum:
global categories infolog id Kategori Global
high infolog id tinggi
@ -145,10 +148,12 @@ infolog - import csv-file infolog id InfoLog - Impor berkas-CSV
infolog - new infolog id InfoLog - Baru
infolog - new subproject infolog id InfoLog - Subproyek Baru
infolog - subprojects from infolog id InfoLog - Subproyek dari
infolog encryption requires epl subscription infolog id Enkripsi InfoLog memerlukan Langganan EPL
infolog list infolog id Daftar InfoLog
infolog preferences common id Kesukaan InfoLog
infolog-fieldname infolog id Nama field-InfoLog
insert in document infolog id Sisipkan dalam dokumen
insert timestamp into description field infolog id Menyisipkan stempel waktu ke dalam bidang deskripsi
invalid filename infolog id Nama berkas keliru
label<br>helptext infolog id Label<br>Helptext
last changed infolog id Pengubahan terakhir
@ -209,6 +214,8 @@ planned time infolog id waktu yang direncanakan
price infolog id Harga
pricelist infolog id Daftar harga
primary link infolog id tautan utama
print this infolog infolog id Cetak InfoLog ini
printing... infolog id Mencetak...
priority infolog id Prioritas
private infolog id Privat
project infolog id Proyek
@ -30,10 +30,6 @@
a short subject for the entry infolog ja この項目の短い件名
abort without deleting infolog ja 削除せずに中断
accept infolog ja 承諾
access by infolog ja アクセスするユーザ/グループ
accounting infolog ja 経理
accounting projectmanager ja 経理
accounting type projectmanager ja 経理タイプ
action infolog ja アクション
actions... infolog ja アクション...
actual date and time infolog ja 実際の日時
@ -56,7 +52,6 @@ all infolog ja 全て
all links and attachments infolog ja 全リンク/添付
all other %1 fields are valid infolog ja %1 以外の項目は有効です。
all projects infolog ja 全プロジェクト
all roles projectmanager ja 全ロール
allows to set the status of an entry, eg. set a todo to done if it's finished (values depend on entry-typ) infolog ja 項目状態の設定を許可する。
alternatives infolog ja 代替
always show them infolog ja 常に表示
@ -66,7 +61,6 @@ apply the changes infolog ja 変更を適用
archive infolog ja アーカイブ
are you shure you want to close this entry ? infolog ja この項目を閉じてよろしいですか?
are you shure you want to delete this entry ? infolog ja この項目を削除してよろしいですか?
assistant projectmanager ja アシスタント
attach a file infolog ja ファイルを添付
attach file infolog ja ファイルを添付
attachments infolog ja 添付ファイル
@ -104,7 +98,6 @@ colon (:) separated list of field names to use if value is empty or to sum up in
comment infolog ja コメント
compare infolog ja 比較
completed infolog ja 完了
completion projectmanager ja 完了
configuration infolog ja 環境設定
confirm infolog ja 確認
contact infolog ja 連絡先
@ -112,7 +105,6 @@ contact cf infolog ja コンタクト CF
contact fields infolog ja コンタクト項目
contactfield infolog ja コンタクト項目
convert to a ticket infolog ja チケットに変換
coordinator projectmanager ja コーディネーター
copy of: infolog ja コピー:
copy your changes to the clipboard, %1reload the entry%2 and merge them. infolog ja 変更をクリップボードにコピーし、%1 項目%2 をリロードしてマージ
create new links infolog ja 新規リンクを作成
@ -121,7 +113,6 @@ creates a new field infolog ja 新規項目を作成
creates a new status with the given values infolog ja 値域を指定して新規状態を作成
creates a new typ with the given name infolog ja 名前を指定して新規タイプを作成
creation infolog ja 作成
creation date and time projectmanager ja 作成日時
csv-fieldname infolog ja CSV 項目名
csv-filename infolog ja CSVファイル名
csv-import common ja CSV インポート
@ -136,7 +127,6 @@ custom regarding infolog ja カスタム挨拶文
custom status for typ infolog ja タイプのカスタム状態
customfields infolog ja カスタム項目
data exchange settings infolog ja データ交換設定
data from infolog ja データの取得元
date completed infolog ja 完了日
date completed (leave it empty to have it automatic set if status is done or billed) infolog ja 完了日。状態が完了(または課金済み)になる時に、完了日を自動的に設定する場合は空欄のままにしてください。
datecreated infolog ja 作成日
@ -191,7 +181,6 @@ empty for all infolog ja 空欄に設定すると全て
encrypt description infolog ja 説明を暗号化
end infolog ja 完了日
enddate infolog ja 締切日
end date infolog ja 締切日
enddate can not be before startdate infolog ja 締切日は開始日より前に設定できません。
enter a custom contact, leave empty if linked entry should be used infolog ja カスタム・コンタクトを入力してください。リンク項目から自動生成する場合は空欄に設定。
enter a custom phone/email, leave empty if linked entry should be used infolog ja カスタム電話番号/電子メールを入力してください。リンク項目から自動生成する場合は空欄に設定。
@ -202,19 +191,16 @@ error: importing the ical infolog ja iCalのインポートでエラー!
error: no mail (mailbox / uid) given! infolog ja エラー: メール(メールボックス/UID)がありません!
error: saving the entry infolog ja 項目の保存中にエラー!
error: the entry has been updated since you opened it for editing! infolog ja エラー: この項目は、既に他画面で編集中です!
Example {{IF n_prefix~Mr~Hello Mr.~Hello Ms.}} - search the field "n_prefix", for "Mr", if found, write Hello Mr., else write Hello Ms. infolog ja 例 {{IF n_prefix~Mr~Hello Mr.~Hello Ms.}} - 項目 "n_prefix" を "Mr" で検索し, もし見つかれば「Hello Mr.」と出力し、見つからなければ「Hello Ms.」と出力。
Example {{LETTERPREFIX}} - Gives a letter prefix without double spaces, if the title is emty for example infolog ja 例 {{LETTERPREFIX}} - ダブル・スペースを挟まずに接頭字を出力(タイトルが空欄の場合など)。
Example {{LETTERPREFIX}} - Gives a letter prefix without double spaces, if the title is emty for example infolog ja 例 {{LETTERPREFIX}} - ダブル・スペースを挟まずに接頭字を出力(タイトルが空欄の場合など)。
Example {{LETTERPREFIXCUSTOM n_prefix title n_family}} - Example: Mr Dr. James Miller infolog ja 例 {{LETTERPREFIXCUSTOM n_prefix title n_family}} - 例: Mr Dr. James Miller
Example {{NELF role}} - if field role is not empty, you will get a new line with the value of field role infolog ja 例 {{NELF role}} - 項目のロールが空欄でない場合、項目ロールの値と改行を出力。
Example {{NENVLF role}} - if field role is not empty, set a LF without any value of the field infolog ja 例 {{nenvlf role}} - 項目のロールが空欄でない場合、項目の値でなく改行を出力。
example {{if n_prefix~mr~hello mr.~hello ms.}} - search the field "n_prefix", for "mr", if found, write hello mr., else write hello ms. infolog ja 例 {{IF n_prefix~Mr~Hello Mr.~Hello Ms.}} - 項目 "n_prefix" を "Mr" で検索し, もし見つかれば「Hello Mr.」と出力し、見つからなければ「Hello Ms.」と出力。
example {{letterprefixcustom n_prefix title n_family}} - example: mr dr. james miller infolog ja 例 {{LETTERPREFIXCUSTOM n_prefix title n_family}} - 例: Mr Dr. James Miller
example {{nelf role}} - if field role is not empty, you will get a new line with the value of field role infolog ja 例 {{NELF role}} - 項目のロールが空欄でない場合、項目ロールの値と改行を出力。
example {{nenvlf role}} - if field role is not empty, set a lf without any value of the field infolog ja 例 {{nenvlf role}} - 項目のロールが空欄でない場合、項目の値でなく改行を出力。
execute a further action for this entry infolog ja この項目でアクションを実行
existing links infolog ja リンク
exists infolog ja 存在
export definition to use for nextmatch export infolog ja nextmatch エクスポートで使用する定義をエクスポート
exports in ical format. infolog ja iCal 形式でエクスポート
exports infolog entries into a csv file. infolog ja CSV ファイルにインフォログ項目をエクスポート
external projectmanager ja 協力会社
favorites infolog ja お気に入り
fax infolog ja FAX
field must not be empty !!! infolog ja 項目を空欄にする個とはできません!
@ -260,10 +246,11 @@ infolog - new subproject infolog ja インフォログ - 新規サブ・プロ
infolog - subprojects from infolog ja インフォログ - サブ・プロジェクト: 元=
infolog csv export infolog ja インフォログ CSV エクスポート
infolog csv import infolog ja インフォログ CSV インポート
infolog encryption requires epl subscription infolog ja InfoLogの暗号化にはEPLサブスクリプションが必要です。
infolog entry deleted infolog ja インフォログ項目を削除しました
infolog entry saved infolog ja インフォログ項目を保存しました
infolog fields: infolog ja インフォログ項目:
InfoLog filter for the home screen infolog ja メイン画面用インフォログ・フィルター
infolog filter for the home screen infolog ja メイン画面用インフォログ・フィルター
infolog ical export infolog ja インフォログ iCal エクスポート
infolog ical import infolog ja インフォログ iCal インポート
infolog id infolog ja インフォログ ID
@ -302,7 +289,6 @@ longer textual description infolog ja 詳細説明
low infolog ja 低
manage mapping infolog ja マッピングを管理
max length of the input [, length of the inputfield (optional)] infolog ja 入力の最大長 [, 入力項目の最大長 (オプション)]
modified date and time projectmanager ja 更新日時
modifier infolog ja 更新者
modifierer infolog ja 更新者
name must not be empty !!! infolog ja 名前を空欄にすることはできません!
@ -366,40 +352,27 @@ pattern for search in projects infolog ja プロジェクトの検索パター
percent completed infolog ja パーセント完了
permission denied infolog ja 権限が拒否されました!
permissions error - %1 could not %2 infolog ja 権限エラー - %1 は %2 をできません。
pe_sum_completion_shares projectmanager ja 完了共有
pe_total_shares projectmanager ja 共有
phone infolog ja 電話
phone/email infolog ja 電話/メール
phonecall infolog ja 電話発呼
planned budget projectmanager ja 予算
planned end date and time projectmanager ja 予定締切日時
planned infolog ja 予定済み
planned start date and time projectmanager ja 予定開始日時
planned time infolog ja 予定時刻
planned time projectmanager ja 予定時刻
planned time in minutes projectmanager ja 予定時間(分)
prefix for sub-entries (default: re:) infolog ja サブ項目の接頭辞(既定値 Re:)
price infolog ja 価格
pricelist infolog ja 価格表
primary link infolog ja プライマリ・リンク
print this infolog infolog ja このInfoLogを印刷する
printing... infolog ja 印刷中...
priority infolog ja 優先順位
private infolog ja プライベート
printing... infolog ja 印刷中...
project infolog ja プロジェクト
project id infolog ja プロジェクト ID
project id projectmanager ja プロジェクト ID
project name infolog ja プロジェクト名
project number projectmanager ja プロジェクト番号
project settings: price, times infolog ja プロジェクト設定: 価格, 時間
projectid projectmanager ja プロジェクト ID
projectmanager infolog ja プロジェクト・マネージャ
projectmember projectmanager ja プロジェクト・メンバー
re-planned infolog ja 再計画済み
re-planned time infolog ja 再計画後の時間
re-planned time projectmanager ja 再計画後の時間
re: infolog ja Re:
real start date and time projectmanager ja 実際の開始日時
real end date and time projectmanager ja 実際の終了日時
read one record by passing its id. infolog ja IDを送信してレコードを取得
read rights (default) infolog ja 読み取り権限(既定)
receive notifications about due entries you are responsible for infolog ja 自身が所有する期限付き項目について通知を受信
@ -417,7 +390,6 @@ removed infolog ja 削除されました。
removed category infolog ja 削除済みカテゴリ
replacement infolog ja 置換
replacements for inserting entries into documents infolog ja ドキュメントに項目挿入時に用いる置換
replanned time in minutes projectmanager ja 再計画後の時間(分)
responsible infolog ja 責任者
responsible open infolog ja 責任者 オープン
responsible open and upcoming infolog ja 責任者 オープン 直近
@ -425,7 +397,6 @@ responsible overdue infolog ja 責任者 期限切れ
responsible upcoming infolog ja 責任者 直近
responsible user, priority infolog ja 責任者, 優先順位
returns a list / search for records. infolog ja レコード一覧または検索結果を返す。
rights infolog ja 権限
rights for the responsible infolog ja 責任者の権限
rows infolog ja 行
same day infolog ja 同一日
@ -461,7 +432,7 @@ sets the status of this entry and its subs to done infolog ja この項目と全
sets the status of this entry to done infolog ja この項目の状態を完了に設定
should infolog show subtasks, -calls or -notes in the normal view or not. you can always view the subs via there parent. infolog ja インフォログの通常表示時に、サブ・タスク,電話,ノートを表示すべきか否かを指定します。サブ項目は親項目を通じていつでも表示できます。
should infolog show the links to other applications and/or the file-attachments in the infolog list (normal view when you enter infolog). infolog ja インフォログの一覧表示で、他のアプリケーションに対するリンク、および添付ファイルを表示すべきか否かを指定します。
Should InfoLog show up on the home screen and with which filter. Works only if you dont selected an application for the home screen (in your preferences). infolog ja ホームにインフォログ(+フィルター)を表示すべきか否かを指定します。共通設定でホーム画面に表示するアプリケーションを選択していない場合に限り有効。
should infolog show up on the home screen and with which filter. works only if you dont selected an application for the home screen (in your preferences). infolog ja ホームにインフォログ(+フィルター)を表示すべきか否かを指定します。共通設定でホーム画面に表示するアプリケーションを選択していない場合に限り有効。
should infolog use full names (surname and familyname) or just the loginnames. infolog ja インフォログで、フルネームを表示すべきか、あるいはログイン名を表示すべきかを指定します。
should the infolog list show a unique numerical id, which can be used eg. as ticket id. infolog ja インフォログ一覧で固有IDを表示すべきか否かを指定します。固有IDはチケットID等に使用されます。
should the infolog list show the column "last modified". infolog ja インフォログの一覧表示で、最終更新日を表示すべきか否かを指定します。
@ -469,7 +440,6 @@ should the infolog list show the percent done only for status ongoing or two sep
should this entry only be visible to you and people you grant privat access via the acl infolog ja この項目を閲覧できる人を、あなた自身と、ACLを通じて許可した人のみに制限します。
show a column for used and planned times in the list. infolog ja 計画時間と消費時間のカラムを表示します。
show a x if content equals this compare value, otherwise show nothing infolog ja 内容が、この比較対象値と一致する場合は X を表示します。そうでない場合は何も表示しません。
s[how full usernames infolog ja ユーザ名(フルネーム)を表示
show in the infolog list infolog ja インフォログ一覧で表示
show last modified infolog ja 最終更新日時を表示
show status and percent done separate infolog ja 状態と進捗%を別々に表示
@ -486,8 +456,8 @@ startdate must be before enddate!!! infolog ja 開始日は終了日よりも前
starting %1 infolog ja %1 を開始
startrecord infolog ja レコード開始
status infolog ja 状態
status, percent and date completed are always allowed. infolog ja 状態, 進捗パーセント, 完了日は常に編集を許可されます。
status ... infolog ja 状態 ...
status, percent and date completed are always allowed. infolog ja 状態, 進捗パーセント, 完了日は常に編集を許可されます。
sub infolog ja サブ
sub-entries become subs of the parent or main entries, if there's no parent infolog ja サブ項目は、親または主項目(親が無い場合)のサブになります。
sub-entries will not be closed infolog ja サブ項目は開いたままになります。
@ -532,10 +502,7 @@ use custom notification message infolog ja カスタム通知メッセージを
use field from csv if possible infolog ja CSV の項目を使用(可能な場合)
use search results infolog ja 検索結果を使う
use this tag for addresslabels. put the content, you want to repeat, between two tags. infolog ja アドレスラベル向けタグ。任意のコンテンツをこのタグで囲んで使用します。
used budget projectmanager ja 消費予算
used time infolog ja 消費時間
used time projectmanager ja 消費時間
used time in minutes projectmanager ja 消費時間(分)
values for selectbox infolog ja セレクトボックスで表示する値
view all subs of this entry infolog ja この項目の全サブ項目を表示
view other subs infolog ja 他のサブ項目を表示
@ -546,7 +513,6 @@ view the parent of this entry and all his subs infolog ja この項目の親と
view this linked entry in its application infolog ja この項目のリンク先情報を表示
when should the todo or phonecall be started, it shows up from that date in the filter open or own open (startpage) infolog ja ToDo、または電話発呼を開始する日。指定日以降、フィルター「オープン」または「所有者 オープン」で表示されます。
which additional fields should the responsible be allowed to edit without having edit rights? infolog ja 責任者が、編集権限無しでも編集可能な追加項目。
which implicit acl rights should the responsible get? infolog ja 責任者が取得する、暗黙の ACL 権限。
which participants should be preselected when scheduling an appointment. infolog ja 約束をスケジュールする際に、あらかじめ選択される参加者を指定します。
which types should the calendar show infolog ja カレンダーで表示するタイプ
which types should the calendar show like events? infolog ja カレンダーで表示すべきタイプ(イベント等)。
@ -564,7 +530,6 @@ you can choose a categorie to be preselected, when you create a new infolog entr
you can't delete one of the stock types !!! infolog ja システム定義タイプを削除することはできません!
you have entered an invalid ending date infolog ja 不正な締切日が入力されました!
you have entered an invalid starting date infolog ja 不正な開始日が入力されました!
you have to enter a name, to create a new typ!!! infolog ja 新規タイプを作成するためには名前が必要です!
you must enter a subject or a description infolog ja 件名、または説明を入力する必要があります。
you need to select an entry for linking. infolog ja リンクする項目を選択する必要があります。
you need to select some entries first infolog ja はじめに項目を選択する必要があります。
@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
addressbook placeholders available infolog lt Galimos adresų knygelės vietos žymos
encrypt description infolog lt Šifruoti aprašymą
full list of placeholder names infolog lt Pilnas vietos laikiklių pavadinimų sąrašas
infolog encryption requires epl subscription infolog lt InfoLog šifravimui reikalinga EPL prenumerata
insert timestamp into description field infolog lt Laiko žymos įterpimas į aprašymo lauką
print this infolog infolog lt Spausdinti šį informacinį žurnalą
printing... infolog lt Spausdinti...
@ -41,6 +41,7 @@ add sub infolog nl Sub toevoegen
add timesheet entry infolog nl Urenregistratie toevoegen
add: infolog nl Toevoegen:
added infolog nl toegevoegd
addressbook placeholders available infolog nl roadmangang.danmark@gmail.com remove
all infolog nl Alles
all links and attachments infolog nl alle links en bijlagen
all projects infolog nl Alle projecten
@ -142,6 +143,7 @@ edit status infolog nl Wijzig status
edit the entry infolog nl Wijzig de infolog
edit this entry infolog nl Wijzig dit infolog
empty for all infolog nl leeg voor alle
encrypt description infolog nl Beschrijving coderen
end infolog nl Einde
enddate infolog nl Einddatum
enddate can not be before startdate infolog nl Einddatum kan vroeger zijn dan begindatum
@ -168,6 +170,7 @@ finish infolog nl Einde
for serial letter use this tag. put the content, you want to repeat between two tags. infolog nl Gebruik deze tag voor serie brieven. Plaats de inhoud die herhaald moet worden tussen de twee tags.
for which types should this field be used infolog nl Voor welke type wordt dit veld gebruikt
from infolog nl Van
full list of placeholder names infolog nl Volledige lijst met namen van plaatshouders
general fields: infolog nl Algemene velden:
general settings infolog nl Algemene instellingen
global categories infolog nl Algemene categoriën
@ -193,14 +196,16 @@ infolog - import csv-file infolog nl InfoLog - Importeer CSV-bestand
infolog - new infolog nl InfoLog - Nieuw
infolog - new subproject infolog nl InfoLog - Nieuw subproject
infolog - subprojects from infolog nl InfoLog - Subprojecten van
infolog encryption requires epl subscription infolog nl InfoLog encryptie vereist EPL-abonnement
infolog entry deleted infolog nl InfoLog verwijderd
infolog entry saved infolog nl InfoLog opgeslagen
InfoLog filter for the home screen infolog nl InfoLog filter tbv de voorpagina
infolog filter for the home screen infolog nl InfoLog filter tbv de voorpagina
infolog list infolog nl InfoLog lijst
infolog preferences common nl InfoLog voorkeuren
infolog-fieldname infolog nl InfoLog-veldnaam
insert infolog nl Voeg toe
insert in document infolog nl Invoegen in document
insert timestamp into description field infolog nl Tijdstempel invoegen in beschrijvingsveld
invalid filename infolog nl Ongeldige bestandsnaam
label<br>helptext infolog nl Label<br/>Helptekst
last changed infolog nl Laatst gewijzigd
@ -279,6 +284,8 @@ planned time infolog nl geplande tijd
price infolog nl Prijs
pricelist infolog nl Prijslijst
primary link infolog nl primaire link
print this infolog infolog nl Deze InfoLog afdrukken
printing... infolog nl Afdrukken...
priority infolog nl Prioriteit
private infolog nl Privé
project infolog nl Project
@ -330,7 +337,7 @@ sender infolog nl Afzender
sets the status of this entry and its subs to done infolog nl Zet de status van dit item en de onderliggende op gedaan
should infolog show subtasks, -calls or -notes in the normal view or not. you can always view the subs via there parent. infolog nl Moet InfoLog subtaken, -telefoongesprekken of -notities standaard weergeven, ja of nee. U kunt altijd sub's weergeven via de bovenliggende infolog ?
should infolog show the links to other applications and/or the file-attachments in the infolog list (normal view when you enter infolog). infolog nl Moet InfoLog de links naar andere toepassingen en/of bestanden in de InfoLog lijst (normale weergave als u InfoLog start).
Should InfoLog show up on the home screen and with which filter. Works only if you dont selected an application for the home screen (in your preferences). infolog nl Moet InfoLog op de voorpagina getoond worden en met welk filter. Werkt alleen indien u geen toepassing voor de voorpagina heeft gekozen (in uw voorkeuren).
should infolog show up on the home screen and with which filter. works only if you dont selected an application for the home screen (in your preferences). infolog nl Moet InfoLog op de voorpagina getoond worden en met welk filter. Werkt alleen indien u geen toepassing voor de voorpagina heeft gekozen (in uw voorkeuren).
should infolog use full names (surname and familyname) or just the loginnames. infolog nl Moet InfoLog volledige namen (voor- en achternaam) gebruiken of alleen gebruikersnamen?
should the infolog list show a unique numerical id, which can be used eg. as ticket id. infolog nl Moet de InfoLog lijst een uniek nummer tonen dat bijvoorbeeld als ticket ID gebruik kan worden?
should the infolog list show the column "last modified". infolog nl Moet de InfoLog lijst de kolom "laatst gewijzigd" tonen?
@ -351,8 +358,8 @@ startdate enddate infolog nl Startdatum Einddatum
startdate for new entries infolog nl Startdatum voor nieuwe items
startrecord infolog nl Startregel
status infolog nl Status
status, percent and date completed are always allowed. infolog nl Status, percentage en datum voltooid zijn altijd toegestaan.
status ... infolog nl Status ...
status, percent and date completed are always allowed. infolog nl Status, percentage en datum voltooid zijn altijd toegestaan.
sub infolog nl Onderliggende
sub-entries become subs of the parent or main entries, if there's no parent infolog nl Sub infologs worden subs van de bovenliggende of hoofd infologs als er geen boven liggende infolog is
subject infolog nl Onderwerp
@ -395,7 +402,6 @@ view the parent of this entry and all his subs infolog nl Van deze infolog de bo
view this linked entry in its application infolog nl Gelinkt record in bijbehorende applicatie bekijken
when should the todo or phonecall be started, it shows up from that date in the filter open or own open (startpage) infolog nl Wanneer moet de Taak of het Telefoongesprek worden gestart? If zal vanaf die datum worden weergeven in het filter OPEN of EIGEN OPENSTAANDE
which additional fields should the responsible be allowed to edit without having edit rights? infolog nl Welke additionele velden moet de verantwoordelijke kunnen bewerken zonder daarvoor speciale bewerk rechten te moeten krijgen?
which implicit acl rights should the responsible get? infolog nl Welke impliciete ACL rechten moet de verantwoordelijke krijgen?
which types should the calendar show infolog nl Welke types moet de kalender weergeven
will-call infolog nl zal bellen
write (add or update) a record by passing its fields. infolog nl Schrijf (toevoegen of bijwerken) een record door de velden mee te geven.
@ -409,6 +415,5 @@ you can choose a categorie to be preselected, when you create a new infolog entr
you can't delete one of the stock types !!! infolog nl U kunt de standaard types niet verwijderen
you have entered an invalid ending date infolog nl U heeft een ongeldige einddatum ingevoerd
you have entered an invalid starting date infolog nl U heeft een ongeldige startdatum ingevoerd
you have to enter a name, to create a new typ!!! infolog nl U moet een naam invoeren om een nieuw type aan te maken!
you must enter a subject or a description infolog nl U moet een onderwerp of een beschrijving invoeren
your database is not up to date (%1 vs. %2), please run %3setup%4 to update your database. infolog nl Uw database is NIET actueel (%1 vs. %2), voer s.v.p. %3setup%4 uit om uw database te actualiseren.
@ -31,6 +31,7 @@ add sub infolog pl dodaj podrz.
add timesheet entry infolog pl Dodaj wpis czasu pracy
add: infolog pl Dodaj:
added infolog pl Dodano
addressbook placeholders available infolog pl Książka adresowa dostępna
all infolog pl Wszystko
all links and attachments infolog pl wszystkie linki i załączniki
all projects infolog pl Wszystkie projekty
@ -138,6 +139,7 @@ finish infolog pl Koniec
for serial letter use this tag. put the content, you want to repeat between two tags. infolog pl Użyj tego tagu dla listów seryjnych. Wstaw zawartość którą chcesz powtórzyć pomiędzy dwa tagi.
for which types should this field be used infolog pl dla jakich typów to pole będzie uzywane
from infolog pl Od
full list of placeholder names infolog pl Pełna lista nazw zastępczych
general fields: infolog pl Pola ogólne:
global categories infolog pl Kategorie globalne
group owner for infolog pl Właściciel grupowy dla
@ -156,9 +158,10 @@ infolog - import csv-file infolog pl CRM Dziennik - Import pliku CSV
infolog - new infolog pl CRM Dziennik - Nowy
infolog - new subproject infolog pl CRM Dziennik - Nowy podprojekt
infolog - subprojects from infolog pl CRM Dziennik - Podprojekt z
infolog encryption requires epl subscription infolog pl Szyfrowanie InfoLog wymaga subskrypcji EPL
infolog entry deleted infolog pl Wpis nfoLog skasowany
infolog entry saved infolog pl Wpis InfoLog zapisany
InfoLog filter for the home screen infolog pl Filtr dziennika na stronę główną
infolog filter for the home screen infolog pl Filtr dziennika na stronę główną
infolog list infolog pl CRM Dziennik lista
infolog preferences common pl CRM Dziennik preferencje
infolog-fieldname infolog pl CRM Dziennik - Nazwa pola
@ -233,6 +236,8 @@ planned infolog pl zaplanowany
planned time infolog pl Zaplanowany czas
price infolog pl Cena
pricelist infolog pl Cennik
print this infolog infolog pl Drukuj ten InfoLog
printing... infolog pl Drukowanie...
priority infolog pl Priorytet
private infolog pl Prywatne
project infolog pl Projekt
@ -257,6 +262,7 @@ rows infolog pl Wiersze
save infolog pl Zapisz
saves the changes made and leaves infolog pl zapisuje zmiany i wychodzi
saves this entry infolog pl Zapisz ten wpis
schedule appointment infolog pl Zaplanuj termin
search infolog pl Szukaj
search for: infolog pl Szukaj dla
select infolog pl Wybór
@ -274,10 +280,9 @@ select to filter by owner infolog pl wybierz aby sortować po właścicielu
select to filter by responsible infolog pl wybierz aby sortować po osobie odpowiedzialnej
sender infolog pl nadawca
sets the status of this entry and its subs to done infolog pl Ustaw stan wpisu i jego wpisów podrzędnych na "gotowy".
schedule appointment infolog pl Zaplanuj termin
should infolog show subtasks, -calls or -notes in the normal view or not. you can always view the subs via there parent. infolog pl Czy Dziennik CRM ma w domyślnym widoku wyświetlać wszystkie Zadania, Rozmowy i Notatki podrzędne? Możesz zawsze dotrzeć do nich poprzez ich <i>rodzica</i>.
should infolog show the links to other applications and/or the file-attachments in the infolog list (normal view when you enter infolog). infolog pl Czy Dziennik CRM powinien pokazywać odnośniki do innych aplikacji oraz/lub załączone pliki na liście zadań (domyślny widok gdy uruchamiany jest Dziennik CRM)?
Should InfoLog show up on the home screen and with which filter. Works only if you dont selected an application for the home screen (in your preferences). infolog pl Czy Dziennik CRM powinien pokazywać zadania na głównym ekranie a jeżeli tak, to z jakim filtrem. Działa tylko, jeżeli nie wybrano aplikacji na główny ekran (we wspólnych ustawieniach).
should infolog show up on the home screen and with which filter. works only if you dont selected an application for the home screen (in your preferences). infolog pl Czy Dziennik CRM powinien pokazywać zadania na głównym ekranie a jeżeli tak, to z jakim filtrem. Działa tylko, jeżeli nie wybrano aplikacji na główny ekran (we wspólnych ustawieniach).
should infolog use full names (surname and familyname) or just the loginnames. infolog pl Czy CRM - Dziennik ma używać pełnych danych osobowych (imię, nazwisko), czy tylko loginów.
should the infolog list show a unique numerical id, which can be used eg. as ticket id. infolog pl Czy na liście zadań Dziennika CRM pokazywać unikalny identyfikator numeryczny, który może być używany np. jako numer kolejny zadania?
should the infolog list show the column "last modified". infolog pl Czy na liście zadań Dziennika CRM pokazywać kolumnę "ostatnio zmodyfikowany"?
@ -298,11 +303,11 @@ startdate enddate infolog pl Data początku, data zakończenia
startdate for new entries infolog pl Data rozpoczęcia dla nowych zadań
startrecord infolog pl Początkowy rekord
status infolog pl Status
status, percent and date completed are always allowed. infolog pl Status, stopień zaawansowania oraz data wykonania są zawsze możliwe do edycji.
status ... infolog pl Status ...
status, percent and date completed are always allowed. infolog pl Status, stopień zaawansowania oraz data wykonania są zawsze możliwe do edycji.
sub infolog pl Podrz.
sub-entry infolog pl Wpis podrzędny
sub-entries become subs of the parent or main entries, if there's no parent infolog pl Zadania stają się podrzędne wobec zadań, z których je utworzono lub głównych zadań, jeżeli zadania z których je utworzono nie istnieją.
sub-entry infolog pl Wpis podrzędny
subject infolog pl Temat
tag to mark positions for address labels infolog pl Zaznacz, aby oznaczyć pozycję dla etykiet adresu
task infolog pl Zadanie
@ -341,7 +346,6 @@ view the parent of this entry and all his subs infolog pl Zoabcz rodzica tego wp
view this linked entry in its application infolog pl zoabcz podlinkowany wpis w jego aplikacji (np. w Książce Adresowej dla kontaktu)
when should the todo or phonecall be started, it shows up from that date in the filter open or own open (startpage) infolog pl Kiedy powinno się rozpocząć Zadanie lub Rozmowa telefoniczna
which additional fields should the responsible be allowed to edit without having edit rights? infolog pl Które dodatkowe pola powinna móc edytować osoba odpowiedzialna nie posiadając praw edycji?
which implicit acl rights should the responsible get? infolog pl Które prawa ACL powinna otrzymać niejawnie osoba odpowiedzialna?
will-call infolog pl zadzwoni
write (add or update) a record by passing its fields. infolog pl Zapisz (dodaj lub uaktualnij) zapis przez przechodzenie po jego polach
yes - delete infolog pl Tak - Usuń
@ -350,6 +354,5 @@ yes, with larger fontsize infolog pl Tak, z większą czcionką
you can't delete one of the stock types !!! infolog pl Nie możesz usunąć jesdnego z typów!!!
you have entered an invalid ending date infolog pl Podałeś niepoprawną datę zakończenia
you have entered an invalid starting date infolog pl Podałeś niepoprawną datę rozpoczęcia
you have to enter a name, to create a new typ!!! infolog pl Aby stworzyć nowy typ, musisz podać nazwę!!!
you must enter a subject or a description infolog pl Musisz podać temat lub opis
your database is not up to date (%1 vs. %2), please run %3setup%4 to update your database. infolog pl Twoja baza jest NIEAKTUALNA (%1 vs. %2), uruchom %3setup%4 aby zaktualizować bazę.
@ -41,6 +41,7 @@ add sub infolog pt-br adicionar uma Sub
add timesheet entry infolog pt-br Adicionar registro à planilha de tempo
add: infolog pt-br Adicionar:
added infolog pt-br adicionado
addressbook placeholders available infolog pt-br Disponibilização de porta-livros de endereços
all infolog pt-br Todos
all links and attachments infolog pt-br todos links e arquivos anexados
all projects infolog pt-br Todos projetos
@ -143,6 +144,7 @@ edit status infolog pt-br Editar o Status
edit the entry infolog pt-br Editar o registro
edit this entry infolog pt-br Editar este registro
empty for all infolog pt-br esvaziar tudo
encrypt description infolog pt-br Descrição encriptada
end infolog pt-br Fim
enddate infolog pt-br Data Final
enddate can not be before startdate infolog pt-br A data final não pode ser anterior a data inicial
@ -165,6 +167,7 @@ finish infolog pt-br finalizar
for serial letter use this tag. put the content, you want to repeat between two tags. infolog pt-br Para cartas em série use esta tag. Coloque o conteúdo, que você quer que repita, entre duas Tags.
for which types should this field be used infolog pt-br para quais tipos este campo deve ser utilizado
from infolog pt-br De
full list of placeholder names infolog pt-br Lista completa de nomes de titulares de lugar
general fields: infolog pt-br Campos gerais:
general settings infolog pt-br Definições gerais
global categories infolog pt-br Categorias Globais
@ -188,14 +191,16 @@ infolog - import csv-file infolog pt-br Importar arquivo CVS - Tarefas
infolog - new infolog pt-br Nova - Tarefas
infolog - new subproject infolog pt-br Novo Subprojeto - Tarefas
infolog - subprojects from infolog pt-br Novo Subprojeto de - Tarefas
infolog encryption requires epl subscription infolog pt-br A criptografia InfoLog requer Assinatura EPL
infolog entry deleted infolog pt-br Tarefa removida
infolog entry saved infolog pt-br Tarefa salva
InfoLog filter for the home screen infolog pt-br Filtro para Tarefas na Página Inicial
infolog filter for the home screen infolog pt-br Filtro para Tarefas na Página Inicial
infolog list infolog pt-br Lista de Tarefas
infolog preferences common pt-br Preferências - Tarefas
infolog-fieldname infolog pt-br Nome do campo - Tarefas
insert infolog pt-br Inserir
insert in document infolog pt-br Inserir em documento
insert timestamp into description field infolog pt-br Insira o carimbo da hora no campo de descrição
invalid filename infolog pt-br Nome de arquivo inválido
label<br>helptext infolog pt-br Etiqueta<br>Texto para ajuda
last changed infolog pt-br Última alteração
@ -275,6 +280,8 @@ planned time infolog pt-br Horas planejadas
price infolog pt-br Preço
pricelist infolog pt-br Lista de preços
primary link infolog pt-br Link primário
print this infolog infolog pt-br Imprima este InfoLog
printing... infolog pt-br Impressão...
priority infolog pt-br Prioridade
private infolog pt-br Particular
project infolog pt-br Projeto
@ -325,7 +332,7 @@ select to filter by responsible infolog pt-br Selecione para filtrar por respons
sets the status of this entry and its subs to done infolog pt-br Configura o status deste registros e seus sub-registros como Completada
should infolog show subtasks, -calls or -notes in the normal view or not. you can always view the subs via there parent. infolog pt-br As sub tarefas de chamadas, notas, devem ser mostradas ou não . Você pode sempre pode visualizar as sub tarefas à partir da principal.
should infolog show the links to other applications and/or the file-attachments in the infolog list (normal view when you enter infolog). infolog pt-br Links para outros aplicativos ou anexos deverão ser exibidos na lista de Tarefas (quando você abrir Tarefas em modo normal de visualização).
Should InfoLog show up on the home screen and with which filter. Works only if you dont selected an application for the home screen (in your preferences). infolog pt-br O aplicativo Tarefas deverá ser exibido na Página Inicial ? Com qual filtro? Funciona somente se você não selecionou um aplicativo para sua Página Inicial (em suas preferências).
should infolog show up on the home screen and with which filter. works only if you dont selected an application for the home screen (in your preferences). infolog pt-br O aplicativo Tarefas deverá ser exibido na Página Inicial ? Com qual filtro? Funciona somente se você não selecionou um aplicativo para sua Página Inicial (em suas preferências).
should infolog use full names (surname and familyname) or just the loginnames. infolog pt-br O aplicativo Tarefas deve usar o nome completo (nome e sobrenome) ou apenas o login de acesso.
should the infolog list show a unique numerical id, which can be used eg. as ticket id. infolog pt-br A lista do aplicativo Tarefas deverá exibir um identificador número único, que poderá ser usado, por exemplo, como identificador de Ticket.
should the infolog list show the column "last modified". infolog pt-br A lista do aplicativo Tarefas deverá exibir a coluna "Última alteração".
@ -346,8 +353,8 @@ startdate enddate infolog pt-br Data inicial / Data Final
startdate for new entries infolog pt-br Data inicial para novas tarefas
startrecord infolog pt-br Iniciar registro
status infolog pt-br Status
status, percent and date completed are always allowed. infolog pt-br Status, percentagem e data de finalização são sempre autorizados.
status ... infolog pt-br Status ...
status, percent and date completed are always allowed. infolog pt-br Status, percentagem e data de finalização são sempre autorizados.
sub infolog pt-br Sub
sub-entries become subs of the parent or main entries, if there's no parent infolog pt-br Sub-entradas tornam-se "filhas" da "entrada-pai" ou, se não houver "entrada-pai", da entrada principal
subject infolog pt-br Assunto
@ -389,7 +396,6 @@ view the parent of this entry and all his subs infolog pt-br Ver o registro supe
view this linked entry in its application infolog pt-br Ver esse link no aplicativo correspondente
when should the todo or phonecall be started, it shows up from that date in the filter open or own open (startpage) infolog pt-br Quando uma pendência ou chamada for iniciada ela deverá ser mostrada primeiro no filtro que esteja aberto ou na sua página inicial
which additional fields should the responsible be allowed to edit without having edit rights? infolog pt-br Que registros adicionais o responsável estará autorizado a editar sem ter acesso à edição?
which implicit acl rights should the responsible get? infolog pt-br Que direitos implícitos o responsável deverá receber ?
which types should the calendar show infolog pt-br Quais tipos deverão ser exibidos pela Agenda
will-call infolog pt-br a chamar
write (add or update) a record by passing its fields. infolog pt-br Escrever (adicionar ou atualizar) um registro contornando seus campos.
@ -403,6 +409,5 @@ you can choose a categorie to be preselected, when you create a new infolog entr
you can't delete one of the stock types !!! infolog pt-br Você não pode apagar um destes tipos!!!
you have entered an invalid ending date infolog pt-br Você informou uma data final inválida
you have entered an invalid starting date infolog pt-br Você informou uma data inícial inválida
you have to enter a name, to create a new typ!!! infolog pt-br Você deve digitar um nome para criar um novo tipo!!!
you must enter a subject or a description infolog pt-br Você deve digitar um assunto ou uma descrição
your database is not up to date (%1 vs. %2), please run %3setup%4 to update your database. infolog pt-br Sua base de dados NÃO está atualizada (%1 x %2), por favor execute %3setup%4 para atualizá-la.
@ -163,6 +163,7 @@ edit status infolog pt Editar estado
edit the entry infolog pt Editar o registo
edit this entry infolog pt Editar este registo
empty for all infolog pt vazio para todos
encrypt description infolog pt Descrição encriptada
end infolog pt Fim
enddate infolog pt Data limite
enddate can not be before startdate infolog pt Data limite não pode ser anterior à data de início
@ -216,13 +217,13 @@ infolog - import csv-file infolog pt Acesso à informação - Importar ficheiro
infolog - new infolog pt Acesso à informação - Novo
infolog - new subproject infolog pt Acesso à informação - Novo sub-projecto
infolog - subprojects from infolog pt Acesso à informação - Sub-projectos de
infolog copied - the copy can now be edited infolog pt Infolog copiado - a cópia pode agora ser editado
infolog csv export infolog pt Infolog CSV exportação
infolog csv import infolog pt Importação CSV Infolog
infolog encryption requires epl subscription infolog pt A encriptação InfoLog requer Subscrição EPL
infolog entry deleted infolog pt Registo do acesso à informação eliminado
infolog entry saved infolog pt Registo do acesso à informação guardado
infolog fields: infolog pt Infolog campos:
InfoLog filter for the home screen infolog pt Filtro do acesso à informação para o ecrã principal
infolog filter for the home screen infolog pt Filtro do acesso à informação para o ecrã principal
infolog ical export infolog pt Infolog iCal export
infolog ical import infolog pt Importação Infolog iCal
infolog id infolog pt Infolog ID
@ -231,6 +232,7 @@ infolog preferences common pt Preferências do acesso à informação
infolog-fieldname infolog pt Acesso à informação - Nome do campo
insert infolog pt Inserir
insert in document infolog pt Insira no documento
insert timestamp into description field infolog pt Inserir carimbo da hora no campo de descrição
invalid filename infolog pt Nome de ficheiro inválido
invalid status for entry type %1. infolog pt Estado inválido para o tipo de entrada% 1.
label<br>helptext infolog pt Etiqueta<br>Texto de ajuda
@ -322,6 +324,8 @@ prefix for sub-entries (default: re:) infolog pt Prefixo para sub-entradas (defa
price infolog pt Preço
pricelist infolog pt Lista de preços
primary link infolog pt Ligação primária
print this infolog infolog pt Imprimir este InfoLog
printing... infolog pt Impressão...
priority infolog pt Prioridade
private infolog pt Privado
project infolog pt Projecto
@ -386,7 +390,7 @@ sets the status of this entry and its subs to done infolog pt Configura o estado
sets the status of this entry to done infolog pt Define o status desta entrada para done
should infolog show subtasks, -calls or -notes in the normal view or not. you can always view the subs via there parent. infolog pt O acesso à informação deve ou não exibir sub-tarefas, chamadas ou notas na visualização normal? Pode sempre vê-las através dos respectivos elementos principais.
should infolog show the links to other applications and/or the file-attachments in the infolog list (normal view when you enter infolog). infolog pt O acesso à informação deve exibir as ligações a outras aplicações e/ou aos anexos de ficheiros na lista do acesso à informação (na visualização normal ao entrar no acesso à informação)?
Should InfoLog show up on the home screen and with which filter. Works only if you dont selected an application for the home screen (in your preferences). infolog pt O acesso à informação deve ser exibido no ecrã principal? Com que filtro? Está opção só será possível, se não seleccionar uma aplicação para o ecrã principal (nas suas preferências).
should infolog show up on the home screen and with which filter. works only if you dont selected an application for the home screen (in your preferences). infolog pt O acesso à informação deve ser exibido no ecrã principal? Com que filtro? Está opção só será possível, se não seleccionar uma aplicação para o ecrã principal (nas suas preferências).
should infolog use full names (surname and familyname) or just the loginnames. infolog pt O acesso à informação deve utilizar nomes completos (nome próprio e apelido) ou apenas nomes de utilizador?
should the infolog list show a unique numerical id, which can be used eg. as ticket id. infolog pt A lista de acesso à informação deve exibir uma ID numérica única, que possa ser utilizada, por exemplo, como uma ID de bilhete?
should the infolog list show the column "last modified". infolog pt A lista de acesso à informação deve ou não exibir a coluna "última modificação"?
@ -409,8 +413,8 @@ startdate must be before enddate!!! infolog pt STARTDATE deve ser antes endDate!
starting %1 infolog pt A partir de 1%
startrecord infolog pt Iniciar registo
status infolog pt Estado
status, percent and date completed are always allowed. infolog pt A edição do estado, percentagem e data de conclusão é sempre autorizada.
status ... infolog pt Estado ...
status, percent and date completed are always allowed. infolog pt A edição do estado, percentagem e data de conclusão é sempre autorizada.
sub infolog pt Sub-registo
sub-entries become subs of the parent or main entries, if there's no parent infolog pt Os sub-registos tornam-se sub-registos de registos principais, ou registos principais se não existirem registos principais.
sub-entries will not be closed infolog pt Sub entradas não serão fechadas
@ -460,7 +464,6 @@ view the parent of this entry and all his subs infolog pt Ver o registo principa
view this linked entry in its application infolog pt Ver este registo ligado na sua aplicação
when should the todo or phonecall be started, it shows up from that date in the filter open or own open (startpage) infolog pt Quando as tarefas ou chamadas telefónicas devem ser executadas. Surgem a partir dessa data no filtro--abertas ou no minhas--abertas (página inicial)
which additional fields should the responsible be allowed to edit without having edit rights? infolog pt Sem ter direitos de edição, o responsável deve estar autorizado a editar que campos adicionais?
which implicit acl rights should the responsible get? infolog pt O responsável deve ter que direitos ACL implícitos?
which types should the calendar show infolog pt Quais os tipos deve o calendário mostra
will-call infolog pt Por telefonar
write (add or update) a record by passing its fields. infolog pt Editar (adicionar ou actualizar) um registo ao passar os seus campos.
@ -475,7 +478,6 @@ yes, with purging of deleted items possible infolog pt Sim, com o expurgo de ite
you can't delete one of the stock types !!! infolog pt Não pode eliminar um dos tipos de armazenamento !!!
you have entered an invalid ending date infolog pt Inseriu uma data de fim inválida
you have entered an invalid starting date infolog pt Inseriu uma data de início inválida
you have to enter a name, to create a new typ!!! infolog pt É necessário inserir um nome para criar um novo tipo!!!
you must enter a subject or a description infolog pt É necessário inserir um assunto ou uma descrição
you need to select an entry for linking. infolog pt Você precisa selecionar uma entrada para a ligação.
you need to select some entries first infolog pt Você precisa selecionar algumas entradas em primeiro lugar.
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
addressbook placeholders available infolog ro Carnet de adrese disponibile
encrypt description infolog ro Criptare descriere
full list of placeholder names infolog ro Lista completă a numelor de caractere de poziție
infolog encryption requires epl subscription infolog ro Criptarea InfoLog necesită abonament EPL
insert timestamp into description field infolog ro Inserarea datei și a orei în câmpul de descriere
print this infolog infolog ro Tipăriți acest InfoLog
printing... infolog ro Imprimarea...
@ -47,6 +47,7 @@ add sub infolog ru Добавить дочернюю запись
add timesheet entry infolog ru Добавить запись табеля учета времени
add: infolog ru Добавить:
added infolog ru Добавлено
addressbook placeholders available infolog ru Доступны держатели адресной книги
all infolog ru Все
all links and attachments infolog ru все ссылки и вложения
all projects infolog ru Все проекты
@ -172,6 +173,7 @@ edit status infolog ru Редактировать состояние
edit the entry infolog ru Редактировать запись
edit this entry infolog ru Редактировать эту запись
empty for all infolog ru пусто для всех
encrypt description infolog ru Зашифровать описание
end infolog ru Завершение
enddate infolog ru До даты
enddate can not be before startdate infolog ru До даты не может быть раньше даты начала
@ -236,13 +238,13 @@ infolog - import csv-file infolog ru Журнал - импорт файла CSV
infolog - new infolog ru Журнал - Новый
infolog - new subproject infolog ru Журнал - Новый Подпроект
infolog - subprojects from infolog ru Журнал - Подпроект из
infolog copied - the copy can now be edited infolog ru ИнфоЖурнал скопирован - теперь копию можно редактировать
infolog csv export infolog ru Экспорт ИнфоЖурнала в формате CSV
infolog csv import infolog ru Bcgjhn в ИнфоЖурнал в формате CSV
infolog encryption requires epl subscription infolog ru Для шифрования InfoLog требуется подписка EPL
infolog entry deleted infolog ru Запись Журнала удалена
infolog entry saved infolog ru Запись Журнала сохранена
infolog fields: infolog ru Поля ИнфоЖурнала:
InfoLog filter for the home screen infolog ru Фильтр Журнала для основного экрана
infolog filter for the home screen infolog ru Фильтр Журнала для основного экрана
infolog ical export infolog ru Экспорт ИнфоЖурнала в формате iCal
infolog ical import infolog ru Импорт в ИнфоЖурнале в формате iCal
infolog id infolog ru ID записи ИнфоЖурнала
@ -251,6 +253,7 @@ infolog preferences common ru Настройки Журнала
infolog-fieldname infolog ru Название поля Журнала
insert infolog ru Вставить
insert in document infolog ru Вставить в документ
insert timestamp into description field infolog ru Вставка временной метки в поле описания
invalid filename infolog ru Неправильное имя файла
invalid owner id: %1. might be a bad field translation. used %2 instead. infolog ru Неправильный ID владельца: %1. Вместо него использовано %2.
invalid status for entry type %1. infolog ru Неверный статус для записи типа %1.
@ -348,6 +351,8 @@ prefix for sub-entries (default: re:) infolog ru Префикс для доче
price infolog ru Цена
pricelist infolog ru Прайслист
primary link infolog ru Первичная ссылка
print this infolog infolog ru Печать этого инфологического журнала
printing... infolog ru Печать...
priority infolog ru Приоритет
private infolog ru Личный
project infolog ru Проект
@ -417,7 +422,7 @@ sets the status of this entry and its subs to done infolog ru Устанавли
sets the status of this entry to done infolog ru Устанавливает статус этой записи на "Выполнено"
should infolog show subtasks, -calls or -notes in the normal view or not. you can always view the subs via there parent. infolog ru Должен ли Журнал показывает подзадания, -звонки или -заметки в нормальном виде или нет. Вы всегда можете посмотреть подэлементы через их родителей.
should infolog show the links to other applications and/or the file-attachments in the infolog list (normal view when you enter infolog). infolog ru Должен ли Журнал показывать ссылки на другие приложения и/или прикрепленные файлы в списке Журнала (нормальный вид при входе в Журнал)
Should InfoLog show up on the home screen and with which filter. Works only if you dont selected an application for the home screen (in your preferences). infolog ru Должен ли Журнал отображаться на основной странице и с каким фильтром. Работает только если Вы не выбрали приложение для основной страницы (в Ваших настройках).
should infolog show up on the home screen and with which filter. works only if you dont selected an application for the home screen (in your preferences). infolog ru Должен ли Журнал отображаться на основной странице и с каким фильтром. Работает только если Вы не выбрали приложение для основной страницы (в Ваших настройках).
should infolog use full names (surname and familyname) or just the loginnames. infolog ru Должен ли Журнал использовать полные имена (имя и фамилия) или только имена для входа
should the infolog list show a unique numerical id, which can be used eg. as ticket id. infolog ru Должен ли список Журнала показывать уникальные числовые идентификаторы, которые могут быть использованы, например, как идентификаторы талонов
should the infolog list show the column "last modified". infolog ru Должен ли список Журнала показывать колонку "последнее изменение"
@ -440,8 +445,8 @@ startdate for new entries infolog ru Дата начала для новых з
starting %1 infolog ru Начиная с %1
startrecord infolog ru Начальная запись
status infolog ru Состояние
status, percent and date completed are always allowed. infolog ru Состояние, процент и дата завершения уже разрешены.
status ... infolog ru Состояние ...
status, percent and date completed are always allowed. infolog ru Состояние, процент и дата завершения уже разрешены.
sub infolog ru Под
sub-entries become subs of the parent or main entries, if there's no parent infolog ru Под-записи становятся подзаписями родительских или главных записей если нет родителей
sub-entries will not be closed infolog ru Дочерние записи не будут закрыты
@ -494,7 +499,6 @@ view the parent of this entry and all his subs infolog ru Показать ро
view this linked entry in its application infolog ru Показать данную запись в ее приложении
when should the todo or phonecall be started, it shows up from that date in the filter open or own open (startpage) infolog ru когда Задание или Телефонный Звонок должны начаться, они показываются с этой даты при открытии фильтра или просто открытии (стартовая страница) (?..)
which additional fields should the responsible be allowed to edit without having edit rights? infolog ru Какие дополнительные поля должен мочь редактировать ответственный, не имея прав на редактирование?
which implicit acl rights should the responsible get? infolog ru Какие подразумеваемые права ACL должен получить ответственный?
which participants should be preselected when scheduling an appointment. infolog ru Какие участники должны быть предварительно выбраны для расписания встречи.
which types should the calendar show infolog ru Какие типы календарь должен показывать
will-call infolog ru Позвонит
@ -511,7 +515,6 @@ you can choose a categorie to be preselected, when you create a new infolog entr
you can't delete one of the stock types !!! infolog ru Вы не можете удалить один из основных типов!!!
you have entered an invalid ending date infolog ru Вы ввели неверную дату окончания
you have entered an invalid starting date infolog ru Вы ввели неверную дату начала
you have to enter a name, to create a new typ!!! infolog ru Вы должны ввести имя, чтобы создать новый тип!!!
you must enter a subject or a description infolog ru Вы должны ввести тему или описание
you need to select an entry for linking. infolog ru Необходимо выбрать запись для ссылки.
you need to select some entries first infolog ru Необходимо сначала выбрать записи.
@ -215,6 +215,7 @@ for infolog type %1, %2 is required infolog sk Pre typ Záznamníka %1, je potre
for serial letter use this tag. put the content, you want to repeat between two tags. infolog sk Použite túto značku pre hromadnú správu. Obsah, ktorý chcete opakovať, umiestnite medzi dve takéto značky.
for which types should this field be used infolog sk Pre ktoré typy sa má použiť toto pole
from infolog sk Od
full list of placeholder names infolog sk Úplný zoznam názvov zástupných znakov
general fields: infolog sk Všeobecné polia:
general settings infolog sk Veobecné nastavenia
global categories infolog sk Globálne kategórie
@ -457,8 +458,8 @@ startdate must be before enddate!!! infolog sk Dátu začiatku musí byť pred d
starting %1 infolog sk Začiatok %1
startrecord infolog sk Prvý záznam
status infolog sk Stav
status, percent and date completed are always allowed. infolog sk Stav, percentuálny stav vybavenia a dátum dokončenia sú prístupné vždy.
status ... infolog sk Stav...
status, percent and date completed are always allowed. infolog sk Stav, percentuálny stav vybavenia a dátum dokončenia sú prístupné vždy.
sub infolog sk Podradené
sub-entries become subs of the parent or main entries, if there's no parent infolog sk Podzáznamy sa dostanú pod rodičovské alebo hlavné záznamy, ak nie je k dispozícii rodičovský.
sub-entries will not be closed infolog sk Podpoložky nebudú uzavreté
@ -513,7 +514,6 @@ view the parent of this entry and all his subs infolog sk Zobraziť rodičovský
view this linked entry in its application infolog sk Zobraziť tento odkaz v jeho aplikácii
when should the todo or phonecall be started, it shows up from that date in the filter open or own open (startpage) infolog sk keď má byť začatá Úloha alebo Telefonát, ukáže sa akoby od tohto dátumu vo filtri "otvorené" alebo "moje otvorené" (úvodná stránka)
which additional fields should the responsible be allowed to edit without having edit rights? infolog sk Ktoré prídavné položky majú byť zodpovednej osobe prístupné pre úpravy, a to aj bez pridelených práv na úpravy?
which implicit acl rights should the responsible get? infolog sk Ktoré implicitné ACL oprávnenia má zodpovedná osoba obdržať automaticky?
which participants should be preselected when scheduling an appointment. infolog sk Ktorí účastníci majú byť predvybratí pri plánovaní pozvania.
which types should the calendar show infolog sk Aké typy má kalendár ukazovať
which types should the calendar show like events? infolog sk Aké typy má kalendár zobrazovať ako udalosti?
@ -1,4 +1,3 @@
%1 copied - the copy can now be edited infolog sl Kopirano je %1 - kopijo lahko zdaj urejate
%1 days in advance infolog sl %1 dni vnaprej
%1 deleted infolog sl %1 izbrisan
%1 deleted by %2 at %3 infolog sl %1 izbrisal %2 dne %3
@ -31,12 +30,10 @@
a short subject for the entry infolog sl Kratek predmet za vnos
abort without deleting infolog sl Prekliči brez brisanja
accept infolog sl Sprejmi
access infolog sl Dostop
action infolog sl Dejanje
actions... infolog sl Dejanja ...
actual date and time infolog sl Dejanski datum in čas
add infolog sl Dodaj
add %1 infolog sl Dodaj %1
add / remove link infolog sl Dodaj / odstrani povezavo
add a file infolog sl Dodaj datoteko
add a new entry infolog sl Dodaj nov zapis
@ -48,12 +45,9 @@ add file infolog sl Dodaj datoteko
add or delete links infolog sl Dodajanje ali brisanje povezav
add sub infolog sl Dodaj namestnika
add timesheet entry infolog sl Dodaj vnos timeheet
add user to responsibles infolog sl dodajte uporabnika odgovornim osebam
add user to responsibles, removing evtl. previous category user infolog sl dodajte uporabnika odgovornim, odstranite evtl. uporabnika prejšnje kategorije
add: infolog sl Dodaj:
added infolog sl Dodano
addressbook placeholders available infolog sl Imetniki naslovnikov so na voljo
admin infolog sl Skrbnik
all infolog sl Vse
all links and attachments infolog sl Vse povezave in priponke
all other %1 fields are valid infolog sl Vsa druga polja %1 so veljavna
@ -87,7 +81,6 @@ change completion infolog sl Spremeni zaključeno
change history infolog sl Spremembe
change owner when updating infolog sl Spremenite lastnika ob posodabljanju
change the status of an entry, eg. close it infolog sl Sprememba statusa vnosa, npr. zapiranje
changed infolog sl spremenjeno
changed category to %1 infolog sl Spremenjena kategorija v %1
changed completion to %1% infolog sl Sprememba končanja na %1%
changed status to %1 infolog sl Spremenjen status na %1
@ -134,7 +127,6 @@ custom regarding infolog sl Lastno glede na
custom status for typ infolog sl Lastni satus za tip
customfields infolog sl Lastna polja
data exchange settings infolog sl Nastavitve za izmenjavo podatkov
date infolog sl Datum
date completed infolog sl Datum zaključka
date completed (leave it empty to have it automatic set if status is done or billed) infolog sl Datum zaključka (pustite prazno, da se nastavi samodejno, če je status nastavljen na Končano ali Obračunano)
datecreated infolog sl Datum ustvarjanja
@ -162,7 +154,6 @@ description infolog sl Opis
determines the order the fields are displayed infolog sl ugotovi vrstni red polj, ki so prikazana
directory with documents to insert entries infolog sl Mapa z dokumenti za vstavljanje
disables a status without deleting it infolog sl Onemogoči status brez brisanja
do you really want to delete this rule infolog sl Ali res želite izbrisati to pravilo
do you want a confirmation of the responsible on: accepting, finishing the task or both infolog sl Ali želite potrdilo odgovornosti za: sprejemanje, končanje naloge ali oboje?
do you want a notification if items owned by groups you are part of get updated ? infolog sl Ali želite obvestilo, če so elementi v lasti skupin, v katere ste vključeni, posodobljeni?
do you want a notification, if items get assigned to you or assigned items get updated? infolog sl Želite prejeti obvestilo, če je element dodeljen vam ali se dodeljeni elemeni posodobijo?
@ -202,7 +193,6 @@ error: saving the entry infolog sl Napaka pri shranjevanju vnosa
error: the entry has been updated since you opened it for editing! infolog sl Napaka: vnos je bil spremenjen odkar ste ga odprli za urejanje!
example {{if n_prefix~mr~hello mr.~hello ms.}} - search the field "n_prefix", for "mr", if found, write hello mr., else write hello ms. infolog sl Primer {{IF n_prefix~Mr~Pozdravljeni g.~Pozdravljeni gospa}} - poiščite polje "n_prefix", za "gospod", če najdete, pišite Hello godpod, drugače pišite Hello gospa.
example {{letterprefixcustom n_prefix title n_family}} - example: mr dr. james miller infolog sl Primer {{LETTERPREFIXCUSTOM n_prefix naslov n_family}} - Primer: g. Dr. James Miller
example {{letterprefix}} - gives a letter prefix without double spaces, if the title is emty for example infolog sl Primer {{LETTERPREFIX}} - daje črkovno predpono brez dvojnih presledkov, če je naslov na primer na primer
example {{nelf role}} - if field role is not empty, you will get a new line with the value of field role infolog sl Primer {{NELF vloga}} - če poljska vloga ni prazna, boste dobili novo vrstico z vrednostjo vloge na poljubnem mestu
example {{nenvlf role}} - if field role is not empty, set a lf without any value of the field infolog sl Primer {{nenvlf role}} - če poljska vloga ni prazna, nastavite LF brez poljubne vrednosti polja
execute a further action for this entry infolog sl Izvede dodatna dejanja za ta vnos
@ -232,7 +222,6 @@ high infolog sl Visoko
history infolog sl Zgodovina
history logging infolog sl Beleenje zgodovine
history logging and deleting of items infolog sl Beleenje zgodovine in brisanje elementov
how many describtion lines should be directly visible. further lines are available via a scrollbar. infolog sl Koliko opisnih vrstic bi moralo biti neposredno vidnih. Dodatne vrstice so na voljo preko drsnega traku.
how wide should the description area be. this value is numeric and interpreted as em; 60 works reasonably well. infolog sl Kako široko bi bilo treba opisno območje. Ta vrednost je številka, npr. 60.
html link to the current record infolog sl Povezava HTML s trenutnim zapisom
id infolog sl Šifra
@ -240,13 +229,10 @@ id# infolog sl ID#
if a type has a group owner, all entries of that type will be owned by the given group and not the user who created it! infolog sl Če ima vrsta skupinskega lastnika, bo lastnik vseh vnosov te vrste dana skupina in NE uporabnik, ki jo je ustvaril!
if not set, the line with search and filters is hidden for less entries then "max matches per page" (as defined in your common preferences). infolog sl Če ni nastavljen, je vrstica za iskanje in filtriranje skrita za manj vnosov kakor "maksimalno število zadetkov na stran" (kakor je definirano v vaših nastavitvah.
if you specify a directory (full vfs path) here, %1 displays an action for each document. that action allows to download the specified document with the data inserted. infolog sl Če določite imenik (celotna pot vfs), bo %1 prikazalo dejanje za vsak dokument. To dejanje omogoča prenos določenega dokumenta z vstavljenimi podatki.
if you specify a directory (full vfs path) here, opravila displays an action for each document. that action allows to download the specified document with the data inserted. the document can contain placeholder like {{info_subject}}, to be replaced with the data. the following document-types are supported:*.rtf, *.txt infolog sl Če podate naslov (celotno pot vfs) tukaj, bo Opravila prikazal dejanje za vsak dokument. To dejanje omogoča prenos določenega dokumenta z vstavljenimi podatki. Dokument lahko vsebuje vsebnik kot {{info_subject}}, ki ga je treba zamenjati s podatki. Podprte so naslednje vrste dokumentov: *. Rtf, * .txt
if you specify a document (full vfs path) here, %1 displays an extra document icon for each entry. that icon allows to download the specified document with the data inserted. infolog sl Če določite dokument (celotno pot vfs) tukaj,%1 prikaže ikono dodatne ikone za vsak vnos. Ta ikona omogoča prenos določenega dokumenta z vstavljenimi podatki.
if you specify a document (full vfs path) here, opravila displays an extra document icon for each entry. that icon allows to download the specified document with the data inserted. the document can contain placeholder like {{info_subject}}, to be replaced with the data. the following document-types are supported:*.rtf, *.txt infolog sl Če določite dokument (celotna pot vfs), bo za vsak vnos prikazala ikono dodatne dokumentacije. Ta ikona omogoča prenos določenega dokumenta z vstavljenimi podatki. Dokument lahko vsebuje vsebnik kot {{info_subject}}, ki ga je treba zamenjati s podatki. Podprte so naslednje vrste dokumentov: *. Rtf, * .txt
if you specify an export definition, it will be used when you export infolog sl Če določite definicijo izvoza, se bo uporabil, ko boste izvozili
import next set infolog sl Uvozi naslednji niz
importance infolog sl Pomen
imports entries into the infolog from a csv file. csv means 'comma seperated values'. however in the options tab you can also choose other seperators. infolog sl Uvoz vnosov v InfoLog iz datoteke CSV. CSV pomeni "vrednosti ločene z vejico". V zavihku z možnostmi lahko izberete tudi druge separatorje.
imports todos into infolog from an ical file. infolog sl Uvozi TODO v Infolog iz iCal datoteke.
info log common sl InfoDnevnik
infolog common sl InfoDnevnik
@ -262,7 +248,7 @@ infolog encryption requires epl subscription infolog sl Šifriranje InfoLog zaht
infolog entry deleted infolog sl Vnos InfoDnevnika je bil izbrisan
infolog entry saved infolog sl Vnos InfoDnevnika je bil shranjen
infolog fields: infolog sl Polja InfoLog:
InfoLog filter for the home screen infolog sl Filter InfoDnevnika za uvodni zaslon
infolog filter for the home screen infolog sl Filter InfoDnevnika za uvodni zaslon
infolog ical export infolog sl Infolog iCal izvoz
infolog ical import infolog sl Infolog iCal uvoz
infolog id infolog sl InfoLog ID
@ -301,10 +287,8 @@ longer textual description infolog sl Daljši opis
low infolog sl Nizko
manage mapping infolog sl Upravljaj mapiranje
max length of the input [, length of the inputfield (optional)] infolog sl Največja dolžina vhoda [dolžina vhodnega polja (neobvezno)]
menu infolog sl Meni
modifier infolog sl Modifikator
modifierer infolog sl Modifikator
multiple infolog sl večkraten
name must not be empty !!! infolog sl Ime ne sme biti prazno!!!
name of current user, all other contact fields are valid too infolog sl Ime trenutnega uporabnika, veljavna so tudi vsa druga polja stika
name of new type to create infolog sl Ime novega tipa, ki ga ustvarjate
@ -313,7 +297,6 @@ new %1 infolog sl Nov %1
new %1 created by %2 at %3 infolog sl Nov %1 ustvaril %2 dne %3
new name infolog sl Novo ime
new search infolog sl Novo iskanje
no infolog sl Ne
no - cancel infolog sl Ne - Prekliči
no custom field "%1" for %2. infolog sl Ni polj po meri "%1" za %2.
no describtion, links or attachments infolog sl Brez opisa, povezav ali priponk
@ -355,7 +338,6 @@ own open infolog sl Lastni odprt
own open and upcoming infolog sl Lastna odprta in prihajajoča
own overdue infolog sl Lastni zapadel
own upcoming infolog sl Lastni prihajajoč
owner infolog sl Lastnik
owner does not have edit rights infolog sl Lastnik nima pravic za urejanje
owner, responsible infolog sl Lastnik, odgovoren
parent infolog sl Nadrejen
@ -367,7 +349,6 @@ pattern for search in addressbook infolog sl Vzorec za iskanje po adresarju
pattern for search in projects infolog sl Vzorec za iskanje po Projektih
percent completed infolog sl Odstotek končanega
permission denied infolog sl Dostop zavrnjen
permission denied! infolog sl Dovoljenje zavrnjeno!
permissions error - %1 could not %2 infolog sl Dovoljena napaka - %1 ni mogla %2
phone infolog sl Telefonski klic
phone/email infolog sl Telefon/E-naslov
@ -378,6 +359,7 @@ prefix for sub-entries (default: re:) infolog sl Predpona za pod-vnose (privzeto
price infolog sl Cena
pricelist infolog sl Cenik
primary link infolog sl Primarna povezava
print this infolog infolog sl Natisnite ta informativni dnevnik
printing... infolog sl Tiskanje ...
priority infolog sl Prioriteta
private infolog sl Zasebno
@ -421,7 +403,6 @@ saves the changes made and leaves infolog sl Shrani spremembe in zapusti
saves this entry infolog sl Shrani ta zapis
schedule appointment infolog sl Načrt imenovanja
search infolog sl Poišči
search for '%1' infolog sl Poiščite '%1'
search for: infolog sl Išči:
second parameter for preg_replace infolog sl Drugi parameter za preg_replace
select infolog sl Izberi
@ -445,13 +426,11 @@ selection cf infolog sl Izbor CF
sender infolog sl Pošiljatelj
set status to done infolog sl Nastavite stanje za konec
set status to done for all entries infolog sl Nastavi status, ki se naredi za vse vnose
set user as only responsible user, but keeping groups infolog sl nastavi uporabnika kot edino odgovornega uporabnika, vendar ohranja skupine
set user as only responsible, removing all existing responsibles infolog sl nastavite uporabnika kot edino odgovorno, tako da odstranite vse obstoječe odgovore
sets the status of this entry and its subs to done infolog sl Nastavi status tega vnosa in podrejenih vnosov na končano
sets the status of this entry to done infolog sl Nastavi status tega vnosa za dokončanje
should infolog show subtasks, -calls or -notes in the normal view or not. you can always view the subs via there parent. infolog sl Ali naj InfoDnevnik prikaže podrejena opravila - klice ali opombe - v splošnem oknu? Podrejena opravila lahko vedno vidite preko njihovih nadrejenih opravil?
should infolog show the links to other applications and/or the file-attachments in the infolog list (normal view when you enter infolog). infolog sl Ali naj InfoDnevnik prikaže povezave do drugih aplikacij in/ali datotečne povezave v seznamu InfoDnevnik (splošni pogled, ko vstopite v InfoDnevnik)?
Should InfoLog show up on the home screen and with which filter. Works only if you dont selected an application for the home screen (in your preferences). infolog sl Ali naj se InfoDnevnik prikaže v uvodnem zaslonu in s katerim filtrom. Deluje samo, če v nastavitveh za uvodni zaslon ne izberete aplikacije.
should infolog show up on the home screen and with which filter. works only if you dont selected an application for the home screen (in your preferences). infolog sl Ali naj se InfoDnevnik prikaže v uvodnem zaslonu in s katerim filtrom. Deluje samo, če v nastavitveh za uvodni zaslon ne izberete aplikacije.
should infolog use full names (surname and familyname) or just the loginnames. infolog sl Ali naj InfoDnevnik uporabi polna imena (ime in priimek) ali samo uporabniška imena?
should the infolog list show a unique numerical id, which can be used eg. as ticket id. infolog sl Ali naj se InfoDnevnik prikaže številčno šifro, ki se lahko uporabi kot šifra opravila?
should the infolog list show the column "last modified". infolog sl Ali naj se InfoDnevnik prikaže stolpec "Zadnjič spremenjeno"?
@ -466,7 +445,6 @@ show status and percent done separate infolog sl Prikaži status in odstotek opr
show sub-entries infolog sl Prikaži podrejene vnose
show ticket id infolog sl Prikaži šifro opravila
show times infolog sl Prikaži čase
site configuration infolog sl Konfiguracija spletnega mesta
small view infolog sl Skrčen pogled
start infolog sl Začetek
start a new search, cancel this link infolog sl Zaženi novo iskanje, prekini to povezavo
@ -477,8 +455,8 @@ startdate must be before enddate!!! infolog sl Začetni datum mora biti pred kon
starting %1 infolog sl Začetek %1
startrecord infolog sl Začetni zapis
status infolog sl Status
status, percent and date completed are always allowed. infolog sl Status, odstotek in datum opravljenega so vedno dovoljeni.
status ... infolog sl Status ...
status, percent and date completed are always allowed. infolog sl Status, odstotek in datum opravljenega so vedno dovoljeni.
sub infolog sl Podrejeni
sub-entries become subs of the parent or main entries, if there's no parent infolog sl Podrejeni vnosi postanejo podrejeni staršu ali glavnemu vnosu, če ni starša
sub-entries will not be closed infolog sl podrejeni vnosi ne bodo zaprti
@ -498,7 +476,6 @@ the text displayed to the user infolog sl besedilo, ki se prikaže uporabniku
this is the filter infolog uses when you enter the application. filters limit the entries to show in the actual view. there are filters to show only finished, still open or futures entries of yourself or all users. infolog sl To je filter, ki ga InfoDnevnik uporablja, ko vstopite v aplikacijo. Filter omejuje število prikazanih zapisov v trenutnem pogledu. Obstajajo filtri, ki prikazujejo samo dokončane, še odprte ali zapise v prihodnosti, vaše ali tuje zapise.
til when should the todo or phonecall be finished infolog sl Do kdaj naj bo opravilo ali telefonski klic opravljen
times infolog sl Časi
timesheet infolog sl časovni list
titles of any entries linked to the current record, excluding attached files infolog sl Naslovi vseh vnosov, povezanih s trenutnim zapisom, brez priloženih datotek
to many might exceed your execution-time-limit infolog sl Preveč lahko preseže čas izvajanja
to what should the startdate of new entries be set. infolog sl Na kaj naj bo nastavljen začetni datum novega vnosa?
@ -508,7 +485,6 @@ todo infolog sl Opravila
typ infolog sl Tip
typ '%1' already exists !!! infolog sl Tip '%1' že obstaja!
type infolog sl Tip
type '%1' already exists !!! infolog sl tip "%1" že obstaja!
type ... infolog sl Tip ...
type of customfield infolog sl Vrsta polja po meri
type of field infolog sl Vrsta polja
@ -518,7 +494,6 @@ unknown type: %1 infolog sl Neznana vrsta: %1
unlink infolog sl Odstrani povezavo
unlinked from %1 infolog sl Povezava ni prekinjena od %1
upcoming infolog sl Prihajajoč
update infolog sl nadgradnja
urgency infolog sl Nujnost
urgent infolog sl Nujno
use all infolog sl Uporabite vse
@ -527,10 +502,8 @@ use field from csv if possible infolog sl Če je mogoče, uporabite polje CSV
use search results infolog sl Uporabite rezultate iskanja
use this tag for addresslabels. put the content, you want to repeat, between two tags. infolog sl Uporabi to značko za naslov nalepk. Stik, ki ga želite ponoviti, dajte med dve znački.
used time infolog sl Porabljen čas
username infolog sl Uporabniško ime
values for selectbox infolog sl Vrednosti za izbirno polje
view all subs of this entry infolog sl Poglej vse podrejene zapise
view linked %1 entries infolog sl Oglejte si povezane vnose %1
view other subs infolog sl Poglej ostale podrejene zapise
view parent infolog sl Poglej nadrejenega
view parent with children infolog sl Pogled nadrejenih z podrejenimi zapisi
@ -539,13 +512,11 @@ view the parent of this entry and all his subs infolog sl Poglej nadrejenega in
view this linked entry in its application infolog sl Poglej ta povezani vnos v njegovi aplikaciji
when should the todo or phonecall be started, it shows up from that date in the filter open or own open (startpage) infolog sl Kdaj naj se Opravila ali Telefonski klic zaženejo?
which additional fields should the responsible be allowed to edit without having edit rights? infolog sl Katera dodatna polja lahko odgovorni ureja brez pravic za urejanje?
which implicit acl rights should the responsible get? infolog sl Katere pravice ACL naj dobi odgovorni?
which participants should be preselected when scheduling an appointment. infolog sl Kateri udeleženci je treba predhodno izbirati pri načrtovanju sestanka.
which types should the calendar show infolog sl Katere vrste naj koledar prikaže
which types should the calendar show like events? infolog sl Katere vrste naj koledar prikaže kot dogodki?
will-call infolog sl Bodo klicani
write (add or update) a record by passing its fields. infolog sl Zapišite (dodajte ali posodobite) zapis s podanimi vrednostmi.
yes infolog sl Da
yes - close infolog sl Da - Zapri
yes - close including sub-entries infolog sl Da - Zapri, vključno s podnaslovi
yes - delete infolog sl Da - Izbriši
@ -558,7 +529,6 @@ you can choose a categorie to be preselected, when you create a new infolog entr
you can't delete one of the stock types !!! infolog sl Ne morete izbrisati glavnega tipa!
you have entered an invalid ending date infolog sl Vnesli ste napačen končni datum
you have entered an invalid starting date infolog sl Vnesli ste napačen začetni datum
you have to enter a name, to create a new typ!!! infolog sl Vpisati morate ime za imenovanje novega tipa
you must enter a subject or a description infolog sl Vpisati morate predmet ali opis
you need to select an entry for linking. infolog sl Izbrati morate vnos za povezovanje.
you need to select some entries first infolog sl Najprej morate izbrati nekaj vnosov.
@ -32,6 +32,7 @@ add sub infolog sv Lägg till under
add timesheet entry infolog sv Lägg till tidredovisnings post
add: infolog sv Lägg till:
added infolog sv Skapad
addressbook placeholders available infolog sv Platshållare i adressboken finns tillgängliga
all infolog sv Alla
all links and attachments infolog sv Alla länkar och bilagor
allows to set the status of an entry, eg. set a todo to done if it's finished (values depend on entry-typ) infolog sv Tillåter statusändring på post, ex. Sätt uppgift till färdig när klar.
@ -113,6 +114,7 @@ edit status infolog sv Ändra status
edit the entry infolog sv Ändra post
edit this entry infolog sv Ändra posten
empty for all infolog sv Tom för alla
encrypt description infolog sv Kryptera beskrivning
end infolog sv Slut
enddate infolog sv Slutdatum
enddate can not be before startdate infolog sv Slutdatum kan inte vara före startdatum
@ -132,6 +134,7 @@ fieldseparator infolog sv Fältavskiljare
finish infolog sv Avsluta
for which types should this field be used infolog sv För vilka typer ska fältet användas?
from infolog sv Från
full list of placeholder names infolog sv Fullständig lista över namn på platshållare
global categories infolog sv Globala kategorier
high infolog sv Hög
history infolog sv Historik
@ -146,12 +149,14 @@ infolog - import csv-file infolog sv InfoLogg - importera CSV fil
infolog - new infolog sv InfoLogg - Ny
infolog - new subproject infolog sv InfoLogg - Nytt underprojekt
infolog - subprojects from infolog sv InfoLogg - Underprojekt till
infolog encryption requires epl subscription infolog sv Kryptering av InfoLog kräver EPL-prenumeration
infolog entry deleted infolog sv InfoLogg post raderad
infolog entry saved infolog sv InfoLogg post sparad
InfoLog filter for the home screen infolog sv InfoLogg filter för Hemsidan
infolog filter for the home screen infolog sv InfoLogg filter för Hemsidan
infolog list infolog sv InfoLogg lista
infolog preferences common sv InfoLogg alternativ
infolog-fieldname infolog sv InfoLogg fältnamn
insert timestamp into description field infolog sv Infoga tidsstämpel i beskrivningsfältet
invalid filename infolog sv Ogiltigt filnamn
label<br>helptext infolog sv Etikett<br>Hjälptext
last changed infolog sv Senaste ändring
@ -215,6 +220,8 @@ planned infolog sv Planerad
planned time infolog sv Planerad tid
price infolog sv Pris
pricelist infolog sv Prislista
print this infolog infolog sv Skriv ut denna InfoLog
printing... infolog sv Utskrift...
priority infolog sv Prioritet
private infolog sv Privat
project infolog sv Projekt
@ -255,7 +262,7 @@ select to filter by responsible infolog sv Välj för att sortera enl ansvarig
sets the status of this entry and its subs to done infolog sv Anger status för posten och alla under till färdig
should infolog show subtasks, -calls or -notes in the normal view or not. you can always view the subs via there parent. infolog sv Ska InfoLogg visa under- Uppgift, Samtal eller Anteckning i normala vyn eller inte? Du kan alltid visa dessa via topobjektet
should infolog show the links to other applications and/or the file-attachments in the infolog list (normal view when you enter infolog). infolog sv Ska InfoLogg visa länkar till andra applikationer och/eller bilaga i InfoLogg vyn (normal vy när du öppnar InfoLogg)
Should InfoLog show up on the home screen and with which filter. Works only if you dont selected an application for the home screen (in your preferences). infolog sv Ska InfoLogg visas på Startsidan och med vilket filter. Fungerar bara om du inte valt en annan applikation till STartsidan (under alternativ)
should infolog show up on the home screen and with which filter. works only if you dont selected an application for the home screen (in your preferences). infolog sv Ska InfoLogg visas på Startsidan och med vilket filter. Fungerar bara om du inte valt en annan applikation till STartsidan (under alternativ)
should infolog use full names (surname and familyname) or just the loginnames. infolog sv Ska InfoLogg visa fullständiga namn (förnamn och efternamn) eller bara inloggningsnamnet?
should the infolog list show a unique numerical id, which can be used eg. as ticket id. infolog sv Ska InfoLogg visa unika numeriska ID som även kan användas som t.ex. ärende ID
should the infolog list show the column "last modified". infolog sv Ska InfoLogg visa kolumnen "Senast ändrad"
@ -276,8 +283,8 @@ startdate enddate infolog sv Start- Slutdatum
startdate for new entries infolog sv Startdatum för nya poster
startrecord infolog sv Startposition
status infolog sv Status
status, percent and date completed are always allowed. infolog sv Status, procent och datum är alltid tillåtna.
status ... infolog sv Status ...
status, percent and date completed are always allowed. infolog sv Status, procent och datum är alltid tillåtna.
sub infolog sv Under
sub-entries become subs of the parent or main entries, if there's no parent infolog sv Underposter blir underordnade huvudposten om det inte finns någon förälder
subject infolog sv Ämne
@ -315,7 +322,6 @@ view the parent of this entry and all his subs infolog sv Visa rot till denna po
view this linked entry in its application infolog sv Visa den länkade posten i dess applikation
when should the todo or phonecall be started, it shows up from that date in the filter open or own open (startpage) infolog sv När Uppgift och Samtal ska påbörjas visas de från aktuellt datum i Mina eller Mina öppna (Startsidan)
which additional fields should the responsible be allowed to edit without having edit rights? infolog sv Vilka övriga fält ska ansvariga kunna ändra utan ändringsrättigheter?
which implicit acl rights should the responsible get? infolog sv Vilka ACL rättigheter ska den ansvarigefå?
will-call infolog sv Ska ringa
write (add or update) a record by passing its fields. infolog sv Fyll i fälten för att skapa eller uppdatera post
yes - delete infolog sv Ja - Radera
@ -323,6 +329,5 @@ yes - delete including sub-entries infolog sv Ja - Radera inklusive under
you can't delete one of the stock types !!! infolog sv Du kan inte radera inbyggda typer
you have entered an invalid ending date infolog sv Ogiltigt Slutdatum
you have entered an invalid starting date infolog sv Ogiltigt Startdatum
you have to enter a name, to create a new typ!!! infolog sv Ange namn för att skapa typ
you must enter a subject or a description infolog sv Ange ämne eller beskrivning
your database is not up to date (%1 vs. %2), please run %3setup%4 to update your database. infolog sv Din databas är inte uppdaterad (%1 vs. %2), var god och kör %3installationen%4 för att uppdatera.
@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ accept infolog tr Kabul Et
action infolog tr Eylem
add infolog tr ekle
added infolog tr Eklendi
addressbook placeholders available infolog tr Adres defteri yer tutucuları mevcut
cancel infolog tr İptal
change infolog tr Değiştir
configuration infolog tr Ayarlar
@ -20,17 +21,23 @@ download infolog tr ?ndir
duration infolog tr Süre
edit infolog tr Düzenle
empty for all infolog tr Tamam? için bo?
encrypt description infolog tr Açıklamayı şifrele
enddate infolog tr BitişTarih
fax infolog tr Fax
fieldseparator infolog tr Alan ayrac?
from infolog tr Nereden
full list of placeholder names infolog tr Yer tutucu adların tam listesi
global categories infolog tr Genel kategoriler
import next set infolog tr S?radaki grubu ithal et
infolog encryption requires epl subscription infolog tr InfoLog şifrelemesi EPL Aboneliği gerektirir
insert timestamp into description field infolog tr Açıklama alanına zaman damgası ekle
link infolog tr Link
location infolog tr Konum
number of records to read (%1) infolog tr Okunacak kay?t say?s? (1%)
order infolog tr Sıralama
permission denied infolog tr İzin verilmedi
print this infolog infolog tr Bu InfoLog'u yazdırın
printing... infolog tr Baskı...
project infolog tr Proje
search for: infolog tr Arama yap:
startdate infolog tr Başlangıç tarihi
@ -26,6 +26,7 @@ add file infolog uk Додати файл
add sub infolog uk Додати Підзапис
add: infolog uk Додати:
added infolog uk Добавлено
addressbook placeholders available infolog uk Доступні заповнювачі адресної книги
all infolog uk Все
all links and attachments infolog uk Всі додатки та посилання
allows to set the status of an entry, eg. set a todo to done if it's finished (values depend on entry-typ) infolog uk Дозволяє встановити статус запису, наприклад, встановити Завдання як виконане у випадку закінчення (значення залежать від типу запису)
@ -84,6 +85,7 @@ edit or create categories for ingolog infolog uk Редагувати або с
edit the entry infolog uk Редагувати запис
edit this entry infolog uk Редагувати цей запис
empty for all infolog uk порожнє для всіх
encrypt description infolog uk Зашифрувати опис
enddate infolog uk Дата закінчення
enddate can not be before startdate infolog uk Закінчення не може бути раніше Початку
enter a custom contact, leave empty if linked entry should be used infolog uk Введіть додатковий контакт, або залиште його порожнім, якщо повинен використовуватись прив'язаний запис
@ -97,6 +99,7 @@ fieldseparator infolog uk Розділитель полів
finish infolog uk закінчено
for which types should this field be used infolog uk для яких типів призначене це поле
from infolog uk Від
full list of placeholder names infolog uk Повний список імен заповнювачів
global categories infolog uk Глобальні категорії
high infolog uk високий
id infolog uk Id
@ -109,9 +112,11 @@ infolog - import csv-file infolog uk Записки - Імпорт CSV-файл
infolog - new infolog uk Записки - Новий запис
infolog - new subproject infolog uk Записки - Новий підпроект
infolog - subprojects from infolog uk Записки - Підпроекти
infolog encryption requires epl subscription infolog uk Шифрування InfoLog вимагає підписки на EPL
infolog list infolog uk Перелік записок
infolog preferences common uk Записки - Параметри
infolog-fieldname infolog uk Записки - Ім'я поля
insert timestamp into description field infolog uk Вставити мітку часу в поле опису
invalid filename infolog uk невірне ім'я файлу
label<br>helptext infolog uk Мітка<br>Пояснючий текст
last changed infolog uk Востаннє змінено
@ -160,6 +165,8 @@ permission denied infolog uk Заборонено
phone infolog uk Телефонний дзвінок
phone/email infolog uk Телефон/Email
phonecall infolog uk Телефонний дзвінок
print this infolog infolog uk Надрукувати цей інфолог
printing... infolog uk Друк...
priority infolog uk Пріоритет
private infolog uk Особисте
project infolog uk Проект
@ -223,5 +230,4 @@ yes - delete infolog uk Так - Видалити
you can't delete one of the stock types !!! infolog uk Ви не можете видалити один з вбудованих типів
you have entered an invalid ending date infolog uk Ви ввели невірну дату закінчення
you have entered an invalid starting date infolog uk Ви ввели невірну дату початку
you have to enter a name, to create a new typ!!! infolog uk Для створення нового типу необхідно ввести назву
you must enter a subject or a description infolog uk Необхідно ввести тему або опис
@ -30,6 +30,7 @@ add sub infolog zh 添加子类别
add timesheet entry infolog zh 添加时间表条目
add: infolog zh 添加:
added infolog zh 已添加
addressbook placeholders available infolog zh 可用的地址簿占位符
all infolog zh 全部
all links and attachments infolog zh 所有关联条目及关联文件
all projects infolog zh 所有项目
@ -105,6 +106,7 @@ edit status infolog zh Edit Status
edit the entry infolog zh 编辑该事项
edit this entry infolog zh 编辑该事项
empty for all infolog zh 全部清空
encrypt description infolog zh 加密描述
end infolog zh 结束
enddate infolog zh 终止日期
enddate can not be before startdate infolog zh 终止日期必须在起始日期之后
@ -123,6 +125,7 @@ fieldseparator infolog zh 字段分隔符
finish infolog zh 结束
for which types should this field be used infolog zh 请选择字段所属类型, 即字段对哪些类型的事项可见
from infolog zh 寄件人
full list of placeholder names infolog zh 占位符名称的完整列表
general fields: infolog zh 通用字段:
global categories infolog zh 全局类别
high infolog zh 高
@ -137,10 +140,12 @@ infolog - import csv-file infolog zh 记事薄 - 从CSV文件导入
infolog - new infolog zh 记事薄-新建
infolog - new subproject infolog zh 记事薄 - 新建子项目
infolog - subprojects from infolog zh 记事薄 - 子项目来自
infolog encryption requires epl subscription infolog zh 信息记录的加密需要EPL订阅
infolog list infolog zh 浏览事项
infolog preferences common zh 记事薄个性化配置
infolog-fieldname infolog zh 记事薄 - 字段名
insert in document infolog zh 插入文件
insert timestamp into description field infolog zh 在描述字段中插入时间戳
invalid filename infolog zh 文件名无效
label<br>helptext infolog zh 标签<br>提示信息
last changed infolog zh 最近修改记录
@ -203,6 +208,8 @@ phonecall infolog zh 函电
planned infolog zh 计划
price infolog zh 价格
pricelist infolog zh 价格表
print this infolog infolog zh 打印此信息日志
printing... infolog zh 打印...
priority infolog zh 优先级
private infolog zh 私有事项
project infolog zh 项目
@ -282,6 +289,5 @@ yes, with larger fontsize infolog zh 是,使用较大的字体
you can't delete one of the stock types !!! infolog zh 无法删除stock类型!!!
you have entered an invalid ending date infolog zh 输入的终止日期无效
you have entered an invalid starting date infolog zh 输入的起始日期无效
you have to enter a name, to create a new typ!!! infolog zh 必须输入新建类型的名称!!!
you must enter a subject or a description infolog zh 必须输入事项的标题或内容
your database is not up to date (%1 vs. %2), please run %3setup%4 to update your database. infolog zh 您的数据库没有更新到(%1 vs. %2),请运行%3安装%4更新您的数据库。
@ -109,6 +109,7 @@ copy to mail bg Копиране в
could not append message: mail bg Съобщение не можа да се добави:
could not save the acl because some names are empty mail bg ACL не можа да се запази, защото някои имена са празни
create new account mail bg Създаване на нов акаунт
cross account forward attachment is not allowed! mail bg Не е разрешено прикачването на кръстосана сметка напред!
current folder mail bg текуща папка
current subject mail bg текуща тема
currently: mail bg Понастоящем:
@ -116,7 +117,10 @@ date(newest first) mail bg По дата (първо най-новите)
date(oldest first) mail bg По дата (първо най-старите)
deactive mail bg Деактивиране
default sorting order mail bg Подреждане по подразбиране
default toolbar actions shown in mail's html editor mail bg Функции, активирани в лентата с инструменти на редактора HTML при съставяне на имейл
default value for remembering s/mime passphrase in minutes mail bg Стойност по подразбиране за запомняне на S/MIME паролата в минути
default your name and email common bg Вашето име и имейл, по подразбиране
defines what to show as contact label for added contact into to/cc/bcc when composing an email. default is firstname lastname and empty means include eveything available. mail bg Определя какво да се показва като етикет на контакта за добавен контакт в Към/Копиране/Сляпо копие при съставяне на имейл. По подразбиране е име фамилия име, а празно означава, че включва всичко налично.
defines what to show as identity label on mail folder header common bg Дефинира какво да се показва като етикет за самоличност в header-а на пощенската папка
delete folder mail bg Изтриване на Папка
delete folder %1 ? mail bg ИЗТРИВАНЕ на Папка %1?
@ -129,6 +133,7 @@ deleting folders mail bg Изтриване на папки
deny certain groups access to following features mail bg Забранете на определени групи достъп до следните функции
directories have to be shared. mail bg Директориите трябва да бъдат споделени.
disable mail bg Забранява
disable caching of flags mail bg Деактивиране на кеширането на флагове
disable horizontal rule for separation of mail body from signature mail bg Деактивиране на "хоризонталното правило" за отделяне на основния текст от подписа в съобщението
disable use of flowed lines in plain text mails (rfc3676) mail bg Деактивира използването на поточни линии в обикновени текстови съобщения (RFC3676)
disabled! mail bg Деактивиран!
@ -85,13 +85,19 @@ copy to mail cs Kopírovat do
could not append message: mail cs Není možné připojit zprávu:
could not save the acl because some names are empty mail cs Není možné uložit ACL, protože některá ze jmen jsou prázdná!
create new account mail cs Přidat účet
cross account forward attachment is not allowed! mail cs Připojení křížového účtu není povoleno!
current folder mail cs Aktuální složka
current subject mail cs Aktuální téma
currently: mail cs Aktuálně:
date(newest first) mail cs Datum (od nejnovějšího)
date(oldest first) mail cs Datum (od nejstaršího)
deactive mail cs Deaktivovat
default sorting order mail cs Výchozí třídění
default toolbar actions shown in mail's html editor mail cs Funkce povolené na panelu nástrojů editoru HTML při vytváření e-mailu
default value for remembering s/mime passphrase in minutes mail cs Výchozí hodnota pro zapamatování přístupové fráze S/MIME v minutách
default your name and email common cs Vaše jméno a e-mail jako výchozí
defines what to show as contact label for added contact into to/cc/bcc when composing an email. default is firstname lastname and empty means include eveything available. mail cs Definuje, co se má zobrazit jako popisek kontaktu pro přidaný kontakt do pole Komu/Kopírovat/Slepá kopie při sestavování e-mailu. Výchozí hodnota je jméno příjmení a prázdná znamená zahrnout vše, co je k dispozici.
defines what to show as identity label on mail folder header common cs Definuje, co se má zobrazit jako štítek identity v záhlaví složky pošty
delete folder mail cs Smazat složku
delete folder %1 ? mail cs Smazat složku %1 ?
delete this acl mail cs Smazat tyto ACL
@ -103,6 +109,7 @@ deleting folders mail cs Smazání složek
deny certain groups access to following features mail cs Zakázání přístupu konkrétním skupinám k následujícím funkcím
directories have to be shared. mail cs Adersáře musí být sdílené
disable mail cs Zakázat
disable caching of flags mail cs Zakázat ukládání příznaků do mezipaměti
disable horizontal rule for separation of mail body from signature mail cs Zakázat oddělovač mezi textem zprávy a podpisem
disable use of flowed lines in plain text mails (rfc3676) mail cs Zakázat použití plovoucích řádků v čistě textových e-mailech (RFC3676)
disabled! mail cs Zakázáno!
@ -9,12 +9,17 @@ compress folder mail da Komprimere mappe
configured values will be set automatically on compose dialog for respected field when composing a new email. mail da Konfigurerede værdier vil automatisk blive indstillet i dialogboksen for det respekterede felt, når du skriver en ny e-mail.
contains mail da indeholder
copy to mail da Kopier til
cross account forward attachment is not allowed! mail da Det er ikke tilladt at foretage en fremadrettet vedhæftning på tværs af konti!
date(newest first) mail da Dato (nyeste først)
date(oldest first) mail da Dato (ældste først)
default sorting order mail da Standart soterings rækkefølge
default toolbar actions shown in mail's html editor mail da Funktioner aktiveret i HTML-redigeringens værktøjslinje, når du udarbejder en e-mail
default value for remembering s/mime passphrase in minutes mail da Standardværdi for hukommelse af S/MIME-passphrase i minutter
defines what to show as contact label for added contact into to/cc/bcc when composing an email. default is firstname lastname and empty means include eveything available. mail da Definerer, hvad der skal vises som kontaktmærke for tilføjede kontaktpersoner i Til/Kopiere/Blind kopi, når du udarbejder en e-mail. Standard er fornavn efternavn og tom betyder, at alt tilgængeligt skal medtages.
delete folder mail da Slet Mappe
deleted mail da slettet
disable mail da Deaktivere
disable caching of flags mail da Deaktiver caching af flag
display of html emails mail da Vis HTML i emails
display only when no plain text is available mail da Vis kun når ren tekst version er tilgængelig
does not contain mail da indeholder ikke
@ -130,7 +130,7 @@ default sorting order mail de Wählen Sie die Standard-Sortierreihenfolge aus.
default toolbar actions shown in mail's html editor mail de Aktivierte Funktionen in der HTML-Editor-Symbolleiste beim E-Mail verfassen
default value for remembering s/mime passphrase in minutes mail de Standardwert für die Erinnerung an die S/MIME-Passphrase in Minuten
default your name and email common de z.B. Ihr Name und Ihre E-Mail-Adresse
defines what to show as contact label for added contact into to/cc/bcc when composing an email. default is firstname lastname and empty means include eveything available. mail de Legt fest, was als Kontaktbeschriftung für hinzugefügte Kontakte in An/Kopie/Blindkopie
defines what to show as contact label for added contact into to/cc/bcc when composing an email. default is firstname lastname and empty means include eveything available. mail de Legt fest, was beim Verfassen einer E-Mail als Kontaktbezeichnung für den hinzugefügten Kontakt in An/Kopie/Blindkopie angezeigt werden soll. Die Voreinstellung ist Vorname Nachname und leer bedeutet, dass alles Verfügbare angezeigt wird.
defines what to show as identity label on mail folder header common de Definiert, was im Kopf des E-Mail-Postfach angezeigt werden soll.
delete folder mail de Ordner löschen
delete folder %1 ? mail de Ordner %1 löschen?
@ -107,6 +107,7 @@ copy to mail el Αντιγραφή στο
could not append message: mail el Δεν μπόρεσα να προσθέσω το μήνυμα:
could not save the acl because some names are empty mail el Τα δικαιώματα ACL δεν μπόρεσαν να αποθηκευθούν γιατί κάποια όνοματα είναι κενά
create new account mail el Δημιουργία νέου λογαριασμού
cross account forward attachment is not allowed! mail el Δεν επιτρέπεται η εμπροσθοβαρής σύνδεση διασταυρούμενων λογαριασμών!
current folder mail el Τρέχον φάκελος
current subject mail el Τρέχον θέμα
currently: mail el Αυτή τη στιγμή:
@ -114,8 +115,10 @@ date(newest first) mail el Ημερομηνία (πρώτα η πιο πρόσφ
date(oldest first) mail el Ημερομηνία (πρώτα η πιο παλιά)
deactive mail el Απενεργοποίηση
default sorting order mail el Προεπιλεγμένη σειρά ταξινόμησης
default toolbar actions shown in mail's html editor mail el Ενεργοποίηση λειτουργιών στη γραμμή εργαλείων του επεξεργαστή HTML κατά τη σύνταξη ενός email
default value for remembering s/mime passphrase in minutes mail el Προεπιλεγμένη τιμή σε λεπτά για την απομνημόνευση του κωδικού S/MIME
default your name and email common el προεπιλεγμένο όνομα και email
defines what to show as contact label for added contact into to/cc/bcc when composing an email. default is firstname lastname and empty means include eveything available. mail el Καθορίζει τι θα εμφανίζεται ως ετικέτα επαφής για την προσθήκη επαφής στο Προς/Καντιγραφή/τυφλό αντίγραφο κατά τη σύνταξη ενός email. Η προεπιλεγμένη τιμή είναι firstname lastname και το κενό σημαίνει ότι περιλαμβάνει όλα τα διαθέσιμα.
defines what to show as identity label on mail folder header common el Ορίζει τι εμφανίζεται σαν ετικέτα στον τίτλο του κύριου φακέλου
delete folder mail el Διαγραφή Φακέλου
delete folder %1 ? mail el ΔΙΑΓΡΑΦΗ φακέλου %1 ;
@ -128,6 +131,7 @@ deleting folders mail el Διαδικασία διαγραφής φακέλων
deny certain groups access to following features mail el Αποκλεισμός ορισμένων ομάδων από τις παρακάτω λειτουργίες
directories have to be shared. mail el Οι κατάλογοι πρέπει να προσπελάσιμοι από κοινού
disable mail el Απενεργοποίηση
disable caching of flags mail el Απενεργοποίηση της προσωρινής αποθήκευσης σημαιών
disable horizontal rule for separation of mail body from signature mail el απενεργοποίηση οριζόντιας γραμμής διαχωρισμού κειμένου μηνύματος και υπογραφής
disable use of flowed lines in plain text mails (rfc3676) mail el Απενεργοποίηση της χρήσης μεταβλητής αλλαγή γραμμών σε μηνύματα απλού κειμένου (RFC3676)
disabled! mail el απενεργοποιημένο!
@ -111,6 +111,7 @@ copy to mail es-es Copiar a
could not append message: mail es-es No se pudo agregar el mensaje:
could not save the acl because some names are empty mail es-es No se pudo guardar la lista de control de acceso porque algunos nombres están vacíos
create new account mail es-es crear nueva cuenta
cross account forward attachment is not allowed! mail es-es No está permitido adjuntar cuentas cruzadas.
current folder mail es-es carpeta actual
current subject mail es-es Asunto actual
currently: mail es-es Actualmente:
@ -118,7 +119,11 @@ date(newest first) mail es-es fecha (la más reciente primero)
date(oldest first) mail es-es fecha (la más antigua primero)
deactive mail es-es Desactivar
default sorting order mail es-es Modo de ordenar predeterminado
default toolbar actions shown in mail's html editor mail es-es Funciones habilitadas en la barra de herramientas del editor HTML al redactar un correo electrónico
default value for remembering s/mime passphrase in minutes mail es-es Valor predeterminado para recordar la frase de contraseña S/MIME en minutos
default your name and email common es-es por defecto su nombre y correo-e
defines what to show as contact label for added contact into to/cc/bcc when composing an email. default is firstname lastname and empty means include eveything available. mail es-es Define qué mostrar como etiqueta de contacto para el contacto añadido en Para/Copiar/Copia oculta al redactar un correo electrónico. Por defecto es firstname lastname y empty significa incluir todo lo disponible.
defines what to show as identity label on mail folder header common es-es Define qué mostrar como etiqueta de identidad en la cabecera de la carpeta de correo.
delete folder mail es-es Suprimir carpeta
delete folder %1 ? mail es-es ¿SUPRIMIR carpeta %1?
delete this acl mail es-es Suprimir esta lista de control de acceso
@ -130,6 +135,7 @@ deleting folders mail es-es Suprimiendo carpetas
deny certain groups access to following features mail es-es Denegar a determinados grupos el acceso a las funciones siguientes
directories have to be shared. mail es-es Los directorios tienen que ser compartidos.
disable mail es-es Desactivar
disable caching of flags mail es-es Desactivar el almacenamiento en caché de las banderas
disable horizontal rule for separation of mail body from signature mail es-es deshabilitar la regla horizontal para separar el cuerpo del correo de la firma
disable use of flowed lines in plain text mails (rfc3676) mail es-es Deshabilitar el uso de líneas fluidas en correos de texto sin formato (RFC3676)
disabled! mail es-es desactivado!
@ -6,12 +6,17 @@ any status mail et kõik staatused
by date mail et Kuupäeva järgi
configured values will be set automatically on compose dialog for respected field when composing a new email. mail et Konfigureeritud väärtused määratakse automaatselt koostamise dialoogis kinnipeetavale väljale, kui koostate uue e-kirja.
contains mail et sisaldab
cross account forward attachment is not allowed! mail et Det er ikke tilladt at foretage en fremadrettet vedhæftning på tværs af konti!
date(newest first) mail et Kuupäev (uuemad enne)
date(oldest first) mail et Kuupäev (vanemad enne)
default sorting order mail et Vaikimisi sorteerimise järjekord
default toolbar actions shown in mail's html editor mail et Funktioner aktiveret i HTML-redigeringens værktøjslinje, når du udarbejder en e-mail
default value for remembering s/mime passphrase in minutes mail et Standardværdi for hukommelse af S/MIME-passphrase i minutter
defines what to show as contact label for added contact into to/cc/bcc when composing an email. default is firstname lastname and empty means include eveything available. mail et Definerer, hvad der skal vises som kontaktmærke for tilføjede kontaktpersoner i Til/Kopiere/Blind kopi, når du udarbejder en e-mail. Standard er fornavn efternavn og tom betyder, at alt tilgængeligt skal medtages.
delete folder mail et Kustuta kaust
deleted mail et kustutatud
disable mail et Keela
disable caching of flags mail et Deaktiver caching af flag
discard mail et unusta
discard message mail et unusta kirjad
display messages in multiple windows mail et Näita kirju mitmes aknas
@ -20,12 +20,17 @@ condition mail fi Ehdot
configured values will be set automatically on compose dialog for respected field when composing a new email. mail fi Määritetyt arvot asetetaan automaattisesti laatimisvalintaikkunassa arvostetulle kentälle, kun laadit uutta sähköpostia.
contains mail fi Sisältää
copy to mail fi Kopio
cross account forward attachment is not allowed! mail fi Tilin rajat ylittävä eteenpäin kiinnittäminen ei ole sallittua!
date(newest first) mail fi Päivämäärä - uusin ensin
date(oldest first) mail fi Päivämäärä - vanhin ensin
default sorting order mail fi Oletus lajittelujärjestys
default toolbar actions shown in mail's html editor mail fi HTML-editorin työkalupalkissa sähköpostia laadittaessa käytössä olevat toiminnot.
default value for remembering s/mime passphrase in minutes mail fi S/MIME-salasanan muistamisen oletusarvo minuutteina.
defines what to show as contact label for added contact into to/cc/bcc when composing an email. default is firstname lastname and empty means include eveything available. mail fi Määrittää, mitä näytetään yhteystietotarrana yhteystietoa lisättävän yhteystiedon kohdalla To/Kopio/Sokea kopio sähköpostia laadittaessa. Oletusarvo on etunimi sukunimi ja tyhjä tarkoittaa, että kaikki käytettävissä olevat tiedot sisällytetään.
delete folder mail fi Poista kansio
deleted mail fi Poistettu
disable mail fi Ota pois käytöstä
disable caching of flags mail fi Poista lippujen välimuistitallennus käytöstä
discard mail fi Hylkää
discard message mail fi Hylkää viesti
display messages in multiple windows mail fi Näytä viesti uudessa ikkunassa?
@ -110,6 +110,7 @@ copy to mail fr Copier vers
could not append message: mail fr Impossible d'ajouter au message:
could not save the acl because some names are empty mail fr Echec à l'enregistrement de l'ACL ! Certains noms sont vides !
create new account mail fr Créer un nouveau compte
cross account forward attachment is not allowed! mail fr La pièce jointe du compte croisé n'est pas autorisée !
current folder mail fr Dossier actif
current subject mail fr Sujet actuel
currently: mail fr Actuellement :
@ -117,7 +118,11 @@ date(newest first) mail fr Date (plus récente d'abord)
date(oldest first) mail fr Date (plus ancienne d'abord)
deactive mail fr Désactiver
default sorting order mail fr Ordre de tri par défaut
default toolbar actions shown in mail's html editor mail fr Fonctions activées dans la barre d'outils de l'éditeur HTML lors de la composition d'un courriel
default value for remembering s/mime passphrase in minutes mail fr Valeur par défaut pour la mémorisation de la phrase de passe S/MIME en minutes
default your name and email common fr Votre nom et email par défaut
defines what to show as contact label for added contact into to/cc/bcc when composing an email. default is firstname lastname and empty means include eveything available. mail fr Définit ce qui doit être affiché comme étiquette de contact pour le contact ajouté dans To/Copy/Blind copy lors de la composition d'un email. La valeur par défaut est prénom nom de famille et vide signifie inclure tout ce qui est disponible.
defines what to show as identity label on mail folder header common fr Définit ce qui doit être affiché comme étiquette d'identité sur l'en-tête du dossier du courrier électronique
delete folder mail fr Supprimer le dossier
delete folder %1 ? mail fr Supprimer le dossier %1
delete this acl mail fr Supprimer cet ACL
@ -129,6 +134,7 @@ deleting folders mail fr Suppression de dossier
deny certain groups access to following features mail fr Refuser à certains groupes l'accès aux fonctions suivantes
directories have to be shared. mail fr Les dossiers doivent être partagés.
disable mail fr Désactiver
disable caching of flags mail fr Désactiver la mise en cache des drapeaux
disable horizontal rule for separation of mail body from signature mail fr Désactiver la barre de séparation entre le corps et la signature
disable use of flowed lines in plain text mails (rfc3676) mail fr Désactiver l'utilisation de "flowed lines" dans le mails en texte brut (RFC3676)
disabled! mail fr désactivé !
@ -20,12 +20,19 @@ condition mail hu feltétel
configured values will be set automatically on compose dialog for respected field when composing a new email. mail hu A beállított értékek automatikusan beállítódnak a kompozíció párbeszédpanelen az adott mezőhöz, amikor új e-mailt állít össze.
contains mail hu tartalmaz
copy to mail hu Másold ide:
cross account forward attachment is not allowed! mail hu Kereszt számla előre csatolása nem megengedett!
current subject mail hu Jelenlegi téma
date(newest first) mail hu Dátum (újak elsőnek)
date(oldest first) mail hu Dátum (régiek elsőnek)
default sorting order mail hu Alapértelmezett rendezési sor
default toolbar actions shown in mail's html editor mail hu A HTML-szerkesztő eszköztárban e-mail készítésekor engedélyezett funkciók
default value for remembering s/mime passphrase in minutes mail hu Az S/MIME jelszó megjegyzésére szolgáló alapértelmezett érték percekben
defines what to show as contact label for added contact into to/cc/bcc when composing an email. default is firstname lastname and empty means include eveything available. mail hu Meghatározza, hogy mit jelenítsen meg kapcsolattartó címkéjeként a hozzáadott kapcsolattartóhoz a Címzettek/Másolás/Vak másolatban, amikor e-mailt állít össze. Az alapértelmezett érték a keresztnév vezetéknév, az üres érték pedig azt jelenti, hogy minden elérhetőt tartalmaz.
defines what to show as identity label on mail folder header common hu Meghatározza, hogy mi jelenjen meg a levélmappa fejlécében identitáscímkeként.
delete folder mail hu Mappa törlése
deleted mail hu törölve
disable mail hu Letilt
disable caching of flags mail hu A zászlók gyorsítótárazásának letiltása
discard mail hu elvet
discard message mail hu üzenet elvetése
display messages in multiple windows mail hu üzenetek megjelenítése több ablakban
@ -15,12 +15,18 @@ condition mail id kondisi
configured values will be set automatically on compose dialog for respected field when composing a new email. mail id Nilai yang dikonfigurasi akan diatur secara otomatis pada dialog penulisan untuk bidang yang dihormati saat membuat email baru.
contains mail id mengandung
copy to mail id Salin ke
cross account forward attachment is not allowed! mail id Lampiran penerusan lintas akun tidak diperbolehkan!
date(newest first) mail id Tanggal (terbaru)
date(oldest first) mail id Tanggal (terkuno)
default sorting order mail id Pengurutan bawaan
default toolbar actions shown in mail's html editor mail id Fungsi yang diaktifkan di bilah alat editor HTML saat membuat email
default value for remembering s/mime passphrase in minutes mail id Nilai default untuk mengingat frasa sandi S/MIME dalam hitungan menit
defines what to show as contact label for added contact into to/cc/bcc when composing an email. default is firstname lastname and empty means include eveything available. mail id Menentukan apa yang akan ditampilkan sebagai label kontak untuk kontak yang ditambahkan ke dalam Kepada/Salin/Tembusan saat membuat email. Nilai default adalah nama depan nama belakang dan kosong berarti menyertakan semua yang tersedia.
defines what to show as identity label on mail folder header common id Menentukan apa yang akan ditampilkan sebagai label identitas pada header folder email
delete folder mail id Hapus Folder
deleted mail id terhapus
disable mail id Disable
disable caching of flags mail id Menonaktifkan penyimpanan bendera di cache
discard mail id buang
discard message mail id buang pesan
draft folder mail id draft folder
@ -108,12 +108,17 @@ could not save the acl because some names are empty mail it Impossibile salvare
create new account mail it Crea nuovo account
cross account forward attachment is not allowed! mail it Non è consentito l'attacco incrociato di conti in avanti!
current folder mail it cartella corrente
current subject mail it Oggetto corrente
currently: mail it Al momento:
date(newest first) mail it Data (prima più recenti)
date(oldest first) mail it Data (prima meno recenti)
deactive mail it Disattiva
default sorting order mail it Ordinamento predefinito
default toolbar actions shown in mail's html editor mail it Funzioni abilitate nella barra degli strumenti dell'editor HTML durante la composizione di un'email
default value for remembering s/mime passphrase in minutes mail it Valore predefinito per la memorizzazione della passphrase S/MIME in minuti.
default your name and email common it Predefinire tuo nome e email
defines what to show as contact label for added contact into to/cc/bcc when composing an email. default is firstname lastname and empty means include eveything available. mail it Definisce cosa mostrare come etichetta del contatto per il contatto aggiunto in A/Copia/Copia cieca durante la composizione di un'e-mail. Il valore predefinito è nome e cognome e vuoto significa che include tutti i dati disponibili.
defines what to show as identity label on mail folder header common it Definisce cosa mostrare come etichetta di identità nell'intestazione della cartella di posta.
delete folder mail it Elimina cartella
delete folder %1 ? mail it ELIMINARE la cartella %1 ?
delete this acl mail it Elimina questa ACL
@ -125,6 +130,7 @@ deleting folders mail it Eliminazione cartelle
deny certain groups access to following features mail it Nega accesso alle seguenti funzioni ad alcuni gruppi
directories have to be shared. mail it Le cartelle devono essere condivise
disable mail it Disabilita
disable caching of flags mail it Disabilita la memorizzazione nella cache dei flag
disable horizontal rule for separation of mail body from signature mail it disabilita il righello per la separazione del corpo del messaggio dalla firma
disable use of flowed lines in plain text mails (rfc3676) mail it Disabilitare l'uso di flowd lines in email di solo testo (RFC3676)
disabled! mail it diabilitato!
@ -105,13 +105,19 @@ copy to mail ja コピー先
could not append message: mail ja Could not append Message:
could not save the acl because some names are empty mail ja 名前の一部が空欄のためACLを保存できませんでした。
create new account mail ja 新規アカウントの作成
cross account forward attachment is not allowed! mail ja クロスアカウントでの転送添付ができない!
current folder mail ja 現在のフォルダ
current subject mail ja 現在の件名
currently: mail ja 現在値:
date(newest first) mail ja 日時(新しい順)
date(oldest first) mail ja 日時(古い順)
deactive mail ja 無効化
default sorting order mail ja 既定のソート順
default toolbar actions shown in mail's html editor mail ja メール作成時にHTMLエディタツールバーで有効になる機能
default value for remembering s/mime passphrase in minutes mail ja S/MIMEのパスフレーズを記憶する際のデフォルト値を分単位で設定可能
default your name and email common ja 既定の氏名,メール・アドレス
defines what to show as contact label for added contact into to/cc/bcc when composing an email. default is firstname lastname and empty means include eveything available. mail ja メール作成時にTo/Copy/Blind Copyに追加した連絡先のラベルとして何を表示するかを定義します。デフォルトはfirstname lastnameで、emptyの場合は利用可能なものすべてを含むことを意味します。
defines what to show as identity label on mail folder header common ja メールフォルダヘッダのIDラベルとして何を表示するかを定義します。
delete folder mail ja フォルダの削除
delete folder %1 ? mail ja フォルダ %1 を削除してよろしいですか?
delete this acl mail ja この ACL を削除する
@ -123,6 +129,7 @@ deleting folders mail ja フォルダの削除中
deny certain groups access to following features mail ja 下記の機能に対する、特定のグループ・アクセスを拒否
directories have to be shared. mail ja ディレクトリは共有である必要があります。
disable mail ja 無効
disable caching of flags mail ja フラグのキャッシュを無効にする
disable horizontal rule for separation of mail body from signature mail ja 署名とメッセージ本体を分離するための水平線を無効にする
disable use of flowed lines in plain text mails (rfc3676) mail ja プレーン・テキスト・メールで浮動線の使用を無効にする (RFC3676)
disabled! mail ja 無効化されました!
@ -1,5 +1,12 @@
(leave empty for no quota) mail lt (palikite tuščią, jei kvotos nėra)
configured values will be set automatically on compose dialog for respected field when composing a new email. mail lt Nustatytos reikšmės bus automatiškai nustatytos komponavimo dialogo lange gerbiamam laukui, kai kuriamas naujas el. laiškas.
cross account forward attachment is not allowed! mail lt Kryžminės paskyros pirmyn priedas neleidžiamas!
current subject mail lt Dabartinė tema
default toolbar actions shown in mail's html editor mail lt HTML redaktoriaus įrankių juostoje įjungtos funkcijos kuriant el. laišką
default value for remembering s/mime passphrase in minutes mail lt Numatytoji S/MIME slaptažodžio įsiminimo reikšmė minutėmis
defines what to show as contact label for added contact into to/cc/bcc when composing an email. default is firstname lastname and empty means include eveything available. mail lt Nustato, ką rodyti kaip pridėto kontakto etiketę į To/Copy/Blind copy (Į / Kopijuoti / Akloji kopija) kuriant el. laišką. Numatytoji reikšmė yra vardas pavardė pavardė, o tuščia reiškia, kad įtraukiama viskas, kas įmanoma.
defines what to show as identity label on mail folder header common lt Nustato, ką rodyti kaip tapatybės etiketę pašto aplanko antraštėje
disable caching of flags mail lt Išjungti vėliavų spartinimą
modify subject mail lt Pakeisti temą
modify subject of this message mail lt Pakeiskite šio pranešimo temą
new subject mail lt Nauja tema
@ -8,12 +8,19 @@ compress folder mail lv Kompresēt mapi
configured values will be set automatically on compose dialog for respected field when composing a new email. mail lv Konfigurētās vērtības tiks automātiski iestatītas sastādīšanas dialoglodziņā respektējamajam laukam, sastādot jaunu e-pastu.
contains mail lv satur
copy to mail lv Kopēt Uz:
cross account forward attachment is not allowed! mail lv Nav atļauts pievienot starpkonta priekšējo pielikumu!
current subject mail lv Pašreizējais temats
date(newest first) mail lv Datums (jaunākais pirmais)
date(oldest first) mail lv Datums (vecākais pirmais)
default sorting order mail lv Noklusētā kārtošanas secība
default toolbar actions shown in mail's html editor mail lv HTML redaktora rīkjoslā iespējotās funkcijas, veidojot e-pasta vēstuli
default value for remembering s/mime passphrase in minutes mail lv S/MIME paroles frāzes atcerēšanās noklusējuma vērtība minūtēs
defines what to show as contact label for added contact into to/cc/bcc when composing an email. default is firstname lastname and empty means include eveything available. mail lv Nosaka, ko parādīt kā kontakta etiķeti pievienotajam kontaktam sarakstā Kam/Kopēt/ Slepenā kopija, veidojot e-pasta vēstuli. Noklusējuma iestatījums ir vārds uzvārds uzvārds, un tukšs nozīmē, ka jāiekļauj viss pieejamais.
defines what to show as identity label on mail folder header common lv Nosaka, ko parādīt kā identitātes etiķeti pasta mapes galvenē.
delete folder mail lv Izdzēst mapi
deleted mail lv Izdzēsts
disable mail lv Deaktivizēt
disable caching of flags mail lv Atslēgt karodziņu kešēšanu
display of html emails mail lv Parādīt HTML vēstules
display only when no plain text is available mail lv Parādīt tikai tad, kad pieejams atklāts teksts
does not contain mail lv nesatur
@ -69,12 +69,18 @@ copy to mail nl Kopieer naar
could not append message: mail nl Kon niet aan bericht toevoegen:
could not save the acl because some names are empty mail nl Kon niet naar ACL opslaan ! Omdat sommige namen leeg zijn !
create new account mail nl Maak een nieuwe gebruiker aan
cross account forward attachment is not allowed! mail nl Cross account forward attachment is niet toegestaan!
current subject mail nl Huidig onderwerp
currently: mail nl Momenteel:
date(newest first) mail nl Datum (meest recente eerst)
date(oldest first) mail nl Datum (oudste eerst)
deactive mail nl Niet actief
default sorting order mail nl Standaard volgorde
default toolbar actions shown in mail's html editor mail nl Functies ingeschakeld in de HTML editor werkbalk bij het samenstellen van een e-mail
default value for remembering s/mime passphrase in minutes mail nl Standaardwaarde voor onthouden S/MIME wachtwoord in minuten
default your name and email common nl Standaard uw naam en email
defines what to show as contact label for added contact into to/cc/bcc when composing an email. default is firstname lastname and empty means include eveything available. mail nl Definieert wat moet worden getoond als contactlabel voor toegevoegd contact in Aan/Kopie/Blindkopie bij het samenstellen van een e-mail. Standaard is voornaam achternaam en leeg betekent inclusief alles wat beschikbaar is.
defines what to show as identity label on mail folder header common nl Definieert wat moet worden getoond als identiteitslabel in de header van de e-mailmap.
delete folder mail nl Verwijder map
delete folder %1 ? mail nl VERWIJDER Map %1 ?
deleted mail nl verwijdert
@ -82,6 +88,7 @@ deleted %1 messages in %2 mail nl verwijder %1 bericht(en) in %2
deleted! mail nl verwijdert!
deny certain groups access to following features mail nl Weiger bepaalde groepen toegang tot de volgende eigenschappen
disable mail nl Zet uit
disable caching of flags mail nl Caching van vlaggen uitschakelen
disable horizontal rule for separation of mail body from signature mail nl Zet liniaal uit voor het scheiden in berichten van hoofdtekst en handtekening
disabled! mail nl Niet actief!
discard mail nl negeer
@ -20,12 +20,19 @@ condition mail pl warunek
configured values will be set automatically on compose dialog for respected field when composing a new email. mail pl Skonfigurowane wartości zostaną ustawione automatycznie w oknie dialogowym kompilacji dla wybranego pola podczas tworzenia nowej wiadomości e-mail.
contains mail pl zawiera
copy to mail pl Kopiuj do
cross account forward attachment is not allowed! mail pl Dołączanie do konta forward jest zabronione!
current subject mail pl Aktualny temat
date(newest first) mail pl Data (od najnowszych)
date(oldest first) mail pl Data (od najstarszych)
default sorting order mail pl Domyślny porządek sortowania
default toolbar actions shown in mail's html editor mail pl Funkcje włączone w pasku narzędzi edytora HTML podczas tworzenia wiadomości e-mail
default value for remembering s/mime passphrase in minutes mail pl Domyślna wartość pamiętania hasła S/MIME w minutach
defines what to show as contact label for added contact into to/cc/bcc when composing an email. default is firstname lastname and empty means include eveything available. mail pl Określa co ma być pokazywane jako etykieta kontaktu dla dodawanego kontaktu w Do/Kopiuj/Blind copy podczas komponowania emaila. Domyślnie firstname lastname, a puste oznacza włączenie wszystkiego co dostępne.
defines what to show as identity label on mail folder header common pl Określa co ma być pokazywane jako etykieta tożsamości w nagłówku folderu poczty
delete folder mail pl Usuń folder
deleted mail pl skasowany
disable mail pl Wyłącz
disable caching of flags mail pl Wyłączenie buforowania flag
discard mail pl odrzuć
discard message mail pl odrzuć wiadomość
display messages in multiple windows mail pl wyświetl wiadomości w wielu oknach
@ -57,12 +57,18 @@ copied %1 message(s) from %2 to %3 mail pt-br copiados %1 mensagem (s) de% 2 a 3
copy to mail pt-br copiar para
could not append message: mail pt-br Não foi possível anexar Mensagem:
create new account mail pt-br criar nova conta
cross account forward attachment is not allowed! mail pt-br Não é permitido o envio de contas cruzadas!
current subject mail pt-br Assunto atual
currently: mail pt-br Atualmente:
date(newest first) mail pt-br Data (mais novas primeiro)
date(oldest first) mail pt-br Data (mais antigas primeiro)
deactive mail pt-br Desativado
default sorting order mail pt-br Ordem padrão de classificação
default toolbar actions shown in mail's html editor mail pt-br Funções habilitadas na barra de ferramentas do editor HTML ao compor um e-mail
default value for remembering s/mime passphrase in minutes mail pt-br Valor padrão para lembrar a senha S/MIME em minutos
default your name and email common pt-br padrão o seu nome e e-mail
defines what to show as contact label for added contact into to/cc/bcc when composing an email. default is firstname lastname and empty means include eveything available. mail pt-br Define o que mostrar como etiqueta de contato para contato adicional na cópia To/Copy/Blind ao compor um e-mail. O padrão é primeiro nome e meios vazios incluem todos os meios disponíveis.
defines what to show as identity label on mail folder header common pt-br Define o que deve ser mostrado como etiqueta de identidade no cabeçalho da pasta de correio
delete folder mail pt-br excluir pasta
delete folder %1 ? mail pt-br Apagar pasta% 1?
deleted mail pt-br removido
@ -70,6 +76,7 @@ deleted %1 messages in %2 mail pt-br apagado %1 mensagens em 2%
deleted! mail pt-br apagado
deny certain groups access to following features mail pt-br Negar o acesso a certos grupos as seguintes características
disable mail pt-br incapacitar
disable caching of flags mail pt-br Desativar o cache de bandeiras
disabled! mail pt-br disabled!
discard mail pt-br descartar
discard message mail pt-br Descarte mensagem
@ -57,12 +57,18 @@ copied %1 message(s) from %2 to %3 mail pt % copiados 1 mensagem (s) de% 2 a 3%
copy to mail pt Copiar para
could not append message: mail pt Não foi possível anexar Mensagem:
create new account mail pt criar nova conta
cross account forward attachment is not allowed! mail pt Não é permitido o envio de anexos de contas cruzadas!
current subject mail pt Assunto actual
currently: mail pt Atualmente:
date(newest first) mail pt Data (+ recente primeiro)
date(oldest first) mail pt Data (+ antiga primeiro)
deactive mail pt Desativado
default sorting order mail pt Ordenar por (por omissão)
default toolbar actions shown in mail's html editor mail pt Funções activadas na barra de ferramentas do editor HTML ao compor um e-mail
default value for remembering s/mime passphrase in minutes mail pt Valor por defeito para recordar a frase-chave S/MIME em minutos
default your name and email common pt padrão o seu nome e e-mail
defines what to show as contact label for added contact into to/cc/bcc when composing an email. default is firstname lastname and empty means include eveything available. mail pt Define o que mostrar como etiqueta de contacto para contacto adicional na cópia To/Copy/Blind quando se compõe um e-mail. O primeiro nome por defeito é o último nome e os meios vazios incluem tudo o que está disponível.
defines what to show as identity label on mail folder header common pt Define o que mostrar como etiqueta de identidade no cabeçalho da pasta de correio
delete folder mail pt Excluir pasta
delete folder %1 ? mail pt Apagar pasta% 1?
deleted mail pt eliminado/a
@ -70,6 +76,7 @@ deleted %1 messages in %2 mail pt % apagado 1 mensagens em 2%
deleted! mail pt apagado!
deny certain groups access to following features mail pt Negar o acesso a certos grupos as seguintes características
disable mail pt Incapacitar
disable caching of flags mail pt Desactivar o caching de bandeiras
disabled! mail pt disabled!
discard mail pt descartar
discard message mail pt Descarte mensagem
@ -1,5 +1,12 @@
(leave empty for no quota) mail ro (Lăsați gol pentru nici o cotă)
configured values will be set automatically on compose dialog for respected field when composing a new email. mail ro Valorile configurate vor fi setate automat în dialogul de compunere pentru câmpul respectat atunci când se compune un nou e-mail.
cross account forward attachment is not allowed! mail ro Atașarea contului încrucișat nu este permisă!
current subject mail ro Subiect curent
default toolbar actions shown in mail's html editor mail ro Funcții activate în bara de instrumente a editorului HTML atunci când se compune un e-mail
default value for remembering s/mime passphrase in minutes mail ro Valoarea implicită pentru memorarea frazei de trecere S/MIME în minute
defines what to show as contact label for added contact into to/cc/bcc when composing an email. default is firstname lastname and empty means include eveything available. mail ro Definește ce să se afișeze ca etichetă de contact pentru contactul adăugat în Către/Copie/Copie oarbă atunci când compuneți un e-mail. Valoarea implicită este Firstname Lastname (nume, prenume, nume), iar empty (gol) înseamnă că include tot ce este disponibil.
defines what to show as identity label on mail folder header common ro Definește ce să se afișeze ca etichetă de identitate în antetul dosarului de e-mail
disable caching of flags mail ro Dezactivarea memorării în cache a stegulețelor
modify subject mail ro Modificați subiectul
modify subject of this message mail ro Modificați subiectul acestui mesaj
new subject mail ro Subiect nou
@ -43,12 +43,19 @@ convert mail to item, attach its attachments and add raw message (message/rfc822
copy to mail ru Копировать в
could not append message: mail ru Не могу добавить сообщение
create new account mail ru Создать учётную запись
cross account forward attachment is not allowed! mail ru Крестообразное прикрепление счета вперед запрещено!
current subject mail ru Текущая тема
date(newest first) mail ru Дата (новые - первыми)
date(oldest first) mail ru Дата (старые - первыми)
default sorting order mail ru Порядок сортировки по умолчанию
default toolbar actions shown in mail's html editor mail ru Функции, включаемые на панели инструментов HTML-редактора при составлении письма
default value for remembering s/mime passphrase in minutes mail ru Значение по умолчанию для запоминания парольной фразы S/MIME в минутах
defines what to show as contact label for added contact into to/cc/bcc when composing an email. default is firstname lastname and empty means include eveything available. mail ru Определяет, что показывать в качестве метки контакта для добавленного контакта в To/Copy/Blind copy при составлении письма. По умолчанию это firstname lastname, а пустое значение означает включать все доступное.
defines what to show as identity label on mail folder header common ru Определяет, что показывать в качестве идентификационной метки в заголовке почтовой папки
delete folder mail ru Удалить папку
deleted mail ru Удалено
disable mail ru Запретить
disable caching of flags mail ru Отключить кэширование флагов
disable horizontal rule for separation of mail body from signature mail ru Отключить правила разделения текста письма и подписи. Если используются шаблоны, эта опция применяется только к текстовой части сообщения
discard mail ru Отклонить
discard message mail ru Отклонить сообщение
@ -112,6 +112,7 @@ copy to mail sk Kopírovať do
could not append message: mail sk Nepodarilo sa pripojiť správu:
could not save the acl because some names are empty mail sk Nepodarilo sa uložiť ACL! Pretože niektoré mená sú prázdne!
create new account mail sk Vytvoriť nový účet
cross account forward attachment is not allowed! mail sk Pripojenie krížového účtu dopredu nie je povolené!
current folder mail sk Aktuálny priečinok
current subject mail sk Aktuálny predmet
currently: mail sk Aktuálne:
@ -119,7 +120,10 @@ date(newest first) mail sk Dátum (novšie na začiatok)
date(oldest first) mail sk Dátum (staršie na začiatok)
deactive mail sk Deaktivovať
default sorting order mail sk Predvolené triedenie
default toolbar actions shown in mail's html editor mail sk Funkcie povolené na paneli nástrojov editora HTML pri vytváraní e-mailu
default value for remembering s/mime passphrase in minutes mail sk Predvolená hodnota pre zapamätanie prístupovej frázy S/MIME v minútach
default your name and email common sk Predvolené: vaše meno a e-mailová adresa
defines what to show as contact label for added contact into to/cc/bcc when composing an email. default is firstname lastname and empty means include eveything available. mail sk Definuje, čo sa má zobraziť ako označenie kontaktu pre pridaný kontakt do položky Komu/Kopírovať/Slepá kópia pri zostavovaní e-mailu. Predvolené je meno priezvisko a prázdne znamená zahrnúť všetko, čo je k dispozícii.
defines what to show as identity label on mail folder header common sk Definuje, čo sa má ukázať ako značka totožnosti na hlavičke poštového priečinku
delete folder mail sk Odstrániť priečinok
delete folder %1 ? mail sk ODSTRÁNIŤ Priečinok %1 ?
@ -132,6 +136,7 @@ deleting folders mail sk Odstraňujú sa priečinky
deny certain groups access to following features mail sk Zakázať niektorým skupinám prístup k nasledovným funkciám
directories have to be shared. mail sk Priečinky sa musia zdieľať
disable mail sk Vypnúť
disable caching of flags mail sk Zakázať ukladanie príznakov do medzipamäte
disable horizontal rule for separation of mail body from signature mail sk Vypnúť pravítko oddeľujúce telo správy a podpis
disable use of flowed lines in plain text mails (rfc3676) mail sk Zakázať používanie plávajúcich riadkov v plaintextových správach (RFC3676)
disabled! mail sk vypnuté!
@ -105,13 +105,19 @@ copy to mail sl Kopiraj v
could not append message: mail sl Ni bilo mogoče dodati sporočila:
could not save the acl because some names are empty mail sl ACL ni bilo mogoče shraniti, ker so nekatera imena prazna
create new account mail sl ustvariti nov račun
cross account forward attachment is not allowed! mail sl Priključitev naprej med računi ni dovoljena!
current folder mail sl trenutna mapa
current subject mail sl Trenutna tema
currently: mail sl Trenutno:
date(newest first) mail sl Datum (najprej novejši)
date(oldest first) mail sl Datum (najprej starejši)
deactive mail sl Neaktiven
default sorting order mail sl Privzet način razvrščanja
default toolbar actions shown in mail's html editor mail sl Funkcije, omogočene v orodni vrstici urejevalnika HTML pri sestavljanju e-pošte
default value for remembering s/mime passphrase in minutes mail sl Privzeta vrednost za pomnjenje gesla S/MIME v minutah
default your name and email common sl privzeto ime in e-pošto
defines what to show as contact label for added contact into to/cc/bcc when composing an email. default is firstname lastname and empty means include eveything available. mail sl Določa, kaj se prikaže kot oznaka stika za dodan stik v To/Copy/Blind copy pri sestavljanju e-poštnega sporočila. Privzeto je ime priimek in prazen pomeni, da vključuje vse, kar je na voljo.
defines what to show as identity label on mail folder header common sl Določa, kaj se prikaže kot oznaka identitete v glavi poštne mape
delete folder mail sl Briši mapo
delete folder %1 ? mail sl DELETE Mapa %1 ?
delete this acl mail sl Izbrišite ta ACL
@ -123,6 +129,7 @@ deleting folders mail sl Brisanje map
deny certain groups access to following features mail sl Nekatere skupine onemogočite dostop do naslednjih funkcij
directories have to be shared. mail sl Imeniki morajo biti v skupni rabi.
disable mail sl Onemogoči
disable caching of flags mail sl Onemogoči predpomnjenje zastavic
disable horizontal rule for separation of mail body from signature mail sl onemogočite horizontalno pravilo za ločitev telesa pošte od podpisa
disable use of flowed lines in plain text mails (rfc3676) mail sl Onemogočite uporabo pretočnih vrstic v navadnih besedilnih poštah (RFC3676)
disabled! mail sl onemogočeno!
@ -16,12 +16,19 @@ condition mail sv vilkor
configured values will be set automatically on compose dialog for respected field when composing a new email. mail sv De konfigurerade värdena kommer att ställas in automatiskt i dialogrutan för det respekterade fältet när du skriver ett nytt e-postmeddelande.
contains mail sv Innehåller
copy to mail sv Kopiera
cross account forward attachment is not allowed! mail sv Det är inte tillåtet att bifoga ett konto för korsändamål!
current subject mail sv Aktuellt ämne
date(newest first) mail sv Datum (nyaste först)
date(oldest first) mail sv Datum (äldsta först)
default sorting order mail sv Standard sorterings ordning
default toolbar actions shown in mail's html editor mail sv Funktioner som är aktiverade i HTML-redigerarens verktygsfält när du skriver ett e-postmeddelande
default value for remembering s/mime passphrase in minutes mail sv Standardvärde för att komma ihåg S/MIME-passfrasen i minuter
defines what to show as contact label for added contact into to/cc/bcc when composing an email. default is firstname lastname and empty means include eveything available. mail sv Definierar vad som ska visas som kontaktetikett för den kontakt som läggs till i Till/Kopiera/Blind kopia när du skriver ett e-postmeddelande. Standardvärdet är förnamn efternamn och tomt innebär att allt som finns tillgängligt inkluderas.
defines what to show as identity label on mail folder header common sv Definierar vad som ska visas som identitetsetikett i mapphuvudet för e-postmeddelanden.
delete folder mail sv Radera katalog
deleted mail sv Raderad
disable mail sv Inaktivera
disable caching of flags mail sv Inaktivera caching av flaggor
discard mail sv Ignorera
discard message mail sv Ignorera meddelande
display messages in multiple windows mail sv Visa meddelanden i flera fönster
@ -1,7 +1,14 @@
(leave empty for no quota) mail tr (Kota olmaması için boş bırakın)
configured values will be set automatically on compose dialog for respected field when composing a new email. mail tr Yapılandırılan değerler, yeni bir e-posta oluşturulurken saygı duyulan alan için oluşturma iletişim kutusunda otomatik olarak ayarlanacaktır.
cross account forward attachment is not allowed! mail tr Çapraz hesap ileri ekine izin verilmez!
current subject mail tr Güncel konu
default toolbar actions shown in mail's html editor mail tr E-posta oluştururken HTML düzenleyici araç çubuğunda etkinleştirilen işlevler
default value for remembering s/mime passphrase in minutes mail tr Dakika cinsinden S/MIME parolasını hatırlamak için varsayılan değer
defines what to show as contact label for added contact into to/cc/bcc when composing an email. default is firstname lastname and empty means include eveything available. mail tr Bir e-posta oluştururken Kime/Kopyala/Görüntülü kopya içine eklenen kişi için kişi etiketi olarak neyin gösterileceğini tanımlar. Varsayılan ad soyaddır ve boş, mevcut olan her şeyi dahil et anlamına gelir.
defines what to show as identity label on mail folder header common tr Posta klasörü başlığında kimlik etiketi olarak neyin gösterileceğini tanımlar
deleted mail tr Silindi
disable mail tr Engelle
disable caching of flags mail tr Bayrakların önbelleğe alınmasını devre dışı bırak
edit account mail tr Hesap düzenle
enable mail tr Etkinleştir
event details follow mail tr Etkinlik Detayları Ektedir
@ -1,7 +1,14 @@
(leave empty for no quota) mail uk (Залишити порожнім за відсутності квоти)
configured values will be set automatically on compose dialog for respected field when composing a new email. mail uk Налаштовані значення будуть автоматично встановлені в діалоговому вікні створення листа для відповідного поля при створенні нового листа.
cross account forward attachment is not allowed! mail uk Перехресне прикріплення форвардного рахунку не допускається!
current subject mail uk Поточна тема
default toolbar actions shown in mail's html editor mail uk Функції, які вмикаються на панелі інструментів HTML-редактора під час створення листа
default value for remembering s/mime passphrase in minutes mail uk Значення за замовчуванням для запам'ятовування S/MIME-пароля в хвилинах
defines what to show as contact label for added contact into to/cc/bcc when composing an email. default is firstname lastname and empty means include eveything available. mail uk Визначає, що відображати в якості мітки контакту для додавання контакту в поле Кому/Копіювати/Сліпа копія при створенні імейлу. За замовчуванням - ім'я та прізвище, а порожнє значення означає, що виводитиметься все, що є в наявності.
defines what to show as identity label on mail folder header common uk Визначає, що показувати як мітку ідентифікації у заголовку поштової теки
deleted mail uk Видалено
disable mail uk Відключити
disable caching of flags mail uk Вимкнути кешування прапорів
edit account mail uk Редагувати рахунок
enable mail uk Включити
event details follow mail uk Подробиці події
@ -17,12 +17,17 @@ condition mail zh 条件
configured values will be set automatically on compose dialog for respected field when composing a new email. mail zh 在撰写新邮件时,配置的值将在撰写对话框中自动设置,用于尊重的领域。
contains mail zh 包含
copy to mail zh 复制到
cross account forward attachment is not allowed! mail zh 不允许跨账户转发附件!
date(newest first) mail zh 日期 (最近邮件优先)
date(oldest first) mail zh 日期 (最早邮件优先)
default sorting order mail zh 默认排序
default toolbar actions shown in mail's html editor mail zh 写邮件时在HTML编辑器工具栏中启用的功能
default value for remembering s/mime passphrase in minutes mail zh 记忆S/MIME口令的默认值为分钟
defines what to show as contact label for added contact into to/cc/bcc when composing an email. default is firstname lastname and empty means include eveything available. mail zh 定义在写邮件时,在收件人/副本/盲文中添加的联系人标签显示什么。缺省值是firstname lastname,空意味着包括所有可用的东西。
delete folder mail zh 删除邮件夹
deleted mail zh 已删除
disable mail zh 禁用
disable caching of flags mail zh 禁用标志的缓存
discard mail zh 取消
discard message mail zh 取消邮件
display messages in multiple windows mail zh 在多窗口显示邮件
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